Monthly schedule. Working hours and schedule: all the principles of proper organization of work routines

Development  15.04.2022

But when exactly does it need to be formalized and how to do it. Let's find out what types of work schedules exist and where their use is justified.

General aspects

You don't know what a work schedule is for? Let's try to understand all the nuances that are the most important.

The working time schedule provides for the length of the working week with the obligatory allocation of days off. Can be installed:

  • 5-day week with 2 days off;
  • 6 days with 1 day off;
  • irregular working days;
  • part-time working weeks;
  • part-time, etc.

All features of the operating mode are established by the company, but the specifics of the enterprise’s activities must be taken into account.

The employer must stipulate the start and end times of work and rest periods. It is not permissible to infringe on the rights of employees, because they are protected by labor legislation.

Necessary Definitions

Work schedule – schedule, duration of the period, which determines the calendar time that the employee must work. This norm is set by the authorities and reflected in the Production Calendars.

Working time is considered to be the time periods spent on fulfilling obligations in accordance with. Lunch breaks are not included during this period.

Incomplete work time- a day that lasts less than the established norm. Determined according to.

Shortened working hours are working hours that last less than the established norms. Applies to specific categories of employees. – a day whose duration is not established.

Functions performed

A work schedule can solve more than one problem. About required:

  • to organize the working time of employees;
  • to fulfill specific work obligations;
  • to calculate earnings;
  • to determine average earnings;
  • to calculate benefits;
  • for determining insurance period employee;
  • in order to avoid errors when determining earnings and compensation for vacation.

It is worth familiarizing employees with the work schedule under. If any of the employees refuses to sign, this should be reflected in a special act in the presence of 2 witnesses.

If a person, when drawing up an employment agreement, became familiar with it, but subsequently refuses to comply with it, then he can be held administratively liable.

In some cases, a person can even be fired. But at the same time, you should adhere to the norms of Russian legislation. The schedule is used most often when individual employees have special working conditions.

Current regulatory framework

In the Labor Code Russian Federation about the time mode it says:


  • double payment;
  • time off (if the employee himself does not object).

If employees are hired during the accounting period, then working time standards are determined for that part of the period that begins from the first day of work until the end of the period.

There is no reduction in hours of work that fall on non-working hours holiday time, which will coincide with working hours according to the schedules. After all, the Production Calendar already reflects everything.

Reduced for the vacation period, which is paid, and falls within the accounting period according to

Any company that uses different work and rest schedules should have a working time schedule for 2017. It must be drawn up in full compliance with legal regulations.

Features of drawing up a working time schedule for 2017

Drawing up a schedule for employees to go to work is necessary for the company in order to solve a whole range of problems:

  • ensuring compliance with the rights of citizens to normal working hours;
  • informing employees about the procedure for alternating work days and weekends, as well as daily work hours;
  • determination of the total number of working days and weekends for the period.

To work a weekly 40-hour standard of 8 hours a day, an employee in 2017 needs to work 247 days out of 365 calendar days. Considering the 2017 production calendar for a five-day work week, which, in fact, is also a work schedule, and comparing it with 2016, you can see the following:

  • Despite the decrease in the calendar duration of 2017 by 1 day (from 366 to 365 days), the number of working days remained identical to 2016.
  • In addition, in 2017, in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, 3 working days are reduced by 1 hour - February 22, March 7 and November 3. Their duration is 7 hours.
  • Total number of days off and non-working days holidays in 2017 it decreased by 1 and equaled 118.

Scheduling sequence

The sequence of drawing up a work schedule includes the following stages:

  • Initially, you need to set the period for which the schedule will be generated (week, month, quarter, year).
  • If several options for organizing work are used, in which work and rest schedules differ, it is necessary to group personnel depending on these options.
  • Determine the total number of hours of work obtained according to the schedule and compare it with the approved standard of working time established for the same period. Make adjustments if necessary.
  • Check the resulting alternation of work days for compliance with the provisions of Art. 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in order to ensure weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours.

Difficult moments when creating charts

If an organization that uses a “standard” five-day regime employs persons under the age of majority, it will be necessary to take into account the specific legal norms established for them. That is, when calculating the annual working time norm, you will need to take into account the following:

  • the maximum possible length of a working week cannot exceed 24 hours;
  • daily work duration cannot exceed 24 / 5 = 4.8 hours (4 hours 48 minutes);
  • the annual time norm is 247 × 4.8 = 1185.6 hours, but there are 3 pre-holiday days, then it turns out 1,185.6 - 3 = 1,182.6 hours.

In general, for those employed on a five-day (or any other) schedule, the annual working time is 247 days. × 8 hours - 3 hours = 1,973 hours.

It is necessary to distinguish between the general standard established by law and the individual one for the employee. The second is obtained by excluding from the planned norm for the period of calculation the time of absence of the employee while maintaining his job (vacations, sick leave, days of donating blood, performing government duties).

Where is the formscheduleAworking hours free download

Work schedules are drawn up in free form. All applicable operating modes in mandatory must be reflected in the internal labor regulations (ILR) and the collective agreement. In this case, the employment contract must make reference to the name of the work mode from the PVTR. It is allowed to set an individual schedule for an employee that is not specified in local acts. However, such a schedule must act as a mandatory annex to the employment contract and be described in it. When describing the work schedule, you must indicate the following information:

  • the procedure for alternating working days and weekends;
  • duration of the working day, start and end times of work during the shift;
  • the duration of the lunch break and the period of its use during the day.

In addition, it is necessary to create a work schedule for the future period on a separate form and familiarize the employee with it (with the exception of a five-day work week). By general rule This must be done no later than a month before the start of its use, if the employee’s work schedule changes, or immediately upon hiring a new employee. Most often, a time sheet is used as the basis for drawing up a schedule, since then the schedule looks more clear. You can get a sample working time schedule on the website using the link below.


When drawing up work schedules for 2017, you should be guided by the standard working hours given in the production calendar. This year it turned out to be less by 1 hour compared to 2016 - 1,973 hours versus 1,974. This is due to the fact that this year, despite the shorter calendar duration, fewer weekends and holidays have been approved.

A work schedule is a document that determines what calendar time an employee must work. You can’t do without it if you want your organization to work like a clock. We tell you how to competently develop such a document.

The article will be useful to managers of large organizations and departments that employ many people. Sample work schedule (download in Excel ready-made example below) will help plan the uninterrupted work of employees and avoid situations when everyone is absent for some reason and there is no one to work.

What is a work schedule

Labor legislation stipulates that an employee may have standardized or irregular working hours. It is installed rules internal labor regulations, collective agreements, agreements, and employees whose regime is different from general rules, - an employment contract.

The normal working hours include the following modes: a 5-day week with 2 days off, a 6-day week with 1 day off, a week with days off on a rotating schedule or a part-time work week; in case of irregular hours, a shift schedule is established for some categories of employees. This is a document that is established in accordance with Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is introduced in cases where the duration of the production process exceeds the employee’s working time. In production, groups of employees replace each other to ensure continuity of the process, and there is a need to work or provide services around the clock. In order to keep their working hours within the norm, shift schedules are introduced. As a rule, they are annexed to the collective agreement, and when approved, the opinion of the representative body of workers is taken into account.

An employee is given a certain work schedule, for example, he works for two days, then rests for two days. During the two days that he rests, another worker takes his place. In such circumstances, the regime qualifies as shift work and requires the preparation of a specific work schedule. This is why you need a sample employee work schedule for a month.

Download a monthly work schedule sample blank form

What are the differences from a time sheet?

It is necessary to distinguish the document recording the working regime from that maintained by the employer in accordance with the requirements of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is a kind of document recording how much employees worked, as a rule, per month. The norm is 40 working hours per week. The employer is obligated to keep records of actual time worked for each employee.

There are no special requirements for familiarization with the report card. certain period and there is no need to coordinate it with the workers' representative body. The employer can only not exceed the established duration of the working day and provide workers with rest in accordance with the requirements of Art. 110 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Keeping timesheets is mandatory for any organization. But with a continuous flow, when people work in shifts, a working time schedule is required. You can download the Excel work schedule template below.

In both cases, it is necessary to specify these features in the employment contract in the section that concerns the working hours.

Free download in Excel working time schedule for 2019

Why do you need a work schedule?

Its functions are quite diverse. It is required for:

  • streamlining employee work time;
  • to calculate wages when fulfilling specific obligations;
  • to calculate average earnings;
  • to calculate benefits;
  • when determining the employee’s insurance length;
  • in order to avoid errors when determining earnings and compensation for vacation (in addition to time sheets, it can also be a document on the basis of which it is calculated wage and other payments);
  • to identify overtime overtime and determine additional payments.

After approval, the team is introduced to it under signature one month before its implementation. If a signature is refused, a special act is drawn up signed by two witnesses. Failure to comply with the established regime is a serious disciplinary offense.

Who fills it out

A sample schedule for employees to go to work for the next month is drawn up by the manager or the person responsible for drawing up such a document, authorized in accordance with the order. In practice this is usually done personnel worker, But it's not right. The schedule must be drawn up by the manager structural unit.

After drawing up, the document is finally approved and signed by the head of the organization or a separate structural unit. For simplicity, you can download a sample work schedule in Excel and use it as a template.

Is there a required form?

Due to the lack of an established unified form, each employer can independently develop its own document form. You can use our example for this.

It must indicate full list employees indicating their positions. After the names, the days on which a particular person will have to go to work are noted. It is advisable to develop the document in such a way as to prevent shortcomings or overwork beyond normal working hours, as well as to ensure optimal workload on the team and on production processes. The schedule is most often developed for a month.

Filling procedure

A sample monthly work schedule table, a blank form, is filled out taking into account the working hours in accordance with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization. It indicates the beginning and end, duration of the working day, breaks, number of shifts, alternation of work and rest.

The length of the day is regulated by internal regulations, taking into account the working time regime established by the employment contract. A reduced working day may also be provided, as, for example, in industries with hazardous and dangerous conditions(Part 4 of Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or when the work of disabled people and minors takes place (Part 1, 3 of Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Download a free monthly employee work schedule form

Where and how long is it stored?

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 (as amended on February 16, 2016) “On approval of the “List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activity” government agencies, organs local government and organizations, indicating storage periods" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 08, 2010 No. 18380) established a list for storing documents indicating periods.

According to paragraph 586 of the order, time sheets (schedules), workday logs are stored for 5 years; when working with difficult, harmful and dangerous working conditions, the storage period is set at 75 years.

However, some sources believe that this paragraph concerns time sheets, not work schedules, and that this paragraph does not apply to the latter document.

Still, some employers prefer to store such documents for a year in the human resources or accounting department in case of a labor dispute with an employee regarding the issue of standardization of working hours or payroll.

Ask questions and we will supplement the article with answers and explanations!

Formation of a shift schedule is in many cases one of the main conditions for the uninterrupted operation of an enterprise or organization.


When does a shift work schedule apply?

A shift schedule is a fairly common phenomenon. It is used in a wide variety of industries, most often in companies with a continuous round-the-clock production cycle - the need for its use here is due to the fact that equipment downtime is unacceptable, because they lead to failures in the system and considerable financial losses. But regular, timely replacement of personnel leads to an increase in the volume of output, improved labor productivity and, as a result, greater profits.

Also shift work common in other areas, for example, in medical institutions, security structures, fire, gas services, railway and transportation, air travel, etc.

Number of shifts and workers in them

The number of shifts depends on the characteristics of the organization. This can be two, three or even four shifts per day. Each shift works for a certain period of time - from three to four hours to twelve.

Individually and the number of workers in one shift. This can be one person or even several dozen (the upper threshold is not limited).

Why do you need a shift schedule?

The shift schedule is one of the most important internal documents of the company.

Based on the schedule, employees' working hours are recorded and their wages are subsequently calculated.

Thus, it relates not only to methods of organizing work at an enterprise, but is also a serious accounting form.

We must not forget that if the company provides for shift work, then the availability of the schedule is necessarily checked by government supervisory structures (for example, labor inspectorate and the tax service). The absence of this document may result in the imposition of an administrative penalty on the enterprise and its management in the form of a fairly large fine.

Legislative regulation, mandatory conditions

The shift schedule is regulated by law, namely Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 3 of Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When introducing it into an organization, it is required to strictly comply with the norms and conditions of the above section of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The rules for operating in this mode are spelled out here quite thoroughly and clearly. There is no point in listing them in this article, but some simply need to be emphasized:

  1. the weekly working hours in the sum of all shifts should not exceed forty hours;
  2. every shift people should be given a lunch break (its duration is determined individually - from 30 minutes to 2 hours);
  3. employees must be provided with uninterrupted rest for 42 hours every week;
  4. the employer is obliged to indicate to employees that it is inadmissible for them to perform their duties in two shifts in a row (except in emergency cases) - and strictly monitor this.

If an organization feels the need to use a shift schedule for different categories(positions) of workers, then for each of them the duration of the shift can be determined separately (such situations occur in transport companies– one operating mode is used for drivers, another for dispatchers, and a third for service personnel).

When creating a schedule, one more thing should be taken into account important point- if most of it falls at night, then the shift should automatically be reduced by an hour.

All other working conditions must also comply with the law, including in matters relating to the payment of wages, provision of sick leave, vacation, etc.

What is not considered a shift schedule?

Some personnel officers mistakenly believe that the work schedule is a day after two/three, two days after two, etc., refers to shift work. If you carefully read the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, it turns out that this is not so. A group of workers doing their job job responsibilities during one day, and being replaced by others the next day, operates in a regime fixed within the enterprise, however, there is no clear procedure for developing such a regime, its coordination and approval.

Some points regarding payment

The calculation of remuneration for a shift schedule is somewhat different from the standard one. The specificity here is that the number of working hours according to the regime established at the enterprise may differ from the norm established by law, both upward and downward (the so-called planned overtime or underwork).

To ensure that there are no errors in salary calculations, at the end of the accounting period, the following parameters should be reconciled: the number of working hours in accordance with the norm and their number, based on real indicators. If, when comparing, the second indicator is greater than the first, you will need to calculate and pay the employee extra for overtime.

If an employee’s shift falls on a day off, then it is paid as usual (this is justified by the peculiarities of the shift conditions). If he is forced to work on a holiday (state non-working days indicated in Labor Code RF), then payment to him must be made at the appropriate standard rate, i.e. in double size.

Consolidating the work order

If the management of an enterprise decides to use a shift work schedule, it must enshrine this norm in accounting policy, more precisely, in the Internal Regulations.

If the company has a trade union cell, these Rules, including those regarding shift work, must be approved by its representative. A five-day period is allotted for interaction with the trade union - during this period, trade unionists must either approve the Rules presented to them or challenge them with evidence.

It is also possible to establish the use of a shift schedule in a collective agreement.

In addition to the internal regulations and the collective agreement, the clause on shift work must be spelled out in the sections of individual employment contracts with employees, indicating the number of hours per shift and other parameters.

The process of creating a shift schedule

The first practical stage in implementing a shift schedule is an order for its creation, issued on behalf of the director of the organization. It contains instructions to create a shift schedule, period, responsible person and other necessary information.

Sample order for approval of shift schedule

The schedule is formed in advance - at least thirty days before the start of the shift.

Each employee mentioned in the document must be familiarized with it against signature. Thus, he indicates that he agrees with this mode of operation.

After development, coordination and final approval, the schedule will be binding both for the management of the enterprise and for the employees designated in it.

For what period is the form drawn up?

The shift work schedule can be formed for any period of time. As a rule, the period for which this document is drawn up is indicated in regulations companies. Most often, schedules are drawn up for one month. Each time a new schedule must be approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Is it possible to change the information in it?

Changes are allowed to the approved shift schedule, but only as a last resort and in compliance with certain rules.

Firstly, if changes occur at the initiative of the employer, he must notify his subordinates in advance about them and obtain their written consent - without them, making changes legally will be problematic.

If one of the employees asks to change the shift schedule, he must draw up a special application addressed to the manager. The application must indicate the reasons for the request (it must be respectful with appropriate written justifications), then the consent of the other employees to whom the document concerns must be obtained. If colleagues and management managed to reach a compromise, a new order, on the basis of which the necessary adjustments are made to the schedule.

Is it possible to change shifts without making changes to the shift schedule?

Sometimes situations occur at enterprises when employees change shifts without prior notification to management. This is categorically unacceptable.

For such a replacement, management has the right to impose disciplinary sanctions on subordinates.

And in case of more than one violation labor discipline(namely, these offenses belong to this category) even dismiss the offenders.

Who draws up the document

The direct task of drawing up a shift schedule can be assigned either to a specialist in the personnel department, or to the head of a structural unit, or to the secretary of the organization. The main condition that the contractor must comply with is to take into account legal norms, the interests of the enterprise and employees.

In this case, after formation, the document must be submitted for signature to the head of the department and the director.

How to coordinate with employees

The shift schedule must be agreed upon with employees in advance, as mentioned above - no later than thirty days before the start of the first shift.

Signatures of consent can be placed directly on the schedule itself, or you can make a separate sheet for this.

If the second option is chosen, then you need to make a table on the approval sheet, enter all the employees there and collect their autographs (with the date they were signed). This document will be an official attachment to the shift schedule.

Features of the formation of a shift schedule, general information

If you are tasked with creating a shift schedule, and you have no idea how exactly it is formed, read our recommendations - they will give you an accurate idea of this document. Also check out the example of filling it out - based on it you can easily create your own form.

Before moving on to a detailed description of the graph, we present general information about the document. Let's start with the fact that there is no unified form of the schedule. This means that it can be written in free form or according to the model approved in the accounting policy of the organization. In this case, the method of forming the form must be reflected in the company’s regulations.

Regardless of which scheduling method is chosen, the document must contain a number of mandatory data:

  • Company details;
  • information about the place and time of compilation;
  • the schedule itself.

The form must be certified by several persons. Firstly, by those employees in respect of whom it was formed, secondly, by the head of a structural unit and, thirdly, by the director of the company.

It is not necessary to certify the form with a seal - this should be done only when such a condition is in the company’s local documentation.

The schedule can be drawn up on a simple blank sheet of paper (preferably A4 format) or on the organization’s letterhead (if such a requirement is established by management). You can write it manually or on a computer (with mandatory subsequent printing).

How to take into account the shift schedule

All schedules developed at the enterprise are subject to mandatory registration in the appropriate accounting journal. After carrying out all the necessary procedures with them (development, coordination, approval, familiarization), they are transferred for storage to the company’s HR department. Here they are filed in a separate folder with other similar documents. Access to the place of their detention for unauthorized people should be limited.

The duration of their storage is indicated either in local acts of the organization, or is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (but not less than five years). After this period has expired, the schedules can be disposed of in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Sample shift schedule

Before you start filling out the form, you should roughly divide it into three main sequential parts.

The first is the beginning, or, as it is also called, the “hat”. This includes:

  • document's name;
  • date, place of its formation;
  • number (according to the internal document flow of the enterprise);
  • the period for which the schedule is drawn up (week, month, year, etc.).

You can enter this data either in the middle of the document, or on the left or right - it doesn’t matter. The only thing that should be taken into account is that right there, at the top, several lines are allocated for approval of the schedule by the head of the organization (his position and full name must be entered here).

Below is the main block. It is usually presented in the form of a table. It includes step by step:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • date of;
  • the number of the shift on which he will go to work;
  • information about days off.

You can supplement the table with other columns (for example, about an employee’s personnel number, etc.). Under the table, it is necessary to provide a transcript of the information included in the schedule, including the number of shifts, the number of workers involved in them, the duration of each shift (in hours), as well as symbols included in the schedule.

Next, you should mark that the opinions of the employees included in the document have been taken into account and collect their signatures. If signatures are placed on the approval sheet, then its presence must be indicated in the shift schedule, indicating it as an attachment to the main document.

Labor of hired workers in different areas economic activity assumes completely different schedules for their involvement in the work process. If office workers Work, as a rule, under conditions of a five- or six-day work week, then, for example, the service sector requires a completely different regime. A schedule is drawn up for each employee, which may include night work, and shifts, and “floating” days off. In the meantime, it is impossible to draw up a schedule, guided only by the own wishes of the employer and employee - there are a lot of rules that are enshrined in labor legislation.

What is a labor regime, what elements does it consist of?

Time worked is the basis for remuneration for employees with a time-based condition for payment

Labor law obliges the employer to keep strict records of working time for each employee, because it is for time (with the exception of rather rare cases of piecework) that payment for work occurs. The labor regime is determined first of all by law, and secondly by the employer in agreement with the trade union and the employee, the rules for the distribution of time. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a section devoted to working time, a separate chapter of which (Chapter 16) regulates this particular regime.

Working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be represented by several types of duration: normal, shortened and incomplete. In addition, special varieties include night work, overtime work, and work with the possibility of irregular days. The main difference between part-time and short-time working hours is their payment - the first means payment in proportion to the hours worked, the second - regardless of the hours worked. Night and overtime work are paid at increased size, irregular working hours are usually compensated by additional days of the annual vacation period.

Elements of the working time regime are those positions that, in accordance with the law, must be determined when forming a regime for each worker. Among these main positions, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation names:

  • duration (number of working days) of the week (for example, five-day or six-day, incomplete, indicating the number of days, etc.);
  • the presence of a condition on irregular working hours;
  • duration of daily work - the number of hours of a working day or shift with an exact indication of their beginning and end, time frames for breaks;
  • number of shifts per day;
  • rules for alternating working and free days (for example, “two working days after two days off”, etc.).

How and by what documents the labor regime is determined

The work schedule for each individual employee must be discussed with him in advance - when concluding an employment agreement.

In general, according to the organization in the context of structural divisions or positions, the working hours are determined in the internal labor regulations. PVTR is a local regulatory legal act of an organization that defines the main aspects of the relationship between a team of employees and an employer - the rules for hiring and terminating labor relations, the powers and obligations of the parties to an employment agreement in the process of work, regarding the working time regime, etc. PVTR are approved by the employer in agreement with the trade union organization, with this document each employee upon conclusion labor contract must be communicated in writing.

In the PVTR, the working time regime of an organization can be reflected by:

  • establishing the duration of the work week and specific daily work time frames for certain groups of positions (for example, “For departments: Management, Human Resources Department, Legal Service, Accounting, Office - a five-day work week, the beginning of the working day is 8:00, the end of the working day day - 17:00, break for rest and food - from 13:00 to 14:00");
  • establishing for certain positions the condition of an irregular working day, indicating the amount of compensation in the form of additional days (at least three) of vacation in accordance with Art. 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for example, “For positions: Director, Deputy Director, driver - an irregular working day is established with compensation in the form of 4 days of additional vacation period annually”);
  • establishing a work schedule for individual departments and positions (for example, “For the sales department, a work schedule is established in compliance with labor standards for a five-day, 40-hour work week”);
  • establishing a summarized accounting of working time for individual positions (for example, “For the position “Seller”, a summarized accounting of working time is established, the accounting period is a quarter”);
  • establishing a flexible work schedule, night (equated to daytime) work schedule, shift schedule, dividing the working day into parts for certain categories of workers (for example, “For the position “Cashier”, a shift work schedule is established, in which the third shift, falling at night, is equivalent to to daytime working hours").

The employment agreement must contain a section dedicated to the working regime. For employees whose position involves working a regular schedule of five or six days a week, the agreement specifies the exact work schedule. For those who will work according to a schedule, with cumulative accounting, with irregular working hours, with incomplete working time, with the division of the day into parts, etc. these circumstances must be reflected in the specified agreement. Cases of establishing an unspecified working time regime are illegal; such a violation may entail liability for the employer under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with all the ensuing consequences (fines and other sanctions).

A section on working hours must be included in the contract

How to establish new regime rules in an organization: procedure and documents

If an employee becomes familiar with the existing regime for a particular position when being hired by signing an employment agreement and marking the reading of the PVTR, then changing the current regime is somewhat more complicated.

The decision to change the PVTR can be issued in the form of an order

The procedure is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the leader must accept an informed decision about for which positions or structural units new rules are being introduced.
  2. Then, in accordance with all the rules for changing the local regulatory legal acts, the corresponding changes are made to the PVTR (the project must be agreed upon with the trade union within five days, then signed by the manager).
  3. Based on the amended PVTR, each employee affected by the changes is warned of changes in essential working conditions (notice must be handed in against signature no later than a month before the order is issued). In case of refusal to continue the employment relationship under the changed conditions, the employee must be dismissed upon expiration of the notice period.
  4. Within the prescribed period (a month after notifying employees), an order is issued for the enterprise to change the regime for specific employees (at this stage they must be listed by name). Each employee gets acquainted with the order by signing it.
  5. On the day the administrative document is issued, an additional agreement to the contract is concluded with each employee, changing the terms of the working time regime.
  6. From the date specified in the additional agreement and order, the new regime begins to operate with its new documentation(for example, with scheduling).

Work schedule as a document regulating daily individual work schedule

Work schedule is one of the most important documents to organize the work of those employees who do not work according to the general (production) calendar. Thus, the daily schedule regulates the time of coming to work, leaving work, break times, and even the workplace assigned to the employee.

The schedule is usually drawn up for one month, however, this period is not regulated by law. Therefore, depending on the circumstances and characteristics of the production process, the document can be drawn up for a week, a quarter, or a year.

The schedule, as a document, can be drawn up:

  • simultaneously for all employees of the enterprise;
  • for employees of one structural unit;
  • for a certain group of employees from different structural divisions;
  • separately for one employee.

Form and symbols

In the shift schedule it is enough to indicate only the shift designation

When summarizing accounting, the schedule must contain columns reflecting the amount of hours per month, per quarter (depending on the accounting period)

The process of drawing up and approving the schedule

The procedure for drawing up and approving a schedule in an organization can be regulated either by a local regulatory legal act or by order of the manager. Persons responsible for maintaining, approving and approving documents are determined by designation in these documents and the inclusion of a corresponding item in the job description.

As a rule, the schedule is drawn up by the person responsible for this in the structural unit (department, service), endorsed by the head of the structural unit, a representative of the personnel department and the trade union, approved by the head of the enterprise or his deputy in charge of the relevant area of ​​activity.

The schedule can be drawn up either manually (using standard Office tools with output on paper) or in specialized software packages (for example, 1C: HR and Salary, SAP, etc.).

Schedule requirements

When drawing up a work schedule, the employer is in a situation where it is necessary to comply with a lot of rules, requirements and interests. First of all, these are the requirements labor legislation, protecting the rights, interests and even health of the employee:

  1. The duration of daily work should not exceed those established by Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation limits (special limits are established for minor employees, disabled people, workers in harmful unsafe conditions).
  2. The number of working hours per week should not exceed the standard production calendar(40 hours - as a general rule). For those who have been assigned summarized accounting for an accounting period, it is mandatory to comply with the standard hours for this accounting period (quarter, month, etc.).
  3. Shifts that primarily occur at night should be reduced by 1 hour.
  4. After a shift lasting more than 24 hours, an equal or greater rest period is provided.
  5. If the employee does not have a condition for dividing the working day into parts, his lunch break (or the sum of several during the day) should not last more than two hours.
  6. The minimum lunch break is 30 minutes. It is obligatory to establish daily, if the agreement of the parties and the PVTR does not provide for the employee to eat food in parallel with work. Lunch break is not paid.
  7. It is prohibited to work during two shifts following one another.
  8. Hours that fall during an employee's illness or vacation are also included in his monthly (quarterly) rate. In other words, the employee is not required to make up the hours actually missed to normal.
  9. The limits established by Art. 99 Labor Code of the Russian Federation for overtime work(no more than four hours in a two-day working period, no more than one hundred and twenty hours per year), etc.

Of course, when creating a schedule, the operating mode of the enterprise, workload standards, and the interests of the employee himself are taken into account.

Employee familiarization

The employer is obliged to familiarize employees with the work schedule no later than one month before the day it comes into effect - this is a direct requirement of Art. 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Violation of this deadline may result in administrative liability.

To avoid violating the requirements of the law, you should start drawing up a schedule no later than one and a half months before the start of the accounting period. For example, the schedule for December should be drawn up before October 15 in order to have time to coordinate, approve and familiarize all employees with it (after all, some of them at the time of familiarization may be on vacation or on sick leave, but this circumstance is not an excuse in case of violation of the deadlines for familiarization ).

How to change the established work schedule

  • Since the work schedule is established by agreement of both parties to the labor relationship, any of them can initiate its change. Changing the regime (as a more general, permanent concept) on the initiative of the employer is described in the section on establishing a labor regime at the enterprise. A change in the schedule, as a one-time event or an incident affecting one employee, occurs:
  • or by adjusting an already drawn up schedule (document), if a work schedule has been established for the employee;

or by amending the employment agreement - if the employee works according to the regime fixed in this document (that is, according to the normal production calendar). In the first case, the scheduler, at the request of the employee or by(due to production needs) draws up a corrective schedule, endorses and approves it according to the usual procedure for preparing this document.

You can change the working hours either for a group of employees or for one of them (for example, at his request due to family circumstances)

In the second case, at the request of the employee, an order is prepared to change the work schedule - this is enough if the schedule changes for up to two weeks. If the period of change in the working regime is longer, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the contract.

If the work schedule changes for more than two weeks, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract

Establishing work hours and drawing up schedules for workers is one of the employer’s primary tasks in organizing the labor process. And this is not an easy matter. The schedule must correspond not only to the production needs of the company, but also to the conditions defined by the legislator. In addition, it is extremely important to familiarize employees with the schedule in a timely manner in order to avoid possible sanctions from government bodies exercising control in the field of labor relations.

I have a higher legal education, experience working in court, a bank, and an enterprise. Despite the fact that my main specialization is criminal law and procedure, my entire professional activity associated with commercial law, ranging from personnel issues and ending with credit problems. For a long time I was engaged in writing reviews of foreign and domestic media on business topics.

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