The plant is looking for dealers and sales representatives. Offers from manufacturers to find a dealer

Business 14.07.2020
  • Who is a dealer
  • Is it easy to become a dealer?

We often hear the expressions “official dealer”, “dealer network”, “use the services of a dealer”. Most often they are associated with car sales companies. And this is no coincidence, because car dealership is the most famous and widespread area in this area. But dealers work not only in the field of vehicle sales. Moreover, dealership is one of the proven ways to successfully build your business.

In the article you will learn who a dealer is, what the features of his activities are, and how to become a successful dealer.

Who is a dealer

“Dealer” - from the English “dealer”, which means merchant, agent.

Dealership implies:

  • trade intermediary activities. Dealer - legal or individual which purchases products at its own expense and on its own behalf from the manufacturer in bulk and then sells them to end consumers;
  • activities on stock exchange. Dealer - an individual or a company conducting exchange operations on its own behalf and at its own expense, carrying out independent purchase and sale valuable papers, currencies, precious metals.

Let's talk about trade and intermediary dealer activities.

Many commodity producers do not create their own distribution network, but sell their products through intermediaries. One of them is a dealer. For example, not a single car manufacturer runs its own network of car dealerships. Cars are sold through dealerships that form a dealer network.

In principle, any seller of a product can be considered a dealer of the manufacturer of this product. But it is important to understand that there is simply an intermediary, and there is an official dealer - a partner with whom a dealer agreement and a direct contract for the supply of goods have been concluded.

A dealer is a link connecting the manufacturer of goods and/or services directly with the consumer. Often another element is added to this chain - a distributor. A distributor is a distributor of goods for the manufacturer and a supplier for the dealer; he does not have a direct connection with the end consumer.

The distributor works on behalf of the manufacturer, and the dealer works on his own behalf. By the way, your name and brand are the main advantage of a dealership overfranchise. The dealer has more freedom and independence.

The dealer's main profit depends on the amount of the dealer discount that the manufacturer provides him with on his products. The amount of the discount varies depending on the size of the batch of goods purchased, as well as on turnover. With a large sales volume, the dealer receives an additional reward from the manufacturer. Dealer relationships benefit both the product manufacturer and the official dealer.

The manufacturer receives:

  • expansion of sales markets without going into their regional characteristics;
  • scaling your business without major investments;
  • additional channels for selling products without renting additional space and hiring employees;
  • increasing turnover of goods;
  • profit growth.

The dealer company receives:

  • product good quality with a package of documents for implementation, while the manufacturer bears responsibility for quality;
  • support from the manufacturer, including the provision of promotional materials;
  • posting contacts on the manufacturer’s website;
  • free training (many manufacturers organize mandatory training for their dealers);
  • receiving discounts when purchasing goods and bonuses for successful sales.

It is believed that the creation dealer network- one of the most cost-effective ways to expand sales markets and increase product sales channels.

How to become a company representative

Dealership is a business. And organizing any business requires a serious approach. A dealer, when selling someone else's products, operates under his own name and brand; it is important for him to have a good reputation in the business. Very often, a dealer creates his business reputation precisely by promoting the products of his manufacturing partner.

As a rule, a dealership business requires significant investments, because you need:

  • purchase a specific batch of goods;
  • rent or own premises to store and sell this product.

To become official dealer company must meet a number of requirements. They depend on the specifics of the activity and may vary among different manufacturers. The main requirements that manufacturers place on their dealers:

  • registration as legal entity(For example,OOO) or IP— this is necessary to conclude a formal contract;
  • awareness of the company’s field of activity, an additional plus is experience in this area and/or with similar products;
  • stable financial position;
  • availability of a number of documents in accordance with the specifics of the products sold.

You can look for a company for cooperation in different ways:

  • register on the job search site:

post a resume with a proposal for cooperation or look for suitable job offers from manufacturers and send responses;

  • Search the Internet for companies that are looking for dealers. Information about this is on the official websites. Often there is also an application form for proposals for cooperation;
  • analyze options for manufacturers' search for new dealers.

Here are some options:

  • participation in exhibitions - good opportunity personal acquaintance with future partners. Unfortunately, exhibitions are held infrequently and not everywhere;
  • analysis of information about companies in various online directories;
  • participation in business forums;
  • analysis of advertising on business management websites;
  • search on YouTube - many businessmen have their own channels there and often voice proposals for cooperation.

If you have your own store, you can become an official dealer of the manufacturer/manufacturers of products that are already sold at the outlet. This will take your business to the next level.

Step-by-step instructions on how to become a dealer of a large company

To become a dealer, you need to complete the following steps.

  1. Choose a niche in the dealership business. To do this you should:
  • take into account your preferences, knowledge, skills;
  • research the market in your region;
  • choose the type of product you will sell;
  • thoroughly understand all the characteristics, properties and capabilities of the selected product;
  • study competition and competitors in the region;
  • estimate quantity potential clients and channels for attracting them;
  1. Register a business form if you do not have your own business;
  2. Develop a business plan;
  3. Find money if you don't have enough of your own. At this stage, you can consider taking out a loan orattract an investor;
  4. Find manufacturers or suppliers using various ways. At this stage, you can select several companies to compare the proposed terms of cooperation and select the most suitable ones;
  5. Choose a company to cooperate with;
  6. Submit your resume to the company and undergo an interview. It can be carried out either in the company’s office or via the Internet, for example, via Skype, if the partner company is located far from you;
  7. Enter into a contract. There are two options for cooperation for dealers:
  • By working capital- consists of meeting the requirements for a certain fixed volume of purchases, and, consequently, fulfilling the sales and profit plan;
  • in terms of legal content - it consists in the possibility of creating your own network of subdealers as a General Dealer in a certain territory;
  1. Create conditions for the sale of products, if required:
  • rental of premises;
  • acquisition of necessary equipment;
  • staff recruitment;
  1. Purchase a batch of goods, determined by agreement;
  2. Advertise products through various channels;
  3. Sell ​​goods.

How to become an official Toyota dealer

The Toyota company is constantly expanding its dealer network in Russia. There are 112 official dealer centers and 3 authorized dealerships in 70 cities of the Russian Federation. service centers. Toyota Motor LLC imposes mandatory requirements on applicants for dealerships, which relate to:

  1. Location of the land plot.
  2. Its characteristics.
  3. Showroom.
  4. Service area.
  5. Warehouse and spare parts department.

Here you can download the form, fill it out and send it to the company.

Is it easy to become a dealer?

The main goal of the dealer is promotion in the market and successful implementation products of a manufacturing partner. The dealer must have the following qualities:

  • have the skills of a good seller;
  • be able to negotiate and communicate freely with clients;
  • be able to prepare a competent proposal and presentation of products;
  • be a good organizer;
  • be stress-resistant;
  • have high speed reactions, good memory, analytical skills;
  • be able to foresee and calculate the situation.

Is dealership possible without investment?

It is possible to become a dealer without investment if you:

  • carry out trade “to order” - enter into a dealer agreement with a manufacturer or supplier, add products to the catalog and/or place them on your website (your point of sale maybe an online store) marked “to order”. The client orders the product, pays for it, you use the money received to buy the product from the manufacturer at dealer prices and transfer it to the client. This type of cooperation is possible for relatively inexpensive goods (from 3 to 25 thousand rubles);
  • When you take a product for sale, you enter into an agreement with the manufacturer, which specifies the terms for the sale of the product. Your goal is to sell the product within the established time frame, otherwise you will have to pay for it, and the price will be higher than the dealer price. Sometimes suppliers take back unsold goods. All conditions are specified in the contract;
  • carry out free testing of the product - you receive free product samples from the manufacturer and try to sell them. However, it is very difficult to find a company that agrees to work under such conditions.

Review of dealership offers from manufacturers

Dealership is possible in various areas:

  • motor transport and auto products;
  • windows and doors;
  • constructionand finishing materials;
  • equipment and tools;
  • books;
  • clothing and shoes;
  • electronics and electrical engineering;
  • computers and software;
  • communication services;
  • promotional products;
  • insurance companies, etc.

Offers for dealer cooperation can be found on websites on the Internet.

How to become a company representative in your city: success stories

The TROKOT company produces frame car blinds that replace tinting and save car owners from the blinding sun and prying glances. The company has a wide dealer network consisting of almost 200 representative offices.

The profession of a dealer is quite in demand and also allows you to make good money. Many people believe that dealers are full-time employees manufacturing companies of certain products, but this opinion is erroneous.

A dealer is a business partner of a manufacturing company who promotes its products in a certain territory on a partnership basis.

A dealer can be called a businessman who makes money by selling partners’ products. Later in the article we will look in more detail at how to become a dealer, as well as what is required for this.

The essence of the dealer’s work is to promote the products of a certain manufacturing company, but it differs significantly from simple retail trade.

Unlike sellers, who can trade goods of a wide variety of brands, dealers have the right to act on behalf of the manufacturer. And also sell products under its brand.

Close cooperation with the manufacturer gives the dealer many advantages, including:

  • Large companies often invest in the business development of their partners.
  • Brand advertising is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer.
  • Employees of the manufacturing company assist dealers in developing their own business, which makes it possible to gain invaluable experience and support, as well as quickly make the business profitable.

In fact, any legal entity that wants to sell the manufacturer’s products under the name of its brand can become a dealer.

At the same time, cooperation with the manufacturer can be carried out in several ways:

  1. The dealer carries out wholesale purchases of manufacturer's products, after which he sells them at an inflated price.
  2. The dealer becomes the official partner of the manufacturer, and also receives compensation for the sale of its products.

It is worth noting that each company sets its own rules for working with partners. Many large companies They work exactly according to the second scheme. Small producers, most often, simply sell their products to intermediaries in bulk.

Official dealer of the manufacturer

Many companies engaged in the production of certain products do not have their own sales networks, but use the services of intermediaries called dealers.

In such situations, both the manufacturing company and the person acting as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the buyer benefit.

The company saves money on creating its own trading network, entrusting the sales work to the appropriate specialists, and dealers are able to quickly open own business for trade in products famous brand.

Although any seller can sell brand products, it is official dealers who cooperate directly with the manufacturer who receive products at the lowest cost, as well as the right to sell products under the manufacturer’s brand.

You can become an official dealer after participating in tenders held by large companies to select the best representative.

Required documents

To participate in the tender, it is necessary to provide the manufacturing company with a whole package of documents that will confirm the seriousness of the candidate’s intentions.

Filling out an application.

To participate in the competition you must submit the following documents:

  • constituent agreement and statutory documents of a legal entity;
  • documents confirming state registration legal entity and tax registration;
  • a document confirming that the head of the organization has the appropriate powers, as well as the passport details of the head;
  • certificate of ownership or lease agreement commercial premises where the products will be sold;
  • bank details of a legal entity.

There is no point in selling cars if a person has a passion for cooking. In such a situation, you can start promoting brands of relevant products.

You need to work only with brands that are close and interesting to a person. In such a situation, sales will grow, and interest in the business will not disappear even in the event of temporary setbacks.

Nowadays, almost anyone can become a dealer. The main thing in this matter is to find a suitable manufacturing partner, as well as to have the desire and ability to invest in your own business.

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