The Internet is terribly laggy. Why is the Internet slow and what to do? System boot check

Law and law 30.12.2021
Law and law

Dmitry has the following problem:

“The Internet is terribly slow! Changed Windows! hard formatted! Internet via the network! On an old laptop, the Internet works much faster"

Micah has this:

“The computer reboots spontaneously and freezes”

Let's start with Dmitry's problem.

The very first thing you need to do is look at the network activity, right-click on the network connection - status and see how quickly the sent/received bytes increase. If it’s very fast or just fast, but you’re not doing anything at the moment, it means some program is downloading something:

1. No matter how good ours is, nevertheless, for the sake of clear conscience, it is necessary to check it with a third party. One of the leaders in the field of testing and treating the system is Dr. Web CureIT. Download via direct link - You can also use it. Weber also analyzes the file hosts, which viruses like to change. There are no viruses, let's move on.

2. Sometimes the reason that the Internet slows down is an antivirus or firewall. With its help, the antivirus checks information on the fly. Naturally, this affects the connection speed. Of course, not all antiviruses slow down the Internet too much, but there are some that do. Disable your antivirus firewall or firewall and measure the speed. If this is the problem, consider changing or fine-tuning your antivirus/firewall.

3. Problem with the network card. Try to force the network card to 10Mbps mode, be sure to Full Duplex, this is enabled in the settings network card, tab additional section Speed&Duplex or Connection Type. It didn’t help - install another network card to check how the Internet works on it.

Try all these methods if nothing helps and you have a wifi router, for example, have you secured your connection, are your neighbors downloading through you?

In our information age, it is difficult to imagine a company, enterprise, office, even home, without the Internet. A reliable, fast network for the Kemerovo office will be installed by a professional company. The Internet has entered all areas of our lives, becoming one of the factors that directly influences efficiency and success. Contact network companies, providers who can provide the quality of their networks and 24/7 support.

Now with Mikha.

The very first thing to do is look into Windows Events. Right-click on my computer - manage - view windows events. We look at the logs - applications and system. We look for critical errors and analyze them.

You also need to check your computer for viruses, step number one from the problem above.

Also remember when the problems started, perhaps new drivers were installed, or a device was added (RAM, etc.), or a program was installed. Check to see if the power to the outlet is interrupted.

In times of ultra-fast fiber optic connections and Wi-Fi networks, the problem of slow Internet unfortunately remains relevant. This is especially acute in places where, according to tradition, advanced technologies arrive late. As a rule, these are dacha areas, countryside or simply “open field” (meaning uninhabited areas). However, even in large cities, where it would seem that nothing is stopping the Internet from developing and working, sometimes the communication speed leaves much to be desired. So why does the Internet slow down and how to solve this problem? Below I give the top five reasons for slow internet speed.

The main reasons why the Internet slows down


Yes, it is this that often causes slow Internet. Checking your browser is very easy. First, try working from a different browser. On one thing the light did not converge like a wedge. If you only have one browser installed on your computer, and you can’t quickly switch to another, then I recommend looking at my full review of all Internet browsers in the article “” and choosing the most suitable one. If you change your browser and the Internet speed increases, then that was the reason. If not, then look further. I also recommend looking at the article ““, where I discussed this topic in more detail.


Have you ever downloaded a movie via Torrent? Well, at least once? Then it's more than likely that yours is still giving this movie away left and right. All torrent clients have a feature called hidden autorun. If you have used it at least once, it will now automatically load on your computer all the time and try to make a distribution.

Open your torrent client. Double-check its settings, disable autorun. Disable file sharing. If you don’t use it, or use it very rarely, then delete it altogether (for fuck’s sake). Then, if necessary, install it again, it won’t take long.

Online game

Well this is a classic! A standard Internet family: The son is playing an online war game, the dad is trying to download a movie via torrent, and the mother is hysterical at the same time because she cannot properly watch the VKontakte video that her friend sent her.

IN in this case An online game, as a rule, takes over almost 100% of the Internet channel and it is unlikely that you will be able to download anything or watch it online. So choose one or the other.

Wi-Fi router

Common reason. And it doesn’t matter what kind of router you have: expensive, cheap, or even found in a trash can, the reason is the same: a malfunction of the router itself, or its software. Whether he's acting up or not is also quite simple.

Disable it for a while and connect your computer directly via cable, bypassing the router. If the speed improves, then the router is to blame. But keep in mind that when you connect, some providers give out free (promotional) routers with pre-wired data to log into the network, and then you may not be able to connect directly, the system will simply not recognize you and will not give you access. In this case, you need to contact your provider.

Wi-Fi interference

When using a router, especially in apartment buildings, where there are a lot of Wi-Fi routers, there may be an overlap of the radio signal. And there will be strong interference. As a result, Internet speed may drop significantly.

Try changing the channel frequency and switching to a less crowded wave. How to do this, see the instructions for the router.


Trite, but real! Check your computer. Even if you have a “Good” paid licensed antivirus, check it anyway. That's why they write viruses, to bypass any clever defense.

Below is a list of free utilities for checking your computer.

It is advisable to send everyone out one by one. Someone will find something. And viruses really slow down the system. Moreover, both the Internet itself and the computer. So check:

Good day everyone, and today we will look at the question of what to do when the Internet freezes!

There may be several reasons why new windows in your browser are slowly opening and the next page is taking a long time to refresh; we will look at the most common ones and which you can decide for yourself, right here and now.

The first reason why the Internet freezes:

You have little free space left on your system disk.

To fix it, you need to look at the main disk where your system is located (usually drive C) and make sure that there is still free space on it and that it does not glow red in the “My Computer” tab

If this happens, then you must first free this disk from unnecessary and unused files using and look at the volume of folders on this disk in the “Users” section

By going into it, you can find those files that you no longer use or find large files on this disk using and delete them from this disk

The second reason the Internet freezes:

The browser itself works hard, you also need to clear its browsing history and disable unnecessary extensions that slow down its work,

The third reason why the Internet freezes:

There are too many programs running in the startup of your computer; you need to audit them and remove them from startup. You will be able to run these programs yourself when you need them, and not every time you start your PC.

How to do this is described in more detail.

The fourth reason why the Internet hangs:

This is the presence of viruses on your computer; they need to be found and, of course, removed!

It is better to do this with the free healing utility Dr Web CureIt; be sure to update it to the latest version on the official website.

See how to do this in detail.

The fifth reason why the Internet hangs:

Also, the reason why the Internet works slowly and freezes may be technical problems on the side of the provider, the one who provides you with Internet service.

To find out, you need to test the speed of your Internet connection. I told you in detail how to do this.

If the speed of your Internet has dropped and is below that stated by your provider under the contract, then you need to call and clarify this issue with him.

For those who want to learn to understand and communicate correctly with their computer - my video course

Below, watch my video in more detail about why the Internet freezes:

Now you have found out why the Internet freezes and what can be done to solve this problem.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below under this article or on my YouTube channel.

Subscribe to blog updates (top right), you will find a lot of interesting materials on your computer and using its capabilities!

Often you have to face a problem when the Internet slows down. What to do in such a situation? What could be the reasons bad work networks?

Quite often the cause may be a common virus. It can significantly slow down not only the Internet, but the entire computer. So, you suspect that it is because of the virus that the Internet is slowing down. What to do? Of course, check your PC with an antivirus program. It is quite possible that after this your Internet performance will improve significantly.

Modem problems

It is possible that your modem or router settings have gone wrong. Try to find instructions that describe the settings for your modem model and check it. Quite often, such a problem can be identified by looking at the device - not all the lights are on or the indicators have turned red instead of green.

Wire problem

Another possibility is a damaged network cable. So, you suspect that this is why the Internet is not working well. What to do in such a situation? First, try tugging on the cable. True, this may not solve the problem. Another option is to change the cable. But not everyone has a spare cable to connect to the Internet. Therefore, it is not always possible to diagnose damage in time.

This applies to those who use Wi-Fi. It is quite possible that your neighbors have connected to you. Agree, this is an additional load that can significantly reduce the speed of your Internet. In order to avoid this situation, use strong passwords, encrypt your connection, and do not neglect the advice of experts. You won't receive gratitude for your charity.

Problems on the line

If you have tried all of the above methods, and your Internet is still slow, it is not clear what to do and where to go. Option one is to call your provider. There you can find out if there is a problem with the line. Perhaps the problem is not with you, but directly with them. In addition, it is possible that you were simply disconnected. The reason may be late payment for the Internet, as well as the exhaustion of the limit. It all depends on the terms of your contract.

Change provider

If the Internet is constantly slow, it is likely that you should change your provider. Sometimes even very good companies they deteriorate and begin to careless about their responsibilities and clients. Consider this option.

Call a specialist

This is the last resort in a situation where the Internet is faulty. What to do in this case? Just call a qualified specialist who will diagnose and find out the cause of your problem. Of course, you will have to pay for this, but you will find out exactly why you do not have access to the World Wide Web.


So, now you know why the Internet slows down, what to do in such a situation and where you can turn. We advise you to check everything and then draw conclusions. After all, sometimes the cause of poor performance may not be one problem, but several. For example, problems with the provider and a faulty network cable.

Almost every second user in the world freezes in their browser. The computer freezes when the browser is turned on and nothing can be done about it, especially if the user has no idea what actions to take.

Everyone likes to surf the Internet, read news or horoscopes, but when a stable working computer falls into a “coma” due to the browser being turned on... The owner of the car begins to tear and throw, call his Internet provider and swear with the operator, although they are not here at all affairs. By the way, if you still don’t know, the browser is a special program for viewing sites on the Internet. The most popular of them are Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla. Today's post is intended to help users with frozen programs and “dead computers”.

Why does my PC freeze on the Internet?

The computer freezes when you turn on the browser due to many reasons, which we will talk about now. First of all, where should you turn your unsuspecting gaze - the impact of harmful software.

We all know that you can get hooked online on almost every corner. Malicious and other utilities with ancient Greek names like to modify values ​​in the system registry, change the contents of files and poke around wherever they want. After this, the browsers themselves, as well as the operating system, begin to work extremely inadequately. Usually, inadequacy manifests itself in the form of computer brakes. The computer freezes when working in Opera or any other browser due to inconsistency between the programs. For example, the Flash player itself may produce errors. Often New applications are the reason why the car slows down

, which will conflict with the browser itself, and maybe with the operating system. If everything is in order with the software level, then why does the computer freeze in the browser? Even if you are completely, of course, this is an extreme measure, and work on the Internet is still slowing down, which means The browser, as you already understand, is a program that has a noble origin. But like any other program, a web browser requires computing resources. By the way, try opening the process manager and estimate how much RAM and CPU resources this simple program consumes. So, not enough RAM, too little hard drive space, or too weak a processor - o

The main reasons for “computer” brakes.

The computer freezes when working on the Internet, what should I do? So, here are a few answers to the question “the computer freezes while working on the Internet, how to fix it?” First of all, pay attention to the fact that You may not have an antivirus program. Usually, in its absence, viruses are the main culprits of computer slowdown. Remember that in addition to the browser, other programs may also slow down. So you need to quickly and vigorously download the antivirus, I recommend using DrWeb or Avast!

– the simplest and free programs. As soon as you install the antivirus, scan your system for viruses.

History files constantly accumulate inside the browser itself. Of course, each open page is a new file that fills the memory. Don't forget to clear your browser history and do this as often as possible! Handling software errors can be very difficult, so this option is considered the most unpleasant. Surely, more than a dozen, and maybe more than one hundred applications are installed on your computer. If the computer freezes when you turn on the browser not so long ago, then try to remember which utility you installed last. Then remove it and after restarting your PC, check your PC again for performance when browsing the Internet. Alternatively, you can completely clean your computer of software junk. , which also includes the browser in particular, its history and other unnecessary files. I recommend using CCleaner.

Read more about how to properly clean your PC.

In addition to everything described above, you need to check the version with faulty hardware. So, we need to enter the BIOS (DEL or F2 key when restarting the computer), then find the hypertrading function, disable it, save the changes and exit the BIOS. Too fast? Then a little more detail.

Let's dwell on this issue. The function we talked about just above is called hyper-trading or Hyper-threading. This is a classic technology that allows for simultaneous multi-precision in processors. It works like this - the processor, presented as one physical core, is detected by Windows as two separate chipsets. Thus, this technology significantly increases productivity and stabilizes the load on the hardware.

You can disable Hyper-threading in the BIOS; simply go to the CPU settings section. Then look for the Hyper-threading Function column, as shown in my example. Depending on the BIOS version, the path to this setting may be slightly different. Pay attention to the phrases indicated - this is the surest way!

Change the Enabled position to Disabled. Then save the changes with the F10 key and reboot.

Additional software for testing hardware performance

In most cases, the computer freezes when working in Opera or Google Chrome, since these are some of the most “gluttonous” programs. There is special software that allows you to test the operation of the HDD or RAM at the deepest level. You need to create a boot disk or flash drive to run the Victoria, MHDD, Memtest or Testmem programs to check the functionality of the screw and RAM.

Lastly, you can check your network equipment. Try connecting to the network via a different communication channel, via Wi-Fi, for example, instead of a regular patch cord.

You can replace the modem, which can also bring positive results.


Now we know how to deal with a frozen computer while surfing the web. Don't forget to clean your PC of software junk and install an antivirus. This is great prevention! Good luck!

When work is connected to the Internet, reduced speed causes financial losses. Failure to submit your work file on time can be a serious problem. When it turns out that there are no speed restrictions recorded on the part of the provider, it’s time to pay attention to the operation of your computer. There are several main reasons why a network may not only lose speed, but even disappear completely.

You don’t have to be a programmer to quickly check and find the cause using elimination. Small tips will help you quickly return your network to full speed.


If the Internet is slow, the first thing to do is clean it operating system from malware and viruses. We are talking about Trojan programs. It’s not for nothing that they are called “worms”: when they get into a computer, such a worm destroys and damages files.

The seriousness of Trojan infections is that not all of them are visible. If brakes appear, we recommend running a Kaspersky scan, namely Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) . This is a fairly optimized antivirus program that operates on the principle of reinsurance: it is better to delete a suspicious file.

This often irritates users, since KIS can flag programs as suspicious and completely normal. Users get around this this way: they disable the antivirus program during installation and download. But we advise not to do this.

Experienced programmers recommend additional checking. Download and install an antivirus program on any website Dr. Web. It is not necessary to remove Kaspersky; there will be no conflict. Main: do not run them simultaneously for testing. So you will find large quantity worms and you can restore your usual connection speed. After cleaning, a reboot is required.

Antivirus software

Most users use antivirus software. Each of them has a firewall, with the help of which the antivirus program instantly recognizes incoming information.

If the Internet is slow, disable this screen or the entire antivirus program. Before turning off, measure the speed. And the same freeze after turning off. If there is a difference, it's time to look for a replacement antivirus program.

Multiple windows and downloads

If the Internet loads poorly or opens addresses slowly, check the ping. Ping is a special computer command that allows you to set the data transfer speed. The speed of opening pages and downloading files depends on its value. The larger it is, the slower your Internet. You can carry out pinging online on specialized sites or do it yourself.

To ping yourself, you need to switch to the command line. When the line is activated, a small black screen will appear. In the top line you need to enter: ping, put a space and type the ip of your computer (you can see your Internet address in the “Internet Access” section of your computer).

Look at your desktop:

  • does it have gadgets;
  • is the torrent working?
  • whether additional programs are running.

It seems that all these little things do not affect the speed. In reality, they all take a little bit of both speed and memory. Ultimately we have brakes. A torrent downloading and releasing as a seed may well be the cause of freezes. All sorts of quotes, maps, etc. – is this all you really need?

Look at your taskbar. Maybe you have too many windows open and your computer isn't powerful enough to handle it.

operating system

This point is especially relevant for those who have an unofficial distribution on their computer, but a manual assembly. Not everyone, but most, have difficulties with the network.

Here you will need a good-class wizard to find the problem using elimination. We advise you to do without such assemblies, and spend time or money and get official versions of the operating system.

Sometimes, when the Internet slows down a lot, reinstalling the OS fixes the situation. Some solve problems with Trojans that do not want to be removed this way.

Routers and incorrect configuration

If the Internet slows down periodically, check the security of access to both your computer and the network itself. It often happens that if there is allowed access to the connection, your neighbors take advantage of it.

If wifi is slow, then be sure to use not only a password for the network, but also encryption. But it's not really greater protection, so we advise you to do the following: connect all your devices and add them to the list of allowed MAC addresses. This way you will create a good filter and someone else’s address will not be able to connect.

Each router has its own technical features speed limits. For example, your router may only pump up to 20 Mbit, but your provider provides a speed of 50 Mbit. Thus, you will have a speed of no more than 20 Mbit. This can be fixed by updating the firmware or replacing the router itself.

LAN card

Externally, the network card behaves as expected: it recognizes the network, connects, and determines the link. But suddenly the speed drops or the network disappears completely. Changes in the adapter do not help, there are restrictions on local network No. Only a complete restart of the computer helps. You can determine if a network card is faulty by eliminating other possible faults.

A primitive measure is to remove the old drivers and install new ones . If this does not help and you are sure that it is definitely a network card, you can replace it or connect an additional one.

Network cable

It seems that if the cable is intact, it must work. Actually the reason weak internet It might be in the cable. If you push it a little or turn it over the wrong way, the signal becomes weaker. Therefore, it is important that the cable from the entrance to the apartment runs smoothly, does not bend around anything, or is crushed. The condition of the plugs and contacts inside the wire is a common cause of problems.


Nowadays there are many browsers and everyone has their own choice. However, each of them works differently. The speed largely depends on the heaviness of the pages and the presence of advertising. Not all of us have a base speed so high that it doesn’t care about display screens and megabits of advertising. Often the speed suffers because the cache and cookies are full to capacity. Who doesn’t know what this is: every visit to a page leaves behind garbage in computer memory.

And the more you wander around different pages, the more such residues there are. Over time, they begin to affect speed. You need to go into your browser settings and delete all cookies and clear your browser memory. Then restart the program.

The same garbage accumulates in the computer itself. It doesn’t matter how detailed it is to delete programs and files. A trace of them still remains. Therefore, it is useful to download the Cleaner utility and remove all programs only with it . Plus, the program has the ability to clear errors. To do this, launch the utility, click “Analysis” in the Menu. When the program finishes, you simply click “Delete Found.”

ISP problem

If the Internet signal weakens and you have no problems: the cable is normal, the router is working as it should, you need to check the signal from the provider itself. Perhaps his equipment has stopped supplying desired speed. You can simply call support: they will definitely know about the breakdown if there are problems with the equipment. If the Internet is very slow, it makes sense to check the signal yourself.

To do this, you need to switch to working with the command line. Enter into the command line: 11. 8. 0. 2-t-l 1 500, where the first value is the address of your gateway. The second meaning of the numbers is the size of the one-time exchange package; it can be reduced or increased as desired. If everything is normal with the connection, a packet transmission trace like this will be displayed:

  • data - data - data - Answer

There will be several such programs in the window. If there are signal disturbances, a message will appear indicating that there is no response or the connection is interrupted due to the duration of the incoming signal. Here you will have to contact support and invite a specialist. Perhaps there is a broken connection somewhere in the outer wire or simply a poor-quality wire.

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Nowadays, the Internet has become so commonplace that in many cases it is simply impossible to imagine a PC without an Internet connection. At the same time, you often encounter that your computer slows down on the Internet. And this leads not only to a decrease in your work productivity, but also becomes very annoying. Why is the Internet glitchy? In rare cases, the user can determine the actual cause. It's one thing when the Internet slows down in the evening. This can be explained by the heavy load on the channel and does not depend on the user. And if the Internet is very slow at any other time, what should you do?

* A technician’s visit and equipment diagnostics are free, if the amount of work is 1000 rubles. and more.

Unprofessional actions by the user will not solve the problem. If the Internet is terribly slow, contact a specialist. Proper configuration of the connection and OS will in most cases help solve the problem.


The Internet is glitchy and what should I do? Firstly, the speed of your connection will never match the declared speed, and not in your favor. Further, the reasons why the Internet began to slow down can be divided into those that depend on and those that do not depend on you. Let's figure it out Why did the Internet become slow?

  • Viruses. The work of Trojans, worms, spyware, and other viruses can significantly slow down your computer on the Internet, up to using the entire bandwidth of the channel. With a large number of different viruses, you can completely lose connection with the Internet. Resuming normal access will be possible after cleaning your PC from viruses or, as a radical method, after reinstalling the OS, followed by scanning with an antivirus with updated databases. Getting rid of viruses on your own can be quite difficult.
  • Operation of antiviruses and firewalls. One of the reasons why the Internet is terribly slow is the operation of the antivirus firewall. The antivirus scans information on the fly. Therefore, Kaspersky, Avast, NOD32 slows down the Internet, just like any other antivirus. There is nothing you can do about it; an antivirus is vital when working on the Internet. If you risk working without it for some time, the consequences of the influence of viruses on the system can be the most unpredictable. A way out of this situation may be to use antiviruses that require few system resources.
  • Lots of browser add-ons and network programs. Has the Internet become very slow with Windows 7 installed? Check how many additional modules, bars, and other add-ons are installed in the browser. Installation large quantity Additional browser elements may well be the reason why Internet Explorer or another browser is slowing down. You must be extremely careful when removing unnecessary components: if the operation is incorrect, the browser may stop working altogether. It is better to entrust the restoration of its normal operation to specialists.
  • Operating system.Using an unlicensed OS often results in very slow Internet connections. OS of various “assemblies” in many cases do not provide the correct receipt of an IP address, a stable low ping, or the correct installation of “native” drivers for the network card. If you already use a pirated version of Windows, entrust its configuration and installation to professionals and then unexpected problems will not arise over time during the operation of your version of the OS.
  • Illiterately configured network equipment.The stable operation of the Internet largely depends on the correct configuration of network equipment. This is especially true for wireless networks. In the latter case, your channel can also be successfully used by your neighbors. To prevent a router, for example a D-Link dir 300, or an adsl modem from slowing down the Internet, we believe that you should never configure such devices yourself. The work of a trained specialist in setting up network elements will be the key to successful work network equipment.
  • Torrent operation.Agree that you have had to deal with a situation where, when utorrent is turned on, the Internet slows down in Windows 7. This is not always the fault of the Internet channel occupied by the torrent. There are system limitations on the number of simultaneous network connection attempts. First, an “invitation” to connect is sent to the remote node, forming a so-called half-open connection. There can be a strictly defined number of such connections, depending on the version of your OS. The number of established connections is not limited. If your Internet slows down while torrenting in Windows 7, this problem can be solved. With the help of special patches, system restrictions can be removed. However, it is not recommended to experiment personally in order to preserve the functionality of your OS.

Can't find the answer to why torrenting slows down the Internet or just slows down the Internet on your laptop or PC?

Contact us. Our company’s extensive experience allows us to quickly localize the cause of unstable operation of your Internet connection and eliminate it. The application can be submitted on our website or by phone. Not everyone can shell out for a top-end PC that can run smoothly under any conditions. Since the majority purchase office assemblies from minimum characteristics

, there is no need to talk about the stable operation of applications.

The most frequently asked question from users is: “why does video on the Internet slow down and what to do?”

Reason 1: video card

So why does video on the Internet slow down at normal connection speeds? Let's start with a common problem, i.e. lack of resources. Office computers often lack discrete

video cards.

Instead, an integrated core is used, soldered on the motherboard. The throughput of such a solution is very weak, so you can’t count on super performance.

As an alternative, you may be offered a central processor that has a built-in video core. This solution is already better, but it also falls short of the level of discrete graphics.

Reason 2: CPU

You have a new card, but the problem has not gone away. Is the processor capable of unlocking the potential of this card? Many “geniuses” simply don’t think about it, believing that an expensive and powerful video camera will get rid of all problems.

First, learn one simple trick. Video realizes its full potential only when coupled with a powerful processor and RAM.

The power supply is also important. A lack of power will lead to the fact that the hardware will not work at full capacity, and the power supply itself will break down very quickly.

No one is forcing you to buy an Intel Core i7 or AMD FX-9590, but knowing the specifications of your own PC will save you from a number of problems.

Why does video on the Internet slow down in full-screen mode, but everything works fine in the window? There is a shortage random access memory or video card memory.

Although the machine's throughput may also be to blame.

This won’t mean anything to many, but if you don’t go into details, there are 2 types of video accelerators: office and gaming. Office ones have a bus from 32 to 128 bits. Gaming, respectively, from 128 to 512. A higher figure indicates higher performance.

Note! The small amount of RAM also affects viewing.

If you don’t know why video on the Internet is slow on Windows 8, launch the task manager and see how much RAM is currently available. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and look down, as in the screenshot.

If the load rate is close to 70-80%, close all unnecessary applications.

Reason 4: codecs

Now many will feel like hackers. Outdated codecs are one of the reasons why videos on YouTube and not only slow down. Without going into details, let's explain what they are.

Codec is a set of system files responsible for reading all modern video formats that are processed by a computer. Please update them just in case.

In particular, the K-Lite codec pack is considered the most widespread package of such software. Download, install and enjoy. If this method does not help, then at least you will have an updated version of the codecs. It will not be worse.

Reason 5: Hardware acceleration

Why does video on VK slow down if no applications or programs are working for you except the browser? The connection speed seems to be good, but it still plays in jerks.

Try enabling hardware acceleration. To do this, right-click on the video in the same VK, look for “parameters” and go. We see a window like in the screenshot. All that remains is to check the box and close the context menu.

Reason 6: slow internet

Everyone has encountered this problem, more than once. There are not enough network resources for comfortable streaming playback. To verify the transfer speed, you can use the following resource: like speedtest.

At a speed of less than 2 Mbit/sec, it is naive to expect comfortable viewing. There are several solutions:

  1. Change provider or increase speed. This opportunity, unfortunately, is available only for large cities. Residents of villages and villages do not have huge selection service providers.
  2. “Deterioration” of the quality of the video in the player settings. In YouTube or VK you can adjust playback settings. The picture, of course, will become a little worse, but it will load noticeably faster.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the movie or video to partially download. The system simply does not have time to play the video in streaming mode, because the Internet speed is simply not enough.

Reason 7: excess garbage

When you regularly visit the Internet, your browsing history accumulates in the storage. At the same time, the cache memory and more are cluttered. As a result, performance becomes much worse.

Note! If you don’t want to delve into your browser settings, install a small utility called CCleaner, which will clean out any kind of “garbage” on its own.

Reason 8: Flash Player

This small program is responsible for the smooth playback of videos on the Internet. So, if, when you start your PC, you see an “annoying” window from the “update Flash player” series, you should not immediately close the window.

Perform this action and then look at the changes. Often the problem disappears immediately.

If online video slows down, you don’t need to immediately run to a service where they reinstall the OS. First, carry out a set of programmatic measures to understand what the reason is.

It won't get any worse, even if nothing helps. Firstly, you will bring programs up to date, and secondly, you will clean the entire system of unnecessary junk.

Next, take a look at the general condition of the system unit. Dust, dirt and other elements need to be blown out, cleaned and removed urgently. Perhaps the components simply do not receive the required amount of air for comfortable work.

Reducing the temperature by 5-7 degrees gives a performance increase of up to 30-50%.

As a last resort, update the PC configuration by adding memory, or changing the video card and processor.

Why is the Internet slow and how to fix it?

In this article I will answer two questions: why is the Internet slow and, most importantly, what to do about it?

For simplicity, we will divide the potential causes of low speed into those that depend on you and those that do not. By first we mean all possible problems with your equipment and cable in the apartment. All the rest are problems of the provider or beyond your control. Providers are different, and often do not admit their fault for low speed, and upon departure they issue quite large bills for “fixing the problem on the client’s side.”

So, let's figure out why the Internet is slow.

Reasons up to you:

1. Viruses

Trojans and spyware can significantly slow down the Internet by infiltrating the browser using the entire Internet channel. They can track your actions and keystrokes (keylogger), and transmit various information via the Internet. With a full set of malware, the connection may be completely lost.

Be sure to check your computer with an antivirus with the latest antivirus databases.

2. Antiviruses and firewalls

Often the reason that the Internet slows down is the antivirus and its firewall. With its help, the antivirus checks information on the fly. Naturally, this affects the connection speed. Of course, not all antiviruses slow down the Internet too much, but there are some that do. Disable your antivirus firewall or firewall and measure the speed. If this is the problem, think about what is more important to you: speed or safety? Or maybe you need to install another antivirus?

3. Many network programs and add-ons

All kinds of rocking chairs, chat rooms, add-ons and bars in the browser also slow down the Internet. Turn off everything you can before measuring speed. If they are the problem, think about whether you really need all these add-ons with a bunch of information on the floor of the monitor about quotes, weather, news, and so on.

4. Operating system

Often the problem is solved by reinstalling the system. It is especially worth considering for those who have various assemblies - animals, extreme sports and others. I’ll be honest, I can’t stand them, I’ve never installed them myself and I don’t recommend them to you. I won’t say that all of them are buggy, but I’ve come across a lot of them. And very often there are problems with the network - either the IP cannot be received via DHCP, the ping disappears, or the firewood is not “native” on the network card. For me, it’s better to spend a day or two installing and configuring everything you need than to install everything “out of the box” in an hour and a half and wait for something to come from. In general, I am for original, pristine Windows distributions).

5. Poorly configured wireless equipment.

If you have a wireless router, it is possible that your neighbors are using your Internet. Remember, everything can be hacked, and you don’t have to be a hacker to do this, he doesn’t need your Internet, but your neighbor, a schoolboy, may well try his hand at it. Therefore, I consider installing data encryption to be a mandatory, but not sufficient condition. What to do?

Set up and connect all your devices to the network - computers, laptops and netbooks, mobile phones, game consoles, and in the router settings, enable the filter by MAC addresses, indicating the Macs of all your devices.

6. Technical limitations of routes

I wrote about this in more detail in the article Testing the Internet speed of D-Link wireless routers. PPTP and NAT mode. In short, the point is that let’s say your tariff is 20 Mbit/s, but your router can only “pump” 15 Mbit/s.

Try eliminating the router and checking the connection speed directly. If this is the problem, a firmware update may help. In any case, read reviews about your model on the Internet.

7. Network card problems

This point is not particularly relevant for DSL users.

This is not such a rare occurrence. Moreover, in most cases the malfunction will be invisible. That is, the network will be perfectly detected in the system, respond to the included cable, show what is connected (give a link). And the fact that the computer is still completely new and even under warranty does not exclude a possible malfunction. Believe me, I have seen hundreds of such cases. What to do and how to check?

If possible, try measuring the speed from another computer. If another computer shows the required speed, then the problem is most likely in the network card. First, try updating your drivers or simply reinstalling them. If you have Personal Computer can be replaced, the price is 200-300 rubles. If the laptop is more difficult to replace, a good solution is an external USB card. The D-Link DUB-E100 is a good device, I’ve been using it for 2 years now after the original one in my laptop broke down.

Often in such cases, it helps as a temporary solution to force the network card to be set to 10 Mbit/s mode, it is mandatory Full Duplex, this is enabled in the network card settings, Advanced tab Speed&Duplex or Connection Type. By configuring the network card in this way, you will limit your connection to 10 megabits, but the connection should become more stable. But remember that the problem will remain, and this is a temporary solution until a specialist arrives or the card is replaced. The same temporary solution helps with poor quality cables or connections.

In any case, you need to make sure that the problem is really in the network card.

8. Problem with the cable in the apartment

Relevant for users of FTTB technology. (optics to home or just “ wired Internet") With this technology, optical fiber is extended to the house, and copper cable - twisted pair, UTP 2×2 5 or 5e, UTP 4×2 5 or 5e - directly to the apartment.

Perhaps the most common misconception is that the cable either works or it doesn’t! The quality of the connection is greatly influenced by the quality of the line. When connecting, the cable must be laid so that any physical impact on it is excluded - when opening/closing doors, no furniture stood on it, no pets chewed on it. Therefore, when connecting, take these points into account, lay them in baseboards, cables/ducts. Also handle the network card connector and socket with care. Most often, problems occur on connections - connectors, sockets, twists; the fewer of them, the better. It would seem like an ordinary twist, but few people know how to do it correctly without preparation. Over time, copper can oxidize and contact deteriorates. Often, when extending or replacing a piece of cable, the user buys the wrong cable, usually 2 or 4 pairs, but straight, without twisted pairs. Result - low speed, very poor signal quality, up to complete loss. Don't do it yourself, trust the experts! If you suspect the cable, try temporarily setting the network to 10Mbit/s FDX (more details in point 7).

As an example, I’ll tell you a funny incident in my practice: a client complained that the Internet did not work well in the evening, but normally during the day. It turned out that the cable got under the leg of the sofa and in the evening the father of the family came home from work and lay down on the sofa in front of the TV and crushed the cable with his weight, but it was so lucky that the Internet worked, although poorly).

Reasons beyond your control.

Problems on the line in general

Problems with the cable can also occur up to the apartment on the provider’s side. Very often this happens due to poor-quality connections.

You can usually check the line by running the ping command on the command line to the gateway or VPN server, for example:

ping -t -l 1500, (instead of indicate your gateway or VPN server)

Where -l 1500 sets the size of the packet sent to 1500 bytes. The size can be changed up or down, usually the provider sets maximum size above which packets are not accepted.

Run the ping and watch for a few minutes. If everything is fine it will look something like this

If not, then sometimes or almost always there will be an inscription - Timed out request But You must be sure that you are pinging your gateway or server, otherwise, when trying to ping an IP address from a different subnet, the same response will appear on the command line. What happens during this time? Is it because of poor line quality?

The packet is lost or arrives incompletely (broken) and has to be sent again until the whole packet arrives. Naturally, at this time the Internet begins to slow down. A bad line is not the only reason for this phenomenon; the same thing can happen due to a faulty network card (in step 7 you can also check with ping) or the provider’s equipment, I won’t go into further detail. In any case, packet loss is a sufficient argument when talking with technical support.

There may also be many other reasons for low speed on the part of the provider - narrow external and internal channels, problems with highways, high equipment load. But usually such problems are widespread and many users will complain about the speed, look at the forums of your provider and thematic forums of the city.

Let me summarize. I talked about the most common speed problems I encounter. The technique for finding the cause of low speed is to eliminate potentially “weak” links one by one. I'm sure you can handle it. Quick connection!

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