A program for creating telephone scripts. We write programs (scripts) in Windows Notepad

Chercher 12.12.2020
Codes of the Russian Federation

Codes of the Russian Federation

Today you will learn:

  • Why do you need a sales script?
  • How to write a sales script;
  • What does the finished script look like?

How to write a sales script correctly

Telemarketing is gaining more popularity day by day. Attracting consumers through telephone conversations does not require large expenses from the company and specific knowledge from employees.

Types of scripts

There is enough a large number of classifications of scripts, but we will analyze the one that is of practical value for writing it.

Let's distinguish between scripts:

  • For retail stores . As a rule, to sell physical goods at retail, just one script is enough, but it will be quite voluminous: you need to describe all possible options for consumer behavior. Make sure that the manager learns the cheat sheet, since he won’t be able to pry. The purpose of the script for retail stores is to sell, here and now.
  • For the service sector and telephone sales. This script is intended for all those areas of business where a telephone conversation occurs. For example, you must first make an appointment at a hairdresser. These can be either incoming or outgoing calls (the scenarios will differ only in the beginning). The purpose of such a script is to bring a client to the company. Such cheat sheets must be written for each segment separately. They don't have to be long phone conversation should not take more than 3 minutes.

Sales script structure

Any scenario consists of five main information blocks. This is the skeleton of our script; the guiding phrases will be placed on it.

  1. Greetings. Whether you're talking to a client in person or over the phone, you should say hello. Also, be sure to introduce yourself and find out the client's name. This will position him for further conversation. Example: "Hello! My name is “name,” how can I address you?”
  2. Determining needs. Here the manager must study the client's needs and problems more deeply. In this case, the seller should already have an idea of ​​what the potential buyer needs. Questions for clarification may include the following: “Are you choosing a suit for work or a formal meeting?”, “What color shirt would you like?”.
  3. Product presentation. At this stage, the manager has to talk about the product. At the same time, the presentation should take into account the client’s needs, which we identified at the previous stage. This means that the script must contain several options for presenting the product (for each need that it can satisfy). For example, someone buys curtains as an addition to the interior design, while others simply need to protect themselves from sun rays in the morning. Presentations of the same product in the first and second cases will be different. A script for personal selling should include possible questions from the interlocutor during the presentation. For example, a manager describes trousers: “These are light linen trousers for hot summer weather...”, the client immediately asks a question: “Do they wrinkle a lot when worn?”. The manager must be willing to stop talking and answer questions about the product. In this case, the script must contain variants of questions and answers to them.
  4. Reply to objections. The emergence of questions and objections from the client is a sign that he is interested in your offer. In personal selling, the stage of answering objections begins during the presentation of the product. This is the most voluminous part of the script. It should contain all possible client questions and answers to them.
  5. Make a deal.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a script

Step 1. Collection and analysis of information to compile a script.

In order to create an effective sales script, you need to do the following work:

  • Determine the purpose of the conversation with the client. This could be selling a product, obtaining contact information, ;
  • Create a consumer portrait. Most likely, you have identified segments within your target audience. Now describe each segment: highlight needs, interests, problems, define average income, social status, Family status. You must bring out all the information that in one way or another affects the purchasing behavior of the segment. In the future, the variability of our script will be based on this information.
  • Study your competitors' techniques. You can come to your competitors as a buyer and see how they sell. Record the process on a voice recorder. In the future, this will allow you to avoid the mistakes of your opponents and take advantage of successful techniques.
  • Make the manager research the product he will be selling.. Remember that the script only gives direction to the dialogue.
  • Decide on script flexibility. If the goal of the dialogue is to sell one specific product, then the script will not be flexible. In other cases, the script will be a “fish” that will not allow the manager to forget to say the most important points.

Step 2. Creating a script.

It is best for your head of the sales department to write the script. Most likely he is familiar with the most effective techniques in conversation with clients and it will be easy for him to repeat them on paper.

Also, any employee of your company can become the author of the script. To do this you will have to write down several dozen successful sales into a voice recorder, and then take notes on the most successful answers and possible directions of dialogue.

Sellers themselves can also create a script for themselves. But this option is only suitable for telephone sales. To do this, create spreadsheet in any program convenient for you.

The table must contain the following columns:

  • Serial number;
  • Client phone number;
  • Needs/product groups of interest;
  • Previous purchases;
  • Information about the client: first name, last name, additional contact information;
  • Objections and questions;
  • Appropriate responses to questions and objections;
  • Appropriate customer response;
  • Result of previous contact.

This method is suitable not only for creating a new script, but also for optimizing existing ones. Allow employees to make adjustments to the script, but always discuss the reason for these changes.

By the way, what should be the length of the script? Remember that the average duration of a conversation between a seller and a buyer during personal sales is on average 5-8 minutes, which corresponds to 1 printed page manager's remarks (12 font). last no more than 3 minutes, but in this case the initiative will be entirely with the manager, whose remarks should take no more than ½ page. But they imply the buyer’s initiative, so the volume of the manager’s speech will fit on 1/3 of the page.

Step 3. Optimization of the sales script.

After you've written a script, you need to test it. Make several dozen calls, find gaps and errors in your script.

When writing without testing, it is impossible to take into account most of the client’s responses; during the conversation, be sure to write into the script those options for developing the dialogue that you did not take into account. They will also need to be worked out.

Pay attention not to those phrases that several times led to the breakdown of negotiations. They must be excluded from the script.

Amendments to the script can be made throughout its use, but the bulk of the changes occur in the first 2 months of operation. Be sure to discuss with your managers any problems that arise during a conversation with a client. This will allow you to optimize the script.

Scripting Tools

As mentioned earlier, you can create sales scripts in applications that allow you to create spreadsheets. For example, Excel. But if your script is quite large (as a rule, this is), tabular method won't suit you.

We would like to offer you a more convenient program that is created specifically for creating scripts. It's called HyperScript.

Benefits of the program:

  • Allows you to create a voluminous script, with all options for the development of events being before the eyes of the manager;
  • Allows you to make adjustments in real time;
  • If you yourself have made an amendment to the script, all your managers will be informed about this. The script will automatically change to the updated one in their gadgets;
  • Allows you to work in stages. The manager only needs to enter the client’s answers/objections/comments in a special field and the program itself will provide answers for the manager (if, of course, they are included in the script);
  • Allows you to track conversions in real time. You will see all the successful and unsuccessful negotiations of your managers;
  • Allows you to identify at what stage most negotiations fail.

Example script

Finally, here is a script template. You can use these phrases in your script.




Good afternoon My name is “A”, I am a representative of company “B”. How can I contact you?

Hello! I am “A”, your personal manager from company “B”. “Client name”, right?

Hello! We have a new arrival “product that the client is interested in”, let me show/tell you”

Identifying needs. Options for questions.

Before you ask a question, justify it.

Example: “You are interested in a “product,” let me help you choose.”

What would you like…?

What do you think about...?

How often….?

What would you like to get from our cooperation?

Is something bothering you?

Product presentation

The structure of a product presentation is as follows: “The property of the product and the benefit that this property gives to the client.”

Example:“These are trousers made of natural linen, thanks to which you will not be hot even in a Moscow office”

Answering objections/questions

Structure: “Yes, but,” that is, we first agree with the client, and then we present an argument that neutralizes the interlocutor’s dissatisfaction.


Client: “These trousers wrinkle quickly”;

Seller: “Yes, but they also smooth out quickly and easily even at low temperatures. To do this, you only need a small steamer; you can smooth out imperfections directly on yourself, the temperature allows. It is very comfortable".


“All that’s left is to make a deal?”

“Shall we arrange it?”

“Will you deposit the entire amount at once?”

We have developed an easy-to-use but very convenient platform for generating dialogue scenarios for operators, managers and specialists based on a web interface. At http://cwsl.contact-centr.ru:81 you can see how our platform works and see an example of a dialogue script (login admin password 123456).

The dialogue script consists of separate frames. Each frame consists of text information and answer options. The answer options lead to other frames. Each answer option can contain a comment. Comments can be either plain text or a custom list. Comments may or may not be required. Some answer option fields may be grouped together so that they require simultaneous completion.

Frames are configured through a convenient web interface.

For each call and dialogue, statistics include information about the dialed number, subscriber number, call ID, operator ID and date-time of the event. All data is located in the database, and for all actions, the results of individual frames, you can make full-fledged reports with data upload, with diagrams, etc., based on the “Infinity Call Center X” report editor.


Each frame is divided into two parts - dialogue and response options. Each answer option can be accompanied by a comment.

A comment can be either a regular text field or a drop-down list of values.

Response fields can be grouped together to require multiple fields to be completed at the same time when moving to the next frame. For example, such fields could be full name, contact telephone number, work experience and desired vacancy.

To move to the next frame, you must fill in all fields marked with an asterisk as required.

The list of frames can be edited. This is done through a web form. No complexity, no programming. Each frame has a number, title, dialog text, and answer options.

Answer options are added when editing the frame. Answer options have an answer text, a type, a mandatory comment flag, a transition to frame flag, and a response combination flag.

Editing the answer option occurs in a convenient window.

The slide shows answer options that are grouped in place into one combined answer. the transition through all of them leads to the same frame.

If the comment fields are a list, then this list can be conveniently edited.


A report can be generated for any transition from frames in the form of a table

Or as a diagram

The report can be generated by selecting any item from the transition comment drop-down list in the form of a table

Or as a diagram

The system allows you to generate analytical reports

The entire history of transitions is stored in a data bank with reference to the call, subscriber number, dialed number, comment field, operator, date and time.


The cost of the program is modular. Behind detailed information please contact our sales department. We are ready to send detailed description and presentation or demonstration.

With this article you will not learn to program or even write a program as such, but you will find here excellent VBS scripts and BAT files that you can easily write in a regular Windows notepad, which you can improve in your own way, and then show off to your friends and family. Perhaps this will cheer you up and you will have a great time.

Most similar scripts are written for convenience and automation of any actions on a computer running Windows OS. The scripts presented below will not be very useful (maybe it seems so to me), but they are perfect for an initial acquaintance with “coding”. You will have a great time, surprising both yourself and your fellow dummies (non-programmers), plus this is another a good option.

Some terminology:

  • VBS is a programming language for creating scripts in Windows OS, created/edited in Windows Notepad, has “.vbs” resolution. I think there is no point in continuing, because it will say little, especially to beginners. For those interested - .
  • BAT is a batch file, popularly just a “batch file”. File extension ".bat". Further similar - .

These extensions (vbs, bat) files are created in the well-known Windows Notepad (Notepad). For greater convenience in creating scripts, it is recommended to use an improved (let's say) notepad - Notepad++. It is convenient for syntax highlighting of a large number of programming languages. If this doesn’t mean much to you, then download and write in it - you will make fewer errors in the code, or it will be easier to find them than in the same little-functional Windows Notepad.

For clarity, an example (on the left is Windows Notepad, on the right is Notepad++):

Let's get started

If you are already familiar with VBS scripts and batch files, then most likely the following examples will not be interesting to you, but if you are a beginner, then for an initial introduction this is what you need.

Let's teach a computer to say hello

  1. Open Notepad (or Notepad Plus Plus).
  2. Copy and paste the code:

    Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
    sapi.Speak "Hello!"

  3. Mandatory condition: the quotes must be “like this”, “Christmas trees” will not work, the script will not be processed and an error will appear. Instead of the word "Hello" you can write anything, even in Russian, if you have a Russian voice engine.
  4. Next, select File - Save as - File type - All files - name.vbs
  5. Call the file whatever you want, but don’t forget to add the extension - .vbs (example - Privet.vbs) at the end.
  6. Now try to test your script - double-click the file.

One caveat: If you have written words in quotation marks in Russian letters, and when you start, something is pronounced incomprehensibly, then you simply do not have the Russian voice engine installed. Detailed installation and configuration of the voice engine is beyond the scope of our article, so read more in detail and come back here again.

Now, let’s do the following: we’ll add this script to startup, which means that when you start the computer, the word(s) written in the program will be spoken to you; if, as in the example, it will say “Hello” every time you turn on the computer. How to do it?

It’s simple, you can add a program (script) to startup in the same way, that is, through the same VBS script. Create a file in Notepad, copy/paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V) the following code:

Dim vOrg, objArgs, root, key, WshShell
root = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"
KeyHP = "Program"
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite root+keyHP,"C:\Privet.vbs /autorun"

We change the path to the "talker" script, this line - C:\Privet.vbs to our own. We write down where you have this script and what it is called. Next, save the newly created mini program in Notepad and run it. That's it, now the computer will greet you every time you turn it on.

Open drive

  1. Open notepad. Copy/Paste the following code:

    Set a = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    Set b = a.CdromCollection
    Set c = b.Item(0)
    Set d = c.Eject

  2. Save with extension .vbs
  3. Run the script and the drive will open.

There is a more interesting modification of this script:

Set WMPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")

IN in this case The CD/DVD drive will open and close all the time; on laptops in this case it will open after each time it is closed.

Attention! The second code (opening and closing the drive) is seen by some antiviruses as a malicious program. Kaspersky Anti-Virus (including ) sees it exactly like this and destroys it immediately. In the first case (simply opening the drive) it is not a malicious script for antivirus programs.

To stop automatically opening and closing the drive, you must:

  1. Launch task manager ( - Ctrl+Alt+Del).
  2. Go to the "Processes" tab.
  3. Find the wscript.exe process - right mouse button - end the process.

A game

An interesting find from the Internet - a game on VBS. You need to guess a number from 0 to 100. When you start the script, the script automatically sets (solves) the number that you need to guess and enter in a special window; if you answer incorrectly, hints are given, for example, less or more.

Below is the same code that needs to be copied and pasted into notepad, then saved (extension .vbs).

You can also change messages in your own way; everything written in Cyrillic can be edited without problems. Don't be afraid to break the code. Experiment. If something happens, copy the working code again from here.

Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set y = Nothing
a = 0
u = 0
Number = Int((RND*99)+1)
MsgBox "I guessed a number from 1 to 100, try to guess",64,"Guessing Game"
a = a + 1
c = InputBox("Guess the number" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Try: " & a & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "To see the results, enter the number!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Leave the field blank to exit" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf," Guessing game")
If c = "!" Then CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "notepad C:\Windows\Result.dll",3,True: Exit Do
If c<>""Then
If IsNumeric(c) = True Then
If CInt(c)< Number Then MsgBox "Нет,это не " & c & ". Я загадал число больше",64,"Угадайка"
If CInt(c) > Number Then MsgBox "No, this is not " & c & ". I guessed a number less",64,"Guessing Game"
If CInt(c) = Number Then
Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
MsgBox("Number of attempts: " & a)
If MsgBox ("That's right, it was the number " & c & ". Should I start over?",36,"Guess") = 6 Then Exit Do Else WScript.Quit
End If
MsgBox "This is not a number!",16,"Guessing Game"
a = a - 1
End If
a = a - 1
l = MsgBox ("You did not enter anything. Exit the program?",36,"Guess")
If l = 6 Then WScript.Quit
End If

Well, before moving on to body files (.BAT), let’s use the most useful VBS script of all those listed in this article.

Script closing wscript.exe

The script itself:

Set TaskKill = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
TaskKill.Run "TaskKill /f /im wscript.exe"

Essentially, it does the same thing that was explained a little higher in the task manager, such as, for example, you can’t just take and close the annoying script that opens and closes the disk drive, but by running this script, all running ones will be closed. It's like knocking out a wedge with a wedge.

We got a little acquainted with VBS scripts and how to write them in notepad, now let’s look at several examples of using BAT files (hereinafter referred to as a batch file).

A very simple body file consisting of just one line.

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. We write the following code:

    shutdown -s -t 1 -c -f

  3. Next File - Save as - name.bat
  4. Pay attention to the file extension, this is no longer a VBS script, but a batch file, so we write .bat at the end of the name (Example compoff.bat).
  5. We launch the newly created batch file by double-clicking the mouse and the computer will turn off (Shutdown).

There is this code option:

shutdown -r -t 1 -c -f

We write everything in the same way in notepad, save it with the .bat extension and after starting the computer will reboot (normal computer reboot).

Uninstalling updates

This batch file will be useful if you already . What's the point? This batch file lists commands for removing several updates, as the name suggests - telemetry updates, or just one of the system’s spyware things, we once already talked about how to disable , in this case you simply create a batch file, copy the code below into the contents and run , after which the listed updates will be removed.

echo Step 1: Delete Updates Telemetry
wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart

This way you can remove absolutely any update, even annoying ones KB971033 which checks .

There are many different scripts on the Internet that are supposedly harmless, but be careful before you try an unknown script, some of them can do harm, for example, making changes to the registry, and in case of any errors the system will generate errors, in which case you will have to or Windows or do a system restore.

Sales scripts are something we promote and consider both a part of sales and marketing. And I’ll tell you even more, we implement them in all the projects we work with.

Over the years, we have already designed a couple of hundred scripts for different areas and were faced with different “wants” of clients.

For some, make a script in Word, for others in Excel, for others in CRM, and for others you need a sales script designer. It is precisely this experience that we will share with you now. What to choose and where to dig.

To some - tators, and to others - lyators

There is an interesting moment in the novel “The Naked Year”. This means a person is standing and looking at the sign “Switches, batteries”. And he says: “To whom - tators, and to whom - lators.”

It's the same with the design of scripts. It all depends on the script itself. So in our work we roughly divide scripts into two types of design:

  1. sequential;
  2. sketchy.

Sequential is when everything is formed in the form of blocks that go strictly one after another. Schematically - when the blocks unravel and you, depending on the type of answer, go to one branch or another.

And as practice has shown, both options take place. Moreover, experience has also shown that you don’t always need to get hung up on complex construction kits; sometimes a simple printed piece of paper is enough.

To decide what will be best for you, let's look at the pros and cons of each design with examples, and then move on to specific services if you choose a designer.


The simplest and most frequently used version of our design. Suitable for most occasions and quite comfortable at the same time.

The design follows a sequential pattern, where you simply scroll down and read everything, but for greater convenience, we add small hyperlinks to the blocks for faster navigation.

The main advantage of this design is that it is easiest to navigate if your interlocutor may answer differently than what is written in the script.

And this, believe us, happens quite often. And all because the seller has before his eyes not a specific list of questions and answers, but general structure, where he can move freely if necessary, taking into account the context of the conversation.

Sales script example


Almost the same option as Word. The whole difference is that you take the script and make it look like a text site.

Where, when you click on one of the answer options, you are transferred to the next phrase. But all this is done within one page.

I personally don’t like this look because it’s “neither fish nor fowl.” This is not a lightweight script, like in Word, and not a systemic one, like in a designer. As a result, we torment operators with searching for a phrase if something suddenly goes wrong.


A more successful intermediate option between Word and the sales script designer. The point is that we take the entire dialogue and split it into a huge number of branches.

Where each one moves the operator and the client in the direction we need. And all this, as you understand by the name, is formatted in Excel using squares and arrows.

It is very difficult to design such a script, or rather to edit it. Because if you suddenly have to insert a new answer, or even more so a block, then you will have to move everything, set up all the connections again so that everything is OK.

If the script is large, then this is done extremely slowly due to the fact that Excel was not originally created for such tasks.

And then, big minus This design is jumping between blocks.

This is the very moment when you drag your mouse for a few seconds from one edge of the sheet to the other to see what you need to say to the client. And at this time he asks you another question and you find yourself in the rat race.

Sales script in excel


Improved version of Excel design. All arrows and blocks are created with one keystroke and, if necessary, you can quite easily add a new situation.

But again, due to the long movement from one end of the script to the other, we do not recommend this method. Although he has a place to be on our list.

Script in MindMap


Now many people make so-called constructors on their platforms.


Here we come to the most interesting part, to special services/programs/plugins that allow you to make it so that when you click a particular phrase, you can move to the desired text on your platform.

Over the course of 3 years of writing scripts, we tried quite a lot of different solutions.

And they even managed to conceive the idea of ​​​​creating their own, but as a result they postponed it until later. After all, we are, first of all, professionals in sales scripts, and not in services.


We agree that constructors should be implemented in companies, but not in all cases. And taking into account the wishes of clients who contact us, we can say that they are needed only in 2 cases out of 10.

Perhaps we have such clients, but the fact remains a fact. And the statistics are like this, because you really should switch to special software only in two cases:

  1. You have a very large and complex script. In which it is difficult to move with all the other designs. And it’s not just difficult, but rather impossible, even with a strong desire;
  2. You have a very rigid conversation structure. In 99% of cases, the client cannot jump out of the script and say something unusual. The ideal niche is a bank call center.

In all other cases, this will only worsen the situation. If the script is really small, then everything is immediately clear; there is no point in the constructor.

If clients often behave in a non-standard manner, then there is no point either. Otherwise, you are dooming your manager to failure in advance.

And all because even if he comes up with an answer from his head, then, based on the context of the conversation, he will have to abruptly jump to another branch of the script, and this is not so easy to do.

And what do you suggest?

If you insist

But since the topic of the article focuses on sales script designers, then let’s figure out which one is best for you to choose.

I’ll just get ahead of myself and disappoint you a little, “Best of the Best” or, in Russian, “The Best” will not be on this list. Because, firstly, such a statement will be very subjective, and secondly, we have not yet found such a service :)

Today we will consider only those that are installed on the computer or used through the website. We do not take into account all other plugin options that are built into CRM systems due to the fact that these are almost all services.

Here is a list of constructors that you can definitely try in your work:

NameFree version/
Minimum cost
for one month
Scriptgenerator - Free / access for 1 employee
HyperScript30 days499 rublesThe best results are achieved when integrated with CRM
ScriptDesigner14 days500 rublesQuite a simple service without unnecessary functions
CallHelper15 days (promo code PRT-VY33K)665 rublesConstructor that includes CRM
Sales Elevator- 199 rubles/
access for 1 employee
Service without extras functions, but quite convenient for creating complex connections
Scenarium14 days (promo code PRT-VY33K)For freeService for creating scripts in HTML format

But at the time of writing, all the designers had bugs, so you need to look at what will be critical for you and what will not.

Moreover, I want to warn you right away that creating and formatting such a script in any of these systems requires more time than you would do it in another format.

And all because you need to think through and adjust all the logic so that there are no dead ends in communication. And such a monster looks something like this:

Example script in the constructor

But managers are luckier in this matter, they already see ready-made option, which in their opinion can be done on the knee in 5 minutes.

But we know that to achieve such a result, it was necessary to go through 7 circles of hell. And this is what the manager sees:

How the script manager sees it

Briefly about the main thing

You probably still expected to see a specific designer of logical sales scripts that you need to take and use.

But, alas, it is not easy to catch a fish from a pond. Not because we are greedy, but because, I repeat, there is no better one. Although in our table we hinted at which sales script constructors you should pay attention to first.

In general, you can kill me, but how the script is designed does not matter. If you are not a call center, then ideally you just need to memorize it.

And the visualization will just be an extra reminder that you are moving in the right direction of the conversation.

To be even more serious, what is much more important is not the type of script, not knowing it by heart, but that it be compiled at a very high quality level, taking into account your individual specifics and the latest techniques sales

Everything else will follow. Therefore, I’m not hinting at anything, but I’m openly saying - entrust this matter to professionals, that is, to us :)

P.s. The visualization option is the second question. The first is the script itself. Therefore, if you don’t have them yet, be sure to read our articles.

We recommend reading
