Amplifier modem megaphone for the street. Mobile signal booster "Megafon"

Codes of the Russian Federation 20.12.2020
Codes of the Russian Federation

A gadget for obtaining mobile access to the Internet is an optimal device that has become an invariable assistant for many people who use the World Wide Web. The main differences from a router are increased ease of use, because a USB device is portable and can be taken with you anywhere. Many mobile operators provide their customers with the opportunity to use the Internet not only on mobile devices (smartphone or tablet), but also on computers and laptops. Megafon is no exception. Very important indicator is the quality and speed of the Internet. When users discover that the Internet speed has dropped, a logical question arises - “How to increase the speed of the Megafon 4G modem?”

Signal quality: what does it depend on, how to check?

What factors most strongly influence the quality of the Internet provided by a USB device? So, how high-speed the Internet is depends on:

  1. Distances from the operator's communication tower.
  2. The fact that there are wireless devices nearby (they may cause interference).
  3. Proximity to large-scale production, factories, landfills. Some of the listed objects jam communications.
  4. Room insulation, wall thickness.
  5. Weather conditions. In good weather, the Internet speed of the 4G modem increases.
  6. Software computer/laptop. A system with overloaded operating memory and viruses will itself slow down the data transfer process.
  7. Operator tower overload.

How to check the Internet speed if the user feels a significant decrease in speed? To do this, he can use various sites, or look in the computer/laptop itself for information about the connection status.

How to increase the signal?

How to improve the 4G modem signal from Megafon? The most popular methods include:

  • Moving a laptop/computer with a connected device closer to the window.
  • Buying a USB extension cable. With its help, the USB device can be placed on the windowsill on the street side.

  • Buying a factory signal amplifier.

  • Personal creation of a reflector (a device created from improvised means that can increase the signal).

If the Megafon 4G usb modem has low speed, remember that you can try to fix the situation yourself. How to strengthen the signal of a 4G modem megaphone with your own hands? Using a special antenna, which can be created from a metal can. An extension cord and scissors for cutting metal are also used for work.

Creation stages:

  • We connect the USB device via an extension cord.
  • Using scissors, we cut a small hole, but sufficient to fit inside the device. If the incision is too small, it can be enlarged.

We fix the device inside.

  • We are looking for a place where the signal will be the most powerful. We fix the structure there. This way you can increase the signal quality at no extra cost.

Do not forget that the resulting amplifier must be placed towards the operator’s tower mobile communications. It is best to position yourself near a window that faces the desired direction. Even if the tower is out of sight, this will still help increase signal reception.

- Drivers for megafon 4G modem.

All mobile operators that offer Internet access via the 3g network (MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc.) have a certain coverage area. If you are behind it, the Internet connection will be very weak, the connection will be unstable, and the speed will be low. In such cases, you can use options that will enhance the 3g modem signal.

How to boost a 3g modem signal using speakers

The first option on how to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands, which you can try at home without extra expenses and effort, is to use ordinary sound speakers. Mobile Internet users noted that if they move them closer to the modem, the signal level increases by 10-20%. This is not very much, but with poor connection quality it gives a noticeable increase. To get rid of annoying clicks from the speakers, you should turn the sound to minimum.

Signal amplifier for 3g modem made of copper wire

Another way to easily boost the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands will require a little more action than the option with speakers. You need to make a structure from wire and a tin can that will serve as an antenna. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    Take copper wire (preferably a long piece).

  1. Open the gadget and make 5-6 turns around the SIM card.
  2. Pull the other end to the window.
  3. Take a tin can or cut off the neck of a beer bottle to create a “glass.” It will act as a reflector that enhances communication.
  4. Wind the free end of the wire to the bottom of the can.
  5. Turn the neck in the direction where the nearest operator tower is located. The increase in Internet quality will be up to 90-95%.

How to strengthen a 3g modem signal using network settings

Before making antennas with your own hands, you should try another method on how to strengthen the signal reception of a 3g modem. Some mobile Internet users do not know that by default, when the connection quality is poor, the device automatically switches to 2g communication mode, which is not possible to work normally with. In this case, the transition occurs even if there are 2-3 “sticks”. To avoid such situations, you should clearly indicate through the device settings that you only need to use a 3g connection. How to change an option:

    run the network setup program;

  1. select the “Connection” tab (or with a similar name);
  2. Next, the network search mode needs to be changed from automatic to 3g.

This will force the device to work only on these frequencies, without dropping the connection to a lower speed one. Some modems do not have such an item in the application interface for the device. In this case, you should look for a combination to activate the built-in command in the instructions for the device or on specialized forums. Each modem model has its own programmed order for enabling the option.

Boosting a 3g modem signal with a USB extender

This is not the best, but it works, how to easily boost the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands. It is well suited for people who do not want to disassemble or re-solder their device. The design works on the principle of a satellite dish. To make it you need to buy a “reflector” (jar, bowl, CD), USB cable“mom-dad” 3 meters. The creation process is as follows:

    In the middle of the disk, make a mount for a flash drive, or tape it with tape.

  1. Connect the cable at one end to the computer and the other to the modem.
  2. You can use a stick instead of a holder or simply attach the disk from the street side to the facade of the house.
  3. Point the flash drive in the direction where the signal is strongest.

The increase in connection quality is not very large, because the USB cable loses some of it due to its length, but still improves the connection. The mirror surface of the CD acts as an amplifier. It is recommended to use a bowl instead of a disc because its reflective surface is larger and the reception will be even better. Enameled options are not suitable; use stainless steel products.

Special external signal amplifier for 3g modem

Operators are aware of communication problems, so they are constantly trying to expand their coverage area. As an intermediate solution, for example, a 3g signal amplifier was created for the Megafon modem and other companies. This is an antenna that operates at the required frequencies, and you need to connect it directly to the device. When choosing a model, you should rely on the radiation pattern and gain.

For efficient work The antenna must be directed towards the mobile operator tower that is closest to your home. Attach the stand so that the pins are perpendicular to the ground. Please note that the longer the cable, the greater the signal loss along its length. A short cord will provide a sufficient increase in communication, provided it is good quality. If you bought an amplifier, then you shouldn’t skimp on the cable.

How to boost a 3G signal with your own hands using a repeater

The most effective is amplification using a special device - a 3G repeater. Boosting is only possible if the phone receives at least a minimal 3G signal. This approach can be called completely professional, since after installing the repeater you will receive:

    maximum possible 3G signal amplification;

  • maximum speed the operation of the mobile Internet, which the mobile operator can provide;
  • stable reception area within the coverage radius of the internal antenna;
  • getting rid of problems that arise when the signal is weak: connection interruptions, subscriber unavailability, interruptions during a conversation, and others.

Despite the almost universal coverage of the territory of Russia by the Megafon operator, the task of strengthening the signal is extremely urgent. Megafon signal amplifiers are in demand not only by residents of villages and remote areas, but also Megafon subscribers from large cities and metropolitan areas. Such a high level of need for Megafon signal amplifiers is due to many factors, the main of which are: the distance of the Megafon subscriber from the nearest base station and the dense level of development that reflects and screens the voice communication and mobile Internet signal.

How to strengthen Megafon signal?

As a Megafon signal amplifier, you can buy either a separate device or a full-fledged signal booster kit. Depending on which device you need to boost the signal ( mobile phone, 3G/4G modem) and over what area this amplification should be distributed, we can offer various options for signal amplifiers - from a simple antenna to a professional signal amplification complex.

The principle of operation of Megafon amplifiers

The main part of signal amplification kits is a repeater (repeater) and an antenna. The antenna that receives the Megafon signal can be installed both indoors and outdoors, in the place where the Megafon signal is the strongest and most stable. The antenna receives the Megafon signal and transmits it to the repeater. The repeater, in turn, amplifies the signal and broadcasts it to mobile phones, tablets, etc. In addition to transmitting the signal, the repeater also receives the Megafon signal and transmits it to the operator's tower. To connect the antenna and repeater, you need to additionally buy certain cables or adapters; often the system is supplemented and Wi-Fi router. When compiling the Megafon amplifier sets presented on this page, we took into account all the necessary nuances and details. Therefore, you will just need to buy a suitable kit, and it will already contain everything you need - from the basic elements to all kinds of adapters or fasteners.

In houses and apartments where there is no connection wired internet via fiber optic line, there is a use case wireless access via USB modem. Similar devices are available from popular mobile operators. Megafon was no exception. Unfortunately, sometimes a weak signal level does not allow you to enjoy the Internet, so you need to figure out how to correct the situation.

A 3G USB modem is a small device in the form of a flash drive. Ease of use lies in the fact that after purchase you do not need to configure anything. Just connect the modem to your PC, and operating system will configure the program itself.

Subscribers can purchase new models of USB modems, the main feature of which is high speed data transmission:

  • E173 - 7.2 Mbit;
  • E1820 (E352) - 14.4 Mbit;
  • E367 - 28.8 Mbit.

Outgoing speed of all types of devices is up to 5.76 Megabit/s.

The above mentioned throughput is theoretical. Often when using a gadget, malfunctions occur. Low speed data transfer is the scourge of the provider and the subscriber. Solving this problem by the operator (building a new base station or changing settings) is problematic.

Reconfiguring sectors leads to the fact that the coverage and signal level at the client’s address will become better, but at the same time the other part settlement will get worse. Instead of one problem, the operator may have several. The subscriber has to fix the failures himself.

What does speed depend on?

The following factors affect the data transfer speed:

  • Computer performance - the box with the modem must indicate the characteristics and requirements for the PC. If the specifications do not match, the device may not work or function incorrectly;
  • Weather conditions: rain, snow, fog, even blossoming leaves on trees, can interfere with the passage of the radio signal and lead to a decrease in speed;
  • Distance - the further away the base station is located, the worse the coverage and signal strength cellular communications;
  • Network congestion by time of day - there are several daily peaks when the BS is overloaded. The number of channels does not change, but the number of users logged into the network varies constantly. The more people are connected at the same time, the lower the data transfer speed. This manifests itself well in resort cities - in winter and autumn Mobile Internet It works great for local users, but with the onset of the tourist period, problems arise with access to the network;
  • The presence of metal structures near construction, cranes, building cladding - all elements can influence the radio signal, taking it upon themselves. As a result, if they started building nearby new house and brought the crane in, there is a drop in speed and signal deterioration in the area.

Everything that affects the propagation of radio waves affects the speed of data transmission.

How to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem on a megaphone?

If the bandwidth at your address has dropped, and this happens constantly, then you can solve this problem using:

  • Hardware;
  • Antenna;
  • Homemade amplifiers.

Before using one of the methods, you need to analyze the situation to decide what is most suitable.

Signal enhancement hardware

Hardware includes various signal amplifiers, repeaters, and repeaters. These are devices that are installed in the house and are connected to a power source (outlet). The repeater acts as a transceiver device from the BS to the subscriber. A repeater is an amplifier that receives a signal from a BS, improving its quality and transmits it further to the end user’s terminal equipment. They do not require any settings. Their main function is to increase the signal level in the room. When using this equipment, the speed can reach maximum values.

A significant drawback is the high cost. You can purchase them in specialized stores. The operator also sells some models.


Directional antennas also help to strengthen the signal of a 3G modem. They can be installed both indoors and outdoors. The design has the same functionality as amplifiers - it “attracts” the signal and redirects it to the modem. Antennas are somewhat cheaper than repeaters and repeaters, but they are less efficient.

Do-it-yourself signal amplification

The cheapest and easiest way to boost the signal is to find a good place for the modem. Surely you know in which direction the operator’s base station is located. Try to place the modem in the opening of the window that is aimed at the BS. If this measure does not help, the operator advises using an extension cord. This long cable, which on one side connects to a computer or laptop, and on the other side connects to a router. Using this cable, you can place the modem in the room as close as possible to the ceiling and window. The cable can also be taken outside the room. The device must be protected from moisture by wrapping it in a bag or cutting an opening in a plastic container.

Users share tips: you can attach something spherical to the modem - many use lamps to warm their ears, stainless steel plates or even colanders. The modem is located in the middle. The entire structure fits into the window opening. The operating principle is reminiscent of a satellite dish. Acts as a companion in in this case the nearest BS speaks.

How to strengthen the 4G modem signal on MegaFon?

MegaFon 4G Modem is a device for wireless Internet access on an LTE/UMTS/GSM network. The big advantage of the router is its versatility - it can work in both LTE and 3G, as well as 2G.

The device does not require additional settings. When you connect for the first time, the computer OS will perform the installation itself.


Routers designed to operate on a 4G network have some features:

  • Memory card slot Micro SD Card Slot (recommended capacity - up to 32 GB) - card not included.
  • Online update of the program for the modem (when you are in your home region, traffic is not paid for);
  • There is a connector for connecting an external antenna (MIMO technology) - CRC9 (it is not included in the kit).

Strengthening the signal on a 4G modem is no different from the principles of improving third-generation routers. Repeaters and repeaters, including homemade ones, are used for amplification. The only thing is that these devices must support the 4G format. Devices that boost the 3G signal may not have any effect on the LTE modem.

When purchasing an amplifier device, be sure to check with the seller about the formats it supports.

DIY signal amplifier

Making a 4G signal booster at home is quite simple. To do this, you will need a single-core copper wire, 10-12 m of coaxial cable, fasteners and plastic.

A figure eight is made from wire. This device is called a Kharchenko antenna. The structure has a joint in the center. A cable is soldered to this connection. The other end will be wrapped around the modem itself several turns. You can attach a metal plate to the antenna, which will act as a reflector. Also, the edges of the diamond are sometimes wrapped in foil. The antenna is placed on the roof or pole.


Of all the possible repeaters, repeaters and amplifiers the best option- this is a femtocell. This device is small base station. Radiation standards do not have any impact on human health, but the quality of communication when used becomes ideal. The devices are installed in areas with poor coverage, in basements, and at remote sites.

The problem is that femtocells are not for sale individuals. And even if you buy it, it will be of little use. The operator registers the station parameters on the BS. If you don't do this, it won't work. Devices are issued to corporative clients after radiofrequency studies. For femta to function, a fixed Internet connection with a speed of 5 Mbit is required.

Using a miniature station at home is not cost-effective.

The human ear perceives sounds in the range of 16 decibels. If the air pressure on the eardrum is less than 16 dB, we cannot hear. The sound wave is not strong enough to “swing” the membrane in our ear. Need an amplifier. By analogy, a mobile phone also does not pick up weak signals, which leads to deterioration in the quality of communication.

Signs of a weak network

Strengthen is necessary if:

  • the network often reports missed calls;
  • noises, hissing, wheezing in the tube;
  • frequent interruptions in conversations;
  • problems loading sites;
  • complete lack of network signal.

Far from the tower, far from the coast, or in areas heavily built up with high-rise buildings, there may be communication problems. The material of the walls of the room can also be a kind of screen that reflects an electromagnetic wave.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, there is a technical solution to the problem: MegaFon cellular signal booster. Devices of this type (intermediaries) use external energy to increase the signal strength received from the operator.

What is included in the equipment package?

To significantly improve the quality of communication you need:

  1. External antenna.
  2. Directly the amplifier itself (repeater).
  3. Internal service antenna.
  4. Additionally, you may need: high-frequency cables, wires, connectors, dividers.

Necessary parameters for signal amplification

Engineers will analyze the specific conditions of the problem, measure the signal level, and determine its characteristics:

  • Frequency band (for MegaFon - GSM-900 or GSM-1800). If subscribers use the services of several operators, a multi-band amplifier will be required.
  • Available power, input receiving devices. Specialists will select a repeater with sufficient gain and output power.
  • Communication standards (eg GPRS/EDGE).

You can try to collect the necessary information yourself. Call support and find out the frequency used by the operator in your area. You will receive an answer within a few days. For these purposes, you can use your smartphone with the NetMonito program as a device.

Costs for improving communication using MegaFon cellular signal booster, directly depend on the volume of tasks facing the equipment: from several thousand rubles for personal purposes, to tens of thousands when using corporate engineering systems. Repeaters are also made for use on moving objects: cars, boats, airplanes.

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