Are cooks harmful? Cook harmful working conditions

Chercher 16.05.2020
Labor Relations

But even if we return to the well-known, how aware are you about what harmful working conditions and hazardous professions exist and why you need to know about them? Probably in order to have a number of benefits, including medical ones.

It is possible that for some “thinking” youth this will make it easier professional choice, which is in search of not only a monetary specialty, but also a relatively safe one.

Working conditions at catering establishments

Basic sanitary and hygienic documents.

which establish mandatory hygienic requirements for production processes, equipment, workplaces, the labor process, the production environment and sanitary services are “SP 2.3.6. Organizations Catering. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them food products and food raw materials.

In the application, you must refer to the above-mentioned regulations and accurately write the name of your position. If the presence of harmful working conditions at your workplace is confirmed by the results of certification, then in this case, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2008 N 870 “On the establishment of reduced working hours, annual additional

Question: Based on the results of workplace certification (AWC), working conditions class 3 was established at the cook’s workplace

on the basis of the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day, approved by the Resolution of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 25, 1974 N 298/P-22.

From 01/01/2014 to Labor Code RF, changes were made according to which, if a special assessment of working conditions was carried out at the workplace, then compensation and benefits for work in harmful and (or) dangerous conditions should be provided to employees taking into account its results and on the basis of current regulations labor legislation.

Special assessment of working conditions for cooks

The convenience of a special assessment of the working conditions of a cook lies in the fact that the responsibility for conducting an inspection by the commission is assigned to the school and preschool nutrition plant, as well as for the organization of the workplace. Many catering units in Russia still operate according to traditional patterns.

Based on the severity and intensity of the work, the profession of cooks is classified as workers who are employed in harmful working conditions, based on the influence of the existing factor in the workplace.

Additional payment to the cook for harmful working conditions

IN Appendix 1 to the order of the Minister of Health and social development RK dated December 28, 2015 No. 1053 “On approval of the List of production facilities, workshops, professions and positions, list heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, work in which gives the right to reduced working hours, additional paid annual leave and increased size remuneration, as well as the rules for their provision" (hereinafter referred to as the List) provides:

Appendix 18 to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the system of remuneration for civil servants, employees of organizations supported by state budget funds, employees of state-owned enterprises” dated December 31, 2015 No. 1193 does not stipulate specific professions to which additional payments should be made.

Is a chef a dangerous profession?

At this stage, you need to remove cartilage, tendons, small bones, separate large pieces and sort the remaining ones.

By the way, the most fat chefs work in restaurants serving Russian, Ukrainian and German cuisine, and the least in Asian, Italian and Greek ones.

All those who work in all-female office groups - accountants, teachers, workers of various departments, housing offices and other offices - are also prone to excess weight.

Hello, Olga Sergeevna.

Not every job with harmful and difficult working conditions gives the right to preferential pension benefits. Preferential pensions are assigned to workers only in certain professions and positions, which are provided for in Lists No. 1 and No. 2 (Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991 No.

“On approval of lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision”

The street is gasified. I heard that there is a law on the basis of which connection to rural areas has its own characteristics. Thank you. lawyer: Isaev M.S. status: issue resolved issue: does a disabled person of the 2nd group have a benefit for receiving a car oka (leg disease) lawyer: Gorshkov S.N. status: issue resolved question: At what age (months) are they put on the waiting list for kindergarten? Do we have benefits if my wife works in a rural school? lawyer: Ivlev B.V. status: pending question: Is there a VAT benefit for feeding children in nurseries? health camps financed by social anxiety funds? lawyer: Leonova T.A. status: pending question: I work in a rural school, and live with registration in the city, in a private house. Am I entitled to benefits for utilities? lawyer: Pulkov L.A. status: issue resolved question: I have a single-parent, large family with two disabled children. I'm a rural teacher.

Harmfulness bonus for cooks


Together with the main one (28 calendar days), the duration of rest can be from 35 days. If there are no length of service requirements for granting such leave, then its duration is calculated based on the time already worked;

  • Free receipt of personal protective equipment and products required by law;
  • Additional compensation “for harmfulness” in the amount of at least 4% of tariff rate or salary (parts 1 and 2 of Article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Shortened duration working week. In contrast to the generally established norm of 40 hours, other indicators apply for cooks - 36 hours.

It is worth noting that employers can independently set the amount of additional payments for work in harmful or difficult conditions, but their amount cannot be less than that established in Art.

147 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Vacancies and work: “daily paid cook” in St. Petersburg

It is possible that to obtain this leave you will need to have a certain amount of total work experience. If this requirement is not met, the days are calculated in proportion to the operating time.

  • Free receipt of products and things specified by law – individual funds protection, milk to neutralize the harmful effects of hazardous factors on the cook’s body.
  • Early receipt of pension payments - pension benefits are provided for some specialties included in the List of Difficult/ harmful professions. To obtain an earlier retirement, it is also necessary to work out the general work experience for a period of 15/20 years for women/men.
  • Shortened working hours – maximum 36 hours weekly according to stat.

Harmful working conditions for cooks: what additional payments are required by law?

There is a misconception that chefs are entitled to early retirement, but this is not true at all. Such a specialty is not in the lists attached to the Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991 No. 10 “On approval of lists of production, work...”. Consequently, female chefs retire at 55, and male chefs at 60. How are the working conditions of cooks assessed? The key point that determines the harmfulness of the working conditions of cooks is not only the severity of their work, but also the need to comply with sanitary standards.
Often, organizational leaders neglect such requirements or they cannot be met for compelling reasons. For example, no kitchen can be completely free of noise or emissions from appliances, but if they exceed established standards, working conditions Based on the results of certification, they are recognized as harmful.

Job cook daily payments in St. Petersburg: 28 vacancies

These factors include:

  • Physical: exposure to electromagnetic fields, healing, impulses, air humidity and temperature, air speed, solar and thermal radiation, vibration, pollution, aerosols; laser and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Labor: duration (length of working time), tension, severity, etc.;
  • Chemical: the use of chemical substances or mixtures obtained through chemical synthesis;
  • Biological: exposure to biological mixtures and substances (bacteria, microorganisms, cells, etc.).

By law, every person must be familiarized with working conditions before employment, and if he agrees to work in a hazardous environment, he is entitled to appropriate additional payments.

Questions on the topic: Does a school cook in a rural area have benefits?

The specific size of the salary increase is set directly by the employer, making tax deductions from salary payments to the state budget. Along with bonuses, other benefits and compensation are provided - additional leave, early retirement, receiving milk, etc. Types of bonuses for harmfulness to cooks The main compensation method is a higher wage than for work under normal conditions.
The amount is determined by calculating the surcharge percentage, which is taken into account when calculating remunerations. All additional payments are designated by the employer in employment contract. Additional leave for hazardous working conditions Cooks have the right to claim the following types benefits for harmfulness:

  • Paid additional leave – for a period of at least 7 days (calendar), provided annually.

How is the salary of a cook in a kindergarten calculated?

A workplace assessment can determine the presence and extent of exposure harmful factors in the workplace, as well as establish the level of personal responsibility for the conditions for each employee. What indicators do members of the certification commission usually look at during the assessment:

  • Noise level;
  • Microclimate;
  • Providing workers with personal protective equipment;
  • The power of thermal radiation;
  • Level of electromagnetic fields;
  • Air temperature in work areas;
  • The presence of inventory or equipment that can injure employees, but is necessary for them to perform their job duties.

If certifying commission identified the presence of harmful factors in the workplace, they can be eliminated.

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  • Degree one: work can cause functional changes in the body, but the person has time to recover with long rest;
  • Degree two: work can cause persistent changes that appear after 15 years of work;
  • Degree three: due to persistent functional changes, an employee may develop persistent occupational diseases, even leading to temporary loss of ability to work;
  • Degree four: occupational diseases manifest themselves in severe form, the growth of chronic diseases increases, and the employee may completely lose his ability to work.

All factors that in one way or another affect the well-being of employees must be recognized as harmful, but this is only possible after workplace certification.
As for working as a cook, the following negative conditions are most relevant:

  • Excessive physical activity (this includes being “on your feet” for a long time);
  • Prolonged exposure to various vibrations (for example, those emitted by equipment);
  • High noise level;
  • Too high or vice versa – low air temperature, or its constant fluctuations;
  • Great labor intensity (physical, mental, nervous, etc.).

Thus, if there are one or more factors that have a negative impact on the health of workers, based on the results of the commission, the workplace of each of them should be assigned the appropriate hazard category.


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Question: My mother worked in kindergarten in rural areas 10 years. Does she have benefits when paying for housing and utilities? If so, which ones? Thank you. lawyer: Bobrova E.Yu. status: pending question: does a vocational training master working in rural areas have the right to enjoy utility benefits? lawyer: Vinogradov K.V. status: issue resolved Question: My mother worked as a rural teacher for more than 20 years. Currently he is a pensioner due to disability.

Please tell me whether she has the right to receive benefits for utility bills while living in the city, and if so, what? Thank you in advance. lawyer: Vinogradov K.V.


During this process, the necessary examinations are carried out, and the commission issues a conclusion, according to which the workplace is assigned a hazardous classification. Certification is not required only in one case: when a citizen is a self-employed person, or attracts workers for remote activities(at home). In all other cases, even if there is only one unit on staff and a small office is rented, certification must be carried out in mandatory.

What working conditions are considered hazardous by law? In addition to the above classification, which links persistent changes in the body of workers with their immediate professional activity, it is worth highlighting physical, chemical, biological and labor factors, according to which working conditions in the workplace can be considered harmful based on the results of certification.

According to the Labor Code of Russia, the place of work of any employee must not only be properly equipped and organized, but also safe. In the presence of irreparable harmful production factors the employee must be provided with additional payments and compensation. This applies to all work with increased danger.

In this article we will look at what benefits and guarantees are provided for harmful working conditions for cooks, how and exactly how they are presented:

  • what working conditions can be considered harmful;
  • whether the cook is entitled to benefits for hazardous working conditions;
  • assessment of working conditions for cooks.

What working conditions can be considered harmful?

Every person has the right to hazardous conditions labor. However, some types of work cannot be classified as safe.

In cases where exposure to hazardous substances or negative factors in the workplace is higher than the permissible standard, working conditions are considered harmful - and in such cases, employees have the right to claim certain types of compensation.

By group, such conditions can be classified as biological, chemical or physiological:

  • prolonged exposure to vibration;
  • high noise level;
  • increased or decreased temperature;
  • high labor intensity and so on.

Are chefs entitled to benefits for hazardous working conditions?

The profession of a cook belongs to the third class of hazards. This class was assigned due to uncomfortable microclimate parameters: often high humidity and temperature in the working area. In addition, the cook almost constantly works standing or is in motion, which leads to increased stress on the legs.

According to Article 117 in Section XLIII “ General professions all sectors of the national economy" List of workshops, industries, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day; work as a cook gives the right to receive additional days of vacation, increased wages and reduced working hours – no more than 36 hours.

In order to identify dangerous and harmful working conditions at a certain workplace and establish benefits provided by law for persons working in such places, the employer is obliged to carry out certification of workplaces for working conditions.

Moreover, if the certification revealed the presence of dangerous or harmful factors in the workplace, then based on the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 135-O, compensation should be established regardless of whether this type of work is included in the list of hazardous professions or not.

Assessment of working conditions for cooks

The specificity of a cook's work, in addition to difficult working conditions, also involves increased sanitary and hygienic requirements. For this, a workplace assessment is necessary, which will determine the complexity of the functions performed, the presence of harmful and dangerous factors, and the level of personal responsibility.

A special assessment of working conditions in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2010 should be carried out exclusively by those organizations that have received the appropriate accreditation.

When conducting special assessment the working conditions of the cook must be taken into account not only correct location inventory and equipment, but also rational organization of the workplace, compliance with safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards and equipment with protective equipment.

Particular attention should be paid to the following indicators:

  • microclimate;
  • noise level;
  • thermal radiation;
  • working area air;
  • level of electromagnetic fields.

Certification of a chef's workplace must also take into account the presence of inventory, equipment and tools in the work area that can lead to injuries.

If according to the results of the certification workplace cook is found to be harmful, the employer is obliged to take measures to eliminate the identified harmful factors and create safe working conditions. If it is impossible to create such conditions, the employee must be provided with compensation, additional payments and guarantees provided for by current legislative acts.

Attached files

  • Job description cooks (form).doc
  • Form No. 1-T (working conditions). Information on the state of working conditions and compensation for work with harmful and dangerous working conditions.xls
  • Job description of a cook taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “Cook” (form).doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Job description of a cook (sample).doc
  • Job description of a cook taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “Cook” (sample).doc

The profession of a cook combines work in a variety of establishments - from the kitchen of an expensive restaurant to a small kebab shop. Therefore, such workers may belong to different groups based on working conditions. In this article we will tell you what types of working conditions exist for a cook: in particular, in which cases we are talking about safe working conditions for a cook, and in which cases there are harmful working conditions for a cook. In addition, we will consider providing additional leave for harmful working conditions for the cook.

From this article you will learn:

  • what types of working conditions for a cook are distinguished depending on the nature of his work;
  • in what cases does work in this profession relate to safe working conditions for a cook;
  • in what cases does work in this profession relate to harmful working conditions for a cook;
  • Should additional leave be provided for cooks for harmful working conditions?

Types of working conditions for a cook

Workers involved in food preparation are united by the profession of a cook, which is characterized by a number of common features. So, in particular, in most cases it is carried out while standing and requires a fairly high level of physical activity in comparison, for example, with office work.

In addition, this activity is often associated with the presence of specific microclimate factors, including high levels of humidity, high temperature environment etc. However, in practice, the actual working conditions of cooks can vary significantly - from relatively harmless to posing a serious danger to the health of the employee.

Note! In order to determine the degree of their negative impact on the well-being and performance of a specialist, currently Our country has introduced a procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions. It is implemented in accordance with Federal law dated December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ “On special assessment of working conditions.”

Classes of working conditions

In total, this legal act identifies four classes of working conditions, and one of them is further subdivided into four subcategories depending on the degree of negative impact on the employee. In particular, we are talking about the following categories:

  • first class - the optimal type of working conditions under which harmful effects are almost completely absent;
  • second class - safe working conditions for a cook or pastry chef, in which the harmful effects are within the permitted limits. This class of working conditions is also called acceptable;
  • third class - harmful working conditions for the cook, in which the harmful effects go beyond the permitted limits;
  • fourth class - dangerous working conditions, in which there is a real risk not only to the health, but also to the life of the employee.

Taking into account the characteristics of the listed types of working conditions for a cook, most often they belong to either the second or third class. Presence high temperatures and humidity will not allow the working conditions of this category of employees to be considered optimal. However, in practice, they are rarely classified as dangerous, that is, having a potential threat to the life of a worker.

This means that, depending on the specific characteristics of the workplace, an employee's working conditions may be considered either safe or hazardous. The class of working conditions is established as a result of a procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions.

In particular, this procedure involves taking measurements of microclimate parameters and other characteristics of working conditions in the workplace, on the basis of which specialists authorized organization draw a conclusion about what class this workplace belongs to.

Safe working conditions for cooks

If the exposure to harmful production factors at the cook’s workplace does not exceed the permitted limits, during a special assessment of working conditions they may be recognized as safe or acceptable. This means that they belong to the second class of working conditions. In turn, such conditions do not require the employer to provide special benefits, guarantees and compensation to the employee. Identification of working conditions for compliance with the second class is carried out on the basis of measurements of physical, chemical and biological factors present in the workplace. Such measurements using special equipment are carried out by a licensed organization.

Including the levels of temperature, humidity, illumination, the presence of vibrations and other parameters are subject to measurement. Acceptable levels of presence of these indicators in the workplace should not exceed the hygiene standards established current legislation. In particular, the specific permitted limits of such parameters are defined in SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors in the workplace.”

Note! Levels of exposure to negative factors in this legal act calculated based on the standard working week of 40 hours. If a particular employee works in a different mode, the exposure levels allowed for him must be recalculated.

Safe working conditions for a cook, pastry chef or representative of another related profession are determined in practice based on an analysis of changes in the state of the worker’s body. If such changes caused by the impact of physical or other factors in the workplace do not require the use of special restorative measures, working conditions are considered acceptable. In this case, recovery should be completely completed by the end of the regulated rest time. It is also possible to complete the restoration by the beginning of the next work shift.

Harmful working conditions for cooks

If the actual parameters of working conditions at the cook's workplace do not fit within the framework established by hygienic standards, they will be considered harmful. At the same time, as a result of assessing the workplace of a cook or pastry chef, whose working conditions are identified as harmful, a conclusion can be drawn about its compliance with one of the following subclasses of working conditions:

  • subcategory 3.1 - harmful conditions of the first degree, in which the restoration of the normal state of the body does not have time to be completed before the start of the next work shift. This entails an increased risk of harm to health;
  • subcategory 3.2 - harmful conditions of the second degree, leading to initial or mild forms occupational diseases after prolonged exposure to relevant factors on the body of a cook or pastry chef whose working conditions are harmful. IN in this case we are talking about an exposure period of 15 years or more;
  • subcategory 3.3 - harmful conditions of the third degree, causing occupational diseases of mild or moderate severity, leading to the loss of the worker’s ability to work;
  • subcategory 3.4 - harmful conditions of the fourth degree, leading to the development of severe forms of occupational diseases and loss of the worker’s ability to work.

Additional leave for harmful working conditions of a cook

Harmful working conditions for a cook in 2017 entail the employer’s obligation to provide him with additional benefits and guarantees that are designed to compensate for the damage caused to the specialist’s health. In particular, one of these guarantees is the provision of additional leave for harmful working conditions for the cook.

The procedure for granting such leave is regulated by Art. 117 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This section of the regulatory legal act establishes that additional leave is granted to those employees whose working conditions are identified as harmful during the special assessment procedure.

Note! It must be remembered that hazardous conditions classified as subclass 3.1 do not provide the employee with such an opportunity. The right to additional leave is granted only to those whose working conditions belong to categories 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. Employees working in hazardous conditions have similar rights.

The employer has the right, at its discretion, to determine the duration of additional leave, stipulating it in the employment contract. In addition, when determining it, he is obliged to take into account the provisions of a collective agreement or intersectoral agreement, if any. However, in all cases, the duration of additional leave due to harmful working conditions for a cook or pastry chef cannot be less than 7 calendar days.

If the employee agrees, and this possibility is provided for by the relevant documents, the additional leave for the cook can be replaced with additional pay for hazardous working conditions. However, monetary compensation can only be paid for days of vacation exceeding the minimum seven-day duration.

In such a situation, it is necessary to issue an order to the cook for additional payment for harmful working conditions. Required condition in this case, it is the presence of the employee’s written consent to replace part of the additional leave provided to him with monetary compensation.

Thus, the presence or absence of harmful conditions in the cook’s workplace should be determined during the procedure for a special assessment of working conditions. In the event that the corresponding measurements reveal an excess of any parameters compared to the permitted standards for this species factors, the employee will receive the right to receive additional benefits and compensation.

In particular, he may be granted the right to additional leave. Moreover, if the employee agrees, such leave can be partially replaced by monetary compensation. However, it must be remembered that at least seven days of rest must be provided to him without fail. This period cannot be replaced by cash payments, as it is necessary for the full restoration of the employee’s health and ability to work.

Specialists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) conducted a comparative study to study the amount of harmful substances released during the thermal processing of foods different ways. The conclusions are disappointing: in some cases, the volume of carcinogenic and other “undesirable elements” turned out to be significantly higher than the usual level...

Including fruits and berries rich in carbon dioxide in the diet prevents the formation of the most common carcinogens in the body, which are formed from nitrates. A person needs 100-150 mg daily for it to fully exhibit its preventive properties. These standards were established not so long ago.

Vitamin E plays a critical role in cancer. It is found in unrefined vegetable oils, wheat germ and nuts. Vitamin E is usually preserved during cooking. It is destroyed only when fats become rancid under the influence of sun rays and air oxygen. This is why, by the way, it is not recommended to store vegetable oils in the light...

Of course, it is difficult to completely eliminate fried foods from your diet. However, if possible, this should be done - or at least try to minimize the risk of the formation of carcinogenic substances. Thus, experts recommend turning the product over more often during frying. If you do this every minute, then there will be 75-90% less carcinogens in them than in the same pieces turned over after 3-5 minutes. This is explained by the fact that “overheating zones” do not form on the surface of the prepared food.

If funds allow, you should use stainless steel cookware for cooking, in which you can cook without fat and at high pressure. The products are not boiled or fried, but rather steamed. This method is considered the most beneficial for health. True, not everyone likes the taste of cooked dishes.

Microwave ovens offer an additional alternative. High-frequency radiation does nothing to food except heat the water it contains, so no harmful substances are formed.

Finally, you should know that carcinogens are “afraid” of marinade. (This, by the way, is another argument in favor of more thorough marinating of the kebab - the marinade also kills germs).

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