Products in Eldorado with recycling promotion. Eldorado has expanded the program of the sensational “Recycling” campaign

Real estate 29.10.2023
Real estate

An article about the principle of the recycling campaign on M. Video in 2019. Information on the rules for purchasing equipment on the site, the time of the event.


You will be pleasantly surprised! Since the beginning of the year, the store M Video provides many interesting offers! These offers include a recycling promotion.

The meaning of the recycling campaign

  • donate your old household appliances, pre-assembled and complete.
  • The store provides bonus interest on discounts on new products in the same direction.

Where can I watch the recycling campaign in M.Video?

  • visit the recycling page M.Video store website.
  • The date of the event should be indicated on the main page of the site, as in the photo below.

Period of the recycling campaign. Example.

  • We get acquainted with the conditions of the promotion, which indicate the following: a list of goods on sale, discounts, conditions for free removal of old equipment.
  • Read the terms of the recycling promotion in the picture below.

Conditions of the promotion

You can track information about planned promotions not only on the website, but also in advertising newspapers, on television, and on the Internet.

Promotions take place twice a year, in spring and autumn. The approximate period for the next promotion is from March to April 2019.

The basic principle

  • outdated household appliances are removed directly from the apartment.
  • a new purchase, in a similar direction, is brought to the apartment.

Export and import are free!

Scheme for purchasing equipment through a recycling promotion in M.Video

  • login to the site

Home page of the site with a mark about the promotion

  • We choose a quality purchase from the category of household appliances.
  • We send the purchase to the virtual shopping cart on the website.

We send the purchase to the virtual cart

  • activate the option "Disposal of equipment" located under the option "Add to cart".
  • fill out the order form.

Order form M.Video

  • choose a delivery method "By courier."
  • we come to real store, we notify the seller of our desire for free delivery, according to the service "Recycling of equipment."
  • we arrange delivery.

Namely, according to this scheme, you can buy a telephone, smartphone, tablet, TV, refrigerator, washing machines, refrigerator in M Video.
Don't miss out on this unique promotion!
Enjoy the shopping!

Video: Advertising from M. Video

When household appliances break down, it is not always profitable to repair them. Today, with the constant emergence of more and more advanced models, it is often easier to buy a new one. What to do with a used unit? Just throw it away or exchange it at a profit, taking advantage of the recycling promotion from Eldorado?

A convenient way out of the situation is offered by the large retail chain of consumer electronics and household goods "Eldorado" - the "Recycling" program.

The program has been in effect since 2010, and to date, the retail chain has already accepted more than 1.5 million units of old appliances. It turns out that recycling old equipment without hassle and even with benefit is still possible. You just need to combine this process with buying a new one in the store under special promotional conditions. So that's what you were going to do, right? After all, replacing an outdated household assistant with a new one is usually necessary.

Conditions for participation in the promotion

Before participating in the program, it is important to study the rules in detail and carefully. This will help you correlate your desires with specific offers of the retail chain.

Note! If your equipment is removed by Eldorado, then you are required to dismantle it and move it to the front door yourself. Failure to comply with this condition gives the retailer the right to cancel your purchase and return your money.

You can study additional conditions of the “Recycling” program at Eldorado on the company’s website in a special section.

What are the benefits of this promotion?

Participation in the promotion itself takes place in three steps at a retail outlet:

  1. We liked the catalog model with a special mark.
  2. We handed over the old equipment.
  3. We received a new product at a discount.

And the whole operation will take five steps in the online store:

  1. Select the item you are looking for with a note about participation in the promotion.
  2. In your shopping cart, you stated your desire to receive a discount on the promotion (check the box) and indicated what type of device you are returning.
  3. Placed an order.
  4. We handed over old equipment: if it is large, the store will take it away, bring small ones yourself.
  5. You received your new product with the discount you were entitled to.

Agree, the scheme is very simple, understandable and convenient. However, if questions still arise, you can clarify all the details at any time in any way convenient for you:

  • at any Eldorado retail outlet;
  • by calling the company’s single reference number (calls within Russia are free);
  • through the feedback form on the Eldorado network website.

What equipment can be rented out and purchased?

The list for exchanging old for new is very large. Let's consider only the main points of this list of equipment:

The full list can always be found in stores or on the Eldorado website. This list includes almost any appliances for the home, garden, and car. It is even possible to replace batteries, computer accessories, and toys.

Important! Discarded electronics simply rotting in trash heaps and landfills cause significant harm to the environment. Also dangerous is its destruction by conventional burning. Watch the video for details.

What happens to the old equipment adopted by Eldorado?

In the future, obsolete household appliances are sent to special recycling enterprises. There it is disassembled into its components: non-ferrous metal, plastic, metal housings, etc. All this is processed in a special way and subsequently sold for recycling.

Some unique exhibits of old equipment are being preserved for a special museum opened by the Eldorado company in Moscow. There, visitors can look at such rarities as a KVN TV with a lens in front of the screen or a Rossiya network tube radio, old telephones, video cameras, etc.

Well, it is also important for the Eldorado company and for its customers to make a significant contribution to the fight for a clean environment. Indeed, today the problem of environmental pollution with toxic waste in our country is especially acute.

It is impossible to imagine the life of any modern person without household appliances. Its assortment is quite diverse; everyone independently selects those devices and devices that will be more relevant for him. But regardless of this, over time, equipment becomes obsolete, which causes a strong desire to purchase a new model. And manufacturers constantly please consumers with the expansion of their model range. What to do in such a situation? Where to put old devices and devices, and how to buy new ones without significant expenses? It’s very simple - we are pleased to offer you the exchange of old household appliances for new ones, which we sell on the most favorable and transparent terms for you.

Benefits of exchanging old household appliances

Many users today are worried about having old equipment and are having problems getting rid of it. Some simply throw the equipment into natural landfills, which current legislation categorically does not allow. Others give away outdated devices to family and friends, although this is not always the most acceptable option. Others simply scrap the equipment - a solution that may be effective, but does not bring virtually any benefit to the consumer. It is much easier and more profitable to exchange household appliances for new ones. By contacting us, you can carry out exactly the exchange that you require. All procedures for agreeing on the terms of exchange and purchase are carried out by us online. Just call us, describe the situation and, together with our consultant, choose the most acceptable and profitable offer. We strive to ensure that, based on the results of your application, you are satisfied with the result obtained and do everything possible to increase interaction with you and improve the level of the entire range of services provided. In general, exchanging old household appliances for new ones is an excellent solution for saving money and time.

We have a wide selection of all kinds of household appliances - refrigerators and washing machines. We offer imported and domestic products, while guaranteeing the high quality of the purchased unit and its long-term operation with full preservation of the original technical parameters. After purchasing, you will not have to worry about its breakdown or failure - we only have the best household appliances that can cope with all the tasks assigned to them, regardless of their complexity, volume and operating conditions.

How to exchange old household appliances for new ones profitably?

By choosing us to exchange old household appliances, you get a number of advantages:

  • High level of service provided - we take maximum care of each client;
  • Prompt execution of requests and orders - quick response to customer requests is one of the priorities of our activities;
  • Favorable terms of interaction - we offer each client those conditions that suit him most;
  • Strict adherence to assigned obligations - under no circumstances do we let down those with whom we cooperate;
  • Individual approach - in our work we strive to take into account as much as possible all the suggestions and wishes that our customers voice to us.

Do you want to exchange old household appliances for new ones? No problem - contact us, we will do everything to ensure that the household appliances from our online store please you for many years!

The largest hardware store periodically holds various promotions to attract customers. Thus, one of the traditional offers has already become the offer to receive a discount on a new purchase when returning similar old equipment to the store.

The idea behind this marketing campaign is to attract more customers. After all, it’s actually nice to get a significant discount on a new product by handing over an essentially unnecessary old, or possibly broken, item to the store. Therefore, during the promotion period, Eldorado notes an influx of customers and an increase in sales of the equipment that is included in the special offer.

Please note here that discounts do not apply to the entire range. Usually, the store’s bright price tags indicate what discount you can get when handing over old equipment.

Components and spare parts are not accepted separately; only the item itself is counted. That is, if you want to give away a burner and an oven door, they will, of course, accept them from you, but only together with the old stove and count them as one piece of old equipment.
