Extracurricular reading lesson: “The sun paints the earth, but labor paints man.” Extracurricular activity “The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man” Emphasis: the sun paints the earth and man

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Lesson: extracurricular reading.

Subject:“The sun paints the earth, but labor paints man.”

Class: 2

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce works about labor and professions

    Show the importance of work in a person’s life. To cultivate a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions, a desire to work, and a responsible attitude to study.

    Develop students' oral speech and enrich their vocabulary.

    Develop imagination, fantasy, creative abilities.

    Introduce the research method to obtain the necessary information.

Preliminary preparation: children read works by various writers V. Mayakovsky, D. Rodari, Y. Tuvim, B. Zakhoder, E. Moshkovskaya, E. Permyak about people’s work and professions. Collect material and prepare a speech on the topic: “Work biography of my grandmother (my grandfather).”

During the classes

I. Topic message

Today, in an extracurricular reading lesson, we will get acquainted with the works of different writers about people’s work and professions. Read the topic of our lesson. Explain the meaning of this proverb.

II. Updating knowledge

Teacher: Listen to L. Kuklin’s poem “Think what would happen...” and say what it is about.

Think what would happen
When would a tailor say:
- I don’t want to sew dresses,
I'll take a day off!
And all the tailors in town
They would have followed him home.
If only people walked around naked
Along the street in winter.

Think what would happen
When a doctor would say:
“I don’t want to pull my teeth,”
I won’t, even if you cry!
Medical care for patients
There wouldn't be any.
And you would sit and suffer
With a tied cheek.

Think what would happen
When would the driver say:
– I don’t want to carry people! –
And turned off the engine.
Trolleybuses, buses
Covered with snow
Factory workers
We would walk.

A school teacher would say:
- For me this year
I don't want to teach children
I won't come to school!
Notebooks and textbooks
We'd roll around in the dust
And you would be unscientists
They grew into old age.

Think about what
Suddenly something bad happened!
But he just won't do that
No one ever
And people won't refuse
From the required work:
Teacher is required
Will come to class the next morning,
And the bakers diligently
Bread will be baked for you.

Any task will be completed
Whatever you give them,
Tailors and shoemakers,
Drivers and doctors.
We are all a friendly family
We live in the same country
And everyone works honestly
In its place.
(L. Kuklin)

Teacher: What is this poem about? (About work)

What would happen if everyone stopped working?

Life on earth will freeze. There will be famine and death. Therefore, everyone must work. Life is work.

III. Learning a new topic

1) Game “Collect a proverb”

Teacher: For a long time in Rus' they sang and glorified work, but they did not respect the lazy, they laughed at them. It is not for nothing that people have composed so many proverbs, songs and fairy tales about work and hardworking people. I suggest you remember the proverbs about work. On each desk there is an envelope with words from which you need to collect a proverb about work. (Children read out their proverbs).

2) Solve the crossword puzzle:

-Riddles about professions:

1. From sifted flour

He bakes us pies

Buns, buns, biscuits,

Who is he? Guess what?


2. Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron with paint,

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted.


3. It will cure measles, bronchitis, and sore throat,

He will prescribe pills and vitamins for us.


4. He will point the glass eye,
It will click once and remember you.

5. He teaches children order,

He checks the children's notebooks,

6. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he... (Artist)

7. The stove hums like a samovar,

Steel is cooked in it... (Steelmaker)

8. We get up early, because our concern is
Drive everyone to work in the morning


9. She sews beautifully and whips famously

Needlewoman - …(Tailor)

What word is in the vertical column? (Profession)

What is a profession?

Profession- this is the work that people choose for themselves for the rest of their lives, which benefits others and the state. The Explanatory Dictionary says: “Profession is the main occupation of a person, his work activity.” Every day we come across objects of labor of representatives of different professions. It is impossible to imagine a single day without them.

3) Work on the poem by D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”

Teacher: Now let’s listen and see what our guys have prepared for the lesson.

(Staging of the poem by D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”)

Leading. Every business has a special smell.

Baker (In a white coat. Holding a loaf of bread in his hands.)

The bakery smells of dough and baked goods.

Carpenter (He holds a plane in his hands. He is wearing a worker’s suit.)

You walk past the carpentry shop


It smells like shavings and fresh boards.

Painter (In a work suit. In his hands there is a roller, a bucket of paint)

The painter smells like turpentine and paint.

Glazier (Hands a window frame made of cardboard)

Smells like a glazier

Window putty.

Chauffeur (In a driver's jacket)

The driver's jacket smells of gasoline.

Worker. Worker's blouse - machine oiled.

Confectioner (in white clothes)

The confectioner smells like nutmeg.

Doctor (In a white coat.)

A doctor in a robe is a pleasant medicine.

Fisherman (with a net in his hands)

The fisherman smells of fish and sea.

Together. But there is no smell of idleness!

Teacher: What did D. Rodari talk about in his poem?

(Each profession has its own special smell, only slackers and slackers don’t smell at all.)

Teacher: Every person must work and every person must have a profession.

(The student reads a poem by V. Lifshits)

The table you're sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife
And every nail, and every house,
And every slice of bread -
All this was created by labor,
But it didn't fall from the sky.
For everything that has been done for us,
We are grateful to the people.
The time will come, the hour will come -
And we will work.

3) Work on V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to be?”

Teacher: There are a great many professions in the world. But everyone should choose a business they like. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession.

Which profession should I choose? Who will you become in the future? The hero of which poem is thinking about the same question? (In V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to be?)

How did you imagine the hero of this poem? (He is a dreamer.)

What professions did he dream of? (Joiners, carpenters, engineer, doctor, worker, conductor, driver, pilot, sailor)

Reading in logical parts.(each student has the text of the poem).

In what order do professions change in this poem? Arrange the pictures in the correct order. Find the desired passage in the text and read.

Read the last quatrain.

How do you understand the meaning of the last lines? (A person can choose the profession that he likes.)

What phrase is repeated constantly in this poem?

“Let them teach me!”

Why does it always repeat itself?

To master any profession, you must first learn. And above all, study at school.

If you want to build a bridge,
Watch the movement of the stars
Drive a machine in the field
Or lead the ship upward -
Do a good job at school
Study conscientiously!

- School is the beginning of the path to any profession.

IV. Student research work

Teacher: You also did a lot of work preparing for the lesson. You collected the materials “Work biography of my grandparents” and prepared essays on this topic. Let's hear what you came up with. (Children present their work).

- Is the information you collected useful?

V .Lesson summary

- What did we talk about today in class?

- Do you think there is the most important profession in the world?

(All professions are important. Any work is respected.)

- What unites people of all professions? (They all work.)

- I think that you, too, will choose a job you like and will become masters of your craft and bring joy to those around you and your country with your work. But first you have to learn everything in life. A modern person must know and be able to do a lot in order to live a decent life. And everyone, no matter what profession they choose, should try to fulfill their duties well, responsibly, with soul.

VI. Homework

Topic of the next lesson: Fairy tales of foreign writers.

The sun paints the earth, and man's labor. What is the meaning of the proverb?

    Because the earth would not be beautiful without the sun, it would be very dark and trees would not grow, there would be no fragrant gardens and fragrant flowers, interesting animals. Even without labor, a person would be dry, lethargic, uninteresting, and pale. It’s a different matter when you go out into the yard in winter, haul firewood, fetch water from the river, and then, what a blush and beauty in your soul and outwardly you look healthy and beautiful!

    The meaning of this proverb is that planet Earth cannot exist without the sun. All nature, all living beings on the planet - all this is thanks to the sun. And a person cannot exist without work. If everyone doesn't work, all of humanity will die out.

    The proverb is very figurative and I see its meaning in the fact that just as our planet cannot exist without the sun, without sunlight, so a person cannot live without work. If the earth, under the influence of the sun's heat, blossoms, becomes covered with trees and grass, various animals begin to run across it, and birds fly and sing loudly in the sky, then a person also becomes ennobled if he leads a useful lifestyle. A hardworking person is respected, loved and proud of. On the contrary, no one appreciates a lazy person who prefers to spend time in idleness, no one needs him and no one notices his external beauty, even if it exists.

    There is certainly a deep meaning hidden in this proverb.

    The bottom line is that thanks to the sun, everything living and beautiful exists on our planet Earth. It turns out that the sun decorates the Earth.

    But as for labor, it is precisely this that ennobles and improves a person. Thanks to work we become more beautiful. After all, it was YuTrud who made a man out of a monkey.

    This probably means that without the Sun there would not be such beauty on Earth. Trees, meadows, flowers. In this sense, the Sun decorates the Earth with different outfits, this is due to the change of seasons. And work also makes a person beautiful. If he spends his whole life on the couch, then he will definitely not be beautiful, neither literally nor figuratively.

please help me, I'll give you 59 points, write an essay based on the proverb, the sun paints the earth, but man's labor.

Help please I'll give you 59 points

write an essay-reasoning on the proverb the sun paints the earth, but man’s labor.

Every morning people start with work. The schoolboy sits down at his desk, the driver climbs into the cab, and the worker stands at the machine. The student takes a book, because reading is also work. An office worker turns on the computer, a businessman makes a phone call, a housewife lights the stove, and a fisherman goes out to sea. No one is left idle. This is because work is a natural human activity.

Labor provides livelihood. Everything that a person has achieved, he achieved thanks to work. Cozy houses, beautiful clothes, delicious food, interesting entertainment - all these are the fruits of human labor.

In addition, it is not for nothing that they say that work ennobles a person. This, of course, should be work you enjoy and that brings you joy. A person who works feels cheerful and energetic and looks fit. “The sun paints the earth, but man’s labor” - this is a popular saying.

A hardworking person's abilities and talents are not wasted. She gains authority and respect from others. “Man is famous for his work” - that’s what they say about it.

An active person is easy to distinguish from a lazy one. Since it is unnatural for a person to do nothing, the lazy and idle will not find a place for himself. He will be bored and “killing time.” He will even get tired of having fun someday.

The works of Russian classics describe nobles who did not need to work, but this did not make them any happier. They didn't know where to apply themselves. “Where there is work, there is joy,” says the proverb, but a slacker is deprived of this joy.

Let each of us find work that suits him, and then his personality will be.

Answers and comments to them

Municipal state educational institution of the Kuybyshevsky district "Chumakovo boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities"

The sun paints the earth, but man's labor

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the importance of work in society.


- attract children's attention to a conscientious attitude to work;

- show the need for work in human life;

- convince students that their main goal is learning;

Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector.

Progress of the lesson:

Cartoon “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom.” Slide 1.

Good afternoon dear guys! The topic of our conversation today is “The sun paints the earth, but man’s labor.”


Dear Guys! I ask you to work more actively and respond more boldly. Today we will talk about work.

We will find out with you why it is labor that makes a person beautiful, what it consists of. And I want to start our conversation with a short story from K.D. Ushinsky, which is called “Two Plows”. Please listen to this story.

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work; and the other lay for a long time and completely uselessly in the merchant’s shop.

(vocabulary work)

Farmer- a man works on the land.

Merchant- a person engaged in trading. Slide 2.

It happened some time later that both countrymen met again. The farmer's plow shone like silver and was even better than when he first left the workshop; the plow, which lay idle in the shop, darkened and became covered with rust.

Tell me please, why do you shine so much? - the rusty plow asked his old acquaintance.

From work, my dear,” he answered. - And you got rusty and became worse than you were, because all this time you lay on your side, doing nothing.

I think everyone understood well how this story relates to the topic of our class hour

Why did the plow that came to the farmer shine like silver? (Because he worked.)

What happened to the plow that lay idle? (Darkened and covered with rust.)

Who do you think this story is about? Who does Ushinsky mean when he talks about plows? (The hard worker and the lazy one).

What conclusion can we draw after listening to this story?

Work makes a person beautiful, but idleness disfigures him.

Without labor a person will become rusty and get sick

Only in work can a person show all his best qualities

- A person's whole life is filled with work. Everything in the world is obtained through labor. You can't pull out even a small fish without difficulty. Russian folk proverbs always put work first.

Listen to the proverbs and explain the meaning of each of them.

1. The master’s work is afraid.

2. Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

3.The eyes are afraid, but the hands do.

4.Work is the joy of life. (Children explain)

5. Business time for fun

We see that people have always paid great attention to work.

Explain the meaning of the proverb Time for business, time for fun.

There should be a time for everything, both business and fun (fun, entertainment, leisure) You need to be able to work and relax

Dramatization of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang;
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died;
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf.
Both the table and the house were ready.
Everything has passed: with the cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:
“Don’t leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength.
And only until spring days.
Feed and warm! -
“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?” -
Ant tells her.
“Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that my head was turned.” -
“Oh, so you...” - “I’m without a soul
I sang all summer.” -
“Did you sing everything? this business:
So, go ahead and dance!”


How can we characterize an ant? What is he like? (hardworking)

And the dragonfly? (frivolous, she just sang and danced)

It is worth thinking not only about your entertainment, but also about your daily bread.

A person in society, in a class group, is valued based on his work. It is not immediately possible for a person to complete large and complex work. We have to start small. Each of you in the class is responsible for the assigned task.

I have a task for you called

"A good deed at school and at home"

Remember. What can you do well?

Can we bring glory through our work? How?

We must treat our responsibilities conscientiously so that you are noted only on the good side.

Work has great personal significance. Work helps a person to reveal his personality and show his abilities.

Where can we show our abilities?

When we prepare for school-wide events (sing, dance, prepare performances)

When we participate (in a craft competition, wall newspaper, New Year's toy competition, our talents competition)

We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their own hands.

Exercise “We Can Do This”...

I asked you to bring some of the exhibits you made. Who wants to tell us how they managed to “create” this?

(Children present their work)

These works are your personal work. Does this work make you happy?

Yes (We made it with our own hands, there is a benefit to it, we can decorate the group, we got joy and pleasure)

For their work, for their skillful, talented hands, such people are called people - golden hands. They are encouraged, they receive awards: honorary titles, certificates, orders, medals. And it’s not for nothing that they say that work makes a person.

Let's remember our labor rule(read one at a time):

Nothing ever comes without difficulty.

Know how to mend a stocking if necessary,

Prepare your lesson without help.

Be the first in learning, be the first in work,

We don’t like white-handed dogs anywhere.

Physical education minute.

Hands up and hands down

Come on, don't be lazy!

Up and down hand jerks

It's like we're waving flags.

Let's stretch our shoulders

Hands move towards each other (one hand up, the other down, hands change with jerks).

Hands on hips, smile.

Bend to the right - bend to the left (tilt to the sides).

Start squats

Don't rush, don't lag behind (squat)

And at the end - walking in place

Everyone has known this for a long time (walking in place)

Relaxed and refreshed

And they sat down again (Children sit down).

Everything that a person has achieved, he achieved thanks to work. Cozy houses, beautiful clothes, delicious food, interesting entertainment - all these are the fruits of labor.

Every morning people start with work. The driver climbs into the cab, the worker stands at the machine. The student takes a book, because reading is also work. An office worker turns on the computer, a housewife lights the stove, and a fisherman goes out to sea. A schoolboy sits down at his desk. No one is left idle. This is because work is a natural human activity.

Today you are sitting at a school desk. What is your main job?

Studies– this is your main work, and not simple work. Good grades are the result of your work.

What you need to do to get good grades.

    Listen carefully to the teacher's explanation in class.

    You ask the teacher about what was not clear to you when explaining new material.

    Always do your homework

    Think about what needs to be done and how, and only then do you start doing your homework.

    You work carefully, think carefully about how best to do the work

    That's right, if you do all this, you will have good success in your studies.

. Final word.

Guys, each of you wants to do something good in life. Leave your mark on the earth. This desire is understandable. But do you always think about how you can achieve your goal?

Tell me, please, will there be a good worker from those who are currently studying poorly? Right now you should study well.

The better a student learns, the better he will perform.

And let the words become the motto of your life:

“The sun paints the earth, but labor paints man.”

Summing up (reflection).

Listen, watch, tune in

Choose a job to suit every taste!

Yes, of course, you can’t right away

Become a pilot and a doctor,

Diver, rock climber,

Famous violinist

Become a brave polar explorer,

Fly to distant stars.

The best

The most necessary

The most important thing to immediately become.

Yes, you can't...

But you can immediately

And learn,

And dream!

Everyone can choose a business

So that it boils in your hands.

Labor is the basis of our life,

It will brighten anyone's day.

There is no shame more than reproach,

Why are you too lazy to work?

Find a job you like

Be a Master in it, create,

Don't be shy about dirt, sweat,

Don't say rude words!

Any work is very important to us,

Try to get through everything

And be courageous in your soul,

Understanding labor on the way.

We will study

We will work hard

So that the Motherland is with us

I could be proud!

Bottom line.

Our conversation has come to an end. How do you think today's conversation was useful for you?

What do you remember? What did you like?

I liked the saying “work with your sleeves rolled up.” This means you need to work hard.

I liked the story “Two Plows” (about a worker and a quitter)

What did you understand from our conversation?

I realized that in order to achieve something in life, you have to work.

Tell me, when does work make a person beautiful? (only if he works conscientiously and fulfills his professional duties for the benefit of the people and the Motherland)

You guys did a great job! Well done! I hope the good moments remain in your memory. And each of you has something to think about.

Elena Povalyaeva
Entertainment “The sun paints the earth, but man’s work”

Prepared by the teacher: Povalyaeva E. E.

Presenter 1: Shadow, shadow, shadow

There is a fence above the city.

Children gathered here

It's time to feast.

Presenter 2: What kind of feast is there when they haven’t gotten down to business yet!

Presenter 1: Yes, it’s time for business - an hour for fun.

Presenter 2: Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

Presenter 1: It’s not for nothing that the people did not like the lazy and careless, they ridiculed them in songs and poems.

Presenter 2: We came up with work yes laziness proverbs and sayings!

Presenter 1: Let's remember one of the children's songs

Dramatizing a song "Antoshka"

Presenter 2: Let's listen to what proverbs the people came up with. Let's play a game "Antoshka's Spoon". To whomever it falls into the hands, the proverb about he will say toil and laziness.

1,2,3 – start playing!

1. The sun colors the earth, A human labor.

2. Without good deeds there will be no good name.

3. A good deed praises itself.

4. He is well educated who hard-tested.

5. It’s a long day until the evening if there’s nothing to do.

6. If you love to ride, you also love to ride a sled.

7. Man's labor feeds, but laziness spoils it.

8. Skillful hands do not know boredom.

9. Minute labor more valuable than an hour of idleness.

10. He who does not work does not know rest.

11. Without labor you can't pull a fish out of a pond.

12. If there was a hunt, the work would go well.

13. Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

Presenter 1: Love proverbs, they are taken from life, in them you can see yourself, your friend, your neighbor. They ridicule the lazy and unborn, they praise the diligent and hardworking.

Presenter 2: Attention! Attention! A competition is announced for the best poem about labor, about helpers and lazy people. Dear guests! Listen carefully, choose readers. Diction, artistry, content are assessed!

Children read poetry.

1. E. Blagina "Do not bother me work»

2. E. Uspensky "If I were a girl"

3. B. Zakhoder "Binder", "Builders"

4. S. Mikhalkov “I can do anything”

5. E. Blaginina "Come and take a look"

6. P. Voronko "Boy help"

7. A. Barto "Assistant"

(Summing up, award ceremony)

Games "Wash", “Vasenka the little gosling”

Presenter 1: Well done guys, you know how work Yes, laugh at laziness.

Presenter 2: And now we will go to visit hardworking hen, we learn the story about her little chickens.

re-enactment « Hard working chicken»

Presenter 1: Shadow, shadow, shadow,

There is a fence above the city.

The children have gathered here,

Finished my business.

Finished the job - go for a walk!

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