A simulator for learning how to use the keyboard. How to learn to type quickly on a touch keyboard

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By repeatedly typing various letter combinations, words and sentences on a keyboard simulator, muscle memory is developed in the fingers.

The fingers “remember” the location of the keys on the keyboard and subsequent pressing does not require human control - quick text typing occurs on a subconscious level.

What is a keyboard trainer?

A keyboard trainer is a program designed to for teaching touch typing, acquiring ten-finger typing skills And increase print speed on the computer keyboard.

A keyboard simulator is a training text editor for typing a specific text fragment, with a system of hints while typing on the keyboard and a function for calculating various typing metrics (typing speed, typing rhythm, counting of typos, etc.)

Online keyboard trainer

Online versions of keyboard trainers have gained the most popularity, since they are the most practical and convenient way teaching touch typing and studying computer keyboard layouts.

  • The typing simulator, as an online service, does not require installation on the user’s computer.

  • Access to training is possible from anywhere operating system using a modern browser.

  • You can use the keyboard trainer from any computer with Internet access.

  • The results of completed tasks are stored in the cloud and will never be lost.

  • The online service is always the most up-to-date version: users always have access to new functions and capabilities of the keyboard trainer presented by the authors of the program.

The best keyboard trainer

Most keyboard trainers are just a set of exercises for mechanical typing on the keyboard. It is required to monotonously complete several dozen monotonous tasks. This method of teaching typing seems tedious to the student and quite quickly causes boredom and fatigue.

It is much better when a keyboard trainer is something more than just a tool for monotonously typing texts one after another.

Ideally, a simulator for teaching typing takes into account the specifics and characteristics of each student, his individuality, his capabilities, his abilities and skills.

An individual approach to the student is required! Using this approach when learning touch typing will allow you to quickly acquire the necessary ten-finger typing skill and bring it to perfection.

It is ideal when each student is indirectly prepared to complete the next task.

Psychological attitudes are very important! It is necessary to feel as if there is a real teacher behind the student’s back, reacting to his every gesture and ready at the right moment to infect him with optimism, encourage him, give helpful advice and help complete a difficult task.

Exactly like this keyboard trainer for teaching touch typing is the SOLO on the keyboard program, developed by the famous psychologist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan. This is not just a typing simulator, but a whole comprehensive course, polished over the years to perfection. To date “SOLO on the keyboard” is one of the best modern keyboard trainers.

SOLO on keyboard

Individual approach, specially selected texts, the ability to follow the system “from simple to complex”, a virtual teacher behind the student’s back, game moment, use psychological techniques when interacting with each student while learning the ten-finger typing method on the keyboard - all this is in the touch typing course “SOLO on the keyboard”.

Differences between “SOLO on the keyboard” and other online keyboard simulators:

  • The training course is built using humor, music, interesting scenario, interesting presentation, original direction;

  • the keyboard simulator creatively uses the opportunities that modern IT technologies provide: analysis of completed tasks, individual advice, human development literary materials, psychological observations;

  • while completing the “SOLO on the Keyboard” quick typing course, various typing indicators achieved while completing tasks are saved, which allows you to view detailed statistics, tracking your progress;

  • used in the online trainer flexible system rating among all users, which introduces a competitive element into the learning process, encourages students and helps them look at themselves from the outside, correctly evaluate the results achieved, stimulating students to self-improvement;

  • V online course touch typing also uses a system of rewards and incentives: for achievements achieved During the completion of tasks, awards and various insignia are given out.

Keyboard trainer for developing fast typing

For those who have completed the “SOLO on the Keyboard” course and have mastered the skill of touch typing, or for those who already master the ten-finger typing method, we suggest using a special mode of our keyboard simulator to increase typing speed.

In this mode, the keyboard trainer selects an individual set of letter combinations for a specific person. By practicing the proposed letter combinations, students work through the “difficult places” when typing, which ultimately allows them to achieve fast typing with fewer typos.

While typing letter combinations, the program analyzes any typos and suggests re-typing the letters where the error most often occurs.

Do you want to learn how to type quickly?

Daily training for 10-15 minutes on a keyboard trainer will significantly increase your typing speed. and will help you avoid typos when typing the most complex texts.

We save the typing results achieved on the keyboard trainer, so each person can independently assess the productivity of their work and, by looking at the speed graphs, make sure that their typing speed has increased.

Is it possible to use the simulator to increase your typing speed without mastering the entire “SOLO on the keyboard” course?!

It is possible - provided that the student has already completed 2/3 of the lessons. In this case, it is necessary to continue the main course and at the same time use a keyboard trainer to develop typing speed.

Introducing the Keyboard Trainer The latest version of the keyboard trainer is developed using the native capabilities of modern browsers and does not require installation of Adobe Flash Player . Whereby Learning fast typing using a keyboard trainer is possible on an iPad or Android tablet

, with a connected Bluetooth keyboard.

We invite you to get acquainted with our program in more detail.

Virtual teacher

Mixanatic is a virtual teacher who is an integral part of the keyboard simulator. Mixanatik meets a student who types with two fingers in 1 lesson and, after guiding him through 100 lessons, produces a “soloist” who masters the ten-finger typing method on the keyboard.

Text editor The educational text editor inside the keyboard trainer has two popular ways of displaying the typed text and the ability to scale the font. The student can customize the display text editor

to your taste.

In the digital age where working on a computer is a necessity, being able to type quickly on a keyboard is crucial. Many people sign up for trainings for this, buy courses and spend a considerable part of their budget. However, it is not necessary to do this at all times. In this article we will figure out how to learn to type on the keyboard yourself, quickly and for free. We will give you 5 tips to get you started type quickly and correctly. Some tips are pretty banal, but we'll give you moreseveral applications to help you practice

and learn faster.

The hardest thing is to stop typing the way you are used to. If your acquaintance with a computer began with games (this is exactly what happened to me), then most likely your left hand will automatically reach for the wasd keys, and your right hand will end up on the mouse. If you're not that kind of person, you probably type with your index fingers. You will have to get rid of such habits if you want to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard.

2. Use all 10 fingers

The next step is to re-position your fingers correctly on the keyboard. If you look closely at the keyboard, you will notice how your index fingers rest on each of the F keys and J keys. This will help you correct location other fingers despite the keyboard.

It's simple, your index fingers should be on the F and J keys, and the other fingers will naturally fall on the keyboard.

In the picture below you will notice the colored areas showing the area of ​​application for each finger.

3. Touch typing

The next thing you need to do is master touch typing. This is when you type and don't look at the keyboard. Having studied this type of printing, you can significantly increase your typing speed and avoid possible errors and typos.

You can only learn this through practice, and a couple of hours will not be enough. It may take you several weeks before your fingers remember what each of them does. Keep practicing even if you start typing even slower than before.

4. Start using hotkeys

Not surprisingly, there are many hotkeys in Windows and Mac OS. Since both your hands are already on the keyboard, why waste time using the mouse.

The following hotkeys are mainly used when working with text:

Ctrl+FWord search
Ctrl+ASelect all
Shift + Left Arrow or Right ArrowSelect next letter
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow or Right ArrowSelect next word
Ctrl + Left Arrow or Right ArrowMove the text cursor to the next word without highlighting it
HomeGo to the beginning of the line
EndGo to end of line
Page UpScroll up
Page DownScroll down

You can also use keyboard shortcuts when browsing the Internet. Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate web browsers.

Ctrl+TabSwitch to next tab
Ctrl + shift + TabSwitch to previous tab
Ctrl+TOpen new tab
Ctrl+WClose current tab
Ctrl + shift + TOpen a previously closed tab
Ctrl+Rrefresh current web page
Ctrl + NOpen in a new web browser window
BackspaceGo back one page
Shift + BackspaceGo forward one page

Finally, here are some common keyboard shortcuts for more general (Windows) navigation.

5. Practice in services and programs

Practicing typing on a keyboard doesn't have to be too strenuous. There are a huge number of different applications for this. Below we will look at the best free simulators for learning how to quickly type on a keyboard:

  • Keyboard Solo is a well-known simulator that helps you learn to type quickly on the keyboard. You can purchase the program from them on the website - ergosolo.ru and study online - nabiraem.ru
  • Clavagons are a great project that gives you the opportunity to learn and compete in typing speed with other people, which turns learning into an exciting competition. The service offers regular and premium accounts with full access and costs only 80 rubles per month – klavogonki.ru
  • Clavarog is a free keyboard trainer with a simple interface. Just go to the website and get into battle - klava.org
  • All 10 – an excellent free service for teaching touch typing – vse10.ru
  • Stamina is the oldest project that offers a free program for teaching fast typing - stamina.ru

Keyboard trainer- This computer program, or online service designed to teach or improve touch typing skills. Improving touch typing skills means increasing typing speed and reducing the number of typing errors.

Touch typing or the ten-finger touch typing method is quickly typing text on the keyboard with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. The blind ten-finger method has been invented for more than 120 years in America. Using touch printing you can achieve printing speeds of up to 1000 characters per minute! This is, of course, a super-record speed, but there is no limit to perfection!
Anyone can learn touch typing. For this purpose, keyboard simulators have been developed, which our website is dedicated to.

Keyboard trainer? Which one to choose? This question is faced by many users who want to learn high-speed, error-free touch typing. In this article we will look at 7 keyboard trainers which I consider the best, if you didn’t like my selection, you can find a lot of other keyboard trainers on our website.

The criteria by which we will choose a keyboard trainer:

  • Price. There are paid programs and there are free ones. Of course, all keyboard simulators on our website can be downloaded and used for free, but this is a matter of your conscience;
  • Availability of guidelines- if you are learning from scratch, you need a keyboard trainer with guidelines; to develop speed, you can use gaming keyboard trainers or programs without guidelines;
  • Language- This article mainly contains Russian-English keyboard simulators, but there are exceptions;
  • Number of exercises and training time- some developers of keyboard simulators promise that you will learn to type quickly in a certain time;
  • Contents of the exercise.
  • Program settings.
I’ll say right away that I won’t write here and disassemble in detail each keyboard simulator “for spare parts.” Let's briefly consider each one according to the criteria; I know that not everyone can read tons of text. Keyboard simulators for children are not discussed in this article.

1. Keyboard Solo 9 is the most popular keyboard trainer:

  • Price: - paid, 600 rubles one language, course 3 at 1,900 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Language: Russian and English(in version 3 in 1 which can be downloaded for free on our website);
  • 100 exercises, training time is individual and depends on the time of training, if you practice 1-2 hours every day, it will take about 1-3 weeks;
  • Contents of the exercises: in exercises Keyboard solo
  • Yes.

  • Price: - free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator there are , are in the program help;
  • Language: Russian, Ukrainian and English(you can download additional language packs on the official website);
  • Number of exercises and training time: exercises in basic mode 17, training time individually;
  • Contents of the exercises: The exercises are mostly text-based, there are audio jokes, you can switch between lessons at will, there are several modes;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    3. Keyboard solo 8 - an early version of "SOLO" but no less popular:

  • Price: - paid, the disc costs 800 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the program itself;
  • Language: Russian and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 100 exercises, training time is individual and depends on the time of training;
  • Contents of the exercises: in the exercises you can find a lot of things, tests, humor, videos, letters from readers, quotes, tips. You cannot switch upward between exercises in any order (you cannot skip classes);
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.


  • Price: - paid, 170 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the certificate;
  • Language: Russian, German and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: the number of exercises is infinite, the program generates exercises with problematic symbols;
  • Contents of the exercises: you immediately start practicing;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, A little.

    5. Rapid Typing Tutor:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present
  • Language: multilingual program;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 4 difficulty levels, training time depends on you;
  • Contents of the exercises: you immediately start practicing, you can switch between exercises at will;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, a lot of.

  • Price: shareware but without restrictions ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are located in the keyboard simulator itself;
  • Language: Russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 100 exercises, training time individual;
  • Contents of the exercises: theory and practice, you can switch between exercises at will;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    7. Virtuoso - Hard Keyboard Trainer:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the certificate;
  • Language: Russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 16 exercises, learning time - until you learn;
  • Contents of the exercises: practice, the complexity is very high, in order to move on to the next task you need to complete the previous one well;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes;

  • Don't lose it. Subscribe and receive a link to the article in your email.

    Many modern users personal computer or laptop, who are constantly faced with typing, will probably be surprised by the fact that touch typing has existed for 125 years! The ten-finger typing method, widely used in American films, is an excellent solution for increasing efficiency and is useful to everyone today. To a large extent, this explains the availability of many materials teaching touch typing on the Internet, online lessons and keyboard simulators to increase typing speed.

    What it is?

    Blind printing method(typescript, American touch ten-finger typing method, in English there are also variants touch input and touch typing method) - keyboard text input in which a person does not look at the keys. And typing with 10 fingers is achieved through the development of muscle memory through constant practice.

    History of the method

    The touch typing method became famous thanks to F. E. McGurrin, who worked as a stenographer in the Salt Lake City court. This man, who practiced the fast ten-finger typing method he had developed, won a typing speed competition on July 25, 1888 against an opponent who used the sighted eight-finger method. This event was widely described in the periodical press, as a result of which the popularity of typewriters. The printing method itself has also become famous (Wikipedia).

    The layout of the keys on modern keyboards is mostly standardized, but some manufacturers sometimes resort to a non-standard layout, which makes it difficult to get used to and type when changing workstations. Initially, the symbols on the keys, primarily letters, did not have the usual QWERTY arrangement for us, but were made in two rows in alphabetical order. This created problems with levers engaging each other and led to the invention of the QWERTY layout by Christopher Scholes in 1868. The peculiarity of this keyboard was that the keys with the most common letter combinations in the English language were placed as far as possible from each other, which made it possible to avoid intertwining of levers and make the typing process more comfortable. It was on a typewriter with this arrangement that F. McGurrin won the competition, which made QWERTY famous. Today, experts criticize this layout for its inconvenience, offering alternative ones (Dvorak, Colemak), but in popularity they are significantly inferior to the traditional one.

    The Russian YTSUKEN did not have problems similar to alphabetic and QWERTY keyboards; it was initially as convenient as possible for typing, since the most frequently used letters were in the center, easy to reach with the index finger.

    Advantages of the ten-finger touch typing method

    Computer technologies have become so firmly established in everyday life that we cannot imagine our lives without them. When we need to prepare an essay for a university course, when we need to find information of interest on the Internet, we first turn to input devices (keyboard and mouse). The speed of typing largely determines the complexity of the task performed and the time spent. Based on this, the first advantage of touch typing is that focusing on the text, and not on the keys, significantly increases concentration and attentiveness, and helps to avoid distraction. This also makes it easier to work in a dimly lit room.

    Secondly, typing with ten fingers without looking at the keyboard significantly increases your typing speed. It is unique for everyone, but it is undoubtedly higher than that of a person who does not use it. For the Russian layout, the record for the number of correct characters entered during touch typing (officially included in the Guinness Book of Records) was set by M. Shestov and is 720 characters per minute. Obviously, by using speed typing, the work of typing will become easier, since you will be able to automate the process to some extent. This is very important if every day you are faced with the need to type large texts, because now it will be less energy-consuming and efficiency will increase.

    Thirdly, with proper speed dialing, oddly enough, the number of errors and typos is significantly reduced.

    Fourthly, an important advantage, which the authors of various simulators sometimes focus on, is physical convenience. The absence of the need to look from the keyboard to the display and back helps to preserve vision, maintain neck muscle tone, and healthy posture. Using the ten-finger method involves all fingers in the process of work, which also allows you to protect yourself from occupational diseases.

    Methods of teaching touch typing

    The advantages of the ten-finger blind printing method are undeniable. High typing speed for all people working with a computer is directly proportional to efficiency and the amount of time spent doing the work.

    An interesting fact is that in the USA 95% of people know touch typing, because they begin to teach it as early as primary school. Numerous programs are also designed to help develop this skill: from children's flash games to paid multifunctional keyboard simulators for adults. IN Western Europe training in the ten-finger typing method is also included in educational program. But in our country, not everyone can boast of this useful skill, despite the fact that, according to experts in the field of teaching typing, everyone can learn to type quickly.

    1. Home keys

    Ten-finger typing is based on the fact that each finger has its own “own” keys, which must be pressed by them. In essence, the process of developing a skill comes down to constant training of “muscle” memory. In order to learn how to quickly touch-type, the first thing you need to remember is how your fingers should be positioned on the keyboard - the so-called “home” keys.

    Initial position of the left hand (standard Russian keyboard layout): little finger on the “F” key, ring finger on “Y”, middle finger on “B”, index finger on “A”. Starting position for the right hand: little finger on “F”, ring finger on “D”, middle finger on “L”, index finger on “O”. The thumbs of both hands are placed on the space bar. For greater convenience, almost all manufacturers computer equipment make special projections on the “A” and “O” keys, so that even without looking at the keyboard, you can easily find the “home” line and always return your fingers to their original position.

    2. Each finger has its own keys

    In addition to the “home” keys, each finger is usually assigned buttons above and below the original one. At first, it is very difficult to teach yourself to type this way due to the unnatural position of individual presses, but later with practice, convenience will come.

    Example 1. Classic scheme correspondence of keys to fingers

    Example 2. Modified scheme for corresponding keys to fingers

    In the second option, according to Andrey Mikhailov (Habrahabr), you do not need to slip your left little finger under your ring finger.

    3. Constant practice

    Practice makes perfect. Try closing your eyes and placing your fingers on the home line and typing your first and last name on a blank sheet of paper. Keep practicing until you can do it without making mistakes. Then move on to simple sentences, such as “Mom washed the frame” or “I have an apple.” Try not to look at the keyboard while doing this. Be persistent - it won’t work out right away. If an activity begins to irritate you, take a break and continue later.

    4. Special training programs

    For further development You can use many skills, both paid and free programs, which will help you learn the location of the keys and quickly type text, and develop finger motor skills. You can learn more about the pros and cons of keyboard trainers.

    • Don't rush in the early stages of learning. High speed the set will come later as a result of practice. First, it is important to remember the location of the keys and learn to type without errors, the rest is a matter of technique.
    • Press the appropriate keys only with the appropriate fingers. This may not be very comfortable at first, but once you develop a habit, it will be much easier. Although if it is more convenient for you to “change the purpose” of individual fingers, you can try using your own technique.
    • Learn not to look at the keyboard. More precisely, unlearn this; if necessary, use improvised means to hide it.
    • Keep your fingers close to the base position. There should be no randomness in the movements of the fingers and hands, only naturalness.
    • Celebrate your progress. Most programs automatically count characters per minute and errors. When you have sufficiently mastered touch typing, play a game with yourself - blindfold yourself and write arbitrary text, and then check it.
    • When typing, keep your back straight and your head straight in front of the screen.
    • If you are using a desktop computer, it will be more convenient if you hold the keyboard slightly to the right of the monitor, as shown in the picture below for the right computer (info. Habrahabr):

    A complete list of Russian-language online keyboard simulators with brief descriptions opportunities and links. Online keyboard simulators- these are sites where you can learn touch typing directly from your browser, without downloading any additional software.


    Training on the site is free.


    nabiraem.ruonline version the famous keyboard trainer Solo on the keyboard. For the most part this is a commercial project. Tuition is paid, but there are some things for free. The resource is quite visited and if you don’t mind spending about 300 RUR per month- then feel free to register and learn.

    VerseQ ONLINE

    online.verseq.ru is an online version of the VerseQ keyboard trainer. Unlike the computer version, the online simulator completely free. The project is unfinished, there are bugs.


    typingstudy.com— multilingual online keyboard trainer. I counted 106 different languages. Completely free. The site has several lessons, speed tests and a typing test. There are also several games on touch typing, history, school, a blog and many other interesting things.


    time-speed ru and 32ts-online ru These are keyboard simulators from one developer. The first one is completely free, and the second one is paid. Unfortunately, the keyboard simulators were closed, the project no longer works.

    Fast Keyboard Typing

    fastkeyboardtyping.com This is a new online keyboard simulator. You can study in Russian and English languages. There is authorization via social media. There is training material, statistics, top. The keyboard simulator is free.


    keybr.com— a functional and beautiful keyboard trainer. You can study in several languages, including Russian. To do this, you need to go to the settings and set the required layout. Training is free.

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