Business test: A subordinate did not complete a task on time. The customer requires work to be performed that is not specified in the estimate, what should I do? The manager's task was not completed

Labor Relations 21.04.2020

Comment from FrenchToast06

This can be done on normal mode or heroic mode.

Comment from adorabella

So I didn"t wait and dropped the quest - figured it was a bug. Was going to go back into the souls and grab it..only, yep, go back in and she"s not offering it. Any ideas how to pick it up again? Complete first instance again?

Comment from rainifirestar

I accidentally dropped this quest. Anyone know if it can be picked up again?

Comment from droodcarrey

The level requirement is 78.

Comment from Velrorr

Lol, spelling fail. Blizz spelled "entrance" wrong. =P

Comment from kahluadog

What Continent is it in I have a ? mark (finished Quest) to turn in and I have had it for months.Everyone i ask they just tell me to look in the Dung. symbol. That does not help me I need to know where it is so i can turn in the Quest. Please

Comment from Taraezor

Well to get the Lady to reappear I just took a pot-shot (lightning Bolt) at Scourge Lord Tyranny flying above and then back up towards the entry portal to be safe/sure. Tyrannus, gutless soul he is, just flew away! The scripted event then proceeds, you turn in the feeder quest Shadows of Tortured Souls and pick up the new quest The Path to the Citadel.

At i365 as an Enhancement Shammy it is very soloable. I took a conservative approach. So long as you are not reckless in attracting mobs while you do the gathering quest I suspect you could really speed through this dungeon.

As always applies when soloing Northrend content, whack the bosses hard and fast so as to avoid needing to worry about any mechanics, spawns after a while, etc.

Article 740. Construction contract

1. Under a construction contract, the contractor undertakes, within the time period established by the contract, to build a specific object according to the customer’s instructions or to perform other construction works, and the customer undertakes to create for the contractor the necessary conditions to carry out the work, accept the result and pay the agreed price.
2. A construction contract is concluded for the construction or reconstruction of an enterprise, building (including a residential building), structure or other object, as well as for the performance of installation, commissioning and other work inextricably related to the object under construction. The rules on construction contracts also apply to major repairs of buildings and structures, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
In cases provided for by the agreement, the contractor assumes the obligation to ensure the operation of the facility after its acceptance by the customer for the period specified in the contract.

Article 743. Technical documentation and estimates

1. The contractor is obliged to carry out construction and related work in accordance with the technical documentation defining the volume, content of the work and other requirements for it, and with the estimate determining the price of the work.
Unless otherwise specified in the construction contract, it is assumed that the contractor is obliged to perform all the work specified in technical documentation and in the estimate.
2. The construction contract must determine the composition and content of technical documentation, and must also stipulate which party must provide the relevant documentation and within what time frame.
3. A contractor who discovers during construction work that is not taken into account in the technical documentation and, in connection with this, the need to carry out additional work and increase the estimated cost of construction, is obliged to inform the customer about this.
If the customer does not receive a response to his message within ten days, unless the law or the construction contract provides for a different period for this, the contractor is obliged to suspend the relevant work, attributing losses caused by downtime to the customer’s account. The customer is exempt from compensation for these losses if he proves that there is no need for additional work.
4. A contractor who fails to fulfill the obligation established by paragraph 3 of this article is deprived of the right to demand from the customer payment for additional work performed by him and compensation for losses caused by this, unless he proves the need for immediate action in the interests of the customer, in particular due to the fact that the suspension of work could lead to death or damage to the construction site.
5. If the customer agrees to carry out and pay for additional work, the contractor has the right to refuse to perform it only in cases where it is not within the scope professional activity the contractor or cannot be performed by the contractor for reasons beyond his control.

Agree, this happens. Well, the boss got excited. Or he was so passionate about some idea, so wanted to implement it quickly (and seemed to understand how to do it), that he showed maximalism and set obviously impossible deadlines and working conditions.

What should I do? If, upon receiving a task, you immediately declare that it is impossible, the manager will think: the subordinate simply does not want to strain himself and immediately looks for reasons why the task supposedly cannot be completed. Now he will begin to give 100 arguments against (by the way, we talked about how to deal with such individuals in our magazine - No. 3, 2014 ru_2014.03.18&utm_medium=link& The boss will consider such an employee either indecisive, or unprofessional, or both at the same time. If you say that a task was impossible to complete at the moment when it should already be completed, then you can also fall out of favor. The manager will think that the subordinate did nothing, was lazy, and is now making excuses.

Then what is the right thing to do? After all, each of us can find ourselves in a similar situation. Or our acquaintances and colleagues will be in it, what should we advise them then?

In my opinion, it is best to unobtrusively help the boss understand that it is unrealistic to carry out his instructions and should either cancel it or adjust the terms and conditions. Here are some tips.

1. First, ask the manager again, tell him that you didn’t quite understand the task

And then the leader will repeat the task to you. And when he repeats it, he thinks it over and evaluates it again. Moreover, in order for you to understand it correctly, the boss will begin to detail it and make it more specific. Perhaps he realizes that he got carried away. This means that the conditions and essence of the task can be revised during the conversation.

2. Ask your manager to monitor how you work on a task and help you with advice

Say directly that you still have no idea how to complete the task and ask the manager to suggest how this can be done. Agree with your boss that you will constantly inform him about the progress of work. Express a request: “Could you supervise me in order to better control and help with advice if necessary?”

Surely the manager will agree. Perhaps the request will flatter him. He will regard this as a sign that he is valued and respected, considered an experienced specialist who can help a modest employee.

What happens here: the boss takes part of the responsibility for completing the task upon himself. By controlling you, he will most likely think about how feasible the task is. And even if later you fail to complete everything on time, you will have a trump card - the work was carried out under the leadership of the boss.

3. Make a work plan, arm yourself with calculations and after a while discuss everything with your boss

Estimate how many and what kind of employees will have to be involved to complete the task, what kind of workload they will have to work with, how they will interact with each other. You can depict this interaction in the form of a diagram: horizontally draw all the performers who act within the division, and vertically in the “external orbit” - those who are in contact with other divisions or third-party organizations, with officials, investors.

If it turns out that in order to complete a task, employees must work 25 hours a day in order to get everything done on time, then the manager will probably see that it is unrealistic to solve everything he wants. If we are talking about project work, show the boss how similar projects are being implemented by competitors (for what time frame and at what production capacity).

4. Is the task truly impossible? Don't focus only on the arguments against

Think about what it takes to still complete the task. Maybe you need additional resources or authority? Or we need to extend the deadline. In a word, try to think in a constructive way. Say this: “No one is refusing this work, we’ll just do it a little later.” Show that you are there in the camp of comrades and assistant managers. give him clear, constructive, concise sentences. If the boss sees that the employee is determined to solve issues and work, and not look for ways to avoid responsibility and shift everything to others, then he will definitely listen to his advice. And therefore, it will correct the problem.

5. Develop a leader, taking into account his personal qualities

This advice was given by our reader Olga NOVOSADOVA, HR Director of the Rus company. In her opinion, the reason why a manager sets impossible tasks may be his qualities (very valuable!), such as the desire for the best and self-confidence. Only these qualities sometimes manifest themselves in extreme form. Observe the leader, determine which quality dominates in him and how it manifests itself. Based on this, as an HR director, choose methods of working with him. In our magazine you will find a table that lists the qualities that can dominate in a leader, tells how they manifest themselves in work and behavior, and gives advice on how to level them out (No. 9, 2012, p. 52). There you will also find details on this topic director_article_295576_2014.03.18.

Every manager is faced with a situation where an employee (subordinate) does not complete a task on time. Working with employees is always a complex, multifaceted process in which it is impossible to be guided only by logic or job description, or intuition, it is necessary to use them together. So how to manage employee management in this situation? How should a leader behave? Punish an employee? Deprive a part wages? Just ignore? I propose to analyze the various options and their consequences of the manager’s decision on this issue.

How to competently manage employee management?

You might find it useful:

Situation for a leader. Imagine the situation:The subordinate did not complete your task on time for the second time, although he promised and gave his word that this would not happen again. You are faced with a dilemma about what to do:

So, the employee’s behavior clearly does not meet management’s requirements. What decision will you make? What consequences will follow after it?

a) I’ll wait until this task is completed, and then I’ll have a stern talk in private, warning you one last time.

You are stalling for time; the situation will not resolve itself. You can wait forever. Remember that at this moment resources such as human, financial, equipment and the most valuable thing - time are irrevocably spent. You are deliberately driving the organization into losses. Working with employees of the organization, in this case, comes down to the lack of authority of the manager, which is completely unacceptable.

b) Without waiting for the task to be completed, I will talk with him about the reasons for the repeated failure, and I will achieve the completion of the task.

You are right in choosing an employee management strategy. At the same time, we recommend asking the following question to your subordinate: “What do you need for this task to be completed in .... minutes (hours)?” Question: “Why didn’t you complete the task?” is initially utopian, because he is expected from the position of a subordinate and he already has thirty-three excuses prepared on this topic. To the modern leader it doesn’t matter why “No” (the task was not completed), it is important to him what was done to ensure that “Yes” (the task was completed) in a timely manner.

c) I will consult with an experienced employee, the informal leader of my team, on how to deal with the offender. If there is no such employee, I will raise the issue of the employee’s indiscipline at a team meeting.

A fairly common solution is to consult with an experienced employee of the team under your control. At this moment you believe that you are actually enlisting his support, i.e. You are sure that in the future he will take voluntary responsibility for coordinating the work of your subordinates and will be responsible for the behavior of the company’s employees. It's an illusion. In reality, you have automatically put an end to your authority in the minds of your employees, which means that your further orders will not be taken seriously by them.

Raise a question about the employee's behavior to general meeting, i.e. to arrange a “demonstration execution” is the prerogative of the last century, and is not relevant today. By humiliating the honor and dignity of a person, you lose him as a thinking unit and push him to resign of his own free will.

d) Without waiting for the task to be completed, I will refer the issue of punishing the employee to the decision of a “superior manager.” In the future I will increase control over his work.

In fact, you have abdicated responsibility for resolving an ordinary situation that is directly within your circle job responsibilities. Any employee must be competent within the scope of his job responsibilities. Your action confirmed the fact that the position being filled is not suitable. We recommend that your immediate management remove you from your leadership position.

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