Scheme based on the results of a geodetic survey of a land plot. Geodetic survey of a land plot

Lending 27.03.2020

Most people after purchasing land plot plans to build on it in the future Vacation home, a trading establishment or a building of a certain functional purpose. What documents are needed for such a transaction? First of all, a plan with the size, location of buildings and communications, both above ground and underground. To draw up such documentation, a topographic survey of the site is carried out, which provides complete information about the features of the area and its

As an exception, they are here because they are usually bought or rented for the subsequent cultivation of various crops and their sale on retail outlets... However, in some cases, even with such land use, it is advisable to make a topographic survey in order to determine the conditional zero point. It is in relation to it that the site will be explored for geographical features, such as ravines, hills, ditches and others.

Topographic survey - what is it?

To obtain accurate site plans or original maps of the area, a certain set of work is carried out, which is called topographic survey. All measurements obtained correspond to the standard and are provided in the form of the generally accepted GOST 22268-76.

There are three types of ground surveys:




For example, horizontal (plan) defines the coordinates of the terrain in relation to the Earth's surface, vertical - the height of these points.

Topographic survey allows you to measure the exact distance of a specific area, its angles, and more. For this work, special tools are used.

Varieties of topographic survey

Based on the scale, the following types of topographic survey exist today:

  • Poderevnaya - is carried out when arranging the landscape, indicating the exact location of growing trees on the site plan.
  • 1: 200 - extra large. It is used in the arrangement of construction sites and allows you to obtain the most accurate dimensions of the various buildings and other elements present on it.
  • 1: 500 - "five hundred". This view is used for drawing up detailed drawings and master plan location of utilities that run along the construction site.
  • 1: 2000 - this scale of topographic survey is used to create plans and schemes settlements(settlements and urban districts) and large industrial enterprises.

Topographic survey types depending on the technological process

Topographic survey can be conditionally divided into types, taking into account the equipment used during these works:

  • theodolite - a ground survey complex, designed to obtain metric data, is performed using rangefinders and theodolite;
  • stereotopographic - characterized by obtaining primary information when using a stereopair;
  • compass topographic survey is carried out by such equipment as rangefinders and compass;
  • beaker - performed with kipregel and beaker;
  • aerial photography - allows you to obtain a photographic image using aircraft;
  • digital - the process of obtaining an optical image, which is subsequently transferred to a specific medium;
  • sonar survey allows you to obtain information about the bottom of various reservoirs, performed by sonar.

The purpose of conducting topographic surveys and geodetic works

Before construction is carried out, geodetic work is mandatory, as well as subsequent shooting. The former are necessary to obtain accurate indicators of distances, heights and angles, to determine the area of ​​the site, its boundaries and geographic coordinates. But professional topographic survey is carried out in order to create maps and diagrams of construction and other sites. With its help, you can build an accurate digital 3D model of the area. Large-scale shooting is most often used. Thanks to her, it became possible to design landscape designs, update general plans and draw up drawings.

The procedure for conducting a topographic survey

If it is necessary to carry out geodetic work on a construction site, then you should know the procedure for carrying out such a procedure in order to competently perform all the necessary preparation. Performing a topographic survey consists of several sequential stages:

  1. Preparatory. Concluding a contract, preparation necessary documentation and the relevant authorities are visited in order to obtain permission to carry out these works.
  2. Field. At this stage, shooting is performed.
  3. The final is the final step, at which a technical report and plan are drawn up, and the work is handed over.

As can be seen from the last stage, the customer, after completing all the necessary manipulations, receives a finished topographic plan and a detailed report. It is important to know that total cost and the quality of the topographic survey completely depends on the features of the relief of the site and its area, therefore it is recommended to order preliminary geodetic services in full. Only in this case, the obtained results of the work will facilitate the subsequent implementation of topographic surveys for specialists.

It has been on the market of geodetic services since 2000. Our specialists will perform high-quality and fast engineering and geodetic surveys for the production of a topographic plan of a land plot of any scale. If you have any questions about the preparation of a technical assignment, or about the price of our services - call us and We will help you find your way.

Topographic survey, which is sometimes called a geofence, is necessary not only for design during the construction of buildings and structures, but also for business case investment in construction, for laying communications, for creating a master plan for the development of the territory, for work on vertical planning.
Engineering and geodetic surveys in construction are a necessary part of pre-design work, and topographic survey for a construction object is equivalent to a birth certificate for a person. As a result of conducting a topographic survey, it is obtained.

What is land surveying?

There are many definitions of this process. But in these definitions the essence of what has been said is often lost, because they appeal to technical terms technical language. Simply put, topographic survey is a combination of field measurements of the terrain and their office processing. As a result of these works, the DTM ( digital model terrain). Depending on the type and scale, the target use of topography is truly diverse.

Why do you need topographic surveying?

The main purpose of topography is to provide initial data about a site for subsequent design for construction or improvement. Initial data refers to the preparation of an engineering and topographic plan with an indication of all communications and significant ground objects. Sometimes used for cadastral purposes when registering and receiving parcels and buildings. A whole whole has been written about all this.

Topographic survey types

Topographic survey of the area during engineering and geodetic surveys is divided into a large number of species. They work with various devices and techniques. Their differences are due to accuracy, scope and relevance of use. Below we will simply list the varieties. You can learn more about them.

theodolite survey

tacheometric survey

side-by-side shooting


terrestrial phototopographic survey

stereotopographic or aerial photography

combined aerial topographic survey

satellite imagery

laser scanning

Extent of topographic survey

One of the most important characteristics of a topographic survey is its scale. The larger scale - themes the relief and the situation at the facility will be displayed in more detail. The most demanded scales are 1: 5000 - 1: 100. Each has its own tolerances and accuracy in determining the location of objects. The pursued goals of the work are also different. If a scale of 1: 100 is used to survey high-precision (high-precision) structures, then a scale of 1: 5000 is more likely to become an overview map of the area. More details on the scales can be found.

The procedure for conducting topographic and geodetic works

Topographic and geodetic works (engineering and geodetic surveys) are divided into three main stages of implementation:

Preparatory stage:

1. Preparation by the Customer of the Terms of Reference for geodetic surveys. It is enough to fill in the data on the object on the application form, and our specialists will already prepare and agree with you the Terms of Reference and contractual documentation for the work. For individuals, the Terms of Reference is not necessary.
2. Obtaining permission (registration) for the production of topographic geodetic works at the local Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. In Moscow, permission is obtained from the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest". For individuals, permission is not obtained.
3. Collecting and analyzing materials and data for a given territory, obtaining data on underground communications passing at the facility, acquiring coordinates and heights of geodetic points.
4. Preparation of a program of topographic and geodetic works, taking into account the requirements of the technical assignment of the Customer. For individuals, the work program is not drawn up.

Field stage:

1. Reconnaissance and survey of the work area
2. Implementation of a complex of topographic and geodetic works (creation of a reference geodetic network, topographic survey, field control of measurements)

Cameral stage:

1. Processing of field materials, assessment of the accuracy of field measurements
2. Creation of a digital terrain model
3. Drawing up a topographic plan, drawing underground communications

4. Coordination of the completeness and correctness of the application of underground communications with the operating organizations and correction of the topographic plan. Individuals usually agree on their own.
5. Submission of 1 copy of the report and topographic plan to the archive local government Architecture or State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest".
6. Submission to the Customer of a technical report on the conducted geodetic surveys at the facility, originals of topographic plans with seals of operating organizations and a digital terrain model in DWG format. Individuals receive only a topographic plan.

Topographic survey result

What does the customer get in the end? Here you should still separate the topographic survey for a legal entity and an individual.

For legal entity As a result of the performed geodetic engineering and survey work, a detailed documentary technical report is formed containing schemes of planned-high-altitude geodetic networks, materials of field measurements, equalization and accuracy assessment, catalogs of coordinates and heights in the required coordinate systems, lines for each point with a description of its type and location on the ground. A copy of the report with the required number of copies of the engineering and topographic plan (with applied underground communications, if necessary) and a digital terrain model in in electronic format(DWG format). Field control and acceptance of materials for geodetic works by the Customer's specialists are mandatory. One copy of the technical report is agreed and submitted to the local authority for architecture and urban planning.

For natural person everything is much simpler. Under natural person we understand the owner of a private land plot, which is the subject of photography. Preparing and approving a report in architecture takes a lot of time and money, which often makes no sense. In fact, the Customer does not need a report - he needs the main "product" - on paper and digital media. This is what landscape designers, gas, water supply and other services require. In addition to the topographic plan itself, a copy from a contractor is often needed. That is, as a result of the topographic survey, you will be given a topographic plan and a certificate.

equipment and further data processing

Preparatory stage

1. Before starting the geodetic survey, the following is necessary: ​​terms of reference for the performance of work, drawn up on the basis of a preliminary office survey of the cartographic material of the survey area (with the application of priority volumes of work performed in a specified period of time). Based on this, the issue of obtaining cartographic material of the optimal scale of -1: 10000 ("DSP") (necessary for the direct drawing of survey objects) is being resolved; a review of the cartographic material at a scale of -1: 100,000 (necessary for preliminary preparation of the quantitative volume of the survey), the layout of the points of the GGS, OMS, OMZ located in the areas of the survey (coinciding with the received map material).

2. A field trip is carried out to determine on the ground the really existing points of the SHS, OMS and OMZ (since the points can be destroyed) and the selection of the most convenient objects for shooting.

3. Before shooting the object, it is necessary to coordinate the point to be placed base station GPS, which is performed as follows (it is optimal to use 3 receivers, which allows you to immediately obtain closed figures):

Receiver # 1 is installed on the point selected for the GPS base

Receiver # 2 is sequentially installed at at least 5 points of the GGS.

Receiver # 1 and # 2 are sequentially installed at the points of the GGS to link these points with each other.

The time spent at each point is 1 hour.

    The requirements for the location of the GPS Base Station are as follows:

At a distance of no more than -20 kilometers from the subject of photography

It is desirable on the roof of the building, taking into account its predominance over adjacent buildings and the absence of tall trees.

The constant presence of one employee to ensure the protection and control of the continuous operation of the GPS base station.


Figure 59 - Installation of a pole with an external antenna andGps-receiver at the filming picket

1 - satellite dish, 2 - milestone, 3 - controller

the procedure for performing geodetic surveyGpsequipment in the field

1. A GPS survey is performed by at least 2 receivers in the WGS-84 coordinate system.

2. The day before departure, plan the time of the survey (since there is a constant time shift of the maximum of satellites) by choosing the time interval with the largest number of satellites or the period of their increase starting from 6 satellites.

3. The GPS base station is installed (centered) at a point with known coordinates (points of the GGS, OMS, OMZ or pre-coordinated during preparatory phase point). To ensure the protection and control of the continuous operation of the GPS base station, the constant presence of one employee is required.

4. Survey of a linear object is carried out using a mobile GPS receiver, in accordance with the instructions for topographic survey.

5. If the line object is underground, then the first surveyor moves along the object with the cable detector and monitors the position of the pipe underground.

6. The second surveyor follows him with a mobile GPS receiver and coordinates the points of exit to the surface of this object (valves, cathodic protection outputs, etc.), points of intersection with this object (roads, railway crossings, rivers, borders (areas , cities, settlements, subcontractors, etc.), forest belts, pipeline turning points, etc. To achieve geodetic accuracy, the points of the GGS, OMS, OMZ, which are located in close proximity to the linear object or at a distance of up to 2 km, must be coordinated from it The time of standing at one point to be shot must be at least 3 minutes.


1. GPS survey data are processed in the Trimble Geomatics Office software (hereinafter TGO) for this from the base and mobile GPS receiver via COM or USB ports, data is downloaded to a personal computer (data transfer via USB is 10 times faster).

2. For the timely detection of random errors (failure in satellite signal reception, signal re-reflection, poor location of satellites (in line), when working in forested areas of the terrain), primary data processing must be performed at the end of the working day on a laptop (for this, the brigade must have at least one person who can work in TGO).

3. GPS survey data are processed in TGO in the WGS-84 coordinate system (sub-meter accuracy is obtained), then these data are equalized (transformed) into SK-42 or SK-63 (which achieves centimeter accuracy) and subsequently the data can be adjusted (transformed) to the local coordinate system (for submission to the Cadastral Chamber). To do this, you need the initial data of the GGS, OMS, OMZ in the coordinate system SK-42 (secret), SK-63 (secret) and the local coordinate system (DSP). The department should have a permanent specialist who will deal with data processing on the territory of the enterprise.

4. For further work (output of graphic material), data from the TGO software product is transferred in the form of an export file or a coordinate catalog to one of the following programs Credo, Map Info, ObjectLand, AutoCad. To work with graphics, you need a separate specialist with the skill of working in these programs.

Geodetic survey of a land plot is work on the ground, which consists in carrying out the required measurements and bringing them in line with.

Where is it applied?

In accordance with the goals, in order to obtain extremely accurate information about the site. Geodetic works (land surveying in the first place) can be used for, as well as - during construction and architectural work.

Only after the geodetic work was carried out during land surveying land plots, it is allowed to carry out the required calculations and agree on the actual location of the memory. Works are based on regulations Federal law 122-FZ, as well as - are based on the standards:

  • SP 11-106-97;
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on the approval of the types of landmarks No. 585 dated 31.12.09;
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Requirements) dated 17.08.

Conducted by specialists of a geodetic company, accompanied by a cadastral engineer, from whom they receive technical task, and to whom the received information is transferred.

When zoning a building territory, geodetic surveying is indispensable for marking buildings and structures, as well as other architectural and urban planning works that provide for the accuracy of planning and designing building zones.

Acquainted with detailed instructions on land surveying you can go to.

Geodetic plan of the land plot

The indicated work is completed by drawing up a geodetic plan... He is an integral part

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