Job openings at Lenta, federal retail chain. How does a hypermarket work?

Documentation 21.10.2023

The LENTA company began its activities back in 1993 in St. Petersburg. At first there were only two stores. But some 20 years have passed, and absolutely everyone knows this company, since LENTA is engaged in retail trade and every day satisfies the population’s demand for food and other goods. At the moment, the company owns 195 hypermarkets and 50 supermarkets throughout Russia, and their number is growing every year.

The Lenta company is a fairly serious employer that has not given up its position in the labor market for many years, providing jobs to Russian citizens. Currently, the company employs more than 50 thousand people, the company's turnover is more than 400 billion rubles. That is why Reconomica asked one of the employees of the food giant for an interview. From this review you will find out whether this is a good employer, how much employees earn, whether there is real career growth in the company and whether it is worth going to work there.

Good afternoon everyone! My name is Zhdanova M.E. I am 29 years old, of which 9 years I have been working at the company LENTA LLC, which I want to tell everyone about who is interested in this employer.

My history of working in the company began in 2008, when there were only two hypermarkets in the city. While studying at the institute, I decided to choose the Lenta store as a place for internship. At that time, the store was new, it had been open for about six months, and of course, salespeople were needed there. Of course, I didn’t expect more, since I didn’t have a diploma or any experience, so they hired me as a salesman.

Arriving at the company, I was surprised that absolutely everyone addressed each other by name, be it a director or an ordinary salesperson, although in many other organizations this is not the case, it seemed to me that calling the boss by name brings him a little closer together, gives some kind of calmness and changes the mood for work.

Lenta is a Russian hypermarket chain. Managed by Lenta Ltd.


During my internship, I was employed on a temporary contract so that I could leave at any time. Everyone in the company works at an hourly rate, the salary depends on the number of hours worked per month, plus the achievement of indicators. The salary is white. At that time, I came to a bet of 51 rubles. at one o'clock. For 2008, this was a pretty good salary for a junior specialist, especially for a student.

Having worked the required hours for practice and received a good (at that time) salary, I wanted to stay - and they hired me. First, after talking with the HR manager about the fact that I would have to combine full-time study and work, I decided to choose a job on the night shift.

The hypermarket operates around the clock, so there were both day and night shifts. Night shifts were paid double, and that's not bad.

True, for salespeople and other junior staff, the shift lasted 12 hours, of which 1 hour was given for a break. The section leaders and other administration worked five days a week, 8 hours a day.

About internal regulations

The store had strict rules that had to be followed. These included: a ban on talking on the phone in the sales area, a limited number of smoke breaks, mandatory presence of a break badge during breaks, and a ban on purchasing groceries in the store. You are also not allowed to leave the cash register area. Of course, I'm not talking about theft and the like.

The hypermarket had its own canteen, where employees were fed for free, providing a varied menu (several soups, several main courses). The lunch break was divided into two parts: lunch and afternoon snack (and at night too).

Having concluded an employment contract, I had a lot of advantages from the company: free food, paid sick leave, compulsory medical insurance and voluntary medical insurance (which at that time even included a dentist), paid leave of 2 weeks a year, as well as length of service, then Employees are rewarded for their years of service in the company. For one year the additional payment is 1000 rubles, for 3 years - 2000 rubles, for 5 years - 3000 rubles, this incentive is valid only for junior staff (salespeople, cooks, packers, electricians, storekeepers...).

What does a logistics salesperson do?

I got a job as a logistics salesperson in the fruit and vegetable department.

The sales logistics position includes: laying out goods on the sales floor, working with price tags, cleaning in a designated department (washing equipment), packaging goods, re-sticking goods with previously pasted price tags after revaluation, at night - counting cycle inventories (if there is no deputy manager, because he is the one responsible for this ).

Why does the company fine and reward employees?

The most important thing in a seller’s work is monitoring the current price tags; if the price tag is incorrect and the buyer bought at the wrong price tag, the responsible seller pays the difference from his own pocket.

Therefore, it is best to approach changing price tags carefully. The seller also pays for expired goods that were found by the manager or deputy. leader. Many will say that this is wrong, but I believe that every person should take their work seriously and feel responsible for their actions.

Work is not easy work.

The store also underwent quality checks every three months. Those. A specialist from the company came to check the store. I checked absolutely everything: from the quality of the product to the presence of disinfectant liquid on the packaging.

If the section passed the inspection and the auditor did not find anything critical (delay, dirt, presence of information sheets on the goods in the camera, etc.), then the sellers received a bonus. Those. The seller's bonus included: sales (fulfillment of the section plan), passing quality control and passing planograms.

Planograms are a display of goods according to the rules of the company, which assigned each product its place in the sales area and on the shelf. In principle, getting a full salary along with a bonus is realistic if you make every effort to do so and not rely on someone else.

At that time, working as a logistics salesman, you could easily earn 20 thousand rubles, and sometimes even more.

About difficulties at work

In general, everything seems to be easy and simple, but, unfortunately, it only seems so.

Fruits are perishable, so every day we had to sort through everything, the good ones from the bad ones, everything that could be sold from the defective ones, which were either written off or returned to the supplier.

Boxes of fruit and bags of vegetables are terribly heavy, and if there were no men in the department during a shift, then the girls did all the display. We did not have electric vehicles (devices for transporting pallets in the store), since only people with qualifications had the right to operate them electric forklift(which was trained by sending employees to courses), we were given hand-held lifters, with which we transported heavy boxes, crates and bags. But the work did not frighten me, but on the contrary, it began to drag me down, and soon I got used to such a volume.

The hardest days were the holidays, especially the New Year, when everything was grabbed from the shelves and when sellers really didn’t have time to take everything out and put it in its place, but about sorting is a completely different topic.

What does a hypermarket employee have to deal with?

Of course, working in a big store, there were many interesting incidents, good and bad, funny and not so funny.

Communication with buyers

For example, once on New Year's. I was laying out a huge pallet of apples in the sales area, and a man came up to me and asked me to take out a box of grapes from the back room, since they were out of stock in the display case. I refused because there was a lot of work and I didn’t want to be distracted from the task at hand. But he really asked, I decided to help anyway and went to get some grapes. When I came back to the hall with a box of berries, I was shocked: the man laid out the entire pallet of apples for me. And, smiling, he stood and waited for me. Of course, I was very surprised and happy. I helped him, and he helped me. This, of course, happens rarely, but it does happen.

Troubles happen too

The other case was not very good. When I was laying out the goods again, a man came up to me and grabbed me by the arm in a rude manner and led me to the price tag, which, in his opinion, did not correspond to reality. He behaved very ugly and constantly shouted, pointing his finger at the price tag, shaking my hand. To my joy, the conflict was resolved, but for some reason it remained in my memory.

Advanced training and career ladder

In addition to work, the company offers free training to its employees, which talks about the company’s values ​​and its mission, how to take inventory and communicate with customers, how to properly display goods and how to work with reading devices.

The training sections were very exciting, sometimes they were held just after night shifts, it was very difficult to sit on them, but tolerable.

Several years of my work have passed, and the company began to build new hypermarkets, accordingly, this is where big doors open for careerists and those who are simply more convenient to work close to home. At that time, I had proven myself well before management, so I decided to go for a promotion. It was 2011, I graduated from university and already had a diploma.

To be promoted, you must pass knowledge and logic tests. I passed the test and was offered the position of deputy head of the fruit and vegetable department.

Manager salary in Lenta

The salary was an order of magnitude higher, plus a bonus and the same voluntary health insurance. The deputy’s salary was also hourly, paid about 110 rubles. hour. For a month it came out to 30 thousand rubles, and if you take shifts for part-time work, then the whole 45 thousand rubles. make real money.

The work was interesting, I had to communicate with suppliers, make returns, control and manage sellers, carry out inventories and write-offs, and most importantly, replace the manager when he is on vacation or sick leave. The best thing that “warmed me up” was the thought of being promoted to manager.

About substitution

During the absence of the manager, I placed orders, supervised the work of the section, worked with suppliers and much more. And there was one minus: the additional payment for the work of the manager was ridiculous (1300-1500 rubles), although the responsibility was wow. The bosses were constantly pressing: the deputy director and the director. They were reprimanded for the lack of any goods, but this is work, so there was no offense.

In addition to work responsibilities, it was necessary to interview sales candidates. To be honest, people went completely unprepared and were very disappointed in the company, because they did not think that the work in it was very difficult mentally and physically.

At the interview they said that they were not afraid of difficulties, but in fact the opposite was true - even men, after working for some time, quit because they could not cope with the rhythm of the store.

Do you need a diploma for a career and how does a company treat employees going on maternity leave?

I am currently on maternity leave and have taken up the position of deputy head of the section.

Upon leaving, they hinted to me that if there were no places available upon arrival, then I might have to return to the sales staff again. Of course, I’m not afraid of work, but everything I’ve been working towards all these years has all moved back again. But I’m not upset, because every year the company builds new stores where employees are needed, and there I will try to get a promotion.

There is one minus in your career, a big minus - this is that no one looks at your diploma from a trade institute. Or they close their eyes. Experience decides everything!

Hard times

Then the crisis came, and positions began to be removed, thereby leaving only two instead of four deputy directors. The sections were also combined, and the leaders were fired. People ran. Lunch in the canteen has become paid (25 rubles), although this is not money for a full lunch, but still. The VHI policy has been cut every year. For example, previously a seller could have all of their teeth completely cured by a dentist, but now the dentist is not included in the seller’s VHI.

To attract employees to the company, the management came up with a promotion: “refer a friend - get 500 rubles,” but this is only if the friend has completed his probationary period and works on a permanent basis. This is funny money. For example, .

The management also came up with the “Mentoring” training format. Employees are trained to mentor new hires and receive a bonus if their protégé remains employed.

About pleasant little things

The hypermarket, like all other companies, gives gifts to employees’ children for the New Year, school supplies to first-graders, holds matinees, and on Children’s Day gives tours of the store and treats children to pies. The corporate spirit in this company is good. On major holidays, such as New Year, Trade Day and the birthday of the Shopping Complex, we celebrate very joyfully.

The store also hosts all sorts of competitions to reward employees, who are given certificates, gift cards and much more.

General opinion about the company. Pros and cons of working in Lenta

Let me sum it up. Working in a company where there are many demands and responsibilities is not easy, but it is possible.

You need to work, and not just go to work. Many people leave without completing their probationary period, many have a hard time physically, many don’t like it. Basically, I think sales jobs are aimed at students who need money. Others consider this work to be low-paid (at the moment you can earn a maximum of 25 thousand.

But where there are minuses, there are also pluses. Salaries are never delayed and paid fairly. Good team, understanding management, career growth. It all depends on the person.

Knowing all the ins and outs, I’ll be honest, I would get a job in this company, because I think that every job has pros and cons, and it’s difficult everywhere, not just in trading. And if a person approaches his work responsibly, then career growth is guaranteed. . Everything is real. The main thing is goal and desire.

I wish good luck to everyone who wants to try to build a career in the Lenta company, because the main thing is desire! Nothing in life is given for nothing, everything has to be earned.

Today Lenta is one of the largest retail chains in Russia. It was created in 1993 and in a short time managed to expand widely, quickly conquering the federal market. Currently, the number of Lenta stores in the Moscow region and the capital is quite decent; all retail outlets operate in the format of supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The main advantage of these stores in comparison with similar companies is that they operate on a discounted price system. The company offers customers a huge range of different products at an affordable price for everyone. For many modern people, this fact is of no small importance. Moreover, every day the company sets discounts on various products and holds promotions, thanks to which it becomes even more profitable to purchase products there.

It is impossible not to note the high quality of customer service in Lenta stores. Sellers are always polite and friendly, helping customers understand any issues that arise.

When you enter the sales area, you immediately see flashy stands with discounts. This is the central promotional street where promotional goods are displayed. It is specially placed near the entrance so that a buyer walking past will purchase a product that is not always needed, but is so temptingly cheap. I know this trick, so I haven’t fallen for such nonsense for a long time, and many visitors are captivated by the yellow price tags. Thanks to such tricks, the store’s revenue grows. We do not go into negative territory due to sales, because the purchase price of the goods is lower than the discount price.

Promotions change approximately every two weeks. Sometimes you still come across useful things at discounts, so I advise my friends to keep an eye on them.

The decree on this or that action comes “from above” - from Lenta’s head office. Analytical department specialists decide where and how to place the product in order to properly influence the buyer.

Work shift

I work in a grocery store and only do the night shift. I start at 21:00 and finish 12 hours later. I arrive about 15 minutes before, so I have time to say hello to everyone and learn something interesting from the last shift. While we are changing clothes, we discuss customers, management and colleagues: what’s new, what instructions came “from above”.

We pass through the service entrance, where security guards meet us, look at the bag, and move a special thing along the back, which usually reacts to the bra clasps, which is always very amusing. This is done for safety reasons, no one resists, everyone understands the need for the procedure.

During our shift, we cannot buy anything in the store, so if you suddenly want to drink sparkling water, you need to take care of it in advance, or endure it. If the bag contains products that are sold in Lenta, stickers with a seal are placed on them.

We have no right to leave the premises, even to the pharmacy. All necessary medications are located at the information desk in the first aid kit. And after a year of work, I already understood what I need to take with me. On night shifts, Phenotropil, a pill that improves memory, mood, and brain function, became my faithful friend. Colleagues also use Fen. True, not all. One day the deputy director did not get enough sleep, but still refused to “get hooked” on our “drug,” as he calls it.


Before the shift starts, we have a planning meeting, where administrators tell us what was done during the day and what is planned for the night. Every night, goods arrive at the warehouse that we must sort. Nothing except tea and household items is stored in the warehouses - everything is located on the sales floor. My first task is to fill the promotional slots with goods. The second is to deliver pallets (special pallets with goods) to my department and lift them upstairs. If you look up, you can see these pallets where all the products are. Third, arrange the goods on the shelves. Cereals, vegetable oil and noodles are the most popular products in the grocery store; nothing lingers in the display case, so there was not a single night when I was left without work.

By 8 a.m., there should be no more than two pallets in the department, so as not to interfere with customers walking with their carts. Over the past six months of work, there have been only three cases when I managed to get all the goods upstairs and place them on the shelves in time. After that, I, pleased with myself, placed price tags (this is the fourth task that day shift sellers usually perform due to the fact that the “night workers” cannot keep up).

At 8:30 you need to place empty trash cans around the hall. At this time, the night shift administrator and deputy director pass by and check readiness in front of a large flow of customers. At 9 am we have a planning meeting where employees hand over shifts. Then the night sellers go home. I usually sleep until the next time I go to work. During employment, a 2:2 work schedule was discussed. But then the night staff decided it would be better to work 3:3. With this schedule, you sleep a day and rest for two.

Sometimes with a friend, another salesperson, after a hard night shift, we take a bottle of beer and sit on a bench in the park, not far from Lenta. On the hardest day, we took champagne and sweets on sale - we arranged a small celebration for ourselves in the morning. They drank from disposable cups, ate sweets and chatted heart to heart. There was no need for anything or anyone else at that moment.


Lenta talks a lot about following safety rules. First of all, customers and employees. And they don’t just say: we recently successfully passed a fire safety inspection.

Why do you think pallets are unloaded at night? Just for reasons of convenience and safety of clients. If there are no these large boxes on the sales floor, it is more convenient for the buyer to move around, and when lifting the pallet to the upper shelves, nothing will accidentally fly onto his head. During the day this is done only by blocking the path with a ribbon. Of course, the buyer most often goes under prohibitory signs. In this case, I always suggest either waiting, or bringing the required product myself.

During the entire period of Lenta's work, we did not have a single work-related injury. The maximum amount of harm I caused myself was when I ran over my leg with a ram (a hand-held device for transporting pallets).


Lenta has never had mice or cockroaches. Only once did a titmouse settle with us, but it soon flew away. And just recently a dove appeared in the back room. We called him the Devil. He is present at planning meetings and struts along the beams under the ceiling with an important look. If he stays, he will certainly become a full member of our team.

In my section they don’t really make sure that I wash my hands every hour. After all, I have all the goods in packages. But in the culinary department, where chefs prepare salads, buns, pizzas and other dishes, everyone is trying to follow sanitary rules. Unfortunately, I don’t know how strict the control is there.


Lenta makes sure that there are no delays. For example, if cheeses used to be on display for 24 hours, now this period has been reduced to 12 hours. But we are not responsible for the fact that a person takes a product a few minutes before the expiration date and stores it at home for another five days. All products are written off and thrown away (security monitors this). During the year of work, we only once managed to persuade the security guard to give us an expired cake - to celebrate a colleague’s birthday.

As for sanctions: back in the spring I noticed that there were no Polish apples, but they were quickly replaced with an analogue. Now you won’t find Dor Blue, Maasdam and other foreign cheeses in refrigerators; there is no American meat. But Russia has concluded an agreement with Argentina, so there is still foreign chicken and beef. The same Lace chips and Orbit chewing gum, although a foreign brand, will remain in Lenta. These companies have factories in our country.

But there’s a real problem with buckwheat: when people heard the news that it would disappear, they simply bought tens of kilograms. That’s why we made an announcement that we don’t sell more than 5 packs per person: resellers appeared who then sell them at exorbitant prices. And yes, cereals have really gone up in price. Just yesterday it cost 63 rubles, and today it’s already 103 rubles. Buckwheat and other products are swept from the windows, and sellers physically do not have time to put them out. Even then, visitors panic: supposedly the products have disappeared altogether.


At Lenta, the customer is always right. Basically, all complaints are reviewed by the customer service department (CSR). We jokingly call them “orcs.” They solve absolutely all problems related to customers - from clarifications on promotional products to refunds. All our “orcs” are polite and stress-resistant—they have a lot of patience.

Sometimes buyers come across who are not entirely adequate. There was a case when a woman threw a tantrum in the whole room because of some ruble that was not given to her in change. In the end, the money was returned to her. Because everything should be decided in favor of the client, if this is, of course, fair.

Often visitors do not hesitate to devour food directly from the shelves. Last New Year and at the opening, we found empty beer bottles, candy boxes and other empty containers. Sometimes the guards catch the violators. One day, a man was shaving with a razor from the counter right in the hall. They also saw how one individual took a bottle of water, went to the bread department and ate a bun there, washing it down with water. And after the guard made a remark that you had to pay for the goods, the young man shouted for a long time that he was some kind of big shot. However, he had to pay for what he ate.

Other shoppers unscrewed caps containing points from Coca-Cola bottles, which can then be exchanged for a bear or some other gift. 8 bottles of soda had to be written off as defective.

Security often fails to track these moments, since there are a lot of customers, and they obviously won’t call the police over a bun.

Most often, only obvious thieves are detained. Once a man ran through the hall with a huge TV, screaming wildly, trying to break through the turnstile. It's hard not to notice this. At the police station, the failed thief cried, apologized and explained his action by saying that he did not have enough money to buy a discounted item.


We help each other as much as we can. It often happens that mixed goods are brought in pallets: candy, noodles, tea. It won’t be difficult for me to bring these sweets from my grocery store to the confectionery department, just as it won’t be difficult for confectioners to bring my goods that accidentally ended up on their pallet.

But, as in any other team, there are people who are not liked. And some employees even quit with the wording “the director is not satisfied.” By the way, I think that the director clearly has a biased attitude towards the night shift: his decrees speak about this. If earlier we could smoke once every three hours, now the smoking room operates at strictly defined hours: from 00:00 to 1:00 and from 5:00 to 6:00. Smoking supposedly prevents us from working. Our smoking room is located near the service entrance, it is fenced off with bars. Non-smoking employees most often think that we are freeloading in the smoking room. But this is just a way to cope with stress.


Each employee can take advantage of the right to a business lunch. It costs divinely: only 25 rubles. We purchase food vouchers at the box office. On the night shift, you can have “lunch” from 00:00 to 3:00, and have an “afternoon snack” from 5:00 to 7:00. In total, an hour is allotted for a break (which includes time for meals, smoking, and natural needs).

The dining room is on the third floor. The cooks cook delicious food. The first course includes okroshka, rassolnik with honey mushrooms, fish soup, borscht, and once we cooked chicken broth with eggs. For the main course, the choice is usually: rice with vegetables, noodles, buckwheat, pilaf, meatballs, cutlets, baked chicken. Afternoon snack is almost the same as breakfast: tea, porridge, pampered with pastries. And it costs 5 rubles.


Working in the system pleases with stability. Salaries for the year have never been delayed, except for this November. And this is because the payment day coincided with the November holidays.

My salary consists of salary and bonus. The salary is calculated on an hourly basis - 70 rubles per hour, plus a small bonus for the night shift. The maximum bonus is 30% of the salary: 10% for passing a quality check, 10% for passing a plan, 10% for a planogram, that is, timely display of goods. And sellers in the gastronomic department are also paid an additional 1,000 “northern” rubles - payment for working in harsh cold conditions (namely: in the refrigerator).

According to the norm, employees must work 160 hours per month. On average, I get 20-25 thousand rubles. But most often we work much more because there are not enough salespeople, and administrators ask us to work an extra shift.

Bonuses and fines

There is a monthly “director’s” bonus. It is paid to employees who have proven themselves in a particular section, for not refusing to go to work on a day off, for responsibility and diligence. The best employee is awarded once a quarter. It is assessed according to the same indicators. The badge of honor of the seller is transferable. We had awards given to two people from the information desk. In my opinion, they really deserve such an award - they know how to resolve any conflict situations. And I was once awarded “director’s”.

But we don’t have any fines. Whether there are shortages or not, I don’t know - they never deduct anything from us. If a guest breaks something, the item is considered defective and written off. If a seller, he simply pays for the goods at the checkout after his shift.

Products are often damaged. For example, we recently dropped an expensive bottle of Bacardi in New Year's packaging. But what’s most infuriating is when buyers change places of goods: if you change your mind about buying something, why are you sticking it anywhere?! For example, it is very unpleasant to find condoms between packets of noodles. Yes, you’d better put them in a visible place or give them at the checkout - no one will scold you for this.

Corporate ethics

The company often organizes various events. For example, competitions between “Ribbons” from different cities, archaeological meetings, corporate events. Our team also has a tradition of congratulating colleagues on their birthdays. Giving a cake, an armful of balloons, flowers - in general, pampering a person is a joy for us!

At work, it is not customary to call colleagues by their first and patronymic names. Our director is Konstantin, the administrator is Olga, and the head of the department is Oksana. But there is no familiarity either: in communication we divide colleagues into “you” and “you”.


Making a career at Lenta is not that difficult. There are living examples in the Kemerovo hypermarket, when a person “grew” from a salesperson into a department manager. It all depends on the employee.

I came to Lenta last year and immediately decided to take the bull by the horns: I want, I say, to work for you as an administrator. With my work experience, such wishes could only be driven by dementia and courage. Now I understand that becoming an administrator is, at the very least, beyond my capabilities. You need to be extremely self-possessed and strong, because the administrator monitors the trading floor at night, he is almost like a deputy director.

Illustrations: Ekaterina Bukhtiyarova.

The Lenta supermarket chain is known to many residents of the capital and other large cities. It occupies one of the first places in terms of retail space in Russia. The company's core business is the retail sale of food and household goods. Having started its activities in St. Petersburg, the chain soon built hypermarkets in other localities. Today the number of Lenta hypermarkets and supermarkets has exceeded 200. The official website of the company is

The main component of the chain’s success is its pricing policy, which allows it to offer products at very affordable prices. The company values ​​not only its customers, but also its employees, providing the best specialists with the opportunity to prove themselves and receive monetary incentives for this.

Advantages of working at Lenta in Moscow

The main requirements for hiring are responsibility, communication skills and the desire to work in a team. Depending on the chosen position, you may need higher education and experience in a similar profile, as well as computer knowledge. However, some vacancies are also open to those who have only secondary or specialized secondary education. A health certificate may be required.

Those hired are guaranteed official employment from the first day, as well as a “white” salary without delays, a social package, health insurance and a discount card for store products. The average salary in the network is 24-60 thousand rubles, but for more responsible positions the salary is discussed with each employee separately.

In-demand Lenta vacancies in Moscow:

  • salesman;
  • sales floor administrator;
  • general cook;
  • section head;
  • chief engineer, etc.

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About company

Lenta is the first largest hypermarket chain (by retail space) and the third largest retail chain in the country (by revenue in 2017). The company was founded in 1993 in St. Petersburg. "Ribbon" controls 244 hypermarkets in 89 cities Russia and 135 supermarkets in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Siberia, the Ural and Central regions with a total retail area of ​​1,416,883 sq. m. The average retail area of ​​one Lenta hypermarket is about 5,600 sq.m., the average supermarket area is 800 sq.m. m. The company operates ten of its own distribution centers. The company is developing several formats of hypermarkets with low prices, which differ in marketing and pricing policies, as well as the range of goods from local producers. The Company's staff is more than 50,000 people.

The company's management combines significant international experience with deep knowledge of the Russian market and extensive experience in Russia. Lenta's largest shareholders are TPG Capital and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which adhere to high standards of corporate governance. Lenta is listed on the London Stock Exchange and the Moscow Exchange under the trading code "LNTA".

History of success

Having 20 years of experience in the retail market, Lenta is successfully developing in various regions of the country.

Today regular customers of hypermarkets Lenta networks are more than 6 million people, and this number is increasing every day.

Works in company stores and offices over 30,000 employees, which are the main value of the company.

Over 20 years of successful work, Lenta has won the trust of its customers, changing the idea of ​​modern trade. Trade stalls and tents have been replaced by a new format - the format of the Lenta hypermarket.


The company employs the best top managers from the retail and finance sectors with extensive experience in the Russian market.

Since 2009, the company has been headed by CEO Jan Dunning. Mr Dunning has extensive experience in retail. Before joining Lenta, he worked for the Metro Group, headed the wholesale company Lukas Klamer in the Netherlands, and previously worked for almost ten years at the German discount chain Aldi.

The company's main shareholders are the TPG fund, VTB Capital and the Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Social responsibility

Social responsibility is one of the important activities of Lenta. In many regions of Russia, Lenta is known not only as a large retail chain, but also as a socially active company participating in various social and cultural programs for the population.

In 2013 alone, Lenta implemented a number of large social projects. Sports, playgrounds and children's playgrounds were installed in Vologda, Ulyanovsk, Novokuznetsk and Armavir. Reconstruction of the roadway was carried out in Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo and Omsk. Assistance was provided with essential goods to flood victims in the Far East. In various regions of Russia, the company provides assistance to veterans, low-income families, non-profit foundations and children without parental care.

In St. Petersburg, the Lenta company acted as the General partner of the Flower Festival on Elagin Island, donating 30,000 tulips.

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