Business woman appearance etiquette essay. Appearance and image Woman's wardrobe

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In the 21st century, a businesswoman is no longer a rarity. Quite a lot of representatives of the fair sex occupy leadership positions. In this regard, let's look at the issue of business etiquette. Knowledge of the norms of behavior in business circles is necessary, first of all, in order to ensure the respect of partners and career growth.

To familiarize yourself with the basic rules of business etiquette, today there is a pretty good book, the authors of which are Susanne Gehlbach-Grosser and Jutta Hoffmann. It's called "Business Etiquette for Women." It lays out in accessible language all required material, which will be especially useful for beginning businesswomen.

Business etiquette for women and rules of communication

Etiquette business communication men and women involves several component parts, which we will consider in more detail later.

Sometimes the greeting itself causes difficulty for a woman. She may be confused, not understanding whether to shake a man’s hand or raise it so that he can kiss his hand, as is customary according to the rules of social etiquette. If you are meeting this man for the first time, then offer your hand so that you can kiss it and shake it. This will provide some freedom of choice to your interlocutor.

An important component of business behavior is the style of communication and behavior with partners, management or subordinates. With whomever and in any situation, you must behave in such a way that your interlocutors develop a feeling of respect and trust towards you. No matter who you are talking to, be it your superiors or your subordinates, you should never adopt a dismissive posture, and do not sit on the edge of your chair. In this case, you will demonstrate to management your uncertainty and confusion. It is best to sit deeply in a chair and keep your back straight.

Watch your gestures. Do not wave your arms in all directions, but if gestures are necessary, then do not go beyond a radius equal to half a meter around you. Gestures should be smooth. During a conversation, keep your palms in sight, thereby you will be able to gain the trust of your interlocutor. Do not place the bag on your knees in front of you, as this will serve as a signal of your inner closedness. It can be moved to the side or behind your back.

Now let's move on to the look. He should be friendly and show interest in the conversation. For comfortable communication, move your gaze from your partner’s eyes to something else, but at the same time, do not lose eye contact for a long time, as this will be perceived as a loss of interest in your interlocutor. It is also unacceptable to closely examine your communication partner; this may be perceived by your interlocutor as your insolence and bad manners. Do not show brightly colored emotions, both positive and negative.

Voice timbre is of no small importance during negotiations and meetings. Screaming, and especially squealing, is a violation of business etiquette. The voice should sound confident and loud enough so that everyone present in the room can hear it, and not outside it. Speech should be measured with obligatory pauses, otherwise colleagues and partners will not be able to grasp the essence of what was said and will perceive you as a frivolous and frivolous person.

Business etiquette for women and dress code

Business etiquette also places certain demands on a woman’s image. There is a saying: “they meet you by their clothes, but they see you off by their mind.” Believe me, if you don’t look decent, then few people will want to do business with you, no matter how smart and professional you are.

Clothing etiquette business woman quite strict. She should look stylish, fashionable and at the same time in accordance with all the rules of the dress code.

The suit must be a classic color (black, gray). Moreover, in Lately It is customary to wear a black version for more significant and special events, and leave a gray suit for everyday work.

A classic option for work is a combination of a white blouse, a fitted jacket and a straight-cut skirt or pencil skirt. But you can replace it with a strictly cut dress, the length of which should not be above the knee. You should also be prepared to wear nude tights at any time of the year.

Shoes must be closed. This is a classic model of shoes with a stable and low heel. In summer you can wear models with open heels. Shoes must be chosen from genuine leather, the color of which should not be bright and flashy.

When creating the right appearance for a business woman, do not forget about makeup and manicure. The skin of your hands and face should be well-groomed. Makeup is best done in nude shades, but you shouldn’t overdo it either. There should be a minimum of cosmetics on the face to only highlight natural beauty. Nails should be short and neatly shaped. Their color should not distract the attention of your interlocutors from communicating with you.

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Business woman... In recent years, this phrase has become unusually popular, because there are so many business and successful women that it is much more difficult to find, for example, a housewife than a business woman. However, as practice shows, not all business women are equally successful. That is why it is necessary to follow simple, but at the same time very effective rules, which can be described as Business Etiquette for women who will help you gain trust and respect from partners and superiors.

A successful woman is sometimes born and sometimes made due to life circumstances. The former are easy to distinguish from the rest already in childhood: they strive for authority among their peers, are often friends with boys, study well and try to achieve their goals in any area, and completely do not accept differentiation of the sexes and different attitudes towards them. The second category of such women come to understand the need for their own personal and career improvement due to usually negative life circumstances: an unsuccessful marriage, the need to raise a child, etc.

But no matter how you come to the understanding that you can build your own career and deserve significant success in your field of activity, your skills, communication style and behavior need to be improved. A woman's clothing etiquette is also very important. We offer you the basic rules of business etiquette, which will probably come in handy more than once. After all, only such a serious attitude to the little things will allow you to achieve success.

Communication style

Whether you are conducting business negotiations with important partners or simply attending another planning meeting with your superiors, your posture should simultaneously convey a sense of self-confidence and respect for the person with whom you are talking, no matter who he is. Even if your subordinate is in front of you, you should not sit in a waddle or stand on your legs wide apart with a hunched back - your success largely depends on how your employees and colleagues perceive you. If the authorities are in front of you, they must understand that you are confident enough in yourself, therefore, for example, do not sit on the edge of a chair, modestly looking down, but at the same time respect him, this very authorities, and will listen to his recommendations, so do not sit in a completely frivolous position.

The best option is to straighten your back and gesture in your comfort zone, that is, approximately within a radius of half a meter from you. If you have a handbag with you, then it is better to put it next to you or carefully place it behind you: if it sits on your lap, you will get the impression that with its help you are closing yourself off from the outside world.

The look should also be appropriate: express goodwill and interest in the interlocutor. You should not look closely at the speaker, otherwise it may be perceived as insolence on your part. To make your interlocutor feel comfortable communicating with you, at least sometimes move your gaze away from his eyes. During business communication, it is necessary not to show your emotions, so try not to look at the lower half of the face of your partner, boss or subordinate.

Try to also monitor the timbre of your voice. Speak loudly and confidently enough, but under no circumstances resort to shouting or screaming. It is better to stick to a chesty, calm voice, which, as a rule, inspires confidence. Make pauses in the speech itself: haste in this case has never helped anyone. And it’s simply impolite and completely unproductive to speak so quickly that your interlocutor simply cannot think about and analyze what he heard. In addition, people who speak quickly are usually perceived as frivolous and frivolous.

Often, particular discomfort is caused by the moment of greeting, when women do not understand whether they should shake hands or raise it so that the man with whom they are going, for example, to negotiate, can kiss her according to traditional social etiquette. If you are meeting a specific person for the first time, try raising your hand so that you can shake and kiss it at the same time, give your business partner the right to choose. To make this gesture look completely casual, you can practice it in front of the mirror in advance.

And, of course, watch your gestures, because your gestures can say much more about you than you yourself would like. Firstly, your gestures should be smooth and measured. If you are used to large and sweeping movements, you can again practice in front of the mirror until the smoothness becomes a habit. Secondly, if you want to gain the trust of your interlocutor, hold your palms so that he can see them. To avoid making your interlocutor feel as if you are trying to seize power over his thoughts and actions, do not clench your palms into fists or cut the air with them, as if you want to protect yourself from the words and thoughts of the other speaker.

Little secrets of the big boss

If you really want to achieve career heights, create a small set of rules for yourself, which you then strictly adhere to. You can derive similar rules from your own life experience or use the advice of experienced business sharks.

Even if you have subordinates and consider yourself a boss, if you want to become a truly successful businesswoman, try to use your prerogative as little as possible and be punctual, no matter what the rank of the person you are going to meet. This way you show your respect for everyone, and such an attitude is expensive and is usually rewarded handsomely.

Do not talk about personal topics with people you are planning to do business with or already have a business relationship with. Even if on corporate party a glass of wine turned your head, a real successful lady will be able to restrain herself and remain silent and will never say too much.

The workplace should remain that way, even if deep down you are a very romantic and sweet woman. Remove all the funny toys, trinkets, beautiful photo frames from your desk - all this does not contribute to work harmony and characterizes you in the eyes of your superiors and subordinates as a frivolous and frivolous person.

If you don't have a very good memory for names and faces, you will have to train it. This is not just banal etiquette: the image of a business woman, even such a small thing as the fact that you will remember the names of all your employees and colleagues, should emphasize that you always have time for everything, are always in the center of events.

Train yourself to monitor every little detail, for example, the correctness of business notes that you write to colleagues, or banal wishes Have a good day and, for example, bon appetit. It is from the little things that a holistic picture of you is formed not only as a person, but also as a businesswoman and a valuable employee.

Appearance of a business woman

As you know, people usually greet you based on your clothes, and even if you are a promising and successful woman, business partners, when they see you for the first time, will evaluate your abilities based on your appearance. Successful woman cannot afford to look unkempt, walk around with disheveled hair or a wrinkled skirt. The style of a confident and working woman should be thought out to the smallest detail and at the same time comply with business etiquette in clothing.

First of all, you will have to give up bright and flashy colors. If you want to be noticed, and for this you wear a non-traditional suit business flowers(black, white and gray), and, for example, red, make sure that all the details in your outfit are in harmony and do not contrast too much.

A classic outfit that meets the etiquette of a business woman’s clothing is a white blouse, an English jacket and a lined skirt. It is preferable that the fabric from which the suit is made has a textured pattern. At the same time, instead of a skirt and blouse, a woman at work can easily afford a formal knee-length dress.

Recently, black suits have been worn only for important and, in a sense, solemn business events. So, for example, for a meeting with a top manager it is better to choose a gray suit or dress, but for an important conference where you have to read a report, you can afford a black outfit.

The etiquette of the business world does not allow shoes made of suede and bright leather, such as crocodile. It is best to opt for classic shoes with low heels made of genuine leather in a calm shade. If you choose skirts or dresses, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to wear flesh-colored tights or stockings regardless of the time of year.

Take care of your hands: nails and skin should always be in perfect condition. But you can experiment with nail polish and color: whether to apply it or not depends entirely on you, but using bright and attention-grabbing shades is also unacceptable. Business women's bags are subject to fairly strict requirements: they must have clear, rigid contours and contain A4 documents. If the latter is not possible, you will have to additionally purchase a special case or folder.

Such strict restrictions are often not to the liking of women who are accustomed to always being in the center of events and attracting people's attention with their appearance. But a smart woman will always find a way out of this situation: she can always diversify her office style with an interesting scarf or any other accessory that will successfully harmonize with your business suit and at the same time slightly distinguish you from other female employees.

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Ivanova A.A.
Martova T.V.

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Introduction………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………. 3
Chapter 1 Basics of business communication…..…………………………………………………… …...… 4

      The concept of business communication and its structure…………………………………………… 4
      Business communication style……………..…………………………………… ………………………10
      Image of a business woman…………………..…………………………………… ………………17
Chapter 2 Recommendations for negotiations ....................................………… ….24

Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior of an entrepreneur. Knowledge of business etiquette is the basis of entrepreneurial success. This work examines the basics of business woman etiquette: manners, appearance, ability to conduct a conversation. Questions such as: “What to say?”, “When to speak?”, “Who to speak?” are revealed.
This study is devoted to studying the role of women in modern business. As you know, in our country the problem of “separation by gender” has always existed, and often developed into discrimination against women and the derogation of her rights.
However, today the situation has begun to change. Ten years ago, to see a woman driving a car, to put it mildly, was considered very rare - today women own and drive cars on an equal basis with men. Ten years ago there were practically no women in the highest political elite - today some of them occupy key positions in the government and political parties; are the heads of the subjects of the federation. Ten years ago, the concepts of “woman in business” and “woman entrepreneur” brought a smile to the common man; today they evoke respect.
It should be recognized that the world of business is created and controlled by men. This means that in the tough business world, more determination is also required from a woman.

Chapter 1
Basics of business communication

      The concept of business communication and its structure
Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person. The structure of communication is characterized by three interconnected sides: communicative, interactive and perceptual.
Business communication is a process in which business information and work experience are exchanged, involving the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific task or the implementation of a specific goal. The specificity of this process is the moment of regulation, that is, submission to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions accepted in a given territory, professional ethical principles accepted in a given professional circle of people. Business communication is conventionally divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when during communication there is a certain spatio-temporal distance, that is, letters, telephone conversations, business notes, etc.).
Direct communication has greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion, while indirect communication does not have such a strong result; certain socio-psychological mechanisms directly operate in it. In general, business communication differs from informal communication in that in its process specific tasks and specific goals are set that require certain resolution, which does not allow us to stop the process of negotiations with a partner or negotiating partners at any time (at least without certain losses in obtaining information for both parties). In an ordinary friendly conversation, issues such as specific tasks and goals are most often not raised, so such communication can be stopped (at the request of both parties) at any time without fear of losing the opportunity to restore the communication process again.
Types of business communication:
1. conversations
2. negotiations
3. meetings
4. visits
5. public speaking.
Business communication today penetrates into all spheres public life society. Enterprises of all types and forms of ownership, as well as individuals as private entrepreneurs, enter the commercial and business spheres of life.
Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in every field: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, businessmen, production organizers, people involved in management, private entrepreneurs, communicative competence, that is, the ability to adequately respond in any situation during communication for representatives of these professions, is one of the most important components of their professional appearance.
Business communication as a process involves establishing contact between participants, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, establish cooperation, etc.
Service contacts are built on a partnership basis, based on mutual needs and the interests of a common cause. There is no doubt that such communication increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in a successful business.
The ability to behave with people during a conversation is one of the most important factors determining your chances of achieving success in business, official or entrepreneurial activity. A person’s success in his business, even in the technical or scientific field, depends only fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with the people with whom he works. This work examines the mechanisms, structure and principles of business communication, without knowledge of which it is very difficult to achieve success in business and entrepreneurship.
The structure of business communication consists of five main phases:
1) Starting a conversation.
2) Transfer of information.
3) Argumentation.
4) Refuting the interlocutor’s arguments.
5) Decision making.
The correct start of a conversation requires: an accurate description of the goals of the conversation, mutual introduction of the interlocutors, the name of the topic, an introduction of the person leading the conversation, and an announcement of the sequence of consideration of issues.
When concluding a conversation, the order of actions should be reversed: the leader of the conversation takes the floor and ends it by addressing the interlocutor.
The effectiveness of negotiations, the degree of mutual understanding with partners and employees, employee satisfaction with their work, and the moral and psychological climate in the organization depend on how well business communication is structured. Almost all business problems are in one way or another related to communication - the process of transmitting ideas, thoughts, feelings, and bringing them to the understanding of other people. Managers spend an average of 80% of their time on various types of communication.
Understanding the processes of information transfer, the patterns that exist in these processes, and developing skills for effective interaction with people are necessary for a manager at any level. Today, the experienced manager spends most of his time not on financial, technical or organizational problems, but to solve psychological problems that arise in the process of communication with subordinates, colleagues and superiors. Knowledge and skills in the field of communication are necessary not only for managers, but also for any of us, because through communication a person organizes and optimizes his production, scientific, commercial, educational and any other activities. Communication allows you to solve not only issues of the organization, but also the problems of its employees.
Principles of business communication.
Principles are abstract, generalized ideas that enable those who rely on them to correctly form their behavior, their actions, their attitude towards something.
The principles of business communication provide a specific employee in any organization with a conceptual ethical platform for decisions, actions, actions, interactions, etc.
First principle: The central position of the so-called gold standard is generally accepted: “Within official position never allow this to happen to your subordinates, to management and colleagues at your official level, to clients, etc. such actions that I would not want to see towards myself.”
Second principle: Fairness is necessary when providing employees with the resources necessary for their work activities (monetary, raw materials, material, etc.)
Third principle requires mandatory correction of an ethical violation, regardless of when and by whom it was committed.
According to fourth principle, called the principle of maximum progress, an employee’s official behavior and actions are recognized as ethical if they contribute to the development of the organization (or its divisions) from a moral point of view.
The logical continuation of the fourth principle is fifth principle- the principle of minimum progress, according to which the actions of an employee or organization as a whole are ethical if they at least do not violate ethical standards.
Essence sixth principle in the following: ethical is the tolerant attitude of the organization’s employees towards moral principles, traditions and others that take place in other organizations, regions, countries.
Seventh principle recommends various combinations of individual relativism and ethical relativism with the requirements of universal ethics.
According to eighth principle Individual and collective principles are equally recognized as the basis for developing and making decisions in business relationships.
Ninth principle reminds that one should not be afraid to have one’s own opinion when resolving any official issues. However, nonconformism as a personality trait should manifest itself within reasonable limits.
Tenth principle- no violence, i.e. “pressure” on subordinates, expressed in various forms, for example, in an orderly, commanding manner of conducting an official conversation.
Eleventh principle- constancy of impact, expressed in the fact that ethical standards can be introduced into the life of an organization not with a one-time order, but only with the help of continuous efforts on the part of both the manager and ordinary employees.
Twelfth Principle- when influencing (on a team, on individual employees, on a consumer, etc.) take into account the strength of possible resistance.
Thirteenth principle consists in the advisability of making advances based on trust in the employee’s sense of responsibility, in his competence, in his sense of duty, etc.
Fourteenth principle strongly recommends striving for non-conflict.
Fifteenth principle- freedom that does not limit the freedom of others.
Sixteenth principle can be called the principle of promotion: an employee must not only act ethically himself, but also encourage the same behavior of his colleagues.
The seventeenth principle states: Don't criticize your competitor. This refers not only to a competing organization, but also to an “internal competitor” - a team from another department, a colleague in whom one can “see” a competitor.
The principles of business ethics should serve as the basis for each employee of any company to develop their own personal ethical system.
      Business communication style
Business etiquette occupies a special place in the art of behavior. If, by violating certain norms of behavior in everyday life and in society, you mainly risk your reputation as a well-mannered person, then in business such mistakes can cost a lot of money and a career. The great master and teacher in the field of business relations, Dale Carnegie, argued that a person’s success in financial affairs depends fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people. In fact, any business is the coordinated actions of many people, and the effectiveness of these actions directly depends on their ability to establish relationships with each other.
Thus, the ability to behave properly, i.e. Observance of etiquette has now become one of the most important conditions and ways to get ahead and maintain leadership in business. In other words, firmly understand that maintaining business etiquette is one of the elements of professional strategy.
One of the most important aspects of etiquette is correct business communication. Business communication is an art that allows you to get in touch with business partners, overcome personal prejudices, rejection of a particular counterparty, and achieve the desired commercial result. Business communication refers to any communication that contributes to solving commercial problems.
Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. The eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical standards, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the correctness or incorrectness of people’s actions. And when communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone in one way or another, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. But depending on how one understands moral standards, what content he puts into them, to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can both make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even make it impossible.
Communication is the process of interaction between public entities: social groups, communities or individuals in which information, experience, abilities and performance results are exchanged. Communication acts as a way of being for society and people. It is in the process of communication that the socialization of the individual and his self-realization occur. According to Aristotle, the ability to communicate distinguishes a person from “creatures underdeveloped in a moral sense” and from a “superman.” Therefore, “one who is not able to enter into communication or, considering himself a self-sufficient being, does not feel the need for anything, no longer constitutes an element of the state, becoming either an animal or a deity.”
There are a number of rules, the implementation of which allows you to tune the interlocutor (regardless of his/her gender) to a business style of communication.
During business negotiations and meetings, the posture should be both quite free and discreetly smart. A woman huddled on the edge of a chair, frantically clutching her purse, shows with all her appearance stiffness, embarrassment, and self-doubt. A pose that is too loose can be perceived as evidence of your swagger. It is better to sit straight and gesticulate freely within the so-called intimate zone with a radius of about 45 centimeters around the body. It is better not to keep the bag on your lap, but to put it or place it next to you.
It is necessary to look kindly and carefully into the face of your interlocutor, showing that you are interested in what he says. At the same time, if you have a business relationship with your interlocutor, then direct your gaze to the upper part of the face, just above the eyebrows, and to indicate attention - occasionally look into the eyes (a long gaze into the eyes can make your interlocutor feel uncomfortable). During emotional communication, the gaze automatically moves from the eyes to the lower part of the face - this is immediately felt.
The characteristics of your voice also matter in communication. If you have a high-pitched voice, at least try not to make it shrill, as in this case you can cause the interlocutor an irresistible desire to close his eyes and cover his ears. A high pitched voice is very annoying and tiring and is associated with tension or dependence. Therefore, try to make your voice chesty and pleasant, lowering it as much as possible. But don't speak too quietly or hesitantly. A voice that is too loud and deafening to your interlocutor is also bad.

Speech rate:
A measured pace of speech is best perceived when you allow yourself to take short pauses, showing that you are thinking about what you heard before answering something. You immediately get the feeling that you are a “reasonable person.” It is undesirable to speak too quickly, overwhelming the interlocutor with streams of information. He may not immediately understand what kind of grandiose project you are telling him about, and he may interrupt you and ask you to repeat it all over again. You will waste time, and most importantly, you will make it clear that you are a petty, dependent person and are trying to say everything as quickly as possible before they kick you out. An increased rate of speech is always associated with dependence and frivolity. And if you speak too slowly, you will tire your interlocutor: he already understands everything, and you are still finishing the phrase.
In business and political circles, it is customary to shake hands. A handshake is a traditionally masculine way of greeting. For most women, it causes slight discomfort, since she does not know in advance whether her hand will be vigorously shaken like a party comrade or someone will try to kiss her. To avoid confusion and awkwardness, it is better to present your hand neither in a vertical plane (as for shaking), nor in a horizontal plane (as for kissing), but in an intermediate position at an angle to the plane. The handshake should be concise and quite energetic.
Don't fuss - it makes a bad impression in any case. If, when arriving at a business meeting, you quickly slip into the office, say hello quickly, fussily hand over some important documents, while dropping something, then consider yourself lost. It is much better to enter slowly, calmly say hello, and inquire where you can sit. Do everything without fuss, excessive frequency in plasticity, speech, facial expressions. In a word, act as if you are a chic, luxurious woman and can afford to take your time. Sit down smoothly, slowly take objects, lifting them as if they were alive, speak calmly - by doing this you will undoubtedly make a pleasant impression on your interlocutor. Be friendly, open, restrained in emotional expressions, and do not demonstrate excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.
Here, as in many other things, the golden mean is good. Gestures should be proportionate to the rhythm of speech and approximately correspond to what you are talking about. The more formal the communication, the more restrained the gestures should be. But at the same time, its complete absence is perceived as constraint. Avoid neurotic gestures that indicate your embarrassment and nervousness: picking your ear, picking under your nails, scratching, adjusting your clothes, hairstyle. Most people don't even realize how important gestures are in conversation. A gesture can convey much more information about us than we want. Gestures too often give us away and the unwise use of some gestures sometimes leads to undesirable results. Therefore, to win over your interlocutor, use offering gestures in your conversation that allow you to see your palms. This is a testament to your openness. But negative, oppressive gestures should be avoided. By decisively cutting the air with your palm, you can give your interlocutor an unpleasant feeling that they do not want to agree with him on anything. Also forget for a while the rejecting palm gesture: “Just a minute! I haven’t said everything yet!”, thereby showing that you want to continue your wonderful monologue, and let him listen. This gesture will make your interlocutor feel that you don’t want to talk to him and will increase the distance between you.
Now let's talk about the distance that is established between people in any business conversation. Each person, depending on his personal emotionality, determines the appropriate distance for a given case. Emotional people seem closer and more understandable, while constrained and restrained people put their interlocutor at a greater distance. The reduction in distance is indicated by lively facial expressions, when they play with eyebrows, squint, smile, lively intonations, relaxed poses. As soon as the interlocutor wants to increase the distance, he immediately tightens his face, turning his face into an impenetrable mask, and begins to broadcast in the dispassionate voice of a loudspeaker or television announcer. If you deliberately want to increase the distance, simply start calling your interlocutor by name and patronymic more often than necessary. In general, it is necessary to mention the name of the interlocutor in a conversation from time to time. If you talk to a person for two hours straight and never call him by name, he may suspect that you have completely forgotten who you are talking to. The use of bureaucratic, cumbersome or outdated verbal constructions like “of course”, “certainly” causes confusion, increases distance and indicates a rather cool attitude. Therefore, you should always try to take into account a lot of nuances in relationships, by playing with which you can find the optimal communication style that suits both interlocutors.
It must be remembered that there are no trifles in business relationships. Etiquette means a lot for business. The clothes and behavior of an entrepreneur or manager are his calling card. They begin to formulate an idea about the guest in advance, collecting information about him. The sources of information are the behavior of a businessman on the way to the place of a business meeting, behavior in the hotel, and during the meeting itself. Remember, you are surrounded everywhere by people who study you with varying degrees of bias.

      Image of a business woman
It is clear from history that image has accompanied a person since ancient times; even in Ancient Rome, politicians sought to improve their appearance; Julius Caesar, for example, was not indifferent to how he would appear before the Romans. The description of his life by contemporaries says that he was upset by the partial absence of hair, because its ugliness provided abundant food for the witticisms of his ill-wishers. Therefore, in order to disguise the lack of hair, he usually combed it from the crown of his head onto his bald spot; of all the honors shown to him, the Senate and the people did not use anything, with such pleasure as the right to constantly wear a laurel wreath. Such historical figures as Yaroslav the Wise, Ivan the Terrible, Richard the Lionheart also showed concern for their impressive image. This can be seen through their nicknames, which gave an idea of ​​their personality type. The Monomakh cap was part of the image of the princes of Rus', personifying the highest state power established by God.
The Jewish high priests wore purple clothes, symbolizing to people their service to God, since in those days purple was considered the color of blood and sacrifice.
And today, as at all times, in the modern business world, a well-created image provides a person with a positive attitude from those around him, which contributes to his successful business life.
It is the business image that allows you to create the first impression of a person. Such an image in in this case- its trademark, its external sign. The more attractive he is, the higher the professional authority of the businessman and the public reputation of the politician.
Nowadays, professional and political skill in itself does not ensure the successful implementation of commercial and political projects and does not create a worthy reputation in business circles. To do this, you need to be able to win over your audience, customers and clients, that is, create your own unique business image.
Business image is the idea that you create about yourself as an external reflection of your personality and as an indicator of your business and purely human qualities. The more successful it is, the higher your professional and political authority, the easier it is to find a common language with others and win recognition and due respect from them.
You may know all of Carnegie's books by heart, but a stain on your skirt or too bright lipstick will ruin all your attempts to influence your business partner. You can be a genius and have a very good understanding of your subject, but charming curls will become a stumbling block on your way up the career ladder. While knowledge and application of at least the basic laws of business image and business etiquette can turn you into a true businesswoman (of course, if you have a certain amount of business acumen).
First of all, the structure of the image includes external meaning-forming features, that is, the values ​​that a person brings to the world and others:
1. Appearance business man or his portrait characteristics:
      physical characteristics;
      suit (clothes, shoes, accessories);
      hairstyle and manicure;
      manner of behavior and speech;
      gestures and postures;
      look and facial expressions;
      voice features;
      smell coming from a person.
Many image researchers note the existence of a certain quality that makes a person irresistible in the eyes of others and allows for mysterious influence, especially in the case of direct contact with people, for example during public speaking. Le Bon called this quality charm, Weber - charisma.
2. Social-role characteristics:
      reputation (public opinion about a person based on his life history, personal achievements and merits);

We spend a third of our lives at work. And sometimes we don’t even notice how much business success and career advancement depend on our behavior, demeanor and ability to behave. Yes, yes, not only intelligence, intelligence, experience and professional quality influence the attitude of superiors, clients, customers or business partners towards us. Much is determined by reputation, which consists precisely of compliance (or non-compliance) with the rules of business etiquette. Statistics show that 70% of deals and negotiations fail precisely because of the inability to behave in certain situations and failure to comply with the rules of business communication. But these rules are quite simple and will help you win over another person, avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways.

Business etiquette includes both oral communication and telephone negotiations, e-mail. Moreover, you need to keep in mind that the rules of conduct at a meeting and at a meeting in an informal setting may differ, but nevertheless, they are subject to general code business ethics. There is also such a phenomenon as corporate style behavior. But even certain requirements put forward to employees by some companies almost never run counter to the following: general rules business etiquette:

As you know, only high management is not late, but only high management is delayed. In all other cases, being late causes a sharply negative attitude from colleagues, clients and partners, since they delay work or negotiations and indirectly indicate that a person who does not arrive on time cannot be relied upon.

2. Know your timing

When planning your time, take into account problems that may arise in the process of performing certain tasks. If you are constantly in a hurry and jumping from one question to another without completing the task, then the risk of making a mistake increases noticeably. As a result, colleagues, management and clients may doubt your competence and serious approach to your work.

3. It’s better to remain silent than to say too much

In this case, we are not talking about trade secrets, but about informal conversations. Work is not the place to talk about personal topics. Such conversations easily become the subject of gossip and are more likely to spoil the microclimate in the team than to make it more soulful.

4. Design workplace

Photos, postcards, calendars, cup and saucer, flowers, Stuffed Toys etc., of course, are very uplifting, but do not always correspond to the office environment. Therefore, in the workplace it is better to limit yourself to the items necessary for work. Well, one or two trinkets will be enough so that your colleagues do not consider you too pedantic.

5. Dress appropriately for your surroundings.

There is a lot of debate about the importance of dress code. There is also a lot of advice on how to dress in the business world. In general, suits and skirts/trousers with blouses (strict and opaque), closed shoes, stylish and discreet jewelry are welcome; Tight-fitting, revealing bright outfits, provocative accessories and sandals are not welcome. The main rule business style this is the case in clothing - clothes should be chosen with taste and correspond to the ideas about the dress code that is accepted among your colleagues or partners.

6. Maintain subordination

Some companies use the “you” approach, in the American manner. But when communicating with clients or representatives of other organizations, it is recommended to communicate only using “you”. When a client or boss enters, it is customary to get up from your seat. But when solving business issues with colleagues, in order to save time, it is not necessary to get up from your workplace.

7. Remember first and last names

Not knowing the first and last names of colleagues and clients is extremely unattractive. But it’s even worse, without remembering them exactly, to call a person by someone else’s name. If you forgot the name of the interlocutor, it is better to apologize and ask him about it.

Well, when meeting with a delegation, you simply need to prepare in advance: learn not only the first and last names, but also the positions of the people with whom you will meet.

8. Write correctly A letter written in competent language evokes much more positive emotions than a clumsy, misspelled message. Often it depends on how correct, interesting and even skillfully done business offer

, the chances of concluding a particular contract also depend. Always sign letters and, if possible, include the address and telephone number of the company you represent in your signature.

9. Be brief

Before you call or write a letter, think carefully about what exactly you want to communicate. Your information should be as concise and understandable as possible - save other people’s time, and in return people will save yours.

10. Don't be afraid to ask again Sometimes telephone conversations greatly spoil the quality of communication. If you didn’t hear something or misunderstood, it’s better not to remain silent, but to politely ask again, even if. If telephone communications

completely hopeless, ask the other person to call you back (if he called himself) or dial his number. When communicating on the phone, remember that the person who started the conversation should end the conversation.

11. Greeting

It is customary that the subordinate says the first greeting when meeting, and the superior official offers his hand. If you are meeting with a client on “your territory,” you should be the first to extend your hand when meeting and saying goodbye. In business circles, it is customary to shake hands, regardless of gender. The only exceptions are informal dinners, where a man can kiss a woman's hand.

12. Exchange business cards correctly Hold in perfect order - they form an opinion about both you and the company you represent. Handle other people's cards very carefully, do not allow yourself to carelessly stuff them into your purse or pocket immediately after they have been given to you, do not crumple or twirl the business cards in your hands. Never force your business card! If you were handed a business card, the rules oblige you to hand over yours.

13. Behave in a businesslike manner

During business meetings and negotiations, it is very important to demonstrate a business-like attitude with all your appearance. Conduct yourself confidently, but not defiantly, do not cling to stationery, a business card or purse, sit on the entire chair, and not on the edge. Don't slouch, don't stiffen, and don't lower your head down - your posture should be moderately free and moderately restrained. You should not sit cross-legged, with your arms crossed over your chest or your fingers clasped together - such a position causes mistrust and indicates your unpreparedness for dialogue.

14. Look

Try to look your interlocutor in the eyes. However, it is important not to overdo it: the gaze should not be intent, and you should not linger on the person for more than a few seconds.

15. Don’t use “feminine” techniques

Don't be flirtatious during business negotiations, don't straighten the folds in your skirt, don't tug at your hair. Men who are insensitive to your charms will consider you frivolous, frivolous and will be wary of doing business with you. The one who instinctively follows your lead and agrees with something that he didn’t really intend to agree with will subsequently probably reconsider his decision and is unlikely to maintain a good attitude towards you.

16. Speak clearly

17. “Good” and “bad” words

As studies have shown, the words and phrases “nothing”, “always” and “make a mistake” evoke negative emotions in people, so it is better to avoid them in negotiations, and in business communication in general. But such concepts as “experience”, “achievement”, “active”, “impulse”, “planning” and “personal” should be used as often as possible.

18. Be polite and reserved

Even in the heat of a discussion, never interrupt your opponent, know how to listen, respect other people’s opinions and try to understand another point of view. Don't get irritated and don't let your emotions take precedence over the subject of the discussion, otherwise you will not only spoil the impression of yourself (and the company you represent), but also derail the negotiations.

Compliance with business etiquette in the office plays an important role for its employees. This is especially true for women. Although we have long been equal in rights with men, we work with them on an equal basis, we got behind the wheel and began to occupy leadership positions, and some of us even managed to reach the top of government in government. But, nevertheless, it is still very difficult for us to win a place in the sun in the harsh world of men.

Being under the close attention of your colleagues, feeling that everyone is waiting for you to make even the slightest mistake - all this forces you to constantly be in tension and requires great effort not to show it, or as card players say, “keep a poker face.” First of all, at gunpoint public opinion is your appearance, and if the atmosphere in the office is tense, then the discrepancy between your appearance and the generally accepted canons of the office dress code gives another reason for discussion. Therefore, business etiquette plays an important role for a woman who strives for successful career and recognition from colleagues.

Appearance must comply with company rules

The old Russian proverb says it right: “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their mind!” The first thing that catches your eye is your appearance, so in most cases, its non-compliance with the standards and norms accepted in your company can be a serious obstacle to career advancement, and it will simply make the office work itself uncomfortable.

Let's get started...

So, dear ladies, let us take note of the requirements that are presented in business environment to appearance. Your clothes should at least look good and respectable, but they don’t necessarily have to be expensive brands and famous brands. The quality of things will look more advantageous in the eyes of colleagues/business partners than a fashionable logo on display, telling everyone that you can afford to dress expensively.

For the office and business negotiations, revealing outfits with a deep neckline, denim and leather clothing, and excessively tight knitwear are unacceptable.

Every business woman's wardrobe should have a classic suit consisting of a fitted jacket, trousers and a straight skirt/pencil skirt. The length of the skirt should be given great attention, mini and maxi, skirts with slits in the front or side are definitely excluded. Optimal length skirts are slightly above the knee. Also, suits can be made lighter by replacing the jacket with a vest; they can be complemented by blouses without too voluminous collars, jabots and all kinds of decorative elements. Blouses must be made of opaque fabric good quality, their colors can be different, but even in the warm season they should have sleeves, even if they are shortened. It is advisable to give preference to a calm pastel color scheme.

Now there is a large selection of different dresses that are quite suitable for the office, taking into account the fact that they, like skirts, have an acceptable length, style and “office color”. By the way, dresses can subsequently take leading positions in your wardrobe, since choosing one dress takes less time than choosing a skirt and blouse that match each other.

It is also worth remembering one important rule of the office dress code: business etiquette requires women, regardless of the time of year, to wear flesh-colored tights with dresses and skirts. Although lately this rule has become somewhat worn out, and in offices women’s legs are full of different colors, you still shouldn’t get too carried away with the variety of hosiery products; restraint will always be more welcome than flashy variegation, even if it’s an ultra-fashionable shade. Many companies also set strict requirements for their employees, so that summer time they also wore tights; stockings can be used as an alternative.

The color range in clothing has recently expanded and has practically no boundaries, with the exception of “acid” and overly saturated tones, and fabrics in checkered, striped patterns, with small, dim patterns have come to be classified as “business.”

Preference in shoes should also be given to the classics; shoes with a medium heel 5 cm high, black, beige, gray or brown are the most ideal option; in summer they can be worn in moderation open shoes, clogs should not be worn under any circumstances, and it is also necessary to remember about the perfect pedicure.

Dress correctly and your beauty will always be noticed

Hairstyle and makeup of a business woman

Speaking of appearance, one cannot fail to mention hair and makeup. You also need to approach their choice wisely and take into account the entire image as a whole when creating your own business style. The hairstyle should be neat and strict; in offices it is not customary to wear your hair loose, so if you have long or medium length hair, then you need to collect it. Ask your hairdresser for help, he will show you various variations of simple styling and hairstyles for the office that you could do yourself in the morning. Hair dyed in bright colors is completely inappropriate for a business style.

The image of a business woman should be discreet

The makeup of a woman working in an office should preferably be light and not noticeable. Tone, natural blush, mascara and not bright lipstick - this is the basic daytime makeup; of course, you can also apply pastel shades, but their layer should be thin.

Well-groomed nails are a must, here preference should be given to a French manicure with soft colors.

As an addition to the image of a business woman, you can wear jewelry, but you need to maintain moderation in their quantity: either earrings and a ring, or a pendant and a ring. It is acceptable to wear jewelry made from natural stones and precious metals, and costume jewelry.

And of course, when talking about a modern business woman, it is impossible not to touch on the topic of accessories that complete her look. A handbag, phone, organizer, business card holder, a good pen, even a keychain should not be left without attention. Everything should reflect and emphasize your business status. Here again it is appropriate to talk about the quality of things, their solid appearance and style, so that it can be seen that these items serve for a business woman who knows the value of things and knows how to choose them from the whole variety.

Well, now, having defined the image of a business woman, we should move on to others important aspects business etiquette. First of all, this is a style of business communication, which includes correct behavior in the office, negotiations, communication on the phone and at meetings. In this case, the requirements are the same for both men and women. Competent, clear speech, a confident voice, and indeed confidence should be present in every feature of yours: gait, facial expressions, gestures, a calm demeanor and a slight smile will allow you to create the image of a business person, a competent specialist, capable of defending his point of view and knowing his worth.

Several examples of stylish clothes for a woman to wear to work


Also an integral feature that will complement the image of a business woman is a competently and correctly designed workplace. To be honest, we all want to decorate the place where we work with all kinds of frames with photographs of relatives and cats, figurines, and flowers. Undoubtedly, all these little things greatly decorate the workplace, making it so cozy for you, but at the same time, filling your desk, these trinkets distract from work and do not correspond to the office environment. They can also create the effect of frivolity and completely destroy your entire business image.

Therefore, when designing your workplace, you should be guided by the principles of practicality and ergonomics: everything you need and need for work is at hand, personal belongings in the nightstand, with the exception of a telephone and a notebook, keep your mug or glass from which you use it in a visible place. Drinking coffee/tea during breaks is also not allowed.

A business person is distinguished by punctuality both in coming to work and in completing work tasks. In business circles, as we know, time is money, so your lateness will potentially be seen as a loss of money for your company, and you yourself will be seen as someone who cannot be relied upon. So develop the habit of being punctual, and this quality will serve you well on your way to the top of your career. One thing to remember here Golden Rule“The first time, right and on time”, it is applicable both for work and for building the image of a business woman in general.

Next, it’s worth talking about such a seemingly trivial thing as a greeting. Meanwhile, the ability to greet correctly in business circles is highly valued and will help create the impression of a business person from the first minutes. Business partners are supposed to greet each other with a handshake (here we remind ourselves once again about manicure), regardless of whether the person in front of you is a man or a woman. If business negotiations are taking place in your office, then you should be the first to extend your hand for greeting, thereby showing the hospitality of the receiving party; at this moment it would not be amiss to smile slightly and say a few warm words, predisposing you to start a business-like, but at the same time friendly conversation.

During negotiations, appearance and manners are critical

If at work you have to negotiate with company partners, then the following recommendations just for you. The habit of touching your hair immediately reveals a frivolous nature, so by constantly adjusting your hairstyle and clothes, you risk appearing frivolous in the eyes of your opponents, but your behavior and appearance at the moment represent the face of your company. On business negotiations it is necessary to demonstrate your oratorical abilities, so the confident, clearly delivered speech, which was mentioned earlier, is especially relevant now.

You should also not forget about the ability to listen to your opponent without interrupting him or showing any excessive emotions. Respect for other people's opinions and the ability to show yourself as a competent specialist who understands the essence of the issue at hand will help you negotiate with dignity and strengthen your reputation as a business person among colleagues and senior management.

So now, dear ladies, when you have an idea of ​​what business etiquette means for a woman, you can safely begin to follow it and use it for your self-affirmation at work and rapid career growth.

Video - image of a business woman

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