Real numbers and salary calculations.

Chercher 03.06.2020


In accordance with part 4 of article 2 Federal Law dated July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 No. 878 "On the establishment of monthly salaries monetary allowance employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation,” -

I order:

1. Approve the monthly salaries in accordance with the position being filled for non-standard positions of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, seconded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to the Federal Migration Service, in accordance with.

Order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No. 522 “On approval of salaries for non-standard positions of the Federal Migration Service of Russia”;

Order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated October 15, 2012 No. 319 “On introducing changes to the annex to the order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No. 522”;

Order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated December 14, 2012 No. 414 “On introducing amendments to the appendix to the order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated December 19, 2011 No. 522”.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the deputy head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, Major General internal service V.A. Lyany.


*(1) - Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 30, Art. 4595; No. 46, art. 6407; No. 49, art. 7020; 2012, No. 53, art. 7608.

*(2) - Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 46, Art. 6504; 2012, No. 12, Art. 1410.

*(3) - Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2012, registration No. 22943.

*(4) - Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 23, 2012, registration No. 25910.

*(5) - Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 17, 2013, registration No. 26554.

Amounts of monthly salaries in accordance with the position filled for non-standard positions of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, seconded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to the Federal Migration Service

Name of atypical position Salary for a non-standard position (rubles)
1. Central office of the Federal Migration Service
Head of department 33000
Deputy Head of Department 32000
Chief: expert consultant, expert specialist, expert auditor 32000
Consultant to the head (director) 30000
Senior: auditor, psychologist 25000
Inspector, psychologist 24000
2. Organizations and divisions created to support the activities of the Federal Migration Service
Head of the main center 29000
Deputy head of the main center, head of the center (independent) 28000
Head of the center as part of the main center, deputy head of the center (independent) 27000
Deputy head of the center as part of the main center 26500
Head of department, chief accountant 26000
Department Director 22000
Senior: inspector, specialist, legal adviser, engineer, psychologist 19000
Inspector, specialist, legal adviser, engineer, psychologist 18000
3. Territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service at the district and interregional levels
Chief: specialist, engineer 19000
Senior: specialist, legal adviser, auditor, psychologist 17500
Specialist, legal adviser, auditor, psychologist 16500
Driver-employee 13000
4. Territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with a population of over 2.5 million people
Assistant Head of Department 20000
Deputy Head of Department 19250
Chief: specialist, engineer 18500
Driver-employee 13000
5. Territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with a population of less than 2.5 million people
Assistant to the head of the department (department) for: personnel, legal work, logistics support; Chief Accountant 21500
Deputy Head of Department 17250
Chief: specialist, engineer 17000
Senior: specialist, engineer, legal adviser, psychologist 16500
Specialist, engineer, legal adviser, psychologist 15500
Driver-employee 12000
6. Departments (branches) of the Federal Migration Service at the interdistrict and district level
Deputy Head of Department 16000
7. Centers created to carry out the tasks and exercise powers assigned to territorial bodies Federal Migration Service
7.1. In the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service at the district and interregional levels
Department head 22000
Deputy Head of Department 21000
Department Director 20500
Chief Specialist 19000
7.2. In a territorial body in a subject of the Russian Federation with a permanent resident population of over 2.5 million people
Head of the center (with a staff of 25 units or more) 23000
Deputy head of the center 22000
Department head 21500
Deputy Head of Department 20000
Department Director 19500
Chief Specialist 18500
Senior: inspector, specialist, engineer 17500
Inspector, specialist, engineer 16500


* Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of territorial bodies stationed in the city. Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, increase by 10 percent.

Document overview

The monthly salaries for non-standard positions of all police officers seconded to the Federal Migration Service of Russia have been approved (previously - only for positions of senior, senior and middle management).

Thus, the salary of the chief expert-consultant in the central office of the Service is 32 thousand rubles, a consultant to the head - 30 thousand rubles, an auditor, a psychologist - 24 thousand rubles.

The following salary amounts are provided in the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia at the district and interregional levels. Assistant department head - 21 thousand rubles, chief specialist or engineer - 19 thousand rubles, legal adviser, auditor, psychologist - 16.5 thousand rubles.

In addition, the amounts of salaries in territorial bodies are given depending on the size of the permanent resident population (more or less than 2.5 million people).

The salary amounts have been established in the centers created to perform the tasks and exercise the powers assigned to the territorial bodies of the Service. Previously, they were indicated only in relation to non-standard positions of senior and middle management of the Federal Institution "Main Center for Supporting the Activities of the Federal Migration Service of Russia".

Monthly salaries of employees of territorial bodies stationed in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the Moscow and Leningrad regions, are, as before, increased by 10%.

In 2018, the trend that was in 2017 of increasing employee salaries will also continue. government agencies. If we take into account the process of increasing salaries, it will take place over three years. So there won't be any sudden deterioration.

A little about the Federal Migration Service: how salaries have changed in recent years

The Federal Migration Service is considered a federal executive body. In a migration environment public policy is realized at her expense. The FMS also carries out supervision, control, enforcement functions and much more. Back in 2004, the service was created by presidential decree. But in 2006, we saw the creation of territorial bodies that united the divisions of the passport and visa service. When FMS employees received certification, they began to join the staff of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, employees are assigned different ranks of commanding staff of the internal service.

Real numbers and salary calculations

Today, employees of structures can see changes in better side. Of course, you won’t have to wait for a big increase, however, modern conditions there will even be an extra premium. In addition to all of the above, the salary increase will also affect employees of various departmental structures. IN Lately The authorities pay great attention to increasing the prestige of work in government agencies. So, a separate column includes an increase in salary indications for FMS employees.

It was clear back in 2015 that the coming years would be difficult. What can we say about 2018. The country’s economy is currently experiencing difficult times, although it is trying to get back on its feet faster. The sanctions had a negative impact on the Russian budget, so that back in 2015, the indexation of many salaries was frozen. Of course, since previous years the budget has provided for an increase in indexation. Then officials decided that salaries would be indexed according to inflation, which was planned at 5-6 percent. More than 50 percent of students dream of getting into the civil service. Therefore, it is very important for them to know whether civil servants’ salaries will be increased in 2018 or not.

Salaries Today they promised to raise it, but not for everyone. For some categories of employees, promotions have been temporarily frozen. This list includes employees of the Presidential Administration and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as high-ranking officials of the central apparatus of the Russian Foreign Ministry and its central division. Some information suggests that such workers will not receive an increase in 2018. But categories of other Russian residents who are employed in other positions can expect an increase. They are not subject to the restriction. An increase of 5-6 percent was created for these people, despite inflation being around 11 percent.

Salary increase program

The law came into force in 2014. He also said that the increase in service employees would be regulated. In addition, the increase applies not only to bosses, but also to mid-level and lower level. Of course, executives will receive the highest raises. But if we take into account ordinary employees, the salary increase will be as follows:

  • Department heads will see a 180 percent increase.
  • Inspectors will receive a salary increase of up to 130 percent.
  • Center managers will receive the largest raises, at 230 percent.

It should also be noted that the increase dynamics came into force back in 2014. It will continue until 2018. It’s worth remembering that every barrel has its own fly in the ointment. Wage indexation will come, only along with it will a reorganization of structures take place. One of its methods is to conduct certification of employees and departments as a whole. So officials can reduce staff and increase zeal for work.

What to expect from the FMS in 2018?

Most analysts believe that this increase in wages can greatly increase the level of corruption in the ranks of officials. If we look at the situation soberly, then government departmental structures will have salaries that exceed the average salary in Russia by 8 times. They can even be compared with Europe, where such officials receive salaries 4 times higher than average.

We should not forget about inflation, in conditions of which it is simply necessary to increase wages. Salaries are also being increased in order to increase the efficiency of government agencies. Will this actually happen? If the authorities want the work to be truly effective and good, then salaries will have to be increased according to their zeal and ability.

It’s too early for us to judge this. The most important thing is that salaries will still be a little higher, which means it will be easier for people to live. It should be noted that this planned increase in librarian salaries will be implemented next year.

FMS future prospects 2019 after abolition – the employee forum seethes with indignation mass layoffs, a reduction in wages, as well as the complete stupidity of everything that is happening. In 2004, by decree of President Putin, the Federal Migration Service was created, employing 42,000 people. This is a fairly serious structure, on the creation of which millions of rubles were spent. This is an organization with its own regulatory framework , positions, information security system and other difficulties. FMS employees were paid good salaries, they were trained and educated. And in 2016, President Putin signed a decree abolishing the FMS and transferring its powers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Naturally, a huge number of employees became concerned about their future fate

, especially considering that during the reorganization mass layoffs began, there was talk of reducing salaries, and the transfer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was accompanied by terrible bureaucracy. It was worse for those approaching retirement age - after a stable job, they suddenly found themselves with a real prospect of remaining on the street. Women on maternity leave, young people who had not worked until their vacation, certified employees and...administrative staff cried out. After all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own bosses.

The reform of the Federal Migration Service caused great bewilderment - it is clear that after Crimea and the lost military in Ukraine, a powerful country plunged into crisis, but why was it necessary to completely destroy the structure that had been created for 11 years? U The FMS has only one future prospect in 2019 - either put on police shoulder straps or look for another place of work. Teachers have already been sent to do business, now it’s the turn of civil servants. According to preliminary data, approximately 11,000 people are subject to dismissal. It is safe to say that the state has completely ruined their lives - former officials who work from 9 to 18 every day will no longer be able to become businessmen or farmers, and there are currently very few free government-funded places. The state produces almost nothing, Soviet factories were finished off in the 2000s, earnings from the oil pipeline are drying up, what will happen to those laid off? The remaining 31 thousand former FMS officers, if transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (it is very doubtful that in full force), will learn to live according to the regulations, and will fully taste the romance of a dangerous and difficult service, and in particular, the sweet relationship between superiors and subordinates and all features of the system. By the way, the transfer of structures under one police principle promises an interesting future. It is obvious that among the employees of the Federal Migration Service, who discuss the reform in flowery terms on forums, someday they will be purged of their thinking in line with the party line.

So for the Federal Migration Service, further prospects for 2019 ended with reorganization, and people, as always, were abandoned. However, many of them are themselves to blame for trusting the state and not going free after graduation to open individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Entrepreneurs are also being squeezed in Russia, but the likelihood of feeding your family is much higher, and at least some independence from stupid decrees appears.

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