The most interesting data in graphical representation. David McCandless: Infographic

Accounting and taxes 25.06.2020
Accounting and taxes

Forget about dry facts, theories and statistics and get ready to see information from a side that you have never seen before. We invite you to take a fascinating journey into the world of amazing visual schemes, revealing the most Interesting Facts modern political, economic, social, scientific, cultural and virtual spheres, unraveling their intricacies, denoting global contexts and their interrelations. Minimum text and maximum stunning graphics await you. All together - a beautiful guide to modern life, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away.

Why we decided to publish this book

This is an amazingly beautiful book on infographics. You can look at it for hours, starting from any page.

The book was published in 10 languages, including languages ​​such as Korean, Chinese, Finnish, and Hungarian. And now it is in Russian.

Who is this book for?

For designers, art directors, for those who follow trends in graphic design, as well as for those who prefer to get the most useful information in a minimum of time.

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What is this book about?

Who is this book for?
For designers, art directors, for those who follow...

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What is this book about?
Forget about dry facts, theories and statistics and get ready to see information from a side that you have never seen before. We invite you to take a fascinating journey into the world of amazing visual patterns that reveal the most interesting facts of the modern political, economic, social, scientific, cultural and virtual sphere, unraveling their intricacies, indicating global contexts and their interrelations. Minimum text and maximum stunning graphics await you. All together - a beautiful guide to modern life, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away.

Why we decided to publish this book
This is an amazingly beautiful book on infographics. You can look at it for hours, starting from any page.

The book was published in 10 languages, including languages ​​such as Korean, Chinese, Finnish, and Hungarian. And now it is in Russian.

Who is this book for?
For designers, art directors, for those who follow trends in graphic design, as well as for those who prefer to receive maximum useful information in a minimum of time.


“Infographics” is already the third book, which is published under almost the same name and with exactly the same description: “A collection of facts and statistics about everything around us.” In general, it’s not so bad that someone chose the most interesting things for us, organized this information and printed it in an easy-to-read form. But the most important thing, no matter what anyone says, remains in the content: if the information is boring, uninteresting and not relevant, then no one will read the book anyway.

But this does not at all apply to the book, the author of which was a very well-known teacher in the USA and Europe, creator and active distributor of infographics, David McCandless. Perhaps someone has heard of him as the organizer of one of the largest competitions among creators of infographics and information visualizations. Perhaps someone has read his articles and lessons on the basic principles of handling information, or watched his talks, for example, at TEDx.

In any case, even if this is your first time hearing about David, I can confidently say that his is the best of all that have been released in Lately codenamed "Infographics". And the main argument that I can give is that David is a practitioner: he creates infographics and visualizations himself, he systematizes huge amounts of information himself, he chooses best topics, which will be most interesting to readers from all over the world.

Who is this book for?

First of all, due to the fact that the book “Infographics” is, in fact, a collection of David’s own works on various topics, I recommend it to everyone who is interested in infographics or is planning to study it. In the book you can find many interesting visualization techniques that not only make information more visual, but also more interesting to study and easier to understand. The main technique, which, like in another book “Infographics” from the Toseland brothers, which is most often found in the book, is comparison, presented in the simplest, which does not make it difficult to read the information.

What is this book about?

I'm already tired of writing the same thing for the 3rd time. Yes, again a collection of facts, figures, statistics, data. But in terms of volume, this book contains approximately 2 times more information than the previous two books combined.

One more thing important difference: McCandless placed a very strong emphasis on Internet themes when selecting materials for the book. Approximately 35% of all spreads are dedicated to it - the Chinese firewall, children's internet, the growing popularity of the Internet in developing countries, Online Games(there's even a World of Warcraft topographical map for fans.

Perhaps someone who frequently reads this site or is generally interested in events in the world of infographics remembers that one of the first topics for a competition among infographic designers was “The remaining amount of non-renewable natural resources" So, the book even contains infographics made by David on this topic. I can’t say that she’s that interesting and it’s unlikely that she’d apply for prize place in the competition, but the topic is covered well and completely.

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