Programs for ordering goods to a pharmacy. Electronic trading system "PharmSM"

Accounting and taxes 13.06.2020

Successful work trade enterprises is impossible without the implementation information technologies. By deciding to automate a pharmacy, the owner receives tools that allow him to develop his business.

Meaning of the term

Automation means organizing work using a program that monitors and regulates all stages of the movement of goods from the supplier to the final consumer, minimizing unproductive manual labor. It is possible for any size of business – from a pharmacy kiosk to automation of a pharmacy chain.

Briefly, its essence can be stated in several theses:

  • Based on warehouse balances and sales analysis, an application to the supplier is formed;
  • Guided by regularly updated prices, the program compares prices for medicines, helping to create optimal orders for each supplier;
  • based on suppliers’ release documents received via the Internet, the program accepts products into the warehouse;
  • determines storage locations;
  • generates labels with barcodes;
  • calculates selling prices based on regulations;
  • upon request, provides information on the availability and storage location of products;
  • when releasing goods and reading the barcode, writes off materials from balances.

In addition, the program can store and provide information about products, generate various reports and perform analysis economic activity enterprises.

Tasks solved by automation

Conducted in a network of pharmacies, or in a separate point of sale, automation aims to optimize activities, reduce costs and, consequently, increase profits.

Important! Many pharmacy owners do not automate pharmacies because of the high cost, fear of something new, reluctance to change, etc. But the program for the pharmacy and pharmacy automation in general has several very significant advantages. Proper automation of pharmacies gives a great advantage over competitors and helps increase the turnover of the pharmacy as a whole. Source:

Reduced workload on staff

  • The time spent on customer service is significantly reduced, since all the necessary information - product balances, analogues, storage address and even instructions for use - is available on the computer at the employee’s workplace.
  • The inventory process is simplified and accelerated, since warehouse balances and storage cells are known at any time.
  • Applications for the supply of medicines are automatically generated. The program generates reports on the receipt and sale of materials, based on them, determining the needs for various goods.

Economic benefits

Programs used for pharmacy automation allow, based on various reports, to analyze product turnover and determine the optimal timing and size of orders. The balances in the warehouse are regulated in such a way that the products do not remain stale, so that funds are not “frozen” in slow-moving goods.

Automation makes it easier to work with free and discounted recipes and allows you to enter various discount programs and customer loyalty programs.

Analysis of the movement of materials makes it possible to quickly respond to consumer needs, up to changing the display of products.

Sales and inventory management

Pharmacy automation with the help of a special program provides the head of the enterprise with the real state of affairs in the business, minimizing errors in reporting. Allows you to make plans and make changes to work in order to increase economic efficiency.

Automation tasks at different stages of work

At each level of the pharmacy business, automation solves its own problems, ultimately aimed at improving the functioning of the entire enterprise.


The main tasks assigned to the program:

  • Accounting;
  • balance tracking;
  • making sales.


At this level, functions for ordering medications can be added, if we are talking about a single pharmacy, and redistributing products between subordinate points.

Network central office

Collection and comparison of information from all branches, analysis, formation of orders to suppliers, pricing, distribution and redistribution of medicines between pharmacies, centralized network management.


Reception and targeted storage of medications. Formation of batches and sending to branches.

Features of pharmacy trade

Trade in medicines and medicines has its own subtleties.

The pharmacy has to work with a huge range of items, several tens of thousands of items. Moreover, drugs of the same name can be supplied in different dosage forms, dosages, and intended for adults or children. There are algorithms for grouping them according to different criteria, making the work easier.

Particular importance in the sale of medicines is given to compliance with the expiration date. The program analyzes the data and generates a report on drugs that need to be sold before a specific date, or recalled from the retail chain.

Equally important is the accounting of medications by batch. If data appears about rejected batches of medicines, pharmacy employees must be able to quickly determine whether a product from a given batch is available and remove it from sale. The program even allows you to determine who and when the medicines from the rejected batch were sold to.

Software selection criteria

Exists a large number of programs that allow you to automate any pharmacy. All of them have a clear interface and are easy to learn. In each individual case, developers adapt the program's capabilities to the requirements of a specific client.

If we talk about pharmacy networks, it is better to automate them gradually, as funds become available. In addition, at the first of the automated pharmacies you will be able to learn how to work in a pharmacy program and test the functionality. If necessary, you can ask programmers to refine and sharpen the functions of the program for pharmacy chains that you need.

The Farm Market program has been operating since 2004 pharmaceutical market Russia. Since then, it has been possible to build significant potential into the program and obtain a competitive product. Good experience in this area allows us to efficiently solve the most complex and non-standard business problems.

The Farm Market program allows you to quickly and efficiently compare supplier prices, create and send orders, accept electronic invoices, process receipts, price and sell goods using a fiscal registrar or document printer. The program works with any retail or cash register equipment and allows you to maintain full operational records in a pharmacy.

Product marking:

  • Ready for traffic monitoring system medicines(IS MDLP).
  • Possibility of direct and reverse acceptance of documents for subsequent wholesale or retail sale.

Product order:

  • "Farm Market" works with all suppliers. There are no fees from suppliers.
  • Automatic ordering based on sales speed or minimum balances.
  • Sending orders directly to the supplier or uploading to the required program (Pharm SM, Cross Market, modem program, 1C).
  • The consolidated price list displays absolutely all suppliers' products without exception.
  • Search for a product by name, manufacturer or other criteria.
  • Wide range of possibilities when working with orders. Orders can be sent in parts, combined or split. It is possible to continue editing the order the next day with recalculation to new prices.
  • Place orders for several pharmacies at the same time. Transfer orders between pharmacies.
  • Wide possibilities for working with orders between pharmacies and the office, including centralized purchasing through the office. Details.
  • Quick search defects, new arrivals, expired drugs, markdowns.
  • The program stores a history of prices and inventory balances, so you can always open a price list for the desired date.
  • Reconcile the ordered and received goods.
  • Receive refusals from suppliers, including in the form of SMS.
  • The program has a set of reports that allow you to prepare extended information on ordered goods for printing.
  • Convenient control affiliate programs(Constellation, Partner, ProApteka, ASNA)

Arrival and price of goods:

  • Acceptance of electronic invoices from suppliers in any format. It is also possible to download from third-party programs (Cross Market, Pharm SM...) or from modem programs from suppliers.
  • All amounts of electronic invoices correspond to paper documents down to the penny.
  • Pricing of live substances and potent drugs, taking into account all the requirements established by the legislation of the region.
  • Built-in control of maximum wholesale, maximum retail and maximum register prices for live goods.
  • Product pricing according to any of your individual requirements.
  • Printing of the act of retail prices, price tags and labels in the form required for you.
  • Printing price tags and labels is possible both on specialized printers (Zebra, TSC, etc.) and on regular printers.
  • Various options for centralized arrival. Ability to prepare documents and labels both in the office and in the pharmacy. Details.
  • Possibility to receive goods on previous dates.

Control of rejected batches:

  • Control of rejected series of the entire inventory or specific receipts based on the built-in federal directory of rejected series. The directory is updated automatically every 7 days.
  • Possibility to maintain your own directory of rejected series.

Reports for the Russian Ministry of Health:

  • Annual report for the tariff committee.
  • Monthly report for operational monitoring.
  • Weekly report for operational monitoring.

Operational accounting:

  • Centralized directory of nomenclature and manufacturers.
  • Using a factory barcode (without a sticker on the product) or your own barcode (with a sticker on the product).
  • Revaluation of goods at any stage.
  • Distribution of goods to storage locations.
  • Fast automatic synchronization of directories and documents. All pharmacies work with up-to-date data without creating duplicates.
  • Flexible system discounts and discounting. Automatic discounts based on specified conditions. City discount programs. Cumulative discounts over the network. SMS confirmation of savings write-off.
  • Analysis of sales and inventory balances from the central office.
  • Uploading data to various reference and Information Systems(Aptekamos, 003, ASNA, ProApteka...)
  • Uploading all transactions (including in the form of a product report) into any accounting program.
  • Schedule of payments to suppliers, grouping of payments, ready-made comments on payments.
  • Working with non-cash payments. Product reservation, invoice, TSD.
  • When switching to “Pharm Market”, there is no need to re-stick labels or change discount cards. It is possible to import directories and inventory balances from your current system.

Orthopedics and optics:

  • Separate accounting and uploading of data to the accounting department for pharmacy, optics and orthopedics.
  • Manufacturing of glasses or orthopedic products based on accepted components.

Wholesale and retail sales via bank transfer:

  • A complete set of accompanying documents: Agreement, Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Specifications. Protocol ZhV, Universal transfer document.
  • Separate pricing for wholesale and retail accounting.
  • Uploading electronic invoices to the buyer.

Cashier's workplace:

  • Fully complies with the new requirements of online cash registers (54-FZ).
  • The program works with trade equipment Shtrikh-M, Atol, Viki Print, RR-Electro.
  • Displaying expiration date medications, product descriptions, synonyms, active ingredients and related products.
  • The ability to see current inventory of the entire pharmacy chain.
  • Automatic filling of inventory for orders.
  • Quickly search for drugs and prices from suppliers.
  • Correspondence between the cashier's z-report revenue and the program is 100%.
  • Convenient rounding of kopecks with registration in the receipt.
  • Ability to see product properties and descriptions. Synonyms.
  • Flexible motivation schemes for cashiers.
  • Printing related cash documents(KO-1, KO-2, KM-6).


  • All Required documents(order, inventory, statement, result) in the format of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.
  • The ability to conduct permanent (not for the entire balance) inventory.
  • Data collection: through inventory, terminal, data collector or barcode scanner.
  • Parallel data entry from multiple computers and scanners.
  • Inventory without closing the pharmacy.

For pharmacy chains:

  • Analysis of any data from the entire pharmacy network from the office.
  • Automatic exchange of documents in any required variations.
  • Product price in central office with subsequent transfer to the pharmacy.
  • The ability to create a common database of illiquid and defective drugs across the pharmacy network and see this information when ordering.
  • Control of pharmacy chain orders from the central office.
  • Consolidation of orders into a general order and distribution of incoming goods to pharmacies.

Uploading data to accounting:

  • Any version of 1C.
  • Unloading postings and documents. By product or in general.


  • All program reports can be exported to MS Excel with the appropriate cell types.
  • Manufacturers, suppliers or your partners have the opportunity to centrally deliver information on new products, offers, promotions, discounts, etc. to the program.
  • Each employee has his own password to access the program and a corresponding set of permissions.
  • It is possible to organize a home office for pharmacy employees, with full opportunity to work from home.
  • The program has an automatic multi-level backup system.

In 2016, it will be 10 years since the MFarm company began its activities to create production facilities and separate cleanroom complexes in high-tech industries. Today we carry out work in this area, from design to commissioning of equipment.

Engineering in the field of electronics and pharmaceuticals is a special industry that requires specialized knowledge at each stage of the project. And here it is very important to entrust the work to professionals in this area.

By ordering a package of work from us, you do not have to worry about finding personnel to implement each stage of your planned project. The MFarm company will take care of this itself, and within the agreed time frame you will receive a facility ready for operation.

What areas do we work in?

To implement projects, we are contacted from the following industries:

  • pharmaceutical industry;
  • microelectronics;
  • optical and space industries;
  • nanotechnology industry;
  • spheres scientific research and developments.

Main activities of MFarm

Our main specialization is the creation of production facilities and laboratory facilities for the pharmaceutical and electronics industries. At the same time, we have our own, which are produced under the MTECH brand.

A feature of the production of enclosing structures for clean rooms is the short production and delivery time (about 3-6 weeks), as well as the availability warehouse program by main positions: solid and glazed wall panels, pharmaceutical doors, raster suspended ceiling, etc.

This production is located in Moscow. Such a favorable location allowed us to significantly optimize transportation costs and maintain a leading position in price. At the same time, we are continuously improving production technologies in order to provide our customers with only modern technological solutions.

Since 2006, we have been taking part in international specialized exhibitions, participating in meetings working group under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, we take part in the formation professional standards in our industry.

Range of services

The main activity of our company is the comprehensive creation of turnkey enterprises in the field of pharmaceuticals and electronics.

However, we always meet our clients halfway and are ready to resolve all possible issues related to engineering in high-tech industries. Therefore, within the framework of this activity, our company is ready to offer the following services:

  • comprehensive design at the stages “Conceptual design”, “Project” and “ Working documentation", as well as the construction of facilities in high-tech industries;
  • creation of separate complexes of clean rooms and clean zones;
  • installation work for clean rooms and engineering systems, as well as for industrial refrigeration systems;
  • delivery, testing, installation and commissioning technological equipment;
  • design, assembly of automation panels and deployment the most complex systems industrial automation using modern SCADA and MES systems;
  • conducting qualification tests in accordance with GMP requirements;
  • certification of clean rooms and validation of pharmaceutical equipment;
  • training;
  • commissioning of the facility.

Reliability guarantees

The MFarm company has all the necessary permits to carry out work on the design and construction of clean rooms. The quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001, which is confirmed by a certificate of conformity dated April 3, 2014.

Certificates of conformity in the GOST R system and, if necessary, a package of validation documents are provided for the supplied pharmaceutical equipment.

All foreign suppliers of our company undergo mandatory audits for compliance with requirements international standards, as well as the standards of our company. Therefore, all equipment, materials and engineering systems that we offer to our customers are optimal in all respects.

In addition, we apply the latest COST EFFECTIVE concept in our practice. That is, for each specific case, several options are calculated and the most optimal one in terms of price and quality is selected.

Our partners

As part of its activities, MFarm also supplies . We mainly work with manufacturers from China and Taiwan. When choosing our partners, we try to find the best factories that produce the highest quality and most modern pharmaceutical equipment.

Another important criterion is well-drawn documentation for the equipment. For each project, equipment is manufactured individually, taking into account the characteristics of the technological cycle. Therefore, we pay special attention to ensure that equipment documentation is complete and understandable.

At the same time, we consider it our mission to maintain a balance between the reasonable cost of equipment, its quality and reliability and a high level of after-sales service.

our clients

The MFarm company is one of the leaders in this field, because during our activity many projects of varying levels of complexity have been developed. At the same time, regardless of the volume of the order, we value each of our clients.

The geography of completed projects is very extensive and includes the following regions and cities: Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Rostov-on-Don, Yakutsk, Ukhta, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Tver, Ryazan and many others... Among the projects completed by our company there are also international projects completed for customers from: Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The total number of projects completed by our company is more than 80. The total number of large technological equipment supplied is more than 200 units. The total area of ​​completed projects is more than 75,000 m2 of clean rooms.

We value each of our clients and value our reputation. Therefore, work of any level of complexity is carried out by our company with maximum responsibility and scrupulousness. Our customers are always satisfied with the results. You can verify this by reading them about our joint cooperation.

Our specialists

The MFarm team consists of highly qualified specialists from all industries. Our team has extensive experience and knows all the intricacies of the processes of designing and creating enterprises with clean rooms.

All work on project implementation is carried out exclusively on our own. We do not use the services of contractors, and therefore we take full responsibility for the quality of the work performed.

Our staff is engaged not only in design and construction, but also performs installation and commissioning of equipment, setting up production automation, certifying premises and equipment, etc.

Our leading experts regularly take part in seminars on modern trends in design, undergo training and improve their skills. This allows us to use innovative developments in the field of engineering in our work and create modern competitive enterprises for our customers.

To optimize business processes, work in our company is carried out using the ERP production resource planning system, the Revit automated design system, the CRM system, and the Megaplan project management system.

The personnel motivation system at the enterprise is based on achieving the task set by the customer with maximum efficiency. Therefore, all our employees are focused on results that will fully satisfy the client’s requirements and fulfill all assigned tasks.

MFarm company will be glad to see you among our clients. We are confident that our professional team will solve even the most complex problems and help bring your planned projects to reality at the highest technological level.

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