Charitable organizations of the world. Foreign charities

Labor Relations 08.03.2020
Labor Relations

To help sick children, support sports organizations, as well as theaters and museums. This year the fund spent about 13.75 billion rubles on the implementation of various projects. Sources of financing are Usmanov’s personal funds, as well as money allocated by companies controlled by him.

The Sistema Charitable Foundation was created in 2003 for the charitable activities of the corporation of the same name and the companies controlled by it. The main areas of activity of the foundation include science, culture and art, sports and social development. Every year the fund spends about three billion rubles to support more than 50 projects. Funds for the fund come from commercial organizations, as well as from individuals.

The Russian Relief Fund (Rusfond) was created in 1996 publishing house"Kommersant" to support readers of the newspaper "Kommersant" in need. The founder and director of Rusfond is journalist Lev Ambinder. In the first half of this year, the fund managed to collect almost 607 million rubles, and last year - more than 1.7 billion. Rusfond specializes in helping seriously ill children, promoting development civil society, introduction of high medical technologies. - individuals and organizations.

The Volnoe Delo Foundation was founded by Russian entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska in 1998. The foundation supports projects in the fields of science, education, culture, territorial development, healthcare and animal protection. In 2014, for projects of the fund. According to Expert magazine, the fund is financed from the personal funds of Oleg Deripaska and contributions from the Basic Element group of companies.

Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation, which became the first charitable organization in Russia with a regional work strategy, was established by businessman Mikhail Prokhorov in 2004. — systemic support of culture in Russian regions. Over the 10 years of operation, the fund’s budget has exceeded two billion rubles. There is no exact funding.

The Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation was established in 2010. The main activity of the foundation is the implementation of programs: “Older Generation”, “Family and Children”, “Sport”, “Culture”. During the first three years of operation, the fund's budget amounted to $330.2 million. The main source of funding for the fund is the personal funds of the Timchenko Family

The Gift of Life Foundation was founded in 2006 by actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. The foundation's area of ​​activity is helping sick children. In 2015, the fund collected more than 326 million rubles. Sources of funding are Russian, international and foreign organizations, individuals in Russia and abroad, as well as “stateless persons”.

The Victoria Children's Charitable Foundation was founded in 2004 by the president of the Uralsib corporation, Nikolai Tsvetkov. The foundation specializes in helping children without parental care and in difficult life situations. Expenditures on charitable programs in 2013 amounted to more than 184 million rubles. There is no more recent data. Sources of financing, also according to data for 2013, are Nikolai Tsvetkov’s personal funds, income from endowment capital, fundraising, and funds from Uralsib Bank.

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Until recently, the largest charity organisations of the world were concentrated exclusively in the United States. According to 2013 data, the annual amount of funds allocated by American foundations reached $30 billion.

This was the case before the emergence and development of the European Foundation Center, which currently unites more than 400 of the largest charitable foundations in Europe. Statistics collected by the center in 2010 confirmed effective results European philanthropists:

There are more than 110 thousand charitable organizations in Europe;
the funds employ about 1 million employees;
Every year approximately 100 billion euros are allocated to charity in Europe.
Based on the amounts invested in charity, we can name the three largest foundations in the world according to 2013 data. Among them: the Dutch Stichting INGKA Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust from the UK.

Stichting INGKA Foundation

The foundation's assets are estimated at $36 billion, and it is currently the largest charitable organization in the world. Its founder is the creator and owner of IKEA, Swedish businessman Ingvar Kamprad, who owns 207 branches of the company around the world.

The fund was created in 1982 primarily to support modern solutions and development of the architecture and interior design industry. At the same time, a significant part of the fund’s assets is spent not on charity, but on investing in projects. The amount of charitable assistance is about 10 million dollars annually.

Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation

The fund's assets are more than $33 billion. The organization was founded by Microsoft owner Bill Gates together with close people - his wife and father (later the composition of the founders expanded). Although the date of creation is relatively recent - 1994 - the organization almost immediately outstripped the oldest charities world in terms of the amount of capital invested in charity.

The fund was created primarily to help the poor, finance the search for new methods to combat serious diseases, and support programs in the field of health and education. Every year the foundation spends almost $2 billion on charity.

The fund's assets amount to more than $22 billion. The London charity was founded in 1936 in memory of pharmaceutical magnate Henry Wellcome. The main purpose of the fund is financing research activities aimed at ensuring the protection of human life as well as animals.

This fund has practically bet on professional basis charity in Europe, becoming the largest and most authoritative. The organization offers a large number of grants for scientific research, educational programs for medical professionals.

A little about charity in Europe

European foundations finance a variety of sectors - from science and medicine to helping vulnerable groups of the population. Over the past 15 years, the number of funds and amounts allocated to charity have increased several times. According to statistics, a new fund is created every month in Europe. Germany is the leader in this direction.

One of the most promising directions charity - allocation of funds for international programs(in particular, those dedicated to internationalization).

An important feature of the philanthropic movement in Europe is considered to be the cooperative work of foundations - the unification of individual organizations in order to strengthen positions, exchange experience, expand cooperation with business structures and government organizations. It is this position that makes it possible to popularize charitable organizations in the world and solve global international problems.

Another trend is the division of funds into specialized ones operating in separate sectors. As an example, Europeans cite DAFNE (European Network of Donor Associations), which includes 22 associations of charitable organizations. The network already has its own operating standards, and management is built on the principles of self-regulation.

Creation of similar global structures not only makes charity much more effective, but also influences government social policy: In particular, some organizations acted as lobbyists for bills submitted by public organizations.

Largest number of branches

We've profiled three of the largest philanthropic organizations on the planet - but that's not all the charities in the world that donate billions of dollars to causes. social goals. It is worth mentioning the organization, whose representative offices operate in 46 countries - the United Way Worldwide charitable foundation, whose budget exceeded $5 billion. The organization employs about 3 million volunteers, and almost 10 million people donate money to charity.

At the moment, it is not the largest, but remains the most developed - the organization was founded in the USA in 1887, over the years turning into a global international non-profit non-governmental structure. At the moment, the organization, which has merged two funds (United Way of America, as well as United Way), is working in three directions:

Education (reducing the number of children dropping out of school);

Income (assistance to large and low-income families);

Health (increase in the number of healthy population by 1%).

Among the world's leaders in philanthropy

Howard Hughes Medical Institute is a foundation founded by tycoon Howard Hughes in 1953. The organization's current budget exceeds $19 billion. The main areas of charity are funding research in the field of molecular biology, immunology, and genetics.

The Ford Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1936 by Edsel Ford, the son of the legendary Henry Ford. The value of the fund's assets exceeds $11 billion. Modern organization has no relation to either the Ford family or the company of the same name. Main activities: financing programs to combat serious diseases (in particular AIDS), educational programs, assistance in economic reform of developing countries.

Charity in the world: the largest foundations in Europe and Asia

Robert Bosch Foundation is a foundation founded in 1969 in Germany. The organization's budget is about $7 billion. The founder of the fund is Robert Bosch. The organization's fixed capital is shares of the company of the same name (about 92%). Areas of charity: improving the level of education, financing historical research, grants for medical activities, humanitarian assistance.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation is an organization founded in the UAE in 2007, with a budget of about $10 billion. The leading areas of activity are disseminating knowledge about Arab history and culture, investing in the construction and development of cultural projects in Dubai.

Many Russian Internet users have a desire to engage in charitable activities and create thematic websites that can send money to citizens in need of financial support. Philanthropists who once began to provide such assistance place this activity at the first level, playing a more important role in their lives than everything else.

What is charity?

Love and compassion are the basis of charity.

Charity in Russia is a fairly common activity among financially wealthy citizens. It implies assistance (free of charge/preferential conditions) to persons in need of it. Each benefactor has the right to independently choose the type, time, place and type of the benefit itself.

The regulation of charitable activities is entrusted to Federal Law No. 135 of August 11, 1995, as well as Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code.

Financially wealthy citizens who want to provide financial assistance on an ongoing basis create organizations to attract funds from outside. Thus, the founder of the “Give Life” fund is the famous actress Chulpan Khamatova.

Speaking about how many charitable foundations there are in Russia, it should be noted that information can only be approximate.

According to 2017 data and according to Rosstat, more than 9.6 thousand foundations and 1.7 thousand organizations engaged in charitable activities operated in Russia.

Funds to help people in need of money

The main fear of a potential donor to a charitable organization in Russia is considered to be interaction with scammers. To avoid meeting with adventurers, you should choose an open and transparent organization with an excellent reputation.

Funds to help citizens in need of money, as a rule, make publicly available reports on expenses (employee salaries, rent, etc.), which should not exceed 1/4 of the total amount of funds from philanthropists. All data about organizations is located on the website of the Ministry of Justice and is open access.

Large charitable organizations of the Russian Federation will never collect funds in the subway, at a bus stop, at a crossing, or on the street.

The allocation of funds involves the following areas:

  1. Financial or other assistance to citizens in need of support (children, elderly people, etc.) due to illness or situations that led to serious financial situation.
  2. Support for talented children and organizations involved in scientific activity, which can lead to a breakthrough in socially significant areas through the allocation of grants.

The transfer of funds to charitable organizations is carried out by:

  • volunteers (commercial firms and individuals);
  • local administration/federal authorities (subsidies, subsidies, etc.);
  • third-party organizations (targeted funding and grants);
  • legal commercial activity and its results;
  • dividends (deposit accounts, securities etc.).

The transfer of finances to a citizen in need is made through a personal meeting (cash), transfer to Bank details or at the expense of the medical institution providing treatment.

Charitable foundations for children in Russia

The most sought-after support is assistance to children.

The largest charitable foundations in Russia dealing with children's problems:

  • “Ray of Childhood” was created to provide material, socio-psychological assistance to orphans who find themselves in an orphanage without parental care. Age category wards - from 1 month to 4 years;
  • “Adeli” transfers funds for the treatment of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Provides information about treatment and rehabilitation methods, psychological support for relatives, training in rehabilitation actions at home, etc.;
  • “Luchik” assists children who find themselves in difficult living conditions or have limited health capabilities;
  • The Light Foundation provides support to children with disabilities;
  • "Renaissance". The action of the interregional organization is based on helping children suffering from rheumatic diseases;
  • "Baby ". Treatment and rehabilitation of children with cancer;
  • "The world of childhood ". Intellectual, physical, mental and social rehabilitation, adaptation of children, improvement of their standard of living;
  • "Tide". Assistance to children with serious illnesses, as well as large families;
  • "Help the". Providing assistance to children with various serious illnesses;
  • "Thank you ". Support for children with diseases of the nervous system. Payment for treatment and rehabilitation, purchase of medicines, devices, consultations, etc.

Charities for adults

Often individual adults or entire families need financial support. Therefore, in Russia there are charitable assistance funds that help adults in difficult situations and the homeless.

  • ORBI. Treatment and rehabilitation of citizens who have suffered a stroke. Propaganda healthy image life, stroke prevention;
  • "In the name of life." Providing assistance to people suffering from cystic fibrosis (qualified treatment, lifelong therapy, etc.);
  • “Living” - the foundation (located in Moscow) provides charitable assistance to adults (from adulthood to 60 years old) with serious illnesses;
  • "Larion". Support for single mothers and people with disabilities;
  • "Fair help from Doctor Lisa." Support for citizens with serious or fatal illnesses, people of retirement age and people with disabilities without a place to live;
  • "Gulf Stream". Support for children, adolescents and adults with diseases related to the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, cerebral palsy and circulatory system;
  • "Help.Org". Assistance to homeless people, stateless people, and people with serious illnesses;
  • "Nika ". Rehabilitation of drug addicts and people in difficult life circumstances;
  • "Blessing". Restoration of personality, acquisition of meaning in life, psychological assistance;
  • "Right choice ". Support for people with alcohol or drug addiction. Rehabilitation, addiction prevention.

How to get help from a charitable foundation?

To apply and get help, follow the instructions:

  1. Make sure that necessary support corresponds to the direction of the selected fund.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the terms of assistance of the selected organization and their compliance regulations RF.
  3. Apply for assistance using standard form on the fund’s website, with a detailed description of the current situation and attaching the necessary documents.
  4. Interact with the fund when collecting the necessary funds (placing posts, attracting attention, etc.).
  5. Choose a method of transferring funds and receive financial support.

Charitable foundations reserve the right to refuse citizens seeking help. This usually occurs when there is a discrepancy with the current conditions of the organization or insufficient documentary support.

Video: How to get help from a charitable foundation.

Charity sites from rich people

In addition to assistance from foundations, it is possible to receive support from wealthy people who create personal charity sites. Such free assistance is in the nature of sponsorship.

To search for charity sites that can send money, you should use the Internet and the search bar of your browser.

Today, charity from rich people has become a part of our lives. Here are examples of the most famous wealthy citizens who are ready to provide material or other support to needy segments of the population:

  1. Bill and Melinda Gates. Financial assistance to the poor around the world and transfer of funds for the treatment of various diseases.
  2. Wood Johnson. The private foundation's activities are focused on healthcare and treatment.
  3. Howard Hughes. The scientist created an institute that provides an opportunity to study issues related to fundamental science.

How to raise money for charity online?

When raising money for charity, any amount is important.

Charity involves collecting money that will be used to meet the vital needs of someone in need.

A person collecting money and donations online that will go to charity must follow the following instructions:

  1. Find out the collection rules and regulations in your area of ​​residence. A certain kind charity is regulated by law. In addition, some philanthropists are required to pay taxes on the funds received.
  2. Study the actions of successful philanthropists. This will help you achieve the desired result and collect finances in a short time.
  3. Find people who can provide support in disseminating information about fundraising.
  4. Post an announcement about the start of the collection, making it publicly visible Required documents and details (bank account or medical institution account).

You can place advertisements on various thematic forums, in groups in in social networks, on online bulletin boards or create your own website on Tilda.

As a conclusion

To ask financial assistance, you can use the form on our website. Remember that philanthropists, as a rule, help citizens who are not shy and describe the current situation in the most detail. Perhaps your cry for help will be read by a wealthy person who wants to help someone in need.

In addition, we draw the attention of sympathizers who can send certain funds to the account of a desperate person.

Request title

Many businessmen and millionaires try to bring good into this world by organizing all kinds of charitable foundations and organizations. An interesting fact is that not only businessmen can be called charitable activities and philanthropists, but also many artists, actors and singers who generously share their earned money and also try to open their own foundations, for example, the American singer Beyonce supports women who have been subjected to violence, or Angelina Jolie, Kylie Minogue and others.

It is worth noting that the stars do not implement the foundation’s charitable projects themselves; they are supported by specialists and simple people, you can read more on the official portals of the funds.

Until recently, world statistics showed that the largest charitable organizations in the world were concentrated in the United States of America, according to 2013 information. total amount, which was allocated by American funds, was able to reach thirty billion US dollars. But this was before the European Foundation Center was opened, which now houses about four hundred huge charitable foundations from all over Europe.

In 1953, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Foundation was founded by tycoon Howard Hughes; to date, the organization's budget has exceeded $19 billion, in most cases the foundation directs cash in areas such as molecular biology, immunology and genetics.

In 1936, another charitable organization called the Ford Foundation was founded; its founder was the son of the legendary Henry Ford, Edsel Ford. The value of the organization's assets is eleven billion US dollars. The modern foundation no longer belongs to the famous family, and does not even have anything in common with the company of the same name; the organization fights serious diseases such as AIDS, finances educational programs, helps in economic reform in developing countries around the world.

If we talk about celebrities and their charity, we should highlight Angelina Jolie, who decided to devote herself to philanthropy in 2001. This year she saw how poorly Cambodian citizens lived, so she decided to travel to third world countries. After that, she adopted Maddox, and brought the child from Cambodia to the United States of America. Now there are several foundations of the actress that help children in this country; in addition, they work with people who have become victims of man-made disasters.

Famous people from Russia try to keep up with their Western colleagues, for example, the famous model Natalia Vodianova. She created a foundation called “Naked Hearts”, which helps in the construction of playgrounds for children in Russia.

Sometimes circumstances arise in life that can only be resolved with the help of material means. Some people in our country are familiar with situations when a fairly large amount of money is needed, but there is no one to turn to. This question is especially relevant in the case when one of the relatives is seriously ill, and only expensive treatment can help. Or a bright child from a poor family cannot receive a proper education. It is to solve such problems that various charitable foundations are created; as a rule, they belong to very wealthy people. Any charitable organization has its own resource on the Internet. Therefore, charity sites that can send me money are the main topic of our essay.

Gates Foundation (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

The well-known “forefather” of Microsoft is known not only for his disdain for luxury, but also for his good deeds. Together with his wife Melinda, Bill founded a charitable foundation in 2000 with an authorized capital of $106,000,000. The main activities of the Gates Foundation:

Help for seriously ill patients;
- support for healthcare and education;
- working with the poorest sections of society.

The fund's authorized capital consists not only of money donated by the Gates family, but also of donations from other philanthropists. For example, the second richest man on the planet after Bill, Warren Buffett, donated 10,000,000 shares of his company to the fund. The foundation's total budget is more than $40 billion, and about $2 billion is donated to charity annually.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

One of the brightest stars of his time, Howard Hughes, who was not only an entertainment magnate, but also a successful filmmaker and aviator, established a charitable foundation in the early fifties of the twentieth century. The institute's budget is not as large as that of the Gates Foundation, but 15 billion US dollars is enough to annually fund research in the field of:

- genetics;
- molecular biology;
- immunology.

Wellcome Trust (British charitable foundation)

Founded back in 1936, the charitable foundation began its work in London. The organization's authorized capital was originally money donated by British pharmaceutical magnate Henry Welkom. The Foundation finances scientific research:

In medicine;
- pharmaceuticals;
- other fields of science.

In addition, the fund’s money is used to carry out operations on seriously ill patients, as well as to save people from
death of animals. The fund's budget is one of the largest in the world, reaching $25 billion.

"Lilly Endowment" (charitable foundation)

This organization appeared in the first third of the twentieth century, as a division of a large American pharmaceutical company. The foundation was organized by the owner of the company, Josian Lilly the Elder, together with his offspring. The main areas of funding by the fund:

- spiritual sphere;
- education.

It will be quite problematic for a resident of our country to receive funding from this fund, since the Lilly Endowment is considered the largest local fund. Almost 90% of funded projects are in the foundation's home state of Indiana.

Ford Foundation (Henry Ford's charitable foundation)

Founded, like many of the world's best-known philanthropic organizations, in the first third of the twentieth century, the Ford Foundation has a multibillion-dollar charter fund. Funds from the Ford Foundation budget are allocated for a large number of activities in various areas:

Support for democracy;
- improvement of education;
- economic development;
- eradication of poverty;
- media support;
- stimulation of young artists, musicians, poets and composers;
- protection of human rights.

Almost anyone in need can get money from Ford's charity website. Of course, if he really falls under one of the programs sponsored by the organization and is not a scammer.

To effectively control your personal finances, use the site. The “Calendar” service function ensures that recurring payments are made on time. SMS, e-mail reminders, synchronization with Google Calendar - help to avoid fines and fees for late payments.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

This foundation was founded in the 30s of the twentieth century by the son of the founder of Johnson & Johnson. Robert Wood Johnson was not only the owner successful business, but also a military man with the rank of general who took part in the Second World War. Quite a large authorized capital of the fund annually finances:

Improving the health of people with chronic diseases;
- combating people’s dependence on pharmacological drugs;
- fight against alcoholism and drug addiction.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation (Kellogg's charitable foundation)

One of the richest businessmen of the twentieth century, William Kellogg, always believed that a person himself could become the master of his own happiness if he received a little financial help. Therefore, he founded a foundation, from the authorized capital of which the following is sponsored:

Assistance to victims of natural disasters;
- restoration of buildings and structures;
- support for the poor.

On the organization’s website you can fill out a special form in which you need to describe your problem. If the foundation staff decides it is worthy of attention, the charitable organization will certainly help.

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Hewlett Foundation)

The founder of the Hewlett-Packard company, widely known in our country, William Hewlett, together with his wife, opened a charitable foundation. the main objective fund - improvement environment and the health of people around the world. In addition, grants are distributed for research and community work in various fields:

Treatment of HIV-infected people;
- development of technologies for cleaning the environment from pollution;
- payment for the education of capable children from poor families.

We looked at some of the world's largest and most famous charities. Naturally, each of them has its own website, which you can go to with your problem. There are many cases where these funds helped residents of our country gain health or get a decent education. So if you think you're in hopeless situation, the only solution which is financial aid, then try contacting the charities described above. The likelihood that you will get help is quite high.

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