Download a school project for a first grader about homework. How to create a children's project (from experience in creating projects for junior schoolchildren)

Chercher 08.01.2020

Development of a project for a primary school teacher

GBOU gymnasium No. 105 Vovnyanko I.B.

Changes taking place in modern society require the development of new ways of education, pedagogical technologies aimed at individual development personality, creative initiation, skill development independent work, the formation in students of a universal ability to pose and solve problems to resolve problems that arise in life, both in fact of self-determination and in everyday life. The most important thing is to develop in children the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions made and plan actions, interact in groups, and also be open to incoming new information.

A project is a set of actions prepared and organized by the teacher, independently carried out by students (work along the proposed path), culminating in the creation of a creative product.

The project method is a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow you to solve a particular problem as a result independent actions students with mandatory presentation of these results.

The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and the ability to navigate information space, development of critical thinking. The results of completed projects must be real and logically constructed.

The project method is used when any research, creative task arises in the educational process, the solution of which requires integrated knowledge and a little research in the proposed area.

Any project is implemented in several stages, and during lessons children are offered a topic for self-study and further demonstration of the result.

In 2015-2016 academic year First graders worked on many projects. For example: “Living ABC”, “Museum: City of Letters”, “My Class, My School”, “My Pets” and others.

The guys really liked the project “Creating a Museum “City of Letters”.” First we discussed the action plan. And then the guys were given a task.
1. Choose a letter;

2. Give the letter a character (cheerful, sad, naive, stupid, etc.);

3. Choose the material from which you will make the letter (wire, dough, cardboard, wool, plasticine);

4. Create a portrait of your letter;

5. Come up with a text for a tour of the “City of Letters” museum. Tell us about your letter - how it appeared in the museum, what it is made of, who it represents.

The project was a success! See for yourself! There are just a few letters in our museum.



in 1st grade


Myshkina O. A.

Primary teacher


MBOU secondary school No. 30

Them. S. A. Zheleznova

G . Smolensk

2013 - 2014 academic year Gg.

" For a person to be well-fed for one day, give him one fish, two days - two fish, for the rest of his life - teach him to fish ".

Japanese wisdom

Any educational project has two aspects:

  • for a student, this is an opportunity for creative activity aimed at solving a problem that is interesting to oneself or a group of children, the results of which can be presented in any independently chosen form;
  • For a teacher, this is an important didactic tool that allows you to influence the child’s development in the course of cognition.

Projects in primary school,

and especially in the 1st - is it difficult?

It's problematic

since children are still too young to design.

But it is still possible!

We won't talk about full-fledged projects,

completed by students independently.

These will be just elements project activities

in its classical sense.

But for kids - first graders

it will be their project.

The main task of any first grader is to find something

unusual in the ordinary, see the complexities and contradictions there,

where to others everything seems familiar and simple.


Introduction to the website of school No. 30, presentations

“Our school for 40 years”, “Our school today”

Problem: “Mom said that school 30 is the best,

so I will go to study here.

I would like to understand why she is the best!”

Project “My School – My Class”

The goal of the project is to obtain initial

knowledge about home school

Planning of project activities







Survey of children

what do children know

about school

Questioning children about



Parent survey,

who studied

at school 30


Completed by students of 1st grade B

and 1 class G

MBOU secondary school No. 30

them. S. A. Zheleznova

Objective of the project:

  • to involve every student in our classes in an active cognitive creative process when creating the “Fun ABC”;
  • learn to present your work, choose tools and materials to implement your creative ideas;


While studying the alphabet of the Russian language, we became interested in learning in more detail about the history of the emergence of the Russian alphabet, the alphabet. We ourselves wanted to pick up riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings, etc. for each letter of the alphabet.

Stage 1 of the work

  • We studied the history of the emergence of the Russian alphabet.
  • How did the word "alphabet" come about?

ABC ( from az before beeches ) – Cyrillic set of letters.

Primer (alphabet) - the first educational book.

Stage 2 of the work

Comparison of ABCs Goretsky V.G. And Nechaeva N.V.

Stage 3 of the work

Invented and made from various materials"face" to each letter. We have selected interesting material for each letter of the alphabet

Stage 4 of the work

Creating our classroom textbook

"Fun ABC".

Textbook "Fun ABC"

Textbook "Fun ABC"

Presentation of the project - celebration

"Farewell to ABC"


“Why are we responsible for those

who was tamed?


1st grade B students

MBOU secondary school No. 30

named after S. A. Zheleznov




A mongrel sits on the asphalt:

There are shreds of fur and sadness in the eyes.

The sun is burning, the poor fellow is thirsty...

But passers-by don’t feel sorry for him...

With this project we want to foster a kind attitude towards homeless animals, awaken humane feelings in children and adults, and make them think about who we call friends and how they live next to us.

Problematic question: Where do homeless animals come from?

Our project goals:

  • find out sources
  • where do stray animals come from?
  • create a reminder for those
  • who wants to adopt a cat or dog;
  • find solutions
  • problems of homeless animals.

  • Animals born on the street.
  • Lost animals.
  • Discarded animals.
  • Improper keeping of animals.

Many people get pets without thinking about the fact that they become part of the family. They require some care. Often, a pet does something wrong and ends up on the street, where it’s cold and hungry.

And we, children, very often do not want to take care of a pet, we are lazy. That's why parents say “No!” to our requests to have a furry friend at home.

Kamilla Alinazarova

There are a lot of homeless animals in our city. They appear because people kick their pets out into the street when they are tired of them or when they cannot cope with them.

If possible, we should try to feed homeless animals and not harm them.

Vladislav Stepanov

Homeless animals appear because people throw their pets onto the street. They have babies and they too become homeless.

Each of us can help the unfortunate animals: feed them, and most importantly, not offend them.

Konstantin Bazylev

I think that stray animals appear on the street because owners throw out or drive their pets out of the house when they become unnecessary, get bored and get in the way.

I believe that parents most often refuse our children’s request to get a dog or cat because we are not ready to constantly care for them. Appearance pet- This is a great responsibility. An animal does not appear in the house for one day or a week. This is a family member!

Alexander Sheporevich

Stray animals appear on the streets of the city because they are thrown out of their homes by unkind people who got the animal and did not think that someone in the family is allergic to animals, someone has small children.

Pets can also get lost.

I don't have a pet yet, but I would like to get a dog. I would play with her, walk her, feed her and do everything a REAL OWNER should do!

Ekaterina Fomchenkova

When people buy small dogs, they think that they will always be so cute. But when the animals grow up, they are thrown out into the street.

We can help homeless animals with food left from our table.

Sometimes our needs do not match the capabilities of parents. And often promising to care for our pet, we shift this work onto the shoulders of the parents.

Anastasia Tumanova

I think the reasons why pets end up on the street are:

  • Family moving to another city;
  • Inability to cope with a dog of an aggressive breed;
  • Allergy in people to animal hair or saliva;
  • Death of the owners;
  • Change financial situation owners;
  • “I’m just TIRED!”

Matvey Makarov

Parents buy small animals for their children. When the animals become big, adults throw them outside for various reasons. After all, animals need to be looked after. Most often, adults have to do this because we children forget our responsibilities. We forget about those we have tamed and for whom we are responsible!

Victoria Borisenkova

The animal world is so diverse... There are so many varieties. Some are predatory, some are domestic, and some are HOMELESS. They walk the streets of cities, villages, towns in search of a small piece of bread. Maybe some of them are looking on the street for an owner or a simple kind person, who will simply come up and stroke them, give them a piece of sausage, and caress them. .. Alas, there are very few such people, so some animals even die from hunger and cold, from the abuse of evil and soulless people.

A homeless animal is such a defenseless creature that needs communication, an owner, and food. And there is no one to help. Poor animals!..

Valid Makhmudov

I believe that homeless animals appear on city streets due to the betrayal of people. Having played enough with a small and funny baby, the owners understand that this is also responsibility and work. Some are not ready for this and throw the animal out into the street. I believe that the biggest help is to find a real and responsible owner!

Anastasia Kulakova

Where do homeless animals come from? Everything is very simple and sad - it is we, the people, who throw them out into the street.

Few people think that the pet we beg from mom and dad needs to be looked after. Remember, we are responsible for those we have tamed. Is not simple words, this is life, these are the rules of kindness and responsibility to those who love you so much, who are waiting for you to return home, who are ready to be with you all your life!

Pavel Petukhovsky

Every day we rush about our business and constantly encounter them. They lie hungry on the asphalt, sit wet at bus stops... It seems to us that there are too many of them - dirty, hungry, ugly. With their appearance they spoil the appearance of the city, but they are NOT TO GUILTY! Remember, they need our help!

Anna Kochneva

Our opinion:

To avoid homeless animals on the streets, we need to become a friend of pets, surround those who live next to us with care, monitor them, guide their upbringing, know their habits and love our pets.

Memo for the future owner (what should you be like, my future owner)

1. I will live only ten years. Any separation from you will cause me suffering. Think about this before you take me.

2. Try to give me time to think about what you demand from me.

3. Don’t be angry with me for a long time and don’t lock me up as punishment! After all, you still have work, entertainment, friends - I only have you.

4. Talk to me. Although I will not be able to fully understand all your words, I understand your voice addressed to me.

5. Remember - I will never forget how I am treated.

6. Take care of me when I get old - after all, you will be old someday.

The eyes of an abandoned dog I dream at night... what should I do? Anyone can hurt her And even just kill .

Let the person be kinder! This is not a whim, this is not a trifle.. Take a close look, people, into the eyes of abandoned dogs!

Eduard Asadov


We are responsible for those

who was tamed!..

First steps in the project activities of first-graders: Belozerova Alla Arkadyevna - laureate of the Moscow Grant competition 2009; curator and developer of organizational documentation for collections; first category teacher; project manager - prize-winners and winners of district, city and All-Russian competitions; leader of one of the best school projects.

Project activities in accordance with new education standards are becoming one of its leading areas.

The implementation of project activities by first-graders has its own age-related features. Children have just started school life; they have not yet developed ideas about the team, cooperation, and educational rules. First-graders do not yet have self-criticism and cannot assess the extent and completeness of their research.

But at the same time, this is the age for laying the foundations of design - research activities. It is very important for children to satisfy their cognitive interest, self-realization, and achieve success.

Therefore, in first grade, the process of children’s participation in design was very important to me. I tried to direct all my attention to developing the ability to see a problem (first form a concept about it), ask questions, the ability to observe, collaborate with friends, draw conclusions and conclusions, work with text, and develop creative imagination.

To do this, in lessons and during extracurricular activities problematic situations were created, dialogues were introduced, that is, types of activities that involved creative initiative, the development of self-esteem, and creative thinking.

Here are examples of some of the tasks and learning situations that were offered to children.

To develop self-esteem: (conversation)

— Do you like school now? What exactly?

- If an alien flew to you and asked: “Who is the student?” How would you explain this to him?

- What kind of student would you like to be?

- Which one didn’t you want?

Tasks on the ability to identify a research problem.(The children really liked this task).

It invited children to look at the world “through someone else’s eyes.” In the beginning there was a story:

The boy Vitya lived in a beautiful house. Next to the house there was a garden in which birds settled. With their singing they woke him up in the morning, chirped, built nests, flew anywhere and everywhere. But Vitya kicked them out of his garden.

The children had to continue the story in two sentences and say it in different ways, imagining themselves as Vitya, a bird, a tree, a house, a caterpillar.

The following task was proposed to develop the ability to put forward hypotheses:

The objects on the board are: orange, mobile phone, bouquet of flowers.

— Under what circumstances might these items be useful?

— Under what circumstances can these same objects be harmful?

The children imagined situations and responded in different ways. They were interested in thinking and answering.

And here is a fragment of one of the lessons from the workbook “Learning to create a project.” ( Lesson No. 9). On it we practiced the skills of putting forward a hypothesis and formulating it.

There is a discussion of the short story “Varya and the Siskin” and the problematic situation that arose there: the girl Varya and the siskin, who is in a cage and does not sing because he is in captivity.

The children first saw the situation on the surface. Varya will release the siskin from the cage, and it will sing and fly away.

And Anya Krasnikova made the assumption that the girl and the bird were friends and could not be separated so easily. The siskin will fly in and circle over the house. He will miss Varya very much, although he will sing.

The following tasks contributed to the development of speech skills, working with words and text:

- Imagine yourself as an apple on a branch. Tell us about your feelings;

- I'll start, and you continue:

Cold is: iceberg, ice, frost...

Winter (summer) is: ...

All this greatly contributed to the success of entering into project activities.

Projects, and we had different ones: group, individual, mini-projects and more voluminous ones, were published in the process of studying a particular topic in class.

Project “My Favorite Toy” " arose as a result of reading and discussions story V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”. Children brought toys to class and read their little stories on the topic: “Why is my toy dear to me.”

The project “My dream house, as I imagine it” arose when we read and discussed the book E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends.” The topic was: “How to find real friends.” At the end of the discussion, the children answered the question:

— Why did such a difficult task as building a house turn out to be attractive and feasible for the heroes of the book?

— How do you imagine your dream home, and what it should be like to live in it easily and joyfully?

The children expressed their idea of ​​such a house in drawings and stories.

Conclusion: there must be friends in it. This is the House of Friendship.

As part of the integration of literary reading and the surrounding world, a creative project"Once this winter."

Shortly before winter holidays I invited the children to compose, or rather continue, a story about snowmen who appeared in the yard of their house. The children took photographs, drew, and wrote stories in which they reflected in fairy-tale form their observations of phenomena occurring in nature in winter.

During the period of learning to read and write The collective project “Living ABC” was prepared. Children created images of letters (each their own) and prepared stories on the theme “Letter’s Birthday.” Then this project was presented at the “Farewell to the ABC” festival.

Within the framework of the surrounding world, several projects about animals have been prepared.

The students were divided into groups, pairs, but there were also individual projects. Everyone was especially captivated by Artyom Nikulichev’s project “Butterflies”.

"What do we know about birds?" This was the name of one collective project, the goal of which was to create an idea of ​​migratory and wintering birds and their most interesting representatives. The children themselves, at their own discretion, prepared and collected the material, and then presented it in the form of drawings, presentations or oral stories.

“Who spends the winter like this?” Some students chose this topic. The kids learned a lot of interesting things about beavers, squirrels, hares, foxes, and bears. Of course, the parents helped, they were actively involved in this process.

In mathematics lessons, during the period of forming ideas about natural numbers and getting to know the decimal system, at the very beginning a problematic situation was created in the form of a question: How did people manage without numbers, as they counted in ancient times, how they measured, as it was in Rus'?

We went on an excursion to the Polytechnic Museum, where we received answers to many questions and learned a lot of interesting things about the history of numbers and figures, measurements. And Polina Lunina prepared and presented the project “From Antiquity to the Present Day; as they counted before, and as it was with the count in Rus'.”

Thus, project activities in the first grade created motivation for study and research activities in the future.

A child comes home from school and reports that in a week the teacher expects a project from him that is ready for submission. What it is? It seems that at the beginning of the year something was said about these projects at a parent-teacher meeting, but then everyone forgot about it amid the current affairs with spelling and division with remainders. And at work there are enough of your own - real - projects, what else is there at school? About what kind of animal this most unknown one is" school project"and how to deal with it, the author of federal textbooks, methodologist told PROParent primary school Olga Uzorova.

Don't panic!

Current school projects envisaged federal standard elementary school - in fact, the reincarnation of “schoolchildren’s reports”, which were prepared by the parents themselves in the lower and middle grades. Since this was in the pre-computer era, they wrote with a pen on paper. Now, electronic boards, projectors and other equipment have appeared in classrooms, which allows you to replace reading on a piece of paper with a story, accompanied by a beautiful illustrative series.

A school project is very similar to research, but it does not require originality or any practical conclusions, explains Olga Uzorova. - It is enough to examine the object from different angles, although if you manage to find out something new, it will be even better.

Ask the teacher

Although student projects have been introduced everywhere and have become mandatory for everyone, no one knows exactly what a student should present. Requirements depend on teachers, school administration, and regional teaching centers. Therefore, in order not to put the child in an awkward position, it is worth agreeing with the teacher on the topic, content and requirements for the design of the project.

Somewhere, a second-grader is expected to have four or five pages of text, and somewhere else, no less than fifteen,” shares Olga Uzorova. - Besides, the teacher must then expose best projects their students for the competition. Because of this, he may ask, for example, to use more video. Or focus on infographics - teachers are usually given hints about which works will be highly rated by the jury at the next stage.

Select a topic

The teacher can suggest it, or you can formulate it yourself. In order not to rack your brains, it’s worth searching on the Internet - they are often posted by active teachers. For example, or. But you can show your imagination yourself. The most important thing is not to get carried away; the project is still a child’s project and, in theory, should be completed by the child himself. Therefore, the problems of quantum mechanics are probably not worth taking on. But let's say, " Best model"paper boat" will do just fine.

Reason for communication

The project is a new genre, few people understand it, much less know how to do it,” Olga Uzorova honestly admits. “That’s why it’s often done like this: mom sits down at the computer, retypes or copies a few pages from a high school textbook or Wikipedia, adds an introduction and conclusion, finds a couple of illustrations and copies them to a flash drive. And the student only has to memorize his short speech. This strategy usually allows you to get good mark, but in fact you should resort to it only as a last resort. By doing this, parents deprive their child of the opportunity to learn to think at least a little independently, and from the early grades they teach them to deceive and pretend to study.

In fact, the whole family's work on a school project is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with the child and do a common cause together. Naturally, the student cannot be left alone with this task. Without methodological and organizational guidance and technical assistance from his parents, he himself is unlikely to be able to do anything. But when preparing a project, the student must be entrusted with a separate area of ​​work, clearly set the task and allow him to take on part of the intellectual work.

Help, but don't scold

If the project involves practical work, it should be entrusted to the student: it is the most interesting. Help prepare an experiment, observation, experiment. But here you need to be prepared for the fact that Murphy’s law will be confirmed: “Any, even the most accurate indication, will be understood exactly the opposite.”

It is very important that parents do not scold the child for failures or mistakes when preparing a project, Olga Uzorova insists. - Otherwise, he may lose motivation for any creative or analytical work forever. Restrain yourself, don’t create problems for yourself in the future.

Don't grumble!

It is clear that in their current form, projects are not the most successful option for assignments for schoolchildren, and besides, tired parents usually have to take the rap for their children, regrets Olga Uzorova. - But, nevertheless, please never say out loud anything that could form in a child or reveal your own negative attitude towards this work. If you want to express your dissatisfaction, do it in the kitchen in the evening. Or switch to a foreign language. Even if the teacher’s formulation of the problem is not very successful, this work can and should be interesting. But she will become like this only under one condition - if the whole family perceives her not as a burden, but as an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.

Children's Championship

Initially, it was assumed that the projects would be primarily carried out by the students themselves. But in reality, it turned out that while some non-lazy and inquisitive schoolchildren are poring over their work, the parents are doing all the work for the rest. It is clear that a person who has become skilled in writing essays, term papers, diplomas and service reports over a long life will produce a much smoother and more “presentable” project than an honest but inexperienced second grader. As a result, those few who do everything honestly find themselves in a losing situation.

This is a vicious practice - this is how children get their first experience of hack work, explains Olga Uzorova. - Therefore, try to make sure that it is exactly student project. It is clear that doing it yourself can be much easier than helping a child, organizing it and explaining all the details. But let’s at least strive to ensure that the project competition is specifically for children.

Each person regularly solves various issues that he considers just small matters and has no idea that this is a real project. And, on the contrary, someone can proudly call some of their ideas and ideas a “project,” although in fact they are not such. Let's understand what a project is so that we can have a clearer understanding of managing every area of ​​our life.

Projects by my student Dmitry Ivanov about his family and the Museum of the Great Patriotic War.



How to do a school project: practical tips

IN modern world people are surrounded by huge amounts of information. And in order to cope with this endless stream, a person must be able to receive information, analyze it, compare facts and draw conclusions. These skills are not innate; they must be learned. And the sooner this training begins, the better. Even in elementary school, you can try to instill research skills in children. After all, most of the learning takes place according to the scheme “heard from the teacher / read - remembered - reproduced in response in class.” And after such a chain, only part of the material remains in the child’s head. But if he himself obtains information, independently studies the issue or problem, puts together all the “building blocks” of the material and draws conclusions, such information will be remembered for a lifetime. In addition, school projects develop children's cognitive interest. The child does not just ask questions, but will try to find the answer on his own.

A school project is a form of research work during which the student independently finds information on the topic of the work, studies it, draws conclusions and presents the material for public viewing in the form of a presentation. The child just needs to be explained how to do a school project.

School projects are of the following types:

Research. Students should not just learn about the main topic of the work, but conduct research. This could be repeating experiments by scientists working on a given problem, or setting up new ones to confirm the theory.

Informational. In them, students are limited to searching and analyzing information and drawing their own conclusions.

Creative. Such projects are suitable for elementary school students. In them research“diluted” with creativity. The project may involve modeling (for example, models of cars and roads on the theme “The Appearance of the First Car”), costume making (for example, on the topic “Balls in 18th Century France”), or whatever else the little hands of talented students can do.

Practical. If the topic is closely related to everyday life (for example, “How computers help humanity”), students should focus most of their attention on the practical part of the work. It is necessary to tie the topic to the life of each listener, give examples, photographs, and act out a scene.

According to the number of participants in the project, they are divided into personal, pair and group. Here the teacher must think for himself and decide how best to complete the project. If there are a lot of topics, they are not voluminous and more informational, it is better to choose a personal type of project. But if the work is large, there is a lot of information on it, you will need to make costumes or conduct an experiment, then it is better to divide the class into groups.

Based on the same criteria, project deadlines are selected. After all, even an adult cannot figure out how to complete a school project in one day. On the other hand, the project should not be extended over months....

To register the project you will need his passport, it’s something like title page work.

It should be written on it:

Project name;

project Manager;

science or academic disciplines, close to the topic of the project;

composition of the project team;

project type;

objective of the project;

necessary equipment;

brief description of the project;

school project plan.

It is better to prepare the project passport on a large sheet of paper, in several copies, and distribute it before the presentation.

The stages of a school project are: problem analysis.

After receiving from the teacher (or after independently choosing) the topic of the work, the student must describe what the question posed is, how important it is, whether other students have problems understanding the topic of the work and whether he can help them. goal setting.

Purpose project work usually is the study of information on the main topic. But there may be additional goals, such as confirming a theory with an experiment, searching for different points of view on a problem, refuting a theory, and others. choice of means of achievement. Usually depends on the purpose. If this is just studying information, then sources are selected; it would be good not to limit yourself to the Internet alone, adding newspapers and magazines, books not published on the Internet. If an additional goal is an experiment (visual confirmation), you need to develop a plan for its implementation, select equipment and materials for the work. search and processing of information. The most interesting stage. Scattered pieces of materials on the main topic need to be put together, facts confirmed with quotes and photographs. If a controversial issue arises, all possible opinions and thoughts of experts and researchers should be provided. assessment of the obtained results and conclusions. After all the work done, it is worth taking a critical look at yourself and evaluating your work. How useful will it be? How much can an ignorant person learn from it? What new and interesting things did you learn during your work? Before starting work, students must decide whether they are interested in the topic of the project. If not, you need to approach the teacher and ask to change the topic. Because the project is supposed to be fun for students, they will never learn how to work with the material properly or develop research skills if the project turns into something uninteresting and obligatory.

After receiving the topic, you should discuss sources of information among yourself and with the teacher. The work should not turn into simple copying of articles from Wikipedia and Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia. Here again the question of the interestingness of the work arises. Carried away by research, students will even go into the library, into the files of newspapers and magazines. Whereas the “obligation” will be investigated only within the computer network. All information found must be collected together. You need to try to break it down into points. For example, the history of the appearance of the subject of discussion, its qualities and usefulness, positive and negative aspects/qualities, controversial issues And so on. For convenience, information can be enclosed in diagrams, tables, diagrams (if the information is in numbers) - all this will not only help the analysis, but will also become drafts for future presentation. After all the information has been systematized, processed and conclusions drawn, it’s time to write a short report and make visual materials.

If the visual material is an experiment, you should definitely discuss it with the teacher, there is nothing wrong with that. If these are chemical reactions, you need to ask the laboratory assistant to help with the reagents, and let the teacher select the most colorful and spectacular reactions and show how to carry them out correctly. If the experiment is physics, you need to contact your physics teacher for advice and equipment. It is always necessary to conduct an experiment several times; it must be carried out by the same person (or pair), his position being responsible for the material part. The presenter should not pour reagents, and the computer genius who drew the diagrams should not read the report. By the way, this is a very important part of teamwork (if the project is a group one): everyone should have their own role, each participant should make their contribution, both during the work process and during the presentation.


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Slide captions:

Me and my family Pupil of 4th "B" class Dmitry Ivanov Teacher: Ponomareva Oksana Valerievna

I love my family, all members of my family communicate well with each other, peace and harmony reign in my home. They are always healthy, happy, protected, comfortable and happy. I want to talk about her now. I, Dmitry Ivanov, was born on November 24, 2004 in Moscow. I live on Raduzhnaya Street in the Babushkinsky district. I study at school No. 281 in grade 4 “B”.

My love is enough for all members of my family. With my love, I create a calm, happy, harmonious environment in the house where everyone feels good. I show care, participation and understanding towards each member of my family, and they pay me the same. My mother is affectionate, kind and very beautiful! Her name is Anna Alexandrovna. She works at the Business Center, doing commercial real estate. I try to help my mother in everything and not upset her, because she has an important and responsible job.

My dad Evgeniy Vladimirovich is a courageous and fair man. He works as an engineer. We always have fun with him: we walk, go to the movies, play computer games.

Another main member of my family is my beloved grandmother. Her name is Lyudmila Alexandrovna. She previously worked in a restaurant as a chef. Now she is retired and we spend a lot of time with her. I go to visit her, there we go for walks in the park, and in winter to the skating rink. During the summer holidays, my grandmother and I are at the dacha. There I help her in the garden. I have many friends at the dacha. My friends and I play and ride bicycles.

I have a pet - my cat Sam. Breed: Scottish Fold. He is 10 months old. I take care of my pet. I love taking care of my family, it brings me great pleasure. We support each other and help each other. My family is strong, reliable, we are all friends and will always remain so. My family is my reliable rear, my protection, my fortress, where I always feel safe, peace and harmony.


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