Monetary support for EMERCOM employees per year. What does the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia consist of?

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These people do the most important thing - they save human lives, sometimes seriously risking their own. They want to imitate them from early childhood, constantly reflecting their dreams in children's drawings and school essays. The name of these people is rescuers or simply employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, heroes who often do not receive their reward. However, is everything so rosy for them, and what can you really count on when devoting your life to this business? Today we’ll talk about what kind of salary is paid to emergency service employees and what bonuses can be received during the service.

How are salaries determined in the department?

Before talking directly about the salary level in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to analyze some of the subtleties of its formation. First of all, it should be mentioned that the amount of money that emergency workers receive consists of three components. Among the latter are:

  1. Working salary.
  2. Salary for title.
  3. Additional allowances.

As for the first two factors, it makes no sense to dwell on them more generally, since they are, in principle, clear to everyone. Each of us knows what a “working salary” is. It may differ depending on several factors, in particular the region where the Emergencies Ministry employee works. As for the salary for the title, here, in principle, everything is clear too. It will be clear to anyone that the salary of a junior sergeant internal service will be lower than that of a lieutenant, and vice versa, a lieutenant will receive less than a colonel of the Armed Forces.

But let’s look at allowances in more detail. There is a whole list of conditions under which an employee’s salary can increase. In particular, these include:

  1. For special working conditions.
  2. For working with information that is a state secret.
  3. For achievements in work.
  4. All kinds of bonuses and incentives.
  5. For length of service and work experience.
  6. For working in conditions that pose a danger to the health or life of the employee.
  7. Regional premiums and coefficients.

With regard to point 6, this bonus includes the payment of an amount that is equal to the working salary, which actually means doubling it. In addition to the above additions, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are also guaranteed a full social package and other bonuses official employment, including taking into account work in hazardous conditions labor.

However, it should be taken into account that the concepts of “employee” and “employee” in this structure have certain differences. That is, in fact, in this article you are talking specifically about employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - about people who have certain special ranks in the fire service and are members of the rank and file or management of the department. At the same time, there is also a category of emergency workers, which includes people who do not have such privileges, i.e. ordinary civilians.

Salaries for civilian employees are paid in significantly smaller amounts than for persons who are directly on the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, they are not entitled to most of the bonuses that department employees receive. Therefore, if you have dreamed of serving in a fire department all your life, it is better to go there as an employee, not as an employee.

Salary levels by region

First of all, it should be mentioned that the working salary of structure employees in each region may differ significantly. Let's give average level funds earned by EMERCOM employees throughout the Russian Federation in 2019:

  • January – 16,500 rubles;
  • March – 15,000 rubles;
  • April – 29,000 rubles;
  • May – 23,000 rubles;
  • June-July – 25,000 rubles;
  • August – 24,000 rub.

As you can see, compared to January and March 2019, salaries in the structure have increased significantly; in fact, the average increase, as of August, was 7,500 rubles. The movement of wages is uneven, and in some places it may be a little more, in others a little less, but there have been no significant changes since the end of spring 2019.

The division of wage levels by region also says a lot. It is not surprising that the leader in this indicator remains the Moscow region, here average salary employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is at the level of 33,000 rubles. As for the regions that follow the ranking further, the division here looks approximately as follows:

  • Khabarovsk Territory – 25,000 rubles;
  • Krasnodar region – 23,000 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory – 18,500 rubles;
  • Stavropol Territory – 15,000 rubles;
  • Vladimir region – 14,000 rubles.

The picture will be incomplete if we do not provide a general picture of funds by city. Surprisingly, the highest salaries are not among the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who work in Moscow, but among the residents of Khabarovsk. At the same time, incomes in administrative centers practically do not differ from the average level throughout the region. Let's look at the rating below:

  • Khabarovsk – 25,000 rubles;
  • Sochi – 23,000 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk – 18,500 rubles;
  • Vladimir – 14,000 rubles.

As you can see, there is practically no difference between earnings in cities and regions. The only one locality Sochi, the level of income in which is not too different from Khabarovsk, became a diluted addition to this list. In general, it is the latter, together with the entire Khabarovsk Territory, that remains the most comfortable in financially for everyone who decided to connect their lives with saving people and putting out fires. In general, the level of income among Emergency Situations Ministry employees across the country remains quite low. However, starting next year the situation is promised to change significantly.

Last news

On March 27, 2019, a meeting of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was held, at which the possibility of increasing salaries for fire service employees was discussed. The current level of funds received, as the department promised, should become history. It was this that was called the biggest problem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations throughout the country.

Thus, it is planned to increase the amount of allowances, which should be 25%. A similar amount is planned as compensation payments. They plan to calculate them based on the number of local residents in a particular city or town. Search and rescue teams in various regions will also not be left out and will receive an incentive bonus of 15% of their salary.

And indeed, it is simply impossible to delay the increase in wages any longer. The main problem is that due to the low level of funding, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is becoming less and less attractive among young people, and the work of the structure actually lies on the shoulders of those people who are ready to work on their work enthusiasm alone. Attracting fresh personnel to the Ministry of Emergency Situations without offering them any conditions is simply ridiculous; the mere desire to work in our time will not get you far.

The plans of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for 2016 include the transfer of all its military units to contractual obligations, RIA Novosti reports. This transition will affect all departments 100%. What will happen to workers' rates? What will be the salary increase for Emergency Situations Ministry employees in 2016?, and should we expect this increase at all? We offer a detailed understanding of the processes taking place in this area and the department’s plans for the near future.

Over the past three to four years, a wave of optimization has covered the budgetary sector in all regions of the country. Spending optimization budget funds- the main task in difficult times. The first economic crisis of 2008 forced us to take the first steps to minimize budget expenses. The 2014 crisis plunged even analysts into some state of shock, and isn’t the implementation of previously planned measures to increase public sector incomes in jeopardy?

The speculation that there will be an increase in salaries for Ministry of Emergency Situations workers in 2016 has been known for a long time. Let us recall that, as part of the decree of the President of Russia of 2012, salaries of public sector employees should be increased, and the minimum increase by 2018 should be 1.5 times in relation to the salary of 2012. Optimizing the activities of departments is one of the measures taken to free up money for increase. Mainly, all optimization measures affect the personnel component, and at some points the material and technical base.

A set of measures is planned for the upcoming 2016 to change work in rescue structures. Optimization measures affected many budget areas in all Russian regions. Most importantly, these operations affect personnel issues. A number of measures are planned for the coming years to optimize rescue structures. Most likely, there will be reductions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016. We invite you to find out what this will look like and what the percentage of reduction in existing staff will be.

Official sources confirm that it will not be possible to avoid cuts. The Presidential decree on increasing the incomes of Russians has also not been canceled. In difficult times for the country's budget, the funds required for the planned increase in salaries are very tangible and serious expenses. Therefore, as before, money will be found in internal departmental reserves.

In November last 2014, the senior staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations presented a program that included detailed plan proposed optimization measures. It also includes measures to reduce staffing levels. The senior management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in November last 2014 presented details of planned measures that related to the reduction of the number of employees in the staff structure. The procedure will be large-scale and lengthy, but the program developers presented specific deadlines and digital equivalents of the released funds. Optimization of personnel processes will affect both law enforcement agencies and fire departments of the department. The funds released by staff reduction will be used to increase the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016.
The ministry had been discussing the procedure for carrying out optimization measures for quite some time, but it was last fall that all discussions were brought to a common denominator, and the document took on its final form and officially published status.

So, what awaits the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and when will the salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations be increased in 2016? In the current year 2015, the first major reduction is expected in the emergency department. It will mainly take place among rescue officers. The officer corps now makes up almost 10% of the total staff of the structure. This year it is planned to reduce the leadership of rescuers by a tenth. Fire department management and officers are expected to lose even more, 16.5% of the total. The planned reduction will continue, and in 2016 another half of the number of already reduced employees will be reduced in both services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If we compare it with other departments in our country, the same military, for example, then the structure of rescuers is far from the most numerous. The increase in wages for Ministry of Emergency Situations workers in Russia in 2016 will not place a heavy burden on the country’s budget, as, let’s assume, it was the case with social sphere- doctors, teachers. Their staffs contain many times more specialists who needed to increase their salaries.

It is now necessary to understand that it is practically impossible to give an exact figure for wage growth. It follows from the plan that average income rescuers will increase by 1.5 times by 2018. Most likely, the salary increase will occur after the first wave of layoffs. Do not forget that there will also be an annual indexation of salaries for 2016 by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Its size is usually equal to the inflation rate adopted in the country. Some experts believe that the inflation rate will be much higher than the planned 5-7%. Already at the beginning of 2015, this figure increased by 4.8%. And the deep economic crisis leaves virtually no chance of stabilizing interest rates.

Let's return to the reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016. Ordinary people know the rescuers and firefighters themselves in this structure. That is, workers who are “in plain sight.” But, in addition to them, the structure also contains senior officers and employees of related areas that support industries. These include technical employees, lawyers, financiers, programmers, and so on. Without them, the work of rescuers would not be organized properly.

Official sources of the department confirm that the average number of civilian personnel in recent 2013 was 17.2 thousand people. This is an indicator for all military rescue service units. It is planned that over two years of reduction of civilian personnel, their number will decrease by almost three thousand people. In the country as a whole, this is not the worst indicator. here

The officer corps will also be significantly reduced. Now the salary of an officer differs significantly from the salary of an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On specialized forums on the Internet, many write that Ministry of Emergency Situations salary for civilian employees in 2016 is very different from the salaries of management personnel. This is probably normal practice. But now approaches are changing, and salaries are increasingly formed according to the principle “as much as you do, as much as you get.” This is a smart business approach, and today state employees also use it to effectively spend budget funds.

The ministry's press secretary, Rossius Irina, announced that in addition to staff reductions in officer corps, the department will also experience a number of material losses. Unnecessary areas will be released and written off old technology and other events. This will also help free up budget money spent on utility bills for unnecessary space, repairs and consumable maintenance of old equipment.

Some personnel changes will also affect related areas. Some positions will be transferred from officer positions to civilian ones. For example, lawyers, medical personnel, accountants will work in institutions on civil service, that is, receive salaries from other funds.

Therefore, we can say that the increase in wages for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016, latest news what we told you about will take place. The released funds will be used specifically for this activity. It is still difficult to say the amount of funding. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations V. Puchkov states that the reduction should take place as planned, without incidents. Notifications will be sent to employees in accordance with current legislation. Rescuers and firefighters themselves should not expect such papers, says the department manager. On the contrary, he promises that the working units will be strengthened with equipment and equipment.

Promise a raise salaries of civilian employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016 difficult year. And now most of the employees are contract workers. Perhaps their income will also be increased, at least by the indexation percentage.

And finally, an interesting question - will there be a bonus for the Ministry of Emergency Situations Day in 2016 for employees? There is an order one-time bonus may be paid for Rescue Service Worker Day, but at the discretion of the employer. That is, if the funding situation is difficult or critical, the department’s management has the right to cancel all one-time bonuses dedicated to holidays. This also applies professional holiday, and bonuses for March 8th and Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Back in March 2015, the State Duma considered the issue of 2016, because experts predict that this year will be the beginning of something new for Russians and plan to fulfill all previously set tasks. The demand that the income of people working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations be increased was put forward by the head of the organization, Vladimir Puchkov, and should also apply to the personnel of rescue forces.

Vladimir Puchkov noted that increasing wages for the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a priority of his work, because he understands that it is simply impossible to live with dignity on 15 thousand rubles a month. And at the same time, he says that, most likely, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will face cuts next year, which could affect both the organization’s budget and the number of its workers. However, this issue is currently under consideration, so get more exact information It is currently impossible to know what will happen to the salary of an Emergencies Ministry employee.

According to independent statistics, one average employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations earns about 25-30 thousand rubles. The amount of wages depends on the danger of the work, the efficiency and quality of its performance, as well as job responsibilities every employee.

Each employee of this department performs his job, and at the same time he is responsible for all his actions, because the lives of other people or the safety of any objects directly depend on them. In the event that an unforeseen situation arises (when putting out a fire, for example), the worker may be brought before the court, therefore, increasing the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations workers needs to pay increased attention, because work where you need to risk your health simply cannot be cheap.

material payments for any awards.

What do we know about abbreviations? As part of the same presidential decree on increasing wages for public sector employees, there is information that the activities of all departments must be reorganized and optimized. Optimization makes it possible to free up budget funds, which can subsequently be used to increase the salaries of employees, and it has already affected a large number. During its implementation, it is planned to make a number of reductions, and the money that remains from the salaries of dismissed employees can be immediately invested in increasing the salaries of those who remain. Consequently, the question of whether there will be a reduction in the number of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016 can be answered in the affirmative. It is believed that it will affect mainly senior-level employees of the department, and the rank and file will not suffer from these innovations, and this is quite logical, because by dismissing one major deputy chief, you can increase the income of 5 ordinary employees.

However, practice shows that it is the most ordinary employees who will be the first to come under fire, and only then this wave can spread to higher structures. More precise information about magnification wage payments , the availability of benefits, reductions, and so on, can be found on the official website of the State Duma, all information on which is updated in connection with the constantly changing economic situation

in the country. Fresh news has arrived for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Russian Federation . Over the next two years, the Ministry of Emergency Situations system, as well as the structure’s salary fund, will be completely reorganized. This statement was made by the official press service of the ministry. Of course key changes will touch staffing

. There will probably be cuts in the ministry, but the question of how widespread they will be remains open. According to information from official sources, the management staff will undergo the greatest changes (reductions). In their place, new detachments of people will be recruited to directly go to places where emergencies occur. This process

When asked about changes in wages, press secretary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Irina Rossius said that an increase in the wage fund is not expected in connection with the reorganization of the system. The amount of funds for the work of the ministry will remain the same, but will be redistributed due to changes in personnel in various institutions. Of course, the reorganization of the system will lead to the formation of free funds, which will be used to proportionally increase wages for all employees of this structure. In addition, the salaries of Emergency Situations Ministry employees will be indexed, which, of course, will lead to an increase. However, this will not happen before 2016.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there is a large number of acts aimed at regulating indexing. The problem is that, due to a lack of money in the state budget, the activities of some of these acts had to be suspended. However, by 2016, according to official sources, some of the problems will be solved, which means the funds necessary for indexing the salaries of Emergency Situations Ministry employees will be freed up.

In general, analysts have optimistic forecasts regarding the salaries of domestic rescuers. There is also official information that the salaries of some employees government agencies(in particular police and civil servants federal service) will not be indexed. It is still impossible to say for sure how this will affect the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Most likely, their wages will not tolerate significant changes. However, this decision will be terminated at the end of this year, which gives reason for positive sentiment regarding the year 2016.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev approved a program for the gradual improvement of salaries in government agencies, which is planned to be fully implemented by 2018.

The Chairman of the Ministry of Finance said about this program that according to it, wages will be increased not only for employees in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also for firefighters. And the Minister of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, said that for employees of his department, in accordance with it, new conditions for calculating wages are provided. Based on parameters such as the category of the city where a particular employee serves, and what position he has, he will receive wages 60% more than he currently has.

The minister said that even now the junior staff earns 2.5 times more than before the time when this program was introduced. And the head of senior staff can count on an increase in pay by 1.5 times in the future. Officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations receive a salary of an average of 50,000 rubles per month. The agency plans to announce a more accurate salary amount soon. But one can already imagine that if an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now receives 60,000 rubles, then an increase in this amount of payment by 1.6 times will be quite significant. Based on the announced coefficients, it is possible to preliminarily calculate the average earnings of firefighters and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in all places in Russia.

Vladimir Puchkov added that Emergencies Ministry employees will receive especially high remuneration for performing difficult combat missions, that is, those that involve a risk to life. They are present in services such as fire departments, aviation, rescue services, divers and dog handlers. But he also said that simply increasing salary levels is not enough to fully motivate employees. It is better to start developing new methods of stimulation through training in related specialties. In other words, if an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations works additionally in a fire department or a special unit, he receives the right to additional payment. Below are eight criteria that qualify for the premiums.

Additional payments and allowances for an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

For special conditions of service, this also includes an allowance for working with funds personal protection respiratory organs;
for working with information containing state secrets;
for special achievements in service;
incentive payments or bonuses;
length of service or length of service;
for class qualifications;
regional increasing coefficients;
for performing tasks involving risks to health and life and increased danger.

Moreover, for activities in which an employee faces a risk to his life, he receives an increase equal to his monthly salary.

With the help of bonuses, the state seeks to motivate employees in the Ministry of Emergency Situations to improve their professionalism and quality of work. Plus, the premiums further guarantee them social protection. It is also possible to achieve an increase in the efficiency of the work of rescuers when they provide assistance to citizens. Because when a specialist is competent in various fields, then he will be able to perform tasks comprehensively.

It should be added that this year bonuses have been introduced for firefighters at the highest level, which will be given for such work as participation in extinguishing fires of the third category of complexity or more, as well as for eliminating fires in large cities.

If we consider the earnings of EMERCOM employees by region of the Russian Federation, it turns out that those who, for example, work in the Moscow region receive almost 26,000 rubles, in the Kirov region - 10,000, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 30,000 rubles, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 17,500.

Since the beginning of 2014, along with an increase in the minimum wage, the earnings of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have increased by 5.5%.

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