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I.S. Turgenev is a great Russian writer, the apogee of whose work, in my opinion, is the novel “Fathers and Sons.” Turgenev's work was written on the eve of the abolition of serfdom, when society was going through difficult times. The split in society was also reflected in the attitude of two generations: “fathers” and “children”.

This problem is relevant to this day, so Turgenev’s novel is of great value for the modern reader. But the most important thing is the disclosure of a new movement, completely unknown to the reader, called “nihilism,” that is, the denial of everything. Through the image of Bazarov, Turgenev shows all the positive and negative sides this theory. Let's see what arguments Turgenev gives in defense of nihilism, and what evidence he presents as a refutation of the theory by turning to the work.

Of course, the main “advantage” of the theory of nihilism is that Bazarov is passionate about the natural sciences. He is a naturalist. This means that Evgeny Bazarov is an active person. After all, how can a person understand the world if he does nothing? Bazarov caught frogs and dissected them to find out their internal structure - new knowledge in biology. In addition, Evgeniy followed in his father’s footsteps and entered the university to become a doctor. These facts indicate that Bazarov and nihilists in general are persistent, educated, active people.

But Bazarov’s theory also has disadvantages. Turgenev does not just introduce Bazarov to Odintsova. The author's goal is to show the cracks in the nihilistic theory. At the first meeting of Evgeny and Anna, Bazarov begins to feel embarrassed, blush, that is, show some feelings. He tries to drown out love, hiding behind the “screen” of a caustic, rude attitude towards Odintsova. But, alas, he fails to do this; he begins to see himself as a romantic. But what about his nihilistic beliefs? Bazarov sees the unviability of his theory, therefore at the end of the work we see Bazarov as a simple, loving person, and not a dry nihilist.

To summarize, I would like to say that Yevgeny Bazarov was conceived by the author as a negative character. But, by the end of the work, we see the opposite - Turgenev fell in love with his character. Bazarov’s death is not accidental here - it shows the fragility of the nihilist theory. You can deny a lot, but love cannot be denied. This is exactly what Turgenev wanted to say, putting Bazarov in new conditions that contradict his nihilistic views, thereby showing the unviability of this theory.

Updated: 2018-09-25

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    Final essay


    "Fathers and Sons"

    "Love and respect for parents

    without any doubt there is a feeling


    (V.G. Belinsky).

    Prepared by: Shevchuk A.P.,

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

    Bratsk, Irkutsk region.

    This direction is addressed to the eternal problem of human existence, associated with the inevitability of generational change, harmonious and disharmonious relationships between “fathers” and “children”. This topic is touched upon in many works of literature, which discuss Various types interactions between representatives of different generations (from conflict confrontation to

    mutual understanding and continuity)

    and the reasons for the confrontation are identified

    between them, as well as the path of their spiritual


    How to reveal the topic “Fathers and Sons”

    Let’s try to figure out exactly how the problem of fathers and sons can be revealed in the format of a final essay.

    When turning to reflection on the topics of this direction, first of all remember all the works that show the relationship between “fathers” and “children”.

    This problem is multifaceted.

    Perhaps the topic will be formulated in such a way as to make you talk about family values. Then you should remember works in which fathers and children are blood relatives. In this case, we will have to consider the psychological and moral foundations of family relationships, the role of family traditions, disagreements and continuity between generations within the family.

    Problem Statement

    A possible formulation option is topics that suggest considering the conflict between the morals of representatives of different generations in general, regardless of family ties. In this case, significant attention should be paid to the views of people, determined by belonging to different eras, formation in different social conditions.

    When talking about a generational dispute, we can mean an ideological conflict, i.e. a clash of ideologies between people with different political views. The antagonists of a given conflict may be the same age, but their ideological principles may reflect the ideology of certain social strata.

    Relations between generations are not only about conflict, but also about continuity, the desire to convey one’s own system of values, to surround oneself with close people. Does this always work out?

    The problem of fathers and sons is an insoluble dispute that has lasted hundreds of years. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" remains one of the best works of world classics. An impartial description of everyday life and relationships without embellishment makes it clear to the reader that youth is a perpetual motion machine. Behind them lies strength and new achievements, inventions and improvement of life. But mature aristocrats also live their own lives, they cannot be blamed. They look at life differently, do not understand each other's views, but they are happy. Each in their own way. This is the meaning of life. Just be happy.

    The theme of fathers and sons is eternal. It is especially aggravated during turning points social development. It was during this period that people from different generations represent inhabitants of opposite historical eras. The problem of fathers and children in the image of Turgenev reflects the sixties of the 19th century. The reader can see not only the family drama, but also social conflict between the aristocratic nobility and the developing intelligentsia.

    The main participants in the process are the young nihilist Bazarov and the outstanding representative of the nobility Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The text describes Bazarov’s relationship with his parents, and also discusses examples of communication in the Kirsanov family.

    The problem of fathers and children in the portrayal of I. S. Turgenev is visible even in the appearance of the characters. Evgeny Bazarov is presented to readers as an object not of this world. He is always gloomy, but has enormous fortitude and an impressive energy reserve for new achievements. The author pays special attention to describing the hero’s high mental abilities. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is deprived of a vivid description of his mind, but he appears to the reader as a very well-groomed person, his entire description consists of admiration for external characteristics. He is always perfect, he can only be seen in a starched white shirt and patent leather ankle boots. Which is no wonder: his secular past does not allow itself to be forgotten. Despite living with his brother in a village society, he still always looks impeccable and elegant.

    To show the errors in youth views, the problem of fathers and sons in the image of Turgenev is reflected through the clash of a convinced nihilist with a member of the aristocracy. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov was chosen by the author as a representative of noble society. For the first time, the reader sees this hero perfectly dressed in an English frock coat. From the first lines it is clear that this person is the absolute opposite of Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov on the issue of attitude towards life values. The typical life of a wealthy aristocrat was reduced to constant idleness and holidays.

    The clash between a representative of an aristocratic society and a developing intelligentsia is the main problem described in the work. The relationship between Bazarov and Kirsanov is proof of the existence of a conflict between fathers and children. Even though they are not related family relations However, the two different socio-political camps do not find common ground. The problem of fathers and children in the depiction of Turgenev on the basis of real family unions occurs, but indirectly.

    When starting to work on the novel “Fathers and Sons,” Turgenev set himself the task of saying goodbye to the old, passing era and meeting a new era, still in search and tossing. The novel “Fathers and Sons” is a dispute between two cultures: the old, noble one, and the new, democratic one.

    Assessing the nobility depicted on the pages of the novel “Fathers and Sons,” Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look at the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich,

    Arcadia. Weakness and lethargy or limitation. An aesthetic feeling forced me to take the good representatives of the nobility in order to prove my theme all the more accurately: if cream is bad, what about milk?.. They are the best of the nobles - and that is why I chose them to prove their inconsistency.”

    Thus, in the novel “Fathers and Sons,” ideological views and contradictions, characters and feelings are examined in the light of the clash not so much of different generations of Russian society, but of representatives of two different social classes - nobles and commoners, who personify the present and future of Russia.

    Bazarov's relationship with his parents

    In the family of Evgeny Bazarov there is a problem of fathers and children. Turgenev I.S. finds its reflection in the hero’s attitude towards his parents. It is contradictory. Bazarov confesses his love for them, but at the same time despises their stupid and aimless lives. This is his unshakable life position. But, despite his attitude, his son was very dear to his parents. The old people loved him very much and softened tense conversations. Even after the death of the main character of the work, the very moment of their unconditional love is considered. Turgenev described a rural cemetery with a sad overgrown landscape where the main character Bazarov is buried. Birds sing at his grave, old parents come to her

    Essay topics “Fathers and Sons”

    Approximate list of topics for the final essay in 2018/2019 academic year according to the official direction from FIPI - “Fathers and Sons”.

    We remind you that these are sample topics! The exact list of topics will be known 15 minutes before the start of the final essay.

    First of all, in the question of topics in the direction of FATHERS AND CHILDREN, let us pay attention to the final essay in 2015 - it was then that the topic “Dispute of Generations: Together and Apart” was heard. This topic almost completely overlaps with the current “Fathers and Sons”, so we can safely turn to the REAL topics of 2015 in the direction of “Dispute of Generations”.

    Real topics of 2015

    (“Dispute of generations: together and apart”):

    What are family traditions and why are they needed?

    Why is it so important to maintain connections between generations?

    Why is the theme of “fathers and sons” often present in many works of literature?

    The present century" and the "past century": is agreement possible?

    The role of parental guidance in human life.

    Is conflict between “fathers” and “children” inevitable?

    What are the sources of misunderstanding between people of different generations?

    What can prevent fathers and children from understanding each other?

    How can the experience of fathers be valuable for children?

    Why is the older generation so rarely happy with youth?

    How can the experience of children be valuable to fathers?

    What can fathers and sons learn from each other?

    Is only one side always right in generational conflicts?

    Is the generational dispute eternal?

    Are the behests of fathers always valuable?

    - “The present century and the past”: the causes of the conflict.

    At what times does the conflict between “fathers and sons” escalate?

    Is it difficult to be an adult?

    What role can family play in the development of personality?

    Is truth born in a generational dispute?

    - “Fathers” and “sons”: rivals or allies?

    Why do children and parents not always understand each other?

    What is the significance of youth in a person’s life?

    Why is “fathers and sons” an eternal topic?

    What role can elders play in the development of personality?

    What does it mean to be an adult?

    Is it important for a person to receive parental guidance?

    • How do you think it should manifest itself?
    • parental love?

      Parents and children: argument or dialogue?

    • “To be proud of the glory of your ancestors is not only
    • it’s possible, but it must…” (A.S. Pushkin)

    Possible essay topics:

    - “What lessons can be learned from the confrontation between representatives of different generations?”

    - “The generational dispute - eternal or temporary?”

    - “Does conflict between fathers and children always lead to enmity?”

    - “Are there winners and losers in the dispute between fathers and sons?”

    - “What influence can elders have on their children?”

    - “What is the conflict between generations?”

    - “Do we need to take into account the experience of older generations?”

    - “How has the conflict between fathers and sons changed over time?”

    - “What are the consequences of destroying the continuity of generations?”

    - “Why is the conflict between fathers and children eternal?”

    - “What is continuity of generations?”

    - “Why do fathers always teach their children?”

    - “Why don’t different generations understand each other?”

    - “Why do you need to respect your elders?”

    - “What does the conflict between fathers and children lead to?”

    - “How to reconcile fathers and sons?”

    - “The eternal conflict between parents and children: in search of a compromise”

    - “Who are the children in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"?

    - “The meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons””

    - “Children and childhood in Russian literature”

    - « Contemporary issues children"

    - “Love and Children”

    - “The role of family in human life”

    - “Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling” (V.G. Belinsky).

    - “Love for parents is the basis of all virtues” (Cicero).

    Man has three disasters: death, old age and bad children. No one can close the doors of their house from old age and death, but the children themselves can protect the house from bad children” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

    - “An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother” (G. Maupassant).

    - “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality” (A.S. Pushkin).

    - “Pain stings more sharply when it is caused by someone close to you” (Babriy).

    - “Nothing is as rare in the world as complete frankness between parents and children” (R. Rolland).

    “Fathers and Sons” in literature: list of works

    One way or another, this theme is present in almost all the works you studied at school. But most clearly the conflict of “fathers and sons” was reflected, of course, in the novel of the same name by I. S. Turgenev, in which it is the main, plot-forming one, as well as in the play “The Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky and the story “Taras Bulba” by N. V. Gogol. This theme is also well presented in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboedov.

    In a less pronounced form and a narrower interpretation, we will find it in the stories “Dubrovsky” and “The Station Warden” by A. S. Pushkin, the poem “Duma” by M. Yu. Lermontov, the play “ The Cherry Orchard"A. P. Chekhov, the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. G. Rasputin and others.


    "Thunderstorm", A.N. Ostrovsky

    “War and Peace”, L.N. Tolstoy

    “Crime and Punishment”, “Humiliated and Insulted”, F.M. Dostoevsky

    “Quiet Don”, “The Fate of a Man”, “Mole”, M.A. Sholokhov

    “Eugene Onegin”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, A.S. Pushkin

    “Dark Alleys”, I.A. Bunin

    "Oblomov", I.A. Goncharov

    “French Lessons”, “Deadline”, V.G. Rasputin

    “The Wise Minnow”, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

    “The Cherry Orchard”, A.P. Chekhov

    “In a bad society”, V.G. Korolenko

    “Childhood”, A.M. Bitter

    “Reckoning”, V. Tendryakov

    “Tomorrow there was war”, B. Vasiliev

    "Crazy Evdokia", "Steps", A. Aleksin

    "Night of Healing", "Couple" autumn shoes", B. Ekimov

    Quotes and aphorisms in the direction of “Fathers and Sons”

    “Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling”(V.G. Belinsky).

    “Love for parents is the basis of all virtues”(Cicero).

    Man has three disasters: death, old age and bad children. No one can close the doors of their house from old age and death, but the children themselves can protect the house from bad children.”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

    “An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.”(G. Maupassant).

    “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality”(A.S. Pushkin).

    “The pain stings more sharply when it is inflicted by someone close to you.”(Babriy).

    “Nothing is so rare in the world as complete frankness between parents and children.”(R. Rolland).

    “Most of us become parents before we stop being children.” Minion McLaughlin

    “Marriage is the long-term heroic work of a father and mother raising their children. George Bernard Shaw

    The only people who shouldn’t have children are the parents.” Samuel Butler

    “When the child grows up, it’s time for parents to learn to stand on their own two feet.” Frances Hope

    “Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.” Vladislav Grzegorczyk

    “Children listen most attentively when

    when they are not talking to them.” Eleanor Roosevelt

    “If only parents could

    imagine how annoying they are to their

    children! George Bernard Shaw

    If you want to teach your children to steal, make them beg longer for everything you give them. Henry Wheeler Shaw

    If a child suddenly becomes obedient, the mother becomes seriously frightened - maybe he is about to die. Ralph Emerson

    When the children puzzled their father, he sent them to the corner. Valery Mironov

    When my parents finally realized that I had been kidnapped, they did not hesitate for a minute and immediately rented out my room. Woody Allen

    The main danger when dealing with a five-year-old child is that very soon you yourself begin to speak like a five-year-old. Gene Kerr

    When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him; but when I was twenty-one, I was amazed at how an old man has grown wiser over the past seven years. Mark Twain.

    “When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up convinced that his father is usually wrong.” Lawrence Peter.

    “It’s curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; It follows from this that increasingly bad children grow into increasingly good parents.” Wieslaw Brudzinski.

    “Paternal and filial feelings are different: the father has love for his son; the son cherishes the memory of his father.” Unknown Englishman (XVIII century).

    “The first half of our lives is poisoned by our parents, the second by our children.” Clarence Darrow.

    “The habits of fathers, both bad and good, turn into the vices of children.” Vasily Klyuchevsky.

    - “We love our children too much and our parents too little.” Alfred Konar.

    - « No child can dishonor his parents as much as a parent can dishonor a child.” Jan Kurchab.

    - « Never note the resemblance of children to their father: this can cause unpleasant surprise.” Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

    - « Fathers should neither be seen nor heard. Only on this basis can a strong family be built.” Oscar Wilde.

    Children and parents are an eternal topic that interests everyone.

    The philosophy of death became a very common topic of discussion already in the 18th century. No one wanted to tarnish their reputation with final groans. That is why scenes of death began to appear in the works of many Russian realists, including I. Turgenev. The main character of his novel "Fathers and Sons", Evgeny Bazarov, a man of action, a nihilist, dies a martyr of typhus, which puts an end to the issue of love.

    However, it creates an equally important question: how should a real person die?

    In order to delve into this topic, let's look at some details of the plot of the work. When the hero enters his father’s house and asks for a hellish stone to cauterize the wound, we understand, even more, we see that hope glimmers in his soul that all is not lost. However, his inner realist immediately answers: “... it’s too late now.” Bazarov knows that his days are numbered. He is sad, but does not feel afraid. Even during illness, Evgeniy takes care of those he loves, calms them down, and warns them that it is dangerous to contact him. This is exactly what Pisarev noted in his critical article with the phrase: “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as performing a great feat.”

    My opinion is somewhat different. There is nothing romantic about death. This is something that everyone will have to experience (or rather, endure) everyone. Nobody wants to lose everything they have acquired. Specifically, it is easier for Bazarov to come to terms with this due to his ideals. My views and his are close: we will all die someday. This “motto” actually helps you pass even the most difficult tests.

    And it is unlikely that there is something heroic and beautiful in death - screams, convulsions? And what to lose? Let someone say: “How is this possible?!” You won't hear it anyway. And you won't see. There is no point in reassuring anyone, there is no point in hoping for a miracle.

    These are realities. There's no point.

    PS: This essay is not suitable for everyone. If your views differ significantly, which is quite realistic, you should not rewrite it, because, most likely, it will raise many questions from your teacher, which are almost impossible to answer reasonably without having a sufficient set of knowledge and a suitable attitude.

    Updated: 2018-09-25

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    Useful material on the topic

    Omicron, a midsize electronics firm, had a practice where current and future middle managers attended company-sponsored university training programs. The company paid the students a small stipend, but the classes should not interfere with their main work. Although only half of all managers completed these courses, the company believed that those who completed them were better prepared to assume leadership roles. By the way, this belief was based on the points of view of management, the students themselves and the instructors.

    The situation with the courses did not change until the new company president, Kevin Hartman, raised questions about the effectiveness of the training programs. It is worth noting that he assumed that, from a leadership potential perspective, there was no difference between those who took the course and those who did not. In this case, the costs of implementing programs are significantly higher than the benefits that can be derived from them.

    Director of human resources John Walker did not agree with this position. He believes the programs should continue, although he cannot prove their effectiveness with numbers. To reinforce this point, he hired a consultant familiar with HRM principles to evaluate the effectiveness of executive development programs in terms of their individual value to the company.

    Definition of service states. At the first stage of applying the model, a set of service states or positions was defined:

    “Engineer” is precisely the position that management wanted to know about changes in cost as a result of training programs. In accordance with this, the above positions were selected.

    Determination of positional value. Next, the consultant attempted to determine the cost to the organization of each item. The contracts adopted by the company indicated hourly rate payment for each employee. By multiplying the individual rate by the number of hours an employee works on average during the year, the cost of each position was obtained:

    Positional value

    Project Manager

    Department head

    Calculation of the transition matrix. The consultant was able to collect information on the transitions of more than two hundred employees over the past 10 years, and also divided this information into those who completed the courses and those who did not. Based on statistics, two transition matrices were compiled for each group of employees separately:

    Workers who have not completed the training program:

    Department head

    Project Manager

    Head of Department

    Project Manager

    Employees who have completed the training program:





    Task 2

    Compare the two tables above and determine:

    1. To what extent does participation in training programs increase the likelihood of an employee moving up the career ladder?

    2. To what extent is the likelihood of an employee leaving the organization reduced if he participated in training programs.

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