Diagram and dimensions of the birdhouse. DIY birdhouse: diagrams and step-by-step photo instructions

Business 27.04.2020

Birds are indispensable helpers in the fight against harmful insects. But in order to “agree” with the birds to provide all possible assistance, you need to attract them to your site. And for this we will learn the basics of building a birdhouse. By the way, the ability to build such bird houses will also be useful for introducing a child to caring about the world around him. So, if the age and development of motor skills of the baby’s hands allow it, take him as an apprentice. In the article you will find different ideas for making bird houses from wood.

What you can do: birdhouse, titmouse and other houses

Much is known about the benefits of birds on the farm, but some figures are still impressive: during the season, a small starling destroys up to a thousand cockchafer larvae. This allows you to keep root crops safe and sound.

If your main goal is to attract birds to the site, then, depending on the planned result, the birds should be of a specific species. But even if the birdhouse is built simply as a feeder, you must take into account that not only starlings populate hanging apartments. So it’s worth first familiarizing yourself with the types of these dwellings, and at the same time some of the engineering features of their construction.

Dimensions for drawings of wooden houses for different birds

Its shape, size and some other nuances will depend on what birds you are building a house for.

  • Nesting. A house with a vertical wall at the rear, a long roof slope that joins this wall at an angle of 30–40 degrees, and triangular sidewalls, as well as through entrances. Such structures are built no higher than 1–1.5 m from the ground and are intended for pikas.
  • wagtail. This house should be located horizontally at a height of 3–5 m from the ground, since the birds do not fit in a classic birdhouse, the dimensions of the bottom of which range from 14–16 cm, and the walls from 20 to 30 cm.
  • Titmouse. This is a habitat for small birds. Height 30 cm, dimensions 10 x 10 cm, entrance 3–4 cm.
  • Duplyanka. A kind of “tourist” house for different birds, 2 m from the ground, which can be made from a log with two plugs on top, bottom and an entrance hole in the middle. Outer deck diameter - from 15 cm
  • Poluduplyanka. Built for flycatchers. Outwardly it looks like a smaller copy of a birdhouse - 12 x 12 cm and 15 cm high. This house needs to be equipped with a wide rectangular entrance and a sloping roof overhanging it.
  • Birdhouse. It has a square bottom 14 x 14 cm and sides in the shape of a rectangular trapezoid. Moreover, the back board should be higher than the front so that the roof rests on them at an angle. It may also have a gable roof.

Photo gallery: types of wooden houses for different birds

Gable birdhouse Single-pitched birdhouse Titmouse House for small birds Nesting area for owls Nesting area for small birds Duplyanka

Materials and tools

To make a classic birdhouse you need:

  • boards, preferably pine, or a log of suitable width;
  • screws, nails of different sizes;
  • acrylic weather-resistant paints - if you will paint the product;
  • wood putty - fill cracks if necessary.

As for tools, you need:

  • hand hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • drill with a cutter for cutting out a taphole;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • pencil, ruler, protractor, compass.

Safety precautions

When designing a birdhouse, you will have to deal with piercing and cutting objects. So you can’t do without following safety rules.

Let's list the main ones:

  • When deciding on the housing issue for birds, you need to be focused, attentive and not be distracted by extraneous matters.
  • You should work at a comfortable and sturdy table so that you can place all the tools and materials on it.
  • If you decide to trim a tree before marking, do it with glasses so that sawdust does not get into your eyes, and with gloves so that you do not have to remove splinters.
  • After assembly, make sure there are no nicks left in the bird house, otherwise your feathered guests may be injured. For the same purpose, you need to bend or file the protruding ends of nails or screws.

Birdhouses with step-by-step manufacturing descriptions

Let's consider options for bird houses from traditional to original.

The first attempts to build houses for birds were made by the Hindus in the last millennium. Gradually, this innovation moved to Europe, from where it came to Russia through the efforts of Peter I, who appreciated all sorts of funny things.

Classic birdhouse with a gable roof

Materials and tools:

  • 2 rectangular pieces for the sides, 15 cm wide and 22 cm high;
  • 3 parts 19X37 cm for the front and back walls;
  • 2 pieces 15x15 cm as the floor and one part of the roof;
  • pole stick;
  • roof part 15x17 cm;
  • nails, hammer;
  • glue for fixing the pole;
  • drill with an attachment for cutting round holes 5 cm in diameter;
  • ruler, pencil.


  1. We draw out all the details on the board and cut them out.
  2. Don't forget to cut an entrance hole in the middle of the front wall with a diameter of 5 cm at a distance of 19.5 cm from the bottom.
  3. On the front and rear parts we make a 15 cm bevel under the roof with an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. We connect the facade and walls.

    If necessary, we bend the protruding parts of the nails so that they are pressed tightly against the walls and, to seal, treat the joints with hot wax or a special putty for wood.

  5. We attach the roof parts to the back wall and facade, joining them well to each other (it is worth puttingtying the seam). Only so that the roof can be raised and the birdhouse cleaned. To do this, it is better to use self-tapping screws that can be unscrewed and then screwed in again.
  6. We check again to see if there are any protruding nails or screws inside the birdhouse. We fasten the bottom.
  7. We glue the pole.

Attention! The same model can be made with an easily removable bottom. To do this, we fasten it not with screws, but with long wooden “studs”. By the way, the remaining parts can be attached with wood glue.

Birdhouse made of rectangular parts

A simplified variation of the classic birdhouse, which a schoolchild can make on his own, assumes that all the details of the house are cut out in the shape of rectangles.


  1. We cut out the details. Please note that all vertical parts are the same, and the length of the bottom is equal to the width of one vertical part + two board thicknesses, and the length is equal to the width of the facade. The roof has the shape of a square with sides equal to the length of the bottom.
  2. In the front part we cut out a taphole with a diameter of 5 cm and a small hole for the pole.
  3. We connect the vertical parts with nails or self-tapping screws.
  4. Attach the bottom and roof. Glue in a pole stick.
  5. We nail the birdhouse onto a long narrow board, using which we will attach it to the tree.

Video: boy makes a birdhouse with a flat roof with his own hands

The original version without a diagram - a bird house from a deck

Materials and tools:

  • a deck of suitable size;
  • chainsaw;
  • drill for removing wood.


Video: log birdhouse - folk method

Light house made of wood and tube

Materials and tools:

  • tube;
  • a small board with a width no less than the diameter of the tube, a length of at least two diameters;
  • jigsaw;
  • pencil, compass;
  • drill and screws or hammer and nails, long and short.


  1. Cut off about ¼ of the tube.
  2. We measure the inner diameter of the hole.
  3. We make 2 circles of this diameter from the board.
  4. We fix the first circle on the tree with screws or nails.
  5. In the second we cut out a round hole-tap.
  6. We drill a hole in it just below for the pole and insert the pole.
  7. We place the façade in a tube. We nail it around the circumference with small nails, “drowning” it slightly into the depth, so that the house has a canopy.
  8. We put the workpiece on the second circle fixed to the tree and also nail it with nails.

If you do not want to damage the tree, you can try not to cut out the back wall from the board, but simply leave the bottom of the tube and then thread a belt or wire through its hole for the handle and secure it to the trunk.

Photo gallery: bird houses made of other materials

Birdhouses made from plastic bottles can be painted acrylic paints so that the house is not transparent, but even then there is no guarantee that birds will settle there Birdhouses can be made from the most unusual things, for example, from a propane tank Birdhouse boots can be decorated with a bright pattern This model can only be a feeder, birds will not feel comfortable in a transparent house The disadvantages of cardboard “apartments” are their extreme impracticality, as well as their low weight, which creates problems in rainy or windy weather

What role do birds play in our lives?

Many people believe that birds only bring harm, destroying the harvest of berries in the garden, while forgetting that birds feed on insects, slugs and worms, which harm the garden much more.

According to some reports, one starling eats about three hundred different insects a day. Imagine how many pests a family of starlings eats!

It is not without reason that since ancient times people have attracted birds to their garden by building birdhouses and birds for them.

In spring, starlings will come to the rescue, and in winter, tits. Tits destroy wintering caterpillars, and in the spring they eat eggs of insects, butterflies, aphids, bedbugs, and beetles.

Do you still doubt the benefits of birds? If not, then we suggest you make a birdhouse for birds with your own hands and prepare for the spring meeting of our little brothers.

Traditional bird house

A traditional birdhouse is considered to be a house made of boards, familiar to all of us from childhood. The older generation made such birdhouses in schools during labor lessons, and perhaps today’s schoolchildren are doing the same thing, taking care of birds and school plantings.

And so, in order to build a birdhouse with your own hands we will need unplaned boards 2 cm thick and 100-200 mm wide, nails or screws, a hacksaw, a hammer or screwdriver, a drill with a feather drill, a pencil and a ruler for marking. The material for construction should under no circumstances be toxic, otherwise birds simply will not settle in it.

Before starting work, make a drawing of the future birdhouse, based on available materials.

The size of the natural hollow in which birds usually settle is approximately 12x12 cm. Based on these parameters, we determine the size of the birdhouse. We make the bottom 100x100 or 120x120 mm. The height of the house is 250-350 mm. A house that is too large can accommodate more than 4-5 chicks; it will be difficult for parents to feed large offspring; the chicks will be weak and sickly.

We make the entrance hole (entrance hole) with a diameter of 40-50 mm for the starling, 30 mm for the tit.. The small hole is suitable for small birds. A hole that is too large could allow large or predatory birds to “invade” it, and we don’t want that. In addition, a bird of prey will be able to destroy the offspring of starlings or tits that have chosen your birdhouse.

The entrance hole must be made at a height of 180-210 mm from the floor level. Outside, under the entrance, it is necessary to secure a perch (cylindrical stick) or make a platform. If you use a planed board (you have one available) to build a birdhouse, then you need to make notches on the inside of the wall with the entrance. The roof of the house can be made single-pitch or gable, at your discretion and taste, but it must overhang the “facade” by at least 50 mm.

To make it more attractive appearance You can paint the birdhouse with water-based (non-toxic) red or gray paint; for some reason, these are the colors that attract birds the most.

Making a birdhouse can be a fun family activity where all members can take part in the process: the men and boys saw and work with a hammer and nails, and the women can paint the birdhouse with the precision inherent in women. Girls will really enjoy decorating a birdhouse.

You can decorate a bird house different ways. It is unlikely that birds need this, but for your own satisfaction and for creating a beautiful thing that will be placed in your garden, the activity is quite suitable.

Bird house made from scrap materials

Of course, the best home for birds would be a wooden birdhouse; it is warmer and resembles a hollow in a tree for birds. But not everyone has the opportunity to make such a birdhouse; available materials will come to the rescue.

For example, you can make a birdhouse from a pumpkin. Surely this beauty is growing on your site. Free the pumpkin from the pulp, dry it, make an entrance hole using the same drill, build a roof, and the house is ready.

A beautiful birdhouse for birds can be made from branches with a diameter of 8-12 mm, cut 12-15 cm long. Connect the branches together with self-tapping screws or rope, make a notch, build a roof, and you will have a cozy house for birds.

And this is an option made from ordinary logs. How to make such a birdhouse? The core is selected using a chainsaw or chisel. The inlet hole is drilled. You build the roof at your own discretion.

It can be in the form of a sawn ring, all from the same log, or made of boards.

You can use the knots that are present on the log as poles. This is perhaps the most “natural” house for birds. Such a birdhouse will be the most durable.

If you are proficient in wicker weaving techniques, then use your skills in making a bird house. An old wicker basket will also work for this purpose. Such beauty can be purchased in stores selling souvenirs and interior items.

Such a birdhouse will decorate a stylish exterior and will go well with wicker furniture.

You can make a house from an ordinary one and a half liter plastic bottle. But the birdhouse needs to be insulated using thick hemp or sisal rope, wrapping or tying it around the bottle. It is better to cover sharp sections of the inlet with tape or adhesive tape, which is sold in a roll.

By the way, a birdhouse can simply be woven from thick rope, for example, using the macrame technique, or crocheted or knitted. The product will keep its shape, but for greater rigidity and durability of the structure it can be painted with acrylic paint.

Various small plastic containers, as well as cardboard milk or juice boxes, are also suitable for making a house. But still remember that a more comfortable bird house will be one made from natural materials.

Here's a birdhouse you can build from ordinary wine corks: creative, and the birds feel warm and cozy.

You can also make a birdhouse from a small wooden barrel.

Or use a flower pot, where saucers securely attached to the pot will serve as the bottom and roof.

And this is what a very unusual multi-storey and “apartment” bird house looks like.

If you still don't have required material, or simply don’t have enough time self-production birdhouse, you can purchase a kit for making a birdhouse, which are sold in the DIY department or at a garden supply store. The cost of such sets varies from 550 to 800 rubles. This set can be a gift for a child who can build a birdhouse without any problems (or with your help). All that remains is to secure it in the garden.

You can also find ready-made birdhouses on sale; more often they are not only a home for birds, but also a decoration garden plot. The price of such products varies, depending on the materials, complexity of production and the individuality of the model. Designer birdhouses can cost several thousand rubles.

How to properly install a birdhouse in the garden?

Very important point In creating housing for birds, the correct installation of a birdhouse is essential. Usually it is nailed to a pole, which is subsequently screwed with wire to a tree at a height of 4-7 meters from ground level.

If cats live on your property, they will be a danger to starlings and other birds. To protect the chicks from “predators,” nail a rail under the entrance that will prevent the cat’s paw from entering the house and prevent him from reaching the babies. The body of the birdhouse attached to the tree should deviate slightly forward from the vertical.

Perhaps your version of a birdhouse will differ from those proposed by us, and you will be able to add to your collection of unusual houses for birds.

Useful video

In the article you will find drawings, diagrams, photos of birdhouses for different birds. Recommendations for building a birdhouse.

Every spring, birds fly from warm countries. It can be difficult for them to find housing: old birdhouses are often destroyed and trees are cut down.

Birds help nature and people. They fight insect pests and their larvae and protect trees. In addition, they make people happy by singing and give joy. Our job is to take care of them. The simplest thing we can do for them is build birdhouses.

Birdhouses not only serve as homes for different types of birds, but are also a decorative element in garden and park landscapes. You can find birdhouses made of a variety of materials and bizarre shapes.

What materials are birdhouses made from:

  • The most famous and reliable material is wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Cardboard.
  • Metal.
  • Plywood.

Important: The right house for birds is one that is made of wood. Other materials are not suitable for providing comfortable living for birds. Birdhouses made of chipboard, cardboard, and plastic serve for decorative purposes and are located in places where rain does not penetrate.

The right birdhouse: what is it?

Dimensions of birdhouses and hole diameters for wagtails, titmice, and various birds: table

Wood is the only natural material that can provide birds with protection from the cold and rain. Let's not forget that birds are part of nature, and they are not adapted to life in an artificial environment.

What characteristics should a tree have:

  1. The most suitable types of wood for birdhouses are birch and oak.
  2. Pine trees are not suitable for these purposes because they emit resin.
  3. The thickness of the boards must be at least 2 cm to retain heat.
  4. The inside of the birdhouse must be rough so that it is convenient for birds (especially chicks) to get out of the house.
  5. Boards should not be fastened with glue; it can release harmful substances.
  6. There should be no nails or screws protruding from the boards, as this could injure the birds.

Let's talk separately about the size of birdhouses. Birds come in different sizes, which means that different types of houses need to be the right size.

Table 1 “Sizes of birdhouses for different birds”

Bird species Taphole diameter (cm) Bottom Width(cm) Front wall height (cm) Back wall height (cm)
Tits 3-3,5 10-12 (square) 22-25 28-30
Wagtails 5 40*15 (rectangle) 15 18
pikas 6 16-18 (square) 22-26 28-32
Flycatchers 4 10 (square) 7 14

Features of bird houses:

  1. Wagtails will choose a house in the form of a rectangle with a threshold in front of the entrance, because this bird likes to trample in front of the entrance to the house.
  2. Pikas settle in birdhouses with two entrances. This helps them escape if cats attack.
  3. The flycatcher likes to settle in a semi-hollow - a house that looks like a natural hollow in a tree.
How to make a nest box step by step

Flycatcher house

Birdhouse for wagtail

How to make a birdhouse for starlings with your own hands from wood: drawing with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photo

Birdhouse size for starlings:

  • Bottom width - 15 cm;
  • Height - 30-40 cm;
  • The diameter of the tap hole is 4-5 cm;
  • A round perch in front of the entrance is 5-6 cm long.

Important: The roof must have a small canopy (edge) over the entrance. Then rainwater will not be able to get inside.

When making birdhouses, you must adhere to size recommendations. Otherwise, the birds may simply not settle in the house. Starlings can drive out small birds from birdhouses with a large diameter entrance. If you make the entrance diameter too small, the starling may not fit into the hole. The correct internal space of the birdhouse helps to create favorable conditions for hatching healthy offspring and creating a warm nest. Typically, starlings hatch 5 chicks, rarely the number reaches 7.

To make a birdhouse you will need the following materials:

  1. Dry boards;
  2. Nails or screws;
  3. Wire (to hang the birdhouse);
  4. Hammer;
  5. Hacksaw;
  6. Drill (d=50, d=4 mm);
  7. Pencil;
  8. Square;
  9. Screwdriver, screwdriver.

Instructions for making a birdhouse

Birdhouse project Drawing of a classic birdhouse Drawing of a birdhouse-house

To quickly clean the birdhouse, you need to make it with a removable roof. At the same time, make sure that the roof holds up well and does not fall from the wind or the invasion of “uninvited guests” - cats, crows.

How to do it? Answer: A sleeve identical to the dimensions of the bottom must be attached to the removable roof. Additionally, the roof is secured with wire.

What does a removable roof look like?

Video: DIY birdhouse

How to make a birdhouse from 8 mm plywood: drawing with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photo

Important: For the birdhouse, you can use unsanded waterproof plywood. Water resistance means there is no need to treat the walls of the birdhouse additionally. If you have sanded plywood, make notches on it.

The process of making a birdhouse from this material is standard:

  1. Draw a drawing of the parts using a simple pencil and a square.
  2. Cut out the parts with a hacksaw or jigsaw.
  3. For the tap hole, drill a hole so that a jigsaw file fits into it. Next, cut out the entrance in a circle. You can drill out the tap hole with a file.
  4. Sand the cut lines with sandpaper.
  5. Mark the locations for the screws and drill holes.
  6. First, assemble the front wall of the house by attaching a perch to it.
  7. Then connect the walls together.
  8. Finally, attach the bottom and roof.
  9. Nail a long piece of wood to the back wall for further installation of the birdhouse.

Birdhouse project

Taphole cutting

Assembling birdhouse parts

This is what a plywood birdhouse looks like

How to make a birdhouse from a 5 liter plastic bottle: drawing with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photo

Important: A plastic birdhouse is most often made for decorative purposes. You can make such a craft with children and brightly decorate it so that it is pleasing to the eye.

Reasons why birds will not settle in a plastic birdhouse.

  1. Birds will not settle in or reproduce because the plastic is transparent and does not promote a sense of protection.
  2. Birds are also unlikely to settle in a birdhouse that is too colorful, in order to protect it from predators. And colorful will attract cats, forty.
  3. Plastic does not allow air to pass through and releases toxins in the sun.

If you want to make a decorative birdhouse, plastic will do. This material can be found in every home and is easy to work with. Bottles of different sizes are suitable for a decorative birdhouse, it all depends on your imagination.

All you need is: cut out the entrance, decorate the birdhouse and hang it in a visible place. There are many decor options:

  • You can paint the bottle and draw patterns and ornaments.
  • Glue on beads and buttons.
  • Decorate with thick yarn and colored rope.

Birdhouse made from a plastic bottle

Decorative birdhouses made from small plastic bottles

It’s better to make a feeder out of a plastic bottle; it will bring much more benefits.

Plastic bottles suitable for making feeders

Feeders made from large plastic bottles

Video: How to make a birdhouse from a bottle?

How to make a birdhouse from a cardboard shoe box: step-by-step instructions, photos

As you already understand, birds are not stupid creatures. They choose a reliable home that will protect them from rain, cold, and predators. It is for this reason that a birdhouse made of cardboard should not be taken seriously, but as a decoration, yes.

If you have a cardboard shoe box lying around, don’t rush to throw it away. You can give it a second life by building a decorative house. Compliance with the dimensions is not important here, because birds will not settle here.

Step-by-step making of a birdhouse from cardboard box:

  1. Cover the edges of the cardboard box with tape to prevent the edges from falling apart over time.
  2. Mark the taphole with a pencil.
  3. Cut it out using a utility knife.
  4. Decorate the box.
  5. Attach it to a tree or under a roof.

Cardboard box bird house

Cardboard bird house

It is quite possible that birds will choose your cardboard house as a feeder if you regularly put treats there in the form of seeds and bread crumbs.

Feeder out of the box

How to make a birdhouse from a juice or milk carton: step-by-step instructions, photo

You can very quickly and easily make an analogue of a birdhouse from a package that contained juice or milk. To do this, you will need an empty juice or milk carton, scissors, rope or wire for fastening.

Step-by-step production:

  • Cut two holes in the box. Two holes are made so that the bird can quickly fly away if it is in danger.
  • Make small holes for the rope or wire and thread the rope through.
  • Secure the tree house.

If you apply diligence and use your imagination, you can make a bright, colorful, original house. Ideas in the photo below.

A milk carton feeder that even kids can make

Decorative birdhouses made from juice boxes

How to make a birdhouse from wine corks: drawing with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photo

Wine corks - good material for making a birdhouse. Due to their density, they allow the house to remain dry even during rain, and also serve as additional insulation.

  • The easiest way is to glue corks onto the finished birdhouse using hot glue, which also serve as original decor.
  • It is not advisable to hammer the plugs into the birdhouse with nails - the sharp ends of the nails can injure the birds.

Birdhouse insulated with wine corks

You can make a decorative birdhouse. For this you will need:

  • Traffic jams;
  • Hot glue;
  • Cardboard.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Glue the corks together with hot glue. Take an equal number of corks on each side of the house.
  2. In your design, leave room for a taphole.
  3. To make a roof, glue corks onto cardboard.
  4. Attach the roof to the house.
  5. Decorate the birdhouse as you wish.
Birdhouse made from wine corks

Decorative birdhouse attached with wire to wood

How to make a birdhouse from newspaper tubes: drawing with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photo

Another material for decorating birdhouses is newspaper tubes. You can find out how to make them at.

Wicker bird houses

Tube weaving

How to make a birdhouse from a toilet paper roll: drawing with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photo

Bushing from toilet paper- cheap improvised material for decoration. You can paste the sleeve over the frame of the birdhouse, and then paint it or decorate it with paper.

A simple toilet paper roll also makes excellent feeders. To do this, dip the sleeve in peanut oil and then sprinkle with seeds.

How to use a toilet paper roll

How to protect a birdhouse from cats, squirrels, magpies: tips

  • Experienced people advise placing birdhouses away from trees, on poles.
  • The birdhouse should be located at a height of 4.5 m.
  • A tin collar attached to a pole can serve as protection against cats.
  • You can also make a barrier on the pole in the form of a roller made of barbed wire.
  • The design of the birdhouse must be correct: a long canopy will not allow a magpie, squirrel or cat to stick its head into the entrance.
  • The perch in front of the entrance should not be made too long, otherwise a predator will easily settle on it.
  • The diameter of the taphole should be no more than 5 cm, and it should be located almost at the roof. A large canopy will thus protect the predator from entering the house.

How to protect a birdhouse from moisture, how to cover it: tips

There are several ways to protect a birdhouse from moisture:

  1. Make the roof with a slope, then water drops will roll down.
  2. You can paint the birdhouse with paint or open it with varnish.
  3. Treat the birdhouse with linseed oil.
  4. Wood also needs to be treated with water-repellent agents, because over time fungal stains can form on it.

Is it possible and how, what color to paint a birdhouse with gouache, what to draw on it?

If you want birds to live in your birdhouse, do not paint or decorate it with colorful decorations. Feathered friends do not care about beauty; for them, protection comes first. A bright birdhouse will attract cats.

A decorative birdhouse serves primarily for beauty. Therefore, when creating it, it is appropriate to use all kinds of decorations and paint.

For painting you can use acrylic paints, gouache, and oil paints based on drying oil. Gouache is very easy to use as it dries quickly.

In order for gouache paint to lay flat on the surface, you need to follow a certain sequence:

  1. First, use sandpaper to sand the surface on which you will apply the paint.
  2. Then apply the base - white acrylic paint. Wait until completely dry.
  3. The next stage is drawing a sketch of the drawing and painting with gouache.
  4. Wait for the gouache to dry completely, and then open the drawing with varnish.
  5. It is advisable to apply the varnish a couple of times.

If you don't know how to draw, you can use stencils. Simply transfer the pre-prepared templates onto the birdhouse using a pencil, and then paint with a brush.

What can you draw on a birdhouse? Everything your imagination tells you - birds, flowers, patterns, butterflies, grass and trees, abstract patterns. There is no limit to perfection. You can see examples of drawings on birdhouses in the photo below.

Birdhouse with drawings

How to paint a birdhouse with gouache

Painted birdhouses

How to make decoupage birdhouse with your own hands: ideas, photos

Even a beginner can easily decorate a birdhouse using the decoupage technique. You will need the following materials:

  • Preparing a birdhouse;
  • Napkins for decoupage;
  • Scissors, decoupage glue;
  • Brushes, acrylic paint;
  • Sandpaper.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Sand the birdhouse with sandpaper to ensure there are no rough spots on it.
  2. Then wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust.
  3. Apply a coat of paint and base. If necessary, apply a couple of layers for a more thorough coloring.
  4. Wait for the paint to dry completely.
  5. Now, from decoupage napkins, cut out rectangles for the sides of the birdhouse of appropriate sizes.
  6. Glue the blanks.
  7. Now all that remains is to glue the cut out elements onto the facade of the birdhouse. IN in this case this is a gnome, mushrooms, a ladybug and an inscription. You can choose whatever you like.
  8. At the final stage, all that remains is to open the birdhouse with varnish to protect it from moisture and dry it. Now the birdhouse is ready to delight passers-by with its elegant appearance.
  9. Beautiful birdhouses

    Decoupage birdhouse

    Video: Decoupage birdhouse

    What beautiful and unusual do-it-yourself birdhouses are there: possible birdhouse options, photos

    You can find original birdhouses that are so unusual that you won’t immediately understand that this is a house for birds. In the shape of animals, with colorful stones, painted, in a rustic style.

    Summer residents decorate their plots with birdhouses to the delight of themselves and their neighbors, but they are no less active in decorating parks. You can find entire towns made of birdhouses.

    We have collected a selection of original birdhouses for your inspiration.

    Tree house

    In addition to the design of the birdhouse and its correct construction, as a rule, you need to come up with a name. One of the requirements of the competition is a card indicating the name. We have collected possible names of birdhouses that you can take note of or as an idea:

  • Bird House;
  • Teremok-breadwinner;
  • Miracle House;
  • Eco-lodge;
  • Bird Cafe;
  • A hut on chicken legs;
  • Titmouse;
  • Hotel for starlings.

An original name will help your bird house stand out from others.

Video: How to make a birdhouse for birds to live in?

To work on a birdhouse you will need the following materials: One board measuring 800x300mm, 18mm thick. These are sold in construction stores, are called “glued furniture board”. Traditionally, for birdhouses they take coarser and simpler material, but for activities with children, especially for subsequent decoration, this option is the most optimal.

Tools for making a birdhouse:

  • A jigsaw with a T101A0 type file (or any other for fine figure sawing),
  • Electric drill with 4mm drill.
  • Crosshead screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws (3.5x41mm with large thread) – 18 pieces.
  • Ruler, pencil.
  • Medium grit sandpaper.

Construction materials should be used sparingly. Especially when it comes to wood. After all, we are of course concerned that the area of ​​forests on the planet is rapidly declining. Therefore, we will ensure that our production waste is minimal and we will mark the workpiece correctly.

We mark a board measuring 300x800mm according to the following scheme:

Since the dimensions of the boards, and therefore the finished birdhouse, may be different, it is important to take into account the following fundamental points:

  1. If you want the bottom of the birdhouse to be more or less square, then the width of parts A (these are the front and back walls) should be greater than the width of parts B and C (these are the sides and bottom) by approximately two board thicknesses. It's logical. In our case, with a board thickness of about 2 cm, this is 17 cm for the front and back, and 13 cm for the sides, respectively.
  2. Since during work (both during marking and when cutting) there are always some errors, it is better to determine the length of workpieces B locally, focusing on the corresponding edges of workpieces A, and the length of workpiece C is better determined a little later (after installation A + B) specifically in place, so during the initial cutting we leave a piece of the board left after separating parts B1 and B2 from it without changing.
  3. The roof angle of parts A should be 90 degrees, and the edges of contact with the side walls should be equal (unless, of course, the design idea involves the construction of a lopsided birdhouse, but you know, this happens). To achieve the correct result, you just need to correctly mark the workpiece, laying out identical segments in all directions from the center line (see diagram below), equal to half the width. Like this. If you don’t trust yourself, apply a square with a right angle, make sure everything is accurate.

Having finished with the markings, we saw off all the parts with a jigsaw. In principle, you can use a regular hacksaw, but I’m used to an electric tool. In addition, it is difficult for children to cope with hand sawing; the cuts are painfully uneven, and then, due to distortions, assembly is much more problematic. Working with an electric tool is faster and easier, but just be sure to check that everything is safe. Do not leave your child alone with the instrument, and immediately stop any attempts to play pranks.

After sawing, carefully sand the surfaces with medium-grain sandpaper to make the product beautiful and safe. There is no need to polish heavily, but all irregularities and sources of splinters must be eliminated.

Assembling a birdhouse.

Let's take parts K1 and K2. These will be the halves of the birdhouse roof. Immediately drill two holes in part K2 and connect them with two screws to part K1.

The roof is ready, let him wait on the sidelines for now. In the meantime, let's collect everything else.

The window through which the starling goes to his home is called the “letok”. It is usually round in shape, and for a medium-sized starling it is about 45mm in diameter. For our modification of the birdhouse, the shape of the entrance will be the same as in the picture below. We place the center of the tap hole on the central vertical axis of the workpiece A1, setting aside approximately 2/3 in height (in this case – 20 cm). Using a pencil, draw the outline of the future hole.

Drill a hole in the center of the tap hole. Such that the jigsaw blade fits into it. Usually, in order not to change the drill to a thicker one, I gently expand the hole with rocking movements of the drill to the desired size. We begin to saw from the central hole, gradually reaching the desired trajectory along an arc.

Stepping back 15mm from the bottom border of the tap hole, we drill a hole for attaching the pole. A pole can be made from a small piece of board, shaping it using a knife and sandpaper cylindrical shape. But I usually buy wooden rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm in the store, and from them I cut pieces about 60-70 mm long. The pole is attached to part A1 with one self-tapping screw.

In order for the birds to be comfortable, the inner surface of the front wall of the birdhouse must be rough, because it is inconvenient for them to cling to a smooth surface with their claws. Using a drill, knife or other available items, we give the workpiece the desired condition.

To connect the parts of the birdhouse body, we drill 5 holes on the front and back walls (see photo). We place the holes at a distance from the edge of the board equal to half its thickness (9mm), so that during installation the self-tapping screws fall clearly into the middle of the attached part.

We connect part A1 with the sides, aligning them along the bottom edge. And then we do the same with the back wall. Now you need to adjust the bottom of the birdhouse in place. It should fit tightly so that there are no gaps. Young chicks do not need drafts.

Part C is oriented in the direction of the fibers, similar to the sides B. Since they have the same width (13 cm), there is only one size left to choose. To do this, use a ruler to measure the required parameter (see photo) and place it on the bottom of the blank. We saw off the excess, and now we get the correct part C.

If everything is done correctly, the bottom fits tightly into place. You can lightly tap it with a hammer. And then we fix it with two screws through the holes on the front and back walls. To install the roof, we drill 4 holes in it so that along the rear wall the distance of the holes from the edge of the roof is 9-10mm, and the distance between the rear and front holes on each side is 14.8mm. The roof will be aligned with the rear wall, and will slightly overhang the entrance with a visor.

This is where the carpentry work ends, and the artistic and design work begins.

For decoration we use acrylic paints. First, prime the body of the birdhouse with white paint, and the roof with black or brown. By the way, it is more convenient to paint the roof when it is removed. It is better to take matte white paint; colored paint will be better applied to it. On a white background, we draw the contours of the future drawing with a pencil, and then it’s a matter of technique. Using a thin brush (I prefer synthetic No. 2), we outline the contours with black acrylic. When the paints are completely dry, cover the entire surface with acrylic varnish to protect it from harmful influences. environment. Practice shows that with this painting technology, the birdhouse retains its original appearance for at least a couple of seasons, without fear of summer heat, rain, or winter frost.

Decorative elements (fence, pipe) are cut out from pieces of board left after cutting, or from any other available materials. For small elements, plastic or thin wooden slats are more suitable. We paint the blanks with acrylic paints. We fix them together and to the birdhouse with glue such as “moment”, “moment-montage”, or super-glue. Please note that a hot glue gun is not suitable for this case, since in the heat the birdhouse heats up in the sun and “loses” the elements glued in this way. The pipe is attached to the roof with a self-tapping screw from inside the house. To do this, a vertical hole is drilled in the roof.

There are different ways to hang a birdhouse. Usually we attach a long stick to the back wall, and using this stick we tie him to a tree or nail him to some shed. It is recommended to hang it vertically, without tilting, at a height of at least 3-4 meters, preferably oriented in space so that on a hot afternoon Sun rays did not get on the birdhouse, and it was difficult for predatory animals to get to the entrance. After each season, the birdhouse needs to be removed and cleaned, the birds will thank you very much for this. To clean it, just unscrew the roof and shake out the old bedding from the birdhouse.

Attracting birds to your local area is a pleasant and useful activity. After all, birds not only delight our ears with their trills, but also eat harmful insects.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands - this is what our article is about.

Source materials

The starting material is exclusively wood. It is recommended to use only wood from deciduous trees, since coniferous trees emit resin, which can lead to the premature death of the feathered resident.

You cannot make birdhouses from plywood sheets, chipboard and OSB. The glue and special impregnation contained in such materials repel feathered guests.

As a result, assembly and fastening of workpieces should be carried out only with nails and self-tapping screws, without the use of adhesive.

Usually, to make a birdhouse from wood, unplaned boards with a thickness of at least 2 cm are used. This thickness allows you to maintain a constant temperature regime inside the bird house.

To prevent cracks from appearing on the boards when fastening, it is necessary to pre-drill holes for the screws.

How to choose the size of a birdhouse

The size of the birdhouse depends on what birds it is intended for. Different types of birdhouses differ in their proportions and the length of the entrance.

For example, for starlings the required dimensions are: 10 × 10 × 40 cm, the entrance hole is 5 cm. For tits and flycatchers, sparrows - 10 × 12 × 30 cm, the entrance hole is 3-3.5 cm. And the semi-dutch should be 10 × 8 × 20 cm with a taphole 3.3-5 cm high across the entire width of the wall.

Usually only the height of the birdhouse changes.

Half-loops can also attract squirrels.

Some birds prefer to live in nesting boxes made from part of a log using the hollowing method. The bottom and roof of such structures are made of boards.

To make the birdhouse habitable again, you need to remove the old nesting box from it and scald it with boiling water. An additional measure could be treatment with potassium permanganate.

How to make a birdhouse a safe place to live

To avoid the destruction of a birdhouse by cats and woodpeckers, you can take the following measures:

  • Increase the roof overhang;
  • Stick the roof with nails;
  • Finish the taphole with a tin sheet;
  • Drive nails around the tap hole;
  • Attach a wooden overlay with horizontal fibers near the taphole;
  • Make special protective belts from strips of tin or from “brooms”, and you must strictly adhere to the required distances between them.

Important: there should be no twigs, feeders or other possible supports between the protective belts and the birdhouse.

How to choose the right place for a birdhouse

Birdhouses should be hung on trees at a height of at least 3 m. It is not advisable for busy paths or benches to be located near these places.


When choosing a place on a tree, you need to take into account that there are no large branches near the entrance. The birdhouse should be installed facing south so that there is a slight tilt forward.

Making a birdhouse

It is necessary to take untreated hardwood boards with a thickness of at least 2 cm. You will also need gloves. Next, we take the birdhouse drawings and cut out the component parts. It is necessary to cut carefully and evenly, at an angle of 90°, so that there are no gaps in the future.

It is better to choose nails with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm and a length of no more than 40-50 mm. Let's start assembly. We apply the side parts to the facade at an angle of 90° and nail them. It is recommended to use 3-4 nails per each.

We turn it over, install the bottom, and nail it to the sides. Next, we insert the back wall and also secure it with nails with the bottom and sides.

Let's turn it over again. We fasten the bottom on the other side as well. We install the roof so that the overhang is at least 5 cm. Preferably 10 cm. We nail it down.


We inspect the resulting birdhouse and bend all the protruding nails.

Whether to install a perch is up to you.

Nowadays, on the Internet you can easily find a variety of ideas on how to make a birdhouse in the country or near your home.

Some of them are quite unusual. Therefore, feel free to make houses for birds.

After all original birdhouse can become a real decoration of your garden.


Photo of a birdhouse with your own hands

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