Business plan for the production of projection advertising. Your own business on projection advertising

Development  04.01.2020

Many of us are accustomed to hearing the expression that “demand creates supply” in precisely this interpretation. And that's true. Although life in Lately Numerous examples prove to us the opposite - it is the competent supply of goods that creates demand for it. Advertising truly works wonders, forcing people to buy things that are often completely useless to them or use unnecessary services.

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of advertising in product promotion and formation consumer demand. That is why manufacturers and sellers who sell their products are willing to pay almost any money for effective advertising, which, by the way, has moved far forward over several decades: from simple billboards to giant holographic images. One of the latest technical achievements that is in the “arsenal” of leading advertising agencies is projection advertising.

What does it look like

Most likely, those advertisers are right who believe that the larger the advertisement (and the more advertising!), the more noticeable it is. Billboards, posters, pillars, neon signs, and others advertising structures They have already become quite boring to look at, they have begun to merge with the surrounding world, and therefore fulfill their functions. The sophisticated consumer is no longer so keen on ordinary advertising tools, and therefore his attention can only be attracted by something out of the ordinary.

For example, such as a projection of an advertising picture or a slideshow across the entire wall of a multi-story building. Those who have seen this spectacle, so called “live,” will agree with me that the spectacle is truly amazing. Just two or three years ago this could only be seen in Moscow and the capital of the Urals - Yekaterinburg. Now projection advertising is beginning its “victorious march” in other cities of the country. And now it can be seen in Krasnodar, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, and other large populated areas, whose population is more than a million inhabitants (or so).

However, this does not mean at all that this business idea cannot be implemented, for example, in Tver, Murom, or Ryazan. It’s just that the payback time for the project will be slightly longer than in large cities. And now what is it all about: projection advertising is displaying advertising images using special equipment over large areas, which are usually:

  • Walls of residential multi-storey buildings.
  • Walls of offices and industrial buildings.
  • Asphalt.
  • Some advertising studios make projections in the sky.
  • Internal walls of premises.

Of course, buildings on busy streets are of greatest interest for projecting advertising images. And the most difficult thing in implementing this business idea is precisely the agreement on advertising placement with the owner of the building on which the projection will be carried out, as well as with the owner of the building where the projection equipment will be located.

In addition, coordination with local municipal authorities is necessary. Bureaucratic delays, driven only by the great power of “kickbacks” in our country, will apparently continue to exist for a very long time. However, as they say, “the game is worth the candle.” But for this you will definitely need to organize an advertising agency.


The gobo projector requires only one person with appropriate technical skills and electrical installation experience to operate. In addition, you will need a professional “negotiator” who will negotiate regarding the placement of projection advertising on the property owners’ premises. Cost in in this case will depend on the area of ​​the image, the location of the advertisement, and the location of the building itself.

We find clients

Actually, I think that you will need to find one, maximum two clients for the first advertising demonstration in your city. Other advertisers, having seen your project with their own eyes and appreciating all its merits, will find you without any doubt.

Advertisements for the provision of services for creating projection advertising can be given in local media. You can also organize an online advertising agency and accept orders, including on the World Wide Web. Well, and, of course, in order not to be a “shoemaker without boots,” use your equipment for self-promotion. Typically, clients ordering projection advertising are: large companies, although gobo projectors can be used not only for advertising purposes.

With similar images you can decorate any wedding, presentation, party, birthday, make an original, romantic declaration of love, etc. In general, if you think about it, the use of projection equipment can be expanded as much as your imagination allows.

– this is a new niche that is still being explored advertising business, so anyone who wants to start this type of business has every chance to succeed in implementing this project, the development of a business plan for which can be ordered on this blog. Good luck to you in your endeavors!

In order to start working, you just need to conclude an agreement with the owner of the building and install a projector, while you do not need to hang anything on the facade of the building itself. The projector has a powerful xenon lamp, many times more powerful than those installed in a car, so the image will be bright and rich, even in the daytime.

Projection advertising is convenient because you can project several images onto one surface in one period of time, because the projector has a built-in ability to alternate advertising slides. You set the slide sequence program. Thus, on one advertising surface you can display advertisements from several advertisers, unlike stationary billboards, which can only display one advertisement per month.

The luminous flux of the projector is so bright that advertising is visible even during the day in bright light. It is possible to project several images on the same surface in the form of slides, which is of course convenient, since the projector displays advertisements from several advertisers at once, unlike the usual stationary banners that contain one fixed advertising image. This significantly increases the profit from one advertising space, while the rent remains the same.

Projector maintenance requires one operator and supplies to keep the projector running. According to the manufacturers, the projector works both in forty-degree frost and in forty-degree heat. The service life of the xenon lamp used in the projector is up to 3 years.

The cost of such a projector is quite high, about 900,000 rubles, but it pays for itself after 2-3 months of operation and will bring significant profits in the future, especially considering that the cost of displaying advertising is extremely low.
Let's calculate expenses and profits.

One-time expenses:
Projector - 890 thousand rubles;
Coordination of connection to the electrical network
(and the connection itself) about 2 thousand rubles;
Manufacturing of a protective structure - 10-20 thousand rubles;
Installation of a security alarm and webcam - 15-30 thousand rubles;
Monthly expenses:
Maintenance of one projector 6 thousand rubles per month (salary for the person who monitors the correct operation of the projector and changes the film);
Rent of a building wall (300 sq.m.) - 50-200 thousand rubles per month (depending on the city and the location of the building itself);
Renting a place where the projection structure will stand - 3-15 thousand rubles per month;
Security alarm about 5 thousand per month;

The cost of one advertisement is about 30 thousand rubles per month
The projector “spins” let’s say 15 advertising slides, which means one projector brings in 450 thousand rubles per month minus expenses, a total of about 300 thousand rubles per month, respectively, the payback time is 3-4 months!

In addition to the basic equipment, you will also need several additional spare parts and a number of consumables. Here they are:

Coolers priced at $120; will last from six months to two years (why there is such a variation in service life is unknown.

Ignition unit priced at $280; will last from one to three years.

Reflector priced at $480, guarantee period- six months. And finally, a xenon lamp costs $450. Guarantee 1000 hours of work or three months.

Your clients can be tour operators, fitness centers, radio stations and TV channels, organizers of exhibitions and concerts, banks, operators mobile communications and many other companies.

Projection advertising is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia. Its principle is simple: using a video or slide projector, the image is displayed on various surfaces - building facades, walls inside or outside, small objects and even floors.

It is believed that greatest success This advertising is available in megacities, organically fitting into the urban information environment. Bright projections can be seen in the daytime, but they will be best seen in the dark. This plays a role psychological factor: in the evening and at night, returning from work or relaxing in the city, people are more loyal to advertising, so it makes sense to place projection advertising in the city center, in places with the highest traffic. Projections on a shopping center, store or any other large structure will unobtrusively attract attention, because the image is not projected onto the building all the time and every appearance causes the effect of surprise.

Projection advertising can be placed on any type of surface. A building with an unusual shape or a simple wall - the choice is yours. The only requirement is that the projector light should not shine into the windows. The placement of advertising must be agreed upon in advance with the owner of the building.

As a surface for internal, interior projection advertising use the walls and ceilings of the room, modular paintings, stands and display cases. Unlike outdoor advertising, this advertising is intended for customers already in the premises. Projections can be shown in regular frames as interactive paintings. Interior projections are suitable for placement in offices, shopping centers, restaurants, at exhibitions.

floor is most popular as an advertising medium for projections. And this is not surprising - reacting to movement, it becomes a magnet for both children and adults. Typically, people are invited to play interactive game, at the beginning or end of which the advertiser's logo will be shown. These games not only entertain, but also teach how to interact with each other, while simultaneously building a positive brand among the audience. Interactive floors used both indoors (restaurants, kindergartens, cinemas, casinos, etc.) and outdoors to attract visitors.

What are the specific advantages of projection advertising?

  • Variety: You can project multiple images on one surface, alternating between advertising slides. In this way, you can advertise several products;
  • Thanks to the large area (on average 250-350 m²), the projection is guaranteed not to go unnoticed;
  • The architectural appearance of the building remains intact, which means that these advertisements can be placed in best places, where even billboards may be prohibited;
  • Weather conditions cannot damage the projection (such as posters);
  • Does not require bulky structures;
  • Depending on the brightness of the light, the projection can be shown not only in the evening, but also during the day.

Equipment and its installation, as well as advertising, will cost from 100 thousand rubles. The higher the advertising surface area, the higher the cost of the projector. As with other advertising media, it may take 3-4 months for this advertising to pay off. However, the result is worth it!

In the struggle for the attention of consumers, many manufacturers of goods and services are trying to use new methods and methods of advertising that attract attention potential clients. Projection advertising on buildings and various asphalt surfaces is currently innovative, and organizing a business in this direction can bring profit to its owner. Since this type of activity is developed mainly in large cities Russian Federation With big amount population, there is not much information about this method of earning money. Before investing, a novice businessman must have basic information on how to organize the process, what devices and equipment are needed, and how much money will be required to invest in the business.

Operating principle of projection advertising

Why is projection advertising becoming interesting and in demand as a way of conveying information about a product or service to clients who contact such specialized firms, and can it become a source of permanent income?

Most advertising methods and techniques that have been used for decades are gradually beginning to lose their popularity. Distributed business cards, booklets and advertising materials often end up in the trash without even being looked at, advertising boards attract the eye less and less, information posted in transport does not always find its reader. In this regard, the search, implementation and active use of other methods of conveying information to potential consumers is relevant.

As an alternative to everyone existing methods outdoor advertising is projection advertising, which consists of broadcasting advertising information onto the walls of buildings, asphalt; projection advertising in the air is also widely used, allowing you to create three-dimensional images literally anywhere.

Along with this, the main equipment that will be required to implement such an idea is projection equipment. It is no longer so difficult to buy an outdoor gobo projector for advertising - any specialized companies, among their main range of products, contain similar types of equipment, which may differ in power, image reproduction methods and special characteristics that make it possible to use them in special weather conditions, which is very important in the climatic zone of the Russian Federation.

Positive aspects of business and its advantages

What are the advantages of such advertising - what is so good about this business? Is it really that simple - you just need to buy a laser projector for advertising on buildings and you can start making money? Of course, as in any type of business, this type of activity has some difficulties and negative aspects, but it also has enough advantages.

So, what's the point? positive sides this way of generating income? First of all, the equipment used for projection advertising allows us to obtain images High Quality, which are distinguished by their brightness - it is quite natural that such advertising is unlikely to go unnoticed. Thanks to its high-quality characteristics, an outdoor advertising projector allows broadcasting at any time of the day. Of course, in daylight the intensity will be somewhat less, but nevertheless attracts the attention of information consumers.

Using a video projector for advertising, you can broadcast not only a picture in the form of permanently depicted information about a product or service, but also entire videos - this method puts new method stands head and shoulders above other types of outdoor advertising and completely outshines installed boards and banners. Taking into account the fact that providing services of this nature is not cheap for customers, it is quite possible to offer customers cheaper options - when one of the broadcast slides contains information about several products at once - thus the price of the service is immediately reduced by two or three times.

What is the advantage for a businessman? Not many advertising agencies currently use projectors for advertising on buildings - a novice entrepreneur still has some time to occupy a worthy niche in such a business - while in Europe such advertising is already actively used, in our country it is so far used only in large regional centers

One of the options for organizing projection advertising is its option mobile organization– when the projector is placed in vehicle and can easily move around the city, broadcasting required material of an advertising nature in a place previously agreed upon with the customer and during the time specified in the contract signed with him.

The climate in Russia can sometimes be quite harsh, and therefore many businessmen, especially those who have never encountered such advertising methods, are somewhat wary of getting involved with this type of business - how will such a device behave in the summer heat, will it stop working in severe frost, thereby reducing all efforts to organize a business to zero? We can say with confidence that there is no need to be afraid of such a weather factor - a gobo projector for street advertising can operate in a fairly wide range of temperatures - from 40 degrees hot to a similar indicator in the opposite direction - it can be actively used at any time of the year.

Also, due to the fact that the image can be projected over a fairly large distance, it is quite possible to install projectors on opposite sides of a street or square - in other buildings - thus the device is reliably protected from the effects of precipitation. Depending on the wishes of the customers, the type of image that will be projected can be different - a company logo, various photographs, patterns, one-color information, videos, animations, etc.

Required documentation and permits

What kind of documentation is needed to run a business and what regulatory laws should one rely on so that this type of activity is carried out in accordance with all existing and valid regulations?

First of all, you will need to register as a legal entity or individual. The most profitable and simple option will be registered as individual entrepreneur– this procedure is carried out much faster and does not require further registration large quantity permitting documentation. In order to perform such an action, you must contact the territorial office of the tax inspectorate at the place of registration, providing an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identification code and the actual application requesting individual entrepreneur registration. Often finished document a novice entrepreneur receives it in just five days. The next step will be to obtain a certificate of registration as a tax payer.

Before buying a gobo projector, many businessmen are quite naturally interested in how such broadcasting of advertising material is regulated - is it necessary to obtain additional permission? Would such actions constitute a violation - after all, by projecting an image onto any building, you seem to be using someone’s property, no matter whether it is private or public. It is worth noting that legislation or any regulations that would contain clear provisions regarding projection advertising do not yet exist. There are only some developments that are planned to be presented as separate projects or additions to the general law on advertising.

The main factors that need to be taken into account so that your actions when projecting advertising are not considered illegal are the following:

  • You cannot broadcast images containing information or pictures that are prohibited for display according to general provisions law on advertising in the Russian Federation;
  • You cannot project an image in such a way that your picture overlaps other information of a similar nature, for example, an advertising sign, banners, boards;
  • You cannot broadcast advertising so that the light source is directed into the windows of residential buildings, offices, and government buildings. In this case, apartment residents or tenants of premises can measure the intensity of the luminous flux that will directly enter any of such premises and compare with the permissible standard;
  • Broadcast to the surface of any building or structure in mandatory must be agreed upon with its owner. To do this, it is better not to use a verbal agreement - all such agreements are best supported by signed contracts, which will clearly state the broadcast time, the area that advertising will occupy, etc.

It is also worth considering that if you place the device in any room that has a legal owner, for example a projector for advertising on asphalt - it is most often mounted at a level above the 2nd floor - in this case you will also need to conclude an agreement on the use of private property in your commercial purposes.

Costs of starting a business and possible level of income

An approximate list of expenses that will be required to organize a business and during the process of providing advertising services is as follows:

  • Business registration – about 10 thousand rubles;
  • Purchasing a projector – from 700 thousand rubles to 1.5 million rubles;
  • Connection to a three-phase network (along with obtaining permission) – 2-3 thousand rubles;
  • Installing a protective type structure (if the projected device is placed on plot of land) – from 15 thousand rubles. It will also need an alarm system - such an item will cost 15-20 thousand rubles;
  • Maintenance projector - from 3 to 8 thousand rubles;
  • Renting a building where advertising will be projected ranges from 30 to 250 thousand rubles per month - in this case, the amount depends on the region of location, the city district, as well as the owner of the building, who has the right to dictate the rental price.

How much can you earn from projection advertising and how quickly will capital investments in your business pay off? On average, organizing such a business requires an amount of 1 to 1.5 million rubles, the payback period, depending on third-party factors, ranges from 5 months to 1.5 years, and the level of income you will receive monthly will be from 200 to 600 thousand rubles per month.

Marketers note that the standard outdoor advertising in the form of signs, stands, billboards, it begins to become boring to the average consumer. Often he does not even pay attention to the faded and faded posters hung on the streets in huge numbers. Projection advertising, which attracts attention with its brightness and unusualness, is a completely different matter. In the West, you won’t be surprised by changing sparkling pictures, but here it’s still a new product, effectively implemented at the moment only in Moscow and Yekaterinburg.

The success of projection advertising

Projection advertising belongs to the category of simple, but, in its own way, ingenious advertising means. A projector with a xenon lamp is capable of transmitting excellent quality images to large surfaces (an area of ​​150 m² or more). Convenient demonstration sites can be the walls of houses, building facades or industrial facilities. Moreover, no additional screens on the facades will be required. And even numerous windows (up to 40% of the total area) will not interfere with high-quality image transfer. Thanks to the power of the lamp, the transmitted image remains as bright and saturated even on a sunny day. An undoubted advantage of projection advertising is the ability to simultaneously project several images using a slide rotation program. This means that you can “kill several birds with one stone” by advertising several organizations in turn.

Cost of equipment for projection advertising

A kit consisting of a projector, additional equipment and consumables will cost you about $30 thousand. Spare parts and consumables mean the following:

  • a replacement cooler that lasts up to 2 years (costs $120);
  • ignition unit ($280), operating for 1-3 years;
  • xenon lamp ($450), requiring replacement after 3 months or 1 thousand hours of operation;
  • reflector ($480), functioning for six months.
  • a roll of heat-resistant film ($380) for a year of work.

The film is divided into parts, onto each of which an image of the future advertisement is applied using an interior plotter in the design studio.

In the first scenario, it is planned to install the projector permanently in a certain place; you will need a small covered structure (made of plastic or iron) to protect it from precipitation. It is also necessary to coordinate the power supply connection and, directly, install the connection line. The estimated amount for this work is about 4,000 rubles.

A specific expense item is the rental of the wall used for projecting advertising. There are no laws regulating “advertising without a medium” yet, so a compromise is being sought with the owner of the wall. The approximate monthly price of such an agreement is 14 thousand rubles.

The second option of the strategy provides for the mobility of the advertising medium with the ability to quickly move around the city from customer to customer. To do this, you will need a Gazelle-type car (rent) and a small gas generator (it is better to buy - up to $500-700). The costs for this option are somewhat higher, but you get rid of such a headache as coordinating and connecting the power supply. Opportunities to earn money also increase significantly.

One technician is required to service the projector. To save money, you can take on the operator position yourself.

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