Grain combine with their own hands. How to make a mini combine do it yourself from a motor-block

Labor Relations 08.10.2020
Labor Relations

Everyone who at least once visited the village during the harvest, admired the picture when the combines return from the field at night. From afar, they resemble huge steamboats, glowing from all sides - a magnificent spectacle!

Combine is an indispensable technique in agriculture. But how to be those who need to be removed not thousands of hectares of crops, but only a few dozen, those who have no full-fledged hangars for storing a large technology? A new invention appeared to help small farmers - minicine. They are easy to transport, they are significantly lower, and they will fit perfectly in any yard to wintering.

1 Features of Minicbins

Perhaps seeing the mini grain harvesting combine for the first time, agricultural producer reaches such a technique with distrust. After all, such a car completely breaks the stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bthe combine.

But immediately assure that, despite small sizes, Minicubine is not inferior to his older in functionality. It is perfectly coping with the task of collecting, dairy and feeding the grain.

As with ordinary combines, additional devices can be installed on these machines, allowing to knit straw in sheath or cleaning other farm crops.

1.1 Specifications

The main feature of Minicabines is their compactness. For example, one of the most miniature and popular models of the MZK 800 dawn has dimensions of 340 * 140 * 130 cm. With a weight of only 500 kg.

No less common aggregate with a closed cabin Dong Feng 1548. It has dimensions 510 * 199 * 240 cm., Weight 2.17 tons, width of the header - 2 m.

The device of mini grain cleaning machines also happens different. The simplest models do not have seats. The operator, going beside, directs a mini car while holding for special handles. More expensive models have a landing space for combiner and, even a full-fledged cabin.

The device has at least 3 gears for moving forward and one rear transmission. Switching speeds are performed using two levers: clutch and, actually, the switch itself.

Managing the header is also made with the help of the combine booth levers. This is necessary to adjust the height of the cutting device, based on the terrain and other parameters.

Mini grain harvesting combine running from the engine on diesel fuel. For example, the flow consumption of the MZK 800, which we have already spoken above, equals 0.4 liters of diesel fuel per hour. Such economy is very beneficial to the agricultural producer, especially when it comes to small farms.

The receiver for grain in the most miniature models serves a special bag, fixed in special grooves. In more overall models, there is a grain bunker.

1.2 Pluses of Minicbins

  1. Acceptable price.Even a beginner farmer with minimal starting capital can afford to purchase such equipment. Mini car will pay off for the first year of work.
  2. Small fuel consumption. Very important parameter, significantly reduced harvesting costs.
  3. Easy and low maintenance cost. Unlike large combines, one person will quite cope with a miniature copy repairs. Yes, and spare parts for them are much cheaper.
  4. Compactness and maneuverability. These parameters make it easy to make grain collection in small areas, or in areas with a complex relief.
  5. Low weight. Due to the low weight, the machine has minimal pressure on the soil, which positively affects the amount of harvest collected.
  6. Ease of Management. Behind the wheel of such a combine can sit anyone who has an idea of \u200b\u200bdriving. They do not require the passage of special courses and.
  7. No transportation problems.The mini combine has permissible dimensions for free traffic.
  8. Easy storage.It will easily fit on any plot or in the courtyard.

From the minuses of this technology, only a small capture of the header can be distinguished, which makes it almost impossible to use it when harvesting large volumes of cereals. But for this there are large combines, and with their direct responsibilities, the mini combar copes on perfectly.

1.3 Where and for what are used?

Minicabines for grain harvesting are very popular among small farms who own several dozen hectares of arable land. They are indispensable, as well, for cleaning cereals in areas with a complex relief (hilly terrain, ravines, slopes, etc.). In this case, the small technique does not prevent large farmers.

The direct task of combustion machines is cleaning the grain. However, there are mini combines equipped with additional features, or with the possibility of installing replaceable elements. In this case, it becomes possible to use the machine for:

  • sowing seeds in the ground;
  • pre-sowing soil processing;
  • snop mating;
  • unloading grain in the special equipment;
  • cathone herbs, etc.

2 Overview of some models and manufacturers

On the domestic market you can meet minicabines for grain cleaning both domestic and foreign production. They differ not only in appearance, but also in dimensions, consumption, functionality, the principle of operation of a threshing unit, etc.

We present to your attention a review of some popular mini combine models.

2.1 Zarya

Widely popular among small farmers domestic. Ideal for cleaning work in small areas and territories with a complex relief.

Mini Combine "Dawn


The machine allows you to connect hinged devices designed for cleaning sunflower, rice and soy. In the basic configuration, it copes well with the collection, dairy and cleaning of wheat, barley, and other cereals.

"Zarya" works on diesel fuel. The engine has a power of 8 horsepower and consumes 400 grams of diesel fuel per hour. The protection against overheating is the water cooling system.

In the process of collecting grain, the speed of the field is 11 km / h, which allows you to remove 600 square meters within an hour.

There are four-speed gearbox in Minikabin (three speeds for moving forward and one - back). In addition, the device is equipped with a hydraulic drive of the header to adjust its position. Heat width - 1100 mm.

The disadvantages of this model include the winding of the stems on the rebound auger, which often has to be cleaned manually. This slows down significantly and complicates the work process.

2.2 Grain mini-harvester TM "Zarya" MZK 800

2.3 John Dir.

Motherland Combine John Dir are US. Today, the technique of this brand is produced in many Europa countries.

Despite the European Origin, John Deere Technique is fully adapted to the climatic features of all Russian regions.

In the basic configuration, Minicubine is designed exclusively for harvesting grain. However, with the help of additional attachments, it can be renewed to perform other tasks: sowing, pouch, etc.

John Deer feels perfectly in the fields with a complex relief. Can perform work under a slope to 22%. In addition, this combine is characterized by minimal flow and high performance.

When designing these minicines, much attention was paid to the combiner comfort. Its workplace is equipped with maximum comfort. All control drives are displayed in the operator's cab.

Large drawback John Deer for domestic farmers is a high cost. Therefore, many choose more affordable models.

2.4 minicients of Chinese manufacturers

Feature of all Chinese equipment is a low price with full copying of devices of famous brands. Minicbins are no exception. In addition, with wholesale orders, Chinese manufacturers make it possible to choose the customer to choose the basic configuration.

Chinese machines are fully adapted to the Russian climate. But they obtained the greatest popularity among domestic small farmers thanks to the ideal ratio of the price - quality.

In addition, farmers who experienced Chinese minicients on their lands, they say not only an acceptable price, but also about high performance, efficiency, reliability and maintainability.

We drove in the Belgorod region and looked as harvesting. On the recommendation of the regional administration, we stopped in the village large. The main wealth of settlement is fertile black soil, one of the best black mills in the world. The basis of the village of the village is the branch of the GUP "Grain Belogoria", which is owned or renting a 3186 hectares of arable land.
Harvesting is the most spectacular part of our story. When the wheat field "matures", there are twenty days to collect a crop. If there is a grain dryer in the agro-complex, then the assembly term can be stretched for thirty days due to the early start of the collection.
Since there are a lot of fields, and the amount of technology is limited, the task of assembling the crop in the allotted time becomes difficult.
In shift, one combine passes about 60 hectares, and depending on the crop it is 130-160 tons of grain.
Usually, not one field works on one field, but immediately several combines. It is easier to maintain equipment and export a crop.
For the month of work, the combiner receives 30-50 thousand rubles, the salary directly depends on the amount of collected grain. To manage the combine, special rights are needed, so it is prohibited for a drunk steering wheel. Most employees of the enterprise live in neighboring villages, and you can only get to work on a personal vehicle, so in the fight against drunkenness, the DPS inspectors take the rights even on the entrance to work.
The combine work is quite heavy, almost a day must be managed by a huge combine. For relaxation, there are small breaks during the unloading and reception. The greatest drawback of this work is that it is seasonal.
The average speed of the combine - 3.5-5 km / h. During our visit, a "pilot" was discovered, which was showing at a speed of 7 km / h, which significantly reduced KPD. As a result, the driver was fined and deprived of a premium (a third of monthly income).
In the agrocomplex do not contain cattle, and because of this there is no need to harvest the hay. The combine evenly and thoroughly grinds the straw and spreads it along the field, it will serve as an additional fertilizer for the next sowing.
We were very lucky that we fell on the cleaning of wheat, not barley. Those who know that such an assembly of barley will understand us.
All equipment other than the UAZ is equipped with air conditioning. Otherwise, at 35 ° heat, I do not replace the whole shift.
The stalks that remained after mowing look like small tubes through which moisture evaporates from the ground and the field dries. As we are fighting with it, we will tell in the next part.
When a huge grain combine bunker for 10,500 liters is almost filled, the combiner includes a flashing beacon (flasher). Upper grain unloading minimizes combine idle time.
On the signal, one of the Freitylines with a Belarusian semi-trailer Garden 119 per 40 tons of grain is immediately directed.
For ten minutes, the combine completely devastates its bunker.
If it rains suddenly, the grain will be tightened with a waterproof awning, which is now rolled.
A little break and again for work.
Full fretener is selected from the field and heads to the base to unload. In our case, five combines and four such trucks worked on the field.
Cleaning the last plot and the combines are sent to another field.
Combineers work out shifts from seven in the morning and until midnight, and if the humidity is not high and the dew is not falling for a long time, the combines can work up to two o'clock in the morning.
In the agrocomplex now ten such combines, each of which cost 11 million rubles.
The power of its engine is 385 hp
The bunker for collecting grain and cabin shares the glass partition, the driver can observe how to fill.
Abstract species.
Night unloading is no different from daylight.
The powerful headlights of the combine are perfectly illuminated all around.
In the cab cabin.
So work in the field looks from the side on a three-minute exposure.
Combines and severe slow technique will spend the night in the fields under the supervision of guards. In the morning a new shift arrives, cleans and lubricates cars and again for work. On average, the combine works 16-19 hours a day, during which time it has time to fill it with the diesel on the field directly in the field, and to unload grain 13-16 times, but about it and many other things in the next post.
The original is taken from Chistoprudov to the Belgorod region. Harvest.

Tags: How to make, combine, own, hands, for, collection, grain

combine TD 2900 for collecting and automatically removal of pumpkin seeds.

Aug 26, 2010 - And what if you make a trailed kombain, which consists of a simple Casilki KS-2 ... For such money, we can buy in the harshable state .... the rotor does not at least have a sax of half the grain. Improvement of the combine "Niva". Who knows what ....

Americans could accept Russian grain harvesters for Russian tanks

The American journalist littered: Do not harvested on satellite pictures that the United States waves, claiming that they see the Russian military equipment in the image?

The journalist outlined their doubts in the article published in the Opednews edition reports RT.

The anti-Russian propaganda of the American administration with the help of grainy black and white pictures is trying to prove that Russian troops invaded the territory of Ukraine. On them, writes an independent journalist Dave Lindorf, the Russian military equipment shot from the satellite.

The author notes that to place mobile artillery as it is allegedly shown in these pictures, extremely illogical. The technique is built in a row in the middle of the grain field, with trunks, illuminated towards Ukraine. It is not protected by trees, which makes it a light target for attack from the air or the actuat. In addition, near this technique is not visible ammunition, which usually exists in the pictures of such military units belonging, for example, the Israel Defense Army in the Gaza Strip.

One reader from the "agricultural state" Texas suggested a possible logical explanation. The technique captured on them most reminiscent of the combines used to collect grain harvest or other ordinary sowing crops. Such combines are equipped with long, straight, similar to cannon trunks, through which the collected grain is poured into trucks for transportation. Most often, they are built into such chains, and not anti-aircraft installations at all.

It is impossible to argue with absolute confidence that in these pictures is not Russian artillery, the author of the article argues. However, given the habit of Washington to lie about the presence of weapons of weapons of mass destruction and mobile plants for the production of chemical buildings, it is not worth taking American statements for the "truth grain".

Recall, Kiev repeatedly accused Russia in attempts to enter equipment to Ukraine. So, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that at the end of August "the introduction of Russian troops to Ukraine" was held. " However, at the headquarters of the DNR militia denied his words. At the same time, Prime Minister Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko explained that among the militia many Russian volunteers, former personnel military.

The OSCE also denied the movement of military equipment from Russia to Ukraine.

a source

Combined Combine - Wikipedia

Combine harvester - a complex combustion machine ... Its from a mustache and other impurities, the transportation of pure grain in the bunker and .... the plot of the brand is based on the photograph in the journal "Soviet photo", No. 3, 1939

How to make a combine for assembling berries - Ekopelllet

AUG 23, 2015 - a border for collecting lingonberries with their own hands: how to make ... created modifications to assemble rice, assembling grain on the hills, and on ...

Mini-combine for harvesting grain - agricultural machinery, which is used in small farms and collective farms. The unit has a high power, despite the compact dimensions, easily performs the tasks of the collection, volumetric, cleaning the grain and sifts it from the lady and impurities. In the course of operation, the tractor does not damage the structure of the soil, does not harm crop.

Device and principle of operation

The device of the combustible mini-combine includes:

  • cutting machine;
  • reel;
  • screw;
  • oblique chamber;
  • threshing-separating assembly;
  • receiving biter;
  • stricken board;
  • solomotreas;
  • shredder.

Motovilo, rotating, tilts the grain dry, which picked up with cutting blades and is mounted. The stem structure consistently falls into the screw mechanism and the inclined chamber. The receiving beater moves a cut mass into a crushing drum with installed scams that beat over cooles. As a result of strikes, the grain separation comes out through the deck cells. Beach have the right design, so the seeds are not deformed and is cooled to 80%.

The residue of the raw mass enters the keys of the straw-outwork, it shakes it there, it gets into the digger, the shredder and turns into a sexual or shocking through the stray board and is re-fed to the rapid.

Popular manufacturers

Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce different cleaning techniques. When choosing a small-sized agricultural machinery, special attention is paid to its technical characteristics, the ability to aggregating attachments and the popularity of the brand.


Mini-combines for grain harvesting MZK-800 Russian manufacturer are considered the best on areas 5-6 hectares. They do not seek on the field, they do not form ruts in loose and wet soil.

Low fuel consumption, design features of the location of work units, excellent maneuverability - the main advantages of the model. The possibility of attaching any adapter allows you to turn the grain combine in the feed or in the machine for barley billets, corn, sunflower.

The self-propelled tractor is equipped with a diesel 4-cylinder engine with a capacity of 85 liters. p., which provides low resource intensity - 400 ml per 1 hour of work. Its working volume is 3.8 liters.

Difference MZK-800 from other models is the lack of a cabin. Structurally for the mechanism has developed a tent attached to the driver's workplace with special racks.

See » Most Popular Russian Combines from Soviet times to this day

Technical parameters MZK-800:

  • speed of movement - 20 km / h;
  • the size of threshing - 500 mm;
  • mowing height - 50-800 mm;
  • processing width - 2350 mm;
  • fuel consumption - 0.4 l / h;
  • productivity - 600 m² / h;
  • dimensions - 8500x2900x3300 mm.

John Dir.

A mini-agrotechnik representative is the Johndeere-942 graining miniature harvester, which appeared on the market back in 1979. Since 1983, the release of cars is suspended.

The mechanisms are adapted to the Russian operating conditions and are capable of working on uneven areas with a slope of up to 22 °. The combine workplace is well organized and comfortable. The combine is equipped with a 75-strong 4-cylinder diesel engine and a 3-speed transmission.

Operational parameters:

  • working speed - 10 km / h;
  • the width of the threshing device is 300 mm;
  • volume of the power site - 0.39 m³;
  • capture width - 3000 mm.

The disadvantages of the model include the high cost of the tractor.


In the domestic market, popularity is gaining a mini-combine for harvesting grain farmer, with which the cleaning of 9 types of industrial crops is carried out. The module is equipped with one drum, 85 liter engine. from. and mechanical transmission. The maximum speed of the unit reaches 20 km / h, operational speed - 10 km / h.

The mini-combine farmer has a comfortable cabin with an installed air-cooling ventilation system and a good visibility. Inside is a radio tape recorder and radiotelephone.

Technical characteristics of the combine:

  • total weight - 4,600 kg;
  • overall dimensions - 8500x2900x3300 mm;
  • engine power D 243-91 - 85 hp;
  • the width of the capture of the header is 2.3 m;
  • capacity of the grain bunker - 3 m³;
  • performance - 3 kg per second.


The German combines CLAAS are considered leaders in the global market. They comply with European standards and safety standards, have excellent performance, high performance and reliability.

Features of the model range of Claas Consul:

  • threshing - 106 cm;
  • motor power Perkins - 68 l. from.;
  • hydrostatic drive;
  • 3-level box.

See » How does the agricultural combine harvester work

Grain bunkers - 3 m³, the height of the discharge auger is adjustable, which makes it easier to unload the grain from the threads in bags.

Technical and operational parameters of the model:

  • header processing width - 3010 mm;
  • speed of work - 1.6-20.4 km / h;
  • motor operating volume - 3.8 l;
  • productivity - 2-2.5 ha / h.


Among the large range of Chinese products, the Dongfeng-1548 combine is allocated.

Dimensional weight parameters model:

  • total weight - 2175 kg;
  • length - 5100 mm;
  • width - 1900 mm;
  • height - 2400 mm;
  • the width of the capture of the header is 2000 mm.

The mini-combine is equipped with a diesel engine with an average power of 53 liters. from. The device hangs adapters in the form of a seeder and a mechanism for mating sheafs. Productivity of the crop processing reaches 0.53 ha / h / h. The volume of the hopper is 0.8 m³.

Advantages of Dongfeng-1548:

  • low cost;
  • ability to unload into dump trucks;
  • high performance.

The disadvantages include:

  • oil leak;
  • rapid wear of parts;
  • increased fuel consumption in complex areas.

Is it possible to make yourself

Due to the high cost of the technique, some farmers make homemade mini-harvesters independently. The basis takes any tractor, for example T-40. The design allows you to use it for cleaning work: a strong motor, a ready wheel frame and even the seat.

The main problem is the installation of the header. Hinged adapter is bought in working condition. Often acquire trailed PPCU-75.

To improve balancing, use the controls installed from behind the tractor: a tank with water or gas cylinders.

Agricultural work requires the use of specialized equipment. One of the main aggregates for productive activities are combines. A large number of industrial equipment is presented on the market, but they are not suitable for processing small territories. For the help of farmers in this case, minicients come for harvesting grain. They consume not a lot of fuel and are easily transported, while in terms of performance they are not inferior to large-sized counterparts. It is worth noting that outside the season they can be stored even in the yard.

Features of technology

The mini grain harvesting combine can be used with the use of auxiliary devices with which you can knit straw in sheaves or cleaning various crops. It is worth noting that the basic equipment, like a device of such machines, can be diverse:

  • Budget models of mini combines for harvesting grain are not equipped with seats for the operator. He goes next to, holding the unit for special handles and directing it to the right side.
  • More expensive domestic and Japanese grain harvesters are equipped with a landing place and even have a full-fledged cabin.

The advantages of mini combines

Regardless of which model you select, a homemade grain harvesting combine, made with your own hands, or a professional unit, to the main advantages include the following:

  • A low price is an ordinary or trailed harvester for grain harvesting even a novice farmer, while the technique pays for itself after the first season.
  • Low fuel consumption - this indicator helps reduce the costs associated with cleaning operations.
  • Simplicity and cost-effectiveness - Japanese mini combines for harvesting rice grain do not require help of specialists to configure or maintenance. Spare parts for such equipment are available and can be replaced by the user independently.
  • Compact dimensions and maneuverability - minicabines for harvesting grain can be used even in small areas with a complex landscape.
  • The low weight is the mass of the aggregates is small, thanks to which the equipment minimally acts on the soil, which causes positive trend during the collection of cereals.
  • Simple management - a commercial or homemade grain harvesting combine is quite convenient in management, in order to master the technique, special courses will not need. Even one who has not previously had experience with such equipment will cope with it.
  • Ease of transportation - this technique is quite compact and has no restrictions for movement on roads.
  • Ease of storage - there is no need to create a special hangar for storing this equipment, as it may take place on the host yard.

It is worth noting that the combine for harvesting grain has a disadvantage - relatively small capture of the header. It is not suitable for cleaning extensive areas, as it will be not effective, and its use will become inappropriate. In this case, it is necessary to choose a large combine. When choosing the equipment, it is worth paying attention to the dimensions, engine power, switching speed and the volume of the grain collection tank.

The homemade combustion combine harvester is a machine made on the basis of knots and aggregates of wheel tractors, cars and motoblocks. The technique is stationary, suitable for operation in small private possessions or farms.

Required tools and materials

List of essential materials:

  1. Trimming metal profile and reinforcement.
  2. Steel bar for the manufacture of fingers separating the straw.
  3. Several old wheel drives from cars.
  4. Cut pipe.
  5. Ball or roller bearings of suitable size.
  6. Cases for installing bearings.
  7. Gear and chain.
  8. Fasteners.

To make a stationary homemade grain harvesting combine tool:

  1. Welding machine.
  2. Electric edging and grinding machine (Bulgarian).
  3. Set of wrench and heads.
  4. Electric drill or drilling machine and metal drills.
  5. Measuring tool.

Manufacturing process

To make a stationary type machine, you need:

  1. Make a rectangular reference frame from the steel profile to which the worker drum and the support of the drive shaft will be attached. Frame must have a lot of weight to reduce vibrations when working. Supports can be equipped with screw controls, which will allow installing equipment on the uneven surface of the Earth.
  2. Make the axle of the grain drum using the segments of the steel corner, which is welded to 2 wheels from the car VAZ or AZLK. The end parts of the wheels are cut, the rings are welded along the edges of the drum, providing stiffness of the structure.
  3. Between the corners are welded rods of reinforcement, which help to reduce the weight of the rotating node. On all the longitudinal elements, the segments of the metal bar, which are used to pick up straw. Elements are set at a low angle, providing the release of spent material from the drum housing.
  4. Make a shaft from the tube of a suitable diameter, which is attached to 2 bearing supports placed on the frame. On the one hand, the shaft is equipped with a gear, designed to set the chain drive. Installing gears from 2 sides is possible, which ensures the drive of equipment from various techniques.
  5. The outer casing of the drum is made of steel barca with a capacity of 200 liters, the upper section folds down to the sideways, providing access to the mechanism for repair and cleaning from straw. At the bottom of the case there are holes through which grain is poured. For a connection, half of the operation are used 2-3 bolts. It is allowed to manufacture the housing of other sizes or configuration with your own leaf steel.
  6. The drive shaft with gears is mounted on the frame. To ensure the drive from the car, it is possible to install the gearbox on the other side of the combine. The installed chain must be tightly stretched to avoid scraping. When installing, it is necessary to ensure the coaxiality of the leading and driven gear, as well as eliminate the axial beating of the elements. It is recommended to close the chain with a protective casing to prevent contamination and excessive drive wear.
  7. Under the drum, a steel grid is installed in the housing, which ensures the collection of straw.

See » Most Popular Russian Combines from Soviet times to this day

Homemade such a design is a simplified combine with an axial-rotor drum.

The homemade combine is connected to the tractor power selection shaft or to the back bridge of the passenger car.

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