Standard instructions for a specialist responsible for production control. Organization of safe operation of substations as part of a hazardous production facility

Basic theories of the essence of legal... 12.04.2020

Chercher"According to current requirements industrial safety Is it possible to appoint as specialists responsible
for the safe performance of work using lifting structures (lifting structures) of the foremen?”

Answer:"Operating in the territory Russian Federation Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures", approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated November 12, 2013 No. 533, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2013, reg. No. 30992 (hereinafter referred to as the FNP for PS) does not provide for the appointment of foremen as specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS (clause 23 “g” of the FNP for PS).”

Chercher“When operating lifting structures (lifting cranes, hoists (towers), construction hoists, manipulator cranes) in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph “g” of paragraph 23 of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” ", approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated November 12, 2013 No. 533, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2013, reg. No. 30992 (hereinafter - FNP for PS), an organization operating a hazardous production facility where lifting structures are used (hereinafter - HPF with PS) are assigned:

specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;

specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

Can an organization operating a hazardous production facility with a substation involve employees of other organizations, including specialized ones, licensed by Rostekhnadzor for the right to conduct industrial safety assessments, to perform the duties of these specialists?”

Answer:“Clause 151 of the FNP for substations determines that the number of specialists of the operating organization should be determined by an administrative act of the operating organization, taking into account the requirements of subclause “g” of clause 23 of these FNPs, as well as taking into account the number and actual operating conditions of the substation. According
with subparagraph “g” of paragraph 23 organization ( individual entrepreneur), operating a hazardous production facility with a substation (without carrying out repair, reconstruction or modernization work by its own services) (hereinafter referred to as the operating organization), must comply with the requirements of the manuals (instructions) for the operation of the available substation and fulfill, incl. the following requirements:

Develop and approve by administrative act of the operating organization instructions with job responsibilities, as well as a list of names of persons responsible for industrial safety in the organization from among its certified specialists:

a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;

a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS (hereinafter referred to as Specialists).

Based on the above, the appointment of Specialists from among employees of third-party organizations is not permitted. However, FNP for PS
do not establish restrictions on attracting specialists working part-time (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, these specialists bear full responsibility for compliance with the requirements established by the Federal Tax Service for PS.”

Added to the site:


1.1. In accordance with the requirements of "" approved. By order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated November 12, 2013 No. 533 (hereinafter referred to as the FNP), responsibility for the safe performance of work using PS is assigned to certified specialists with appropriate qualifications.

1.2. Specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS are appointed by order of the organization, after certification in certification commission and issuing a job description (against signature).

Periodic certification of specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS is carried out once every five years.

1.3. The names of the responsible persons must be indicated on a sign posted in a conspicuous place at the permanent work site. A copy of the order appointing responsible persons must be located at the work site.

1.4. During vacation, business trip, illness and other cases of absence of the responsible person, the performance of his duties is assigned by order to another employee with the appropriate qualifications.

1.5. A specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS must know:

1.5.1. Requirements regulatory documents in the field of industrial safety.

1.5.2. Electrical safety requirements when organizing and conducting work using substations.

1.5.3. Job description for the specialist responsible for the execution of work using PS.

1.5.4. Health, safety and production instructions for maintenance personnel

1.5.5. Requirements for construction and installation work projects and technological maps for work using PS

1.5.6. Requirements for removable load-handling devices and containers, the procedure for their selection and use

1.5.7. Rejection standards for lifting devices, containers, steel ropes and chains.

Organization and production procedure construction and installation and loading and unloading operations using PS.

1.5.8. The procedure for storing goods.

1.5.9. Requirements for installing mobile PS.

1.5.10. General information on the design of the substations (their parameters and cargo characteristics, the purpose of safety devices, stability during operation, etc.).

1.5.11. Requirements for rail tracks.

1.5.12. Requirements for organizing and ensuring safe work using substations near power lines

1.5.13. Signal signaling used when moving goods using PS.

1.5.14. Organization of production control and safe maintenance of substations

1.5.15. The procedure for registration and issuance of work permits in cases provided for by the Federal Tax Code.


2.1. The specialist responsible for carrying out work using PS is obliged to:

2.1.1. Instruct service personnel on how to safely perform the work ahead.

2.1.2. Ensure that operating personnel have production instructions and personal protective equipment

2.1.3. Do not allow untrained and uncertified personnel to service the PS.

2.1.4. Determine the number of slingers, as well as the need to appoint signalmen during the operation of the substation.

2.1.5. Do not allow removable lifting devices and containers that are unmarked, faulty or inconsistent with the nature and weight of the cargo. Remove defective lifting devices and containers from the work site.

2.1.6. Indicate to crane operators and slingers the place, order and dimensions of cargo storage.

2.1.7. Directly supervise the work during loading and unloading of gondola cars when moving cargo by several substations, near power lines, inside operating workshop, when moving cargo using a PS over the floors under which production or office premises where people may be present, when moving cargo for which slinging schemes have not been developed, as well as in other cases provided for by work projects or technological maps.

2.1.8. Do not allow work to be carried out without a work permit in the cases provided for.

2.1.9. Provide workers necessary means and devices for safe work using PS.

2.1.10. Monitor the fulfillment by maintenance personnel of the requirements of instructions, work plans and technological maps.

2.1.11. Do not allow mobile substations to be installed on freshly poured, uncompacted soil and areas with a slope exceeding that specified in the passport.

2.1.12. Post at the work site a list of the main loads being moved by the PS, indicating their weight. Give crane operators and slingers servicing jib cranes during construction and installation work the list in hand. If individual loads are not on the list, give the crane operator information about their weight.

2.1.13. Determine cargo storage locations, provide them with the necessary technological equipment and devices (cassettes, pyramids, racks, ladders, stands, linings, gaskets, guy ropes, etc.) and instruct crane operators and slingers regarding the order and dimensions of cargo storage.

2.1.14. Do not allow the PS to operate in the absence of waybill and the logbook records about its serviceability.

2.1.15. Monitor the availability at work sites using PS slinging schemes, graphic images methods of slinging, tying and hooking loads, as well as methods for safely tilting loads when such an operation is carried out using PS.

2.1.16. Do not allow PS bricks to be moved on pallets without guardrails. Lifting bricks on pallets without fencing is allowed when loading and unloading on the ground Vehicle.

2.1.17. Do not allow people to be in the cabin or in the back of the vehicle when loading and unloading it.

2.1.18. Do not allow materials and products to be supplied into windows and other openings without receiving platforms.

2.1.19. Follow the instructions of the Rostekhnadzor inspector and the specialist responsible for production control during the operation of the substation

2.1.20. Do not allow people to board the container raised by the PS and not allow people to be in it.

2.1.21. Do not allow people under the crane boom when raising and lowering it without a load.

2.1.22. Do not allow the use of the lift to pull loads.

2.1.23. Inspect removable load-handling devices within the time limits provided for by the FNP.

2.1.24. Remove damaged removable load-handling devices from service.

2.1.25. Issue a decision to put mobile substations into operation (with a record of permission in the logbook) after moving them to a new facility.

2.1.26. Make decisions on the commissioning of lifting devices and containers (with recording in a special journal)

2.1.27. Do not allow the load to remain suspended during a long break or after completion of work. When operating a substation near power lines or inside an existing workshop, the specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using the substation must:

2.2.1. Indicate to the driver the location where the mobile substations will be installed.

2.2.2. Organize work in accordance with the project, technological map and work permit.

2.2.3. Familiarize staff with the safety measures specified in the work permit against signature.

2.2.4 Ensure the implementation of measures for the safe conduct of work specified in the permit.

2.2.5. Whenever moving the mobile substations, check the correctness of its installation, the implementation of the measures specified in the work permit and issue the driver a permit to operate the crane with an entry in the logbook.

2.2.6. Constantly monitor the compliance of security personnel with safety measures.

2.2.7. When instructing drivers and slingers, the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes must pay special attention to:

2.3.1. It is inadmissible for people to be under the moving load and near a working jib crane in order to avoid pinching people between the rotating and non-rotating parts of the crane and injuring them with the load.

2.3.2. The need to comply with methods of slinging, hooking loads and the correct use of load-handling devices and containers.

2.3.3. It is inadmissible to move people or cargo with people on it using a crane.

2.3.4. It is prohibited to drag loads along the ground, floor or rails with a crane hook, as well as to move loads when the load ropes are in an inclined position.

2.3.5. It is inadmissible for a crane to lift a load covered with earth or frozen to the ground, laid down with other loads, reinforced with bolts or filled with concrete, as well as metal and slag hardened in a furnace or welded after draining.

2.3.6. Correct installation of jib cranes (site requirements, dimensions, etc.).

2.3.7. Inadmissibility of overloading the substation.

2.3.8. The need to comply with safety requirements when performing work with jib cranes near a power line and inside an existing workshop, the prohibition of installing cranes to work under the wires of an existing power line.

2.3.9. It is inadmissible for people to be on rolling stock when it is loaded and unloaded by cranes.

2.3.10. Compliance established order performing work related to accessing the rail tracks of overhead cranes.

2.3.11. The need to comply with the requirements of work projects and technological maps.

2.3.12. Compliance with safety measures when slinging and moving explosive, fire or toxic cargo.

2.3.13. The danger of being between the transported cargo and structures, equipment, stacks of cargo, etc.

2.4. The person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes is obliged to stop operating the crane when:

2.4.1. Wind speeds exceeding the permissible for a given crane (it is necessary to require the crane operator to take measures to prevent the crane from being stolen by the wind), snowfall, rain or fog, thunderstorms, at a temperature below that specified in the passport and other cases when the crane operator cannot clearly distinguish the signals of the slinger or the load being moved.

2.4.2. Identification in technical condition crane dangerous defects, malfunctions (damage and destruction of metal structures, malfunction of brakes, safety devices, damage to pulley ropes, drums).

2.4.3. Inadmissible subsidence and identification of other dangerous defects in the crane runway.

2.4.4. Lack of trained and certified machinists and slingers.

2.4.5. Lack of necessary lifting devices and containers.

2.4.6. Expiration of the technical examination period or the standard service life of the crane.

2.4.7. Insufficient illumination of the crane work area.

2.4.8. The emergence of other reasons affecting the safety of work.

2.4.9. Its forced absence when the crane is operating under a permit near a power line, inside an operating workshop, and in other cases provided for by work projects.


3.1. If an accident occurs during the operation of a crane, the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes must report the incident to his supervisor and ensure the safety of the situation at the site of the accident or accident, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.

3.2. Take measures to provide medical care to the victims.


4.1. The specialist responsible for safe production using PS is responsible and has the right to:

4.1.1. Remove from work performance personnel who have allowed the requirements of production instructions to increase during the operation of the substation.

4.1.2. Raise a question to management about imposition disciplinary action on workers who violate the requirements of production instructions when operating the substation.


5.1. The specialist responsible for safe production using PS is responsible within certain limits. current legislation Russian Federation for:

5.1.1. The violations of the FPN committed by him and regardless of whether or not this led to an accident or an accident.

5.1.2. Violation of instructions by subordinate personnel.

5.1.3. Issuing instructions or orders to them, forcing employees subordinate to him to violate the FPN and the requirements of production instructions.

5.1.4. Unauthorized resumption of work by cranes stopped on the orders of officials of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision or a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation.

Is it possible to industrial enterprise appoint a labor protection specialist responsible for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, the management of engineering and technical personnel for the supervision, operation and maintenance of Rostechnadzor facilities?


Answer to the question:

Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety are approved by Rostechnadzor. At the same time, the norms and rules are not universal; they vary depending on the industry, the type of work, and the use of mechanisms.

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Since the company is engaged in the production of reinforced concrete products, it uses lifting structures. In this regard, the enterprise is subject to the Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor dated November 12, 2013 N 533). These rules establish the obligation to develop and approve by administrative act of the operating organization instructions with job responsibilities, as well as a list of names of persons responsible for industrial safety in the organization from among its certified specialists:

Specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;

Specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;

Specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

Therefore, an organization using lifting structures should have three safety officers appointed.

At the same time, in organizations where work using PS is carried out in one area (shop), one specialist is allowed to combine the responsibilities of those responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition and for the safe performance of work.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the employee responsible for carrying out production control must have:

Higher technical education corresponding to the profile of the production facility;

At least 3 years of work experience in a relevant job at a hazardous production facility in the industry;

Certificate confirming completion of industrial safety certification (clause 9 of the Rules for organizing and implementing production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 1999 N 263).

Therefore, if a labor safety specialist meets the requirements for employees responsible for carrying out production control, he can combine his functions with the work of one safety specialist. Or, under the above conditions, combine the duties of a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition and a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using the PS.

The employer does not have the right to assign the responsibilities of all safety specialists to a labor protection specialist.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Situation :How to organize production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements

Ksenia SLADKOVA, expert of the magazine “Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Specialists”

Organizations that operate hazardous production facilities are required to conduct production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements. It gives an idea of ​​the state of industrial safety at the enterprise and helps prevent accidents.

What documents will be needed for production control?

The main document on which production control is carried out is the Regulation on Production Control (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation). It regulates the entire production control procedure - from planning and conducting internal inspections to the procedure for recording control results. The provision should be at any public utility ( Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ). It will be needed not only for production control, but also for:


The procedure for organizing production control has been established

  • generation and submission to Rostechnadzor of an annual mandatory report on production control at hazardous production facilities;
  • obtaining a license from Rostechnadzor to operate hazardous production facilities;
  • registration of technical devices with Rostekhnadzor authorities;
  • successful completion of any scheduled and unscheduled inspection.

The regulation is approved by the head of the enterprise, and its certified copy is provided to the territorial Rostechnadzor at the location of the hazardous production facility.

The enterprise must also have a Production Control Plan for the year, which reflects operational, targeted and comprehensive inspections.

What does production control consist of?

Production control takes place at three levels.

First level— these are operational inspections, during which they monitor the compliance of personnel and contractors with industrial safety requirements.

Inspectors must:

  • acquainted with technical documentation on verifiable issues;
  • identify violations of rules in the workplace;
  • selectively check the knowledge of industrial safety with specialists;
  • remove untrained employees from work;
  • suspend work if a violation is detected that threatens people’s lives or may lead to an accident;
  • set a deadline for eliminating violations;
  • inform the immediate supervisor about violations identified and measures taken.

Second level control involves targeted checks. They are needed to ensure that all industrial safety measures are carried out in a high-quality and timely manner.

The inspectors evaluate:

  • condition of production facilities, organization of work and their compliance with industrial safety requirements;
  • implementation of previous acts-instructions based on the results of operational, comprehensive and targeted inspections;
  • training, certification of managers, specialists and workers and their admission to independent work;
  • implementation of planned measures to organize production control and ensure safe operation of hazardous production facilities;
  • completeness and quality of implementation of measures after accidents and emergencies.

Third level control consists of a comprehensive inspection of the enterprise, which is carried out by a production control commission. During the inspection you need to evaluate:

  • technical condition of hazardous production facilities;
  • how the safe operation of the hazardous facility is organized;
  • how measures are taken to ensure safe working conditions;
  • efficiency of production control.

Who will do production control?

Production control is carried out by an employee appointed by order of the manager, or by the production control service. If the enterprise employs less than 150 people, then one of the deputy heads of the enterprise is appointed responsible for production control. With a staff of 150-500 people, a separate specialist is allocated who will deal only with production control. If a hazardous production facility employs more than 500 workers, a production control service must be created.


Workers responsible for production control must have a higher technical education in the field of operation of the hazardous production facility, work experience at the hazardous production facility for at least three years and an industrial safety certification certificate

An example of the distribution of responsibilities for production control is given in the table.

Distribution of responsibilities for production control

Level of control Workers carrying out control in general at the enterprise Workers conducting control in branches
First Heads of workshops, laboratories, warehouses and their deputies.
Site masters.
Employees appointed as responsible for hazardous production facilities
Second Directors for types of production, material planning and logistics.
Deputy technical directors.
Services of chief power engineer, mechanic, metrologist, designer, technologist, technical control.
Heads and specialists of departments and departments.
Teachers and industrial training masters
Deputy Chief Engineer.
Heads and specialists of departments and services
Third CEO.
Technical Director and his deputies.
Production control commission at the enterprise.
Head and specialists of the industrial safety and labor protection department
Branch directors.
Chief engineers.
Production control commissions.
Heads and specialists of the industrial safety and labor protection department

What documents are drawn up based on the results of control?

After each level of control, a report is drawn up. It describes the purpose of the inspection, the violations identified, the proposed measures and the time frame for their elimination. Approves reports CEO or branch directors. Then they are transferred to the industrial safety and labor protection department, where specialists:

  • fill out a log of industrial safety measures at hazardous production facilities;
  • monitor the elimination of identified violations;
  • based on the information received, prepare for the annual technical meeting with management;
  • submit to Rostekhnadzor information about accidents and incidents, the reasons for their occurrence and the measures taken, as well as about production control.

Inspectors can resolve identified problems together with specialists responsible for the operation of a particular hazardous facility after each level of control. More global shortcomings are dealt with by the production control commission together with the management of the enterprise. Approved measures to ensure industrial safety are included in the implementation plan for the next year.

B.9.31. Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed for lifting and moving


Topic 1. General requirements for PS

Question 1. Which of the following HIFs are not subject to the requirements of the FNP PS?

At the hazardous production facility where cable cars are operated

Question 2. Which of the following HIFs are subject to the requirements of the FNP PS?

At hazardous production facilities where electric freight trolleys are operated, moving along overhead rail tracks together with a control cabin

Question 3. What document confirms the compliance of the software with the requirements of technical regulations?

Certificate or declaration of conformity

Question 4. Which mobile systems do not require confirmation of compliance with requirements? Technical regulations“On the safety of wheeled vehicles”?

Pipe laying cranes

Question 5. Ch What is meant by the term “Lifting Structure Incident”?

Failure of a substation used at a hazardous production facility, rendering the substation inoperative, preventing its continued operation without repairs

\ Question 6. Ch what is meant by the term “Operation and I"?

Operation - stage life cycle The PS on which its quality is implemented, maintained and restored. Operation of the substation includes intended use (work), transportation, installation, storage, Maintenance and repairs

Question 7. What is meant by technical examination of a substation?

A set of administrative and technical measures aimed at confirming the operability and industrial safety of the substation in operation

Question with 8. What What is meant by the term “Crane operation cycle”?

The set of operations associated with the transportation of cargo by a crane during operation, from the moment when the crane is ready to lift the load until the moment it is ready to lift the next load

Question 9. Which of the listed substations are not subject to registration with Rostechnadzor authorities?

Pipe laying cranes

Question 10. Which of the listed substations are subject to registration with Rostechnadzor authorities? Lifts and towers designed to move people

Question 11. Does an organization operating a hazardous production facility with a substation have the right to attract specialists from third-party organizations as: a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation; a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition; a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS?

Doesn't have the right

Question 12. Who in mandatory should employees of hazardous production facilities directly involved in the operation of the substation inform about the threat of an emergency?

Your immediate supervisor

Topic 2. Repair, reconstruction or modernization of substation hazardous production facilities

Question 1. What should be done for substations that have expired their service life to extend their service life?

Overhaul or complete repairs, as well as industrial safety examination

Question 2. Which organization, according to Federal norms and rules, is responsible for the operation of a substation that is not equipped with limiters, indicators and recorders necessary to ensure the industrial safety of the technological process in which the substation is used?

To the organization operating the substation

Question 3. Representatives of which organizations sign the protocol in case of loss of long-term storage information during the repair of the substation operating parameters recorder?

A specialized organization that carries out repairs of the substation and an organization that operates the substation.

Topic 3. Operation of PS HIF

Question 1. Which organization has the right to make changes to the developed PPR (project for the production of substation works) to carry out construction and installation work?

Only the organization that develops the PPR

Question 2. How much higher should crane booms be when turning or moving objects and equipment encountered along the way?

Not less than 500 mm

Question 3: What are the requirements for installing floor- or radio-controlled cranes?

Clear passage must be provided for the worker operating the crane

Question 4. In what cases is it possible to install stationary electric hoists or winches above production floors to lift loads through a hatch in the floor?

Installation not allowed

Question 5. At what position of the crane on an overhead rail track should the compliance of the distance from the protruding parts of the ends of the crane to the columns, building walls and railings of passage galleries be checked?

With a symmetrical arrangement of the crane wheels relative to the rail

Question 6. What is the distance established from the top point of the crane moving along an overhead rail track to the ceiling of the building or the building structure above the crane?

Not less than 100 mm

Question 7. What is the distance established from the bottom point of the crane (not counting the load-handling member) moving along an overhead rail track to the floor of the workshop or areas where people may be present while the crane is operating (with the exception of areas intended for repairing the crane)?

Not less than 2000 mm

Question 8. What is the distance established from the lower protruding parts of the crane (not counting the load-handling element) moving along an overhead rail track to the equipment located in the operating area?

Not less than 400 mm

Question 9. What is the horizontal distance between the protruding parts of the crane moving along a ground crane track and stacks of cargo located at a height of up to 2000 mm from the level of the working platforms?

Not less than 700 mm

Question 10. What is the vertical distance from the counterweight console of a tower crane to the platforms where people can be?

Not less than 2000 mm

Question 11. At what distance from building elements, equipment and stacks of cargo should electric hoists and monorail trolleys with automatic or semi-automatic control be installed if these vehicles are not accompanied by an operator during movement?

In such a way that during movement there is no possibility of the load touching the elements of the building, equipment and stacks of goods

Question 12. With whom should the installation of cranes moving along a rail track be coordinated in the security zone of overhead power lines?

With line owner

Question 13. In what case is it permitted to install a jib crane or loader crane only on two or three outriggers?

Not allowed, PS is installed on all outriggers

Question 14. Who determines the procedure for operating a crane near a power line made with a flexible insulated cable?

Line owner

Question 15. What distance must be maintained between the crane boom and the contact wires when operating jib-type cranes under the switched-on contact wires of public transport in the presence of a limiter (stop)?

Not less than 1.0 m

Question 16. In what cases is it allowed to unload (load) bricks on pallets without fencing?

Only when unloading (loading) vehicles onto the ground (and from the ground)

Question 17. What loads are called “loads of complex configuration” when performing a tilting operation?

Loads with a shifted center of gravity

Question 18. To what height should the load be first raised before moving (and then stopping) to check the correctness of the sling and the reliability of the PS brake?

No more than 200-" 00 mm

Question 19. 3 In what cases is the movement of goods in an unstable position allowed?


Question 20. In what cases is it permitted to drag a load along the ground, floor or rails using PS hooks?

Only in cases of using guide blocks that ensure the vertical position of cargo ropes

Question 21. In what cases is a jib crane not allowed to lift a load directly from its installation site (from the ground, platform, stack)?

If the load is lifted only by the boom telescoping mechanism

Question 22, In what cases is it permissible to turn a lifted load by hand?

In cases where the load is raised to a height of no more than 1000 mm

Question 23. Which requirement for the safe operation of the substation is indicated incorrectly?

Measures for the safe descent of crane operators must be specified in technological map

Question 24. In what cases does the operating organization develop measures for the safe descent of crane operators from the cabin when a bridge crane has to stop at a landing site?

If the workshop (flight) is not equipped with walk-through galleries along the rail track

Question 25. What industrial safety measures should be observed when performing painting work carried out in a building from the transition platforms of an overhead crane?

Warning falls from a crane caused by a sudden start of movement of the crane or

his cargo trolley, being hit by a neighboring crane, as well as electric shock,

falling when entering rail tracks or crane beams

Question 26. What industrial safety measures should be taken for substations installed outdoors and not in working condition?

The substations must be de-energized and measures must be taken to prevent them from being blown away by the wind

Question 27. What equipment should the operating organization provide to its slingers in order to ensure industrial safety? technological processes slings?

Tested and marked lifting devices and containers corresponding to the weight and nature of the goods being moved

Question 28. In what cases, during the construction of buildings and structures, must the crane driver (operator) be given commands via two-way radio or telephone communication?

When constructing buildings or structures with a height of more than 36 m

Question 29. In what places should stationary trestles or hanging platforms for slingers be installed?

In places of constant loading and unloading of vehicles and gondola cars

Question 30. In what cases is it permitted to load packages of rolled metal or pipes using the metal twists of the packages?

Prohibited in all cases

Question 31. How should the load be distributed on each of the PSs if lifting and moving the load is carried out by two PSs?

The load on each substation must not exceed the load-carrying capacity of the substation

Question 32. Is it allowed to move cargo using PS over floors under which there are industrial, residential or office premises where people may be located?

Not allowed

Question 33. In what cases should the areas of operating substations be fenced off and marked with warning signs, while people are not allowed to be in the work area?

During operation of substations equipped with a controlled gripper, grab or magnet

Question 34. Who issues permission to put a jib crane into operation?

A specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation, or a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using the substation, depending on specific cases

Question 35. Where is the decision to commission lifting devices and containers written down?

In a special accounting and inspection journal

Question 36. What is the basis for the decision to put into operation bridge-type cranes and portal cranes after installation using welding?

Commission decision i

Question 37. Who is the chairman of the commission created to decide on the commissioning of the substation after the installation of overhead cranes and a portal crane using welding? *

Authorized representative of the operating organization

Question 38. Who is appointed as the chairman of the commission created to decide on putting into operation when changing the operating organization for a substation that has completed its service life?

Authorized representative of the operating organization

Question 39. How many days before the start of the commission’s work must the operating organization notify in writing the organizations whose representatives are included in the commission about the first stage of the commission’s work on putting the substation into operation?

Not less than 10 days

Question 40. When are production instructions issued to personnel servicing the substation?

Before permission to work, against signature

Question 41. Who should appoint a signalman in cases where the area served by the substation is not completely visible from the control cabin, and in the absence of radio or telephone communication between the crane operator and the slinger?

Specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS

Question 42. What should be done in the case when the area served by the substation is not completely visible from the control cabin and in the absence of radio or telephone communication between the operator (crane operator) and the slinger?

A signalman must be appointed from among the slingers

Question 43. Which of the specialists and personnel must be familiarized with the PPR before the start of PS work?

Specialists responsible for the safe performance of work using PS, crane operators (operators) and slingers

Question 44. Who should approve the work permit using PS, TC for loading and unloading operations?

Head of the operating organization performing work using the PS

Question 45. Which parameter from the PS passport (in the form of an extract) must be included in the section of the PPR and Labor Code related to the organization of safe work?

Wind strength at which its operation is not allowed

Question 46. In what cases is it permitted to supply cargo into openings (hatches) of floors?

If this is provided for by a specially developed PPR %

Question 47. What document determines the scope of work, the procedure and frequency of technical inspections of the substation?

The manual (instructions) for operating the substation, and in the absence of instructions in it, the requirements of the FNP PS

Question 48. Which of the listed PSs is allowed to conduct a full technical examination once every 5 years?

Substations that serve electrical and pumping stations, compressor units

Question 49. What frequency of partial technical examination is established for the PS during its entire service life?

At least once every 12 months

Question 50. What is the frequency of full technical examination established for the PS during its entire service life?

At least once every 3 years, with the exception of rarely used substations Question 51. What should be done after a major overhaul of the substation?

Extraordinary full technical examination

Question 52. In which of the listed cases, during an extraordinary full technical examination of a substation, only static tests are carried out?

After replacing the load-handling element

Question 53. Who should conduct a technical examination of the PS?

Specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation with the participation of a specialist responsible for maintaining the substation in working condition

\J- Question 54. Who establishes the need and frequency of non-destructive testing of suspension parts of plate hooks of cranes transporting molten metal and liquid slag?

Operating organization, unless otherwise specified in the operating manual of the substation

Question 55. In what cases, if there are two lifting mechanisms on a substation, should their static tests be carried out simultaneously?

If this is provided for in the PS passport

■ "Question 56. What is the duration of static testing of cable cranes?

Question 57. When \ boom type is considered to have passed static tests?

If within 10. the lifted load will not fall to the ground, and no cracks, residual deformations or other damage to metal structures and mechanisms were detected

Question 58. Kaki: dynamic tests of self-propelled jib cranes should be carried out with a load! ■

The mass of which is on! 0% exceeds its rated load capacity

Question 59. What tests are the lifting mechanisms of the substation subject to, if their separate operation is provided?

Each mechanism must be tested under static and dynamic loads

Question 60. Which load-handling device is tested during repeated periodic technical examinations of PSs that have several load-handling devices?

With the one established at the time of the event

Question 61. What are the requirements for steel ropes installed on substations when replacing previously installed ones?

Steel ropes must comply with the grade, diameter and breaking force specified in the PS passport and have a certificate from the manufacturer

Question 62. What requirements must steel chains installed on substations meet?

Steel chains must comply with the grade and breaking force specified in the PS passport, and have a certificate from the chain manufacturer.

Question 63. What requirements must the design and dimensions of stairs, landing platforms and galleries of elevated rail tracks meet?

Requirements of the design and operational documentation on the rail track

Question 64. In what cases should plan-height survey data be attached to the acceptance certificate of a rail track, which determines its readiness for operation?

In all of the above cases

Question 65. Is it allowed to intersect the tracks of gantry, tower and portal cranes with the rail tracks of factory vehicles?

Allowed only after the development of measures to prevent collisions between operating cranes and rolling stock and agreement with the organization in charge of organizing traffic on railway tracks

Question 66. In what cases should the rail tracks of substations moving on rails be repaired?

If necessary

Question 67. Who carries out the shift inspection of the substation track?

Crane operator (operator) to the extent provided for in the production instructions

Question 68. When is it carried out? scheduled inspection condition of the substation rail tracks by a specialist responsible for maintaining the substation in working condition?

After every 24 work shifts

Question 69. Which organization carries out periodic comprehensive inspection of substation rail tracks?

Specialized organization

Question 70. How often should a comprehensive inspection of the substation rail tracks be carried out?

At least once every three years

Question 71. What number of branches for slings with more than three branches is taken into account when calculating their load capacity?

No more than three branches

Question 72. How often during operation should traverses, pincers, grippers and containers be inspected?

Every month

Question 73. What document is used to document the results of tests of load-handling devices under static load application?

Act or protocol

Question 74. In which of the listed cases does the operating organization have the right to allow the substation to operate?

For a rarely used PS, more than three years have passed since the previous technical examination

Question 75. What rail head wear is a condition for rejection? crane runway support cranes?

15% or more of the corresponding size of an unworn profile

Question 76. Which of the following is a condition for rejecting a crane rope that has been subjected to surface wear or corrosion?

Reduction in rope diameter by 7% or more compared to the nominal diameter, even in the absence of visible wire breaks

Question 77. What loading mode for PS mechanisms does not exist?

L2 - moderate severity

Question 78. At what lengthening of a chain link from the original size is the chain sling subject to rejection?

More than 3.0% of original size

With the introduction of new rules to replace the already familiar ones (colloquially called “tap rules”), a number of questions arose (in fact, similar to the questions regarding previously current rules) regarding the certification of workers and the appointment of workers responsible for certain areas of supervision and operation: “ Who and for what exactly is appointed responsible if the organization has lifting structures?», « How and for what you should certify responsible employees ?», « What are the correct areas of qualification for lifting structures?».
Paragraph 23 of the “Safety Rules for Hazardous Industrial Facilities Where Lifting Structures Are Used” directly indicates the need to assign:

  • a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation;
  • a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition;
  • a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using PS.

The responsibilities of the last two can be assigned to one employee (if the work is carried out within the same workshop or site).
The areas of certification of workers are determined in accordance with Rostekhnadzor Order No. 233 dated April 6, 2012 (section B9 “Industrial safety requirements for lifting structures”). Please note that by order of Rostechnadzor No. 403 dated 09/03/2014 this section clarified and presented in a different edition.
Thus, the employee should be certified (in accordance with the rules of Rostechnadzor Order No. 37 dated January 29, 2007, regarding the training and certification of workers at facilities supervised by Rostechnadzor), based on the activities of the enterprise, in the following directions (“letters”):


Certification of specialists from organizations supervising the safe operation of escalators in metropolitan areas


Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating escalators in subways


Certification in the field of industrial safety of ropeway managers and specialists


Certification in the field of industrial safety of ropeway managers


Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed for lifting and moving loads


Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed for lifting and transporting people


Installation, adjustment, repair, reconstruction or modernization of lifting structures during the operation of hazardous production facilities

In accordance with paragraph 153 of Rostechnadzor Order No. 533 dated November 12, 2013, periodic knowledge testing job descriptions and rules for lifting structures by responsible specialists should be carried out in accordance with the administrative act of the operating organization and carried out by its commission. Please note that the list of areas does not include a separate “certification of members of certification commissions” for lifting structures. Thus, there is no need to create a separate commission - knowledge can be tested in the same certification commission, created in accordance with the requirements of Rostechnadzor Order No. 37 of January 29, 2007 (“Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision"). True, its members must be certified in territorial body Rostechnadzor for the same areas B.9 (for branches of organizations - in the commission of the central or parent organization).
Separately, we note that paragraph 11 of the “Regulations...” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 37 of January 29, 2007) allows for the certification of contractor specialists in the commission of the customer organization.
Sample orders (approximate):

ORDER (sample)

On the appointment of a specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation

  1. Appoint _________ (position, full name) responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of lifting structures. During vacation, business trip, illness or other absences, the duties of those responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of lifting structures are assigned to ___________ (position, full name).
  2. Production control must be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 1999 N 263, “Regulations on the organization of production control at the enterprise” (approved by Order No. __ from ___), others local acts enterprises.
  3. ________ (position, full name of the persons specified in paragraph 1) is / is not a member of the production control commission.

ORDER (sample)

On the appointment of a specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition

In accordance with clause 23 of the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 533 dated November 12, 2013), I ORDER:

  1. Appoint _________ (position, full name) responsible for maintaining lifting structures in working order. During vacation, business trip, illness or other cases of absence, the duties of the responsible person are assigned to ___________ (position, full name).
  2. In their work, persons appointed by paragraph 1 of this order should be guided by the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 533 of November 12, 2013), technical documentation for lifting structures, production instructions and other local acts of the enterprise.
  3. ________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) familiarize yourself with the specified documents against signature no later than ______ (date).
  4. The Chairman of the Certification Commission / Head of the Personnel Training Department should organize training and/or knowledge testing (certification) for __________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) no later than ________ (date).
  5. Control over compliance with the order is assigned to __________ (position, full name).

ORDER (sample)

On the appointment of a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using lifting structures

In accordance with clause 23 of the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 533 dated November 12, 2013), I ORDER:

  1. Appoint _________ (position, full name) responsible for the safe performance of work using lifting structures. During vacation, business trip, illness or other cases of absence, the duties of the responsible person are assigned to ___________ (position, full name).
  2. In their work, persons designated by paragraph 1 of this order should be guided by the “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used” (approved by Rostekhnadzor Order No. 533 of November 12, 2013), regulations on labor protection when working with the use of lifting structures, technical documentation for lifting structures, production instructions, labor protection instructions and other local acts of the enterprise.
  3. ________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) familiarize yourself with the specified documents against signature no later than ______ (date).
  4. The Chairman of the Certification Commission / Head of the Personnel Training Department should organize training and/or knowledge testing (certification) for __________ (position, full name of the persons specified in clause 1) no later than ________ (date).
  5. Control over compliance with the order is assigned to __________ (position, full name).

In conclusion, we note that in addition to specialists, crane operators (operators), their assistants, mechanics and adjusters of indicators, limiters and recorders are necessarily appointed by order (instruction) to manage the substations and their maintenance, and to service the substations with electrically driven In addition, they are also electricians.

YOU CAN ASK A QUESTION about this article or make a request for a sample order by following this link.
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