Download presentation raster and vector animation. “Raster and vector animation” Animation in presentations

Litigation 09.12.2021

MOBU Baikibashevskaya secondary school

Computer science lesson notes

9th grade

Raster and vector animation

Teacher Samigullina D.M.


Lesson objectives: IEducational : students must master concepts and judgments: animation,GIF-animation,FLESH-animation

IIEducational: students must acquire skills and abilities

Play animation definition;

DifferGIF- AndFLESH-animation;

Create animation in presentations;

IIIEducational: education of information culture.

IVCorrective : performing exercises for tired arms and hands.

Lesson type: combined.


Computer, textbook Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science and ICT for grade 9 - M.: BINOM, 2014, presentation

Lesson Plan

    Organizational moment(1 min)

    Warm-up (2 min)

    Updating knowledge (2 min)

    Learning new material: (16 min)

    Physical education session (2 min)

    Practical work (15 min)

    Summing up the lesson, homework(2 minutes)

During the classes

    Organizing time. Mutual greeting.

    Warm up. On a piece of paper, perform a comic task “Draw it yourself” (with your eyes closed, draw a model of the Earth - a Globe).

    Updating knowledge.

    • What is a graphics editor used for?

      Show the basic tools for drawing primitives in raster (using an examplePaintorGIMP) and vector (using the example of OpenOffice.orgDraw) editors.

    Learning new material.

The vast majority of people have an idea about animation. Probably, many will immediately present some kind of animated film (something like “Shrek” or “Winnie the Pooh”).

The words "animation" and "cartoon" mean the same thing. In many countries, animation is called animation. It's hard to say why this happened. In Latin, the word "multiplikato" means multiplication. It’s clear why they used it when coming up with titles for films in which you need to repeat it many times, i.e. multiply drawings to make the characters on the screen move. And the word “animation” is derived from the Latin “anima” - animation. This means that everything depicted in the movie looks like real, alive, animate.

It turns out that both names are suitable, so people use both at the moment. In the “Western style” we will use the first option (examples of animation on the slides)

Animation - creating the illusion of objects moving on the monitor screen

1. Animation in the presentation.

Presentation development programs allow you to select one of the types of animation effects that will be implemented during the process of changing slides. For example, when using the effectFade to the left the next slide will appear gradually, overlapping the previous slide from right to left. Animation effects are possible

can also be used when placing objects on slides. For each object, you can choose the most appropriate effect: gradually appear, fly out from the side, turn around to a given size, shrink, flash, rotate.

Animation effects allow you to attract attention when placing long text on a slide: the text can appear in its entirety, word by word, or letter by letter.

1. GIF -animation.

GIF-animation is a sequence of raster images graphic images(frames), which are stored in one raster graphic file in formatGIF. While watching thisGIF-file, raster graphic images appear sequentially on the monitor screen, which creates the illusion of movement. To create a sequence raster images and to convert them intoGIF- animation can be used in multifunctional raster editors or special editorsGIF- animations. While creatingGIF-animation, you can set the delay value for the appearance of each frame; the smaller it is, the better the quality of the animation. In addition, you can set the number of repetitions (from one to infinity) of the sequence of frames stored inGIF-file. A large number of frames leads to better quality animation, but at the same time increases the sizeGIF-file. To reduce its information volume, you can animate only some parts of the image.

2. FLESH -animation.

Flash-animation is based on the use of vector graphics and is a sequence of vector drawings (frames). The frame is constructed using a set of vector graphic objects (straight and arbitrary lines , circles and rectangles), for each of which you can set the size, fill line color and other parameters.

Dignityflash-animation is that there is no need to draw every frame. Enough to draw key frames and set the type of transition between them (free transformation, transformation with rotation, transformation with reflection, etc.). Editorflash-animation will automatically build intermediate frames. If there are a lot of intermediate frames, then the animation turns out smooth, and if there are few, then it’s fast.

    Physical education minute. Place your arms bent at the elbows on the edge of the table. Raise your hands up with your palms facing each other. On the count of one, spread your fingers apart, on the count of two, bring all your fingers together. Repeat the exercise 3 – 4 times.

    Practical work.

Exercise 1 Create an animated motion of the Earth around the Sun in your presentation.

    • Launch MS presentation software Power Point team

      TeamFormat–Markup slide select slide layout –Blank slide

      Enter commandInsert – Drawing From file

      Insert images of the Earth and the Sun onto the slide

      Using the commandFormat – Slide Design select the appropriate oneColor scheme for slide background

Let's create an animated movement of the Earth around the Sun and the rotation of the Earth by specifying animation effects.

    • Enter commandSlide Show - Animation Effects . A dialog box will appearAnimation settings

      Add an effect and enter the commandTravel Paths – Circle . Change the trajectory of the Earth object so that the Sun object is in the center

      Select the Earth object, click on the buttonAdd an effect and enter the commandSelect – Rotate

Let's set up the animation effects so that they start simultaneously and end with the transition to the next slide.

    • In the dialog boxAnimation settings Select the animation effects one by one and enter the command in the context menuEffect Options ... In the dialog box that appears, on the tabTime set animation effect parameters.

      Launch the presentation for execution by the team and observe the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its own axis.

    This concludes our lesson, we announce grades and homework (pp. 37-40, questions on p. 40)

"Raster and vector animation"

Animation in presentations

    Presentation development programs allow you to select one of the types of animation effects that will be implemented during the process of changing slides. For example, when using the effect Fade to the left the next slide will appear gradually, overlapping the previous slide from right to left. Animation effects can also be used when placing objects on slides. For each object, you can choose the most appropriate effect: gradually appear, fly out from the side, expand to a given size, shrink, move along a selected path, flash, rotate, etc. Animation effects allow you to attract attention when placing long text on a slide: the text can appear entirely, in words or even individual letters.

  • There are a large number of computer programs that allow you to create animation. These are Logos, Power Point, Photoshop and many others you already know. All types of animation can be divided into 2 categories: GIF and FLASH.

Creating GIF Animation

  • GIF animation is a sequence of raster graphic images (frames) that are stored in one raster graphic file in the GIF format. To create a sequence of raster images, you can use a regular raster editor, and to turn them into GIF animation, you can use a special GIF animation editor.

  • A large number of frames leads to better animation quality, but also increases the size of the GIF file. To reduce its information volume, you can animate only some parts of the image by using frames of different sizes.

Flash animation

  • is based on the use of vector graphics and is a sequence of vector drawings (frames). The frame is constructed using a set of vector graphic objects (straight and arbitrary lines, circles and rectangles), for each of which you can set the size, type of lines and fill, and other parameters.

  • The advantage of flash animation is that there is no need to draw every frame. It is enough to draw key frames and set the type of transition between them (free transformation, transformation with rotation, transformation with reflection, etc.). Flash animation editor will automatically build intermediate frames. If there are a lot of intermediate frames, then the animation turns out smooth, and if there are few, then it’s fast.

  • For example, to create an animation demonstrating the transformation of a blue square first into a green triangle and then into a red circle, it is enough to draw the above objects in key frames (the first, fourth and seventh); set the type of animation transition between them.

  • While viewing flash animation, vector frames appear sequentially on the monitor screen, which creates the illusion of movement. When creating flash animation, you can set the number of frames per second; the higher it is, the better the quality of the animation.

  • The advantage of flash animation is the small information volume of files, and therefore flash animation is widely used on Web sites on the Internet. To develop flash animation, specialized flash editors are used (for example, Macromedia Flash), which save animation files in a specialized FLA format.

Practical work 1.4

  • Animation (p. 183) tutorial

| 7th grade | Planning lessons for the school year (according to the textbook by N.D. Ugrinovich) |

Lesson 25
Raster and vector animation

§ 3.3. Raster and vector animation

Raster and vector animation

Animation. When working with raster images and vector drawings, animation is widely used, i.e. creating the illusion of objects moving on the monitor screen. Computer animation uses rapid frame changes (as is done in cinema), which the human eye perceives as continuous movement. How large quantity frames change in one second (in cinema, 24 frames change per second), the more complete the illusion of movement arises in a person.

For example, to create a computer animation showing the movement of the Earth around the Sun, it is necessary to create a sequence of frames on which the positions of the Earth in orbit are drawn (Fig. 3.15). To create the illusion of movement, it is necessary to quickly display them sequentially on the monitor screen.

Rice. 3.15. Sequence of frames to create animation

Animation in presentations. Presentation development programs allow you to select one of the types of animation effects that will be implemented during the process of changing slides. For example, when using the Fade Left effect, the next slide will appear gradually, overlapping the previous slide from right to left.

Animation effects can also be used when placing objects on slides. For each object, you can choose the most appropriate effect: gradually appear, fly out from the side, turn around to a given size, shrink, move along a selected path, flash, rotate, etc.

Animation effects allow you to attract attention when placing long text on a slide: the text can appear entirely, word by word, or even individual letters.

GIF animation. GIF animation is a sequence of raster graphic images (frames) that are stored in one raster graphic file in the GIF format. While viewing such a GIF file, raster graphic images appear sequentially on the monitor screen, which creates the illusion of movement.

To create a sequence of raster images and convert them into GIF animation, you can use multifunctional raster editors or special GIF animation editors.

For example, to obtain an animation demonstrating the rotation of the Earth around its axis (Fig. 3.16), you must:

1) in raster graphic editor create a sequence of raster images of its rotation phases;
2) in a GIF animator, assemble an animation from these images.

Rice. 3.16. Sequence of frames in a GIF animation demonstrating the rotation of the Earth

When creating GIF animation, you can set the delay value for the appearance of each frame; the smaller it is, the better the quality of the animation. In addition, you can set the number of repetitions (from one to infinity) of the sequence of frames stored in the GIF file.

A large number of frames leads to better animation quality, but also increases the size of the GIF file. To reduce its information volume, you can animate only some parts of the image.

Flash animation. Flash animation is based on the use of vector graphics and is a sequence of vector drawings (frames). The frame is constructed using a set of vector graphic objects (straight and arbitrary lines, circles and rectangles), for each of which you can set the size, line and fill color, and other parameters.

The advantage of flash animation is that there is no need to draw every frame. It is enough to draw key frames and set the type of transition between them (free transformation, transformation with rotation, transformation with reflection, etc.). The Flash animation editor will automatically build intermediate frames. If there are a lot of intermediate frames, then the animation turns out smooth, and if there are few, then it’s fast.

For example, to create an animation showing a blue square transforming first into a green triangle and then into a red circle * , it is enough (Fig. 3.17):

1) in key frames (first, fourth and seventh) draw the above objects;
2) set the type of animation transition between them.

Rice. 3.17. Sequence of flash animation frames transforming a blue square into a green triangle and a red circle

While viewing flash animation, vector frames appear sequentially on the monitor screen, which creates the illusion of movement. When creating flash animation, you can set the number of frames per second; the larger it is, the better the animation quality.

The advantage of flash animation is the small information volume of files, and therefore flash animation is widely used on Web sites on the Internet. To develop flash animation, specialized flash editors (for example, Adobe Flash) are used, which save animation files in a specialized FLA format.

* In Fig. 3.17 blue, green and red colors are rendered in shades of gray.

Control questions

1. Explain the technology for creating computer animation.

2. What types of animation can be used in presentations?

3. How can I speed up or slow down a GIF animation?

4. What is the difference between key frames and regular flash animation frames?


The word "animation" means "animation".

In our country, this term appeared in the 1980s.

In order for a drawn or three-dimensional character to come to life on the screen, its movement is divided into separate phases and then filmed.

The most famous animator was Walt Disney.

In 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm studio appeared in Moscow.

COMPUTER ANIMATION uses a rapid change of frames, which the human eye perceives as continuous movement. The more frames change in one second, the more complete the illusion of movement appears in a person. This is how it is done in the movies. Here 24 frames change per second.

movement of the earth around the sun



Flash animation is based on the use of vector graphics and is a sequence of vector drawings (frames).

FOR EXAMPLE, to create an animation showing a blue square transforming first into a green triangle and then into a red circle, all you need to do is:

1 .at keyframes (first, fourth and seventh) draw

the above objects;

2. Set the type of animation transition between them.

FRAME 4 key

FRAME 1 key

FRAME 7 key


A n i m a ts i- this is the creation of the illusion of movement of objects on the monitor screen.

GIF – animation is a sequence of raster graphics that are stored in a single raster graphics file in the GIF format.

Flash animation is based on the use of vector graphics and is a sequence of vector drawings (frames).


Advantages of Flash animation:

  • there is no need to draw every frame. The Flash animation editor will automatically build intermediate frames.
  • small information volume of files, and therefore Flash animation is widely used on Web sites on the Internet. Flash editors (for example, Macromedia Flash) save animation files in FLA format.

1. Animation When working with raster images and vector drawings, animation is widely used. Raster and vector animation Animation is the creation of the illusion of movement of objects on the monitor screen. Computer animation uses rapid frame changes (as is done in cinema), which the human eye perceives as continuous movement.

2. Animation in presentations. 1. Presentation development programs allow you to select one of the types of animation effects that will be implemented during the process of changing slides. Raster and vector animation 2. Animation effects can also be used when placing objects on slides. 3. Animation effects allow you to attract attention when placing long text on a slide.

3. Gif animation GIF animation is a sequence of raster graphic images (frames) that are stored in one raster graphic file in the GIF format. Raster and vector animation To create a sequence of raster images and convert them into GIF animation, you can use multifunctional raster editors or special GIF animation editors.

4. Flash animation Flash animation is based on the use of vector graphics and is a sequence of vector drawings (frames). Raster and vector animation When creating flash animation, there is no need to draw each frame. It is enough to draw key frames and set the type of transition between them. The advantage of flash animation is the small information volume of files, and therefore flash animation is widely used on Web sites on the Internet.

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