What can you make a paper whale? Master class “Blue whale using origami technique”

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The origami whale is a very simple model for children aged 5 years and older. It can be made from any paper, even from an ordinary white sheet. We used double-sided origami paper with designs printed on it. At the same time, the figurine turns out to be very decorative. But it also has its drawbacks - it is difficult to draw details - eyes and mouth. They are simply not visible. We solved this issue by gluing the white parts and drawing everything on them. But if you make a whale from ordinary paper. Then such tricks will not be required.
Before you start, talk to your children about whales. Tell them that whales are not fish at all, although they are very similar to them. These animals are mammals. Like, for example, a fox, a wolf or a hare. Or ourselves. Read poems about whales. For example, B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Whale and the Cat” or this educational quatrain:

There is no whale bigger than the beast, you can hardly find one bigger.
For many years no one has been able to surpass the whale in size.
A huge giant lives in the seas far from the earth
It eats plankton in the depths and ships sail above.
Only sometimes it floats to the top to get some fresh air.
A fountain of water will shoot upward and the path will continue again.

Master class on making an origami whale with children over 5 years old

First, fold the square of paper diagonally and unfold it - mark the middle line.

Fold the two sides of the square to the intended center line. Get it.

Bend the top corner down.

Now fold the figure in half lengthwise.

Let's bend the whale's tail. For kids, you can finish the job here and immediately move on to decorating the whale.

You can continue working with children who are already a little familiar with origami. We will “turn out” the tail along the intended fold.

Now we will cut the tail with scissors and separate its halves in different directions.

The origami whale is ready. All that remains is to draw the eyes and mouth.

Who swims across a huge ocean, feeds on plankton, releases a fountain of water from a hole on its back and inspires fear in everyone with its enormous size? Ask your child about this. Even kindergarten kids will tell you that these are whales - mammals that live in the water. Exactly for children preschool age And this master class is intended to tell you about... Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that figures of animals and birds are made on paper in the form of colored appliqué. But here a fundamentally different method is shown - the whale turns out to be three-dimensional, and is made from a strip of cardboard. There is nothing complicated, but this kind of work needs to be thought through.

What is needed to model a three-dimensional whale craft from paper:

  • thick blue cardboard;
  • thin paper in blue and white colors;
  • a simple and black pencil (or only black) with scissors and a ruler;
  • glue.

How to make a paper whale with your own hands?

A voluminous paper whale is a very simple craft that will be understandable to children. It will be based on a regular ring made of blue cardboard. It is only advisable to choose thick paper that will hold its shape well. All other tools are needed for marking and cutting out parts.

Using a ruler and pencil, cut out the main strip from blue cardstock. The length of the strip can correspond to the width of an A4 sheet. Measure 3-4 cm in width (the wider the strip, the wider the body and muzzle of the whale). First, make a marking with a pencil (straight line). Then cut. Make cuts at the ends of the strip (one on each side). Place the cuts mirror image from each other. Do not reach the end of the paper by 1-1.5 cm so that the ring holds tightly.

The cuts will allow you to fasten the strip into a teardrop ring. Insert one cut into the second, folding the paper. This will be a figurine resembling the head, torso and tail of a large whale.

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Make eyes and a wide mouth. Cut out two small circles and white stripe. It is better to draw the pupils with a black pencil or felt-tip pen, since cutting out such small black details from paper is quite troublesome. There are also sets of plastic eyes with moving pupils on sale - this option is even more suitable. Draw vertical stripes on the strip using a black pencil under a ruler.

Glue the mouth and eyes to the front of the muzzle.

If you are using single-sided cardstock, you can glue a tail to the back to hide the back gray side of the paper.

Cut out a cross-shaped piece from soft blue paper. Cut along each side, but do not reach the middle - there should be a square in the center.

More paper crafts:

Curl the strips with scissors to form a fountain. Raise the water jets upward. Glue it on the back.

A do-it-yourself paper whale is ready. This sea ​​creature, which will add to the collection of children's exotic exhibits. You can also take the whale to kindergarten so that it can become an object to copy in creative classes.

Paper fish are modeled using the same principle, only they don’t need a fountain, it will need to be replaced with fins.

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Tatiana Getmanskaya

He sleeps rocking on the waves,

Very nice blue whale.

It's huge in size

The bravest in the ocean.

He drinks water, eats plankton,

That's why he is strong. (D. Room)

Probably the most mysterious and amazing creatures on our planet are whales. We did it with the children blue whale origami technique, because now we are exploring the wonderful world of mammals. Moreover, this whale is the largest animal that has ever lived on the planet, and its weight reaches more than 100 tons! Its weight exceeds the weight of the heaviest dinosaurs that lived on our planet; Although they are huge, they are very elusive and therefore difficult for scientists to study.

Take a square of blue paper and fold it diagonally

bend the side lines of the triangle towards the center line, the basic shape is “kite”

bend the lower small corner up and fold our workpiece in half

we wrap the long end back, lifting it up - this is the tail of a whale

We take a rectangle, cut it into strips, you can round off the ends with scissors and make a fountain for our whale. When the whale comes to the surface, it releases the used air from its lungs and we can observe the fountain.

draw eyes, mouth, glue the fountain

and our whale is ready, master- the class was shown for you by Pasha, who is keen origami technique.

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Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development.

Master class Author: Roma Pisotsky, 4.5 years old Educator: Dina Tikhonovna Telkova, MKDOU kindergarten “Ryabinka” Purpose: for creation.

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Origami whale is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami whale, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of an origami whale was taken by one of our site users. The whale in the photo is releasing a fountain of water. Its design is almost the same as in the diagram. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of the assembly of an origami whale from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami whale will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami whale quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami whale may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami whale video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about the origami whale, which clearly show the steps to assemble the whale. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami whale.

If you are just starting to assemble origami, be sure to watch this video tutorial on assembling a whale from paper:

Here is another simple instructional video on assembling a paper whale:


The whale is a very deep symbol, it personifies the power of cosmic waters, and often its image was associated with death, on the one hand, and with rebirth and transformation, on the other. Previously, sailors considered the whale a sign of deceit.

This is the easiest origami whale; you can fold it in 5 steps. Ideal for children's creativity, looks great in compositions with ponds and any aquatic inhabitants.


  • Single-sided colored paper;
  • Sticky eyes;
  • Scissors.

Origami whale step by step

Prepare a square piece of paper. A whale made from one-sided colored paper turns out beautiful. In this version, one side is blue and the other is white. As a result, the whale turns out to be two-colored, blue with a white belly. You can also use double-sided paper, but the character will just be all one color.

Fold the square to make a triangle. That is, connect opposite corners.

Open the paper and fold the bottom side, aligning it with the fold in the center. The paper is specially placed in a horizontal position so that further actions are clear and consistent.

Turn over to the other side and fold the bottom edge, aligning it with the bottom of the piece.

Now center the top side by folding it down.

Make small bends in the corners: top, left.

Turn the paper over, bend the tail up, glue or draw an eye. That's it, the origami whale in the children's version is ready. It can be part of an application on water theme, a bright, interesting craft. An interesting motif is a combination of a design in the form of water and a fountain on top and a paper character.

There are also more complex ways to create a whale, but these are adult schemes, difficult and incomprehensible for children, which goes against the theme of the site for crafts and applications for children.

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