Section Code of Economic Activity. All-Russian Classifier for Economic Activities

Lending 25.03.2020

This section includes:

Physical and / or chemical treatment of materials, substances or components in order to convert them to new products, although it cannot be used as a single universal criterion for determining production (see below "waste recycling")

Materials, substances or converted components are raw materials, i.e. Products agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mountain breeds and minerals and products of other processing industries. It is believed that significant periodic changes, updating or transformation of products belong to production.

Produced products can be ready for consumption or can be semi-finished for subsequent processing. For example, the aluminum purification product is used as raw materials for the primary production of aluminum products, such as aluminum wire, which in turn will be used in the necessary structures; Production of equipment and equipment for which these spare parts and accessories are intended. Production of non-specialized components and parts of machines and equipment, such as engines, pistons, electric motors, valves, gears, bearings, is classified in the appropriate grouping of the section C "processing production", regardless of which machines and equipment can include these items. However, the production of specialized components and accessories by casting / molding or stamping plastic materials includes a grouping 22.2. The assembly of component parts and parts is also attributed to the production. This section Includes an assembly of holistic structures from components made independently or acquired. Waste recycling, i.e. Processing of waste for the production of secondary raw materials entered the grouping 38.3 (activity on the processing of secondary raw materials). Although physical and chemical processing can be carried out, this is not considered part of the processing production. The primary purpose of these activities is the main processing or processing of waste, which is classified in section E (water supply; sewage, organization of collection and disposal of waste, activities to eliminate pollution). However, the production of new finished products (as opposed to products produced from secondary raw materials) belongs to all production as a whole, even if waste has been used in these processes. For example, silver production of film waste is considered an industrial process. Special maintenance and repair of industrial, commercial and similar machines and equipment are generally listed in grouping 33 (repair and installation of machinery and equipment). However, the repair of computers, household devices is listed in grouping 95 (repair of computers, personal use and household goods), at the same time car repair is described in grouping 45 (Wholesale and retail and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles). Installation of equipment and equipment as highly specialized activities are classified in grouping 33.20

Note - The borders of the processing production with other sections of this classifier may not have a clear one-to-one specification. As a rule, manufacturing production includes processing materials for the production of new products. This is usually completely new products. However, the determination of what is new products may be somewhat subjective

Recycling implies the following activities involved in the production and determined in this classifier:

Recycling fresh fish (extraction of oysters from shells, fishing), not performed on board a fishing vessel, see 10.20;

Pasteurization of milk and bottling on bottles, see 10.51;

Clear skin, see 15.11;

Sawmilling and planing of wood; impregnation of wood, see 16.10;

Printing and related activities, see 18.1;

Restoring tire tread, see 22.11;

Production of ready-to-use concrete mixes, see 23.63;

Electroplating, metallol and thermal processing of metal, see 25.61;

Mechanical equipment for repair or bulkhead (for example, car engines), see 29.10

There are also activities included in the processing process, which are reflected in other sections of the classifier, i.e. They are not classified as processing production.

They include:

Forestry classified in section A (rural, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming);

Modification of agricultural products classified in section A;

Preparation food products For immediate consumption in premises, classified in grouping 56 (enterprise activities catering and bars);

Enrichment of ore and other minerals classified in section B (mining of minerals);

Construction and assembly works performed on construction sites, classified in section F (construction);

Activities on the breakdown of large batches of goods on small groups and secondary sales of smaller parties, including packaging, repacking or bottling in a bottle of such products as alcoholic beverages or chemicals;

Sorting solid waste;

Mixing paints by customer order;

Cutting of metals by order of the client;

Explanation of various goods related to section G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles)

What is OKVED? Why do I need OKVED? Who issues OKVED? How to choose OKVED?

01. What is Gosstat State Stat?

The division of labor began in ancient times. The first metallurgists professionals, at the same time traders, wandered along the roads of Europe still in the Bronze Age. Each settlement had its leaders, servants of the cult and farmers. Later, the occupation of the case requiring special knowledge and skills began to call the type of activity.At first, the business developed uncontrollably. Over time, the need for the classification and collection of statistical information for each type of activity is to develop particularly necessary business areas at the state level, plan and evaluate the development of the economy as a whole. So appeared OKVED .

We will focus on our goal - OKVED (statistical code or Rosstat code), where to get it and for what is needed.

02. What is OKVED and why is it needed?

OKVED deciphered as " All-Russian Classifier activities »(hereinafter - classifier). Now there is an OKVED Classifier 2014 (OK 029-2014 approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st)
Classifier is used for:

  • classification and coding of species economic activityclaimed by economic entities during registration;
  • definitions of the main and additional types of economic activities of economic entities;
  • development of regulatory legal acts relating to state regulation separate species economic activity;
  • implementation of state statistical observation by type of activity for the development of economic processes;
  • preparation of statistical information for comparisons at the international level;
  • encoding information on economic activities in information systems and resources, the unified state register of enterprises and organizations, other information registers;
  • ensuring the needs of government and management bodies in information on the types of economic activities in solving analytical tasks.

The classifier is used for the purpose of statistical accounting and analysis. With his help state bodies Find out who they control. Codes "do not contain neither rights nor the responsibilities of economic entities." He is the main thing, but not the only document in his field. Some of the auditory authorities or partners of organizations require more detailed information, and they use their departmental classifier. Then businessmen demand additional information about the activities carried out.

In OKVED, a hierarchical classification method and a sequential coding method were used. The code consists of two - six digital signs and its structure can be represented as follows:

XX. - class;

XX.x - subclass;

XX.Hh - group;

XX.Hhh.x - subgroup;

XX.Hhh.Hh - view.

OKVED code is the number of your activities on the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities.

What does OKVED affect? Lately Its role is enhanced. The code is used when calculating the tax burden, it is focused on it when issuing licenses and SROs, implementation customs operationsIt is based on the calculation of insurance premiums, it is strongly recommended to accurately comply with this or that taxation system. Business owners independently determine the activities that one or another OKVED code corresponds.

03. Where to get the OKVED statistics code?

The code is selected from the already named all-Russian classifier for the types of economic activity OK 029-2014. The names of the classifier sections correspond to the field of activity, and subsections - used raw materials and materials. In accordance with international practice in OKVED, it is not taken into account: a form of ownership; Organizational legal form and departmental subordination of economic entities; Territorial coverage (internal or international trade), commercial or other direction of activity.

Let us give an example. Suppose you are planning to do margarine. This activity refers to manufacturing manufacturing, which corresponds to the partition from the classifier. Since margarine is a food product, we go to class 10 "food production" and looking for the desired code. It will be 10.42 - the group "Production of margarine products".

Important! To select codes, use only the above classifier. Tax inspection has the right to refuse state registrationIf the codes are chosen from an invalid all-Russian classifier for the types of economic activity.

04. How to get statistics codes. Where to see them

We read carefully. Companies registered until 2013 received a separate notice from Rosstat with printing and signature on the letterhead, where held all statistical codes, including OKVED. Later codes were divided.

OKVED codes began to be indicated in the statement of the register. They do not automatically fall into the statement. At first, the company undergoes the state registration procedure, in the Charter and the registration statement indicates its activities. The codes themselves can be written as much as you like, there are no legal restrictions. After state registration, Regorgan issues an extract from an incorporation or the EGRIP with selected codes (those that you indicated in the application). Thus, the OKVED is obtained during the registration of the company. You can change them by submitting a corresponding application to Reorgangan. Look oKVED codes You can in the statement of an increment, using any service, such as the tax service.

Other statistics codes, since we already started talking about them (about them below), remained in the notification of Rosstat. Statorgan's notification has become electronic and placed on a special service. To view statistical codes, use the free service Rosstat. Watch your Inn, in the open window, review the data obtained. To download them on the sheet, click Export.

05. What is the other statistics codes - OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, SKKU, OKFS, OKOPF

In addition to OKVED, there are several more codes that assigns and indicates mentioned above information letter Rosstat.

  1. OKPO code (The All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations) - is used for the unambiguous identification of a business entity in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is necessarily indicated in the accounting documents.
  2. OKATO code (The all-Russian classifier of administrative-territorial objects) - is intended to unify the address and has a length of 2 to 8 digits on a three-level system: the first level - the subjects of the Russian Federation (republic, edge, regions, etc.) of the second level - city, urban-type settlements . Third Level - Sencons, Intorodsky Districts, etc.
  3. OKTMO code (The all-Russian classifier of administrative and municipalities) - is intended to determine the territorial affiliation of the economic entity for municipal education.
  4. Code by Skogu (All-Russian classifier of state and management bodies) - indicates the owner of the enterprise.
  5. Code in OKFS. (The All-Russian Classifier of Property Forms) - It is clear from the name that the classifier defines ownership. The OKFS form property is classified depending on the type of owner. For example, property belonging to municipal education is municipal property, etc.
  6. OKOPF code (The All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms) - classifies business entities for the method of consolidation and use of property, as well as goals of activity.

All listed classifiers are needed by the state for forming information resources, property management, forecasting economic processes. From a technical point of view, they provide compatibility of state bodies databases.

Information resources are formed by statistical authorities on the basis of data that organizations and individual entrepreneurs provide. Reporting volumes depend on the size of the economic entity (large, medium or small) and on the main activity.

06. Responsibility for work without OKVED

The law provides for a mandatory notification of the registering authority on the change / adding activity within a period no later than 3 (three) days from the beginning of its implementation.

Direct consequences of work without OKVED - Fine:

In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the following information and documents on a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) codes on the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. Entity and individual entrepreneur Within 3 (three) working days, report changes to the registering authority at the place of their place of finding and residence (Art. 5 FZ No. 129).

Late submission of information about a legal entity or an individual entrepreneurentails a warning or imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 5 (five) thousand rubles (Art. 14.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Indirect consequences of work without OKVED - unreliability:

  • Tax authorities may refuse VAT reimbursement on the grounds that there is no code for OKVED in the state market, the corresponding activities in which the deductions are stated. The courts of this argument will notice - the assignment of the OKVED taxpayer does not deprive his right to conduct other activities. And the tax profit (VAT) is reasonable;
  • If an OKVED code appears in the incorporates the OKVED (Retail) code, while it did not work, as a taxpayer, the company did not get up, the tax authorities can be fined for failure to provide the tax declaration and block the account. Conversely, if the company is working on ENVD, but the activities of the activity are indicated by others, the tax may be fined for the failure to submit the General Tax Declaration. Such behavior is unreasonable, but it happens;

  • Unregistered properly activity is an unreliable company.

We add that in practice such fines are very rare. The fact is that this offense is not the last. It can be fined for it within 2 (two) months from the moment you had to inform the tax on the emergence of a new activity (Article 4.5 of the Administrative Code). And how to determine when you started your activities? To do this, to identify this offense, you need to conduct control measures to determine the actual activity. We recommend not to abuse the situation and notify the registering authority in a timely manner.

The change in information about the activities is made to the incorporation in the same way as any other changes. To do this, fill out the application for form No. P14001 and apply to the registering (tax) authority or the Unified Registration Center at the location of the Company. If you need to reflect the change in activities in the Charter, then proceed in the same way as you make changes to the charter.

Firmyker, 2011 (updated in January 2019)
Evgeny Morozov
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You can find out the OKVED on the INN organization on the website of the FTS or using special assistant services. The code of the type of economic activity on the all-Russian classifier is assigned to organizations and IP during registration. About his kind of classes Organization or entrepreneur is informed in a declarative order by registering a business. The same enterprise has several activities, and they can change over time. Therefore, the corresponding digital codes also have a lot. When changing the specialization or adding a new direction a statement is given. At its basis, the change is made in a single state Register legal entities (register) or a single state registry individual entrepreneurs (Jarip). When checking information about the counterparty, it is important to get fresh, actual information On the direction of its activities, since this data is changed.

You can find out the OKVED code using the services:

How to find out the OKVED in TIN - detailed instructions

Learn OKVED on the Inn on the tax website - the easiest way to get information. Knowing an individual taxpayer number, you can see an extract from an incorporation or the EGRIP, which contains the necessary data. Find out OKVED on the INN on the statistics site will not be possible - the official resource of Rosstat contains only the classifier itself, without the possibility of searching by parameters.

Users of special services to check counterparties can also find out the necessary code and at the same time get much more detailed information About partner, assess the risks and benefits of cooperation. Consider in detail how to find out the OKVED on the Inn online using each service.

Learn OKVED Organization for Inn with the contour focus

1. Log in in a paid service of checking counterparty contour focus or request access to the demo version. In the search string, enter the individual number of the taxpayer, whose OKED you need to know. For example, we introduce the requisition of PJSC Sberbank. By clicking on the search icon, you will receive a summary of this company.

2. Among the information that helps to appreciate the reliability of Sberbank as a partner, you will find a link to download today's discharge from the register.

3. In the statement from the registry contains information about the economic activity that the enterprise is being conducted. PJSC "Sberbank" carries out one type of activity - monetary mediation (code 64.19).


1. Log in to your account, register or simply enter the organization's details in the search string. When entering without registration, complete information about the counterparty will not be available without prior payment, which is 250 rubles.

2. In the list that opens, you will see the main details and legal status of the company. To check the OKVED on the Inn, select the "Types of Activities" in the left menu.

3. On the left, all types of activity of the enterprise according to Rosstat will open, and in brackets are codes on the All-Russian classifier of activities.

Find out the OKVED organization of the INN using the screen @ astral

1. Log in in the screenshot system @ astral. There is no free demo access to the program, the search method is available to users of a paid service. If you need to find out the organization code, click on the Legal Facilities tab. Enter the individual tax number of the company in the first search string. Click the "Find" button.

2. The service finds all divisions of PJSC Sberbank, ever registered for this number, including those already liquidated. Click on the first link with the data on the head company.

3. You will get to the page that contains information about the counterparty, an assessment of its reliability. Among other information on the page displayed the desired props.

Learn the OKVED INN organization with IGK Group

1. Click the "Start Work" button on the IGK GROUP service icon directly on this page - you will immediately go to the Express Help Order field. Enter the well-known Inn (the knowledge of this props is enough to search). For example, we use PJSC Sberbank.

2. Since Sberbank has many units throughout Russia, it is better to clarify the search parameters. Select "Search only by head offices." You can also specify the company status:

  • all organizations;
  • active;
  • liquidated.

3. Search results for major details You will see for free and instantly. Among them is the economic activity code of PJSC SBRBank 64.19 - Money mediation Other.


1. Register on the website and replenish the balance with bank card or calculating account. The service will show how much every help, extract or report. By selecting an extract type, click the Next button.

2. In the discharge received, among other information, you will find information about the activities of economic activities. All codes - on the main and additional activities of the organization - are presented in the left column.

Learn the OKVED INN organization with the help of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

1. On the FTS website, enter the innovation of the organization and numbers from the picture, then click the "Find" button. As an example, we used PJSC Sberbank.

2. In the search results there will be a PDF file with public discharge data from the register - click on it to download.

3. The new tab will open an extract in which you will see OKVED in the main activity of PJSC Sberbank. Additional activity joint-stock company Does not lead. The file can also be downloaded to the computer.

This service is intended for selection of types of economic activities from the new classifier OKVED OK 029-2014 (KDES Ed. 2). The program is built in a convenient search by number and decoding code, as well as a panel with a list of selected OKVED.

When did the new OKVED Classifer come into force?

The new OKVED is valid from July 11, 2016 and is also relevant in 2020. Prior to that, the old OKVED handbook was used (029-2001).

What needs to choose OKVED codes when registering IP or LLC?

You need to choose those activities that you allegedly do. If you are definitely not sure what you will do any activity, it still should be included in the list. You can do or do not engage in any activity, no fines are provided for this. However, if you are going to conclude an agreement with anyone, its content must comply with the selected activities.

Where can I find OKVED 2020 with decoding on the official website?

At the moment there is no OKVED classifier that could be available on one of the official sites of government departments. Nevertheless, there is an official billet designed to work with programs, which is used in this online directory.

Why may need codes of economic activities?

OKVED codes are required to indicate in various reports when implementing business activities. Without them, it is also impossible to do when issuing documents for

Read 9 min. Views 156. Published 07/09/2018

A person for the first time registering his own business project faces the need to select OKVED codes. As practice shows, not every entrepreneur knows about the purpose of these codes and their decryption. This nuance can cause various difficulties associated with interaction with counterparties and regulatory authorities. Below we suggest considering what kind of OKVED organization And where to take it.

After registering IP or legal entity These business subjects are assigned statistical codes and numbers

OKVED: what it is

Each entity of entrepreneurial activity is tied to specific Niche. Market relations. It is this binding that is carried out using OKVED codes. It should be noted that the receipt of this digital value is a mandatory procedure that accompanies business registration a. Each entity of entrepreneurial activity has legal right to choose one or more ciphers contained in a special classifier. The statement of these ciphers is engaged in Rosstat.

The classifier in question is used to collect statistical data in order to analyze and accounting companies operating in Russia.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the cipher in question is often used when interacting with credit organizations and forming outgoing documents. The assignment of the OKVED is the basis for obtaining a license corresponding to the selected entrepreneurial activity. In addition, the availability of cipher assigned to an organization allows the latest participation in auctions and tenders.

Let's move on to the question: "What is OKVED - deciphering the abbreviation." The abbreviation under consideration is deciphered as the "All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities". The Ministry of Economic Development is developing and improving this classifier. It is necessary to separately mention that such classifiers are used not only in Russia. Many countries that are members of the CIS also apply similar standards.

Why need

As mentioned above, the classifier in question is used to collect statistical data for the purpose of subsequent analysis. The information received is applied to grouping various types of entrepreneurial activities. This approach greatly simplifies the creation of a tax case system for a particular field of entrepreneurship. Let's get acquainted with the basic functions of this classifier:

  1. Management of the taxation system of individual areas of commerce and entrepreneurship.
  2. Conducting analytical measures to determine economic indicators Important for state.
  3. Collect information about companies and organizations operating in the country.
  4. Entering the information received to various reference books and state registers.

OKVED is nothing more than "All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity"

The classifier in question is used as a basis for the formation of regulatory acts. Such acts are applied to monitor the work of all entities of entrepreneurship. It should also be noted that in the absence of this cipher, the entrepreneur may be denied registration of the current account in banking organization. According to the established rules, the OKVED codes refer to primary details, which are indicated when concluding contracts and agreements with counterparties.

Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that control bodies use OKVED codes to track the actions of all subjects of the economy. The tax inspectorate applies the classifier in question in order to determine the specific tax of the tax of the most appropriate for certain areas of business. It should also be said that the selection of cipher affects the following processes:

  1. the power of the tax burden;
  2. volume of the authorized capital;
  3. the process of obtaining a license.


Disassembled the question of what kind of OKVED code should separately consider the features of the use of the classifier. With the help of the document under consideration, state bodies involved in the collection of statistics are the development of the country's economy. It is the separation of the economic market to separate subjects that allows state authorities to make changes to laws for specific economic entities. Such an approach allows not to affect the areas that do not need development correction.

The obtained data is used to assess several areas of entrepreneurial activity. In addition, the collected information can be used to hold comparative analysis with other countries. It is necessary to separately mention that the information collected is transmitted to control bodies to solve various issues related to the economic activities of individual businessmen.

To correctly indicate the OKVED code, you need to determine the type of activity of the enterprise and find it in the classifier directory

Code structure

The document under consideration includes more than fifteen sections. It should be noted that this classifier does not consider the separation of organizations in the form of business ownership. Also in this document do not consider differences between non-profit and commercial activities.

OKVED is built on the hierarchical system. The length of the cipher can vary from two to four characters. However, when passing a registration procedure, the entrepreneur should specify four digits. The code structure can be divided into several groups.. The first two digits indicate a specific class. Each class includes several subclasses, one of which must choose an entrepreneur. Next, the group and type of activity are indicated. The full cipher looks like this - "XX.HX.Hh". A large number of Symbols in cipher allows you to get detailed information about the company's activities.

As practice shows, the use of complete decryption is not always appropriate. As an example, we give a manufacturing company engaged in the manufacture of paper products. During registration, the company indicated the cipher "21.22". If companies need to be implemented new products, the entrepreneur will need to register additional view Activities. For this purpose, it will be necessary to initiate a business re-registration procedure. It is possible to avoid this procedure only when several ciphers that correspond to the possible directions for the development of the enterprise are indicated during primary registration.

How to choose the OKVED for activities

After disappointing the question of what the OKVED is needed, the rules for selecting this cipher should be considered. This step is performed at the stage of filing an application for formation for tax accounting as a subject of entrepreneurial activity. Each entrepreneur has a legal right to specify several ciphers. During the registration procedure, the future businessman needs to choose both the main and additional direction of its activities.

In order to better understand this order, a practical example should consider. Let's imagine the company engaged in the sale of food. This area is considered as economic activity. Such a company can also sell clothing and non-food products. These activities will be considered additional.

During the passage of the registration procedure, the entrepreneur may indicate several ciphers, while the work of the enterprise will only go in the main direction. Such a step makes businessmen planning to further expand their business by reaching new markets. It should also be noted that each entrepreneur is given the right to delete non-used codes and add new ciphers.

One selected codes can be changed, deleted or complement

OKVED and OKVED 2 What is the difference - this question is worried about many entrepreneurs. Prefix "2" denotes a new edition of the document under consideration. According to the established rules, companies undergoing registration after two thousand sixteenth years, must use the new version of the document to select the desired cipher. Deciding with the direction of its business, the entrepreneur should take a special directory, which contains information about various types of economic activities. Sifters from this reference book are indicated in the registration documents.

There are often situations when there are no codes in the OKVED corresponding to the selected direction. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a specialist regarding the choice of the type of activity and a specific group. The entrepreneur also has the full right to specify the cipher corresponding to the "Other Services" section.

Using code in reporting

The first edition of the classifier under consideration acted before the beginning of two thousand seventeenth. This means that when filling in accounting and tax reports, officials had the right to specify ciphers taken from both the new and old registry. The final transition to OKVED 2 took place in January two thousand seventeenth. Together with new edition OKVED entrepreneurs should use the new kind OKDP (classifier of activities, products and services).

Contributions to the budget

When filling out the tax declaration, the entrepreneur should indicate the details of their company. One of the important details is the OKVED code, which reflects the direction of the activities of the entrepreneur. This cipher is indicated by title page Tax Declaration. As mentioned above, the code under consideration includes two to six characters. These characters are divided into several steam using points.

It should be noted that today in existing legislation There is no information about the level of responsibility for the incorrect indication of the cipher in tax reporting. This means that the control bodies do not prescribe penalties against an entrepreneur who made a mistake. In order to find out what code to indicate in the documents, it is necessary to carefully examine the registration certificate. This document contains information about ciphers specified during business registration. You can also get the necessary information using a special reference book.

Neither the form of ownership or the source of investment does not affect the classification of the firm on OKVED

How to change the code

The need to change and add codes may occur when expanding the business and mastering new markets. In order to change the OKVED code, you should contact the registering authority. To make changes to current documents, the entrepreneur should apply to the appropriate application.

Let's look at the procedure that must be performed to change the main cipher. First of all, the entrepreneur should choose new code. Changes related to the choice of a new cipher must be fixed in local acts Organizations. Next, the tax service is transferred to a change in the type of activity. According to the established rules, this application must be certified by the notary. After that, the entrepreneur needs to pay state duty and provide Check to FMS employees.

At the end of the above procedure, the business owner is transmitted a certificate confirming the change in the OKVED code. After receiving this testimony, the entrepreneur receives a legitimate basis for new activities.

Responsibility for non-use of the classifier

Okwed - what it is, simple words It is quite difficult to describe. During the consideration of this issue, it should be mentioned about the level of responsibility related to non-use of data of ciphers. During the holding tax auditEmployees of this instance reveal the level of legality economic activity Companies. When revenue detected by providing services not specified in constituent documentsThe company's revenue is subject to confiscation.

It should be noted that other types of penalties in this case Not provided. The wrong choice of cipher does not bear the disciplinary, criminal or tax liability. In this case, the entrepreneur should simply change the cipher on a more appropriate value.

Based on the OKVED data, information about the activities of the new company or IP are made to the register or in Jerip

Conclusions (+ video)

The OKVED indication is the mandatory phase of the registration procedure. To select the correct cipher should use a special reference edition. Experts recommend that several values \u200b\u200bindicate during business registration. This step will avoid the need to re-register a business in its expansion or reorganization.

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