Factors of competitiveness of natural fabrics in the Russian textile market. Russian light industry: state and prospects Competitive situation in the textile market

Opening  10.04.2020

MOSCOW, August 23 – RIA Novosti. Light industry in Russia is in a certain sense of a contradictory situation: on the one hand, there is an increase in production volumes and product quality, imports are declining, and consumer demand. On the other hand, Russians continue to buy products from foreign companies and order goods from abroad.

Experts interviewed by RIA Novosti believe that the domestic light industry has a future, especially if the state provides support to the industry and protects domestic producers.

On Wednesday, the Kremlin press service reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Ryazan on August 24 to hold a meeting on the development of light industry and the fight against counterfeiting.

In general, the Russian light industry has shown good, but sometimes contradictory, results in recent years. President of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry (Soyuzlegprom) Andrey Razbrodin notes that the light industry is a rather heterogeneous industry due to large number sub-sectors included in it.

Some statistics

According to Rosstat, in 2014 textile and clothing industry compared to the previous year it decreased by 2.5%, in 2015 - by 11.7%, but in 2016 it increased by 5.3%. Textile production itself decreased by 5.6% in 2014, in 2015 it remained unchanged in annual terms, and last year it increased by 4.2%.

In particular, the production of fabrics in Russia in 2016 amounted to 5.409 billion square meters, which is 19.3% higher than in 2015. The production of men's suits, jackets, jackets and blazers increased by 8.2% - to 22 million pieces, coats and short coats - by 7.3%, to 1.2 million pieces, hats - by 7.6%, to 9. 7 million pieces. On the other hand, the production of women's skirts and culottes decreased by 3.5% to 2.9 million pieces.

Production of leather, leather goods and footwear grew 5.1% last year, although it was down 11.4% year-on-year in 2015 and down 2.8% in 2014.

In particular, 96.3 million pairs of Russian shoes were produced in 2016 - 5.4% more than a year earlier. The production of paints and varnishes last year increased by 14.8%, pharmaceutical products - by 3.7%, soap, detergents, cleaning and polishing products, perfumes and cosmetics - by 7.4%.

“Over the past year, the growth of the entire light industry, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, amounted to 5-7%. The production of technical fabrics, for example, had a positive effect, but there is a subsidence in the production of cotton fabrics and products made from them,” Razbrodin points out. At the same time, he continues, it is wrong to assume that sub-sectors do not depend on each other and can develop in parallel.

“Certain threads and semi-finished products are used in different sub-sectors. For example, cotton products are used in technical fabrics. You need to pay attention to each sub-sector; there are many subtleties and interconnections, as well as intersecting competencies. A certain balance must be maintained,” says the president of the union.

Imports are declining but remain

According to the Federal customs service(FTS) of the Russian Federation, import of textiles to Russia, textile products and footwear in 2016 amounted to $10.979 billion and compared to 2015 it increased by 1.2%, and compared to 2013 it decreased by 1.6 times. Imports of raw hides, furs and products made from them last year decreased by 0.5% compared to 2015 - to $818.4 million. Compared to 2013, the figure fell 1.9 times.

However, despite the decline in indicators, Russia’s dependence on imports of light industrial goods still exists. For example, Razbrodin points out, it is “pointless for Russia to compete” with China in the production of cotton fabrics.

“We live in a global economy, competition will always exist. It is stupid to try to completely get rid of imports. Complete import substitution ultimately leads to higher prices and lower quality,” emphasizes the president of Soyuzlegprom.

“Another thing is that competition must be equal. Today this is not the case. In other countries where the textile industry is developed, support measures and protectionist measures are not comparable to Russian ones,” he continues.

In addition, reminds Ivan Fedyakov, general director of the analytical agency InfoLine, official data on imports may differ from real ones - after all, there are “gray” and “black” methods of declaring imports, and large volumes of the same clothing do not enter the Russian Federation completely legally.

"In Russia also high demand for cross-border purchases on the Internet. Collective purchasing is common among consumers. This absolutely uncontrollable mass is quite large. It distorts imports because it is not declared and taxes are not paid on it. At the same time, such products are present on the market and even in stores,” he concludes.

Population demand is returning

On the other hand, the industry continues to be affected by the depreciation of the ruble, which occurred in 2014: after the weakening of the ruble, importing a number of goods from abroad became unprofitable.

Another factor is the economic crisis: some enterprises are closing, but other producers are looking for opportunities for development and moving forward. Fedyakov, in turn, points out that the crisis also affected the dynamics of production in light industry through the consumption channel.

“In 2017, the situation improved slightly amid a general improvement in the macroeconomic situation in the country. People began to gradually spend money. This has a positive effect on the consumer market in general and on the light industry in particular,” the expert notes. In addition, the consumption of light industry goods is influenced by pent-up demand from the population.

“In 2017, we forecast market growth of 2-2.5%,” Fedyakov said. Cumulative volume domestic market He estimated clothes and footwear at 3 trillion rubles.

At the same time, experts believe that in terms of product quality and cost, Russian manufacturers are absolutely competitive. “But today competition, unfortunately, is not determined by these indicators. It is determined by sanctions, various forms of protectionism,” complains the president of Soyuzlegprom.

Government support and how to improve it

Growth is also a positive factor state support light industry. President of Soyuzlegprom Razbrodin recalls that the direction of state interest and support for the industry began to change after 2013, when the last meeting on the textile and light industry was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Russian Federation.

“They began to take more interest in us, they began to hear us and understand our specifics and our needs. We are now actively cooperating with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Industrial Development Fund, the Federal Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprises. There are forms of support that work and allow, if not to develop, then to exit crisis and prepare for more serious development programs,” he adds.

On the other hand, the problem, according to him, exists with the provision of enterprises working capital. “For unknown reasons, our industry is included in the category of the most risky. This makes it difficult to lend to the industry. Most enterprises are experiencing problems with lending, especially those that work with networks. Banks are now lending to the industry not only not cheaply, but also reluctantly,” explains Razbrodin.

According to experts, the state can take measures to support and protect domestic producers and domestic goods. “With such a number of online purchases, certain restrictions must be introduced that will increase the competitiveness of domestic products or at least level it out,” Fedyakov from InfoLine gives an example.

In turn, the head of Soyuzlegprom points out that the right support measures could speed up the process of localizing production in Russia. Razbrodin gives an example: an uncontrolled increase in the cadastral value of land and fixed assets leads to an increase in the economic burden on enterprises.

“Naturally, a manufacturer who comes here must bear the costs of maintaining the buildings. He sees this state of affairs and understands that there is a mechanism for taking profit from him, which he cannot include in his plan. Such moments, if not scare off our foreign colleagues , then at least they don’t attract,” he concludes.

Problems associated with Russia's accession to the WTO and the competitiveness of textile and light industry enterprises, in Lately are very relevant. It is quite natural that competitiveness is a universal requirement imposed on any economic entity by the open market. As a rule, most publications on this topic concern the rules and procedures determined by the WTO agreements. In this work, we would like to consider some of the problems of enterprises in the industry in connection with changing conditions in the domestic market and the emergence of sources of competitive pressure.

Knowing the main sources of competitive pressure provides a solid foundation for a strategic plan of action. It will reveal the strengths and weak sides company, provide a clear rationale for the company’s positioning in its industry, understand in which areas strategic changes will bring best result, and identify potential opportunities and threats to a company in a specific industry. Understanding these sources will also allow us to consider possible areas of diversification.

How serious the threat posed by the possible entry of new competitors into the market is depends on the presence of barriers to entry and the response of existing competitors. If barriers to entry are high and challengers face strong opposition from entrenched competitors in the industry, there will obviously be little threat of entry.

According to international competition theory, there are six main conditions that create barriers to entry.

1. Economy due to increased scale of production. Companies in this category deter entrants by forcing them to either enter the industry on a large scale or accept inflated costs (and therefore low profitability) up front. With declining production volumes within the country, this barrier is easy to overcome. In 2002, the industry's production volumes compared to 1990 decreased by 6 times. The share of textile and light industry in GDP decreased 10 times during the years of perestroika and today amounts to slightly more than 1%. This will allow external competitors to easily overcome this barrier. According to statistics authorities, in 2004 the share of domestic goods in the domestic market decreased to 20% compared to 23% in 2003.

2. Product differentiation. Consumer identification of a brand with the manufacturer is also a major barrier to entry, as new companies need to overcome consumer loyalty to existing brands. As for domestic enterprises, only a few of them have staunch supporters of their products.

The current situation on the world market is such that it is flooded with high-quality but relatively cheap products. World experience shows that good profits can be earned only by releasing new products. For domestic enterprises, the production of fundamentally new types of products that have no analogues is a serious problem. Even successfully operating domestic enterprises that produce expensive and high-quality products are engaged in copying well-known brands.

3. Capital requirement. The larger the value necessary investments to provide successful login market, the less willing there is to penetrate that market, especially if the investment involves sunk costs such as upfront advertising or R&D.

As for penetration into Russian markets, Russian enterprises will not pose much competition.

The need for capital in the industry is high, but foreign companies with access to relatively inexpensive financial resources, solving this problem is much easier than for Russia.

4. Higher costs. Firms in a strong position may have cost advantages that would not be available to potential competitors, regardless of their size or possible scale of production. These advantages may be based on the use of advanced technologies, access to the best sources of raw materials, assets acquired previously at a higher price. low prices, government subsidies or advantageous location. In this sense, Russian enterprises today have advantages: access to cheap labor and energy resources. But they will lose one of the advantages after joining the WTO, since WTO rules require equalization of tariffs on energy resources in the external and domestic markets. The alignment will undoubtedly be upward. The increase in electricity tariffs is one of the key factors in reducing the competitiveness of Russian goods.

Russian enterprises, accustomed during the years of perestroika to inflate costs in order to reduce taxable profits, will not be able to seriously compete in terms of costs with competent Western management.

In the same time Russian goods cannot withstand price competition with goods from developing countries. There is still no proper understanding of how to reduce costs. Based on global experience, it can be argued that the implementation management accounting would allow us to formulate and build the optimal cost and pricing policy. A number of leading enterprises in the industry have an understanding and desire to implement a cost accounting and management system.

5. Access to distribution channels. New competitors, of course, must take care of reliable distribution channels for their goods or services. New products can displace traditional ones through lower prices, smart promotion policies, efforts to increase sales, and other methods. The more limited the distribution channels of wholesale or retail and the more entrenched existing competitors are in them, the harder it is to break into the industry.

The ability to sell their products, even good ones, has always been a problem for domestic enterprises: widely advertising campaign As a rule, there is no money, as well as the desire and ability to effectively organize corporate trade. New competitors are not expected to have any serious problems capturing distribution channels.

6. Government policy. The government can limit or even completely eliminate intrusion into industries through methods such as licensing and restrictions on access to sources of raw materials. The government can create barriers through mechanisms such as standards control, technical barriers to trade. Today, government agencies practically do not prevent low-quality products from entering the market.

The industry will inevitably face significant challenges stemming from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which forces member countries to commit to binding tariffs. For Russia, this means a reduction in import duties by 2–4 times, which could hit domestic producers hard. Using a conditional example, we looked at how a reduction in import customs duties would affect foreign trade costs.

But high customs duties cannot revive the industry, capital and technology are needed.

During the transition period, the industry needs government involvement in at least minimal market protection, and this is possible using a tool such as technical barriers to trade.

The success of the industry as a whole and individual enterprises in competition with competitors is largely determined by the state of the economic environment in the country, characterized, if we follow fundamental research M. Porter “International competition”, four main parameters (“determinants”) competitive advantages:
- factor conditions (natural, labor, technological and investment resources, infrastructure, etc.);
- conditions of demand in the country for industry products and services;
- the presence of related and supporting industries that are competitive in international market;
- the company’s strategy, its structure and the nature of competition in the domestic market.

Let us consider in more detail the factor conditions that form the basis of competitive advantages.
Material resources. It cannot be said that in terms of size, structure and quality of production resources, Russia is superior to most developed countries of the world.

It is generally accepted that one of the unconditional competitive advantages of Russian enterprises is rich Natural resources, on which they can rely. With regard to enterprises in the industry, this statement is only partly true.

Wealth in energy resources, it would seem, should provide competitive advantages, but this does not happen. Geographical position Russia (95% of the territory is in northern latitudes) makes material costs already higher than those of its main competitors. Plus, the enormous length of the territory causes high transport costs.

In addition, the competitive advantages associated with the country's supply of energy resources are offset by high prices for them, which are constantly growing and will continue to grow upon accession to the WTO, already in connection with the requirements of the Agreement on Trade in Services.

Russia, as you know, does not produce cotton; it is imported. Prices for cotton fiber on the Russian market are higher than in the countries that produce it. Cotton and paper enterprises are already losing in this factor condition. State assistance is needed to ensure direct supplies of cotton from producing countries.

A significant part of raw materials is purchased imported (cotton, wool) with known problems: lack of free working capital, administrative barriers when customs clearance, high cost of attracted borrowed money.

Cotton dependence on imports must be compensated for by substitute goods - artificial and synthetic fibers. But substitute products require restructuring of the textile industry and large capital investments.

Today's labor resources are quite sufficient in number to meet the needs of the national economy in general and the industry as well. But the number of workers in the industry is declining (by 15% in 2003) due to low wages.

But in the future, by 2010, the country, according to forecasts from the Russian State Statistics Committee, will face a significant reduction in numbers.

Thus, enterprises will have problems specializing in labor-intensive products.

Russia lags behind many industrialized countries in terms of qualifications, labor productivity and labor discipline. It also reduces the quality of the labor force low mobility, due to a number of economic and administrative reasons (problems with registration and provision of housing when moving from one region to another).

The technological resources of industry enterprises as a set of technologies used are generally underdeveloped. At the same time, Russia still remains one of the leading countries in Europe and the world in terms of quantitative indicators of the machine park: spinning spindles and weaving looms.

The current tax and customs legislation creates a powerful economic barrier to the import of modern technological equipment. Today there are no real prospects for increasing the level of technological resources as one of the most important factors industry competitiveness.

Investment resources are also insufficient. Naturally, in existing market relations the main investors should be the owners. The overwhelming majority of domestic enterprises do not have sufficient internal resources to make significant investments. They also cannot widely use significant volumes of bank loans and non-bank loans due to their relative high cost and lack of loan repayment.

Some industries are so capital-intensive (textile, leather, finishing) that it is almost impossible to raise them from today's level to modern without government assistance in one form or another.

Insufficient capital investment by an enterprise threatens to lead to an ever greater technological lag, and the industry can be brought to such a state that upon joining the WTO it will be practically indifferent to what level import duties will be reduced, since there will be no one left to compete with imports. Innovative renewal of fixed assets today is the main factor for the survival of industry enterprises in conditions of fierce competition.

It is quite obvious that the industry is not competitive in terms of this factor either.

Domestic infrastructure (transport, communications, Information Systems) do not fully meet the modern needs of the national economy.

Thus, the state and prospects for the development of factor conditions do not provide unconditional advantages Russian enterprises and limit the possibilities for accelerated improvements in competitiveness. The “barriers to entry” to the market for other participants when Russia joins the WTO are low, and two options for the development of the market for light industrial goods are possible: either goods or capital will flow into the country. Naturally, the second option is preferable, but for this there should be no discrimination against foreign investment. Various forms of cooperation with foreign investors would help Russian enterprises adapt to new, more stringent market conditions during the transition period after joining the WTO.

In 2013 and in subsequent years, comprehensive measures will be implemented in Russia for the first time to increase the competitiveness of the domestic textile industry. This was announced at a recent meeting on these issues held in Vologda. Which one, Andrei Razbrodin, President of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry (RSPTLP), told RBG.

- What major decisions on state support for the industry were made or recommended?

Among the main measures are such measures as subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received in the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2012. for technical re-equipment of enterprises. Three-year contracts with government customers for the supply of fabrics and semi-finished products will also be encouraged. Funding provided innovative development industry within the framework of the state program "Industrial Development and Increasing its Competitiveness". In addition, the demand for its own raw material base, for example, flax, cotton, wool, is indicated. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that cotton consumption in the country is still entirely dependent on imports, wool consumption - by 85%, chemical fiber - by about a third. Where possible, we need to consistently develop our own raw material base and, accordingly, continue to finance new technologies in the raw materials sector. In the context of the Russian Federation’s participation in the WTO, not only the quality of the decisions themselves affects the work, but also the timing of their implementation. Therefore, efficiency is extremely important.

What sub-sectors of the textile industry can become a kind of “locomotives” for the rise and growth of its competitiveness?

Increasing the production of technical textiles is the main direction. In the EU market, and especially Germany, technical textiles account for 50% of the industry's growth rate due to the dynamics of national and global demand. However, it can also be noted successful experience Over the past five years, Russia has been developing one of the innovative sectors of technical textiles - the production of nonwoven materials. The market for these products in the Russian Federation has made it possible to create an industry that meets the highest world standards. From 2007 to 2012, the production volume of nonwoven materials in the Russian Federation increased 7.6 times to 2.4 billion square meters. m. It is very important to continue work in this direction. But there are a number of limiting factors. Among them, there is still a 100% dependence on the import of cotton fiber, the lack of production of viscose, chemical fibers, and new generation threads. This situation requires the introduction of restrictions, at least temporary, on the export of fine fleece merino wool and raw hides, as well as a set of measures to develop the raw material base of the textile industry, including preferential terms to obtain and use loans for the purchase of domestic raw materials.

- How do you assess the state of equipment in the industry and trends in attracting textile investments?

The industry has a high proportion of fixed assets with a service life of more than 15 years. Their renewal rate in the industry is 5-6% per year, while in developed countries and China this figure is no lower than 14%. But the investment attractiveness of the industry is still low. On the one hand, this is due to the interest of foreign manufacturers in preventing the development of competition with Russian manufacturers, but on the other hand, this is a whole series of purely internal factors. Thus, banks consider the industry to be a high-risk area under the conditions of Russia’s participation in the WTO, and this is mainly due to the inaccessibility of “long-term” money, that is, long-term loans on conditions favorable to the industry. It is advisable to include textile and light industry enterprises among the priority sectors for investment activities of banks, as well as increase subsidies interest rates for loans for technical re-equipment. In addition, state guarantees are needed for the implementation of investment projects, state investments in projects for the modernization of the textile industry. These and similar measures to attract investment are successfully used in many countries, including neighboring countries. In connection with Russia's participation in the WTO, competition for sales markets becomes an element of national security, therefore the main task in providing law enforcement agencies with clothing is the priority of domestic products. To do this, it is necessary to provide for the guaranteed use of these products in the public procurement system and to introduce state orders in this area for a period of at least three years. This is very important for stable workload of manufacturing enterprises. And taking into account the creation of the Common Economic Space of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan (SES), we need single register manufacturers of light industry goods, and with an assessment of the possible volume of products to fulfill the state order. These proposals have already found understanding in the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

- How did the creation of the Common Economic Space affect the textile market in Russia?

In 2005 - 2012 the share of “illegal” goods in this market decreased from 69.2 to 35%. But in value terms there is an increase from 865 billion rubles to 1 trillion rubles. Moreover, direct budget losses from this situation exceed 200 billion rubles. The creation of the SES has not yet been accompanied by comprehensive measures to combat illicit trafficking in products. This worsened the situation in our market: for example, through the external border of Kazakhstan in the first quarter of 2013, for example, 230 times more shoes were imported than during the same period in 2012. According to RSPTLP estimates, the VAT rate on light industrial goods should be lowered from 18 to 10%, making it equal to the category “children's goods.” Because the higher the VAT level, the higher the earnings for developers of “gray” foreign trade schemes, which is all the more attractive due to the transparency of borders within the SES. Within its framework, we propose, first of all, to create a Trade Commission (on the principle of the work of the Trade Commission of the European Union) for temporary import quotas, as a rule, of dumped textile products and clothing, as well as to introduce customs clearance in the SES region in accordance with the originals of the contract, a certificate of conformity and basis of exchange of customs information.

Introduction 3

Chapter 1 Theoretical And methodological basis

competitiveness of textile enterprises

1.1 Socio-economic essence of the strategy

increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise 9

    Factors influencing the increase in the level of competitiveness of an enterprise 23

    Methodological and methodological aspects assessment of the level of competitiveness of enterprise production 30

Chapter 2 State and trends in the level of competitiveness

production of textile industry enterprises....39

2.1 State of the economics of the textile industry

and its competitiveness 39

    Market conditions and competitiveness 55

    Reasons for the decline in competitiveness of production

at industry enterprises 80

Chapter 3 Reserves for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises

textile industry 85

    Methodological aspects of forming a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of the industry 85

    Positioning in competitive strategy 97

    Improving the processes of goods distribution on the goods market 109

Conclusions and offers 128

List of used literature 131

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic. Increasing the competitiveness of textile industry enterprises has great importance to develop domestic production, saturate the domestic market with high-quality fabrics accessible to all groups of the population, and expand foreign economic relations. This solution is comprehensive for the economy of not only the industry, but also the country, associated with improving the quality of life of people and employment, ensuring economic security Russia.

Practical approaches currently being implemented at domestic enterprises industries tend to be focused on using foreign experience, do not take into account the characteristics and economic conditions of the country. Hence many questions economic assessment situations and practices for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and minimizing risks are becoming paramount not only in economic strategy, but also in scientific research.

In recent years, at textile industry enterprises, there has been a definite tendency to increase the role and importance of activities to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, especially from the supply of high-quality fabrics at reasonable prices, as well as its integration with other structures economic activity. However, this trend is not sustainable.

The country’s integration into the world community upon joining the WTO will tighten competition for sales markets, which could lead to a further reduction in production. In this regard, theoretical and practical developments are needed to increase the efficiency of the industry that are adequate to market economic conditions. Insufficient knowledge of these issues determined the goals and objectives of the study.

The degree of knowledge of the problem. Research of various aspects

A significant number of works by domestic and foreign authors are devoted to the problem of increasing the competitiveness of economic and social systems. A significant contribution to the solution of this problem was made by the works of: G.A. Azoeva, S.A. Varakuta, O.S. Vikhansky, L.A. Zade, A.I. Kovaleva, I.I. Kretova, A.A. Kochetova, I.N. Mayatskoy, N.K. Moiseeva, D.V. Minaeva, N.M. Mironova, V.E. Nikolaychuk, R.B. Nozdreva, A.P. Pankrukhina, N.N. Pilipenko, E.L. Tatarsky, P.M. Tikhonova, V.N. Fomina, V.E. Khrutsky, S.A. Shutkov and a number of other authors.

However, theoretically methodological foundations This problem in the textile industry has not been studied fully enough. Applied aspects and specific features have practically not been studied competitive environment industry. The policies of enterprises to improve the competitiveness of textile products are still represented as separate proposals and recommendations, often not linked into a single mechanism for creating a competitive advantage. Many aspects of methods for assessing the level of competitiveness of goods and increasing the efficiency of development of the textile industry have not been fully considered.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation work is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for increasing the competitiveness of textile industry enterprises, as well as practical recommendations to increase fabric production.

In accordance with the purpose of the study in dissertation work the following main tasks:

the socio-economic essence of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the textile industry is determined, the patterns of their development are generalized;

the factors influencing the increase in the level of competitiveness of industry enterprises are substantiated;

The methodological basis and methodology for assessing the level have been expanded
competitiveness of textile products, consisting in

determining a system of performance indicators taking into account factor analysis;

the reasons for the decline in the level of competitiveness of production and textile enterprises have been identified;

Problems in the production of textile products related to
mainly due to the crisis state of the industry;

proposed methodological foundations for the formation of a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of the textile industry, including organizational and economic relations, cooperation and integration of production;

The mechanism for improving product distribution processes is substantiated
fabrics on the inner and foreign markets;

an algorithm for strategic positioning of the enterprise within the framework of the process is proposed strategic management with the definition of the new structure and functions of the enterprise;

alternative options for the forecast level of competitiveness of an enterprise and its products have been developed under the conditions of Russia's accession to the WTO.

Subject of research are a set of theoretical and
methodological problems of determining increased competitiveness
textile industry enterprises, improvement

organizational- economic relations between market subjects.

Object of study- textile industry, its enterprises and associations of various forms of management. A more in-depth study was carried out using the example of JSC Narfomtekstil.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study there were provisions and conclusions contained in the works of domestic and foreign authors on the problems of development of the country's economy and textile industry, the market for raw materials and finished products.

Initial data in the study of problems

The competitiveness of products was based on materials from Rosstat, regulations and legislative acts, accounting reports and periodic financial and economic information on the activities of enterprises in the industry. The collection of materials was carried out through a monographic study of the activities of textile industry enterprises, data synthesis annual reports and primary documentation.

In solving specific problems, abstract-logical, monographic, calculation-constructive, economic-statistical, expert and economic-mathematical methods were used. When substantiating theoretical and methodological positions, abstract-logical and expert methods. During development priority areas increasing the level of competitiveness - monographic and economic-statistical.

Scientific novelty and the most significant results obtained personally by the author:

The theoretical essence of enterprise competitiveness is revealed
textile industry, manifested through its
criteria and

economic efficiency of fabric production;

a classification of system-forming factors of competitiveness of textile industry enterprises has been developed, affecting the level of their development, taking into account the influence of the internal and external environment;

the relationships and distinctive features between the competitiveness of a product and production efficiency are determined, revealing their dependence for the manufacturer and consumer;

the methodological and methodological basis for assessing the level of competitiveness of textile industry enterprises has been expanded and her

products of adequate specificity in national economy, proposed basic and additional performance indicators;

Methodological aspects are identified and a set of measures is justified
to solving the problem of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises
textile industry, which consists in developing a strategy for their
development, ensuring the integrity of interconnected social-
economic, organizational and technological events;

developed and justified, new organizational structure CJSC Narfomtekstil, which represents the improvement of the functions of management employees with an increase in the role of the marketing service. A mechanism for developing and making decisions on introducing new groups of fabrics to the market through advertising and other forms of influence on consumers is proposed;

An algorithm for the strategic positioning of an enterprise is proposed, aimed at choosing an effective mechanism and its long-term activities in the context of Russia's accession to the WTO.

Theoretical and practical value of conducting research is that the scientific principles formulated in the work can be used to substantiate priority areas for increasing the competitiveness of textile industry enterprises in terms of:

determining the competitive advantages of fabrics, identifying criteria for their positioning in the market segment;

developing the main directions for improving the quality of goods;

developing an effective strategy for offering goods to potential consumers.

The methodological and practical recommendations proposed in the work can be used by management bodies: when planning and forecasting the development of enterprises in the industry; development of targeted comprehensive programs, projects and regulatory documents; in the educational process of universities.

Testing and implementation of research results. The results of the study are used in the educational process, as well as in training and retraining courses for managers and specialists in the discipline " Strategic Marketing and management." They were reflected at all-Russian and regional scientific and practical conferences. The most important developments are presented in the form of recommendations and regulatory documents for industry enterprises.

Structure And workload. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and proposals, presented on 150 pages of typewritten text, including 28 figures and tables. The bibliography consists of 120 titles.

* The calculations use average data for Russia


Textiles are products made from flexible, soft fibers and threads (fabric, wadding, nets, etc.), usually made from yarn on a loom. Textiles also include matter that is not fabric: knitwear, felt, modern non-woven materials, etc.

Textile industry is a group of light industry branches engaged in the processing of plant (cotton, flax, hemp, kenaf, jute, ramie), animal (wool, silk from silkworm cocoons), artificial and synthetic fibers into yarn, threads, and fabrics. It includes the following types of industry:






  • hemp and jute

Textiles are one of the main materials used in light industry. Before late XIX centuries, only natural materials were used in the textile industry - cotton, wool, silk. Then, artificial (based on natural polymers) and synthetic (from hydrocarbon raw materials) fibers became increasingly widespread.


According to All-Russian classifier species economic activity(OKVED), textile production belongs to the section 17 of the same name, which has the following major subsections:

    17.1 "Spinning textile fibers"

    17.2 “Weaving production”

    17.3 “Finishing of fabrics and textile products”

    17.4 “Production of finished textile products, except clothing”

    17.5 “Production of other textile products”

    17.6 “Production of knitted fabric”

    17.7 “Production of knitted products”


Today, the situation in the world is such that the bulk of textile production is concentrated in developing countries that have sufficient raw materials (for example, cotton) and cheap labor. Developed countries, importing fabrics, make ready-made garments from them, which are then exported to developing countries. At the same time, territorially, the production itself, which belongs to a developed country, may be located in another state.

The light industry of the USSR covered all stages of production - from the production (growing) of raw materials to the manufacture of garments. Today, the domestic light industry is experiencing serious difficulties, primarily associated with the uncompetitiveness of products in terms of price - Asian countries, using cheap labor, offer significantly cheaper products. At the same time, the quality of Russian fabrics is often significantly higher. The share of domestic products today is no more than 30% of the market. It is almost impossible to determine the quantity more accurately due to the presence of “gray” imports. According to experts, the only competitive segment is the production of workwear, supported by government orders.

At the same time, Russian manufacturers are experiencing a shortage of capital for the development and modernization of enterprises. Demand is significantly reduced due to the crisis state of the economy. Indices of consumer sentiment and business confidence have reached record lows in the past two years. The worst forecasts are associated with the textile and clothing industries.

Some hopes are raised by the course towards import substitution, however, most enterprises are not ready for it due to the lack of sufficient production capacity, and also due to the high share of imported components in production - from raw materials to equipment. Against the backdrop of the weakening ruble, this becomes critical for the industry.

Some experts do not see the point in locating the full production cycle in Russia and call for repeating world practice, in particular, the development of textile imports from China, as well as the location of clothing production there.

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However, the Russian Government plans to develop programs for the development and subsidization of the industry. In particular, there is a draft program for the development of light industry until 2025, according to which the share of Russian products should increase from 25% to 50%. The analysis carried out as part of the development of this program shows that the synthetic fiber production segment has the greatest potential, which can be based on an already existing petrochemical complex. This will give 2.5 times greater effect than the development of natural textile production.

Based on the results of the analysis, 4 main strategic directions development of light industry, one of which relates directly to the textile industry: “the creation in Russia of the production of chemical (synthetic and artificial) fibers with an export orientation, primarily through the development of polyester and viscose fibers and threads. Reorientation of mass textile production to synthetic materials (including both textiles for clothing products and technical textiles). The total effect from the implementation of this direction is 0.19% of GDP, 0.12% of which is the effect from the development of the technical textiles segment.”

The advantage of Russia in this case is its geographical proximity to the main markets for polyester fibers - the CIS countries, China, Turkey, etc. The CIS countries have the greatest export potential - 60-70 thousand tons of exports from Russian Federation by 2025 and Europe - 100-150 thousand tons. The production volume of polyester fibers in Russia can reach 950 thousand tons, which will meet 80% of domestic demand.

Another promising material is viscose, which is a cheaper alternative to cotton. The raw material for viscose, cellulose, is produced in Russia in sufficient quantities. The export potential of viscose is great. The volume of viscose fibers and threads produced in Russia can reach up to 600 thousand tons, providing up to 80% of local consumption and exporting up to 400 thousand tons to the CIS countries, Europe, Turkey, and Africa.

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The main demand for synthetic fabrics in the domestic and foreign markets can be provided by technical textiles. The global technical textiles market is estimated at $130 billion and grows by an average of 3% annually. Volume Russian market technical textiles in 2012 was estimated in physical terms at 320 thousand tons, and in monetary terms at 77 billion rubles.

Technical textiles have many areas of use: in clothing, agriculture, furniture production, industry, construction, etc. The state plans to develop a number of measures to specifically support the segment and protect it from external influences.


Rosstat data, which the service receives by collecting official data from market participants, may not coincide with data from analytical agencies, whose analytics are based on surveys and the collection of unofficial data.

Figure 1. Dynamics financial indicators industry in 2007-2015, thousand rubles.

Figure 2. Dynamics of financial ratios of the industry in 2007-2015, thousand rubles.

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According to the data Federal service state statistics, between 2007 and 2015. There is a stable trend of revenue growth in the industry. Since data on sales volumes in physical terms is not available, it is not possible to conclude whether revenue is growing only due to higher prices, or whether sales volumes in units are also growing. At the same time, gross margin and return on sales are also growing. A particularly sharp increase occurred in 2015. These data differ to some extent from data from independent sources.

The indicators of accounts receivable (in 2015 + 67% compared to 2007) and accounts payable (in 2015 + 101% compared to 2007) increased significantly, which indicates problems in mutual settlements with customers and suppliers. High accounts receivable may indicate a shortage of working capital, which can be covered with loans. The dynamics of the debt-to-equity ratio confirms this conclusion: the debt-to-equity ratio increased from 3.66 times in 2007 to 5.62 times in 2015.

Figure 3. Accounts receivable and payable by industry in 2007-2015, thousand rubles.

Figure 4. Shares of regions in gross industry revenue in 2015


Despite the positive data from Rosstat, the textile industry in Russia is in a declining state due to the low level of product competitiveness. The market is filled with cheap products from Southeast Asia, most of which are “gray” imports.

Some experts believe that the solution to their current situation is to adopt the experience of developed countries importing textile products. The Government of the Russian Federation, however, has developed programs for the support and development of light industry, including textiles, as its integral part. It is planned to develop a specialized segment of polyester fabrics.

In general, even with a successful process of reorganization of the industry, one can hardly expect its growth in the next 5-7 years. The technologies used in the industry are highly labor and capital intensive.

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Denis Miroshnichenko
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