It's easy to be healthy with L arginine from Solgar! Indications for diseases. Forms of release, composition and medical status of the product

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Tablets L arginine Solgar, 1000 mg - a highly effective dietary supplement developed by doctors American company Solgar. The dietary supplement is a valuable amino acid that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and maintains an optimal balance of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. In addition, the drug activates the synthesis of growth hormone, promotes weight loss and improves wound healing. L-arginine is also useful for prostate health.

Composition of the dietary supplement L arginine Solgar

One tablet of Solgar L-arginine contains 1000 mg of active amino acid and several accompanying components: organic cellulose, glycerin, silicon oxide, magnesium stearate and stearic acid.

The drug is free from gluten, dyes, preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, milk proteins, yeast and soy.

Beneficial features

Arginine, being a natural amino acid and synthesized in small quantities by the body, is involved in all physiological processes. With its help, the production of nitric oxide is accelerated, which helps to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Supporting optimal level glucose in the blood, the substance has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body, which is very important for those suffering from diabetes.

In addition, Larginin Solgar has the following beneficial properties:

  • stimulates muscle growth:
  • eliminates pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • increases mental abilities, especially in old age;
  • activates the immune system;
  • protects the liver;
  • restores kidney functionality;
  • blocks fat deposition;
  • removes ammonia and lactic acid from the body;
  • promotes collagen production.

Regular use of the drug increases endurance, gives strength and vigor, increases the level of somatotropin and glycogen.

Important. L arginine is especially necessary at an early age, since the child’s body is unable to synthesize it. For adults, the amino acid is considered conditionally essential - the production of the substance decreases in weakened and sick people, as well as in old age.

Benefits of L Arginine for Men

Speaking about the beneficial properties of the drug, one cannot fail to mention that a sufficient amount of arginine is very important for the stronger sex. More than two-thirds of the seminal fluid consists of this substance, and its deficiency often leads to male infertility.

The amino acid not only improves the quality of ejaculate, but also increases blood flow to the genitals, thereby creating favorable conditions for a stable and long-lasting erection.

In addition, L-argininot Solgar has a beneficial effect on prostate health, preventing the development of inflammation and tumors. And everyone knows about the use of amino acids in bodybuilding - it not only nourishes muscles, but also increases endurance and return from training.

benefits for women

For women, the drug is interesting, first of all, for its ability to fight overweight, prevent the development of cancer, reduce symptoms of depression, increase the body's endurance.
Doctors often call L-arginine from Solgar “vitamins of youth,” confirming the participation of the drug in the production of many hormones that support health and longevity. The amino acid, by correcting the functioning of the endocrine glands, helps cope with excess oily skin and hair, and stimulates collagen synthesis.

Attention. L-arginine from Solgar works only in the absence of alcohol and psychostimulants. The drug is also incompatible with nitroglycerin.

L arginine - indications for use

Solgar, L arginine is used in medical practice as one of the components of metabolic therapy, as well as for the prevention of many ailments and replenishing amino acid deficiency in completely healthy people.

L-arginine compensation is necessary in the following cases:

  • dystrophy;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels (ischemia, atherosclerosis);
  • CNS disorders;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • anemia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, stress;
  • epilepsy;
  • recovery period after operations and serious illnesses (heart attack, stroke);
  • increased mental and physical stress;
  • weakened immunity.

The ability of L arginine to increase creatine levels in muscle fibers has made the substance popular among weightlifters and bodybuilders. Taking amino acids is especially important when gaining weight - under the influence of the substance, muscles acquire relief and volume.

Instructions for use

Doctors advise taking the drug in courses. For an adult, in the first 10 days, 2 tablets per day are enough - in the morning and before bed, during meals. Next, focus on how you feel - the dosage can be left the same or reduced by half.

The instructions for use state that the duration of the course should not exceed one month. After 10–30 days, it is permissible to resume taking the drug.

How to take arginine for bodybuilding?

Experienced bodybuilders say that athletes should consume 9–10 grams of the amino acid per day. Of course, a higher dosage will give a better effect, but it will also provoke many unpleasant symptoms: nausea, low blood pressure, diarrhea.

Some bodybuilders prefer to independently calculate the optimal dosage of arginine, based on body weight - 115 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight. The tablets are taken an hour before training, washed down big amount water.

In bodybuilding, the drug is used on an empty stomach, avoiding its combination with fatty foods. In order for Solgar L arginine to be fully absorbed, it is necessary to consume undesirable foods at least 5 hours before arginine.

Advice. If you drink a protein drink before your workout, you should take the supplement first and then drink the shake.

To prevent addiction to the drug, it is necessary to periodically take breaks between courses of use.

Contraindications and side effects

According to doctors, patients with oncology and kidney pathologies, in particular anuria, should refrain from taking the amino acid.

Other contraindications to the use of L-arginine:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance or additional components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental disorders (schizophrenia);
  • herpes virus.

With an excessive dosage, adverse reactions may occur in the form of sleep disturbances, exacerbation of herpes infection, and increased excitability.

The amino acid is prescribed with caution to people under the age of 18, as well as to patients suffering from arthritis.

Consumer Reviews

Finding bad reviews for Solgar, L arginine, 1000 mg is quite difficult. More than 80% of buyers claim that a course of taking the supplement significantly improves well-being, improves mood and restores strength. Arginine reduces blood pressure well and eliminates headache, as well as discomfort and heaviness in the legs. The last point is especially pleasant for women who are forced to spend the whole day in heels.

The stronger sex, in turn, notes a decrease in inflammation of the prostate gland, increased libido and erection, and prolongation of sexual intercourse. Older men suffering from shortness of breath and heart problems report significant improvements in their well-being after a month of taking the pills.

Many buyers noted in their reviews a decrease in mental fatigue, improved memory and attention, and the disappearance of heaviness in the head and tinnitus. L-arginine Solgar is also liked by young people involved in weightlifting. For them, this is the drug of choice during the period of preparation for competitions, when they need to gain weight.

Where to buy L arginine from Solgar?

You can buy Solgar, L-Arginine, 90 tablets on the remote pharmacy website or in the iHerb online store using this link.

In the first case, you will most likely encounter inflated prices and unknown quality of the product, while on Iherb a certified product is sold directly from the manufacturer. And ease of navigation, ease of use and the presence of the Russian language will make the ordering process as comfortable as possible.

Regular intake of L arginine from Solgar will quickly restore the functioning of the entire body, strengthen the immune system and help you lose 3-4 extra pounds. Just do not forget to consult a doctor before starting treatment, since the drug has contraindications and, in case of overdose, can cause not very pleasant symptoms.

L-arginine belongs to the category of biological food additive, which actively affects metabolic processes in the body, maintains normal blood cholesterol levels, and stimulates the release of growth hormone. L-Arginine is a partially replaceable synthesized amino acid required by people of any age for the full functioning of the body. In an adult and healthy person it is produced in sufficient volume; in children and the elderly there is a deficiency.

Indications for use

  • When playing sports (for athletes as a dietary supplement to increase the concentration of creatinine in muscle tissue)
  • In order to prevent a number of diseases of internal organs
  • Weakened immunity
  • To restore physical condition after abuse of substances that alter the human mental balance (PAS) or compliance with a prescribed therapeutic diet for a long time.

Composition of the drug

1 capsule of dietary supplement contains the active components of l-arginine (500 or 1000 mg) and additional: MCC, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (food additive E464), glycerin. The Solgar l arginine company produces without the use of artificial flavors, dyes and flavoring additives.

Medicinal properties

L-Arginine is an amino acid that influences the formation of protein and is the “material” for the synthesis of nitric oxide.

Its action is aimed at maintaining a sufficient concentration of cholesterol in the blood, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the physiological properties of the cardiovascular system.

In males, the use of I arginine provokes an increase in blood flow to the genitals, which helps to increase the amount of seminal plasma. Against this background, conditions are created for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and normalization of the general condition of the prostate.

In addition, the instructions for use indicate the following beneficial features l arginine:

  • Stimulates the production of peptide hormone (insulin)
  • Affects the formation or increase in the level of somatotropin in the blood (growth hormone)
  • Helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat
  • Accelerates the process of wound healing and skin regeneration after injury
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening the body's resistance to allergies, acute respiratory and cardiovascular diseases
  • Maintains blood pressure within physiological limits
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis
  • Plays an important role in blood microcirculation and its viscosity and fluidity properties
  • Activates the detoxification process naturally and promotes the removal of ammonia (urea) from the body
  • Ensures normal blood circulation in the extremities
  • Increases the body's resistance to mental and physical overload.

Release form

Average price: 900 rub.

I arginine is available in capsule form. Packaged in dark glass bottles of 50 capsules of 500 mg of substance, weighing 1000 mg - 90 pieces. Cylindrical shape arginine promotes easy absorption and does not cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Mode of application

Before use, consult a medical professional.

The instructions recommend that adults take the dietary supplement 3 times a day, 1 capsule during meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks to a month. After a four-week break, a second dose is possible.


The contraindications are as follows:

  1. Children in the active growth stage
  2. Individual intolerance to components
  3. For a viral disease - herpes
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  5. Persons diagnosed with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses
  6. Patients diagnosed with cancer.

Precautionary measures

The sick, the suffering diabetes mellitus, or with impaired glucose tolerance, dietary supplements are prescribed with caution, since the amino acid contained can provoke a hormonal shift and, accordingly, lead to hyperglycemia.

People with kidney pathologies and electrolyte imbalance should also use the drug with caution.

Interaction with other vitamins and medications

It is not recommended to use simultaneously with other substances that increase the concentration of nitrogen in the blood (donators). Consumption in combination of Carnitine, Arginine and Ornithine enhances the effect of burning fat deposits, which stimulates weight loss.

Side effects and overdose

Some patients may experience consequences caused by the side effects of dietary supplements:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions (allergy)
  • Exacerbation of the herpes virus
  • Insomnia
  • Hyperactivity and excitability.

Consumption of l-arginine in doses exceeding the norm (more than 15 g per day) can cause thickening of the skin, gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, burning sensation in the chest, frequent bowel movements, loss of appetite). It has been proven that taking this amino acid can lead to inflammation of the pancreas and the development of pancreatitis.

Conditions and shelf life

Should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from light and humidity, at room temperature no higher than 25 °C. The drug is valid for 24 months from the date of production.

L-arginine analogues


"Yuria-Pharm", Ukraine

Price: 250 rubles

It is an antioxidant, antihypoxic, detoxifying, membrane-stabilizing agent, protects cells from harmful effects, helps reduce lethargy, weakness, physical and mental asthenia. Available in the form of a solution for droppers.


  • Efficiency
  • Reduction of acute symptoms of diseases
  • Reduced blood pressure.


  • Side effects.


"Altaivitamins", Russia

Price: 240 rubles

The active ingredient is l arginine. Available in the form of hard gelatin capsules of 180 mg or 500 mg. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and prevents the development of coronary heart disease. Has antioxidant properties.


  • Restoring functionality
  • Normalization of memory and mental activity.
  • Efficiency


  • Side effects.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Amino acids are constantly synthesized in the human body, but under the influence of unfavorable factors their production can be significantly reduced.

With insufficient formation of l arginine has the most serious consequences in the form of the development of certain diseases, however, with proper intake, it allows you to tirelessly support the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems - guarantors of excellent human well-being.

Forms of release, composition and medical status of the product

The product is marketed in the form of tablets or capsules containing the amino acid. The purchase of the product is possible in pharmacy and sports chains without presenting an authorization document - a prescription. The status of a product with a valuable amino acid is classified as a dietary supplement, so the supplement is used in medicine only as a component of auxiliary therapy.

The main ingredient in these supplements is arginine, with additional third-party components that facilitate the absorption of the element. Silicon dioxide, magnesium salt, cellulose, stearic acid are essential components that are often included in products with arginine.

Variability of forms (concentration of active substance):

  • 500 mg. This form of release is suitable for those who have not previously taken arginine-based products.
  • 1000 mg. Capsules with this concentration are recommended for athletes.
  • alternative options. Some manufacturers produce tablets with a concentration of 300, 600 and 900 mg, allowing you to choose the most comfortable dosage.

The price for l arginine varies depending on the number of tablets: a standard package (90 pieces) costs 1,700–2,000 rubles, options of 50 tablets cost 700–900 rubles. Arginine is produced by companies with different variable names from the following manufacturers: Altaivitamins Vazoton (350–380 rubles for 60 capsules), Now foods L-arginine (800–950 rubles for 250 capsules), Now Foods Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate 3500 (2100–2300 rubles for 180 tablets), Doppelgerz Arginine (820–990 rubles for 120 capsules), Elit-Pharm L-arginine (430–550 rubles for 50 capsules).

The natural decline in arginine production in adults begins at age 30.

The benefits and harms of taking arginine

Its role for blood vessels

Introducing arginine into the diet, which helps improve nitrogen balance, improves protein synthesis, which is necessary for increasing physical and mental abilities.

If there is an amino acid deficiency in the human body, then physical weakness, slow reaction and activation of processes that contribute to the loss of muscle mass are observed.

Other beneficial properties of the amino acid:

  1. increased blood flow to all organs, including the brain;
  2. increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries;
  3. liver protection;
  4. preventing blood clots;
  5. cleansing the body of ammonia;
  6. increased collagen production.

Additionally, the element helps reduce blood cholesterol and lower intraocular pressure. At periodic intake amino acids also significantly increase the restorative function of the body - wounds and injuries disappear faster than without taking arginine.

Although there are benefits, harm also exists. In addition to individual intolerance, there are other conditions that are not compatible with taking arginine.

  • colds on the lips (herpes);
  • kidney and pancreas diseases;
  • asthma;
  • schizophrenia;
  • hypotension.

In case of an overdose, the recipient may feel a sharp drop in blood pressure (although the property is useful for hypertensive patients), detect an increase in heart rate and feel pre-fainting.

The safe limit dosage of arginine is 6.8 g per day.

Instructions for use

The instructions included with the package contain comprehensive information on how to take arginine and how often it should be done.

Features of the intake for health (prevention):

  • daily dose - 3 g;
  • frequency of reception - three times;
  • quantity - from 1 to 3 tables. (depending on the release form);
  • break after the course - 1–2 months.

Full absorption of the amino acid is hindered by the intake of fatty foods, which should be consumed 5–6 hours after taking arginine. For children, the use of amino acids in tablets is not recommended by pediatricians, who believe that this component should be supplied to the developing body strictly through nutrition.

Indications for diseases

A doctor can prescribe an amino acid regardless of whether the patient is interested in sports or has little physical activity. In the presence of illnesses, the instructions for use indicate the period for taking arginine, usually no more than a 14-day period.

Amino acids have been proven to help with:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • cirrhosis and fibrosis of the liver;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • atherosclerosis.

In adolescence, it is rational to give the amino acid only for short stature and cystinuria.

The main attractive property, which for men is of great importance in case of weakened desire. The component is also prescribed for male infertility due to its ability to increase the number of active sperm.

An additional impact is the rapid restoration of mental and physical resources, which are often depleted when in leadership positions or positions involving increased responsibility.

Prescribing arginine for women is rational during activation associated with the occurrence of spasms and increased bleeding. The amino acid, promoting the burning of adipose tissue, also belongs to the dietary group of drugs.

An increase in the formation of collagen has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and restoration of the nervous system is useful during periods of stress and the cold season, when there is a risk of catching a cold.

Robert Atkins, a popular American nutritionist, stated that “arginine is the most powerful amino acid of cardiology.”

Arginine as a sports supplement

The intake of arginine into the athlete’s body leads to an increase in the concentration of growth hormone, a decrease in lactic acidosis and blood flow to the muscles, therefore in bodybuilding this amino acid is often used as a component in comprehensive course to increase muscle mass.

It is further enhanced by increasing the transport function of the blood, which quickly delivers nutrients to the cells.

Admission rules in sports:

  • maximum dosage - 10 g;
  • duration of therapy - 2–4 weeks;
  • use - with water;
  • time - an hour before training.

To enhance athletic performance, it is allowed to combine arginine with creatine. Considering sports terminology, athletes call these amino acids “nitrogen donors.”

Analogs and products with arginine

If an amino acid causes unpleasant reactions, then you can use products with components that resemble arginine in their effects.

Arginine substitutes:

  • . This element is also a nitrogen-containing acid, which enhances muscle and nerve metabolism. Cost - from 900 to 2,000 rubles.
  • . The amino acid allows you to quickly recover after intense training. Cost - from 600 to 1500 rubles.
  • Threonine. Products with this component enhance the formation of elastin and collagen, increase immunity, protect the liver, and participate in protein synthesis. Contained in Biotredin. Price - from 110 to 160 rubles.
  • . The group's drugs include essential elements - leucine, isoleucine and valine, which allow you to obtain a large number of energy. Costs - from 1350 to 1900 rubles.
  • Perindopril. An effective cardiac remedy that simultaneously reduces blood pressure. Not used in sports. Price - 180–210 rubles.
  • Sodium nitroprusside. Used to dilate blood vessels for asthma and heart problems. Purchase costs - from 1250 to 1400 rubles.
  • Hypernik. Tablets to lower blood pressure and get rid of chronic heart failure. Price - 90–100 rubles.

Some citizens are skeptical about taking tablets, so they are interested in the question of which foods contain the most arginine and how to absorb this amino acid from food.

Sources of arginine (from max to min concentration):

  1. pumpkin seeds;
  2. pine nuts;
  3. walnuts;
  4. dried peas;
  5. chicken fillet;
  6. pork;
  7. salmon fillet.

You can also get a daily dose of arginine by consuming 500 grams of cottage cheese, 360 grams of pork or 6 chicken eggs.

Consumer Opinion

Since childhood, I have had a bad heart, my blood vessels are also weak (there are many areas on the skin with a capillary network). On the advice of the doctor, I started taking arginine - as a result, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, and cardiac heaviness disappeared. Some of the skin imperfections disappeared, the remaining imperfections were removed using laser surgery.

I liked the reviews about this amino acid, so I purchased a product based on it. I’ve been involved in sports recently, but I immediately felt an increase in endurance, the relief became more pronounced after the course.

L-Arginine 1,000 mg – a drug for American company Now Foods, which takes an active part in many processes in the body. Its role seems modest, but the main component transports nitrogen molecules throughout all organs and tissues. Each capsule contains 1,000 mg of arginine.

Beneficial features

"L-Arginine" 1,000 mg 120 tablets has the following effects on the human body:

  • increased formation of somatotropic hormone;
  • anabolic effect on the body;
  • neutralization of the influence of harmful products formed as a result of metabolism;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • increasing the rate of fat metabolism;
  • activation of energy processes;
  • increasing vitality and relieving fatigue;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • prevention of tumor formation;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • increase in muscle mass with regular physical activity;
  • increasing potency in men.

The positive effects of L-Arginine 1,000 mg 120 tablet are evidenced by numerous reviews from both professional athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle.

In addition, the drug gradually promotes rejuvenation of the body by fighting free radicals.

Indications for use

You should take L-Arginine regularly if:

  • heart diseases (hypertension, ischemia, etc.);
  • weakened immune system;
  • prevention of cancer diseases;
  • pathologies and ailments of the nervous system;
  • neuroses and chronic fatigue;
  • recovery from injuries;
  • decreased potency and infertility in men.
  • L-Arginine promotes active burning of fat deposits, therefore it is often used by athletes during the drying period. The drug should not be taken if the component is individually tolerated, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with myocardial infarction, glaucoma, schizophrenia and coronary artery disease.

    Mode of application

    The optimal dosage of the drug is 1 tablet from one to three times in a day. It is best to take L-Arginine before a meal or workout with plenty of water.

    L-Arginine 1000 mg is the conditionally essential amino acid L-arginine. The human body is not able to produce it on its own. The key function of arginine is to maintain healthy blood vessels and circulatory function. Natrol, using natural properties, has produced its own combination of ingredients to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the erectile tissues. Natrol L-Arginine 1000, in addition to arginine, includes vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12.
    L-arginine is an amino acid that promotes heart health. It stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a compound involved in circulatory and immune function. Nitric oxide decomposes very quickly after it is formed. L-arginine serves as a precursor for the long-term production of nitric oxide and performs a number of tasks: promotes wound healing, helps remove excess ammonia from the body, stimulates immune function, and also promotes the secretion of several hormones, including glucagon, insulin and growth hormone.

    Acting as a chemical agent, arginine has a decisive role in vasolidation and relaxation of smooth muscle cells inside blood vessels. The human body uses arginine obtained from food to produce NO. This makes L-arginine an essential component sports nutrition. Since the main role of arginine is to vasodilate blood vessels, using Natrol L-Arginine 1000 makes it possible to maintain healthy blood vessels.

    Recent research confirms the importance of L-arginine in supporting the immune system. Under normal conditions, the body can synthesize enough from the diet to meet your needs, but during stress conditions, with herbs and wound healing, the body is unable to produce enough arginine. In addition, L-arginine is used by the body to produce creatine, which is involved in ATP production and muscle protein synthesis.

    Precursor to nitric oxide.
    Vascular support.
    Immune system support.
    Supports muscle metabolism.

    Natrol L-Arginine 1000 amino acid has multiple functions in the body, aiding in wound healing, removing excess ammonia from the body, stimulating immune function, and promoting the secretion of several hormones, including glucagon, insulin, and growth hormone.

    Natural amino acid Natrol L-Arginine 1000 supports the health of your blood vessels and circulation. Natrol has taken the best of nature and created a formula that supports vasodilation to increase blood flow to erectile tissue. Natrol L-Arginine 1000 mg formula to support energy production, improve endurance and performance.

    The amino acid L-arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide (NO). It plays a vital role in vasodilation, relaxing smooth muscle cells in arterial blood vessels. Since L-arginine's potential role is in vasodilation, it may support healthy blood vessels.

    New evidence suggests a role for L-arginine in immune function. It is well known that the body uses more L-arginine when it is under stress or injury. In addition, L-arginine is also used by the body to produce creatine, which supports muscle protein synthesis.

    Increase sexual sensitivity with Natrol L-Arginine 1000. The natural amino acid L-Arginine supports the health of your blood vessels and circulation. Natrol has taken the best of nature and created a formula that supports vasodilation to increase blood flow to erectile tissue. Natrol L-Arginine 1000 mg formula to support energy production and helps improve energy, endurance and performance.

    Amount of nutrients per serving of Natrol L-Arginine 1000:

    • Serving Size: 3 Tablets
    • Servings per container: 30
    • Nutrient content per serving: %DV*
    • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 10.00 mg 500%
    • Folic acid 200.00mcg 50%
    • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 50.00mcg 833%
    • L-arginine 3000.00 mg **
    • *% DV - daily value
    • Other Ingredients: Cellulose, hypromellose, stearic acid, silicon, cellulose gum, methylcellulose, magnesium stearate, glycerin, dicalcium phosphate.

    Take 1-3 tablets, once a day, with food.

    In our online store you can buy L-Arginine(50 tablets) from the company Natrol with delivery throughout Moscow and all over Russia.
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