How to write a project work. Title page of the course project, sample according to GOST

Other 08.01.2020

The design of the project is carried out according to certain rules. Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the title page, since it can rightfully be considered any creative or design work. How is the project title page prepared? Let's try to find an answer to the question posed.

Home page requirements

First you need to select the font size. Depending on the purpose of the project and its type, there may be some differences in the font size. The font used is usually Times New Roman, size 16. The main text is located in the center of the page. Project design rules require placement full name educational institution(organizations). An important point is to set the margins on the page. Depending on the requirements for a particular project, the size of the fields can be selected automatically or configured manually.


Classic option the upper and lower parameters are considered to be twenty mm each, the indentation on the right side is fifteen millimeters, on the left - thirty mm. Enlargement on the left is necessary so that the submitted work can be attached to a binder.

Next, the cursor is placed in the middle of the page, the font size changes from 16 to 24. The author indicates creative, scientific, abstract. The next line indicates the title of the work without quotes and periods, using font size 28.

Having retreated about six lines to the bottom of the page, you need to enter information about the author of the work, as well as his scientific supervisor.

The last line of the title page is reserved for indicating the year the work was completed. This is a classic project design. A sample title page is shown in the photo.

Depending on the rules established by the educational institution or the organizer of the conference (competition), some nuances in the design of the title page are allowed.

Headings in the project

Project design requirements require that headings be written in bold font. It is printed from capital letter, there is no period at the end of the sentence. Please note that hyphenation of words in the headings of individual chapters of the project work is not allowed. Between the main text and the section title you need to indent two spaces.

Designing a creative project involves writing each chapter on a new page. Chapters are numbered in Arabic numerals, and paragraphs are indicated by double numbering. If they contain additional items, triple numbering in Arabic numerals is used.

Using abbreviations in design

The design of the project involves the use of abbreviations only in exceptional cases. For example, you can use them when indicating a literary source that the author refers to in his project. When using information about co-authors, first indicate their initials, then write the person’s last name.

The design of the project allows the use of economic and mathematical formulas, but they must have a decoding of each symbol.

Application design specifics

The rules developed for creative projects allow the use of sketches, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings at the end of the project. First, the reference list is indicated, after which appendices are placed on separate sheets. Each of them must have a name. In the upper right corner indicate the number (for example, Appendix 1), then its name.


Accompanied by the number of each sheet. It is not placed on the first sheet, so the numbering starts from the table of contents. The classic option is to place the number at the center at the bottom of the page.

There should be no additional decorations: frames, font changes, underlining, or different colors when designing the design work. Authors often make mistakes in this requirement.

Features of the school project

We will give an example of the design of the project below, first we will dwell on some features of the school creative work. Its structure uses the same requirements that apply to scientific and design adult work. The main sheet indicates the name of the school, as well as information about the consulting teacher under whose leadership the project was made. The main text contains references to literary sources. The project allows the use of five applications, which are indicated at the end of the project, numbered, and named.

Example of table of contents design

1. Introduction. Page 3-4

2. Types of engines used in modern vehicles.

2.1 Characteristics gasoline engine. Page 4

2.1.1 Composition of exhaust gases. Page 5

2.1.2 The influence of exhaust gases (CO/CH) on the environment and human health. Page 5

2.2. Characteristics of the electric motor. Page 5-6

2.2.1 Advantages of an electric motor. Page 6

2.2.2 Environmental characteristics of the electric motor. Page 6-7

3. Experimental part of the work. Page 7-10

4. Conclusion.

4.1 Conclusions on the research problem. Page 10-11

5. Bibliographic list. Page 12

6. Applications.

Appendix 6.1. Appearance gasoline engine. Page 13

Appendix 2. Appearance of the electric motor. Page 14

Example of project abstracts

In addition to the project work itself, it is important to correctly highlight its main content using abstracts. Depending on the purpose of the project, there are also certain requirements for the abstract. We offer a version of theses for a school project.

We will demonstrate a version of the work on the topic: “The influence of temperament on the choice of profession in adolescence.” The title must include all information about the author:

  • last name, first name and patronymic, address, position, place of study, electronic contacts;
  • data about the scientific supervisor is similarly specified;
  • Do not forget that the organization where its demonstration or defense will take place is published on the main page of the project.

IN mandatory it is necessary to demonstrate the relevance of the work. Using the example of a given topic, it can be clarified that the problem of professional self-determination is relevant in modern school. Many guys want to obtain in-demand specialties, regardless of their interest, inclinations and abilities. Children get the desired profession, but cannot succeed in it or realize their talents. Therefore, an important part of the profile training of students is the timely diagnosis of their inclinations, personal qualities, abilities and interests. She will help the guys do right choice future profession.

The final one is also stated. Alternatively, it can be formulated as follows: “A study of the relationship between temperament and the choice of profession among school students.”

The tasks of the work are prescribed separately:

Study the history of the doctrine of types of temperament;

Familiarize yourself with the methods of studying temperament types;

Identify and justify the influence of temperament on professional choice;

Study the types of temperament in students;

To establish the relationship between a certain type of students’ temperament and the professions and types of professional activities they choose;

Inform the school psychologist, class teacher, teachers and parents about the results obtained.

Theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and specialized literature, observation, individual testing of experiment participants, statistical and comparative analysis the data obtained relate to the methods of performing the work.

It is imperative to highlight the main results of the work that will demonstrate its outcome. The formulation may look like a comparative analysis of testing that showed a single relationship between the type of temperament and the propensity for certain professional areas. This is especially important if the author was able to prove that the type of temperament in adolescence has a significant impact on the choice of future profession.

The conclusion and possible ways of development are the final part of the entire project. This section describes the result of the experiment. In our example, it sounds like evidence that, having an idea of ​​​​the scope of one’s inclinations and interests, in adolescence one can make the right choice of a future specialty. This will avoid disappointments in adult life. The diagnostic options proposed by the author will help teachers and parents identify the professional areas of schoolchildren, and together make a choice of their future specialty.

Stages of work on the project

In addition to certain requirements for the design of the project, there is an algorithm for the activity itself. First, you need to decide on a topic that will be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to reviewers. Next, the main goal of the project is set and its tasks are determined.

The next stage involves a review of literature sources on the problem that will be considered in the project. The most difficult part of a creative project is the experimental one. The author, having analyzed the existing information on the topic, offers his calculations, drawings, drawings.

An important stage in the preparation of any project is the formulation of conclusions and analysis of the feasibility of implementing the results obtained into practice.

The project is accompanied by a list of references, the rules for the design of which were presented above. For technical work, various drawings and diagrams will act as numbered applications, and for a creative project you can use colorful photos, drawings, layouts.

Rules for completing an individual assignment (project)

1.Goals and objectives of the project:

    systematization, expansion and consolidation of the student’s theoretical knowledge in a special course;

    developing the skills of independent analytical and research work necessary for practical activities, mastering the methodology for their implementation.

2. General instructions for project design.

2.1. It is advisable to print the text of the work on one side of separate standard sheets of A-4 paper, 210 x 297 mm. Left margin - 3 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm, right - 1.5 cm. The distance between the lines is 1.5 intervals. Font: Times New Roman. Font size: 12. Pages must be numbered. It is customary to start each section of the work on a new page.

2.2. Sources are indicated for all quotes and digital data given in the text of the test work. The link to the source used in the work can be either end-to-end (example No. 1) or in the text of the work (example No. 2). In the second case, the link is placed at the end of the quotation or statistical data in the form of square brackets, which indicate the serial number of the source in the list of references, and then the page number in this source.

Example No. 1

“In the 60s, the gross public debt of developed countries averaged 45%, and in the 80s - over 70%” 1.

Example No. 2

“In the 60s, the gross public debt of developed countries averaged 45%, and in the 80s - over 70%”

Uncertainty in the text such as “ present time the inflation rate in the USA is 2%...”, “ in past years China's growth rate was 5%...", etc. The world economy is developing dynamically, therefore a phrase taken from the context of the original source, which was published, say, in 1995 without indicating the chronological period, distorts the idea of ​​the state of affairs in the modern world economy, i.e. the world economy of 2008-2011.

2.3. Each table or graph is continuously numbered and must be provided with a title. Tables, diagrams, etc. are more practical. put in applications.

2.4. The total volume of the main text (without the title page, table of contents and appendices) should be up to 6-8 typewritten pages (30 lines per page and 70 characters per line). The completed project is defended in a seminar class and is an admission to the exam.

3. Structure and content of the project:

Title page


Main part




4. Summary individual sections of the project.

4.1.The title page (see appendix) indicates: the name of the educational institution, the name of the subject, the student’s record book number, the title of the topic, the full surname and patronymic name of the student(s).

4.3. The introduction formulates the main goals and objectives of the work and gives a description information base, on which the work is performed. It is advisable to evaluate the accessibility of the presentation, informativeness, illustrativeness, controversiality, and reliability of the primary sources used. The introduction is up to 1 page.

4.4.The sections of the main part contain theoretical material, examine the points of view of international specialists, provide comments on the phenomena of the world economy being studied, analyze the problems of the world economy and international economic relations, and propose possible solutions to them. The author can join (with appropriate justification) to the most rational and progressive, in his opinion, point of view, or he can develop his own, original position or create and justify new directions of research on the problem under study.

The student should pay special attention to the logical consistency and simplicity of presentation, clarity and harmony of formulations.

4.5. The conclusion is a generalization of the study as a whole, reflects the conclusions and, if possible, the author’s suggestions and recommendations.

4.6. The list of used literature must be drawn up in accordance with bibliographic requirements.

Lomakin V.K. World economy. Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001. - 735 p.

According to articles from magazines and newspapers the following is indicated: author (last name, then initials), title of the article, name of the magazine, year of publication, number of the magazine, pages (for newspapers - name of the newspaper, year, day of month). For example:

Gavrilov V. Mutual debts of developed and developing countries // Questions of Economics. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 151-154.;

Prokhorov V. Development of small business // Economics and life. - 1996. - No. 34. - P. 1-3.

When preparing a project, it is allowed to use the network information base Internet and other electronic sources. The material must have an appropriate copyright reference  (copyright symbol). The full name of the page should be reproduced, indicating the title of the material, author, and publication date. For example:

Parshakov E.A. Economic development of society (The concept of cooperative socialism). Historical research. // Librarian.Ru (Librarian Tochka Ru) is an electronic library of non-fiction literature on Russian and world history, art, culture, and applied sciences. - http://bibliotekar. ru/biznes-9/index.htm

The abstract must be bound and submitted for review on the day of the oral defense of the project with a prepared presentation. The procedure for defending an abstract includes an oral presentation of the results, followed by a group discussion, and answers to questions from the teacher.

1 Lomakin V.K. World economy: Textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001. , p. 172.

In this section we will look at existing requirements for registration of research work students. Also, we will define rules for writing a research paper for schoolchildren of any grade, we will give an example and a sample of the design of research papers.

Research Paper Page Options

Research work is formalized on A4 sheets on one side.
Fields are set:

  • left margin - 20 mm
  • right - 10 mm
  • top - 15 mm
  • lower - 15 mm

The text of the work is typed in Times New Roman font.
Font size 14.
Line spacing is 1.5 (one and a half).
Alignment of text on the page is justified.
Paragraph indentations are required and the amount is at the discretion of the author. The text of the research project should be easy to read and properly formatted.

Research paper title page

Writing and designing student research work begins with the design of the title page. Depending on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of your country, the area of ​​the title page has its own differences. We provide an approximate design of the title page of a research paper that can be used with the obligatory modifications according to the teacher’s recommendations.

Page numbering for a research project

The research paper should be numbered at the end of the page.
There is no number on the first page; the numbering is placed and continues from the second page. The page number is located at the bottom center.
Not allowed to use in the design of research work frames, animation and other elements for decoration.

Titles in a research paper

The section title is printed in bold, with a capital letter and without a period at the end. Wrapping words in headings is not allowed. There is a 2-space indent between the text and the title.

Each chapter of the research paper is formalized from a new page. Chapters are numbered with Arabic numerals (1., 2., ...). The paragraph numbering includes the chapter number, period, paragraph number (for example, 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.). If paragraphs contain paragraphs, then the paragraphs are numbered with three digits separated by a dot, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc., where the first digit is the chapter number, the second is the paragraph number, the third is the paragraph number.

Abbreviations and formulas in the design of research work

Abbreviations other than generally accepted ones are not often used in the text (D.I. Alekseev Dictionary of Russian Language Abbreviations - M., 1977).

When mentioning surnames in the text of a research project famous people(authors, scientists, researchers, inventors, etc.), their initials are written at the beginning of the surname.

If you use formulas in the text, give an explanation of the symbols used (for example: A+B=C, where A is the number of candies for Masha, B is the number of candies for Dasha, C is the number of candies in total).

Design of project applications

Figures and photographs, graphs and diagrams, drawings and tables should be located and formatted at the end of the description of the research project after the List of references on separate pages in the appendices (for example: Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ...). On these pages the inscription Appendix 1 is located in the upper right corner.

Pictures, photographs, graphs, diagrams, drawings and tables

Drawings in applications are numbered and signed.
Their name is placed under the picture (for example: Fig. 1. Feeder for tits, Photo 1. Forest in winter, Graph 1. Change in sales parameter, Diagram 1. Dynamics of wheat growth.
The tables in the appendices are also numbered and titled. Tables use single spacing for lines of text. The numbering and name are located under the table (Table 1. School student performance).

When completing a research paper, at the end of the sentence in which the application is referenced, write (Appendix 1).
A prerequisite must be the presence of the application itself at the end of the research work.

If you need design a creative project, then for this we recommend using the Requirements for the design of a creative project, which are located on the website " Creative projects and student work."

Preparation of a text version of the project work.

Despite the observed diversity of projects, all of them in their completed form, in the form of a final product, must meet certain general requirements.

Structure of the project work:

1. Information section.

2. Description of work.

3. Reflection of activity.

The information section includes:

  • Name of educational institution (indicated at the top of the title page).
  • Title of the work (in CAPITAL LETTERS in the center).
  • Region scientific knowledge considered by the project.
  • Information about the author (full name, class, school).
  • Information about the manager.
  • The Web address where the work is posted (if available).
  • Name of the locality and year of writing (bottom center).

Description of work.

1. Introduction:

Objective of the project.

Tasks set for the implementation of the project.

Relevance of the chosen topic.

Justification of the relevance of the topic from the position of its insufficient development, objective complexity study, the information value of the available material, as well as in connection with the numerous discussions that arise around it, proof that the topic can be of scientific interest and practical importance.

Work plan (content of work).

2. Description of the project work and its results:

Theoretical part

Practical part (description of research methods, research progress and its results)

Drawings, photos, diagrams, tables, diagrams are possible.

List of used literature, email addresses.

The literature is arranged in alphabetical order, all official sources of information used in writing the abstract (full name of the author, title, place of publication, name of the publisher, year of publication and preferably the pages used). The list must contain at least four literature titles.

3. Purpose and application of the project.


Assessing the degree to which goals have been achieved.

Assessment quality of results.

Acquired abilities, knowledge, skills.

Questions of reflection.

1. What were we working on?(The question helps to remember the entire course of the project).

2. How did we work? (The question contributes to the analysis of problems and methods for solving them, to evaluate interesting finds and spontaneous decisions, difficulties and failures).

3. Why did we do this?(The question encourages you to evaluate the goals of the project, the benefits and significance of individual tasks and the project as a whole).

4. What knowledge and skills were useful to us?(The question helps assess not only language knowledge, but also organizational skills and the ability to work in a team).

5. What experience have we gained?(The question helps assess role fulfillment, mutual assistance and support.)

6. What could have been done differently?(The question encourages criticalevaluation of the project process and to constructive conclusions).

Forms of project protection.

For research project will fit:

· Video demonstration;

· Defense at the academic council;

· Illustrated comparison of facts, documents, events, eras, civilizations;

· Scientific conference, etc.

Preparation for project defense

If a research project needs to be defended before a committee, it is advisable to prepare a presentation with the main points of the work. In the absence of special equipment for displaying slides at the defense, it will be possible to distribute a printed presentation as illustrative materials.

Many enterprises have employees who receive education through part-time or part-time courses. In accordance with the law, they have the right to paid student leave, which is provided on the basis of a certificate of summons from the educational institution. You need to accrue student allowances taking into account the average wages employee.


According to Art. 139 Labor Code RF, calculate average earnings based on the actual wages accrued to him during the one year preceding the start of study leave. In the calculation, take into account all types of payments that are provided for by the remuneration system at your enterprise. The types of payments that must be taken into account when calculating student benefits are listed in Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 2 of Resolution 213 of April 11, 2003 “On the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages.”

Include bonuses paid for the year in the calculation of student benefits. Monthly bonuses include in full, and bonuses for the year, half-year and quarter - in the amount of their monthly part. In the case where several bonuses were paid for the same indicator during one pay period, include in the calculation only one of them, the most beneficial for the employee.

Children come to school unprepared for independent work, and the teacher’s task is to awaken the researcher in each of them, this will allow them to gain knowledge by analyzing it and applying it to solve assigned problems.

In developing research skills and raising children's interest in the educational process, school projects are one of the most interesting and productive ways to stimulate and develop their creative activity. The main quality that should characterize any project is its relevance in everyday life. Experience pedagogical activity shows that children's school projects, rich in abstract information, as a rule, rarely have the same success as those projects that contain useful everyday information.

The goal of such a project is to develop in the child the skill of searching for the information necessary to create a project, which is formed on the developing foundation of positive relationships in the family. Hence the need to work outside of school hours, which is more convenient for achieving your goals. It is believed that the best effect is achieved by the joint activity of parents and teachers in this direction: the child sees the results of his work and a positive reaction to it in the family. You couldn't ask for a better combination in stimulating a teenager!

IN modern conditions development of the Internet and its accessibility for children, starting with junior schoolchildren, designing a school project is not particularly difficult. The main requirement at this most important, independent stage for the child should be the knowledge that he will be able to do what he has planned and successfully defend his project. In order for the project to be easily perceived, it is necessary to arrange it visually in the form of illustrations, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, layouts, computer presentations and other means. Here it is necessary to understand that the choice of tools from all of the above should facilitate the assimilation of information, and not create additional difficulties.

When preparing for the implementation of the project as such, it is necessary to assess the capabilities of children in relation to their age, which has its own specific characteristics. The project can wear

individual, pair or group nature.

Accordingly, the types of projects can be

intergroup, creative, individual, research.

The teacher is also obliged to calculate the time for its implementation and the direction (vector) of the student’s efforts. The methods and techniques used are the same as in conventional studies, but taking into account age they should be simplified. The end result should be at the very beginning of the project; there are many options:

make a book with illustrations; make a map of the school territory; publish a school wall newspaper; presentation production; cleaning the territory of the educational institution from garbage; holding an exhibition of works by emerging artists; drawing up instructions for action in case of fire.

Of course, there cannot be a unique recipe here, but all work in this direction can be divided into several main points. A number of researchers believe that these include:

search for a problem (topic for a project), planning work, collecting the necessary information, activities to create a product and its presentation

provided that the entire process is reflected in the appropriate portfolio. Moreover, the question of how to design a school project in the same way does not have a single recipe. However, it is most advisable, of course, to make it in the form of a digital presentation, since, unlike a traditional portfolio, it takes up little space and can always be near the researcher, in the form of a file saved on a flash card.

As you can see, the entire process of creating a school project involves four main stages:

preparatory, indicative, organizational and productive.

It is always important to interest the student, to make him become infected with an idea and clearly see the prospects for his work. This can be an arbitrarily broad field of activity, but it is recommended to specify the task as much as possible: a narrow topic means fruitful work. Then you should define goals and set tasks. The most labor-intensive, requiring maximum independence from the child, is the organization stage. This may be searching and collecting the necessary information on the Internet or in real life, self-study the subject of research through reading a book, watching video material, and one’s own observations, depending on the task at hand. It is this stage that should become the cornerstone for the formation of creative skills necessary in further work.

This is what a sample school project looks like, having full usefulness and significance not only for the student who completed it, but also for the school as a whole - “My convenient and safe way to school.”

Topic: the neighborhood in which we live.

Subject of study: compliance with traffic rules.

Student age: 7-8 years.

Duration of the project: 1 week.

Abstract: To form the basics of traffic safety among primary school students, it is important to be able to guide children to find the optimal route from home to school and back (these may be different routes!) while making maximum use of the creative process. While working on the project, its participants can thoroughly study the territory of the residential neighborhood and the safety rules when crossing the road. The main value of the work is the movement diagram (map, plan). It can be done both on paper (traditional Whatman paper) and in digital form (one file or presentation).

There can be one or several routes. If the project is a group project, then each participant can supplement the general scheme with his own personal route. Thus, the value of the result obtained increases in relation to the educational institution.

Sample questions for project implementation:

How can I choose the safest route to my school? Where in the city (town, village) is the school located? Where is the student's home located? How can I get to school from my home? Do I need to cross the road? Where is the best place to cross the road? What is a roadway? How should you cross the road with or without a traffic light?

Project work:

Informing parents and their motivation, questioning, completing a booklet for parents, their consent for children to work on the Internet.

1st lesson: introductory presentation with a conversation to discuss the work plan, its design and assessment of the future result, as well as the significance of the final product and the development of a scenario for protecting the completed project.

Lesson 2: work together with parents and the traffic police inspector to choose the optimal route. It is also possible to conduct an introductory lecture with the participation of a traffic police inspector on the designation of road signs. Then the child must independently analyze all the information received and prepare the effective part. Work on creating a route.

Lesson 3: open lesson with project defense.

How large quantity participants will be involved in the project, the greater the resonance its defense causes, the higher the likelihood that it will become the beginning for the child’s further creativity. It is the teacher’s task to fulfill these conditions.

IN modern world people are surrounded by huge amounts of information. And in order to cope with this endless stream, a person must be able to receive information, analyze it, compare facts and draw conclusions.

These skills are not innate; they must be learned. And the sooner this training begins, the better.

Even in primary school You can try to instill research skills in children. After all, most of the learning takes place according to the scheme “heard from the teacher / read - remembered - reproduced in response in class.” And after such a chain, only part of the material remains in the child’s head. But if he himself obtains information, independently studies the issue or problem, puts together all the “building blocks” of the material and draws conclusions, such information will be remembered for a lifetime.

In addition, school projects develop children's cognitive interest. The child does not just ask questions, but will try to find the answer on his own.

A school project is a form of research work during which the student independently finds information on the topic of the work, studies it, draws conclusions and presents the material for public viewing in the form of a presentation. The child just needs to be explained how to do a school project.

School projects are of the following types:

  • research. Students should not just learn about the main topic of the work, but conduct research. This could be repeating experiments by scientists working on a given problem, or setting up new ones to confirm the theory.
  • informational. In them, students are limited to searching and analyzing information and drawing their own conclusions.
  • creative. Such projects are suitable for elementary school students. In them, research work is “diluted” with creativity. The project may involve modeling (for example, models of cars and roads on the theme “The Appearance of the First Car”), costume making (for example, on the topic “Balls in 18th Century France”), or whatever the little hands of talented students can do.
  • practical. If the topic is closely related to everyday life (for example, “How computers help humanity”), students should focus most of their attention on the practical part of the work. It is necessary to tie the topic to the life of each listener, give examples, photographs, and act out a scene.

According to the number of participants in the project, they are divided into personal, pair and group. Here the teacher must think for himself and decide how the project would be best done. If there are a lot of topics, they are not voluminous and more informational, it is better to choose a personal type of project. But if the work is large, there is a lot of information on it, you will need to make costumes or conduct an experiment, then it is better to divide the class into groups.

Based on the same criteria, project deadlines are selected. After all, even an adult cannot figure out how to complete a school project in one day. On the other hand, the project should not be extended over months.

To complete the project, you will need his passport; this is something like the title page of the work. It should be written on it:

  • Project name;
  • project Manager;
  • science or academic disciplines, close to the topic of the project;
  • composition of the project team;
  • project type;
  • objective of the project;
  • necessary equipment;
  • brief description of the project;
  • school project plan.

It is better to prepare the project passport on a large sheet of paper, in several copies, and distribute it before the presentation.

The stages of the school project are:

  • problem analysis. After receiving from the teacher (or after independently choosing) the topic of the work, the student must describe what the question posed is, how important it is, whether other students have problems understanding the topic of the work and whether he can help them.
  • goal setting. The purpose of project work is usually to study information about the main topic. But there may be additional goals, such as confirming a theory with an experiment, searching for different points of view on a problem, refuting a theory, and others.
  • choice of means of achievement. Usually depends on the goal. If this is just studying information, then sources are selected; it would be good not to limit yourself to the Internet alone, adding newspapers and magazines, books not published on the Internet. If an additional goal is an experiment (visual confirmation), you need to develop a plan for its implementation, select equipment and materials for the work.
  • search and processing of information. The most interesting stage. Scattered pieces of materials on the main topic need to be put together, confirming the facts with quotes and photographs. If a controversial issue arises, all possible opinions and thoughts of experts and researchers should be provided.
  • assessment of the obtained results and conclusions. After all the work done, it is worth taking a critical look at yourself and evaluating your work. How useful will it be? How much can an ignorant person learn from it? What new and interesting things did you learn during your work?

Before starting work, students must decide whether they are interested in the topic of the project. If not, you need to approach the teacher and ask to change the topic. Because the project is supposed to be fun for students, they will never learn how to work with the material properly or develop research skills if the project turns into something uninteresting and obligatory.

After receiving the topic, you should discuss sources of information among yourself and with the teacher. The work should not turn into simple copying of articles from Wikipedia and Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia. Here again the question of the interestingness of the work arises. Carried away by research, students will even go into the library, into the files of newspapers and magazines. Whereas the “obligation” will be investigated only within the computer network.

All information found must be collected together. You need to try to break it down into points. For example, the history of the appearance of the subject of discussion, its qualities and usefulness, positive and negative aspects/qualities, controversial issues And so on.

For convenience, information can be enclosed in charts, tables, diagrams (if the information is in numbers) - all this will not only help the analysis, but will also become drafts for a future presentation.

After all the information has been systematized, processed and conclusions drawn, it’s time to write a short report and make visual materials.

If the visual material is an experiment, you should definitely discuss it with the teacher, there is nothing wrong with that. If these are chemical reactions, you need to ask the laboratory assistant to help with the reagents, and let the teacher select the most colorful and spectacular reactions and show how to carry them out correctly. If the experiment is physics, you need to contact your physics teacher for advice and equipment.

It is always necessary to conduct an experiment several times; it must be carried out by the same person (or pair), whose position is responsible for the material part. The presenter should not pour reagents, and the computer genius who drew the diagrams should not read the report.

By the way, this is a very important part of teamwork (if the project is a group one): everyone should have their own role, each participant should make their contribution, both during the work process and during the presentation.

Good day, dear reader! In this article we will tell you about where should you start writing a project? Many students and adults who are writing a social project for the first time often face the problem: where to start? After all, a project is a concentration of a wide variety of information within the framework of a chosen topic. Maybe start with the project's goals? Or his tasks? Or maybe first write a short summary of it and only then start writing the project? However, all such proposals are only partly true. Therefore, we stop guessing, and read carefully further, because below we will clearly tell you where to start writing a social project on any topic.

In general, the design process is a very responsible thing. This is especially true for various calculations and calculations. A mistake on paper can later result in an irreparable mistake in life. Therefore, always take a responsible approach to writing projects, and, in particular, to various kinds of calculations.

However, let’s move on to the actual consideration of the project. Let's be clear though, where should we start writing a project?. As we said above, many people suggest starting with either a goal, or a mission, or tasks, etc. as a “seed”. and so on. In all this, undoubtedly, there is a rational grain and common sense. However, all these elements are somehow very disconnected from each other. Don't you think so? It would be nice if all the elements at once acted as the starting point when writing a project, because they would march “unitedly.”

After all, you must agree, when such fundamental things as the goals and objectives of the project, the determination of the relevance of the problem are agreed upon at the very beginning, then further writing of the project will proceed cheerfully and competently. So, after all, what can unite all these components together? What will help create the “skeleton” of the project?

The culminating moment... This integrator is... meet -.

What's happened logical framework project? This is a kind of “skeleton” on which all other components are “strung” effective project. This is the basics.

What does the logical framework of the project consist of?

To a greater extent, it consists of precisely those sections that were listed above in this article. In order for you to also form your own logical framework in your head about the logical framework of a social project, then we will describe point by point the main components of this framework.

The main components of the logical framework of a social project are:

1. Problem (relevance of the project).

Within this section the problem is presented and the relevance of your project is described accordingly. A problem is a specific description of an aspect of modern life that dissatisfies you (a negative phenomenon), indicating the significant factors that cause and support this phenomenon.

For example, you may not be satisfied with the catastrophic spread of drug addiction in your city among young people. This is a vivid example of describing a negative phenomenon associated with the lack of positive ideals and an attractive image of a sober life among young people.

After describing the problem, the person (expert) who will read your project must understand that this project is needed and the problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible. The description of the problem must be objective, based on facts and have links to verified sources. It would also be nice to indicate in the statement of the problem the forecast of negative consequences of the development of the current situation.

Among other things, the problem can be of a nominal, cause-effect or antithetical nature.

Nominative character: given Full description negative event.

Cause-and-effect nature: the causes (both objective and subjective) of the emerging negative phenomenon are identified and the consequences of this phenomenon are determined.

Antithetical character: (comparison “yes, but”) - a link is provided to some resources that can be used, but are not used, specific facts and activities carried out that did not produce any results are indicated.

To summarize, let's say that the entire project follows from a well-formulated problem.

We hope that you have already slowly begun to understand what the formation of a logical framework for a project is. Start writing a project It’s always difficult, but with the knowledge that you will gain in this article, you will be able to write more than a dozen different projects.

2.Objective of the project.

This is a specific description of a satisfying situation that could resolve a specific situation.
There can be several goals in a project.

For example, goal No. 1: reducing the number of young people using drugs, goal No. 2: increasing the number of young people choosing a healthy and law-abiding lifestyle.

The description of the goal should be, if possible, specific (answering the questions where? in what area? who? or what and what new qualitative and quantitative characteristics the goal will acquire).

Example: increasing the number of young people who vote healthy image life is the answer to the question “who?” - youth living in city N - this is the answer to the question “where?”, making young people healthy - these are the signs that we want to get as a result of the project.

3. Project objectives.

These are necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving the goal. Objectives are those results (quantitative and qualitative) that can be seen and measured in some way.

a) identify young people leading an interesting lifestyle and summarize their experiences;

b) hold a youth festival;

c) organize a tourist camp and hold 15 sports competitions;

d) inform young people about interesting and healthy ways pastime.

4. Project strategy and methods.

Strategy- these are the main activities for the implementation of the project.

Methods- these are various kinds of events that contribute to solving assigned tasks and achieving goals. They follow from the assigned tasks.

An example of a strategy would be the collaboration of various institutions in society in order to obtain maximum effect from the work done. After all, when some work is done by various organizations that have a wide variety of resources, technologies, etc., then it is always easier to achieve a new breakthrough result than if you work alone, without having everything necessary resources to implement the project. In general, the motto is appropriate here: “As long as we are united, we are invincible!”

Example of methods: due to the fact that in the example with tasks we have the task of holding a youth festival, then based on this task, we can use the following methods.

But first, let’s ask ourselves a question: what needs to be done to organize this festival? That’s right, agree with local authorities on the time and place of the event, collect working group, who will be writing the script for this festival, etc. In short, methods, as already stated in the definition, are subtasks, the solution of which provides a solution to the entire problem.

By the way, solving problems leads to achieving goals. And achieving the goal has a positive effect on changing the current situation. Everything is logical. Everything is clear and clear!

Conclusion: In order to start your project right, you need to know where to start. Always first, a logical framework of the project is created, which is designed to structure the entire future project. This framework includes:

1) problem (relevance of the project)

2) project goals

3) project objectives

4) project strategy and methods.

We hope that now you will write your own social projects without hesitation, fortunately now you already know where to start writing a project.

We wish you success in this exciting endeavor!

The title page is perhaps the most important part of the course project. From our school years We have carried over many expressions into adulthood, such as “the cover of your notebook is your face!” or “they are greeted by their clothes.” It’s not hard to guess that the title page of the course project is the same “clothes” and that same “your face”.

There are various requirements for title pages - both local (university) and general (GOST). At the end of this material, you can download a sample title page of a course project that meets current GOSTs and the requirements of most universities.

The title page, while not being the key parameter according to which the manager gives the assessment, still carries important information not only about who the author of this creation is, where he is from and who taught him everything. But also the degree of literacy and accuracy in the design of the title page of a course project speaks of the student’s organization, his neatness and attitude to established requirements, as well as his ability to handle modern text editors.

It is no coincidence that we mentioned programs for working with text: submission of work is carried out in electronic or printed form, and, therefore, the design is inevitably embodied in the notorious text editors. There is no need to say once again that the title page is also drawn up in this kind of programs, which is a fascinating task and, at the same time, fraught with various difficulties.

How to design a title page for a course project

We will explain in detail and, most importantly, show you how to design the title page of a course project in good old Word. We know a lot of tricks, the use of which is aerobatics in the design of title pages.

First, let's repeat the old elementary truths. The title page contains information about:

  • which ministry of our country your educational institution belongs to;
  • full name of your place of study;
  • the name of the faculties and departments where you have the good fortune to study;
  • category of work (in our case, a course project);
  • the name of the project, indicating the discipline within which the research was conducted;
  • information about the author of the work - about you (last name and initials, course, group);
  • information about the scientific supervisor, where in addition to his last name and initials, his academic degree must be indicated;
  • the city where you study;
  • the year in which your course project was written.

Of course, the easiest and wisest thing to do is ask your manager for a sample title page. However, not everyone is ready to provide a sample, and if they do, it is in words or in printed form. While the greatest difficulty is creating a title page in a text editor.

How to make a title page in Word

Before you start creating a title page for your course project, first, make sure that your page is oriented as portrait, and second, that the margins are set to normal.

So, let's go.

  1. At the top of the page you need to create a table consisting of one single cell. The created table only needs to have a lower border.
  1. Next, use the Caps Lock key to change the case of the letters to uppercase. Then the following parameters are set: font - Times New Roman, size - 14 pt., line spacing - single, indent after paragraph - 6 pt., alignment - centered.

Then the first line is typed:

  1. To type the following lines, you need to change the font size from 14pt. at 12 pt. Having disabled the Caps Lock key, proceed to typing the following line:

  1. Moving from the table to the main part of the sheet, you need to make an indent of 30 pt. Then type the name of the institute (if there is one). Afterwards you need to specify a new value for the top indent – ​​0 pt. and type the name of the direction, and below (with the same indentation at the top) write the name of the department to which your course project is submitted.
  2. In the next line you need to indicate the type of work we are performing. Therefore, retreating 30 pt. down and pressing the Caps Lock button, type COURSE PROJECT. Then, using a forced line break, you must indicate the topic of the work and the discipline to which the topic relates, as follows:

  1. Next, information about you, the author of the work, is written down. Retreating 30 pt. down, you need to indicate the group (or course) and your initials and surname. In this case, your name is separated from the information about the group or course with the Tab key and brought to the right edge of the sheet.
  2. The next line is also separated by 30 pt. On this line only the word “Leader:” is written. Below, without separating the lines, the position and academic degree of the teacher are indicated, and then, using the same Tab key, his initials and surname are moved to the right edge of the sheet.

  1. The final point in the design of the title page is the indication of the city and year. This information is entered in the “Special Footer of the First Page”, where the city and year are written either separated by a comma or separated by a dash - all according to the requirements of your place of study.

Sample title page of a course project according to GOST

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