Lesson on applique in the senior group of crows. Application classes in the senior group on the topic “Birds”

Chercher 09.01.2020
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Application made from colored paper, grade 3 Application made of colored paper “Crow”. Master class with.

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes KSU " high school No. 21 village Saryozek" Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: The “Crow” applique from colored paper can be made after reading Vera Chaplina’s story “Cunning Crows” in 3rd grade. The work can also be used in labor lessons and during extracurricular activities or in kindergarten.
Target: development of the ability to perform interesting works from colored paper.
Tasks: Teach how to correctly and carefully cut out parts from colored paper according to templates; observe safety precautions when using scissors at work; develop imagination, fantasy, creativity; cultivate perseverance and accuracy when working with glue.
Materials and tools required for making the applique: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, black felt-tip pen or marker, templates, sample work.

Hello guys! Guess the riddle.
Kar, kar, kar! That bird screams
In the field, in the city, in the village.
Perch on trees.
A well-known person.
And her name is... (crow)

- Hello, dear crow!
Iwaited for you.
How are you living, tell the crow,
How are you doing?
I meet you in the forest
And I often notice:
You're very sad.
Are you by any chance sick? –
And the crow answered me:
- Am I sad? What are you saying, no!
We're just such birds -
It doesn't suit us to have fun.
We don't sing songs,
Don't compare us to a nightingale.
Well, of course, sometimes
You can croak - no problem!
But whistle and chirp,
Click your beak, laugh -
We are not such creatures!
Goodbye! Goodbye! (N. Soboleva)
Guys, you know, crows are very smart birds, there is quite a lot of evidence for this. As a result of several experiments, it was found that crows can count (up to approximately 7-8). Crows have elements of abstract thinking, in particular they can distinguish numbers from 1 to 4 and are able to add them.
Guys, we read Vera Chaplina’s story “Cunning Crows”. This story tells about the children who, during the nut ripening season, climbed trees and feasted on them. But then they noticed that crows, in large flocks, flew into these trees and picked the nuts. They threw away the rotten ones, and put the mature ones in the recesses on the tree between the branches and the trunk. And then they hammered on them exactly in the place where the nut stalk was. The nut cracked open and the crows ate the pulp. Having eaten, they still stocked up and buried nuts in the ground. They made a hole, put a nut there, and dug another hole nearby to confuse them. The crows were very cunning. But the crows still have something to brag about. They love to have fun. The habit of crows to roll off sloping roofs is well known. The crow lands on the very top of the roof and glides almost to the very edge, after which it spreads its wings and takes off. This may be repeated several times. The crow is still a very smart and funny bird. And today we will make an applique from colored paper. We will make such a cute, interesting, funny crow. But first let's remember - safety precautions when working with scissors:
Use scissors with rounded ends.
Store the scissors in a specific place, with the sharp ends facing away from you.
Pass the scissors rings first with blades closed.
You can't cut on the go.
When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.
Do not hold scissors with the blade facing up.
You have templates on your tables, using them we will cut out all the details of our crow. Choose colored paper for your applique.
For this work we will need templates.

Making the “Crow” applique
1. To complete the work you need to take a sheet of cardboard, you took the green one.
We cut out a blue puddle according to the template and glued it to the cardboard below.

2. Using a template, cut out a log from brown paper and glue it onto the puddle. A log floats through a puddle.

3. Cut out the black body and glue it to the log. Our crow is sitting on a log.

4. Cut out a wing from gray or maybe blue paper. And we glue crows on the body.

5. Next, cut out and glue the white eyes. Before gluing the eyes, attach the beak and see how it looks.

6. Glue black pupils and small white dots on the eyes for a better expressive look.

7. Glue the beak out of yellow paper and make a red tongue, so that the mouth appears open.

8. Cut out 2 paws from yellow paper and glue them to our crow.

9. Well, the crow is almost ready. I want to make her a feather like an Indian's. Or you can make a flower and there will be a crow girl, this is how your imagination works.

10. Apply the finishing touches with a marker or black pencil. And our crow is ready.

A person on a log in a puddle
The crow was getting ready to sing,
Showed her singing talent
She screamed loudly “car-rr-r-r”.

Hi all. Today we will do applications on the theme Birds. I'll show you everything the most interesting techniques and I will explain exactly how to convey each technique to the understanding of young children. I will also give recommendations on organizing appliqué classes in kindergarten. Applications with birds mean the most different birds. Here you will find an applique of Swans, Peacocks, Tits, Penguins, Crows and other winged animals. I laid out all the work by methods of creation, that is, according to artistic techniques. You will learn a lot today and discover new ways to make paper birds with your own hands.

Well? Did you fly? There are a lot of delicious things ahead.

Package of ideas No. 1

appliques with birds


Usually we make simple appliqués - where there is a bird's body, tail and wing. Children assemble the bird by connecting these three parts. Classics of the genre. But I want something interesting. I want new technicians.

Why not make a TWO-COLOR WING for the bird. That is, it eats a wing that consists of TWO LAYERS OF PAPER of different colors (as in the photo below).

Here's how it happens: for the wing we cut out 2 parts - one part is the whole wing (pointed oval), and the second part is half of the wing (half of the pointed oval). And it turns out that the wing consists of a lower part (whole) and an upper half of a DIFFERENT COLOR.

And we add another important detail appliques - a ROUND SPOT on the head, and on this spot we glue a blank eye made of paper and a pupil drawn with a black marker.

Using the same technique you can make a TRIPLE WING - where there are already three layers of the wing - whole, half and half from half - we glue all three layers into one wing. It turns out to be an elegant bird. There’s an immediate different feeling from the craft. Noble beautiful bird– and you can’t say that this is a children’s applique. And how it develops the mind - after all, the layers of the wing need to be glued in the correct position - so that the pieces fit in the desired corner of the wing.

Here is another application where The TAIL is made using the LAYER TECHNIQUE. By preparing such an application you can proceed faster.

First, cut semicircles for the tail, then fold each semicircle like a snowflake (in half, in half again, in half again) and trim the edge with a SEMI-CIRCLE PETAL - then we will get a uniform wavy pattern along the edge.

Package of ideas No. 2

Bird appliques

With paper strips.

Take a sheet of colored paper and cut it into strips. Now we look and decide for which part of our bird such stripes might be useful. If we make chicken, then of course it’s wings. Here we wrap each strip in a loop (that is, first let the children make loops and then stick them on the bird.

The same paper loops can become the fluffy tail of a peacock or turkey, or a firebird.

The stripes can be the same color or different colors. And pay attention, we can make 2 or three rows of strip loops - and then each row can be of its own size. First we glue the back row, then the middle one, then the front row. And then we glue the bird (body, head).

To make it clear for children and to prevent chaos from coming out of the loops, draw ARC (semicircles) on a sheet of paper - so that the child glues the strips like rays from this arc line.

How to make such a peacock applique IN ONE LESSON in kindergarten.

  1. On a sheet of paper we draw arcs (two arcs). Child smear glue on the UPPER ARC all at once. And very quickly, before the glue has dried, he puts strips there (not loops, but stripes) like rays in all directions from the arc. We wait for the glue to set (a few seconds).
  2. Next, we apply glue to the SAME SOUL straight to the edges of the strips that lie on the arc. And very quickly, before the glue dries, we apply the second ends of these strips to the already glued ends (that is, we wrap the loops). The first row is READY.
  3. The same we do it with the second arc - to create the second tier a feather. We glue the third tier faster, using the same method (there are few stripes in this row). And then we smear glue in the middle and put the silhouette of a bird.

SEE HOW QUICKLY all the children managed to make such an applique with a bird with their own hands.

And here applique with turkey , which he can handle Small child. We give the baby paper strips of the same length. Draw a circle on a piece of paper (circle the glass). The child coats the circle with glue and quickly places strips on it. Then he looks for dry, un-glued pieces, spreads glue under them and presses them.

On top are the eyes and beak. The tail part does not have to be made from feathers; you can cut out imitation feathers from colored paper (long ovals, cut on both sides into fringe-feathers - here you have a feather).

And for the older group you can make this bright braided applique with the OWL bird.

Detailed master class will show you how easy it is to prepare such an application. All that is needed is to teach children to slip strips of paper alternately through the top and bottom of the cut strips.

Package of ideas No. 3

VOLUMETRIC bird appliques

Here in the photo below we see applications with a volumetric effect. The blade technique is created very simply. To create six blades, you need to cut out six round disks from paper.

Fold each circle in half. And then glue them in halves to each other (like we glue pages in a notebook). You will get a three-dimensional unfolded ball.

Such a paddle ball can become the chicken's belly, or its head. Or the belly of a bullfinch bird. Or the white breast of a penguin.

Volumetric appliqués may have some folded details. Simply part of the cut out silhouette is bent to the side. So a circle of paper cut along the radius turns the paper round into the silhouette of a hen or chick.

Also, the bird's wings can bend forward. And it will be great if these wings hug a nest with eggs or an already grown chick, as in the photo below.

Package of ideas No. 3

Bird appliques

from scrap materials.

Cotton pads can also be a source of inspiration. White cotton wool can become the body and head of a stork. Or, with your help, a white cotton pad will turn into a penguin breast.

And by the way, cotton pads are easily painted with gouache or watercolor.

Cupcake tins - paper rosettes can also be painted well with gouache. And you can make interesting applications from them. In the store, such sockets are sold in packs of 100 pieces. This means there are enough for the whole group. kindergarten.

The sockets painted in multi-colored paint stains look very nice. Below we see a paper bird. We glue a colored paper napkin to the back of the bird's body. Then we glue it all onto a sheet of cardboard (on the background of the applique). Next, we glue a paper spring onto the tummy (which we fold from two strips of paper - crosswise, like an accordion). And on this paper accordion spring we glue the bird’s head. Easy and quick to do with your own hands.

Paper napkins can be a source of fluffy elements for your bird applique. Take a napkin folded in several layers. Cut out a round piece from it. In the middle of the roundel we click with a stapler (we fasten all layers of the roundel with a staple). We cut the round fringe in a circle and fluff it with our hands. We get a fluffy circle.

Lace paper napkins for confectionery also turn into delicate appliqués with birds. Simple and elegant crafts for kindergarten, which are easy and quick to make with children's hands.

Plastic plates, also turn into appliqués with birds.

Package of ideas No. 5

Bird appliques

Using the PAPER STAINED GLASS technique.

Here is the technique for creating appliqués that I like best – paper stained glass. Here we fill the cardboard frame with pieces of colored napkins. And we get a craft that glows beautifully when hung on a window. Now I will show you exactly how such a stained glass applique with birds is created.

But I’ll show you with an example with butterflies. Can be used here 2 ways.

METHOD No. 1 – cut out a stained glass stencil (the frame of which we will fill with colored pieces of paper). Place the frame on a sheet of white thin paper and trace it with a pencil. Now we cover the entire pencil silhouette with pieces of paper (a colored napkin or pieces of crepe crumpled paper will do).

After the entire pencil silhouette is hidden under the paper kaleidoscope, glue the frame on top. We wait for the glue to dry and cut out the frames. The application is ready.

METHOD No. 2. Place a stencil on a transparent document file. Spread glue on the film file and stick in colored pieces of paper. PVA glue is then easily detached from the plastic of the file. And everything is ready.

Package of ideas No. 6

Bird appliques

Painted paints.

The appliqués, in which the details of the birds are HAND PAINTED, look very elegant and bright. Every detail becomes unique. The author's colors of such birds make the applique soulful and elegant.

Children really, really like this kind of work. It's not just cutting out a part and sticking it on. This is to give the bird its individual image. Feel like a creator, and not a craftsman with brushes and glue.

Package of ideas No. 7

Bird appliques


Circles of paper can become a construction set for creating any shapes on children's appliqués. With paper discs you can create silhouettes of any birds.

Leave the discs round or fold them in half. You can bend the edges of the disks and fold them into triangles (like on the beak of the bird in the photo below).

The parrot bird applique looks very bright and attractive. Children love the rainbow colors of these birds' plumage.

Package of ideas No. 8

Bird appliques

Pictures in frames.

You can create silhouette artistic crafts with appliqués with birds. We glue such silhouette work inside the frame onto the frame lining - so that the silhouette hangs above the background and does not stick to it. Look at the photo.

Framed silhouette appliques do not have to be black. You can add any colored elements. Just be careful with the combination of colors and shades. Think like an artist, which colors work well together, which ones work in contrast, which ones create a soft fusion.

That is, understand what your task is and select those shades that work to solve this artistic task.

Ideas for applique with birds CAN BE VERY DIFFERENT. It's not necessarily a bird on a branch.

It could be a bird on the palm of your hand. A bird in the mouth of a crocodile, A bird on the bald head of a happy hippopotamus.
Any plot can be decorated with a bird - making it the center of the entire composition.

Your applique painting with birds can have SYMMETRIE - as in the photo below, where the right side of the painting is a reflection of the left.

Symmetry can be framed as the reflection of a bird in water. Like a bird looking into a puddle. Also a beautiful idea. Try to give this idea real life.

You can make an assorted collage from disparate elements of birds, leaves, flowers, butterflies.

We place everything on the sheet in any order, but SO THAT all elements do not go beyond the edges of a given shape - in the photo below it is a square.

The given shape can be round, oval, whatever you like.

Appliqués look beautiful in frames that go beyond these same frames (as in the photo below).

A twig, a bird's tail, or any other appliqué detail can extend beyond the frame. For example, foamy waves can overflow through the frame if we are making a seagull flying to the sea.

Fantasize. Look for topics that you haven’t seen anywhere or from anyone before. Try making a penguin in the north, and let the snow frost crawl out onto the picture frame and make it freeze (this effect can be created from paper and salt crystals).

These are the works with applications on the theme “Birds” that you saw today in our article.
Olga Klishevskaya will continue to try and look for NEW SOLUTIONS to make your dreams come true, to realize your creative thoughts.

Strive for the best. Don't be afraid of more. Dare and believe in work as the engine of your life.

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Irina Korchagina
Lesson notes on application in senior group kindergarten "Fairytale Bird"



1. Continue teaching children to glue pre-prepared parts according to a given pattern, work with glue, paper,

2. Continue to develop spatial and figurative thinking, visual-motor coordination.

3. Continue to broaden the children’s horizons and expand their vocabulary.

4. Remember and introduce children to names birds and their body parts.

5. Continue to cultivate a kind attitude towards nature and respect for it.


Illustrations depicting different birds,

Masks with images birds,

Sample appliqués« Fairytale bird» ,

A sheet of blue cardboard (A – 4,

Set of all parts « birds» (torso, head - yellow color; tail, two wings, crest on the head, beak - red; multi-colored shiny strips of self-adhesive paper,

- "Magic wand" ,

Glue, oilcloth, napkins, felt-tip pens.


Reading Russian folk fairy tales"Heat - bird and Vasilisa - princess", « The Tale of Ivan the Tsarevich, heat - the bird and the gray wolf", And fairy tales P. P. Ershova "The Little Humpbacked Horse", holding classes on drawing on the topic "Heat - bird» .

Progress of the lesson.

V.: Hello, guys! Today is ours The applique lesson will be unusual, it will fabulous. But in order for us to get to fairy tale, I'll take a magic wand and say spell:

« Fairy tale - fairy tale, come,

Surprise our kids!”

V: Close your eyes! (The disc with the sounds of voices is turned on birds) .

V.: Now open your eyes.

Guys, we found ourselves in fairy forest where the most diverse people live birds: both those you know and see every day on the street, and those you have never met.

(Children are shown birds: sparrow, crow, dove, cuckoo, woodpecker, bullfinch, etc.).

V.: Guys, let's look at the birds. Which ones do you know? (Children's answers) .

(If the children do not know, the teacher calls bird and the children repeat its name).

V.: Guys, at the farthest fabulous unusual people live in a clearing of a magical forest birds, some of them you know and may have seen at the zoo or on TV, and some of them you have never met because they live in far, far away countries. But today you have the opportunity to meet them too.

(Photos showing birds: flamingo, eagle, heron, pelican, penguin, crane, hawk, cockatoo, swan, hummingbird, ostrich, etc.).

V.: And there are also such birds who live only in fairy tales, for example, Heat - bird, which we recently read about fairy tales. Remember in which I met this bird in fairy tales? (Children's answers) .

V.: But despite the fact that all these different birds: by size (some are very large, and some are small, by the color of the plumage (some of them are beautiful and bright, and some are gray and inconspicuous). But still, all of these birds there is something in common - they consist of the same parts of the body. Let's look at the bird and tell us what parts of its body it consists of? (Children's answers) .

V.: Guys, in our fabulous in the forest we saw many different birds, but not here Birds of Happiness. But people have believed since ancient times that there is such a thing. bird bringing happiness on her wings. That is why today we will do this with you Bird of Happiness so that you, your family, and all the people on earth are happy. Let us imagine now and try say what do you imagine Bird of Happiness. (Children's answers).

V.: Before we get to work, let's play a little.


(Children are given and put on masks with the image birds, the teacher recites the poem, and the children perform movements according to the text three times).

Little birds

Flying high

(The children wave their hands like birds wings) .

In the evening at the birds

The wings are tired.

(Children give up).

Birds in the trees

We sat down to rest

(Children squat down) .

And by morning we set off

The birds are on their way again.

(Children stand up) .

V.: Well done, guys! You made some good birds! Well, now let's start making Birds of Happiness.

(A sample is placed in front of the children appliqués« Fairytale bird» ) .


Children are given sheets of blue cardboard (A - 4, a set of parts, glue and felt-tip pens;

Using the sample, we place all the details on blue cardboard. « birds» ;

Glue it "torso" birds;

To the right of it we paste "head" birds;

On the left of "torso" we have "tail" birds;

I will overthrow and from below to "torso" stick two "wing" birds;

Top on "head" glue it "tuft" ;

Right to "head" attach "beak" birds;

Decorate with shiny strips of self-adhesive paper "tail", "wings" And "tuft" ;

Drawing with a felt-tip pen "eyes" bird.

V.: Well done, guys! Looking at your wonderful works, I want to read you a poem about happiness.

What is happiness? This is the Sun

Shines gently overhead!

What is happiness? It's the wind

What plays fun with you!

What is happiness? This is mom

Gently hugs and kisses!

What is happiness? That's life,

Which sometimes does not spoil!

Q: Guys, what is happiness for you? (Children's answers).

V.: We got a whole flock Birds of Happiness, and therefore you and I and all the people on earth must now be happy!

(Exhibition children's works) .


V.: So our fabulous activity. Let's remember what new and interesting things you learned today and what you did at class. (Children's answers) .

You are all great, you coped very well with the difficult task of making it yourself Bird of Happiness! But it's time for us to return from fairy forest, and so you close your eyes, and in the meantime I will take again "magic wand" and I will cast a magic spell that will help us

Older children preschool age- these are little pioneers exploring and learning the world through emotional perception and personal sensory experience. It is important that parents and teachers actively develop the child’s natural curiosity and creative initiative by engaging in visual arts with him. The application will introduce the child to the world of color and shape, introduce him to geometric shapes, give him primary skills in spatial modeling, and develop an understanding of proportion and rules of composition.

Technical features, goals and objectives of application classes in the senior group

Applique is the creation of subject or subject compositions from shaped elements or patterns cut out of paper, dry leaves, fabric, leather attached to a base (cardboard, wood, fabric). The multi-colored composition can be attached by gluing or sewing. This type of creative modeling has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills, imaginative and spatial thinking, sensory perception and intellectual abilities of the child.

Thanks to the painstaking work of teachers, older preschoolers improve their technical skills in working with scissors, which allows them to create and experiment more boldly and confidently, and create interesting artistic images and plot compositions in the appliqué genre. For pupils of the senior group there are no thematic restrictions in conducting appliqué classes. These can be well-known literary plots or fictional stories, holiday cards, images of your favorite fairy-tale or animated characters, landscapes, etc.

Types of applications on the theme “Birds”:

  • Subject - a mono-image of some image of a bird, for example, a duckling, swallow, owl, etc.
  • A collective plot composition is a visual form of narration about some events with the participation of several characters ( migratory birds, penguins on an ice floe, poultry yard, bird feeder, etc.).

Video: subject application “Tit”

The development of abstract thinking and the mental abilities of children of this age to perform logical operations makes it possible to expand and complicate tasks associated with constructing from paper on a plane, for example, using symmetrical cutting techniques and proportional placement of parts. In addition, the ability to concentrate and sustainably maintain attention is enhanced, the duration of the period of conscious concentrated activity increases to 20–25 minutes.

Large-scale compositions, which are based on a detailed plot and include many different details, are usually created collectively. Preparatory stage, during which individual parts or figures are cut out, is carried out in small subgroups of 2-3 people, and then the children together compose a plot picture on whatman paper, gluing the silhouettes they have prepared, simultaneously developing spatial thinking abilities, as well as coordinated action skills. When creating an application, children rely on both a given scheme and a pre-agreed condition or plan, and the process of collective modeling itself creates a desire for solidarity and mutual assistance. It is important that children learn to follow the correct sequence of work to create a multi-layer composition, i.e. the teacher must explain that they first need to prepare a background picture, then place the background details (tree, clouds, stars, flowers) and only then glue the foreground figures (silhouettes of birds).

Collective applications on the topic “Wild and domestic birds”

Swallows have arrived Rowan treats wintering birds with berries Hen with chicks Bird chorus Duck with ducklings Birds in the sky Penguins at the North Pole Bird feeder

Software tasks:

  • Increase knowledge about the properties and characteristics of objects. Training continues in the ability to find various geometric shapes, distinguish between a square and a rectangle based on the signs of equality and parallelism of opposite sides, and grasp the difference between an oval and a circle. To develop an understanding of geometric patterns, practicing appliqué, which allows you to compare and contrast parts of different shapes, sizes and colors, is an indispensable practical technique for its effectiveness.
  • Expand the range of color perception, i.e. not only correctly name the color, but also determine the level of color intensity (bright, dim, light, dark), as well as mixed colors and shades (blue, pink, purple, etc.). Such improvement of color culture will allow children to show more initiative, freedom and independence in artistic creativity, and create more expressive and colorful images.
  • Develop spatial thinking. Children 5–6 years old have difficulty determining the left and right sides, and this type of artistic activity such as appliqué will contribute to the formation of a correct understanding of spatial concepts.
  • Master new techniques for working with scissors, first of all, cutting out numerous identical parts from an oblong ribbon folded like an accordion (ribbon technique) and symmetrical or paired cutting from a sheet of paper folded in half.
  • At first school year Close attention is paid to the development and consolidation of the skill of round cutting, since in middle group The children have just begun to master this new technique.
  • Next step pedagogical work will be directed towards development effective method multiple cutting.
  • The most difficult task will be teaching symmetrical cutting techniques, since it is difficult for children to realize that by cutting out half the outline of an object or part, they can get a whole image.
  • The main content of the work is an object image based on the planar design method.

Skills that need to be improved and mastered:

  • cut out rounded silhouettes;
  • cut out many identical elements from paper folded like an accordion;
  • master the technique of symmetrical or paired cutting;
  • independently carry out the plan, determine the plot composition, choose color and shape, come up with decorative additions, observe proportional relationships when placing parts;
  • develop a sense of color, teach neatness, cultivate artistic taste;
  • create collective works.

Techniques that are used in working with older preschoolers.

All of the skills described below can be mastered by five-year-old children with the active, purposeful work of teachers or parents with them.

Examples of works in the genre of floristry

Magic peacock Owl Parrot Hen Hen with chicks Peacock

  • Palm - the basis of such an application is the silhouette of the baby’s palm outlined in pencil. A little effort and additional decorative elements decorating the applique will turn such a simple blank, for example, into a fabulous, fancy bird. A creative approach and joint imagination of the teacher and children will help to arrange the multi-colored silhouettes of the palms of all children into a large bright tail of a magic bird or a wonderful flower, then such an applique will become a symbolic emblem of the group.

Planning applique classes

In the older group the standard long-term planning One lesson on application per week is provided. The total duration of continuous activity should not exceed 20–25 minutes, methodological manuals It is recommended to conduct physical exercises (finger, breathing, motor exercises) for 5 minutes for relaxation and prevention of mental and physical fatigue in children.

Lesson outline:

  1. Introductory part - includes an educational or playful conversation of a motivating nature, stimulating the activity of children and setting them up to work with a specific plot (approximately 3-5 minutes).
  2. Practical part - the teacher explains and shows the sequence and technical techniques of work, draws children's attention to the need to be careful when working with scissors, and to use glue carefully (3-5 minutes).
  3. Independent work of children (15–20 minutes);
  4. The final part - children review and discuss the applications they have created or team work (3 minutes).

Poems and riddles that can be used for conversation on the topic “Birds”

The stork is long,
The stork is thin,
The house was built without a porch.
Look - stork
He was born just like his father.

He still looks like his mother
She works until late.
Give them, woodpecker, a telegram,
Congratulate them on their housewarming! (V. Bokov)

Sparrow in a puddle
Jumps and spins.
He ruffled his feathers,
The tail fluffed up.
Good weather!
Chiv-chiv-chil! (A. Barto)

White dove,
Blue skirt,
I walked on water
I got my skirt wet.

Rock Dove says:
- Oh, you harmful puddle!
And he says to the dove:
- Oh, you, my poor one! (N. Orlova)

Geese and swans gathered
Fly to the warm south,
Cheerful anticipation
Suddenly filling the sky.

They hurry, they say goodbye
Until next spring...
And now they are turning
Into melted dreams.

Autumn days are getting shorter
And, in anticipation of the blizzard,
We see birds flowing,
Hastening to the south. (S. Kozlov)

Two ducklings hooked up
Stretched like an elastic band -
Fuck! and there were two pieces...
Yellow to the right, black to the left
Flying upside down
And the crow looks from the branch
And the crow says:
“Impossible manners!
Look, Sophie...
Raised by a mother duck...
Wow, what greed! Fi!”
From the window suddenly Aunt Dasha
I threw the crust into the garden.
Two crows instantly grappled -
Only feathers fly.
And the ducklings are terribly happy...
“Look, Sophie...
Who raised? Barboska?
Fi! And very fi!” (S. Black)

Cranes are flying
Kurly-kuva! Kurly-kuva!
Where is your route? Where are you from?
In the swamp the winds became angry.
Kurly-kuva! Kuva-kurly!
The meadows are deserted and dead.
Kuva-kurly! Kurly-kuva!
Aspens tremble without leaves.
Kuva-kurly! Kuva-kurly!
Bare trunks turn black.
From white blizzards to the blue south.
- Kurly-kuva! Kurly-kuva! –
Farewell to the young grass! (N. Vengrov)

Dear singer,
Swallow dear
Came back to our home
From a foreign land.

It curls under the window
With a live song:
"I am the spring and the sun
I brought it with me." (I. Belousov)

In the distant, cold
And snowy desert
Sitting alone
Penguins on an ice floe.
Penguins dream
Soar in the clouds
Forests and plains
See it in flowers.
And at night they dream:
Spring is coming.
They are like birds
They fly south.
The road leads them
Where it's warmer
Where to meet many
Good friends.
On a small ice floe
Among the ocean
Penguins are drifting
To distant countries.
As you wish, stupid
They will fly into the sky
So that with the wind fair
Look at the world. (A. Metzger)

A bird is knocking on our window -
Yellow-breasted titmouse.
He looks at us through the glass,
He says: “It’s warm here...

And I'm cold. It's a shame:
The grains are nowhere to be seen.
I ask you: you are a little
Give me some bread crumbs,

And a little more fat
It wouldn’t bother me in the cold...
I will be friends with you -
Just promise to feed.

If you don't mind the crumbs -
I'll call my girlfriends.
Together we will fly,
Twitter on the window." (S. Bogdan)

He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
For frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

Boyan brawler
In a gray army jacket
Snooping around the yards
Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

In a gray feather coat
And in the cold he is a hero,
Jumps, frolics on the fly,
Not an eagle, but still a bird. (Sparrow)

Red paws,
Long neck,
Pinches your heels
Run without looking back. (Goose)

The brothers stood on stilts,
They look for food along the way.
Are you running or are you walking?
They can't get off their stilts. (Crane)

Clucking, clucking,
Convenes children
He gathers everyone under his wing. (Chicken)

I'll eat a worm, drink some water,
I'll look for bread crumbs,
And then I'll lay an egg,
I'll treat the kids. (Chicken)

Who is this on a spring day
I wove a mitten over the window,
He brought new residents into it -
Such little chicks? (Martin)

Comes to us with warmth,
Having come a long way,
Sculpts a house under the window
Made from grass and clay. (Martin)

He builds a house on a rock.
Isn't it scary to live in it?
Although there is beauty all around,
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Roll down a steep cliff -
Two mighty wings
At the owner's. (Eagle)

Lives in hot countries
And in cooler ones - in zoos.
And he is arrogant and boastful,
Because the tail is beautiful.
He admires them himself
And shows us. (Peacock)

In the village there is a clock like this,
Not dead, but alive.
They walk without a factory,
They are avian. (Rooster)

Tell me what kind of weirdo
Does he wear a tailcoat day and night? (Penguin)

In the lesson scenario, the teacher indicates goals and objectives. In the process of planning, organizing and conducting applique classes with older preschoolers, they usually focus on solving the following problems:

  • Learning to design from pieces of cotton wool, fabric, leaves on a cardboard or paper base, using plasticine, further improving the ability to work with scissors, glue and colored paper.
  • Development of independence and creative initiative in determining the plot or genre (object painting, landscape) of the application.
  • Developing the ability to hear and understand musical or poetic accompaniment that sounds during the performance of a creative task. Such an interesting association in various ways emotional and artistic instruments of influence are aimed at achieving the comprehensive aesthetic development of children, the formation of artistic taste and a sense of beauty.

Summary of a creative lesson on application on the theme “Firebird”. Based on the lesson notes on the application “Bird of Happiness” by N.F. Reytorovskaya.

Target: mastering the technical skills of silhouette cutting, placing and securing individual elements of the composition material against the background, mastering the techniques of creating volumetric appliqué.



  • Teach to distinguish between images of the surrounding reality and the fairy-tale world of fantasy.
  • With the help of a fascinating story, original musical accompaniment, demonstration of interesting illustrations on the topic, awaken the imagination, stimulate the creative initiative of children and invite them to embody the image of a fairy-tale bird in the form of an applique, using bright and unusual fragments of decorative details.


  • Continue to introduce students to the art of making 3D appliqué.
  • Demonstrate the silhouette and ribbon method of cutting out a pattern of parts.
  • Develop qualities such as perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to confidently operate scissors and control hand actions.
  • Allow each child to show creative imagination in choosing jewelry elements, promote the development of artistic abilities, innovative thinking, and independence based on free choice.


  • Create a comfortable emotional atmosphere, cultivate goodwill and a desire to help comrades.
  • To form a reverent and caring attitude towards nature, to teach to notice and appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the world around us.

Preparatory stage:

  • organization of an art gallery on the theme “In Search of the Firebird”;
  • familiarization with pictures or reproductions of the fairy-tale story about the fiery bird;
  • reading Russian folk tale“The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess,” fairy tales by P.P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”;
  • conducting a thematic lesson “Fairytale Bird” on modeling and drawing.

Materials: ready-made stencils parts, colored paper, a sheet of cardboard (base), scissors, a simple pencil, felt-tip pens. Glue.

Techniques: silhouette and tape cutting, overlay gluing.

Lesson scenario.

1. Introductory conversation.

Good morning, Guys. Imagine that we find ourselves in a fairy-tale clearing of a magical forest and we are surrounded by wonderful birds made by children and adults (drawings, applications, three-dimensional figures using the Origami technique, stucco figures). Please name the birds that you recognize. And those birds whose names you don’t know probably live in a fairy tale, which is why they are called fairy-tale birds.

– What is special about these birds, how does their appearance differ from the appearance of the living creatures of the surrounding world that you are familiar with?

– How are they similar, what do they have in common?

– Which birds did you notice before others and why? Which ones did you like best?

– There are many different birds around us, real and fictional, but the main culprit of our journey into the mysterious forest - the Firebird - is not visible. Our distant ancestors believed that there lived in this world a bird that fed on rejuvenating apples, bringing life, the awakening of nature after a long winter hibernation, spring joy and solar heat. And she herself dies in the fall, and in the spring she is reborn again in a new golden outfit and a radiance emanates from her tail, which can even heal, restoring health to the sick. How would you describe her, tell me what she looks like (children answer).

– And now I suggest you create an image of this beautiful bird in the form of an appliqué.

(Children are seated at pre-prepared work stations.)

2. Practical part.

– So, you yourself noticed that despite all the diversity, they have a lot in common, for example, real birds from real life and unusual residents magical worlds have a head, body, plumage, tail, etc.

The teacher clearly demonstrates and comments on the correct step-by-step algorithm actions for children.

– What exactly your fairy-tale heroine will turn out to be depends only on your imagination and ingenuity; the choice of color shades and additional decorations is all in your hands. Therefore, everyone will get their own special Firebird, unlike any other. The more original and unique your application is, the more joy it will bring to others.

3. Independent work of children.

Children work independently, but the teacher prompts and helps students who have difficulty in the process of making appliqué, reminding them of the need to adhere to the rules of safe work with scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Trace the large outline of the tail template.
  2. Cut out the base of the tail onto which smaller pieces will be placed.
  3. Similarly, outline and cut out the second tail silhouette of a smaller size.
  4. Glue the base of the tail to the background cardboard, applying glue only to the central part.
  5. Glue on the second part of the bird's tail.
  6. Cut out decorative details to decorate the feathers, to do this, fold a ribbon of colored paper like an accordion and cut out part No. 1 according to the template, make shallow cuts along the outer contour, which will give the effect of fluffy plumage.
  7. Cut parts No. 2 and 3 in the same way.
  8. Arrange the decorative decoration of the feather using the applied technique.
  9. Glue the feathers, coating the part halfway in this way, we get a visual effect of volume.
  10. Trace the body and head of the bird according to the template and cut it out.
  11. Draw the eyes and beak.
  12. Glue the lower part of the body to the tail so that it is just below the tail line.
  13. Cut two parts for the wing.
  14. Cut along the contour and glue (glue the second part halfway, bend the tip).
  15. Glue the wing to the body.

Another version of the application “Bird of Happiness” can be created as a group work, if during a drawing lesson you invite each child to decorate a feather (cut out according to a template) of a fairy-tale bird according to a pattern drawn in pencil, a sample thought out by the teacher. Each child works on his own feather, and during the appliqué lesson everything comes together to create an image of a wonderful bird.

4. Final part.

Exhibition gallery for parents and group guests.

– Guys, we have created a whole flock of dazzling Firebirds, let’s enjoy this beauty and thank each other. Children look at the work and express their opinions.

Schemes and step-by-step description of application implementation

“Peacock” - group work using palm technique

Materials: bird body template, colored paper, cardboard for the base, confetti, scissors, glue.


  1. Each child traces his palm on a piece of colored paper with a simple pencil, then cuts it out along the outline.
  2. Using the stencil, cut out the body of the bird.
  3. Glue multi-colored palm silhouettes onto the base sheet using the overlay technique, and attach the body to the resulting tail.
  4. Decorate the body with confetti.

    “Fairytale peacock” - fabric applique

Materials: scraps of fabric, template, cardboard and fabric for the base, beads, scissors, glue.

Trace the contours of the tail and body with the head using a template on scraps of fabric. Cut and glue to a base (cardboard with fabric), decorate with beads.

“Cockerel” made from colored napkins

Cockerel - associated with the sun, the kingdom of light, warmth and life, symbolizes the expulsion of darkness and the fight for a just cause (only the rooster copes with the treachery of the cunning fox, who deceived the bunny's hut). The most famous image of the solar bird is associated with the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".

Materials: cockerel template, colored napkins, glue, scissors.

  1. Print or draw the silhouette of a cockerel on thick paper.
  2. Roll bright multi-colored balls from pieces of colored napkins.
  3. Gradually coat with glue the inner space of the traced contours of the silhouette (head, beak, comb, beard, tail feathers, wings, neck, paws) and fill with balls of different colors.
  4. Decorate the background with blue and green balls (sky and grass). The work is done.

"Tit" from cereals

Materials: bird template, millet, seeds, paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

“Birds fly into the sky” - three-dimensional applique

Materials: bird template for symmetrical cutting, pieces of colored paper of different colors and sizes (scraps are quite suitable), a sheet of blue cardboard (base), felt-tip pens, glue, scissors.

Technique: symmetrical cutting.


  1. Crumple the pieces of colored paper well, then straighten them out.
  2. Fold the crumpled pieces in half and cut off the top corners to create tree crowns in an autumn palette.
  3. Glue silhouettes of trees to the bottom of the sheet, thus creating a beautiful forest.
  4. Fold the white rectangles in half, trace the bird template with a simple pencil, and cut out the silhouettes of three birds along the contour.
  5. Glue one half of the bird's silhouette, bend the other so that the visual effect of the wingspan appears, and the bird figures acquire volume. Make shallow cuts along the edge of the wing, add eyes and beaks, tree trunks and branches.

“Stork” made from cotton pads

Cranes and storks are birds of the sun, their return symbolizes the spring awakening of life, longevity, replenishment of the family, and prosperity. Fairy tales “The Fox and the Stork”, “The Crane and the Stork”.

Materials: cotton pads, wooden stick, colored cardboard, red thread, glue, felt-tip pen.


  1. Apply glue to a cotton pad and glue it to a wooden stick.
  2. Glue the second disk according to the example of the first.
  3. Cut out a beak from cardboard and glue it between the disks, thus getting the head of a stork.
  4. We repeat the steps of gluing the cotton pads to the stick, creating the body.
  5. Cut out a circle of black cardboard with the same diameter as a cotton pad, then fold the circle in half, coat it with glue inside and glue it to the body, we get a wing.
  6. Just below the body, tie a red thread and wrap it around a stick (foot), and draw the eye with a felt-tip pen.
  7. Our decorative stork can become such an original decoration for the garden interior.

“Swan” - three-dimensional applique postcard

Materials: swan template, white sheet of paper, blue cardboard, glue, scissors.


  1. Trace the swan template to create the silhouette of a bird.
  2. Cut out using the silhouette technique and add an eye with felt-tip pens.
  3. Glue to blue cardboard (base).
  4. Cut strips of white paper (20 cm x 1 cm), then cut them in half.
  5. Glue the edges of the resulting strips together so that they resemble the fluffy feathers of a swan, giving volume to the flat figure of the bird.
  6. Glue the first row of feathers, starting from the edge of the silhouette.
  7. Glue the strips to complete the creation of the swan image.

"Bullfinch on a branch"

Preparing the lesson a short story about the habitat, features appearance(red breast), explaining why this particular bird is a kind of symbol of winter.


  1. Using the template, cut out two semicircles in red and black, a semicircle for the head, a wing and a tail from black paper.
  2. Draw a rowan branch on a blue base, glue a red (breast) and black (back) semicircle.
  3. Glue the head.
  4. Add a tail with cuts along the edge, imitating plumage.
  5. Attach the wing.
  6. Cut out circles (rowan berries) using the ribbon technique.
  7. Glue the berries and the eye. The application is ready.

"Penguins at the North Pole"

Introductory conversation “Journey to the North Pole”: information about the North Pole, the Arctic Ocean, which has turned into an icy desert, the animal world (riddles about animals will be an appropriate clue and will enliven the conversation) of this harsh, frosty region. When the children guessed that we are talking about penguins, it is worth talking about the lifestyle and nutrition of flightless birds.

Materials: penguin template, silver or blue cardboard (base), white napkins, colored paper, glue, scissors.

Cutting technique: silhouette and ribbon from accordion-folded paper (eyes, beaks, bellies, silhouettes of penguins).


  1. Draw the outlines of ice mountains on the base cardboard and apply glue to the silhouettes of icebergs.
  2. Tear off a corner of the napkin and glue it to the top of the mountain, glue the remaining part, completely repeating the silhouette of the iceberg.
  3. Glue the napkins to the remaining icebergs in the same way. Glue randomly torn small pieces of napkins to the bottom of the composition (ice).
  4. Trace the penguin template onto black paper. Fold the paper like an accordion and cut out three identical penguin shapes, then glue to the base.
  5. Cut out eyes, beaks, bellies and glue to the penguin figures.
  6. Cut out the silhouette of the Christmas tree according to the template.
  7. Using the ribbon technique of multiple cutting out identical shapes, prepare stars and balls for the Christmas tree. Then add these decorative details to the background and glue on the Christmas tree with balls. The composition is ready.

“Herald of Spring” - applied applique

The application is dedicated to the month of birds, which begins on March 22. It was from this date that the holiday events, associated with the anticipation of the arrival of spring: according to an ancient tradition, buns were baked in the shape of birds, which were called larks, birdhouses were hung, songs were sung, round dances were held, and games were played.

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