Household goods as a business. How to organize a household goods store, what and how to sell: drawing up a business plan, assessing benefits and priorities

Real estate 09.07.2020
Real estate

The hardware store offers a variety of daily use products necessary to maintain order, cleanliness, comfort in an apartment, private house or on personal plot. You can open a hardware store in almost any city in Russia, and it will be in demand, but you should take into account a lot of points that directly affect the success of this project. Therefore, we propose to consider the business plan of a hardware store, an example of which will be presented in this article.

Project Summary

Opening small shop household goods is planned in a medium-sized city with a population of about 300 thousand people. The store aims to provide goods to a wide target audience. The most current range household goods at low prices. In accordance with this need of customers, we will form an assortment. We position ourselves as a useful convenience store, which is located in a large residential area of ​​the city.

The store is open 5 days a week from 08:00 to 19:00, the day off is Monday.

Main competitors:

  • Similar hardware stores.
  • Household departments of supermarkets.
  • Construction hypermarkets.
  • Fixed price shops.

Main risks

Risk Solution
Emergence near a strong competitor Formation of a development strategy (a good assortment, low prices working on loyalty regular customers)
Large leftovers Purchase goods based on demand and relevance, do not buy a lot of goods that have the risk of not selling (unpredictable demand, high price)
seasonality Analysis of consumer demand by seasons, purchase goods in small quantities with a sales forecast in a short time (per season)
A sharp increase in the cost of renting a room Conclude a long-term lease of premises for at least 1 year with a fixed price

To open a store in a short time with minimal extra costs and potentially high profitability, you will need to draw up a business plan for a hardware store with calculations. This will take into account the cost of premises, equipment, wages to employees and other planned expenses. Also in the plan it is necessary to calculate the potential profit starting from the 3rd month of work. In accordance with it, it is calculated estimated profitability project. This will help you understand how realistic it is to make money on the store, taking into account the geography of sales, target audience, starting and monthly investments.

Business registration

To open a household goods store, you must register with the local tax authorities. We choose the form of registration "individual entrepreneur". Registration term - no more than 1 week. The package of documents is minimal. In this case, we choose the UTII system.

OKVED for registration: 47.19.1, 47.19.2, 47.52.7, 47.59.2, which include trade in various household goods.

In addition, we will need permission from the fire department to use the premises as a store.

Registration costs will be about 5-7 thousand rubles.

Room search

Our hardware store will be located in a residential area, on the ground floor of an apartment building. We rent a room with a total area of ​​50 sq. m. The trading floor will take 30 sq. m. m, 15 sq. m will be occupied by warehouse and technical premises and 5 sq. m - bathroom.

The cost of renting the premises will be about 30 thousand rubles per month. The store will need to make cosmetic repairs, which will cost at least 70 thousand rubles.

Every month we will pay utility bills in the amount of 5 thousand rubles a month. When choosing a room, we will pay attention to the location. The entrance should be from the central side, a high level of patency is essential. The premises itself must be in an acceptable condition, without the need for major construction works. All utility systems are tested for operability.

The premises will be installed shop equipment. Estimated equipment in the table:

Product categories

The store will feature the following product categories:

  • Household chemicals, wipes, toilet paper, sponges and other household goods.
  • Kitchen utensils, utensils.
  • Glue, tape and other stationery.
  • Goods for the garden and vegetable garden.
  • Home tools.


At first, it is planned to do without personnel. The work will be carried out in the form of a small family business spouses will work alternately and jointly perform all other functions.

The household goods store is relatively small, and separate consultants are not required to monitor customers and control the entire sales area.

Marketing and Advertising

The key points are weekly monitoring of prices and assortment of competitors.

When opening a store, you need to order an attractive sign, install a pillar at the entrance. We will also print ads and post them around the area, informing buyers about ourselves. 90% of purchases in our store are unplanned, so the store must be visible from afar.

About 15 thousand rubles should be allocated per month for POS materials (posters on the street and indoors with new products, promotions, discounts).

Every season there will be discounts and sales of goods and seasonal materials: garden tools and materials. At the end of winter, a sale of winter brooms and shovels is held.

Expenses and income

Here we will summarize the total costs of opening and maintaining the store, analyze investments, set a sales plan for the 3rd month of the outlet. We calculate the profitability and profitability, payback of starting additions.

Starting costs


Starting from the third month, we set up a sales plan by category:

The resulting numbers are net profit, after deducting the purchase price of the goods.

After deduction fixed costs remains:

90,000 - 40,000 \u003d 50,000 rubles. About 3 thousand rubles will be required for a fixed amount of tax payments.

Profitability is at the level of 35%.

The payback period of the project is 1 year.


A hardware store business is not the most profitable business, but its main advantage is the constant demand for daily consumption goods and a wide audience. The assortment of the most necessary things that are not in supermarkets (or are, but at inflated prices) is important. As soon as the costs pay off, it will be possible to open 3 more such stores in other areas of the city.

You can also increase the size of the store, supplement the assortment with electrical appliances and construction equipment to expand target audience. With an increase in the number of outlets, we will hire another 6-8 sales assistants.

Modern hardware stores sell garden supplies, and various household goods. They resemble small supermarkets, which offer a wide range of different products. This line of business is quite promising and profitable. How to open a hardware store from scratch, you will learn in this article.

Location and premises

In order for the trade in household goods to be successful, you need to choose the right location for the outlet. The most successful option is the sleeping areas of the city, provided that there is no serious competition there. But in mall or a hardware store is pointless, since it is unlikely that any of the visitors will look for a rake or washing powder here. There is also no flow of potential buyers in the private sector who can provide a good trade.

After you pick appropriate place, you can start choosing a room. It should have two rooms - a trading floor and a warehouse. The total area of ​​the premises should not exceed 40-50 square meters. meters. Since household goods do not take up much space, you will not need a spacious trading floor. Do not pay money for extra square meters.

Activity registration

Before you open a hardware store, you should settle all legal issues. To conduct this business, one of two organizational and legal forms is suitable - IP or LLC. Submit documents for registration and select the taxation system you are going to work under.

To trade in a household goods store, you need to choose different OKVED codes to easily change the assortment without making requests to the tax office:

  • Code 52.44. 2. For trade in household goods, kitchen utensils, ceramic, glass and porcelain products;
  • Code 52.46.6. Garden equipment, inventory and tools;
  • Code 52.48.31. Detergents and household chemicals;
  • Code 52.48.31. Stationery.

In addition, do not forget to obtain permits from the fire inspectorate and SES.

Where to get start-up capital?

In order to open, you will need impressive financial resources. Starting capital can be saved or borrowed from friends. If you don't have permanent place work, you can register with the employment center and get a loan for small business development.

Entrepreneurs who have solid capital on their hands can purchase a franchise, that is, buy ready business. This is a rather expensive type of activity, providing for large initial investments.

One good client can fully recoup the cost of advertising, even if you invested $ 10,000 in it (Jim Rohn)

All businessmen want their own business to be profitable and promising. Most businessmen choose to open a store as the basis for their business. Today, in every big locality there are many supermarkets and small shops with a similar range of goods, so the competition among them is very high. Because of the great competition, profits are shared by all. Store selling goods household chemicals- one of the options for creating your own business.

The advantage of this business is that all people enjoy washing powders, soap, detergents and a variety of personal care products.

We can say that the demand for these goods not only does not fall, but also increases. If you want to open a business in this direction, then you need to study consumer demand, choose reliable suppliers, prepare a high-quality business plan for a store selling household chemicals.

Choosing a shop space

The main factor in the success of such a chemical goods store is its location. Often enough large supermarkets, which presents a large assortment of similar products, are located in the centers of sleeping areas, so it is more profitable for you to open a store in the city center.

In order to choose the best option for opening a chemical goods store, we suggest using the following criteria:

  1. Focus on choosing a place with a large client flow. You can sublease a ready-made store or a place in a shopping center.
  2. If your neighbors will sell food, you will need to issue a permit for the sale of household chemicals and make zoning of the premises.
  3. Look carefully within a radius of one kilometer to see if there are any serious competitors.
  4. Choose a room for the store from sixty square meters to freely place all the goods.

Purchase of equipment for the store

Also pay great attention to the purchase of equipment for the store. The equipment does not have to be new, you can take already used before. The main thing is that it is reliable and durable.

It is desirable that the surface of the equipment is not susceptible to chemistry, so that you do not have to change it if any agent is spilled. The most suitable option is equipment with glass surfaces.

List of basic equipment for the store:

  • The rack in which it is located cash machine and a box for storing money;
  • various shelving and glass showcases located along the area of ​​​​the premises;
  • Necessary furniture, office equipment.
  • The assembly of furniture must be of high quality, since packs of household chemicals are quite heavy goods.
  • It would be best to hire the appropriate team for quality assembly.


In fact, even the director can stand behind the counter and trade. But in the field of sales due to high competition the quality of customer service is highly valued. Therefore, in order to increase the number of customers and the loyalty of regular customers, it is better to hire four sellers. You also need to prepare tax reports, accruals wages staff will need a qualified accountant.

Advertisement for a shop selling household chemicals

In order for your store to consistently generate income, you need to prepare a high-quality advertising campaign.

In order for more and more new customers to come to you, your advertising must be published systematically.

  • Internet (accommodation in in social networks, on bulletin boards);
  • Radio advertising;
  • Advertising on local TV.

And now you can develop and conduct a marketing campaign, the task of which is to increase the client base, and hence the increase in the number of sales.

Here are examples of organizing such campaigns in stores selling household chemicals:

  1. All buyers who make a purchase worth more than one thousand rubles receive a valuable prize.
  2. All buyers who have made a purchase in the amount of more than five hundred rubles receive a lottery coupon. The coupon can contain the name of the gift or indicate the percentage of the discount on the purchase.
  3. extradition discount cards regular customers.

Product range

To avoid buying low-quality goods, household chemicals should be purchased only from trusted suppliers or from representatives of the manufacturer. It is imperative to conclude an agreement with the supplier, in which the following points are indicated: the quality of the goods supplied, the range of goods, prices, delivery times, terms and methods of payment.

A store selling household chemicals should offer customers an assortment of the following household products:

  • various types of cleaners and detergents;
  • washing gels and powders;
  • shampoos, conditioners, hair care masks;
  • mouthwashes, toothpastes and toothpowders;
  • means for personal hygiene;
  • creams, gels, shaving lotions;
  • brushes, shoe care creams;
  • and other goods.

The store should present goods for consumers from different segments of the population. If you sell only branded and expensive brands for wealthy customers, then the rest of the buyers will go to your competitors. For good customer traffic, you must offer them a rich assortment, more than one thousand items of goods.

The cost of opening a store selling household chemicals

Shop income

A household chemicals store with a sales area of ​​two hundred and fifty meters should generate an income of two million rubles a year from the sale of household goods.


The exit of the household chemicals store to the break-even point should be carried out ten to twelve months after the opening. And then it will make a profit.

cost-effective and successful business you are provided if you competently think over the business plan of the chemical store, organize the work of the store in a high-quality manner, and responsibly approach the choice of conscientious suppliers and quality goods.

Of course, the business of selling household chemicals is a very, very profitable business, and anyone can organize it if they wish, with the only caveat that start-up capital is needed.

A person is always washing, ironing and cleaning, which means that the demand for bleaches, stain removers, dishwashing detergents will always be high. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: you can make good money on this, the main thing is to competently approach the organization of the business.

Of course, many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in the question of how to open a household goods store from scratch. Naturally, it requires detailed consideration, and the recommendations described below will certainly be useful for everyone who plans to trade in household chemicals.

Write a business plan

But before moving on to practical analysis the question of how to open a hardware store from scratch, it should be noted that any commercial business requires a business plan. It will be the main financial document of your trading enterprise.

A business plan for a hardware store should reflect all its prospects in terms of profitability, an estimate of all costs incurred in connection with the opening of a store, as well as the amount of profit that you are going to ultimately receive.


Before you open a hardware store from scratch, you must register your entrepreneurial activity. This is what the tax office does. by the most the best option you will be registered as individual entrepreneur. Fill out special forms, pay state duty and 3-5 days after the submission of the application you will receive Required documents.

However, these are not all the procedures that you have to go through in the offices of civil servants. You must obtain permission to do business from some supervisory authorities: the sanitary and epidemiological service, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate.

If you are doing business for the first time and have no idea how to open a hardware store from scratch, at this stage it is better to resort to the services of professionals who will help you get the necessary documents in a short time. Their list is quite extensive, so we list only a few of them:

a) basic sanitary and epidemiological document;

b) special permission from Rospotrebnadzor;

c) the conclusion of the fire inspection;

d) an agreement on the disposal of mercury lamps;

e) agreement on waste disposal;

f) documents on the need to timely comply with disinfection, deratization and disinfestation.

What is the initial capital

A well-designed business plan for a household goods store will show that the minimum required for the project is about 100-120 thousand dollars. It all depends on a number of factors, for example, on how much it will cost you to buy equipment and rent a retail space.

As practice shows, the outlet after the expiration of six months will bring about 4-6 thousand dollars a month.


However, it should be noted that the amount of profit directly depends on where your store will be located. The choice should be made in favor of territories characterized by “good traffic”.

Those who are faced with how to open a household goods department for the first time should know that it is best to rent a retail area in one of the commercial complexes located in a residential area of ​​​​the city.

Given the fact that the bulk of cafes and restaurants are located in the central part of the city, it should be noted that the residents who live there have a limited choice of washing powders, soaps or toothpastes.

This is explained by the fact that in local retail outlets there is a meager assortment of household chemicals that are sold on the territory of grocery markets and shops.

If you open a small store in this area that sells only household goods, you will not lose, because the competition there is not too big, and business will be easier to develop.

Your main advantage should be precisely the wide selection of goods and their reasonable price. The recommended area of ​​the trading floor should be approximately 40-50 square meters.

Once your business is making a solid profit, you can consider expanding the premises so you can offer customers a more diverse range of products.


For an outlet selling household goods, it is allowed to use counters of both closed and open types. Of course, there is a risk of product theft, but the self-service system usually brings good profits. To minimize the likelihood of theft of goods, it would be useful to equip in commercial premises mock surveillance cameras.

If you rented a room with large dimensions for trading, then in without fail it should be equipped with real means of control and a button for an emergency call to the security service should be specially provided.

Those who are going to, but do not know how to open a hardware store, should clearly understand that when using the self-service principle, showcases and racks should be located around the perimeter of the room. Sections equipped with mirrors will help sellers keep track of what is happening in trading floor. It is recommended to place racks in the form of an island in its center. Hanging goods are optimally placed on standing trading grids.

The workplace of the cashier is optimally located in the immediate vicinity of the exit from the trading pavilion.


The range of goods in your store should be diverse, ranging from personal care products to perfumes. At the same time, the number of product names on average can be from 5 to 10 thousand units. It is recommended to put on the shelves products that are accessible to people with different income levels.

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