Help desk numbers. How can I call the Rostelecom operator?

Documentation 10.03.2023

Russia's largest Internet provider, operator of wired and cellular communications, as well as interactive television, treats its customers with respect and, to ensure a productive dialogue, offers several ways to contact technical support. Where can I get the Rostelecom operator number and how to call the Rostelecom operator? After reading this informational article, you will be able to quickly choose the best way to communicate with the operator and resolve any emergency situation.

How to call the Rostelecom operator?

The most convenient way to contact the operator is to call the technical support service. It should be noted that Rostelecom has both paid and toll-free phone numbers. Just in case, both options should be written down in the phone book.

  1. Call the Rostelecom operator from any mobile phone. For comprehensive customer service around the clock, there is a single toll-free number 8-800-1000-800. Using it, every resident of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether he is a subscriber or not, can call and receive information about the company’s current services, apply for connection or repair. In addition, there are two more toll-free telephone numbers in the Capital Region, which provide the following information :8-495-727-49-77 – fixed-line, long-distance and international communication services;
    8-800-100-25-25 – providing information on tariff plans and concluding an agreement automatically.

    In other regions of the Russian Federation, there are other reference numbers, which are posted on the Rostelecom website in the “Help” section, “Phone” tab.

  2. Short numbers of the Rostelecom operator in the regions. No other mobile operator has such a variety of short numbers. On the one hand, this is good. Knowing the required combination of numbers, you can easily contact the operator, get information about tariffs, send a telegram and much more. On the other hand, it’s not entirely convenient, since each region of the Russian Federation has its own unique service numbers. To use them, you need to find them on the company’s website or ask the operator by calling a single toll-free number 8-800-1000-800. For example, residents of St. Petersburg have access to the following list of numbers 24 hours a day: 8-118-09 – toll-free information about telephone numbers;
    8-118-11 – paid information about telephone numbers and addresses;
    8-126 – paid reception of telegrams by telephone;
    8-142 – paid information on communication tariffs;
    8-124 – ordering intra-zone calls, for a fee;
    8-181 – ordering long-distance calls, for a fee;
    8-191 – ordering calls of international importance, for a fee.
  3. Rostelecom support in roaming. Rostelecom does not leave its compatriots abroad without technical support. They can always ask for help by calling +7-902-18-81-810. Calls to this number made from international roaming are not charged.

Alternative ways to contact a live Rostelecom operator

You can report your problem, leave feedback or suggestions not only by telephone. To do this, the Rostelecom operator has a number of services that are ready to quickly respond to incoming messages.

When you can’t call or reach an operator, then it’s time to use online chat. It is noteworthy that you can get into it both from a single personal account and from the My Rostelecom mobile application. In this case, a quick solution to the problem depends on the availability of an Internet connection on the device and a correctly formulated question.

You can find answers, express your opinion and simply communicate with those who have been using Rostelecom’s services for many years on social networks: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Youtube and Telegram.

For letters always online a single email address [email protected]. In addition, each regional office has its own email address, the address of which can be found on the website of its region.

Especially for reviews, comments and wishes, Rostelecom managers offer to fill out a feedback form in which you must indicate a minimum of data: contact phone number or email and the text of the request. The support service undertakes to send an answer or call back within 24 hours.

For those who wish to speak in person with a representative of a telecommunications company, there are customer service centers in all major cities. Their addresses, opening hours and contact numbers are listed in the “Help” section, “Office” tab.

It turns out I'm a dunce! Self-critical? Yes. Well, what else can you call a person who for a long time sincerely believed that it was easy to get through to Rostelecom technical support?

In fact, it is very difficult, I assure you! Moreover. Many argue, not without reason, that

It’s almost impossible to get through to Rostelecom technical support!

This is, of course, not entirely true. You can still get through by phone, although it’s difficult. I checked it personally.

There are several methods, and each has its own nuances. I’ll tell you about these nuances today.

It all started with the fact that just recently I sincerely thought that there would be few people willing to argue with the fact that Rostelecom is not only one of the largest and most popular Russian telecom operators, but also one of the most reliable.

Until I joined them myself! Now I’m not at all sure about this. Rostelecom messes up no less than others. Or maybe more. It’s like “even an old woman can have a hard time.”

Either the home Internet “crashes”, then the connection speed disappears, or the television turns off. And it happens that the cost of services changes without our knowledge.

In general, despite all the advantages of Rostelecom, we often need the help of their technical support specialist.

It is for this kind of help that Rostelecom has created a hotline telephone number, according to which, as stated, the Rostelecom support service will always help us with solving any problems.

They themselves claim that the Rostelecom hotline works efficiently and stably, so contacting the Rostelecom operator, as a rule, does not present any difficulties.

But is this really so?

That's just about Rostelecom support phone and I will tell you in this article.

Some advantages of Rostelecom technical support

Yes, yes, don't be surprised. There are few advantages, but they also exist.

1. Technical support from Rostelecom works around the clock, so you can contact a specialist with your question at any time of the day or night.

And further. Note!

All calls to Rostelecom operator free both from landline and mobile phones!

2. What issues does Rostelecom’s customer support service help resolve? There are a great many of them - they include all the problems related to communication services, interactive television or access to the Internet.

It is believed that qualified specialists in the Rostelecom call center will readily answer any of your questions regarding the provision of company services.

However, this is only considered so. And reality, as always, is far from ideal. Done with the positives

Now the cons

There are two main disadvantages.

1. Not only me, but also many other subscribers experienced in their own skin that Rostelecom technical support cannot be reached by phone. Well, more precisely, it’s almost impossible. In fact, it is possible, but for a very, VERY long time.

And it is also very important to know exactly the phone number to call.

Because there are a lot of these technical support numbers in Rostelecom. (More on this below) And the biggest disappointment you experience, probably, is not when you hang on the phone for half an hour, waiting for the operator to answer. And at that moment when, having finally outlined your problem to a live operator, you hear the answer: wait, now I’ll switch you to...

In response, I want to first throw the phone at the wall, and then make a personal visit to their office. To express directly everything that I think about them.

2. In a number of questions, the “specialists” of the Rostelecom hotline are in no way are not specialists.

Perhaps these girls were even taught something. They are well versed in tariffs, connection conditions and payment for services. They even know to advise you to reboot your modem or router.

But often they simply avoid answering and solving your problem. Especially if your problem is really serious, or does not fit into their patterns.

However, there is still nowhere to go. Have to call. And here, as I said just above, it is very important to understand where exactly you need to call.

So what is Rostelecom’s technical support number?

And in Rostelecom there is more than one technical support phone number - it works several phone numbers at once, where you can call the Rostelecom operator and get competent advice.

There is probably something positive in this. It’s not for nothing that Rostelecom has created many technical support services for its clients, right? Each of these services has your own phone number, where you can call the operator.

To contact the Rostelecom operator, just call one of these numbers .

Rostelecom hotline, phone 8800:

  • The most convenient option to contact Rostelecom technical support is Hotline number 8 800. This is a free federal number customer support services - 8 800 181 18 30.
  • Rostelecom technical support service. Consultation on any technical issues, including cellular communications, television. This also includes technical support Rostelecom Internet. Setting up equipment and calling a specialist to your home – phone number 8 800 707 18 11 .
  • You can order connection of services or find out information of interest about the services provided by Rostelecom at sales service by calling by phone 8 800 100 08 00 .
  • If you need to find out any information about the tariffs for the services provided or their conditions, the terms of contracts, or you have a complaint against the company, you can contact our specialists Help Desk. In this case, you need the operator's phone number from Rostelecom 8 800 707 18 00 . You can also use this number to find out detailed information about the status of your personal account and payments made.
  • General short telephone number cellular help desk111 .
  • Autoinformer will tell you how to remotely change the tariff plan for landline telephone and Internet services if you dial 8 800 707 33 33
  • Customer service CDMA cellular customer support waiting for you by phone 8 800 450 01 56 .
  • If you are a CDMA subscriber and have any questions regarding this service, please call 8 800 450 01 59 – qualified service specialist information support for CDMA subscribers will be happy to answer all your questions.
  • Technical support for CDMA cellular subscribers available by phone 8 800 450 01 56
  • If you have any questions regarding the service broadband internet access provided by Rostelecom, it is recommended to contact the number 8 800 300 18 03 , where you can always get detailed advice.
  • Have you contacted customer support, but are you unsatisfied with the operator's performance? For filing complaints and various claims phone number created 8 800 300 18 03 .

These phones, as you already understood, work throughout Russia. For example, for me, who lives in St. Petersburg, in order to call Rostelecom St. Petersburg, I also need to choose a technical support phone number from those listed above.

How to call the Rostelecom operator in international roaming

Well, okay, the fact is that there are many ways to contact the Rostelecom operator in Russia - we figured it out. But what to do if you are abroad?

How can you contact representatives of the cellular operator Rostelecom if you are in international roaming?

Yes, almost the same! Once again, the Rostelecom support service will help you, whose phone number in this case will be slightly different. But it's also free.

Yes Yes! All you need to do in Roaming is call the phone number +7 902 188 18 10 . FOR FREE!!!

The only thing worth paying attention to is that you should dial the Rostelecom operator’s number exactly this way - in the international format, that is, through +7.

When you don't have your phone at hand...

And in conclusion, a few words about the fact that Rostelecom also has an Internet support service.

It is needed in cases where it is not possible to call Rostelecom operators on the hotline. It happens that the phone breaks down or gets lost. Or even worse - there are suspicions that your phone has been stolen, and this bastard has gained access to your SIM card and personal account. What to do in such cases?

First of all, don’t panic! You have a chance to get a full consultation with a specialist if you have access to the Internet. This is where the Rostelecom Internet Hotline will help.

You can quickly ask the hotline specialists any questions in your “Personal Account”, on the “Write to support service” page.

Maybe this is the only real way to contact Rostelecom technical support, huh?

So, were you able to reach them?

If you are interested in how to call the Rostelecom operator, a toll-free number will be essential. It is important to quickly contact a specialist when you need urgent help. The employee will be able to provide prompt support and answer questions.

If you use the services of a mobile operator, you can dial 611. Enter it on your phone and make a call. You will be connected to a menu where you can quickly find the appropriate item to transfer the call to a specialist.

Cellular subscribers can also call another number – 000. The principle is the same - wait for the connection to the menu, select the item to contact the operator. You just have to wait a little while until your call is accepted by a contact center employee.

How to call Rostelecom about the Internet

Rostelecom is one of the largest providers in our country. But problems often arise with access to the network, and you need to ask questions about other issues. In this case, you will also need to contact the company from your cell phone.

The easiest way is to call 88001000800. You can wait for the employee’s response and quickly talk with him. The contact center specialist will provide the information of interest, and the entire process will take a short amount of time.

How to call Rostelecom about your home phone number

If you use a home phone, you can also call the single number 88001000800. It is valid for all Rostelecom subscribers. You will need to further decide on the service you want to ask a question about so that the specialist can provide appropriate assistance.

Are calls free?

How to call the Rostelecom operator from a mobile phone for free?

Numbers with an 8-800 code do not have a charge. This rule also applies to mobile operator subscribers, who get the chance to quickly request the necessary services and find out the information they need.

But this method also has disadvantages. When you call the hotline, you will have to wait quite a long time for a specialist to answer. The process may take from 1 to 10 minutes. sometimes up to 20. You have to spend a particularly long time on the line during busy hours in the evening.

Personal account features

Most of the existing problems with the Internet and other Rostelecom services can be solved using your personal account. It allows:

  • Get information about the current account status.
  • Manage services and change tariffs.
  • Control expenses.
  • Make a request to temporarily disconnect the Internet or home phone.
  • Find out all the data you are interested in for further use.

Therefore, a personal account is an ideal solution for the operator’s subscribers. You will be able to get prompt assistance and save some time. This is an opportunity to take advantage of the most attractive conditions and not have to contact a specialist on a number of issues.


To quickly obtain all the information you are interested in and manage services, you can use the application. Now it is gaining popularity among users.

The program was created with several goals:

  1. Relieve the service load by allowing the client to manage the account independently.
  2. Save subscribers time on contacting support.
  3. Provide a complete set of tools for their further use.

How to use the program?

  • You can install it on your smartphone or tablet. Go to the application store on your platform and find the “My Rostelecom” program. Start the download process, it will take no more than a minute.
  • Log in and log in.
  • Choose a service.
  • You will be able to get full access to your account.


  1. With its help you can manage basic services.
  2. It is possible to quickly obtain all the information of interest.
  3. The application is as simple and easy to use as possible. You can quickly figure out how to use it.
  4. A beautiful, simple and pleasant interface has been implemented.
  5. You can quickly obtain the information you are interested in.
  6. The program replaces a personal account and provides the user with basic functions.
  7. You will be able to fully use it.
  • You can get information about charges and write-offs.
  • Management of services and tariffs.
  • Making a payment.
  • Participation in the bonus program and exchange of received points.
  • You can link a card and quickly pay with it.
  • There is an automatic replenishment function, you do not have to transfer money to your account yourself.
  • It is possible to find out the addresses of offices to visit.
  • You can quickly contact the support service in a special chat if you need specialist help.
  • You don't have to wait for a response in the program. You can exit the application and then come back and explore the chat.
  • The program is really very simple and convenient.

Therefore, the application from Rostelecom is an excellent alternative to calling the support service. In it you can get basic information and manage services yourself.

Additionally, the application provides the opportunity to contact a specialist via chat. If you need advice from an employee, you can always talk to him. This option is much more convenient; it does not require a direct call and waiting.

Rostelecom confidently occupies a leading position in the field of telecommunications in Russia. Among the main services, the following stand out: Internet, home telephone, cellular communications, television. Accordingly, the client base is simply huge. It is quite natural that many users may have certain questions and problems that require immediate solutions. It is not always possible to visit the company’s office, so the question arises of how to call the Rostelecom operator to get the necessary advice. You can contact the support service not only by phone, but also via the Internet, and at any time of the day.

What issues will the Rostelecom support service help you solve?

Operator Rostelecom is ready to provide all the necessary information on the following issues:

  1. Services, their connection or refusal.
  2. Registration and setup of your personal account.
  3. Equipment setup.
  4. Call a technician to solve technical problems.

The fastest way to resolve questions regarding various services is through the support service - changing the tariff, activating a new package.

But they can also often refer a subscriber from one specialist to another if their issue is not resolved. As a result, a lot of time is wasted, but the problem still remains.

How to quickly contact support

For those users who are interested in how to call the Rostelecom operator from a mobile or landline phone, we will highlight the following numbers:

  • 8 800 100 08 00 – single support number. You can dial from a mobile or landline phone. All calls are free, no matter what region of the country it comes from. However, you need to understand that due to the large flow of people wanting to know the answers to questions, it is quite possible that you will need to wait until the operator is free;
  • 611 and 000– for calls from a mobile phone. Applications are being accepted as usual. To make it easier for the Rostelecom operator to give quality advice, clearly formulate the question;
  • 8-800-300-18-01 – a toll-free number for landline phone owners. Operators receive users around the clock;
  • +7 902 18 81 810 – number to contact the support service for users located abroad. Traditionally, the call is free.

Cell phone owners can call number 156. There is a 24-hour reception.

Additional numbers to solve specific problems

It should be noted that Rostelecom has numbers for a specific problem. There are quite a lot of them, let’s highlight a few of the most popular:

  • 8-800-707-18-11 . If you have any difficulties setting up or operating the equipment, then use this number. Here a specialist will provide truly high-quality professional assistance for free;
  • 8-800-300-18-03 . For subscribers who have problems with the Internet;
  • 8-800-707-18-00 . Find out about your account status, tariffs, services. You can leave a complaint about a bad operator.

Numbers by region

The company did not limit itself to the numbers provided; additional lines were created to communicate with the regions. You can find the phone number of the Rostelecom operator on the company’s official portal, in the “Help” section. If your location is not automatically determined, you will need to set it manually:

  1. There is a form to fill out in the upper right corner. In it we find the required region and city.
  2. Go to the “Help” section and select the “Contact Us” category. In it, open the “Phones” item, after loading the page, all current numbers for calls from a mobile phone and landline will become available.

The connection to the operator is much faster, individual numbers are less busy than general ones.

What to do if you can’t reach support

The company has also thought through other options for obtaining advice. The Internet and the company’s official website will help with this.


  1. Loading the main page of the company website. We go down to the very bottom of the page and find the “our contacts” section.
  2. In it, select the “feedback” item.
  3. A special form will open that you will need to fill out. If necessary, you can add an explanatory picture.
  4. A few minutes after sending your request, an operator will contact you by phone.

Personal Area

It is much easier to contact the operator through your personal account. All you need to do is go into it and select the “write to support” section. We describe the problem in a special form and send it. We are waiting for a call from a specialist.

As you can see, calling the Rostelecom operator from a mobile or landline phone is not a problem at all. There are many communication lines available. In addition, on the company’s website you can find a number of additional numbers to contact the support service. Accordingly, all subscribers of the company receive fast and high-quality support on any issue that interests them.

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