What is a leaflet? Leaflet

Other 08.11.2020


Leaflets have been used since ancient times, at first as a means of disseminating information, usually political or other socially significant: religious, military, etc. They were used at one time to disseminate official government orders.

Despite the fact that the first forms of leaflets (“sworn letters” and “charming letters”) also existed in handwritten form, leaflets as a mass phenomenon appeared soon after the invention of printing and as the population’s literacy grew. Initially, it was in this form that government orders were issued. But already during the Peasant War in Germany in 1524-1526. propaganda leaflets were distributed (see, for example, the case of leaflets).

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    Characteristics Length 10 km Basin Barents Sea Basin of the Pechora rivers Watercourse Estuary Ilych Location 2 ... Wikipedia Proclamation; anonymous letter (obsolete) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. leaflet noun, number of synonyms: 10 ...

    Synonym dictionary FLYER, leaflets, women. (colloquial). A small brochure or printed leaflet, preferably. topical political content. Propaganda leaflet. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ...

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    A printed (less often handwritten) leaflet with text (image) of a political or informational propaganda nature... A dry, single-locular, multi-seeded fruit of plants (in many buttercups, magnolias, etc.), dehiscing along the seam to which the seeds are attached. Resembles a sheet folded in half (hence the name)…

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary LEAFTER, botanically, a dry multi-seeded fruit that, when ripe, opens at a suture on one side to release the seeds (as opposed to a pod, which separates on both sides). The seeds are located along the seam, less often along the entire surface... ... Scientific and technical

    encyclopedic Dictionary FLYER, and, women. A printed or handwritten sheet of topical propaganda, political or informational content. Scattering and posting leaflets. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

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    leaflet- (Ndp. sheet, sheet). Sheet edition from 1 to 4 pages.

A leaflet is a small sheet of paper containing various types of information (usually advertising) in the form of text and images printed on it. Today this is one of the most popular types of advertising printing, widely used in promotions, advertising campaigns, presentations, etc.

If a person is faced with the need to create and print leaflets for the first time, certain difficulties and doubts may arise in order to decide what it should be. To make it easier to decide, you need to know what types of leaflets exist and what is unique about each of them. Let's take a closer look at the features and distinctive characteristics of each of them. So, in modern printing distinguish such varieties leaflets:

  • informational
  • image
  • flyers and business cards
  • leaflets

Types of leaflets

1. Information leaflet

Such leaflets are used for the purpose alerts target audience about the opening of a new branch of a well-known company in the city, a new product in the company’s product range, promotions, etc. In order for such leaflets to bring maximum benefit, they must not only be distributed in the right places(where there is a cluster of potential target audience), but also do them in the right way design. So the main information you want to convey should be printed in a larger font with a different color fill that differs from the rest of the text.

2. Image leaflet

They are used for presentations the new company as a whole. You need to indicate on it such information as the name of the company, the main directions of its activities, goals and objectives, advantages. Don’t forget about the contact information for potential client can find her. Design image Leaflets must correspond to the corporate style of the company.

3. Business card flyer

Such a leaflet provides slightly expanded opportunities for presenting yourself than a regular one. business card, since compared to the latter, the business card leaflet has a larger area. The company name, contact information, and field of activity are indicated on such a leaflet, as on a regular business card. The background of such an enlarged business card can be a photo of your team in work environment, assortment, etc.

4. Invitation leaflet

Distributed with the purpose, in fact, invite potential client for a presentation, meeting with company representatives, product exhibition, etc. Any company sometimes holds various events for its clients; the reason for this can be any. Such a leaflet must contain the name of the company that invites you, a description of the event and what will happen at it, address and other contact information.

5. Reminder leaflet

It is designed to remind the client about an upcoming event in the life of the company to which he is invited. Can also be used as a kind of " passes» to the event. Here you must indicate the date, time, place, name of the event, its short description. The client will appreciate the care taken if, among other things, such a leaflet includes, for example, directions to the address where the event will take place.

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A leaflet is an information sheet with text content, usually of an advertising nature. It is developed by designers, looks stylish and bright. Nowadays beautifully designed printing products very popular for advertising campaigns, presentations and promotions. Today, various types of leaflets are produced. Let's look at them in the article.

Nowadays, it is difficult to meet a person who does not know what a leaflet is. But looking into the past, you can understand that this was not always the case. The first copies were printed secretly and used in politics. With their help, a massive impact on society was carried out. A striking example is revolutionary leaflets. For their release one could be sent into exile. They began to be used everywhere with the invention of printing in the 16th century.

Leaflets are used in conjunction with other advertising tools - lightboxes (illuminated boxes), billboards, etc. A well-thought-out advertising campaign, stylish design, and competent text are a powerful lever for attracting customers and increasing sales.

The leaflets shown in the image are used to notify potential customers about the opening of a store or branch. They also tell you about promotions and new interesting products. Most likely, you have come across advertising in your life. furniture store or supermarket promotions offered on this kind of flyer.

In order for a marketing tool to provide the expected result, the leaflet must bring a return: be useful to the client. It should state the reason why a possible buyer would want to keep it. Key information is highlighted in large bold font with a different color from other text. Such “advertisements” are distributed in crowded places where the likelihood of meeting a potential customer is quite high.

  • Advertising type of information leaflet.

The most common type of leaflet. Used to promote services or products. The second name is marketing. Such leaflets are created in electronic and printed form. The first is sent out en masse to customers who have already used the company’s services, the second is distributed free of charge in crowded places. The goal is to attract as many customers as possible.

Important! Information should be arranged naturally and be easy to understand. The background should not dazzle your eyes. If you use bright colors, their quantity should be minimal.

  • Personal type of information leaflet.

Flyers that help people with common interests strengthen their relationships. In everyday life, this option can be found among club members. For example, a kennel club distributes information about an upcoming seminar. The flyer is free for the consumer, but there is an exception: some companies only send flyers to participants in paid programs. This is a kind of privilege for contributions.

Employees in offices or club members change very often, which means the content of the leaflet must be adjusted. To make it easier to make edits, ask your designer to create a template, and in the future it will be very convenient to update the information on the advertising medium. If the flyer is intended for a large audience, stick to corporate identity and design. Then your handwriting will always be recognizable.

  • Expert type of information leaflet.

Targeted at a specific person who has made a request for a product or service. Typically, such people are subscribed to company news and are ready to purchase goods. Therefore, all that remains is to wrap it in beautiful packaging for successful sale. Well-written selling text and stylish design will help you with this.

Why is it important? The modern client is used to paying for content, and if your flyer doesn’t look good or has primitive text that you don’t want to read, you’re unlikely to get paid for your product. Design programs today are equipped with a range of tools for creating creative flyers. You can choose a layout, a stylish background image, an interesting font and decorate it with a suitable color. Do not forget that all components must fit harmoniously and be combined with each other.

Do not fill the leaflet with a large amount of text - it will simply not be read to the end. Lighten the design, use a minimum of words that maximally reflect information about the product. The text should convey the need for your product and the benefits it has for the client.

The subscription flyer is usually longer than the marketing flyer. Therefore, its navigation should be convenient. It is recommended to include page numbers and include hyperlinks.

If the image on the flyer plays an important role, pay attention to the printing paper and the means used to create it. They shouldn't ruin the photo. Also determine the target audience. advertising tool. For example, simpler drawings can be made for schoolchildren, but if the information is intended for professionals - designers, photographers - quality will play a decisive role.

Sometimes there are leaflets containing a mix of the presented types.

Leaflets differ from each other not according to appearance as it seems at first glance. The division occurs according to the method of distribution and main functions.

  • Flyers accompanying the product. They are used as an additional investment in the purchased product. Aimed at target audience. Inform the buyer about promotions, discounts, events. Equipment stores often use this option. They promise the client a bonus or discount for next purchase. This coupon is beneficial to the consumer and will be saved.

  • Leaflets for presentation. The least rarely thrown flyer! With its help, the company promises a bonus to a potential client. Benefits always attract people, and a person will probably keep the treasured piece of paper with which he can get a discount. Such leaflets are most often used by bars, cafes, and restaurants to attract more visitors.
  • Invitation leaflets. They notify about an upcoming event and are an excellent tool for advertising meetings - seminars, football matches, etc. They have an attractive design and a catchy slogan. Such leaflets are distributed in cafes, nightclubs, parks, restaurants and other places where the target audience gathers. The advantage is attracting several clients: there is a high probability that a person will invite family or friends with him to the concert.

  • Adhesive flyers and advertisements. An effective marketing tool, often found on advertising stands, porches, pillars and other places where it can be placed. There is perhaps only one downside: their placement must be agreed upon with the owner of the site or with municipal authorities.

  • Leaflets for mass distribution. A very popular type of printed products. They are usually handed out by promoters in public places.

  • Image leaflet.

It is used by companies that have just entered the market to attract attention and form a positive attitude towards the organization. The purpose of a leaflet is not to increase profits, but to create a favorable image in the mind of a potential client. Such products contain information about the company’s activities, its goals and objectives, advantages over competitors, as well as the name and sometimes logo. At the end, contact information is indicated: address, website, phone number - everything that is necessary for communication. The leaflet is executed in corporate style in a single color scheme.

  • Business card flyer.

In simple terms, this is the same business card only bigger size. It increases the possibilities for self-presentation due to its space. It indicates the company name, contact information, and field of activity. For the background, they often use either images of working employees or the offered assortment. The options may be different, the main thing is to clearly convey the meaning.

  • Invitation leaflet.

Its task is to invite a potential buyer to a presentation, a meeting with company representatives, a product exhibition, etc. Companies that work with their audience quite often organize various kinds of events. This leaflet contains information: company name, event plan, address, contacts.

  • Leaflet-reminder.

A small reminder for the client informing about the invitation to upcoming event in company. Can serve as a ticket to an event. Such a leaflet must indicate the date and time, place, reason for the meeting and its description. If there are additional requirements, for example, a dress code, this must also be included in the information block. You can indicate the route to the event site. With the help of this flyer, the organization takes care of its client, showing his importance and involvement in her life.

  • The colorfulness of the leaflet.

The number of inks that will be used when printing an image is indicated by numbers. In printing, a combination of CMYK is used. One means the picture is black and white. Four – four colors are used when printing.

  • 4 + 4 (the image is applied to both sides);
  • 4 + 1 (on one side there is a color drawing, on the other there is black text on a white background);
  • 4 + 0 (color printing on one side of the sheet only);
  • 1 + 1 (black and white image on both sides);
  • 1 + 0 (one side is black and white, the other is blank).

  • Leaflet format.

In the classification of leaflet formats by ISO standard 216 the following are distinguished:

  • A3 – 297x420 mm.
  • A4 – 210x297 mm.
  • A5 – 148x210 mm.
  • A6 – 148x105 mm.
  • A7 – 74x105 mm.
  • Euro – 210x98 mm.

Leaflets A7. If you want a small flyer, this format is simply ultra-compact. Such a leaflet is limited in area and will only accommodate Commercial offer. To print a small flyer, you will need a professional because you need to place it in a limited space. important information, and also make a design that is attractive to the audience. This option is ordered very rarely.

Leaflets A6. The most widely used format. Allows you to compactly place the necessary information. Convenient to transfer from hand to hand: the client puts the flyer in his pocket or bag, leaves it as a bookmark. It is used to advertise a product at the first meeting with a potential consumer, can offer a bonus or discount upon purchase, and also inform about upcoming promotions. This great way increase sales volume.

A5 leaflets. Like A6, they are widely in demand in advertising, allowing them to place more information on themselves for the client. The size corresponds to half an A4 sheet. This is an advantageous format since both sides can be used for printing. A customer who receives more useful information about your product will likely want to take advantage of the offer. You can whet his desire with a special bonus. If you are planning an advertising campaign in the near future, we recommend choosing this size for your future flyer.

A4 leaflets. Some companies prefer A4 leaflets. Larger sizes will be perceived as a poster, and the meaning of the flyer will be lost, which means the effectiveness will also be lost. Initially, the purpose of the leaflet is to be easy to use. It is unlikely that your client will be happy to roll up the advertising product, like whatman paper, under his arm and walk with it for a long time on business.

A good leaflet should fit compactly in your purse or pocket. If you choose the A4 format, then the size will not constrain you and will allow you to freely place information about benefits, bonuses and services. But! Stop at this size only when an explanation of your service is urgently needed. Most printing on A4 is done single-sided. Medium density paper is used so as not to weigh down the product.

Euro. Euro is a booklet the size of 1/3 of an A4 page. It fits perfectly in envelopes for mailing list. Such leaflets are used as invitations to seminars, conferences, concerts, exhibitions and other events. The Euroflyer fits comfortably in your purse or pocket.

Square. In digital printing, the sizes 140x140 mm, 148x148 mm and 210x210 mm are widely used. Leaflets are compact, convenient for sending by mail, public distribution during advertising campaigns.

Paper density. Flyers are printed on paper of different weights, usually from 90 to 300 g. We will indicate the options for your convenience:

  • 80 g/m2, offset is the most economical and widely used paper for leaflets. We work with it every day in the office or print the necessary files on a home printer. It can easily be found on sale in packs of 500–1000 sheets.
  • From 90 to 115 g/m2, coated paper - for those who want bright handouts. No less popular in production. Every day on the streets or in shopping centers We are given leaflets printed based on it.
  • 170 g/m2, coated glossy - paper characterized by rigidity. Desk calendars, heavy pages expensive magazines printed on it.

The flyer should attract the buyer's attention. To do this you need:

  • Indicate the sentence in a font that is accessible to a quick glance. A person should immediately understand what we are talking about.
  • Write useful text with a minimum number of words. The client can dive deeply into the topic on your website, advertising page on the Internet, or by talking with the operator. Leaflet - quick advertising!
  • Place the most “juicy” information to attract maximum attention. The text size should be the second largest font.
  • Sentences should be written simply, but in an affirmative manner. Write in accessible language. Information should be taken calmly.
  • Avoid denial. The particle “not” gives the text a negative note and slows down the process of perception. This is already psychology.
  • Reduce the text size, but keep the font style the same. If it doesn’t work, work with the information and reduce it.
  • Each leaflet should have value. This is necessary so that your money spent on printing it does not end up in the very first trash can. The person who received the advertising tool should know that on the beautiful “leaf” there is profitable proposition, which means it needs to be saved.

The format is determined depending on the method of distribution. For example, a leaflet that is distributed to mailboxes should be different in size from a flyer that is handed to people.

The effect obtained as a result of carrying out depends on the size of the leaflet. advertising campaign.

Protect yourself from mistakes! Consider the most common ones and avoid them:

  • Eliminate the conjunction "if". It provokes thought, triggers an analysis of the situation, and a person may make a choice that is not in your favor, putting the purchase aside, and then completely forgetting about it.
  • Don't write lies! Fantastic prospects that you cannot provide in reality will negatively affect your image.
  • When printing promotional material, pay attention to color scheme leaflets: bright and flashy colors, decorative fonts, non-standard pictures are perceived worse and distract the reader from the essence.
  • A flyer is created to attract recipients. Discard unimportant points.
  • Do not use complex terms, do not describe technology, and do not use beautiful foreign words that have become very fashionable. The text must be accessible, written in simple words, native language.
  • Under no circumstances should you point out to the reader his problems and shortcomings - low income, extra pounds, lack of success and other negative aspects.
  • Don't teach how to live. There is no need to give advice - there are enough people in everyone's life who do this for you. Don't cause a negative reaction. You should solve problems, not create!

Digital printing is a common, but not everyone understands, term. It refers to a product printed digitally, that is, a printer that transfers an image from an electronic file to paper.

When you need this technology:

  • If the circulation of the advertising publication is small.
  • If your goal is savings. Money for printing leaflets, booklets and other types of printing will be spent wisely. With a small quantity, the price of the product will be lower than with offset production, since there is no pre-press preparation.

Digital printing has earned the name rush because a small print run can be produced in one day.

Using this technology, you can make adjustments to the layout during production: change color, information, correct errors. These actions are not possible in offset printing. By writing the word “milk” with an “a”, you will get all instances with this error. Therefore, the advantage is on the side of digital printing.

This is a simple and cheap option. It is used when you need to prepare leaflets in a short time good quality. Printing time is reduced due to direct ink application, i.e. there is no need to pre-prepare printing plates.

Is the flyer designed and does not need to be processed? Feel free to send it to print. You will get the result almost immediately.

The point of printing leaflets is to transfer an electronic image from a computer monitor to a printing machine, which will independently produce it and give you the first results within a few minutes. The digital method is used only for small circulations of leaflets. A significant volume on a conventional printer will be unprofitable and require a significant investment of time.

pros digital printing:

  • Speed ​​of execution.
  • Image clarity.
  • The printed drawing does not deteriorate.
  • Large selection of paper and film for printing.
  • Quite low price for one printed copy.


  • You cannot print photographs as they will be of poor quality.
  • When the device operates, gases harmful to the body are released - ozone and carbon monoxide.

If you need to produce a large circulation of leaflets, use the offset method. When produced on an offset press, you will receive images excellent quality behind a short time. This technique supports all the necessary color schemes and is capable of printing on any paper. Compared to digital printing large quantity offset material is more economical.

We can say with confidence that this is the leading method for large circulations!

To print a color image, the picture is sorted into colors and then produced for each printed form– a plate with a relief pattern.

There are two ways to prepare plates:

  • 1. Traditional photo offset. A metal plate is exposed through a photoform on special device(copy frame), and then appears.
  • 2. Digital offset. The most popular today. There are no additional devices used here. A computer controls the transfer of the image directly onto the material through direct exposure or engraving.

A flexible printing form is placed on a cylinder, then a set of rollers washes it with water, and it also applies paint. Under pressure, the paint falls on a rubber offset roller, and is copied from it onto paper.

Multicolor machines have become widespread. They have a set of shafts (sections) and allow printing in several colors. The paper passes through them sequentially and the image is controlled special system. If the machine has fewer sections than necessary for printing, it is run several times, changing colors.


  • High quality and speed of printing.
  • Wide range of papers available for use.
  • You can use mixed and metallized paints.
  • Low price for large circulations.


  • Need preparation before launch printing machines: color proofing, making molds, etc., so printing small quantities is not profitable.
  • Adjustment and rolling are required, which also affect the cost.
  • Impossibility of personification and numbering.

Digital duplicator is a printing device that uses the screen printing. Sometimes it is called “risograph” after the name of the manufacturing company Riso.

A duplicator is used when printing a small number of products. The device does not have the power of a good offset press, but it is many times better than conventional printers. The middle link between the two options. A risograph can produce black and white or color images, but then the sheets will need to be run through the machine’s drums several times. Despite the limitations in inks, the print quality is high.

Leaflets created using a duplicator do not have an addressee. They are presented by a price list, brochure, manual, promotional offer, etc. They are distributed by mass distribution and mailing.

For such printing, A3 and A4 formats are used. Often similar look products are ordered government agencies, universities, colleges, industrial enterprises and advertising agencies.

The most popular remains the good old method of simply distributing leaflets to passers-by on the street. The main thing here is to correctly designate the location of the activity. To implement the tasks, you need to choose an area with high traffic and a concentration of the target audience. You shouldn’t hand out flyers to people on the subway if they inform you about a promotion for a brand new convertible. Street distribution involves the sale of affordable goods.

You can often see a flyer being handed to every person passing by. This is wrong; most of these leaflets will end up in the trash. To prevent this from happening, think over a slogan that a potential client will respond to. Once you get your attention, hand over the flyer. Place promotional offers on a table or stand. Make them accessible so that a passerby can take them themselves.

Do not forget about the professionalism of the promoter in such distribution. The person advertising the product should smile - this has a positive effect on perception and the desire to make contact. You cannot “throw yourself” at every passerby; sudden movements are not permissible. The presentation of the flyer takes place calmly and in an amicable manner. There should be a feeling of good advice.

Psychologists say that if advertising campaign is aimed at men, you need to hand the leaflet with your right hand - they subconsciously perceive this gesture as a handshake. Women, on the contrary, are handed the flyer with their left hand, as if hiding an important detail. Such a maneuver will awaken curiosity in the fair sex. After handing over the leaflet, the hand is calmly removed and the company slogan and gratitude are pronounced.

The second most popular method is contactless distribution. Most likely, everyone has found this kind of advertising in their mailbox or on the window of their car. The disadvantage of this method is that the company does not know exactly how this type promotion will affect sales.

The third method hits the mark. His principle is to distribute leaflets in retail outlets so that they catch the eye. For example, advertising a cough remedy would be appropriate in medical institutions or pharmacy points. This offer becomes interesting only to people who need your product, which means replenishment client base you are guaranteed.

Typically, this method is used for long-term promotions, since leaflets will not be sold in a short time.

In conclusion, I would like to say: when determining locations for an advertising campaign, do not forget about your office! Most likely, existing customers will be interested in taking advantage of your promotion.

In contact with

- (folliculus), a dry multi-seeded fruit formed from a single carpel and dehiscent at the suture. The seeds are located along the seam, less often along the entire surface of the carpel (susak). L. are rare (larkspur), multileaf is more common. Biological encyclopedic dictionary

  • leaflet - noun, number of synonyms: 10 propaganda leaflet 1 vodka 162 leaflet 1 leaflet 21 fruit 71 anonymous letter 1 proclamation 3 flyer 6 flyers 5 express leaflet 1 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • leaflet - spelling leaflet, -i, r. pl. -wok Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • leaflet - leaflet I 1. A printed or handwritten leaflet with political or propaganda content. 2. Printed advertising or informational content in the form of a small sheet of paper. II local Vodka infused with blackcurrant leaves. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • leaflet - LIST’OVKA, leaflets, female. (colloquial). A small brochure or printed leaflet, preferably. topical political content. Propaganda leaflet. FLYER, leaflets, women. (colloquial). A small brochure or printed leaflet, preferably. topical political content. Propaganda leaflet. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ...
  • leaflet - -i, gen. pl. -vok, dat. -vkam, w. A printed, handwritten, etc. sheet of propaganda, political or informational nature. May Day leaflet. Propaganda leaflet. □ There was a printing house, newspapers, leaflets, and proclamations were produced. N. Ostrovsky, How the steel was tempered. Small academic dictionary
  • leaflet - Sheet/ovk/a. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • LEAFTER - LEAFTER, in botany, a dry multi-seeded fruit that, after ripening, opens along a seam on one side to release the seeds (as opposed to a pod, which diverges on both sides). The seeds are located along the seam, less often - along the entire surface of the fruit. Scientific and technical dictionary
  • leaflet - I leaflet "Old Believer rosary", see leaflet. II leaflet I. “tincture of berries, vodka and currant leaves” (Melnikov). From leaf. III leaflet Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • LEAFTER - LEAFTER - dry single-locular multi-seeded fruit of plants (in many buttercups, magnolias, etc.) - dehiscing along the seam to which the seeds are attached. It resembles a sheet folded in half (hence the name). Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • leaflet - A dry multi-seeded fruit formed from a single carpel and dehiscing along the seam along which the seeds are located. Multileaflets are more common. Biology. Modern encyclopedia
  • leaflet - Leaflet, leaflets, leaflets, leaflets, leaflet, leaflets, leaflet, leaflets, leaflet, leaflet, leaflets, leaflet, leaflets Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • leaflet - LEAFTER -i; pl. genus. -vok, dat. -vkam; and. Printed, handwritten, etc. a leaflet of a propaganda, political or informational nature. Pervomaiskaya l. Propaganda l. Issue leaflets. Distribution of leaflets. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • It remains the most efficient type of advertising, and a leaflet is the simplest and cheapest way to convey information to the consumer. This is a universal method used by product manufacturers and merchants: from individual entrepreneurs to corporations. According to the tasks of the media and design features, types are distinguished advertising leaflets.

    Materials for leaflets and printing methods

    Most often, printing leaflets involves a large circulation, designed for distribution on the streets, in shopping centers, stores - places of high traffic. Paper used for production:

    Printing houses use two methods for creating paper advertising media.

    1. Digital leaflet printing is suitable for print runs of up to 500 copies. Allows you to obtain the required amount of advertising media quickly and with excellent quality. In addition, the digital method is relevant before launching a large circulation - like the production of a trial, pilot batch.
    2. Offset printing of leaflets is more profitable if more than 500 copies are required. With this method, the larger the circulation, the less cost printing unit.

    Leaflet formats

    The most common formats are A5 and A6, less often A4. The Euro size (100x200 mm) has become widespread. The choice depends on the amount of information that needs to be placed on the advertising medium. Many printing houses meet customers halfway by fulfilling orders for non-standard format products. Flyers with information about a specific event or product are very popular; the usual size is 98x210 mm, but A7 format (74x105 mm) is often used for their production.

    Flyer design

    Considering what types of leaflets there are, we will highlight the following by design:

    • black and white and color;
    • with pictures and exclusively text;
    • two- and one-sided;
    • full color and monochrome (much cheaper, but attract less attention).
    • understandable;
    • short;
    • memorable.

    Long text on a flyer, printed in small font, no one will study. Therefore, they use only simple sentences and short lists (for example, with the advantages of a product or service).

    Information is arranged so that it is convenient to read: it should be visually perceived naturally. The main message is in the upper left part, followed by its details. A slogan, especially a rhyming one, is remembered better, so it can be successfully used as a headline (in large font). The text must be separated from the image.

    Bright colors are welcome, but there should not be a lot of them: a colorful leaflet is not readable, it is not functional.

    The types of leaflets may be different, but they must contain Contact Information, address, directions. Otherwise, even if the buyer is interested in the offer, he will not find the product or service.

    There is a little trick: back side you can place a calendar for the current year, a metro map, etc. useful information. Most likely, a person will save such a flyer and sooner or later read it carefully.

    You can develop the flyer layout yourself or entrust it to professionals. What the color scheme will look like is explained to the client using Pantone - a catalog that is developed taking into account printing conditions, including the characteristics of the materials from which the products are made. Before printing an edition, the printing house agrees on the final version with the customer.

    Types of leaflets by functionality

    Black and white leaflets

    1. providing information about the company (company, enterprise, branch);
    2. product advertising;
    3. service offer;
    4. invitation to an event, promotion;
    5. information about goods.

    The first function is performed by image leaflets. They are used at significant events and produced in small quantities.

    The second and third are massive. They are distributed and thrown into mailboxes. The goal of this type of leaflet is to reach the largest possible audience. When distributing, it is worth considering the target audience. For example, older people should not be offered advertisements for a sushi bar, and students should not be offered advertisements for expensive bed linen.

    They cope with the fourth function perfectly. Small leaves are made in the form of invitations and discount coupons. Their main condition successful work- true information. If a discount is given for a specific model, but it is said that it is for the entire range, the advertisement will not cause anything but negative emotions in a potential buyer.

    Leaflets of the fifth type characterize goods and services. These media are the cheapest and most informative, most often black and white.

    Types of leaflets overlap: by talking about goods, services and events, mass leaflets create the company’s image, and information is provided in one way or another by all types of advertising media - without this, any type of leaflet is meaningless.

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