Toy production is a general plan for organizing your business. Toy production

Chercher 17.07.2023
Law and law

Quite a lot of caring parents buy wooden toys for their children, which are safe and environmentally friendly compared to toys made from cheap plastic. It makes sense to think about starting a business that does not require large investments, but profits will grow along with the quality of the products. To start production, you need to draw up a business plan for the production of wooden toys; we propose to study an example in this article.

Project Summary

We are considering opening a workshop for the production of wooden toys in a city with a population of 500-800 thousand people. The workshop will be located in rented premises on the outskirts of the city, which will significantly save costs when starting a business. The advantage of this business is that it can be safely carried out in absolutely any city. The main thing is to produce really high-quality toys in a wide range and find large buyers for stable sales.

The target audience of wooden toys is parents and grandparents with average and high incomes, toy stores and child care institutions, which fundamentally require the purchase of toys that are safe for the health of children.

Competitors are similar workshops and factories for the production of wooden toys in Russia and abroad.

Main business risks:

A business plan for the production of wooden toys with calculations will help you overcome risks and properly organize the process, where all investments will be taken into account, price offers for equipment and raw materials will be analyzed, and the profitability of the project will be calculated.


To work in the production of wooden toys, you will need to register with the tax authorities, obtain permits and quality certificates, because we plan to work with children's institutions, stores and large buyers for whom these documents are required.

Therefore, we will register as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified tax system according to the “income minus expenses” system of 15%. We choose OKVED code 52.11.1 or 16.29, which allows us to produce products from wood and cork.

Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire department will be required to obtain the consent of local authorities to open the production of children's goods.

We will receive a certificate of conformity from the licensing agency worth 15 thousand rubles.

We will spend about 35 thousand rubles on registration and permits.

Preparing the premises

Let's start our business with the production of children's toys in rented premises. We will use a semi-basement space on the outskirts of the city with an area of ​​30 square meters. m costing 15 thousand rubles per month. We will pay immediately for 2 months. We will divide the room into 3 parts:

  • Blank manufacturing area.
  • Painting and drying toys.
  • Product packaging.

When choosing a room, we pay attention to the electrical wiring, it must be in good condition, the ventilation system and plumbing, and you will also need to paint the walls and ceiling. We plan to spend about 30 thousand rubles on repairs and preparation of the workshop. We will spend about 7 thousand rubles on utility bills.

Starting costs for the premises are 60 thousand rubles.

Equipment must be purchased depending on the planned volumes and specifics of the toys produced. We plan to produce all the most common categories of children's toys for maximum demand and supply to wholesale buyers.

We will purchase the following:


Based on an analysis of competitors and the target audience, we have formed an approximate assortment that we will focus on in the process of work. We will adjust the assortment depending on demand and customer requests.

We present the assortment in the table:

product name price, rub.
The constructors are simple 300
The constructors are large and complex 500
Educational toys (up to 3 years old) labyrinths 800
Development centers 800
Small cubes (10 pcs.) 300
Large cubes (10 pcs.) 500
Alphabet cubes, large 1 000
Trains 500
Big horses 1 500
Small cars 300
The cars are big 1 500
Wheels for children under 3 years old 800
Mosaics 500
Lacing puzzle 500
Lotto 200
Small pyramids 300
Large pyramids 800
Pendants for children up to 1 year old, small 400
Pendants for children up to 1 year old, large 800
Sorter 500
Small tumblers 300
Large tumblers 500
Doll house, medium 1 000
Animal figurines (1 medium size) 200
Pistols 300
Slot machines 500
Tanks 300
Crockery 800

To ensure the production process for the above products, we will need materials and raw materials. We will make toys from beech, alder and pine, as well as from plywood, such as lotto, dollhouses and lacing.

The cost of toys is indicated at a minimum; the size and complexity of the work also affects the price.


For the smooth operation of a wooden toy production workshop, a number of specialists will initially be required. It is planned to set a 5-day work schedule; when the enterprise reaches high speeds, the working personnel will be transferred to shift work.

Let's reflect personnel costs in the table:

Marketing and advertising

Advertising is quite difficult, given the specifics of the enterprise. It will not be possible to launch full-scale advertising using media at the first stage. Therefore, the emphasis is on wholesale sales. A visual catalog of products is prepared, a list of toy stores and playgrounds that may be interested in your products is compiled. Responsibilities for attracting partners are assigned to the sales specialist.

It is also necessary to capture the Internet, since your products may periodically be needed by business organizations that organize playgrounds for clients, shopping centers and end clients on their territory. Focusing on clients in the B2B sector, you can limit yourself to creating and promoting a professional landing page. To focus on B2C, you will have to spend money on an online store.

At the first stage, we will allocate 200 thousand rubles for online promotion. Next, you will need to allocate about 70 thousand rubles per month for contextual advertising, retargeting and SEO promotion.

Expenses and income

Here we will look at the costs that we listed in the business plan, we will separate the starting investments and the monthly costs of organizing the production of wooden toys. Next, we will determine the potential profitability, which we will put into the plan from the 4th month of work.

Start-up costs

Monthly expenses


During the first 2 months, work is underway to attract orders; there will be single orders with which stores will test the demand for your products. It is important to actively search for buyers and professionally support an online promotion campaign. It is difficult to detail the sales plan for individual items, since it depends on specific demand. Surely, you will have to discontinue toys that are not in demand and periodically carry out redesigns.

It is expected that after about 1 year of work it will be possible to reach a stable revenue of 1,000 thousand rubles per month. By this time, it is already necessary to switch to shift work and increase the number of craftsmen on the staff, hire another designer and distribute responsibilities among them across product groups.

With this indicator, the net profit of the production workshop after deducting mandatory costs, taxes and payments to suppliers of raw materials will be about 200 thousand rubles. However, this profitability should not be expected in the near future.

Good profitability of such production is at the level of 25-30%.

We expect return on investment in the second year of operation.


The business of producing children's toys is quite profitable in the long term. The priority is high quality products made from natural materials, a wide current range of choices and active advertising on the Internet.

The plans for 18 months are to increase the production premises to 100 sq. m. m, hiring 2 more experienced craftsmen, creating an online store and selling toys wholesale and retail throughout the region, forming our own brand of high-quality, natural toys.

Business idea: Production of soft toys

No matter how full the soft toy market is, you can always find sales and your niche in it. Toys are bought very often. Moreover, soft toys are interesting because they are popular with both children and adults. Their range is very diverse: from simple, unpretentious, small to the most gigantic and sophisticated.

In addition, a big role is played by the fact that recently most buyers give preference to domestic manufacturers, especially in this area.

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What is needed to produce soft toys?

To start organizing the production of soft toys, you need to have special equipment. This includes professional sewing machines. Their cost is in the range of 12 – 25 thousand rubles. You can immediately purchase a machine for stuffing toys, although here we are already talking about an amount of at least 300,000 rubles. At the first stage, you can still do without such equipment, but this will affect the quantity of products produced. In any case, the decision here depends entirely on your capabilities.

Production cannot be imagined without the costs of purchasing accessories and raw materials, which will amount to an average of 50,000 rubles. The production itself at the first stage does not require large areas and can occupy approximately 20 square meters. It is also better to immediately provide for the costs of advertising in newspapers and creating a small page on the Internet with photographs of all products.

Of course, before making these purchases, it is necessary to think through the entire range that will be produced. Despite the fact that many soft toys are intended for children, adults make purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is best to evaluate your design decisions among them. Moreover, now a soft toy is one of the most popular gifts for girls for all kinds of women's holidays and for romantic relationships.

Popular and profitable areas of business.

The creation of their own branded toys by different companies has become very popular. These funny teddy bears and perky colorful cats are often one of the components of the image of various companies. On the one hand, there is no fierce competition between soft toy manufacturers, but on the other, this situation shows that the most important thing in this business is the buyer.

A soft toy can be not only branded, but also folklore style. A variety of brownies, girls in national costumes, angels and much more. That is, everything your imagination is capable of.

Another interesting direction in this business is the production of toys to order. Such a service is now not found in every city, although it is in good demand. When working with such orders, the client understands that he is receiving an exclusive gift that no one else will have.

Many people are now trying to do something themselves, so in addition to making the soft toys themselves, another interesting direction is the sale of creativity kits. They include a complete set of everything you need to make such a toy with your own hands: a pattern, the necessary accessories, a set of threads, filler and detailed instructions.

Product sales and seasonality of product sales.

When starting work, you should pay attention to the seasonality of this product. Starting from September, the demand for it increases. It reaches its peak during the New Year holidays and lasts until March 8, and by the end of May it subsides. This way, you can safely go on vacation in the summer without worrying about production. And summer vacation means new creative plans and fantasies. At a time when demand is fading, you can review last year’s collection, come up with something new, and perhaps upgrade equipment.

To sell soft toys, you will have to do a lot of work in all children's stores and souvenir shops. And also try to conclude agreements with wholesale buyers. You can create your own small department where you can sell your own soft toys.

Development and profitability of the soft toy business.

Previously, many retail chains worked exclusively with foreign manufacturers of these products, due to the fairly low cost and large assortment of soft toys from these suppliers. Today, the buyer himself, giving preference to the domestic brand, has changed the attitude of many retail chains towards imported toys. This provides a great opportunity to conclude contracts and develop fruitful cooperation.

The organization of such a business often becomes a real family enterprise. Someone works with wholesalers and stores, another purchases the necessary fabric and accessories, and the third carries out the production itself, or works in the department. It all depends entirely on what volume of products you decide to produce.

Here, many are immediately interested in the question of profit and profitability. The costs of producing soft toys today are quite low. When setting even a wholesale price, the markup is at least 100 percent. This allows you to recoup the costs of such production within one year. In addition, with properly organized sales, the income in this industry itself is not bad, even for a small, family-owned enterprise.

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The interest of entrepreneurs in such an area of ​​​​commercial activity as the production of toys can be explained not only by the conclusions of analysts about the good prospects for this business, but also by the presence of their own small children. But, regardless of the reasons that made you pay attention to this area of ​​business activity, for the successful organization and development of your enterprise, it is necessary to study in detail all the nuances of the business, including production technology and advertising events.

In this regard, the presented article is an indispensable assistant, both for experienced small and medium-sized businesses, and for novice entrepreneurs who are determined to please children with beautiful and high-quality toys of their own production. This information will be of interest not only to business representatives (entrepreneurs, investors and bankers), but also to theorists of economic disciplines, university students who plan to organize their own business after receiving a diploma, as well as young mothers and fathers who want to know how and what they are made from. toys for their kids.

Toy production - a general plan for organizing your business

Despite the optimistic forecasts of experienced analysts regarding the production of toys in Russia, you should focus on the market situation in this segment that has developed in your region.

This means that the initial stage of this commercial project includes detailed marketing research:

    level of demand for children's toys;

    the most popular types of these products;

    how many companies are engaged in the production and sale of toys;

    whether companies from other regions are present on the market (what they offer, what prices they set, etc.);

    studying representatives of the target audience (income level, average number of children in a family, what part of the family budget is spent on purchasing toys).

Based on the data obtained, you can plan your future business: draw up an approximate range of products for children, calculate the optimal volume of toy production, make a list of necessary raw materials and consumables, and also determine what specialists are needed for the effective operation of the company. We can say that at this stage your task is to draw up a general “picture” of the future enterprise.

Based on the product range you have compiled, you need to think about production technology. A big plus for the organizer of the presented line of business activity is the presence of experience in this industry. As a last resort, you will have to invite a specialist to work, who will begin to perform his duties even before the start of production activities.

He must choose the optimal technology for manufacturing products for children, find high-quality equipment for the production of toys from different types of raw materials: soft, wooden, plastic, etc., and also help with the selection of personnel.

In addition to purchasing the necessary equipment, you need to find a premises in which the production of products for children will be carried out. Be prepared for hefty expenses for repair work and compliance with the requirements of fire inspectors and representatives of Rospotrebnadzor. Without them, you will not receive all the necessary permits.

One of the most important points is the creation of a real business plan, which should take into account all the costs associated with the organization and development of your commercial project. The main financial document must record not only one-time costs and monthly operating expenses, but also the risks that exist even in cases where the most reliable project is planned. Be sure to think about advertising your company and its products, which it is advisable to do even before starting toy production.

If you decide to engage in entrepreneurial activity, but you are not a full-fledged businessman, then you need to register with the tax office, statistical authorities and relevant funds. Many novice businessmen are most frightened by this procedure, but such fears these days are completely unfounded. It will take no more than ten days to complete the documents, and, unlike the situation in the 90s, you will not have to visit many offices in government agencies every day. Registration of both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities is carried out in one place, quickly and without additional costs.

Selection of priority types of products and their production technology

In order to cover all segments of the children's toy market, large financial investments are required.

As a rule, at the “start”, each entrepreneur begins his activity, focusing on one direction:

    wooden Toys;

    plastic products;

    Stuffed Toys;

    production of goods for children from different materials.

The main criteria that new manufacturers need to take into account are the safety of the products and the interest of little “experts” in them. Experienced business entities who have been working in this industry for many years recommend developing toy designs using the advice of child psychologists. They will help you create not just a bright and beautiful toy, but will also make sure that the product contributes to the development of the child. The result is safe, beautiful, attention-grabbing and educational children's toys.

In the process of creating new products, the following factors must be taken into account:

    the age of the children for whom the toys are intended;

    offers of similar (or very similar) products from competing companies;

    the cost of production of these products;

    its competitiveness.

Many representatives of this line of commercial activity test their products with the help of their children and their friends. Large companies first produce a trial batch to check the children's reaction, and then make changes (if necessary) and launch full-scale production.

After choosing a priority direction and forming a product range, you need to select the optimal production technology. In this case, the size of the starting capital plays a decisive role. Some entrepreneurs start their activities by organizing the production of wooden toys, which are made 50-80% by hand. Naturally, the cost of these products will be high, and the production volume will be small. Such workshops often work to order, and the mechanism for generating profit in this case differs from traditional ones; many craftsmen work not to increase production volumes, but to improve the toy itself. They will make 5-10 unique products that will bring him more money than a hundred toys made using an assembly line method.

To produce children's goods in large volumes it is necessary:

    find a room;

    purchase equipment;

    obtain all permits;

    hire staff;

    start the toy making process.

Legal issues

To organize a new line of business activity, you must have all the permitting documentation; first of all, you must register with the tax office, statistical authorities and special funds. But, before that, you need to choose a legal form for your future business. If you plan to work in a small workshop, using the labor of 2-5 workers, then it is quite enough to draw up documents as an individual entrepreneur and write an application for choosing a simplified taxation regime.

Entrepreneurs who decide to produce large volumes of children's toys in order to cover not only the local market, but also to please children from other regions of Russia, it is best to register an LLC. This organizational and legal form may be the only possible option for registering a business if you have partners participating in the business on equal terms; if you plan to expand your activities and conquer foreign markets; when you need to get a loan for business development. In addition, there are individual factors that influence your choice in this matter. But do not forget that the costs of registering a toy production business should be recorded in your business plan.

Considering the fact that the products in question are intended for children of different ages, it is necessary that they undergo certification. The received document will be one hundred percent confirmation that this toy is of high quality and safe for children’s health.

Beginning businessmen need to know that the production of toys that copy cartoon characters, TV series, etc. impossible without a special license that confirms your right to produce these products.

Another set of documents is required for the production premises. Your workshop must comply with all fire safety requirements (fire extinguishers and fire shields, emergency exits, etc. are required). The fire inspector controls all these issues and provides the appropriate permission. In addition, the room must have working water supply, sewerage and electricity, and care must be taken to ensure ventilation and maintain normal temperature.

Personnel, advertising and sales of toys

The issue of forming a company’s staff directly depends on the scale of production and the availability of sophisticated equipment.

In addition to ordinary workers who will be directly involved in the production of toys for children, the following are required:

    equipment adjuster;

  • Shift Supervisor;

  • technologist;

  • Foreman.

The next category of company employees consists of: the head of the entire company, chief accountant, designer, sales manager, office manager, as well as other employees who contribute to the effective operation of the company. But do not forget that in each individual case there are certain points that can influence the formation of the staff.

When considering the production of toys as a business, it is necessary to remember that any line of commercial activity will not make a profit if you do not engage in advertising. In this situation, it is possible to carry out promotional activities even before the production workshop starts operating. It is best to simultaneously engage in advertising in the media, distributing leaflets and creating a company website, developing pages on social networks, as well as posting relevant advertisements on all available resources.

The effectiveness of promotional activities will be shown by the process of selling the first batches of products. By this time, young mothers and fathers living in your region should already know the name of the company and the range of toys offered.

The sale of goods for children can be organized as follows:

    using the World Wide Web, focusing on small wholesale parties;

    sell toys to specialized stores, supermarkets and other retail outlets in small wholesale quantities;

    sign agreements with private kindergartens and other child care institutions;

    open your store right next to the production workshop.

Economic indicators

As you may have guessed, it is impossible to give any general example to demonstrate this area of ​​commercial activity (a workshop where thousands of toys are produced per month cannot be compared with a small workshop). But if we take average statistical data based on information provided by real entrepreneurs, then we can say that to open a workshop (one-time costs) you need about 1,500 thousand rubles. Such a business should pay off after a year or two of normal operation. That is, your average monthly profit will be at the level of 100 thousand rubles, which is a good indicator even for a steadily developing economy, but in this case we are talking about unsatisfactory macroeconomic indicators.

If you organize this business at home, then you need much less money; the main expense items are:

    purchase of raw materials;

  • wages of hired employees.

Profitability, gross income and net profit in this case depend on your skill and ability to sell. But today you can find a lot of examples where a home business producing unique toys allows you to make a decent profit.

A detailed study of all aspects of the production and sale of toys shows that this is a promising and interesting area of ​​​​commercial activity that can be organized without having huge capital and other resources for “starting”.

The production and sale of children's goods for entrepreneurs has long been considered a promising activity. The situation has not changed in our time. A clear confirmation of this is the huge selection on the market of toys intended for children of various age categories.

On the other hand, quantity is not the main indicator, since modern people prefer to buy useful and high-quality things for their children. In this regard, we can safely say that the production of wooden toys is a promising type of business activity.

Market Review

As an analysis of the domestic children's goods market shows, the lion's share of it belongs to cheap products of Chinese origin. If several decades ago goods from the Middle Kingdom were considered a real curiosity, now in the vast majority of cases they are nothing more than consumer goods, of which our consumers are frankly tired. As a rule, these products are made from low-quality materials.

Nowadays there is a situation on the market where domestic consumers are increasingly giving preference to more expensive, but high-quality and environmentally friendly products. This is especially true for parents. In this regard, the business plan for the production of wooden toys now looks very relevant.


Toys that are made of wood have a number of advantages over their plastic counterparts. First of all, in this case we are talking about the environmental safety of such products for children. In addition, they are more durable and have an original design.

As a business, the production of wooden toys looks very attractive due to the need to invest a small amount of financial resources at the initial stage.

As practice shows, usually about 50 thousand rubles are enough to purchase equipment and organize this type of activity.

The entire manufacturing process in this case is quite simple and consists of preparing blanks, processing them, painting and packaging.

Wooden toys are not inferior to their competitors in such an aspect as modernity. The fact is that, in addition to the usual classic models (pyramids, cubes, cars), the market now offers a wide range of modern varieties. Among them, toys with electronic elements, as well as educational models, have recently become the most popular.

Required equipment and personnel

A factory for the production of wooden toys should consist of several rooms. Each of them will specialize in certain types of work discussed earlier - processing, assembly and painting. As for tools, at the initial stage it will be enough to acquire a milling machine with digital program control, as well as drilling, edge banding and grinding devices, a chisel, a hacksaw and a plane.

Knowing the main characteristics of future products, as well as the potential scale of production, we can draw conclusions about the need for certain tools. Among the consumables, in addition to the wood itself, packaging materials are needed (bags, boxes), as well as varnishes and paints, which must be selected for reasons of their environmental friendliness.

The production of wooden toys cannot be organized without hiring appropriate specialists. At the initial stage of business development, you can do some of the work yourself, but you will still have to call two or three more people for help.

It is advisable that they have some experience in this field. In the future, subject to achieving certain successes, it will be possible to additionally hire artists, designers or other specialists. In order to save money, it is better to deliver the goods yourself at first.

Sales of finished products

Having organized this type of business activity, such as the production of wooden toys, it is necessary to first think through ways to sell the finished product. As practice shows, the best option is to open a website.

In addition, you can try to establish cooperation with specialized stores. Such products are valued quite highly abroad. On the other hand, one cannot help but note the fact that the production of wooden products there is properly organized. In this regard, in order to interest foreign consumers, it is necessary to create exclusive handmade original models.


In order to successfully establish the production of wooden toys, a novice entrepreneur needs to master a number of professions, starting with a sales manager and ending with the director of a company. It is recommended to hire additional personnel only after a stable number of orders appears and sales income increases. Based on the experience of many similar companies, this activity has every chance of becoming the main business of life and bringing a stable profit.

If you take a closer look at modern toys, they are mainly plastic and polymers. Yes, these are light and durable materials, but their chemical components are harmful to the child. For this reason, mothers began to give preference to toys made from natural materials, in particular wood. And the production of wooden toys has become a very popular niche in business.

Assortment of toys

It is only at first glance that it seems that toys carved from wood are boring and uninteresting. But if you approach the matter with enthusiasm and creativity, you can come up with original models that will interest the most capricious young buyer.

Video from the World of Wooden Toys (MDI) factory

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 450,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 9/10.

So, what toys can be made from wood?

  1. Transport (car, tractor, etc.).
  2. A railway with wooden rails and a train (sounds strange, but such sets are very popular today).
  3. Educational toys made of wood (for the little ones - pyramids, and for older children - puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, construction sets).

With your own hands

If you know how to make simple toys with your own hands right at home, or you have a small workshop, then you can register an individual entrepreneur and start selling your work. You can start with friends and acquaintances who will pass on information about your mini-business through word of mouth.

Making wooden toys with your own hands often takes a lot of time, but the finished product can safely be called hand-made, a proud and fashionable word for today. Such products will be eagerly purchased by those who want their children to have everything unique. Also, such a business makes it possible to make some specific toys to order, because a real craftsman can cut even Smeshariki or Transformers out of wood.

Universal woodworking machine Enkor Corvette-320

Large production

If your goal is a real mini factory for the production of wooden toys, then you will need:

  1. Production room. It would be good if it had several rooms (shops) in which various technological processes would take place: wood processing, painting, assembly, etc.
  2. Machines for the production of wooden toys (at least milling, drilling, grinding, facing) and other tools (planes, chisels, hacksaws, etc.).
  3. Equipment and consumables for painting work. It will be impossible to skimp on the quality of paints and varnishes, because... products are intended for children.
  4. Package. The tree will be better off in plastic than in a cardboard box. Although the latter is more environmentally friendly.


The production and sale of wooden toys is not only about equipment and materials, but also about personnel. There must be a division of labor, i.e. It is undesirable for one person to be both a sawing master and an artist at the same time.

To produce higher quality and more diverse products, you can purchase special computer programs, which will make it easier to develop original toy models. The technology for producing wooden toys itself is no different. The process involves cutting out the parts, painting them and assembling them. But no matter how simple the process is, you cannot do it without specialists. At the initial stage, one person for each workshop is enough. Subsequently, the business can be expanded and attract additional employees.

Potential competitors

The production of children's wooden toys as a business in Russia attracted the interest of many enterprising people who opened the following companies:

  • "MDI" - World of Wooden Toys (manufactured in China).
  • "Tomik" (Tomsk).
  • "Vintik and Shpuntik" (manufactured in China).
  • "Pinocchio" (made in China).
  • “Krasnokamsk toy” (Perm).

Before starting your own production of wooden toys from scratch, look at the range of products of the listed companies and take note of some ideas. You can settle on a specific type of wooden toys, making this your specialty. Or produce a wide variety of products for children of all ages.

Marketing methods

Finished products can be sold in different ways. The first option: sell in bulk to toy stores. It’s simple, but often wooden toys on display are overshadowed by soft “singing” cats or colorful transformers. Therefore, there is a second option: open your own small store based on production. It can be located near the workshop.

Third option: online store. To do this, you just need to develop a website and fill it with content containing information about toys and their photographs. Developing an online store is another plus of 50 thousand rubles towards the initial capital.

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Initial Investment

You can’t get by with small expenses here, because there are a lot of cost items:

  • rent (purchase) of large premises;
  • hiring specialists;
  • purchasing a computer program and training employees to work with it;
  • rental (purchase) of equipment;
  • purchase of consumables.

You won’t be able to buy equipment for the production of wooden toys cheaply. The machines must be new to avoid defects. Hooks, unevenness - all this threatens microtraumas for the child, which is unacceptable.

If we take an approximate amount, the starting capital will be 400-500 thousand rubles. If you draw up a competent business plan for the production of wooden toys and protect it properly, you can get a grand or just a loan from a bank. The payback for the project begins after the first batches are sold, because the price tag for wooden toys is usually quite high. It will be possible to fully “recoup” the invested funds in a year or a year and a half, depending on the success of the enterprise.

Advantages of wooden toys

Many entrepreneurs, when choosing a direction in business, are driven not only by financial, but also by ethical considerations. They want to receive not only profit from the enterprise, but also moral satisfaction. Wooden toys for children are an ideal option in this case, because you create safe, natural products that bring joy.

You should immediately take into account that toys made of wood are products for a narrow circle of consumers. Parents whose children are used to playing modern Transformers and tablets will not buy a wooden train or car for their child. It will simply be pointless.

Your clients will be modern mothers who understand the benefits of wooden toys:

  • environmentally friendly products;
  • durability unlike plastic analogues;
  • domestic production (today it has a high reputation among Russians);
  • unusual design, original models;
  • a return to childhood, because modern parents mainly played with wooden cars and trains.

Practice shows that a love for wooden toys is instilled literally after one model falls into the hands of a child. Therefore, your efforts will not be in vain. Sooner or later, the attention of most children and parents will be riveted to wooden toys, and your enterprise will receive maximum fame and, consequently, profit.

The high interest in such an area of ​​commercial activity as the production of wooden toys can be explained not only by the desire of many entrepreneurs to organize a profitable and promising business, but also by caring for our children. Modern materials for the production of toys can be compared to a time bomb.

Of course, plastic and polymers belong to the category of durable and reliable chemical compounds, but some of them can cause harm to children, despite the constant monitoring of the SES and institutions that issue quality certificates for products for children. The terrifying picture of infant mortality and the general health of children forces us to look for the causes of such negative phenomena. And in this list, toys play an important role.

The presented article discusses the main points of the organization and development of the production of products for children from environmentally friendly wooden materials. Readers will learn what is needed to create their own company, how to organize the commercial production of toys from natural raw materials with a minimum amount of start-up capital, and will also receive information about the main problems that await novice entrepreneurs on the path to implementing this commercial project.

Production of wooden toys - prospects for this business

Despite the fact that our country has all the prerequisites for the production of wooden toys, this business does not belong to the category of popular areas of commercial activity. In all of Russia there are less than a hundred factories, factories, shops and workshops that produce wooden products for children. At the same time, in Europe this figure is at the level of several hundred, excluding small workshops and individual specialists in the manufacture of wooden toys. So, the first reason why you should pay attention to this area of ​​business activity is the lack of manufacturers of quality toys made from natural raw materials.

The main competitors in the domestic market of wooden products are Chinese factories and factories. But they cannot compete with domestic producers. Chinese toys are not of high quality, they can hardly be classified as educational products, and the unstable situation in the foreign exchange market has negatively affected their value. The absence of real competitors confirms the fact that the production of wooden toys in our country can be considered as a promising business.

The unstable situation in the economy and the deterioration of the financial situation of many citizens of our country have a negative impact on the purchasing power of the population. But even in these difficult conditions, loving parents will not spare money to purchase a quality product made from natural raw materials for their child.

That is, this industry will develop even during a period of general decline in production. And the most important argument in favor of the development of this field of activity is that wooden toys are absolutely safe for the health of your children.

Taking into account all the above facts, we can conclude that the production of children's toys in Russia is a promising area of ​​commercial activity that is of interest both to experienced businessmen and investors, and to beginners. But you should not think that everyone who organizes an enterprise for the production of products from natural raw materials will immediately begin to earn huge sums of money. To do this, you need to work hard and be prepared to solve a large number of issues related to finding talented craftsmen, obtaining permits, renting premises, purchasing equipment, etc.

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Russian production of soft toys

Presented in the exhibition catalog in 2020. Industrial companies organized their own production. Sale of goods wholesale at a negotiated price. The list shows 40 businesses. Production representatives:

  • "Orange Toys"
  • "Baby",
  • "Omsk Toy Factory"
  • "Boca"
  • "Mervit" and others.

The Russian market offers a powerful technical platform for the production of soft toys. Companies guarantee product quality and safety for children to play with. Factories and workshops produce corporate and New Year's series to order. Color, size - to choose from. The toy is used as a gift or souvenir. The materials are tested and certified. New children's products are constantly appearing.

Popular are: dolls, hearts, teddy bears, monkeys and other models. Factories use artificial fur material. Stuffing - cotton wool, synthetic fluff, holofiber. Enterprises have established a service for selling products in bulk on the website and in the online store. Federal transport organizations conduct wholesale deliveries in Moscow and the Moscow region, regions of the Russian Federation, and CIS countries.

A manufacturer of children's toys is looking for cooperation from suppliers and distributors. Contact the manager to buy in bulk and download the price list. Companies have added addresses and phone numbers to the “Contacts” tab. Wholesale customers - discounts, promotions, benefits on payment time.

Making soft toys with your own hands is a fascinating and very profitable business. The soft toy can be bought as a gift for both children and adults. The idea of ​​making goods for children with your own hands deserves attention and a detailed study of all the nuances. Business profitability from 100%. Manufacturers already put a 100% markup on wholesale prices. They know that parents are always ready to spend more on their children than on themselves. In order to make products with your own hands, you need to decide what type of toys will be: designer, collectible, souvenir, wooden, educational or educational, soft or combined. After all, one toy can contain several properties and characteristics. You can sell soft toys online by creating your own page or store. You can sell your goods through stores or any other retail outlets under a sales agreement. Offer your products on social networks. Also, don’t forget about your friends, neighbors and work colleagues. They are all your potential clients. Young 19-year-old millionaire Cameron Johnson made a fortune selling stuffed animals through eBay. The algorithm for making soft toys is quite simple: we make a sketch, a pattern, then cut out all the parts from fabric and final assembly, sewing and stuffing. Some parts can be sewn together using a sewing machine and overlaid. The easiest thing to start with is making soft toy figures with a minimum number of parts. For example, it could be a heart, a ball, a bun, a smiley face, a snake, etc. By the way, a parallel and completely unnecessary production when making soft toys with your own hands can be the production of toy pillows, chair covers or covers. How much imagination do you have? For young parents, a mat for children's development can be a very interesting product. It is not at all difficult to make, but in the store it is expensive. Moreover, the educational mat is made exactly according to the same pattern and using the same tools and materials as soft toys. Cut, cut, sewed. Below is a master class on making soft toys, in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Manufacturers need to produce more soft toys

The soft toy market capacity is growing dynamically, +25% annually. According to experts, this trend will continue for several more years. Positive growth rates of the toy market are also tied to positive child birth rates. Today, the soft toy market in the CIS countries alone is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. According to marketers, soft toys are the most popular, compared to other types of children's entertainment products. The total market volume of all types of toy products is 40% filled with soft toys (this is the largest part). Experts motivate this fact by the fact that the soft toy has a certain versatility. The core of potential consumers is quite wide. These are parents of children of all age groups, as well as adults (mainly gifts for women). To be precise, 85% of parents of children aged 5-6 years buy a new soft toy at least every three months. Production profitability starts from 100%. Such markups already apply to wholesale prices! The retail price can often jump by 200% -300% of the cost. Anyone who has at least once gone to toy stores or supermarkets should not be surprised at such markups. Interesting fact: soft toys seem to have little functionality. But innovation has not spared them. Japanese company Takara Tomy has released a plush mouse called Hug and Dream Minnie Mouse, which reproduces the sound of a sleeping person. This relaxing effect helps prepare for sweet sleep not only for children but also for adults. It relieves stress very well and is a harmless remedy against insomnia.

Master class on making soft toys

You can make a soft toy at home that is no worse than factory quality. You don’t have to buy a sample in a store in order to disassemble and reproduce its copies at home. Although an inexperienced fashion designer should probably do his first work this way. To gain a little experience in cutting out parts and stuffing them with filler. This is the main thing you should learn in this craft. The best way to start learning a craft is to search the Internet. A huge number of free and paid patterns for soft toy patterns can be found on the Internet. Here is a simple example of a Linux penguin pattern:

As a result, the Linux penguin should get this appearance.

There are more complex patterns, but it’s better to start simple. So, let's try to make our first soft toy - a Linux penguin. We print the pattern on cardboard and sign each detail with the corresponding numbers. Next we cut out the patterns. Then pay attention to the nuances when cutting. We lay the fabric in one layer on the table with the wrong side facing up. Lay out all the details on top of the fabric with moderate economy. We lay out paired parts symmetrically to avoid mistakes. We set the contours of the parts so that there is room for seams. When all the parts are cut out of the fabric, they must be sewn with a machine exactly along the contour. They are sewn from the wrong side and then turned inside out. Before turning, you can trim the seams and make notches. This way the edges will be perfectly smooth. Naturally, the color of the thread is matched to the color of the fabric. The toy case is ready, now you should fill it with filler. Sintepon is best suited. Various types of padding polyester can be purchased in online stores at low prices. Pay as much attention as possible to stuffing the soft toy. For greater density, you can use a pencil, and you should start from the most distant parts. A soft toy can have a copper, wire frame with a diameter of up to 3 mm. This complicates the process of filling the cover of the future model a little. In such cases, it is important to monitor the position of the frame and not let it move from the center. To do this, before installing the frame, it is better to wrap it with cotton wool. Avoid sharp edges in the frame, handle them with a tool!

Soft toys require better materials to make them

The material for soft toys determines the success of their sales. Soft toys need special material: high-quality, attractive and pleasant to the touch. Take the fabric in your hands and try what emotions it evokes in you when you touch your palm. Buyers must try all soft toys by touch - this is a very important sales factor in this business. Savings are not appropriate here. Not much fabric is needed to create one model. Manual production will require the following materials:

  • various types of faux fur;
  • natural fur;
  • plush;
  • viscose;
  • special mohair;
  • leather.

This is not a complete list of types of material that can be used. Often when creating toys you will need to combine materials into parts. Plush coat, fur paws, leather horns. Regular fabric stores have a very poor selection of such materials. Online stores have a good selection, but you can’t try the material by touch. Therefore, it is better to go to manufacturers or distributors (intermediaries) for the material. If you cannot buy a small amount of fabric from manufacturers who can only offer wholesale, you need to look for the goods in the city where the factory is located. It is easy to buy from local residents of such cities all types of products produced by the plant in an assortment at factory prices. Resale of factory products is the main income of local residents. Here is an approximate list of cities with textile factories:

  • Ukraine:
    • Zheltye Vody (Dnipropetrovsk region);
    • village Yasinya (Transcarpathian region);
  • Russia:
    • Kireevsk (Tula region);
  • Belarus:
    • Zhlobin (Gomel region market right next to the railway station).

It’s worth going once and establishing cooperation with small suppliers, and then you can work through postal carriers. Along with the production of children's entertainment products, you will gain invaluable business experience. It is also important to choose a quality filler. The quality, service life and presentation of a soft toy also depend on the stuffing material. The following materials are mainly used for packing:

  • first of all, padding polyester (you can also use waste padding polyester);
  • foam;
  • cotton wool;
  • plastic crumbs;
  • cereals

All fillers differ in quality, properties and service life. Fillers for stuffing can also be combined. For example, if you need to make a more stable toy with legs, they should be filled with heavier filler: plastic crumbs or semolina. In online stores you can buy accessories: spouts, eyes, antennae, tongues. Toy production will require additional consumables:

  • sewing threads of different colors;
  • medium density cardboard for patterns;
  • copper wire up to 3mm. in diameter;
  • Super glue.

You can buy additional consumables at any clothing market or in relevant stores.

It’s better to quickly make a soft toy using high-quality equipment

The main equipment in the home production of soft toys is a good sewing machine. Everything else is an additional tool:

  • a set of needles and a thimble;
  • sharp scissors;
  • iron;
  • pliers
  • awl and hooks;
  • measuring tape and ruler;
  • pencil;
  • chalk and soap.

At the stage of starting a business, an inexpensive electric sewing machine with support for the overlock function, costing $100, is suitable. But later you should think about more functional equipment. The most reliable brand of household sewing machines is Singer. A particularly interesting model of the sewing machine is the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960, which will greatly facilitate your work thanks to its wide functionality. The sewing machine supports a wide range of sewing stitches, 12 types of buttonholes and 4 types of font that can be used as a signature. The Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 has a horizontal shuttle. Software control, automatic threading, support for most adjustments in automatic mode - give you the opportunity to work with maximum comfort on equipment that has been tested for years. You focus only on creative work and are not distracted by trifles. And the accompanying petty processes do not steal your precious time. Brief technical characteristics of the sewing machine with a horizontal hook Singer Quantum Stylist 9960:

A wide selection of stitches supported by the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 sewing machine:

Combining toys to expand the range

Making wooden toys with your own hands is a little more difficult and more expensive than soft ones. You will need a woodworking lathe and drilling machine. Lots of woodworking tools. Some start-up capital will be required. Because, in order to make wooden toys with your own hands, you need to purchase a special, easy-to-process and harmless tree (for example: alder). If you are going to sell such products in children's institutions, then you will need special permits and certificates. Without health permits, you won't be able to distribute them there. Nowadays competition in the market is increasing in this area. In addition, wooden toys require various varnishes, paints, edgings, oilcloths, adhesive tapes, brushes, and bolts. Ideal if production is a family business. Men can work with wood, and women with fabrics. Some models can be combined, most often in this way: a soft toy with wood elements. A family approach to business can result in the production of a wide range of children's entertainment products. Products that don't sell can be recycled into new models. For example, from one large one you can make two small ones. This approach is always better than selling leftovers at cost. In addition, such leftovers are not asked to be eaten, and not this year, but next year they will definitely be sold, even at a discount, there is room for dumping. And there are balances in any trade and there are not always ways to cash them out without even a loss. There are many options for building the structure of this type of business, look for the most optimal ones. Let this article be your creative inspiration and a successful start to a highly profitable business. We wish you to achieve the results of Cameron Johnson, who made very good money reselling soft toy products of the Beanie Babies brand over the Internet.

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