The importance of business process analysis for a company. Basic business processes

Business 23.12.2019

When developing the organizational structure of an enterprise based on the business process reengineering methodology, one of the first and the most important steps is an analysis of the enterprise's activities. The analysis begins with the identification and description of business processes occurring in the enterprise.
Developing a business process (BP) reengineering model for an organization is a complex task, the solution of which requires the use of special techniques and tools based on structural analysis methods.
Structural analysis is usually called a method of studying a system, which begins with a general overview of it and then goes into detail, acquiring a hierarchical structure with an increasing number of levels. These methods are characterized by:
- division into levels of abstraction with a limit on the number of elements at each level (usually from 3 to 7, with the upper limit corresponding to the ability of the human brain to perceive a certain number
interrelated objects, and the bottom one was chosen for reasons of common sense);
limited context, including only relevant details at each level;
use of strict formal recording rules;
consistent approach to the final result. Structural analysis methods allow one to overcome the complexity of large systems by breaking them down into parts (“black boxes”) and hierarchically organizing these “black boxes.” The advantage of using black boxes is that the user does not need to know how they work. You only need to know its inputs and outputs, as well as its purpose (i.e., the function it performs). In the world around us, “black boxes” are found in large quantities: tape recorder and TV at the household level, an enterprise from the client’s perspective, etc.
Thus, the first step in simplifying a complex system is to break it down into “black boxes” (the principle of “divide and conquer” - the principle of solving difficult problems by breaking them into many independent tasks that are easy to understand and solve), and such a division must satisfy the following criteria:
each “black box” must implement a single function of the system;
the function of each “black box” must be easily understood, regardless of the complexity of its implementation (for example, a rocket control system may have a black box to calculate its landing location: despite the complexity of the algorithm, the function of the black box is obvious - calculating the landing point);
a connection between “black boxes” should be introduced only if there is a connection between the corresponding functions of the system (for example, in accounting, one black box is needed to calculate the total wages employee, and the other for calculating taxes. The necessary connection between these “black boxes” is the amount of earnings required to calculate taxes);
- connections between black boxes should be as simple as possible to ensure independence between them.
The second important idea underlying structural methods is the idea of ​​hierarchy. To understand a complex system, it is not enough to split it into parts; it is necessary to organize these parts in a certain way, namely in the form of hierarchical structures. All complex systems of the Universe are organized in hierarchies. And it itself includes galaxies, star systems, planets, molecules, atoms, and elementary particles. Thus, the second principle of structural analysis (the principle of hierarchical ordering), in addition to the fact that it is easier to understand a problem if it is broken down into parts, declares that the arrangement of these parts is also essential to understanding. The understandability of a problem increases dramatically when its parts are organized into tree-like hierarchical structures, that is, the system can be understood and built in levels, each of which adds new details.
Third principle: structural methods make extensive use of graphical notations, which also serve to facilitate understanding complex systems. It is known that “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
For the purposes of structural analysis, three groups of tools are traditionally used, illustrating:
functions that the system must perform;
relationships between data;
¦ time-dependent behavior of the system (real-time aspects).
Among the variety of graphic notations used to solve the listed problems, the following are most often and effectively used in structural analysis methodologies:
DFD (Data Flow Diagrams) - data flow diagrams together with data dictionaries and process specifications (mini-specifications);
ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagrams) - entity-relationship diagrams;
STD (State Transition Diagrams) - state transition diagrams.
All of them contain graphic and text modeling tools: the first - for the convenience of displaying the main components of the model, the second - to ensure an accurate definition of its components and connections.

A classic DFD shows data sources and sinks (destination) external to the system, identifies logical functions (processes) and groups of data elements that link one function to another (threads), and also identifies data stores (drives) that are accessed. Data flow structures and definitions of their components are stored and analyzed in a data dictionary. Each logical function (process) can be detailed using a lower level DFD; when further detail is no longer useful, move on to expressing the logic of the function using a process specification (mini-specification). The contents of each repository are also stored in a data dictionary, the data model of the repository is exposed using ERD. In the case of real time, DFD is complemented by means of describing the time-dependent behavior of the system, revealed using STD. These relationships are shown in Figure 2.3.
The graphic notations listed above are used (in one set or another) in almost all modern methodologies of structural system analysis. The role of these methodologies is to regulate the fundamentals of the development of complex systems. They describe the sequence of steps, models and approaches.
Currently, almost all known structural analysis methodologies are successfully used, but the most widespread are:
SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) methodologies;
structural systems analysis by Gane-Sarson;
structural analysis and design Iodana-De Marco (Yourdon-DcMarko);
Jackson Systems Development;
development of structural systems Warnier-Oppa (Warmer-Orr);
analysis and design of real-time systems by Ward-Mellor and Hatley;
information modeling Martin (Martin).
The listed structural methodologies strictly regulate the phases of requirements analysis and specification design and reflect a “cookbook” approach to system development.
The basic symbols and terms of DFD (in Jodane notation) are presented in Figure 2.4.
Data flows are mechanisms used to model the transfer of information (or physical components) from one part of a system to another. Flows in diagrams are usually represented by named arrows, the orientation of which indicates the direction in which information flows. Sometimes a stream can move in one direction, be processed and return back to the same source. This situation can be modeled either by two different flows, or by one bidirectional one.
The purpose of a process is to produce output streams from input streams in accordance with the action specified by the process name. This name must contain a verb in the indefinite form followed by an object. In addition, each process must have a unique number for reference within the diagram. This number can be used in conjunction with the diagram number to provide a unique process index for the entire model. Component Designation Component Designation Data flow Name > Control flow Name Process ^Name^ Control process > \ t ъ
f Name j
* /
4 U
^ t y Storage Name Control storage Name External entity Name Name change node Group node Name Type change node Figure 2.4 - Basic symbols of a data flow diagram
The storage (drive) of data (materials) allows you to define data in certain areas that will be stored in memory between processes. In effect, the warehouse represents “slices” of data streams over time. The information (raw materials, semi-finished products) it contains can be used at any time after it is defined, and the data (objects) can be selected in any order. The repository name must
identify its contents and be a noun. In the case where a data flow enters or exits a warehouse and its structure matches the structure of the warehouse, it must have the same name, which does not need to be shown in the diagram.
An external entity (or terminator) represents an entity outside the system context that is the source or receiver of system data. Its name must contain a noun, such as goods warehouse. The objects represented by such nodes are not expected to participate in any processing.
DFD decomposition is based on process decomposition - each process can be expanded using a lower-level DFD.
An important specific role in the model is played by a special type of DFD - a context diagram that models the system in the most general way. The context diagram reflects the interface of the system with the outside world, namely, the information flows between the system and the external entities with which it must be associated. It identifies these external entities, as well as, as a rule, a single process reflecting main goal or the nature of the system as far as possible. And although the context diagram seems trivial, its undoubted usefulness lies in the fact that it establishes the boundaries of the system being analyzed. Each project should have exactly one context diagram, and there is no need to number its only process.
The first level DFD is built as a decomposition of the process that is present in the context diagram.
The constructed first-level diagram also has many processes, which in turn can be decomposed into a lower-level DFD. This builds a DFD hierarchy with a context diagram at the root of the tree. This decomposition process continues until the processes can be efficiently described using short (up to one page) miniprocessing specifications (process specifications).
With this construction of the DFD hierarchy, each lower-level process must be correlated with a higher-level process.
Individual data in a system is often independent. However, sometimes it is necessary to deal with several independent data simultaneously. For example, the system has streams “apples”, “oranges” and “pears”. These threads can be grouped by introducing a new thread "fruit". To do this, it is necessary to formally define the “fruit” flow as consisting of several descendant elements. Such flows, combining several flows, are called group flows. The reverse operation, splitting flows into subflows, is carried out using a group node, which allows you to split a flow into any number of subflows.
The decomposition of flows across diagram boundaries is carried out in a similar way, making it possible to simplify the detailed DFD. Let there be a flow FRUIT included in the process being detailed. In a flow diagram detailing this process, there may not be “fruit” at all, but instead there may be flows “apples” and “oranges” (as if they were transferred from the process being detailed). In this case, there must be a BNF definition of the flow FRUIT, consisting of subflows "apples" and "oranges", for balancing purposes.
The use of these operations on data allows for data structuring and increases the visibility and readability of diagrams.
To provide data decomposition and some other service capabilities, the following object types are added to the DFD:
group node. Designed for splitting and merging streams. In some cases it may be absent (i.e., actually degenerate into a point of merging/splitting of flows on the diagram);
name change node. Allows you to ambiguously name streams, while their contents are equivalent. For example, if during the design of different parts of the system the same piece of data received different names, then the equivalence of the corresponding data flows is ensured by the name change node. In this case, one of the data streams is the input for this node, and the other is the output;
control process. It represents the interface between the DFD and the control specifications that actually model and document real-time aspects. Its name indicates the type of control activity produced by the specification. In fact, the control process is a converter of input control streams into output control streams; in this case, the exact description of this transformation must be specified in the control specification;
control storage. Represents a “slice” of control flow in time. The control information contained therein can be used at any time after it is entered into the repository, and the corresponding data can be used in any order. The name of the control repository must identify its contents and be a noun. Control storage differs from traditional storage in that it can only contain control threads; all their other characteristics are identical;
control flow is a "pipe" through which control information flows. His name should not contain verbs, but only nouns and adjectives. Typically the control flow is discrete rather than continuous. This could be, for example, a signal representing the state or type of operation.
Logically, a control process is a kind of command post that responds to changes in external conditions transmitted to it using control flows, and produces commands executed by processes in accordance with its internal logic;
type change node - the data stream is the input for this node, and the control stream is the output. For example, the “machine speed” data stream in some cases can be used as a control to control the critical value.
Thus, the developers of BP models came to the conclusion that the simplest way to standardize such work is to introduce rules graphic image BP and interpretations of these
graphic images. These rules, naturally, must be recognized by one or another authoritative community. This method became the most effective with the advent of the first software tools that automate the activities of teams of fashion designers joining forces within the framework of one project. There are quite a few implementations of the method under consideration, and they are mainly associated with a specific CASE tool. However, we can already talk about some historically confirmed meta-trends.
Comparing existing tools is an extremely difficult process due to the complexity of the tools and the knowledge-intensive ideas embedded in them. The objective weakness of the comparative motivations given by specialists in the field of business process reengineering is due to the difficulty or inexpediency of mastering more than one organizational design tool to perfection. For the same reason, the opinion of such a specialist is only a reflection of the degree of compatibility of his worldview, formed by the experience of not a single year of work.
Now we can talk about two main directions in the development of organizational design tools. One is expressed in the creation of conditions that reduce the degree of freedom of the designer. This is the definition of strict standards for drawing up inferences that ensure acceptable mutual understanding between developers and users of tools that support the entire project cycle, but do not allow us to “create” the way we want. The other covers only individual fragments of the project cycle and is aimed at presenting a service for expressing “creative” views on the design of organizational processes. In other words, the two approaches differ in the number of standard relationships that the software environment represents for describing organizational processes.
An attempt to compare some characteristics and features of the description of business processes implemented in software product Rational Rose from Rational Software, and products based on the IDEF0 methodology, the most common of which are Russian market is BPwin Corporation Computer Associates allows us to conclude that the first system belongs to the category of “creative”, and the second “hard”.
Since the characteristic components of “hard” systems based on IDEF and DFD were discussed in detail above, let us dwell in more detail on the characteristic features of the “creative” Rational Rose. Rational Rose does not support any known business process modeling and analysis methodologies. The methodology for constructing so-called “business models”, contained in the additional set of recommendations or RUP methodology that accompanies the Rational Rose package, offers Use Case and Activity diagrams to describe business processes. However, the author is convinced that these diagrams allow us to describe only a small part of the information that is needed for modeling business processes and which is represented by IDEF0 tools. In addition, the Use Case and Activity arcs of the diagrams do not have the same semantic types that were specified for the IDEF0 arcs. The syntactic conventions dictated by the system when developing Use Cases and Activity diagrams are not combined into a complete system; no interpretation is given to these diagrams to explain how they should be used in modeling.
For these reasons, Rational Rose users, when developing Use Case and Activity diagrams, have to come up with their own original syntactic conventions and give their own interpretation to the existing ones in order to reflect all the information essential for the analyzed process.
In other words, the Rational Rose user is forced to develop his own “formalisms” to obtain a methodology for building models and analyzing business processes.
There are also Russian software tools based on the use of CASE technologies, for example the domestic package - CASE.analyst.
CASE.Analyst is a CASE (Computer Aided Software/System Engineering) class graphical system running under Microsoft Windows 9.X. CASE.Analyst provides the following capabilities;
tools for functional modeling of the system using data flow diagrams;
automatic maintenance of the project database;
automatic project verification, integrity and completeness control;
modern graphical interface;
a clear and rigorous description of the system (system specifications);
project presentation tools, for example, 2x2m diagrams (on any printer);
automatic generation of project documentation in accordance with GOST 19.XXX and 34.XXX;
more than 40 types of reports and protocols.
The diagram window is the main working window of the program in the sense that it defines the current diagram of the project and cannot be closed. The Charts window allows you to create and edit charts. A new diagram can be created only by detailing (decomposing) any node in the current diagram. Thus, all diagrams automatically form a hierarchical project tree.
Each project diagram can be one of the following types:
CD - context diagram;
DPD - data flow diagram;
DPU - control flow diagram.
The topmost diagram of a project is always the context diagram.
Each chart type has its own object palette on the right side
The listed approaches, despite all their diversity, in the organizational design of enterprises are based on the principles of integrity, that is, the external environment in these models is present only as an external entity that forms input signals (material flows) and closes feedback lines.
However, it was previously shown that one of the characteristic trends in organizational building modern companies is the blurring of the boundaries of the organization, the loss of the difference between the internal and external environment of the corporation due to numerous cooperative connections,
diversification, consulting and financial mutual participation of companies in each other’s activities.
The most striking manifestation of “organizational interpenetration” has become outsourcing. The specifics of this economic phenomenon and the possibility of using an analysis of the degree of “outsourcing acceptability” in the structural design of organizations will be discussed in the next section.

INTRODUCTION........................................................ ........................................................ ...............3

1. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS FOR ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS PROCESSES OF AN ENTERPRISE DEPARTMENT......................................................... ........................................................ ................6

1.1. The essence of the concept of “business process” and its components.................................................6

1.3. The theory of business process reengineering.................................................... ..........10

1.2. Methodology for applying functional-cost analysis of business processes.................................................... ........................................................ .........................16

2. ANALYSIS OF THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPLY OF JSC METALLURGREMONT................................................... ........................................................ ....26

2.1. Characteristics of OJSC "Metallurgremont"................................................... .......26

2.2. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise..................................30

2.3. Functional and cost analysis and reengineering of the business process “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” and development of recommendations for optimizing the department’s activities.......................... ...................................................54

2.4. Assessment of the economic and organizational effect from the implementation of the proposed recommendations.................................................... ...........................................69

CONCLUSION................................................. ........................................................ .......81

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ ........................................84



To operate successfully in a market environment, an organization needs: efficient use of available resources (technology, non-current assets, capital, personnel, information); identification of internal reserves, in particular, in the field of management. One such method is functional cost analysis (or FCA). With its help, it is possible to simplify the management system, increase management efficiency, reduce overhead costs, etc.

Functional cost analysis is understood as a method of comprehensive systematic study of the cost and characteristics of products, including functions and resources involved in production, sales, delivery, technical support, service provision, and quality assurance activities. This method is aimed at optimizing the relationship between the quality, usefulness of an object’s functions and the costs of their implementation at all stages of its life cycle.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that currently FSA, together with the concept of business process reengineering, is becoming one of the main management tools aimed at assessing, developing recommendations and ongoing adjustments to the internal organizational processes of an enterprise. The importance of studying this methodology and the great interest in this topic on the part of researchers is evidenced by the large number of articles devoted to this issue in the economic and managerial literature and periodicals. A great contribution to the development of the theory of FSA in our country was made by Kibanov A.Ya., Ryzhova V.V., Karpunin M.G., Maidanchik B.I., Moiseeva N.K., Rodkina T.A., Pankov V.A. ., Kovalevsky S.V., Byvshev A.P., Shcherbakov V.A., Sharonov V.I. and others. The concept of business process reengineering is considered in the works of foreign and domestic scientists: Vendrov A.M., Sheer A.V., Robson M., Ullah F., Repin V.V., Eliferov V.G., Abdikeev N. M., Danko T.P.

and etc. In most scientific materials, FSA is considered as a method of analyzing management functions (or managerial FSA). The essence of the functional approach is to consider an object not in its specific form, but as a set of functions that it must perform. However, the application this method

it is not limited to this. FSA is also a useful tool in the field of product cost management, as it is based on the concept of operational cost calculation.

Like any other type of analysis, the use of FSA to characterize an object begins with a comprehensive assessment of the enterprise (financial condition, organizational structure, determination of criteria and indicators for evaluating the object, etc.). Rational use of this method allows you to identify the necessary reserves of the enterprise - a key factor in the success of successful market activities. Graduation goal- analyze the activities of the logistics department (hereinafter referred to as OMTS) of OJSC “Metalluremont” within the framework of the “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” process and develop measures to improve the efficiency of cost management for its implementation. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    study and systematize the theoretical provisions characterizing the concept of “business process” and its components, as well as the algorithm for reengineering business processes;

    study the theoretical foundations of the application of functional cost analysis;

    conduct an assessment of the financial and economic condition of OJSC “Metalluremont”, assess the effectiveness of the organization’s management;

    identify the features of organizing the activities of the logistics department of OJSC “Metallurgremont” within the framework of the “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” process;

    estimate the cost of implementing the process of “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” - a central aspect of the activities of OMTS OJSC “Metalluremont”;

    identify possible reserves in the implementation of the functions of OMTS of OJSC "Metalluremont" within the framework of the process under consideration;

    determine the economic and organizational effect of implementing the proposed recommendations.

The object of study of the final qualifying work is the OMTS of OJSC "Metalluremont".

The subject of the final qualifying work is the system for managing the process of settlements with suppliers and contractors.

For a comprehensive assessment of the enterprise and the implementation of methods aimed at solving the above problems, the following regulatory documents and sources are used:

    specialized literature on modeling and classification of business processes, functional cost analysis, business process reengineering, analysis economic activity and the specifics of the enterprise;

    annual and quarterly financial statements of OJSC “Metalluremont”;

    regulatory documentation accompanied by the process of “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”;

    job descriptions and regulations on OMTS of OJSC “Metalluremont”, etc.

Methods used in the analysis: functional cost analysis, process analysis, vertical and horizontal analysis, calculation of quantitative and qualitative indicators, factor modeling, expert assessments, comparison method, interviewing, photograph of a working day, functional model of management assessment.

1. Theoretical basis analysis of business processes of an enterprise department

1.1. The essence of the concept of “business process” and its components

A modern organization in the context of a functional-process approach is considered as a set of specialized departments, and at the same time - as an activity for the implementation of processes. This idea of ​​organization in the field of scientific theories and practical methods of management at the current stage of development of “managerial thought” creates a number of significant contradictions between the organizational structure of the enterprise and the tasks of a particular unit, namely:

    limited connections between departments;

    struggle between departments for spheres of influence within the organization;

    suboptimization of units in the area of ​​their responsibility, and, as a result, a conflict of goals and a conflict of actions.

Analysis of these and some other problems allowed us to create the basis for making changes that have occurred over the past few years. Currently, an enterprise is viewed not as a set of departments, but as a set of business processes. This view is based on the assertion that each individual process has a supplier and a consumer:

Rice. 1. Model “Supplier-process-consumer”

Advantages of this approach:

    concentration on each process contributes to better customer satisfaction;

    value creation in relation to the final product is concentrated in organizational processes;

    by assigning process owners responsible for the process, fragmented distribution of responsibility can be avoided;

    process management allows you to create better grounds for controlling the time it takes to complete work and consumed resources;

    when managing a holistic process that passes through many departments, rather than individual departments, the risk of suboptimization is reduced;

The concept of a business process can be defined in different ways (see Appendix 1), but in essence all definitions of this term can be reduced to the following:

This is a chain of logically related, repeated actions, as a result of which enterprise resources are used to process an object (physically or virtually) in order to achieve certain measurable results or products to satisfy internal or external consumers.

A business process can be considered within one organizational unit, span several units, or even several different organizations.

The main elements of engineering - methods for constructing business processes in an organization - are the following:

    Business process owner (formally responsible person managing the business process)

    “Input” and “Output” of a business process are, respectively, the converted resource and the result of the business process.

    Document flow is a system of documentary support for the activities of an organization (job descriptions, departmental work regulations, etc.)

    Model - graphical, tabular, textual, symbolic description of a business process or their interconnected set.

    Business process indicators are quantitative and/or qualitative parameters that characterize the business process and its result.

    Supplier is an entity that provides resources.

    Consumer (client) is a subject who receives the result of a business process.

The consumer may be:

a) internal - located in the organization and in the course of its activities using the results (outputs) of the previous business process;

    b) external - located outside the organization and using or consuming the result of the organization’s activities (output).

    Operation (work) is part of a business process.

    Business process regulations (business process description) - a document that describes the sequence of operations, responsibilities, the procedure for interaction between performers and the procedure for making decisions on improvements. Resources - information (documents, files), finances, materials, personnel, equipment, infrastructure, environment, software

    , necessary to perform a business process.

Function - the direction of activity of an element of the organizational structure, which is a set of homogeneous operations performed on an ongoing basis.

The set of considered main elements of the category “business process” in their interrelation can be presented in the form of the following diagram:

Rice. 2. Conceptual diagram of process control

An important step in structuring the activities of any organization is the identification and classification of business processes. In relation to obtaining added value of a product or service, the following classes of processes can be distinguished:

Basic processes;

Supporting processes.

Functional modeling method SADT (IDEF0);

Process modeling method IDEF3;

DFD data flow modeling;

ARIS method;

Ericsson-Penker method;

A modeling method used in Rational Unified Process technology.

The efficiency of an enterprise depends on how well business processes (BP) are streamlined. Since the market situation changes at lightning speed, mechanisms that worked yesterday may fail today.

Therefore, experts regularly analyze the BP and draw conclusions about the advisability of adjustments. Based on the results of the analysis, management decides on changes to existing schemes, which often helps reduce costs or increase productivity.

I will talk about how to analyze BP correctly so that your business makes a profit.

Depending on the type of process, they use different sources obtaining information - from interviews with employees to audits

What does a basic analysis include?

  • Research of all available information on BP.
  • Measuring actual indicators - productivity, time spent, employees engaged.
  • Their comparative analysis in dynamics.
  • Creation and evaluation of graphic diagrams, etc.

Two types of business process analysis

1. Qualitative

The situation can be analyzed on the basis of subjective assessments, using graphical diagrams, as well as in relation to standard requirements and regulations.

2. Quantitative

More objective, it involves the collection, processing and analysis of product indicators, BP efficiency, customer satisfaction, their comparison, as well as other progressive techniques. Whether a company needs business processes and how they justify themselves is determined by this approach.

Methods quantitative analysis business processes are more developed and used more often

Simulation modeling and ABC analysis of BP (operational cost analysis) are innovative quantitative methods with the help of which, for example, the cost of a process is determined. They require large time and financial investments, so they are rarely used in conditions Russian business, especially in companies without clear regulation of processes.

Qualitative methods

1. SWOT-analysis

The technique is aimed at preliminary identification of strong and weaknesses BP. It is used to predict potential improvements (opportunities) or deteriorations (threats). The simplest way– survey of managers and employees in order to construct a SWOT analysis table of the process.

2. Highlighting problem areas

The enlarged diagram shows the main groups of functions and performers. Indicate problem areas identified through a survey of employees and managers, for example, the purchase of equipment or calculations. Brief formulations will help in the future to formulate a reorganization plan.

Visual analysis of graphic diagrams is often useless, since errors and technical flaws occur during their creation. Implementation requires deep practical knowledge and understanding of industry solutions and experience.

3. Process ranking

BPs are classified according to their level of effectiveness and degree of importance to the organization, and then it is determined which of them need improvement first. The technique is subjective, therefore it is used mainly at the preliminary stage.

Quantitative methods

These include:

  • Process indicators– numerical values ​​characterizing time, financial, human and other costs.
  • Product or service performance, for example, the absolute volume of services, nomenclature, number of defects, etc.
  • Customer satisfaction indicators– BP output or products.

Absolute indicators are numerical values ​​that describe the time it takes to complete a business process, the cost of a product or service, and other technical information (number of personnel, number of transactions, automated workstations, etc.).

Relative - also expressed in numbers, but provide them in relation to other information, for example, the ratio of plan and actual execution, comparison of business processes, etc.

Qualitative methods only complement quantitative ones, but are never primary

How is the cost of the process estimated?

Cost indicators are among the most important and are divided into three groups:

  • The cost of the power supply unit in general (difficult to determine).
  • Separate indicators are costs for remuneration of performers, for heat and energy, communications, obtaining information, for depreciation of equipment, for advanced training, etc.
  • Indicators of the cost of the final product - costs of raw materials, labor costs, depreciation of equipment, etc.

To improve the process, it is important to observe the dynamics of changes in cost indicators. To do this, sections are analyzed, specific and relative data are obtained, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the feasibility of the reorganization.

How to analyze process quality?

A process that satisfies the needs of the consumer is considered to be of high quality. minimum costs resources. To obtain objective data, analyze:

  • The number of product returns and complaints about a product or service, complaints from customers about the quality of service.
  • Number of incomplete shipments.
  • Degree of defects and safety of the product.
  • Number of emergency situations with forced management intervention.
  • Adaptability of the power supply to changes in customer requirements and external conditions.
  • Independence of the process from personnel changes.
  • Controllability.
  • Ability to improve.

Some indicators of business process automation in BPMS are easily measured using the simplest methods of collecting and processing information. Others are not amenable to numerical analysis, so they are monitored over time, identifying the causes of failures in emergency situations and preventing them in the future.

The simpler the business process, the more simple numerical analysis techniques are used

Example of a step-by-step business process analysis plan

  1. Conversation with employees responsible for the implementation of a specific BP about possible problems.
  2. Determination of inputs (material, labor, energy resources).
  3. Fixing outputs (physical goods or services).
  4. Carrying out brainstorming with representatives of several departments about improving the BP.
  5. Visualization of processes using flowcharts.
  6. Making changes aimed at reducing costs, shortening the cycle of work, simplifying the process or improving the quality of service - taking into account the results obtained.
  7. Analysis of the results and (if necessary) steps to improve the business process.

The analysis system must be developed individually for each enterprise. On initial stage simple quantitative techniques are used. With the development of processes, they are gradually supplemented with more complex indicators, involving, in addition to absolute ones, also relative ones.

Regular monitoring of the effectiveness of each power supply is required condition to achieve results. After all, in the absence of progress, regression occurs. The winner is the one who never stops striving for perfection!

Setting goals for describing business processes

One or more goals from the following are usually selected as goals for describing business processes: list of the most frequently solved problems.

Structuring project goals

Structuring a project for describing, analyzing and reorganizing business processes consists of the following steps, see figure.

At the first stage, the manager formulates in free form the goals of the project, the timing of the project and the possible amount of resources allocated to this project. Project manager as representative working group holds a meeting with the head of the organization to preliminary formulate goals. The result of the first stage is a list of goals defined by the head of the organization.

At the second stage, the project manager tasks the working group with detailing the list of goals. The main task of the working group at this stage is to achieve extremely specific goals, the achievement of which can be expressed in quantitative indicators.

At the third stage of developing project goals, the detailed structure of goals is agreed upon with the head of the organization. His task at this stage is to set priorities for achieving detailed goals.

Development of technical specifications significantly simplifies the task of implementing the project. It depends on the methodology and software used.

The approved technical specification is mandatory for execution by the working group.

The structuring of goals can be carried out in the format of a balanced scorecard ().

Defining Indicators to Measure the Achievement of Goals

For each formulated goal, one or more key performance indicators (KPIs) must be formulated, allowing one to set planned and monitor actual values. KPI example given

Description of the organization's business processes

Basic steps:

  1. Identify the organization's external customers and inputs/outputs for the organization as a whole. One example of presenting results can be graphical diagrams in the notation IDEF0, level A0 (example).
  2. Make a list of the organization’s main business processes that form external outputs. The list of main processes, as a rule, is a reflection of the value chain.
  3. In parallel with point 2, compile a complete list of top-level business processes (including auxiliary processes and management and development processes. The rule for classifying processes is given). A business process model can be developed in various notations, for example also in IDEF0, as assumed in the business modeling system Business Studio (example of top-level business processes), or in , as recommended in the system Business Engineer (example of a top-level business process network). At this stage, the formation of the first internal regulatory documents organizations. For example, from a business modeling system it is possible to download an automatically generated top-level business process regulation - example.
  4. Conduct a ranking of business processes in order to select priority business processes for improvement.
  5. Describe each of the priority business processes at the lower level.
  6. Build organizational structure organization and distribute those responsible for each of the selected business processes. As a result, a matrix of responsibility distribution is constructed, which allows one to determine the presence of failures and duplication of responsibility.
  7. Depending on the final purpose of the description, a detailed description of the selected processes in WFD is carried out. In particular, if necessary process automation(in the “as is” state) the process can be described in notation BPMN. Implementations of such a description can be viewed. If it is necessary to create a package of internal regulatory documentation and/or prepare an organization for QMS certification, the choice of notation is determined by the modeling agreement. Often, when describing processes at the lower level, the notation is used EPC. Examples of samples of internal regulatory documentation downloaded from business modeling systems are given.

Business process analysis

Types of business process analysis techniques:

  • Qualitative process analysis
  • qualitative analysis of the process based on subjective assessments:
  • visual qualitative analysis of graphic diagrams process A:
  1. input/output analysis;
  2. function analysis;
  3. analysis of resources (personnel, equipment, software);
  • analysis of the process state in relation to the requirements:
  • Quantitative process analysis
  • measurement and analysis of indicators:
  1. analysis of process performance indicators;
  2. analysis of process indicators;
  3. process customer satisfaction analysis;
  4. comparative analysis of processes;
  5. process simulation and functional cost analysis;
  6. ABC process analysis.

Analysis of an organization's business processes is necessary to improve the efficiency of its work.

Timely adoption of relevant management decisions based on the research will allow the company to take a leading position in the industry.

Essence and goals

Business process analysis is a procedure systematically obtaining information for defining, assessing, identifying the subject of research in order to improve it.

The need for analysis is caused by the competitive position of the company. Comparing prices and costs of products from different market participants can help it improve its operations.

The following facts may indicate an unstable position of the company:

  • high costs for upgrading equipment when changing production technology;
  • significant costs for transportation and storage within the organization finished products;
  • low percentage of processing time in the overall cycle that a product goes through from creation to sale;
  • long delivery time of goods;
  • excessively wide range of products;
  • problems with contract deadlines.

These indicators relate to key processes. However, for the assessment, information on all types of activities in the company's production cycle should be used.

To obtain information about aspects of the company's work, the following procedures are used:

  • audit of financial statements;
  • production documentation is studied;
  • the production algorithm is described;
  • the process is studied in action.

The main purpose of business process analysis is to improve their performance by adopting the most effective management decisions. Successful implementation of the task can be achieved by the following actions, used in combination:

  • determining the financial return from the use of process resources;
  • research of internal and external factors that affect the firm's performance;
  • assessment of the implementation of the established plan;
  • analysis of the used capabilities of the enterprise;
  • development of a process optimization plan.

Analysis methods

There are several methods for assessing processes. Using any of them, you can consider the stages of a company’s production cycle and optimize the operation of the enterprise.

SWOT analysis

This method involves studying the process by identifying its weak and strengths, opportunities for improvement and threats to reduce efficiency.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Survey of management and employees of the enterprise.
  2. Processing the results obtained, assessing the general points in the answers.
  3. Building a table.

SWOT analysis is a tool for a detailed assessment of the process; the results of the study can be used to further search for ways to optimize the operation of the enterprise.

Identifying Process Problems

This method is considered the simplest means of qualitative research into the reasons for the low efficiency of an organization's production cycle. Its purpose is to set the direction for subsequent in-depth analysis.

The research procedure algorithm is as follows:

  1. Formation of a business process diagram by displaying the functions performed and performers.
  2. Survey of managers and employees participating in the action being analyzed.
  3. Identifying problem areas.

The resulting scheme is discussed and analyzed, the results of the study are used when planning the reorganization and optimization of the business process.

This method allows you to focus on the details of each stage of the production cycle.

Distribution by levels

Ranking is intended to characterize the largest processes of an enterprise. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. A list of the main stages of the cycle is compiled.
  2. Actions are ranked based on importance, status, effectiveness, or any other parameters.

The information obtained allows you to decide which process should be improved first. This method is not suitable for drawing up long-term projects to adjust the company’s activities, since it is based on a quick analysis of the situation.

Analysis in relation to typical requirements

Each business process can be considered from the point of view of compliance with certain universal requirements. Most often used for comparison international standards product quality.

If the assessment shows that the process under study satisfies all established provisions, then further work will consist of finding ways to improve existing indicators.

Visual analysis of graphic schemes

The method consists of studying a graphical representation of the stages of the production cycle. This method of searching for optimization opportunities is considered significantly limited due to a number of features:

  • it is impossible to describe the process in detail using one diagram;
  • any errors in formation make the analysis ineffective;
  • conclusions can only be drawn with practical experience in making better decisions.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Every detail of the process is considered.
  2. The content of the cycle stages is analyzed.
  3. A list of required documents is established.
  4. The availability of information in incoming papers is checked.

Based on the results of the information received, a table is compiled, which indicates all the operations carried out and documents compiled. Optimizing the company's work is achieved by searching for unused papers, as well as functions that cannot be performed due to the lack of necessary reports.

Graphical analysis makes it possible to identify unnecessary or duplicated processes and missing stages of the cycle.

Indicators used

Process analysis is carried out to assess the effectiveness of the company's production cycle. For this purpose, a system of indicators is used.

There are three types:

For the process of analyzing and modeling organizational processes in a specialized program, see the following video:

Analysis using the example of a specific company

Lateya LLC analyzes the process of assembling finished products in the warehouse. It will look like this:

  • Research problems. During the work, weaknesses were identified:
  • no automation systems are used;
  • lack of comfortable working conditions.
  • Ranking of reasons. The identified issues are sorted based on severity.
  • Solutions proposed:
    • motivate employees to gradually fulfill orders over the period;
    • establish the reasons for uneven supply of products;
    • integrate Information Systems and link databases across the enterprise;
    • introduce new algorithms for the operation of automated products;
    • reconstruct the building to ensure the physical comfort of employees;
    • organize shelving for ease of access.
  • Eliminating these problems helped the company increase the speed of order processing in the warehouse.

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