Scenario for a birthday (anniversary) without a toastmaster "Congratulatory quest". New scenario for a woman’s birthday or anniversary “rainbow of life” of the Great Patriotic War

Chercher 25.07.2020

October 12, 2016 at the Central Regional Library named after. F.M. Dostoevsky's five year anniversary noted the "Joy" club.

On October 4, 2011, our friends and neighbors in the Sortirovochny microdistrict, people of the “silver age,” united in our library. Their goal is communication between like-minded people, joint creativity, and most importantly, an active lifestyle. This is how the hobby club “Joy” appeared.

For all five years, this club has given real joy to all its participants: the joy of communication, knowledge, discovery, creativity and movement forward.

It seems that five years is a very short period of time, but at the anniversary evening everyone was surprised to see how much had been done during this time, how rich and interesting the life of the club was. These include joint trips, excursions, theater evenings, master classes on applied creativity and meetings in the library, at which club members learned a lot of interesting things about writers, artists, and made virtual trips across countries and continents. But most importantly, over these five years the club members have united and become friends. Many developed very close personal relationships. They became true friends, supporting each other in both sorrow and joy.

Guests came to congratulate the heroes of the day. The head of the department for work with the population and the development of territorial public self-government, Ekaterina Vadimovna Doronina, noted in her congratulations that the “Joy” club is known in the Kanavinsky district and in the city Nizhny Novgorod, his activities were repeatedly covered in the press. From the administration of the Kanavinsky district, she presented the “Joy” club with a gift: a monograph about the history of the Kanavinsky district.

Chairman of the council of public self-government of the Sortirovochny microdistrict Pavel Gennadievich Korotkikh in his speech expressed his readiness to continue to provide all possible support and assistance to the “Joy” club. The first chairman of the club, Lyudmila Ivanovna Ogneva, told how it all began, how the idea of ​​​​creating a club of interests came to life.

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Director of the Centralized library system Kanavinsky district, Alla Iosifovna Igoshina, in her congratulations, emphasized that members of the “Joy” club are always welcome guests of the library. Therefore, our cooperation will continue.

The guests saw multimedia presentation, which presented all the activities of the club over five years, and funny music videos with film clips and photographs of club members.

The evening ended with tea, songs and memories were heard at the table.

An anniversary is a kind of conclusion, but not a completion. The Joy club continues its work and is waiting for new members.

Olga Kuzmina,
chief librarian of the socio-cultural activities sector
Central District Hospital named after. F.M. Dostoevsky

Cool scenarios and scenes for anniversaries and birthdays of men and women, which will always be useful for Merry congratulations at the table.

Most often, skits are needed for performances and at the same time presenting gifts. We have more than 100 types of various congratulatory speeches for different ages: from 18 to 80 years old! But the most popular, of course, are for the 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th anniversary. There are also mini skits for children's day birth from 1 year to adulthood.

We also offer complete scenarios for holding anniversaries with musical accompaniment, competitions, games, remade songs, ditties and congratulations from guests.

We offer to buy scenes at a price of 49 rubles for a cheerful congratulation:

– colleague (woman or man);
– girlfriend, friend, colleague;
– close relatives: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, daughter, son, etc.;
– other relatives: aunt, uncle, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, godfather, niece, goddaughter;
– retiring or leaving for another job.

There are no such humorous and original miniatures on the Internet; the likelihood that someone will congratulate the hero of the day with the same scene as yours is minimal!

If the sample scripts do not suit you, we will be happy to create a new one for you. original script to order! To do this, write to us by email: ZAKAZ@site

The association is 15 years old. For a person this is a young age, but for a club at a library it is no longer young! The celebration was on a grand scale! The library was decorated with welcome posters (thanks for your help Tatyana Sergeevna– head Children's Library No. 2), wall newspaper “15 years old is not an age,” balloons and flowers.

The onset of retirement age is considered to be the end of active life. In the understanding of many, being a pensioner means sitting on a bench, complaining about your health and discussing young people. But there are people who do not want to grow old “like everyone else,” they are active in every sense, they build Napoleonic plans and, most importantly, implement them. These are the people who gathered in our “Golden Age” club.

There are currently 15 people on the club's roster. Who is he, the average club member? Despite his age, he is an energetic, resilient person who wants to learn new things, and not for the sake of the process itself, but for his own benefit. He has lived an interesting, eventful life, accomplished both as a person, and as a specialist, and as a parent, and as a person who already has grandchildren. And at the same time, he managed to take a lot from the vicissitudes of fate. In our case, these are women who do not want to put up with age. They look at the essence of things adequately, and are not afraid to call themselves an active pensioner. Because this is not a status, but a title that must be carried with dignity. Which is what they do.

Head library T.E. Nazarova, who is also the chairman of the club "Golden Age", offered guests a fun and eventful program. The main point of it opening remarks there was a suggestion:

"Oh, dear guests,

Sing, have fun,

Well, who came not in good spirits?

Better leave."

The first meeting of the club took place in 2002. At its origins stood our dear Elena Aleksandrovna Nagornova And Valentina Moiseevna Barsukova. Elena Alexandrovna shared her memories of how it all began. In recognition of her merits, a self-organized committee represented by club members V.A.Pento And T. Nasonova made a proposal to award Elena Alesandrovna the honorary title of “founding mother” and award her with the “Best Leader” badge. Which is what was done. Then the club baton passed to Tatyana Evgenievna Nazarova, who has been leading the club for more than 14 years. The self-organized committee, on behalf of all members of the club, awarded her a certificate of honor, a medal “For Forms and Contents” (I hope this is about work!), and a badge “Success in all your endeavors!” and a commemorative gold plaque with the club's motto.

They heard about the club's anniversary in distant China, from where a “Chinese delegation” arrived with congratulations and gifts.

This is where the official part of the holiday ended and the fun began! The guests sat at the table set for tea. The table decoration was a magnificent cake called “We don’t miss tea”, which was presented to the club by its member Valentina Anatolyevna from the Kashtanov family. The cake had an excellent taste to match its beauty. Thank you Masha Kashtanova who made it!

At the richly laid table, the guests had fun until the evening. They sang ditties and played funny Games“Shifters”, “Useless Questions”. The coordination and concentration game “Granny at the Market” caused particular fun and laughter. A win-win lottery made it possible to acquire especially valuable items such as a bag of bay leaves, a year's supply of matches or a balloon in the shape of a Chinese lantern. Uncontrollable laughter was caused by “The Tale of the Life of Pensioners” and “The Tale of How Grandmother Yaga Wanted to Get Married,” which Tatyana Evgenievna read. To take a little break from laughter, the guests made a “Chamomile of Wishes” by gluing petals from good wishes club "Golden Age".

At the end of the meeting, poems and wishes were read:

May this wonderful date

Will give joy and light of smiles.

I wish you everything that life is rich in -

Goodness, health, happiness, long years!

Word by N. Yu. Khokhlova Good afternoon We are pleased to welcome you to our modest celebration. Many of you have heard about the Warrior club, but not many know what we do here. We will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you a little about ourselves. Unfortunately, Russian citizen Steven Seagal was unable to take part in our concert; he is visiting his native Yakut region. Sergei Bezrukov and Dmitry Dyuzhev were unable to come to us due to their busy schedule. We ourselves did not invite Kirkorov and Decl. Their talent is not up to our level. Well, what we can do ourselves, we did! We begin!

Presenter: Three maidens by the window

We stayed late in the evening.

Drinking tea with jam,

The conversation was conducted in secret.

1 girl: What kind of fable is this!

Presenter: The first girl says.

1 girl: Wherever you look now

There are no boys to be found.

There are almost no real ones.

Neither in Tambov, nor in Tver.

2nd girl: You friend is right here,

The boys are in trouble!

Everything is like vegetables in a garden,

Neither here nor there!

3rd girl: Oh girls, you're rights !

What kind of boys are these days?

Surfed the Internet

All the latest pants!

Presenter: Chatting by the window

We stayed until dark.

How did he suddenly appear before them?

The bravest Sergeant Major.

Sergeant Major: Why are the girls bored?

Are the boys getting smaller?

It's your own fault here.

If that's not where you were looking for them!

I can tell you

You have to look in “Warrior”!

There guys are what you need!

And the girls match them!

Presenter: How long have we been thinking and guessing?

The girls didn’t say anything about that.

But one day,

All the guys are in formation!

Let's begin our story,

How they live now!

Scene 1. “Drill review”

Starting position: The guys stand in formation, the foreman walks in front of the formation, adjusting his equipment.

Sergeant Major: Come on guys, bust a mountain!

The review will be a drill!

The commander will give you pepper,

True, this is not the first time!

We paid everything off!

Let's start our parade!

The “Drill Review” number begins.

Scene 2. “Forced March”

The foreman goes on stage and addresses the audience.

Sergeant Major: Well done, I won’t hide it from you!

They are marching well in formation these days!

And I'll tell you friends,

Our commander is happy!

There he sat down among you.

He's glaring at us now.

It’s okay, we’ll break through again.

It's not the first time it's been tea!

He adjusts his uniform and shouts loudly: “Stand up!” The guys run out onto the stage and line up in two lines.

Sergeant Major: All guys, the deadline has passed!

Let's begin the forced march!

Here, however, not far away,

Kilometers like this from the heels!

Here we run through the woods,

It's a little slanted here,

We crawl through the swamp,

The finish line is not far away!

Fighter: Oh, comrade sergeant major!

I'm somehow sick today.

Maybe it's worth taking a rest,

Near this bush?

Sergeant Major: And, for those who are sick right now,

Let's add a small circle,

Plus crossing the river,

Plus a swamp behind the mountain!

All the talking later!

March guys! Well! Run!

The song “Thrown March” plays. The guys run behind the singers for three circles for each chorus. The first is normal, the second is barely. The third one is on all fours.

Scene 3. “Special forces complex”

The foreman goes on stage and peers into the distance.

Sergeant Major: (thoughtfully) Yes, yes, yes. Well, where are they?

Lost in the distance?

Did you drown in the swamp?

Haven't you found the finish yet?

(Relieved) One, two, three... Well, thank God!

Everyone found their way to the house.

Well, what’s barely

That means we didn’t eat enough porridge!

The foreman perks up, and with a satisfied grin.

Sergeant Major: Come on, stop relaxing

And crawl over the bumps!

Let's gather in a circle

There's still a lesson waiting for us!

Look what in the world is going on!

It blazes, it burns.

The hour will come.

Then it will blaze with us.

So that the infection does not get to us,

Let's learn Spetsnaz systems!

The music “If for a dream” plays. The team performs Spetsnaz complexes.

Scene 4. “Women in uniform.”

Presenter: Damn it, they give it away!

They'll slap anyone at once,

If suddenly across the border

Enemy forces will come to us.