Satellite Internet. How to connect satellite TV and Internet from MTS to a private home Tariffs for Tricolor Satellite Internet

Opening  20.12.2020

Satellite Internet is a high-speed and reliable solution with a number of advantages, the main one of which is access to the Internet anywhere in the world. Today, satellite Internet is sold in a new guise and works on the principle of two-way data transfer. This means that the user has high incoming and outgoing speeds. Traffic downloading is stable and maintained in a channel up to 50 Mbit per second, as well as in reverse side with speeds up to 15Mbit/s.

Two-way satellite Internet is easily comparable to a leased line, but the only difference is that it is autonomous absolutely everywhere. Such Internet does not require maintenance and is ready to work 24 hours a day.

If you are looking for the best option for connecting the Internet outside the city, in a private house or a cottage, then often the only right solution is satellite Internet. The alternative in the form of 3G, 4G, 4G+ networks is, of course, relevant, but it has its significant drawbacks, which we will discuss below.

Bringing the Internet to a private home is not difficult. You just need to make one call and our managers will select the set of equipment you need. Wireless Internet at the dacha is implemented using a satellite transceiver dish and WiFi network equipment. We assure you that you will receive the fastest suburban Internet that currently exists.

Two-way satellite Internet is popular not only among private users. There is a huge demand for legal entities and government customers. Modern business is rapidly expanding beyond the boundaries of megacities. Warehouses, offices, construction and other activities are often carried out far from communications. And then the best option for connecting to the Internet outside the city becomes the Internet through a dish. You can connect dozens of computers or a video surveillance system for an object to one satellite station. At the same time, prices for satellite Internet for organizations do not differ much from the costs of individuals. In our company you can always find the optimal solution for your business.

The difference between 3G/4G networks and satellite Internet?

Our company provides communication services both via mobile 3G/4G Internet and via satellite communication channel, using small VSAT terminals. Mobile Internet in 3G/4G format - today it is more accessible internet from a price point of view. We are ready to provide you with completely unlimited 3G/4G Internet from 1,490 rubles per month. You will not be able to find a similar offer on the market, since the three mobile operators provide only package offers for traffic, or with conditionally unlimited access.The main disadvantage of the mobile Internet is that it often this is a lack of stability and a significant dependence on the base station loads. It is not uncommon to notice more high speed data transmission at night and in the morning, but at the same time there are noticeable peak loads during the day and evening. In turn, the satellite’s capacity is carefully calculated and reserved for a specific subscriber base. If a satellite is overloaded, as a rule, new subscribers are assigned to new satellites. Therefore, regardless of the time of day and the weather outside, satellite Internet is the best wireless Internet in a country house.

Why is satellite Internet reliable and stable?

Just look at the short list of advantages of satellite Internet:

  • high incoming speed up to 50Mbit/s;
  • high outgoing speed up to 15 Mbit/s;
  • works anywhere in the world;
  • has completely unlimited tariffs;
  • free satellite internet at night;
  • traffic packages from 100 rubles per 1GB;
  • stability and reliability 24/7;
  • organization shared access SKD;
  • transmission of voice traffic VoIP telephony;
  • remote video surveillance and video conferencing;
  • installation on moving objects (cars, yachts, ships).

All of the listed characteristics distinguish satellite Internet from any other types of wireless communications. Wherever you want to connect the Internet (to a country house, cottage or country house), satellite is often the only right solution. And if in your area there is a 3G or 4G signal with base stations, then we will provide you with real unlimited Internet without hidden conditions and pitfalls. Sky-One Satellite is a universal wireless carrier.

How to connect the Internet to a private house? What is the best way to get Internet into a cottage? How to connect satellite Internet to your dacha? All these questions will be answered by the specialists of our company, call us right now and we will find the best option suburban Internet for you!

Our company offers to connect satellite TV and the Internet to a private house in any village in the Moscow region. The advantage of this connection is the availability of the signal anywhere. Regardless of the location of base stations, the presence of various obstacles and the location of sources of industrial interference.

Thanks to the reliable operation of the equipment installed by our specialists, you will have the opportunity to watch hundreds of TV channels in your home and be constantly online. Unfortunately, such an Internet has some disadvantages, which we always warn our clients about.

  • Absence completely unlimited tariffs.
  • Low data reception/transmission speed.
  • Long signal delay time.
  • Deterioration of performance, including television, in inclement weather.
  • Relatively high cost of equipment and installation work.
  • Expensive tariff plans on a connection limited in traffic and speed.

So that the Internet and TV in a private home can be used more comfortably and profitably, we usually offer clients to install a kit wireless equipment. This is much cheaper and provides residents with more options.

  • Provide online television and internet to a private home based on wireless technologies much easier and faster.
  • Thanks to unlimited tariffs and high speed, you can watch more than a thousand TV channels in excellent quality.
  • Low signal delay makes it possible to play any online games.
  • One connection can be used both inside the building and outside the house.
  • All family members (and even guests) can be on the Internet at the same time without interfering with each other.

If you want to connect to high-quality television, then online TV based on 4G technology will be the best choice.

  • It is possible to watch TV shows in any quality, including 4K and 3D format.
  • You can “rewind” the TV broadcast, watch it later, or use the archive.
  • In addition to television programs on the Internet (for example, on YouTube), there are a huge number of videos (including the most interesting television programs).
  • You will also be able to watch the vast majority of TV channels and videos directly online, including terrestrial TV (at the same time, you can connect additional services for a nominal fee).

You can take advantage of all these benefits if you contact our company. To do this, just call the phone number indicated on the website and set a time convenient for you.

Satellite Internet and television are gaining more and more popularity among ordinary people. For residents of private homes, this is sometimes the only way to get high-quality, uninterrupted TV and Internet. Many providers offer satellite Internet and television services; of them, the most proven and reliable is the MTS company.

The main advantages of satellite Internet and television

Choosing between cable and satellite? Here are 10 reasons in favor of satellite services to help you make your choice:

    Unlimited broadcasting. Thanks to the satellite signal, it is possible to cover up to 100% of the country's territory. Analog or digital (cable) terrestrial television broadcasting does not achieve such coverage, especially private sector and mountainous areas. The satellite antenna receives a stable signal even in hard-to-reach areas, and the costs for satellite television broadcasting and the Internet will be much lower than when laying a terrestrial cable route.

    High quality picture and sound. Analogue TV channels have always had problems with image quality. With the gradual transition of television broadcasting to digital format, it was possible to improve the situation a little, but in the private sector and hard-to-reach regions it is almost impossible to connect digital TV and stable internet. The only way out is a satellite dish. Satellite TV can broadcast not only without interference, but also in modern format High Definition 1080i (16:9). Moreover, many TV channels use Dolby Digital audio tracks, which provide surround digital sound.

    High Definition 1080i (16:9) resolution suitable for modern widescreen TVs

    Number of TV channels. A satellite dish can receive signals from hundreds of different channels in Russian from the federal, regional or local broadcast network. The selection is impressive.

    Change the language of the audio track. With a satellite dish, you can access not only Russian-language TV channels, but also channels from other countries that use similar broadcast technology. Unlike cable providers, there are no restrictions. This option is popular among those who are forced to live abroad, but want to watch their favorite channels and programs in Russian. It is also used by people studying foreign language, after all, the most quick way learning - being in a language environment. Already today, many popular TV channels (for example, EuroNews) broadcast at least two audio tracks.

    Satellite hunting (DXing). In English terminology, DX is short for distant (“distant”), and DX-man is an adventurous viewer who constantly catches signals from the most exotic TV channels from all available satellites. Satellite broadcasting can become a hobby and even a profession.

    The relay satellite transmits a digital signal from the antenna to media devices

    Thematic variety. There are channels completely dedicated to one area, for example, films, music, documentaries, sports, travel. Now only satellite television offers the most thematic channels for a wide variety of viewers. One of the interesting features of satellite TV is the ability to compose own package

    broadcasting. You have the right to refuse unwanted or unnecessary channels and leave only interesting ones.

    Additional functions. The choice of options depends on the technical capabilities of the digital receiver. This can be a program guide (EPG), rewinding programs (time shift), recording programs on a hard drive, teletext, games, real-time weather information, Internet radio, parental controls to protect children from inappropriate content.

    Satellite Internet (WebTV). This is an integrated “television = Internet” system, where one complements the other. Otherwise, satellite Internet is no different from cable Internet. This connection is not inferior in speed to fiber optic, and sometimes even surpasses it.

    Radio stations from anywhere on the planet. Music connoisseurs will appreciate the many paid and free radio stations dedicated to various genres: rap, rock, folk, jazz, classical.

Price. Yes, connecting and setting up satellite equipment is expensive entertainment. On the other hand, it will be cheaper to connect satellite services than to buy an average TV, and you can install and configure the equipment yourself.

Coverage area

MTS receives and transmits the signal using the ABS-2 device, which hovers in space (75° east longitude) and covers more than 95% of the territory of Russia.

How can I find out about connectivity? The map shows in red the gradation of the strength of the incoming satellite signal - the more intense the color, the more stable the reception. In those areas where the color is weaker, it is recommended to use satellite dishes of the largest diameter when connecting.

The brighter the color, the stronger the signal in the designated area

  1. How to check the ability to connect satellite Internet and TV using the online assistant?
  2. Enter the address of your private home and click the “Start” button.
  3. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to keep the satellite signal in the green zone.
  4. After completion, a notification will appear asking whether it is possible to connect satellite Internet and TV.

Tariff selection

Periodically, MTS launches special promotions and offers discounts.

You can find out about the possibilities of connecting the Internet to a private home from the Rostelecom provider in our article:

Necessary equipment

To transmit a satellite television signal from MTS, you usually need a satellite dish with a bracket, a cable, a converter, a CAM module, a SMART card and a receiver. There are several configurations depending on the availability of individual components.

Table: options for kits for connecting satellite TV and the Internet

The set without a set-top box is suitable for users of modern digital TVs equipped with a DVB-S2 receiver with a built-in CI+ connector. Such receivers are usually included with TVs released after 2012. However, not all CI+ connectors support DVB-S2 broadcast standards, so it is better to consult a specialist.

HD set-top box

An HD set-top box (satellite television receiver) converts the digital signal received from satellite dish. Thanks to the set-top box, a high-quality picture is displayed on the TV. In addition, the receiver has many additional functions: time shift, recording to disk, parental controls.

The appearance of the set-top box may vary depending on the model and operator

CAM module is a device into which a SMART card is inserted. The module can work independently without an HD set-top box; at the same time, it is much more convenient to use, because it just needs to be installed in a special connector on the TV. The CAM module is not capable of providing additional functions that the HD set-top box has. A SMART card is required to activate satellite Internet and TV from MTS.

CAM modules and SMART cards from MTS are made in the company’s corporate colors


Installed as an integral part of the satellite dish. Together they receive the satellite signal and then transmit it to the HD set-top box. It is the converter that is the main tool for receiving and transmitting a signal, and a satellite dish is just a mirror that concentrates the digital signal at the location of the converter.

Main functions of the converter:

  • reception of a digital signal from a satellite dish with subsequent amplification (the initial digital signal reflected by the satellite dish is relatively weak for transmission to an HD set-top box);
  • converting a digital signal to the required frequency;
  • transmitting a stable signal to the receiver.

The converter is always located at the other end of the bracket

Satellite antenna

There are many types of antennas. They can be made of steel, aluminum, plastic, and produced in various forms. Which antenna to choose?

Offset and direct focus

The main difference is where the beam of the received digital signal is focused. For direct-focus antennas, this beam is directed perpendicularly upward, directly at the satellite. With an offset antenna, the focused beam is shifted to the side. For some climate zones, this beam arrangement is most convenient because snow or rainwater will not collect inside the antenna. In addition, it is easier to find a mounting surface for an offset antenna.

Solid and perforated

Perforation - many small holes. The advantage of a perforated antenna is lower weight and solid windage. This makes it easier to install when it is impossible to hang a rigid mount.

A perforated satellite dish can be easily mounted even on the wooden supports of a private house

Aluminum and steel

A satellite dish can be made of any radio-reflective material. The low-cost option is steel, the optimal option is aluminum. Such antennas are better according to most technical criteria: weight, quality, durability, digital signal reception.

Parabolic and toroidal

A parabolic antenna is the standard for satellite Internet and television reception. Toroidal satellite antennas can connect several converters at once to receive digital signals from two, three or more satellites simultaneously.

Such a toroidal antenna will replace several conventional parabolic antennas

Rotating antennas

Rotary antennas are equipped with a special rotating mechanism and are capable of receiving digital signals from several satellites at once. When switching a channel, a command is sent to the satellite dish to move to the satellite from which the selected TV channel is broadcast.

How to install a satellite dish

Before purchasing equipment, you need to select in advance the optimal location for mounting the antenna. Then follow these steps:

  1. Use a compass to determine the north direction your antenna will be pointing.
  2. Make sure the surface is level and can be used to mount the bracket.
  3. Install the bracket and place the satellite dish on it. It is mounted perpendicularly upward.
  4. Connect the cable to the F connectors.

Video: instructions from MTS for installing satellite equipment

Setting up a satellite dish to receive a digital signal

The larger the diameter of the satellite dish, the better it receives the digital signal, but the coverage area matters. According to a special map of the signal coverage area from MTS, the more intense the red color, the smaller the diameter the antenna can be installed. Therefore, when purchasing equipment, always consider the coverage area in which your home is located. In a stable signal area, a 0.6 m antenna is sufficient; where it is less stable - 0.9–1.2 m. If you plan to receive a signal from several satellites with one antenna, then its minimum diameter should be 0.9 m.

How to set up a satellite dish from MTS? Tuning of any satellite antenna is carried out according to the main criteria: rotation of the antenna, its tilt and rotation of the converter.

Video: setting up a satellite dish signal from MTS

How to set up satellite Internet and television equipment from MTS and create a connection on a computer

Let's consider the issue of connecting each equipment separately.

HD set-top boxes DCD 4404 from MTS

  1. Unplug your TV.
  2. Insert a SMART card into the HD set-top box.
  3. Connect your TV to the network.
  4. The front panel of the HD set-top box will light up green indicator. If the indicator is not lit, check whether the “Power” button on the set-top box is turned on.
  5. Turn on the TV.
  6. Switch the TV to AV/HDMI signal reception mode.
  7. The “Initial installation” menu will appear on the TV screen, where you need to set the settings for language, image, satellite itself, LNB.
  8. To start searching for TV channels, press on the remote control remote control up/down buttons, select Search and press OK.
  9. After the channel search is completed, the receiver will exit the menu and begin broadcasting the first channel found. To stop searching for channels, press the "Exit" button on the remote control.

Video: instructions for setting up an HD set-top box from MTS

CAM module

How to connect to satellite television without using an HD set-top box, but only using the CAM module?

To start watching Home Digital MTS TV, switch the TV to the DVB-C cable signal reception mode and configure according to these parameters:

  • search type - “Network” or “Quick”;
  • signal frequency - 298000KHz;
  • modulation - QAM64;
  • symbol rate - 6875Kps.

Video: setting up the CAM module from MTS using the example of a Samsung TV

Connecting to a computer using a cable or via Wi-Fi

  1. Connect the router to your computer.
  2. From the Start menu or Settings Panel, select Network and Internet.
  3. In the window that opens, select the “Network and Sharing Center” section.

    All settings are located in the same path, regardless of the Windows version

  4. Select "Connect via local network" if you are using a cable, or "Connecting via wireless network"if you are using wi-fi. In the window that opens, select “Internet Protocol Version 4”, click “Properties” - “Obtain an IP address automatically”, save.

    Select "Internet Protocol Version 4", addresses should be obtained automatically

  5. Open any browser and enter in the address bar. After this, an authorization window will appear where you must enter the login and password “admin”.

    If you enter a different username and password, nothing will happen

  6. The router menu will appear. In the “Internet Settings” section, go to the “WAN” tab, enter the host name, check the box next to “Automatically obtain DNS addresses” and click “Apply”.

    The host name can be absolutely anything, addresses should be obtained automatically

  7. Reboot your device.

Video: all methods of connecting satellite Internet from MTS on a computer

Today, satellite television and the Internet are not just a high-quality alternative to cable services. Sometimes this is the only way to enjoy your favorite programs or work on the Internet, for example, for owners of private houses. Prices for satellite equipment have long become affordable, and the quality of television and Internet is improving every year. Thanks to the wide coverage area, every resident of our country can connect and set up satellite TV or the Internet.

We are like your provider, we only work

Satellite Internet

The operation of a two-way satellite in synchronous mode provides data output and reception. Data from the user is transferred to him and then to the provider, after which there is a transfer to the server. The exchange is carried out at microwave frequencies in the Ku band. Such stations are also called VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal). Currently, they are widely used on ships, airplanes and cars. However, satellite Internet to a private home, the price of which will not fully correspond to the speed provided, raises questions. Our company is well versed in its business, we insist that installation wireless connection is a more rational option.

Strengths and weaknesses of this choice

Two-way satellite Internet, like everything in our world, has pros and cons. First, let's look at its disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • low signal level;
  • bad weather may increase delay times;
  • The total response time is 0.8 seconds - this is great for TV and radio, but not enough for games.

As you can see, for certain purposes this is a completely rational solution. But it also has advantages:

  • continuous communication;
  • does not depend on cable lines, which one way or another require maintenance and repair work;
  • no need for inter-satellite communication;
  • covering a large surface with just two satellites.

Alternative offer

With wireless Internet, you will not depend on the weather and overpay for not the highest speed. Installing the equipment and the entire kit will also not take much time. This process, like everything ingenious in this world, it is simple. You're only a few steps away simple steps, in several stages:

  1. Leave a request on the website or your mobile number, we will call you back within a minute.
  2. A specialist communicates, advises, selects the tariffs and technologies you need.
  3. On the same day, an engineer and a group of craftsmen arrive at the site. A signal test is carried out, everything is installed, installation is done, and you are connected to the network.

Stages of work

1. Signal test Specialists come to you and measure the signal level.

2. Equipment installation Outside the house, without damaging the finish, an antenna is installed and directed to the tower, and a cable is laid into the house.

3. Network setup A router is installed in the house and WI-FI is set up.

Connect to the Internet with us quickly and inexpensively

We have been providing services for a long time in this segment. Over the years, we have acquired everything necessary to give our clients high speed internet at a reasonable price, which includes tricolor service and TV. Our team works for you. We value our reputation, so even a banal call center works around the clock. Polite staff will help you solve any problem within a couple of minutes. With us, you won’t have to call for weeks to restore access if it is lost. We use original equipment, highly qualified specialists on staff, and affordable prices. Join the leadership team too.

What guarantees do we provide?

  • Checking operation before installation Before installation, the engineer demonstrates to you how the Internet works at your address. You are not getting a “pig in a poke”.
  • A test week is provided to you test period 7 days: during this time you can check the work and the Internet, if you don’t like it, return the equipment and return the money.
  • Lifetime service The equipment warranty under the contract is 1 year. In the future, you can always use post-warranty service; we have the most inexpensive prices.
  • Flexibility of the solution If the service of one of the cellular operators at your address deteriorates, you can always replace it with another.

Variety of tariff packages

We don’t pose a fact like our competitors do. We have a convenient range of tariffs in our arsenal, where you can get the desired product at a reasonable price. Also, only with us:

  • connection in just a day;
  • test period, where you can get acquainted with the speed/quality for free (from the MTS operator);
  • excellent service;
  • high, uninterrupted speed.

We rightfully have the status of a leader in this area. If you were looking for a great supplier two-way internet services - your search has been successful. As you can see, our line of packages is a profitable monetary investment.

Great coverage

Ordering our services opens up access to the network not only in Moscow, but also in the region and in sparsely populated areas. With us, satellite Internet for the dacha is a daily routine that we have been successfully performing for many years. Villages, dacha cooperatives, country houses- all this, and not only, is possible only with us. We do everything at a professional level, with a guarantee of quality and low prices. Leave a request on the website and place an order.

Satellite TV is practically a necessity today. TV set-top boxes are no longer everywhere, and the houses around are literally covered with dishes from all possible sides. But this is not surprising; large cities are now quite difficult to imagine without the Internet and satellite television in every home. But only over time, people are increasingly moving to private houses outside the city and without such incredible amenities. Is this true though? It is quite possible to bring satellite TV and Internet to a private home over any distance - today we will talk about this.

Indeed, today it is very difficult to even imagine life without a TV and the Internet at hand, because wherever you go, there is always something waiting for you. open network and a huge screen. In a city, especially a city with over a million people, this will never be a problem, but what if you shift the focus to country life.

I think many residents of country houses have thought more than once about bringing the Internet or satellite TV to their home. And it still begins with the stage installation work, since laying all the necessary networks and cables is very, very difficult. With design errors, it is almost impossible to correctly install a satellite and a connection with the outside world.

Therefore, the desire to connect the Internet with satellite television usually causes more problems than pleasure. Many, in search of a better option, completely abandon such conveniences simply because of the complexity of installation or configuration.

There is an alternative

It is precisely because of such cases that many alternatives have arisen, which we will talk about today. The Internet, for example, can be connected in completely different ways, but satellite television is a completely different conversation involving questions about equipment.


If a private house is located too far from the city limits in places where things are not yet populated, there are only a few options for bringing the Internet to a private house: satellite Internet, 3G/4G Internet from a cellular operator, Internet via Wi-Fi or via radio.

Now we will analyze each of the options more similarly, so that it is clearer which one to choose if necessary.

  • Satellite Internet is organized with the installation of a satellite dish and a charming modem. The reception itself occurs with the help satellite channel, which is caught by the plate.
    • The advantages of this option are the ability to connect anywhere in the Russian Federation, even without the presence of other types of communication, as well as the ability to connect a static IP, which has many advantages.
    • The disadvantages here are: high price of equipment and installation; mandatory subscription fee; rather low speed; high latency and unstable connection.
  • LTE Internet, which is connected through the installation and configuration of an external 3G/4G antenna or other equipment. The traffic reception itself is carried out via cellular communications.
    • The advantages here are: very good reception speed; incredibly low cost of equipment; available tariff plans.
    • And among the disadvantages here: connection only if there is an operator cellular communications; no unlimited tariffs at all.
  • Internet via Wi-Fi or radio is an option without many disadvantages. There are no traffic restrictions, and the cost of equipment and subscription fees does not exceed city operators. Only this connection option is not always available.

Satellite TV

With satellite television, everything is basically very similar to the Internet. Due to the remoteness of the site from the city and networks, all that can be expected without effort is cable outside the city. That is why you have to get out as best you can. Possible options: everything is also analog or digital; IP TV; broadcast television; satellite.

Well, of course, of all the above, only satellite is suitable, because installing the rest with the Internet makes little sense. Although there is, of course, broadcasting, which is better than cable. In any case, now let’s look at this in more detail.

  • Terrestrial TV with channel reception almost anywhere throughout the territory Russian Federation. Provides about 10-20 channels per good quality. But this quantity may change mainly due to the capabilities of the transmitting station. But in this option, the location of the house into which the TV will be installed is very important, because the success of the entire enterprise will depend on this.
  • Satellite TV is the best option, since reception is also available throughout the country. The most important thing here is to install it correctly, making sure that the wall, namely the installation location, is not blocked by any objects from the sky. After all, the quality of reception, and therefore the picture, depends on the purity of the signal. Today, satellite television is provided by NTV-Plus, Tricolor TV, Orion Express and MTS, of course.
    • The NTV-Plus and Tricolor satellites are aimed at parts of central Russia and the south. The signal is quite stable and always breaks the horizon line, so in principle you can install antennas from these operators in any country house.
    • But MTS and Orion Express go to the European part and southeast. The signal is certainly good, but due to the location of the satellite there are much more requirements for installing the dish.
  • There are also combined systems for TV reception in country houses. They include both satellite TV and terrestrial TV, so they are quite complicated to design, install and configure. When choosing this option, it is better to completely trust the professionals.

Here it is very important that the signal distributes correctly and evenly throughout all rooms. Therefore, the layout of the house is almost the most important thing in choosing a satellite and conducting networks.

Satellite Internet

Now that we have sorted everything out, it becomes quite clear that there is one simply incredible option - satellite Internet. In essence, this is the Internet plus TV at very reasonable prices and with good capabilities.

Moreover, when we are talking about a country house, it is necessary to consider the most affordable options that would satisfy the needs much more easily than others. Just such satellite Internet can be connected via satellite TV, which kills two birds with one stone.

Therefore, you don’t even have to be afraid when choosing this system connections, because by 2018, well-known providers of two-way satellite Internet had already appeared.

Two-way satellite Internet outside the city

Today, two-way satellite Internet can be connected via a special antenna from Tricolor TV. In principle, the provider is quite well-known and has a certain credibility due to the quality of its service.

It all started back in 2016, when this same operator Tricolor TV introduced a hitherto unused two-way satellite Internet service. This set of equipment is still being supplied in 2018. Moreover, now the service has already been debugged, configured and should work uninterruptedly with all five stars.

Advantages of high-speed satellite Internet

The most important advantage this decision is the feasibility of connection anywhere in the country, be it the Urals or Western Siberia. In fact, satellites cover 80% of the territory of Russia, and by this we mean all large and small towns. So in a house that is located half an hour away from the city, problems with the Internet should not arise.

The only difference from the city Internet is that the speed will not be wildly high, but still stable. On average, you can expect about 40 Mbits for incoming traffic and 12 Mbits for outgoing traffic. Therefore, in principle, coupled with a decent selection of channels on TV, it won’t be boring.

Summing up, we can safely say that satellite TV and the Internet outside the city are not a myth or a miracle, but only a matter of one’s own efforts. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about the house “separated from civilization.”

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