Production of cardboard boxes. Cardboard box processing technologies

Other 16.03.2020

The article will tell you how you can make it yourself and use a cardboard box. Here you will find templates and master classes on making boxes of different shapes.

A box is the easiest way to pack or hide something. The box can serve as an excellent means of storing things: jewelry, cards, small items and cosmetics. Of course, modern stores will provide you with a lot of options for boxes: large, small, curly, square, with lids, decorated and simple cardboard.

It is much more pleasant to create something with your own hands and decorate it the way you would like it and the way the product itself will correspond to the style of the holiday, room, or occasion. You can make a craft from absolutely any cardboard. The material can be purchased at a craft store (you will find a large selection of cardboard colors and textures), or you can use one that is often packaged in household appliances(refrigerators, for example, or washing machines).

For work you will need:

  • Cardboard (as much as needed for your preferred size product).
  • Hot glue (you can, of course, use any other glue, but hot glue is preferable due to its quick drying and strong bonding of the material).
  • Template (with the help of it you can understand exactly how you should cut, bend and glue the material).
  • Scissors and pencil - for marking and cutting. This is necessary to ensure that your product looks neat and aesthetically pleasing.

IMPORTANT: There are two main types of cardboard boxes with lids. One assumes the presence of a lid that covers the top of the box, the other - a lid that folds back, but is part of the box.

Flip Lid Box Template Flip Lid Box Template

How to make a box with a lid step by step:

  • Prepare all the supplies, print out the template for the box on a printer or draw it in the exact proportions on cardboard.
  • Cut out two elements from cardboard
  • Start folding the dotted lines and gluing them carefully.
  • Press the edges firmly to hold the material together.
  • Let the product dry a little
  • After drying, you can decorate the box to your liking.

Video: “Box: master class”

How to make a round cardboard box: diagram, template

A round cardboard box is a very beautiful and practical product that will always find its use. Having decorated it to your liking, you can store jewelry and jewelry, sewing and embroidery kits, cosmetics, clippings and much more inside.

Making a round cardboard box is a little more difficult than, for example, a square one. However, it is quite possible to “figure it out” with your own hands, without spending a lot of money on materials. Use thick cardboard and follow the template provided exactly; you can only change the size, but not the shape of the parts.

How to make a round cardboard box, templates:

Round Cardboard Box Template No. 1

What parts does a round cardboard box consist of: template No. 2

In what order should the parts of a round box be glued together: template No. 3

Round cardboard box with handle: finished product

Video: “Gift box or casket made of cardboard: detailed master class”

How to make a heart box from cardboard?

A heart-shaped box is much more difficult to make than a round or square box. However, if you follow the tips and templates, you can easily create this beautiful piece.

A heart-shaped box is not only a storage box, it is an ideal packaging for giving a gift to a loved one. Such a box can be filled with many surprises: sweets, souvenirs, trinkets, gifts, keychains, flower petals, even butterflies can fit in it.

IMPORTANT: The heart box is in many ways similar to a round box, but here everything depends on the bottom: if it is proportional, then the whole product can look neat and even. The box has two bottoms: internal and external, the walls of the box are attached according to the principle of a round box.

Different templates for making a heart-shaped cardboard box:

Heart-shaped box template from one piece: template No. 1

Heart-shaped box template from one piece: template No. 2

Step-by-step work in photos:

Prepare identical hearts: two bottoms and a lid

Cover the bottom with the side of the box

Fix and wait until completely dry, make a lid

Video: “Heart-shaped box: master class”

How to make boxes from paper and cardboard?

Giving gifts in bags, cellophane wrappers and paper wrappers is no longer attractive and is considered a sign of “bad taste.” Your gift will look much more impressive in a paper or cardboard package that you glue and decorate yourself.

IMPORTANT: The size and shape of your box depends only on what exactly you will be giving. Heavier gifts require thick cardboard, but for small and light ones you can even glue a paper box together.

Boxes made of cardboard and paper, different templates:

Simple Rectangular Box: Template

Hinged Lid Box: Template

Triangular box: template

Simple square box: template

Box-pouch: template

How to make a box from colored cardboard?

In the modern art store you will find huge selection cardboard:

  • Kraft cardboard (solid sand-colored material)
  • Colored cardboard
  • Velvet cardboard
  • Holographic cardboard
  • Glitter Cardboard
  • Cardboard with prints, drawings and inscriptions
  • Textured cardboard and much more

IMPORTANT: All this variety of choice allows you to create cardboard boxes of incredible beauty and use them for any purpose.

Cardboard for creativity

Video: “How to make a cardboard box?”

How to make a cardboard box without a lid?

If you need to make a cardboard box without a lid, you should also use a template. This product is perfect for storing personal items: pencils, cosmetic brushes, hair accessories and much more.

Box template without lid

Video: “Do-it-yourself box without a lid using origami technique”

How to make a cardboard box for candy?

Boxes of chocolates don’t have to be bought in a store; you never know exactly what will be inside. It’s always nicer to make a box with your own hands, fill it with candy to your liking and give it to a loved one. This will not only be a “delicious” gift, but also very original and special.

Box with handles: template Box with a butterfly: template

Triangle box: pattern

How to make a jewelry box from cardboard?

It is very convenient to store jewelry, jewelry and watches in a cardboard box. You can buy it or make it yourself, decorating it to your liking. If desired, you can make one or several sections inside the box.

A few tips and templates for making a flat cardboard box will help you make your own packaging of any size.

Template for flat box

Video: “DIY Flat Storage Box”

How to make a square box from cardboard?

A small square box can be used as a bomboniere or packaging for small surprises for your loved ones.

Simple square box template

How to make a triangular box from cardboard?

A triangular box can exist as a separate unusual package, or it can be part of a cake-shaped package.

Triangular box template

Do we decorate cardboard boxes with our own hands?

Decorating a homemade box depends only on how original and great your imagination is. The box should also be decorated based on the occasion (a holiday, for example, or the decor in the room).

How and with what you can decorate any cardboard box:

  • Lace and fabric
  • Satin ribbons
  • Scoop and burlap
  • Stickers and stickers
  • Buttons and other accessories
  • Sequins and stones
  • Colored paper
  • Kraft paper
  • Drawings and inscriptions

Video: “5 ideas for decorating a box”

"GofroAlliance" is a manufacturer of certified packaging containers. Our company uses modern automated equipment and environmentally friendly raw materials. All products undergo multi-level quality control and meet standards. We accept orders for the supply of large and small quantities of products.

Product advantages

The production of cardboard boxes is in high demand in the trade sector. This is due to the advantages of this type of packaging.

Favorable price. The products are affordable in comparison with alternative types of packaging materials, which are made of wood, plastic, metal, etc. The use of cardboard boxes allows you to reduce the final cost of goods and make them more accessible to customers.

Ease. Packaging made from corrugated cardboard is relatively lightweight. Thanks to this, additional costs for transporting packaged goods are reduced and the process of transporting them is simplified.

Cardboard box processing technologies

When making packaging products, almost any image can be applied to the surface of cardboard, since the material is easy to process. This process is carried out using the following technologies.

Flexography. This method printing involves the use of synthetic quick-drying inks to create an original design for packaging products. In this case, special elastic polymer forms are used.

Offset printing. This technology is suitable for printing on thin sheet materials. The print quality will match the photo.

Processing with synthetic film. If the packaging products will be used for storage or transportation food products with a high fat content, their front or back sides are covered with polyethylene or a protective polymer emulsion. This helps prevent the appearance of greasy stains on the surface of the corrugated cardboard.


In the process of manufacturing custom cardboard boxes, the surfaces of the products can be treated with a special varnish coating. This method allows you to enhance the gloss effect, increase the wear resistance of the packaging and improve its appearance.

Our offer We produce boxes on favorable terms for you. In the catalog you can select products of the required sizes, depending on the purpose for which the packaging materials will be used. If necessary, we will produce custom-made cardboard boxes according to individual project . Also, at the production stage, cardboard may undergo an additional reinforcement stage. This treatment will significantly increase strength characteristics

product and make it more resistant to external damage. For getting additional information

For the production of custom-made cardboard boxes in Moscow, contact our manager by phone listed on the website, or leave a request by email.

Price per m 2 boxes in rubles, brown without printing

Price per m 2 cardboard in rubles, brown without printing

* Prices are indicative! The Central Printing House company produces cardboard boxes wholesale and offers many profitable solutions for various products. Our catalog contains models intended for clothing and shoes, souvenirs and gifts, perfumes and cosmetics, flowers, alcohol and much more. There is also a large selection of food packaging - confectionery , pizza, fish, fruit. Every buyer will definitely be able to choose best option

for the production of packaging boxes, depending on the characteristics and features of the goods, requirements for transportation and storage.

Production of custom cardboard boxes of any complexity In the production of cardboard boxes, Central Printing House LLC uses modern equipment , allowing you to create high-quality cardboard packaging in a short time. We have at our disposal specialized machines for processing corrugated cardboard, forming and gluing, and applying images. We also produce self-assembled structures that do not require forming additional equipment

or retaining materials.

  • Thanks to the automation of most processes, we produce large wholesale quantities of boxes in literally a week, and in some cases, in a few days. The timing depends on the complexity of the work and the need to use non-standard sizes.
  • We can make custom boxes of any size and design for almost all types of products existing today.
  • The corrugated cardboard we use meets the requirements of GOST, international standards and environmental standards.

If you do not find a suitable option among the standard models offered, we will produce cardboard boxes according to your requirements. individual requirements. Experienced specialists of Central Printing House will develop a design of a structure of any complexity with any number of edges.

The cost of manufacturing cardboard boxes in bulk to order

A number of factors influence the formation of prices for the production of boxes. First of all, the cost depends on the raw materials and dimensions of the structures. Typically, for packaging boxes we use three-layer cardboard of two brands - T-23 and T-24, which differ in price and characteristics. Therefore, the products offered are in a wide price range, so every buyer will be able to choose an option that suits him financially.

The production of boxes in Moscow to order is organized at the highest level, and we guarantee highest quality sold products. Our packaging reliably protects goods during transportation, provides safe storage conditions and protection from external influences. If desired, you can apply almost any image, logo or name of your company to the surface to make the brand even more recognizable. To place an order, please call the numbers listed on the website, and we will do work of any complexity for you!

So, you have finally decided to start your own business and not depend on your bosses. Work for your own pleasure and for yourself. In this article we will look at how to start production and what you will need for this.

To begin with, you have decided on the type of production and are ready to spend N-amount of money to implement it. You have chosen a type of activity such as the production of cardboard boxes. So, let's look at all the points in more detail.

The premises are a workshop.

You must decide on the room where you will install the production line. You must understand that you cannot produce cardboard boxes without a special, established production line. And for such a line you need a special room. You must choose a room of 50 square meters or more. If you already have your own premises that you can use for this production, then you are in luck.

If you do not have premises, then you will need to look for premises and rent them. The rental price will depend on many different factors, such as location - in the city or outside the city, on the number of residents in locality, where you are going to launch your carton production line and on your ability to close deals. For example, you are planning to open your business in small town with a population of about 150 - 200 thousand people, where your business will not have strong competition.

The rental cost of the premises will be approximately $0.5 -0.7 per square meter. That is, in our case, renting a room will be about $750, subject to a minimum area and best price rent.

Production personnel.

The next thing you need to work on is the staff. To begin with, you need to understand what kind of participation you will personally take in this production, or you CEO, or one of the part-time employees. For example, to begin with, you decided to take an active part in production and save on one employee’s salary. Let’s also jump ahead a little and decide that we will produce the boxes automatic line or a machine.

In this case, you will need at least one more employee besides you. The employee will not need any special skills and abilities, because his main task will be assembling boxes and testing them for strength, which the employee can learn quite quickly. The average salary in small provincial towns is usually about $200-300 per month.

The next item you should consider is an automatic production line. As I already wrote above, jumping ahead, then for of this production You need an automatic line or machine for the production of cardboard boxes. This machine prints cardboard boxes from corrugated cardboard sheets. It is possible to buy it either new or used. On average, the cost of such a machine is about $10,000 - $15,000, depending on what you come across and your ability to negotiate and get discounts.

Next, what we will look at is the raw materials that you must purchase to produce the boxes. As already written, you will need sheet corrugated cardboard. There are a lot of suppliers on the market now and feel free to choose a reliable supplier with suitable prices for raw materials and good reviews. The average cost of one sheet of corrugated cardboard is now about $0.5 per piece approximately 1.2 meters long. To begin with, we will order at least 1,000 pieces of corrugated cardboard, that is, about $500.

Next, we look for clients and launch advertising on radio and newspapers. The cost of such advertising will be approximately $70 - $100 per month, but it will greatly help you in finding clients. Now the sales market is very large. You can safely contact any confectionery company to sell your products. Typically, confectionery companies pack their goods only in cardboard boxes, so to begin with, it will be enough for you to establish relationships with one / two confectionery shops, and then gradually expand your production. The cost of one such box is about $0.2-0.5. From one sheet of corrugated cardboard you can produce about 10 boxes.

Costs and profits.

The cost of one sheet of corrugated cardboard is $0.5, and from one sheet we produce 10 boxes at a cost of $0.35 per piece. That is, the profit from one sheet of corrugated cardboard is $3. If you process 1,000 sheets of corrugated cardboard, your profit will be about $3,000.

Now from our profit of $3,000 we subtract the cost of monthly rent of $750 and wages one employee 250 $ and we get a profit of 2,000 $.

You also need to subtract from the profit the amount of other expenses (for example, the cost of delivering boxes, advertising on radio and newspapers and your expenses for gasoline, etc.) about $500, then we get a profit of $1,500. That is, a $15,000 machine will pay for itself within a year.

I wish you good luck in your endeavors! It is important to remember that your desires and aspirations are the engine of your personal development.

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