Application form for internship at Sberbank. How to get a job at Sberbank of Russia

Business 08.11.2020

The work of bank employees has always been prestigious and well paid, especially if it is work in an organization that is a market leader financial services RF. Those wishing to find a job undergo a number of procedures, including questionnaires, testing and interviews with the head of the department. To pass an interview at Sberbank, a job application form is filled out in advance, and a resume is its addition.

History and significance of the organization

The history of the bank begins with the decree of Emperor Nicholas I on the creation of the first savings banks in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1841. By the Great October Revolution, branches functioned in all major cities of the country. At Soviet power, the organization was a system of branches covering the entire territory of the union. Since 1987, the network was reorganized into the State Savings Bank of the USSR, and in 1992, the organization adopted the current legal form- JSC "SB RF".

PJSC Sberbank today is the largest national corporation, represented in 22 countries of the world. The most expensive brand in Russia - the company's capitalization exceeds 4.5 trillion rubles. About 15,000 branches and offices covering all cities of the country, a team of more than 300 thousand people.

Sberbank tomorrow - a trillion rubles in profit, the introduction of new high-tech products, worthy competition for Google, Apple and Amazon in the global market. This is precisely the development strategy until 2020 that was proclaimed by the head of the company, German Gref, at a conference in London.

Working at Sberbank has many advantages

Advantages of working in the Security Council of the Russian Federation

The benefits for employees are:

  • the controlling stake is owned by the Central Bank of Russia. Thus, the organization is state-owned. For the applicant, this is a guarantee of full compliance by the employer Labor Code Russian Federation - “white” salary, paid educational, maternity, planned leaves, sick leave, overtime work;
  • career growth. The internal policy of the Security Council is aimed at development - “raising” its own personnel. Get a job leadership position It's almost impossible from the street. To realize your career, you need to do excellent work as an ordinary employee. The largest organization in the country assumes constant rotation of personnel if a person has shown himself to be the best side, promotion will not matter;
  • valuable professional experience. Various courses and advanced training programs are provided. With the constant improvement of technology, there is no way to do without them. In addition, after the highest intensity of work in Sberbank, for those who failed, work in another organization will seem like a vacation;
  • team. In most cases, the internal atmosphere is positive. At a “frantic” pace, especially in departments of large cities, it is simply impossible to do otherwise;
  • privilege. Employees can count on using bank services at a significant discount or without compensation at all. Interest-free loans, mortgages at a preferential rate, pension programs will be a very useful addition to other benefits;
  • geographical position. In large and medium-sized cities, Security Council branches are often organized in all significant areas. This gives many people the opportunity to find work close to home;
  • salary. Salary depends on the specialty and experience of the specialist. The average monthly remuneration for ordinary employees of provincial units is 25 - 30 thousand rubles. In the capital 35 - 45.

You can make a career from scratch at Sberbank

Who is suitable

The main disadvantage of Security Council activities is the high pace and intensity of work. Therefore, the applicant must be stress-resistant and ready for hard, psychologically exhausting work.

The second requirement is communication skills. Working in a bank primarily involves communication. Considering the number of people visiting Security Service branches (almost constant queues), you will have to talk all day, until the last working minute.

Sberbank is one of the most computerized organizations, so the applicant must have computer skills, in particular, the office software package, at least at the level of a confident user.

The network of branches covers 22 countries of the world, serves a significant number of visitors; knowledge of a foreign language will undoubtedly be an advantage for the candidate.

Banking is a constant contact with money. Honesty is a necessary condition. The security service thoroughly checks applicants, including their relatives, for criminal records and violations of the law.

Selection process

Applicants will have to go through several stages of testing to get hired. The procedure begins with a visit to the personnel service and finding out if there are vacancies.

The most popular positions are operator, consultant, sales manager of banking products, and cash collector.

The first step is a group interview with testing. Each specialty has its own tasks. The test consists of a block of questions that must be answered in a limited amount of time.

Applicants who successfully pass the first test are invited to an individual interview. Before which you will need to fill out a special form, you will need a form in advance. A free-form resume would be a useful addition.

Preference is given to persons with higher economic or legal education and relevant professional experience.

Successful candidates will receive a call for an interview with the head of the department and an on-the-job internship lasting from 2 weeks to a month. Passed all tests and passed probation receive an invitation to work.

Sberbank selects employees very carefully

Features of filling out the form

For admission to individual interview at Sberbank, a job application form is a prerequisite. It is a document on 4 A4 pages. To be completed in legible handwriting or in electronic format. Includes the following blocks:

  1. Space for a 3x4 photo.
  2. Personal information section. Last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, address of actual residence, registration, passport and contact information. The vacancy you are interested in is also indicated.
  3. Education. Table block for completion information educational institutions, specialty and qualification received, diploma numbers. Completion of advanced training courses and trainings. The degree of proficiency is also noted here. foreign languages. Priority is given to English, German, French, Spanish.
  4. Special Skills. Level of proficiency in the office software package, operating systems, photo editors. Possession of a driver's license. Attitude to military service, rank, army specialization.
  5. Marital status, immediate family. Stay abroad. Convictions, being under investigation. Information must be as reliable as possible. A security check will reveal distortions of facts, which will lead to a deliberately negative decision on the candidate.
  6. Experience – an extended table for information about the applicant’s work history. All previous places of work, specialization, positions are listed, with reasons for dismissal. Do not neglect the field for describing acquired professional skills and achievements. Willingness to travel. You definitely need contacts of two previous managers who can give a recommendation.
  7. Hobbies, interests, sports. a brief description of yourself.

The document ends with a personal signature confirming the accuracy of the information provided and consent to verification of personal data.

Working in a bank has always been considered prestigious: good salary, neat appearance of employees, and with a responsible approach, good prospects.

But how to get a job at Sberbank?

Step one: propose your candidacy If you are determined to become a bank employee, you can try to take a place in the organization in several ways:

  1. View available vacancies on the official website of Sberbank. When you find a suitable option, click “Respond” and wait for a response.
  2. Contact the HR department of a specific banking institution. There you can find out what vacancies they can offer you, and leave your application form for a job at Sberbank and your resume here. In addition, banks often post notices if an employee is needed. Most of them are for students or “newbies”, but they should not be neglected.
  3. Rely on connections. If a good friend of yours works at a bank, ask him to help you. As we know, the end justifies the means.
  4. In addition, you can attract attention by completing training from Sberbank itself. This can make a big difference when applying for jobs.

To get a job at Sberbank, a prerequisite is having a higher economic or financial education.

Step two: pass the selection

The reasons why everyone wants to work in a bank have already been listed above. But it is naive to believe that it is easy to get there. Sberbank is one of the largest organizations in its field, and to get a job there, you must have a number of character qualities, which are tested during a series of tests.

Group InterviewAfter receiving a response to your application, you are sent to a group interview. Together with other candidates for the position, you will have to take a short test on your knowledge of mathematics and answer several questions on the questionnaire.

You should always have with you:

  • Passport;
  • Education document;
  • Work book;
  • Some photos.

Individual InterviewBe prepared for a long wait. Each candidate is interviewed within an hour, and the queue is usually quite long. While you wait, you will be given another form to fill out. Upon entering the office, you will have to give it to the manager conducting the interview.

How to fill out an application form for a job at Sberbank? What you will need to indicate in the application form:

  1. First of all, standard information: personal data, residential address, contacts, passport details.
  2. This is followed by a section on education. Here you need to note the year you graduated from school, the year the diploma was issued and the specialty received. It will not be superfluous to note the completed courses for advanced training.
  3. Experience. You will need to indicate the name of the organization, position and time worked in it.
  4. Personal data of family members or close relatives.
  5. Personal skills and qualities that can help you when working in a bank - communication skills, responsibility, punctuality, and so on.
  6. You will need to attach a passport-size photograph to the application form.

You can download a sample of filling out an employment application form on the official website of Sberbank.

If you contacted the HR department in search of vacancies, in some cases they may give you such a questionnaire to fill out. And if you applied via the Internet, you can fill out an online application for a job at Sberbank. In other companies, they require you to hand it over personally to the hiring manager. It depends on the characteristics of the organization in which you are applying for a job.

How to prepare for an interview?

  1. Find out as much as you can about the company itself. Date of foundation, history, merits, leaders. An employer may refuse to employ you simply because you do not know where you are going.
  2. Work on appearance. Neatness in dress for bank employees is one of the main requirements, since you will have to constantly work with people. You must show with your appearance that you win people over.
  3. Be sociable. Full time job with clients requires communication skills, and in banking sector– also the ability to sell.
  4. Repeat the theory. If you cannot answer basic questions, they are unlikely to want to make you a new employee.
  5. Be punctual. Being late for an interview is the worst thing you can do.

Step three: get to work If you have passed all the tests with dignity and were still accepted, you can begin to fulfill your duties. New bank employees have a probationary period, which depends on the position you occupy. In addition, like any job, the work of a bank employee has its positive and negative sides, for which you need to be prepared.

Advantages and disadvantages of working at Sberbank

  • Good salary and bonuses;
  • Free trips are organized for employees to sporting events;
  • Free access to Gym(at head offices);
  • Compliance with the terms of the employment contract;
  • Holidays and corporate events are organized on a large scale;
  • You can count on insurance payments in case of injury, payment sick leave and receiving maternity leave;
  • Attractive prospects.
  • Problems with management or team;
  • Competition for a higher position;
  • It's hard enough to get promoted.

However, if you are determined to work in the banking industry, this should not scare you. In many ways, your position depends on the ability to “present yourself,” and for this you need to have a certain grip. In general, the main thing is to take a responsible approach to fulfilling your duties. Also on initial stage It is very important to find a common language with the team and management, in some cases this can play a big role in your career growth.

Work at Sberbank - become part of the largest financial corporation in Russia

For most Russians, working in a bank represents stability and success. Maria Varukhina, head of the personnel selection department of the North-West Bank's HR department, tells how to become an employee of Sberbank.

– Maria, it is considered difficult to get a job in a bank. What are the bank’s main requirements for an applicant?

- Sberbank has various vacancies, accordingly, the requirements for applicants are different. We need employees with and without work experience, with specialized education and any other. For example, the requirements for employees serving individuals are as follows: secondary specialized education and communication skills, and experience in customer service or retail network will serve additional benefit. Our training system for newly recruited private service specialists will provide necessary knowledge about the bank's products and services, and will also allow you to acquire communication skills with clients.

– Working at Sberbank certainly requires the employee to have certain human qualities. Which ones?

– Sberbank works with clients, which means the main requirement is customer focus. The work of specialists in the hall is associated with a large flow of people, which means that stress resistance should not be limited last place. We work in a huge organization where it is impossible to do business without mutual support, which means leadership, understanding that you are part of a team, initiative, result orientation, readiness for operational changes, quick learning - these are the qualities that are necessary for work in our team with a focus on further development.

– What specialists does Sberbank need?

– Now, due to the expansion of our business and the opening of new offices, we are interested in front office employees: specialists in servicing individuals, consultants on banking products, sales managers. All information about vacancies is posted on our Career Portal, where you can not only read job descriptions, but also undergo on-line testing, take part in a business game, fill out a motivational questionnaire, and find out interesting news about the bank . In addition to the retail network, this year we are expanding the Interregional Underwriting Center - a unique division where we are inviting specialists to process loan applications for vacancies. individuals and underwriters of the corporate block.

– Not everyone is familiar with the word “underwriter”... What does it mean and what knowledge do you need to have to get this vacancy?

– An underwriter is a high-quality lending risk analyst. The overall primary requirement for candidates is excellent analytical skills and a willingness to work with large volumes of data. Special requirements vary depending on the area of ​​work - lending to individuals or legal entities. There are no candidates for vacancies in the underwriting division of individuals special requirements By education, candidates for vacancies in the small business underwriting department must have a higher education in economics (even the average grade point is important). Candidates for positions in the small business underwriting and corporate underwriting departments are subject to even more stringent requirements.

– You mentioned the vacancy of a sales manager, and an immediate association arose with active sales... What does this position at Sberbank imply?

– In Sberbank branches, sales managers work in the front office, they communicate with clients, offer credit products and services, and together with the client they look for the best credit solution. These are specialists who must have extensive knowledge of the bank’s product line, be ready to answer any question about services, help the client make calculations and guide them through the lending process.

– Does this mean that any candidate can take the position of sales manager and learn all the technology?

– Requirements for candidates for the position of sales managers are higher or secondary specialized education, experience in retail sales and a desire to develop in the banking industry. We are waiting for candidates on our Career Portal.

– What would you wish for someone who dreams of starting a career at Sberbank? Maybe a short slogan for use?

Feel free to take the first step and become part of the largest financial corporation in Russia!

Source: Supplement to the newspaper “Savings”. Founder of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, publisher of North-West Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC. The newspaper was registered with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications on December 17, 2001. Registration Certificate PI No. 77-11397

Getting a job in a large and respected institution is the dream of many. One of these dream companies in our country is Sberbank. Employees of the HR department of the Ural branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC told us about how to get to work there, what you need to know and be able to do, and what to pay special attention to.

What requirements do you have when hiring young employees with no experience?

Every company, and we are no exception, strives to lure best shots, and there is a real struggle for the minds and talents, the young “stars”. When hiring young specialist, like, by the way, an experienced one, we first of all strive to determine what the dominant reasons of the candidate are, whether he has a motivation for development, which motives can be used for further development candidate. It is no coincidence that all our candidates undergo psychological testing and interviews with a psychologist.

What do you need to know and be able to do to work for you, what skills are needed first?

Candidates' work experience in the banking industry is, of course, welcome. But again, returning to the question of young specialists, work experience needs to be gained, so the most important thing is the ability to quickly grasp and process information, the ability to cooperate, empathy, complicity, and the ability to be determined to achieve results.

What should a student do who wants to work for you, but does not have the opportunity to get a full-time job? Is it possible to work on a more or less flexible schedule?

Working in a bank is, frankly speaking, hard work. It requires complete concentration and complete dedication. Combine successful work Not everyone succeeds in their studies; the quality of either work or study sometimes suffers. Therefore, we advise job candidates - students - to focus first on their studies, to “try” themselves in the banking field through a system of internships - introductory, industrial, pre-diploma. And yet... We actively invite students to work in those departments of the bank and in those positions where it is possible to work part-time or work in shifts. For example, part-time work with a flexible work schedule is established for promoters and direct sales agents. A promoter or direct sales agent is a specialist with unique knowledge of all banking products, the ability to build communications with clients, and sales skills. Having started his career in a bank as a promoter, direct sales agent during his student years, the young man will be able to further build his career in the bank and connect his destiny with it.

- How many students do you take on for practice? Is it possible, after successful completion of the internship, to be officially employed by you?

The Ural Bank OJSC “Sberbank of Russia” is always happy to take students for internships. After all, practice is not only about acquiring new skills for a student, but also about tangible assistance to bank employees. During the internship, the student plunges into the work process and takes on part of the function of his internship supervisor, which makes the work much easier. In addition, today's student is a person of a post-industrial society, and he is able to bring new ideas, a new look at the organization of certain processes into the work of the bank. Over the past three years, the number of students undergoing internships in the divisions of the Ural Bank (3-5 year students) exceeds 1000 people. The percentage of student trainees hired after graduation remains stable - 3%.

Student internships are not paid. But life cannot be contained in a set of instructions. We understand perfectly well that many students are looking to earn extra money. And this is possible, including during the internship period. For example, by concluding an agreement with a bank for the period of internship, a student can work as a promoter and receive monetary compensation for his work.

Are there incentives or bonuses for young professionals?

If I understand your question correctly, then we are talking about financial incentives, about the benefits provided to young specialists. The current remuneration system provides that an employee’s income consists of a guaranteed official salary and the premium part. The size of the bonus (monthly, quarterly, annual) is determined by the employee’s contribution to achieving the final result and his achievement of established KPI indicators. Social benefits provided social program bank, is guaranteed and extends, of course, to young professionals. I mean insurance against serious illnesses and accidents, voluntary medical insurance for employees, medical examinations carried out at the expense of the employer, as well as partial payment for sports facilities, payment financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child, other benefits.

Hello, dear comrades! I think that my story will be useful to applicants who do not know what to expect from such a beast as Sberbank.

One popular job site has long posted offers for the positions of consultant, service manager and sales manager. The first two with minimum requirements, available to applicants with no experience, and higher education is not a mandatory factor - it is possible with an unfinished one.

I have just 3 higher courses, but I have no experience working in a bank - only in wholesale and retail sales completely different products, basic knowledge of sales techniques, working with objections, etc. I think, why not try it?! This is an excellent chance, this is Sberbank - the colossus of our country, reliability, presentability, and a show-off, yes. I sent a response with my resume to both vacancies, and also went to the Sberbank of Talents website - there I filled out an application form for the position of consultant, describing all the characteristics and advantages.

After submitting my response on the website, they called me back in just a couple of hours and invited me for an interview. Well, hurray, I think, I was inspired, so happy that I refused the offer of a job as a supervisor in another company - they were waiting for an answer from me. And in general I stopped considering other vacancies and decided to direct all my efforts to Savings Savings.

At the first interview, in addition to me, there were 3 other applicants and 1 HR manager. All information about the work, conditions, structure was presented in an accessible and understandable manner; practically no questions arose, and if there were, we received answers to them without problems. Everyone had to tell about themselves: where they worked, why they left, in general, this is standard. Next there was a test on a computer, as far as I remember, there were 146 questions. Nothing complicated, for attentiveness, erudition... The main thing is to meet it within the designated time, i.e. There is no way to sit and think; you need a quick reaction. The minimum score allowed for a positive result was 4. I finished the passage first, the result was 5.5 points. Everything was great, I was even more happy, they gave me a questionnaire, and I went home.

In the application form, items in which you need to indicate the numbers of the Taxpayer Identification Number, insurance certificate, data of close relatives, companies where you previously worked - in the reasons for dismissal you cannot write “for at will". I had such a thing that I really left for this reason, but already sitting in the office in front of the manager, I had to sign some other reason, for example, the classic and boring “salary level” to everyone. I also had to take a 3 by 4 photo , fortunately, the photo studio is located across the street from the savings bank - at the same time, copies of the documents were made there. All this activity is submitted for verification.

I have an excellent credit history - I had one loan, and it was successfully closed a long time ago, and the deposits were good - there is nothing to complain about. No criminal records of relatives or any other factors that could raise red flags.

The next stage of the interview is a business game. It was necessary to come dressed according to the dress code (I don’t go to Sberbank differently, at least for interviews). This time there were significantly more applicants - 10-12 people. Of them, there were three adult ladies: one was a mass entertainer, the other basically insisted that one was raising a child, and in order to feed it, she gave up one thing or another, and the third was a frame, expressing herself in words such as: “it turned out how would be (very often) here." And the third was dressed in some kind of colorful dress - maybe she was invited for the entourage? Or is this serious?! Sberbank, don’t fall in my eyes.

Again, everyone had to tell about themselves, then they watched three videos about different situations with clients and the team. We were initially given sheets in which we had to select - write down 3 people whose self-presentations we liked the most, their opinion on what the heroine of the videos should do in each of the presented situations, and why. Next, we read these opinions and discuss among ourselves - we had to come to a common decision - how true it would be. Of course, there were leaders in this discussion, although they could talk nonsense, like: “while we are waiting for the client, we can wash the floors and tidy up.” It’s difficult to interrupt them, and somehow rude; I personally only managed to insert one phrase to correct yet another stupid statement from another lady. But they are leaders, yes. You know, I’m somehow not used to arguing with upstarts who also don’t have a super-smart opinion, they just want something to say. If the client were like this, I would listen, and then explain and show how to do it - for example, if the situation were at the terminal. But here there are hyper-confident super-specialists. All that remains is to smile. I don’t want to seem like a fool, but many of them giggled at some of their statements, fortunately no one twirled a finger - they resisted. I, he says, have never worked in sales and don’t even know what it is, but the client is always right. Then she, oh, but in general we should not wait for the client, this is the reputation of the bank, we are not some unknown office. The opinion changes instantly. In general, such a zoo. All this lasted a total of an hour and a half.

Yes, I did not prove myself in this test, I left no longer with the confidence that they would take me, but with the thought that I would apply for other vacancies. We had to wait a week for the bank's decision. It turns out that from the moment of the first interview to the last, 5 days have passed, plus the wait of 6 days - all the time spent on the savings bank - 11 days.

I was already invited to another company - I still sent my resume on the same day, after business games. I asked the recruiter to wait 5 days for my decision - there was still hope for Sberbank, I didn’t give up until the last minute. But they called me - based on the results of a comprehensive check and business game, employment was denied. This is how I am: a failed employee, ambitious and striving. Well, oh well, but at least I won’t have to stand on my feet and run all day, taking breaks of 15 minutes (in total - an hour) to sit down, I’ll somehow manage without overwork and everything else. Honestly, I would go and work, simply because it is Sberbank, because I want to grow and develop - I would be top on the career ladder)).

I wonder who was accepted. I would laugh if it were Aunt "here", well, in a kind way, of course. I have no complaints, I don’t hold grudges, I went on my own, but I didn’t go through. Good luck and candy to everyone!

Sberbank is one of the largest banks in Russia. A large number of branches provide work for several tens of thousands of people. In the current crisis, many decide to try themselves as a job seeker vacant position. To avoid being caught off guard, people want to know in advance how to fill out a Sberbank job application.

General information about working at Sberbank

To become an employee of Sberbank, you must declare your intention to the branch credit organization. Admission there is carried out in the format of interviews, before which the applicant needs to fill out an application form for a job at Sberbank.

The most frequently appearing vacancies are the following:

  • operator;
  • cashier;
  • manager;
  • collector

To successfully pass the interview, the applicant must bring with him:

  1. summary;
  2. a completed Sberbank job application form.

Much will depend on the candidate's education, experience and skills. As a rule, this organization hires talkative, sociable people who can easily find contact with other people, especially with bank clients.

If everything is more or less clear with the resume - it is filled out in any form independently, then a person may have difficulties and questions when filling out the questionnaire. This is largely due to the fact that the document is quite voluminous, and it contains information about almost all areas of human life.

Application form for a job at Sberbank: content and features of filling out

I would like to immediately note that you can fill out an application form for a job at Sberbank online. To do this you need it first. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings or questions, you can download the sample, fill out all the fields and send the document to the employer via online system website or to the email address specified in the vacancy.

The form is filled out on a special form with the organization’s logo, and all the necessary information about it is also indicated there. The document must contain a photograph of the applicant; it is pasted on the first page of the application.

general information

First comes the standard information: full name, gender, age, citizenship, date and place of birth. The place of registration and residence of the applicant is also indicated (in detail, not just the city, but the exact address), all kinds of telephone numbers - home, mobile, work (if the applicant is still employed elsewhere). A separate column contains passport data that fits into the line.

At the end of the first page of the application form, the person indicates what position he is applying for and how he learned about the availability of such a vacancy (this could be printed edition, Internet portal, official website). If one of the Sberbank employees recommended this job, then his full name is indicated.

Education, professional skills

The second page contains information about education. If a person has several seniors, then he must enter information about all of them. When taking any courses, seminars, PDAs, you also need to write about them in the application form. In this case, document numbers, course names, dates of completion, and sometimes academic hours are indicated.

Since Sberbank is one of the largest banks, this leads to frequent servicing of foreigners. That is why the questionnaire contains a separate question about language knowledge. As a rule, people are interested in the following languages ​​and their level of proficiency:

  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish.

Sberbank is a modern institution, where working requires knowledge of computer and other specialized programs. The scope of required skills largely depends on what position the applicant is applying for. The main requirement for working in an office is the ability to work with Microsoft products (including Word, Excel, Access, mail), and the Internet.

Sberbank is also interested in the applicant’s attitude towards military service, availability of a driver’s license, and marital status.

A separate column contains information about immediate relatives. In principle, such information is standard for any questionnaire. The data is subsequently used to fill out a personal T-2 card.

It is very important to fill out information about your work experience as accurately and reliably as possible. It is better to rewrite data from work book . If necessary, you can take a copy from your current place of work.

It is necessary to talk in detail not only about previous places work, but also describe in detail what skills were acquired during this activity. Here you can be guided job responsibilities from my previous job. The reasons for dismissal/desire to change occupation are also indicated.

Sizes are shown in separate columns wages at the previous place of work and the amount that the person wants to receive from Sberbank.

To assess a person’s readiness for training, the questionnaire includes questions about whether he is ready for business trips, if so, for how long, and what skills he would like to acquire.

If the applicant has people (former employers) who can characterize him from a positive point of view, you need to indicate their full name and contact information so that Sberbank employees can contact him and clarify information about the employee.

other information

Sberbank is socially oriented, so it takes care of the proper leisure of its employees. The applicant is encouraged to have useful hobbies in the form of sports. Having a rank will only be a plus when applying for a job.

If desired, a person can indicate some information about himself Additional information in the column provided for this.

At the end, consent to the processing of the received data by Sberbank specialists, the date and signature of the author of the questionnaire are indicated.

To increase your chance of getting the coveted position, you must answer all questions as accurately and honestly as possible. This will characterize the applicant as a responsible and honest employee.

If you have any questions or difficulties, you can always contact a bank specialist. He will help you fill out the form and provide a sample. In general, the document is compiled according to the same type as in other organizations. On its basis, data is entered into the personal T-2 card.

When searching for a job, everyone is faced with the experience requirement, even for entry-level positions. But some companies provide opportunities for students and inexperienced job seekers to try their hand at it. These include Sberbank, the largest institution in the country. There are quite a lot of people who want to get a job in a bank, but what to do if you have no experience - what you can apply for and what the prospects are, more about this in our article.

It’s better to start searching for a vacancy by reading the offers on the institution’s website

The banking sector has always been an honorable and prestigious workplace. Often a person who has a different education and has gained experience in another industry wants to retrain and get a job in a bank. Of course, there are professions that require specific knowledge. For example, special attention is paid to your qualifications when applying for a vacancy as a cash collector.

In this case, choose a reliable and large company will not be superfluous. Let's look at how to get a job at Sberbank without experience. A citizen has several ways to do this:

  • Explore vacancies on the site. The simplest and most convenient option. The applicant can study the conditions and requirements for each position and compare them with their characteristics.
  • Choose a branch that has a convenient location and clarify this issue with the staff. Often, within a department, recruitment information is located in public places.
  • Contact the Financial Institution Training Center.

Even if you haven’t found an advertisement for admission, you will be able to get a job at Sberbank if you wish. We recommend making competent resume and send it either by email or by specifying the options by . Perseverance always pays off.

Employment without experience

If you have no experience in the banking industry or experience in any, there is always the option of starting a career as a Contact Center specialist, branch consultant, service manager or operator.

On the financial institution’s website, in the “Vacancies” column, you can familiarize yourself with employment options

For such primary level positions, it is sufficient to have secondary education (or higher level) and a general level of knowledge computer programs(Internet, Email, Word, Excel).

If you have experience in direct sales or communicating and consulting with clients, you can get an advantage over other applicants.

To determine the area in which it is more interesting to work and for which you have a predisposition, you can take a special test on the website of a banking institution. The questions in it allow you to identify the area in which the applicant will be more interested in working and will give the opportunity to bring more benefits: banking products, administrative position, cash management services, advertising, insurance, strategic development, personnel management, etc.

Searching for a job will help you understand where exactly you want to get a job.

Training for work at Sberbank

If the applicant’s situation is different and he has a specialized education, the problem of how to get a job at Sberbank without work experience is much easier to solve. If the applicant is still a student, you can worry about building a relationship with the company in advance. In particular, this applies to a number of large educational institutions that cooperate with the leader of the Russian banking system in the field of training young specialists.

You can also get a job at the Moscow Banking Institute or a similar college, which was established by the bank and trains specialists in the field of Banking. For students of technical universities, the Finance program developed by the Higher School of Economics is offered. Here students receive practical skills, and not just theoretical knowledge. Graduates of these institutions are given preference in employment.

For students, the bank has developed several special programs for training and further employment

What to expect after joining Sberbank

Pros and cons for staff.

The bank provides the following benefits to its employees:

  • Official “white” wages.
  • Social guarantees and security in accordance with the rules of the labor code.
  • Bonus program for employees who meet targets.
  • Career growth.

By studying employee reviews (former and current), you can identify the main reasons for dissatisfaction. These include slow or sometimes absent career growth, inconvenient work schedule and high requirements from the authorities.

If you get a job at a bank without experience, then you get access to all the benefits and bonuses for young employees

Customer service has always been considered a difficult field, not everyone has such a predisposition. Therefore, it is worth studying all the nuances before applying for such a position. But if there is a desire and opportunity to work in the banking sector, the leading financial institution stands out as a reliable, transparent and experienced employer. We advise you to get a job that will not only bring you money, but will also be of interest to you for a long time, where you can grow with pleasure.

Video: How to get a job at Sberbank for students


Employment - important point in the life of any person. It is very important to find a place where an employee can get decent salary and opportunity for career growth. Very popular among applicants financial institutions, and many people dream of getting a job at Sberbank. This opportunity is available both to employees with significant work experience and to inexperienced students.

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