Lesson project: Birds of Prey. Diurnal predators Lugovoi and marsh harrier

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Predator birds
Scavengers, or
live prey
predator birds

bird size
(the largest are
black vulture - above
7kg, the smallest –
cob – 150 – 200g)

Most diurnal birds of prey are classified as
to the order Falconiformes:

Falcon family

Birds of this family are recognized by
tooth on the beak, which
corresponds to the notch on the mandible. This
an ancient and persistent trait that has
important functional significance: with
with the help of a tine the falcon quickly kills
victim by tearing off her head.

The peregrine falcon is found in all parts of the globe, but is rare everywhere.
Always lives near large open spaces, as the method of hunting
requires space. This is one of the fastest and fastest flyers.
Hunts for birds, which it kills on the fly, and less often takes prey from the ground. Before
As soon as it attacks, the peregrine falcon soars upward, then, folding its wings, rushes
down, developing speeds of up to 75 km per hour.
Swooping down on prey - ducks, pigeons, partridges, waders, crows, blackbirds,
starlings - he hits them with the claws of his hind fingers, sharp and crooked, like a Turkish
scimitar. Sometimes the speed that a peregrine falcon develops in flight can reach 300
km per hour.

The saker falcon nests in the island forests, occupying the nests of crows,
herons. Capable of hitting a bird in flight and grabbing prey (gophers, voles) with
Repair nests with dry branches and shoots of bushes, tray
lined with animal hair, pieces of dry skin of tarbagan, gopher.
The male feeds the female during the incubation period. Chicks are fed
small birds, gophers, voles, pikas. In a month and a half
the chicks begin to fly.

During the hunt, the kestrel hangs in the air, often fluttering its wings, and looks out for
prey. Having noticed a mouse or large insect, it quickly falls down. Per day
An adult kestrel eats about a dozen rodents.
The visual acuity of the common kestrel is 2.6 times higher than that of humans. A man with such
with his eyesight could read the entire vision test table from a distance of 90 meters.

Family Accipitridae

Goshawks strictly adhere to their territory, and
nesting pair before and during nest construction and clearly
demonstrates aerial pirouettes. If anyone invades their territory,
the couple will desperately protect her. Individual territory for males, like
usually higher than that of females.
Like other hawks, goshawks communicate with each other through
sound signals, producing a high-pitched scream. Especially their communication
noticeable during nesting, when both male and female make the same noise
vibrating sounds, only the female’s voice is lower and louder

The sparrowhawk is found in the southern part of the forest
zones. Lives in various forest areas, but does not go deep into the forest
flies, often near open places. Hawk's nest
detect small birds from the remains of eaten prey.
Chicks are born in late June - early July. IN
In the first half of August, the chicks are already able to fly.

Eagles - large and medium-sized
birds. They are characterized by feathered legs
right down to your fingers.

Loonies are inhabitants of open spaces.
Looking for prey, harriers fly low above
the ground, slowly flapping its wings and making
circular flights. It nests and rests on the ground.

The golden eagle is one of the most famous birds of prey of the hawk family.
the largest eagle. Distributed in the northern hemisphere, where it lives
mainly in the mountains, to a lesser extent on flat open and
semi-open landscapes. Avoids residential areas, sensitive to disturbance
from the human side.
Among the nomadic peoples of Central Asia, mainly the Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and
Mongols, the golden eagle is used as a bird of prey to hunt foxes, hares, and sometimes wolves, saigas and goitered gazelles.

Sea eagles are large predators with high
powerful beak and tarsus, feathered only
at the top.

Female white-tailed eagle weigh up to 5 kg. Inhabits the shores
seas, large lakes and rivers. Nests on rocks or
trees. There are 2 - 3 eggs in the clutch. Feeds mainly
large fish, eats garbage near fisheries, and
also carrion.

The kite's food is varied: it catches in the steppe and fields
mouse-like rodents, gophers, various chicks
birds, lizards; in the floodplains of rivers - corncrakes, ducklings, chicks
tern; in populated areas - chickens.

The black kite is found everywhere, with the exception of the tundra
and northern taiga. Nests in tall trees, building large
nests, the building material of which is constantly renewed.
A characteristic feature of a kite’s nest is the presence of rags and pieces of
newspapers, cigarette boxes.

Skopin family

The main food of the osprey is medium-sized fish. However, in the absence
or small numbers of fish, osprey feed on small mammals
(rodents - gophers, mice, etc.), frogs, and occasionally birds.
The osprey fishes in a very unique way. Osprey flies at an altitude of 20-25 m above
body of water Seeing prey, he folds his wings and, stretching out his paws, rushes into the water,
sometimes while completely immersing himself in it. Fish depending on size
grabs with either two paws or one. Although, the osprey also feeds on useful
fish and should not be considered harmful to fisheries, since this bird
rare and few in number. In many countries the osprey is protected as interesting
natural monument.

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Diurnal birds of prey 290 species of diurnal birds of prey. Families of diurnal birds of prey: Falconidae (62 species), Accipitridae (224 species), American vultures (7 species), Secretaries.

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Nocturnal birds of prey There are about 135 species of these birds. The order of owls includes owls, eagle owls, owls, and tawny owls.

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Diet of birds of prey Birds of prey feed on a wide variety of insects, invertebrates, amphibians, fish, rodents, mammals and other birds.

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Common features of birds of prey are a hooked beak, long sharp claws on strong legs, keen eyesight

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Owl The voice of an owl is one of the wonders of the night. In terms of strength, depth and the impression it makes in the night forest, there is no sound equal to it. Only fish owls can compete with the eagle owl in this regard. However, their songs and cries are more monotonous.

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Owls The first characteristics that you immediately notice about an owl are its large head and muzzle with large, round, forward-looking eyes, which is surrounded by a facial disc.

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Plumage and flight of an owl The plumage of these birds is usually thick and soft, the tail is rectangular, and the wings are relatively large, rounded, and in those species that hunt under the forest canopy they are short, and in those that prefer open areas or frequently fly - long. Compared to its body weight, the owl's wings are large, so it flies and glides without much effort and is completely silent.

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Vision and Hearing Owls have keen vision and hearing. Their large eyes are adapted for hunting in low light conditions. It is often said that owls see well in the dark, but poorly in daylight, but neither opinion is true. The owl, since its eyes look forward, like humans, has binocular vision, but its wider field is achieved thanks to the bird’s ability to turn its head almost 180 degrees.

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Owl hunting The vast majority of night hunters look out for their prey, silently circling over a certain sector into which they divide their lands, where they systematically hunt. Or, sitting motionless in a convenient place - on a branch or pole - they look out for prey on the ground: not the slightest movement of a shrew or vole escapes their keen vision and exquisite hearing. European species require 16-48% of their own body weight per day to eat.

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Vultures The black vulture is the largest bird of prey in our fauna. The head is large, covered with down; the beak is massive, high, laterally compressed, the beak has a long and sharp hook; the nostrils are wide and rounded. The legs are short and thick, the fingers are long with blunt and slightly curved claws. The wings are long and wide, the forearm is very long. The tail is wedge-shaped,

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Diet of vultures The food of vultures consists of carrion, mainly the corpses of large animals, which it searches for while soaring at high altitudes.

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Eagles Eagles in mythology. In Ancient Greece, it was a symbol of the Sun, meaning spiritual strength, victory and good luck. The Romans called it the bird of the storm, bearing the lightning of Jupiter. In Mithraism, the eagle and falcon are attributes of the solar god Mithras. Among the Egyptians, it is also a solar symbol, appearing in the image of Aha, the son of Horus. The eagle also represents the letter A in Egyptian hieroglyphics, meaning the beginning, the solar warmth of the day. Bird protection! Daytime and nighttime predators are also constant regulators of game numbers, which has been proven by experiments conducted in Scandinavia, Great Britain and other places in Western Europe. Studies have shown that the extermination of feathered predators not only does not contribute to an increase in the number of game, but, on the contrary, is the cause of their mass death from disease: the lack of “culling” of the sick and weak leads to mass disease and mass death of game. It must be remembered that in nature there are not and cannot be absolutely useful or absolutely harmful birds. Birds of prey are useful for humans, as they destroy many agricultural pests.

Owls- an order of birds of prey, including more than 420 large and medium-sized species, mainly nocturnal birds, distributed in all countries of the world. There are two families in the order: owls, or true owls, and barn owls, however, in the Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy, all families of the order Nightjars are placed in the order.

a brief description of :

large head, large round eyes in front of the head, short, predatory beak. Hunts at night, soft plumage, silent flight, long and sharp claws, camouflage color.


Owls are spread all over the world, from the equator to the cold northern countries, they can be found everywhere: on the seashore, in the mountains, in the desert, in the steppe, and even in cities. Most owls live in forests or wooded areas, and only a few, like the short-eared owl, prefer open areas. Some owls - for example, the little owl and the barn owl - willingly settle under the roofs and in the attics of houses. In most cases, nests are hollows of old trees, and eggs are usually laid without any bedding. Nests can also be rock crevices, holes in walls, underground burrows of various mammals, abandoned nests of other birds. Some owls, such as the great owl, may also occupy artificial owlets.

Behavior and diet

Some owls hunt during the day, such as the Russian owls - the snowy owl, the great owl and the hawk owl; some others, such as the little owl, hunt equally both during the day and at night. However, most owls are true nocturnal birds, and many of them fly freely even on completely dark nights, as can be judged by their calls. The flight of owls is completely silent and allows them to fly up to sleeping birds completely unnoticed. When hunting, owls, flying silently over the ground, from time to time emit a sharp cry, scaring off the prey with its surprise. Apparently, owls take advantage of this to notice the latter.


Owls see only in front of them, and their vision is binocular. In this they differ significantly from most birds, in particular from nightjars, whose eyes are more likely to turn backwards than forwards. Only some birds of prey - harriers, ospreys and short-toed eagle - have eyes partially directed forward. Owls notice the approach of danger from behind only if a rustling sound is heard.

Owls' vision is quite unusual. Their eyes are very large and very close to each other. The eyes of owls are completely motionless, and cannot fairly be called an “eyeball”, since they are actually tubular.

The ability of owls to detect low-intensity sounds and accurately determine the location of the prey by ear is explained by the special design of the hearing aid. First of all, their eardrum is noticeably enlarged. Thanks to this, the pressure of the sound wave transmitted by the auditory column to the relatively small area of ​​the oval window of the inner ear is increased by almost forty times (and not eighteen, as in humans). It is also noteworthy that in owls the auditory ossicle does not rest on the center of the eardrum, as in most other birds, but is located somewhat eccentrically, and this also provides additional increased pressure.


The plumage of these birds, as a rule, is thick and soft, the tail is rectangular, and the wings are relatively large, rounded, and in those species that hunt under the forest canopy, they are short, and in those that prefer open areas or frequently fly, they are long. Compared to its body weight, the owl's wings are large, so it flies and glides without much effort and is completely silent.

The coloring of owls' plumage is usually "protective", that is, it blends with the environment, helping the bird to remain unnoticed during the daytime rest. The feathers of forest owls are usually brownish, while species living in coniferous forests have a grayish tint. Owls - inhabitants of deserts and their relatives, found on flat terrain, are distinguished by a lighter color: owls in the desert are certainly red. With the exception of fish owls, feathers also cover their feet. Due to the fact that its outer fingers are reversible, the owl grips both the perch and its prey equally firmly, and their claws are all long and sharp.


Owls are monogamous and form permanent pairs. They do not build nests themselves. They occupy secluded places, rocky crevices, depressions and nests abandoned by large birds. They usually breed once a year, but with an abundance of food they can breed more often. Owl eggs are relatively small, always white and have a characteristic almost spherical shape. An owl usually lays 3 to 10 eggs. The eggs are incubated by females, but both parents take part in feeding the chicks. Incubation lasts about a month. Owls incubate from the first egg, so chicks of different ages often live in the nest. Parents try to feed the older chicks, which is why they are even more ahead of their younger brothers in development; in times of hunger, older ones can even eat younger chicks. The development of owlets occurs according to the chick type.

Materials used:

Yandex pictures:

https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%83%D1%82%D1%8B%D0%B5%20%D1%81%D0%BE%D0 %B2%D1%8B%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8&_= 1445169979519

Wikipedia: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7 %D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5

10 facts about owls:

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Falcon family

Birds of this family are recognized by a tooth on the upper beak, which corresponds to a notch on the lower beak. This is an ancient and persistent feature that has important functional significance: with the help of a prong, the falcon quickly kills the victim by tearing off its head.

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The peregrine falcon is found in all parts of the globe, but is rare everywhere. Always lives near large open spaces, since the hunting method requires space. This is one of the fastest and fastest flyers. Hunts for birds, which it kills on the fly, and less often takes prey from the ground. Before attacking, the peregrine falcon soars sharply upward, then, folding its wings, rushes down, developing a speed of up to 75 km per hour. Swooping down on prey - ducks, pigeons, partridges, waders, crows, blackbirds, starlings - he hits them with the claws of his hind fingers, sharp and crooked, like a Turkish scimitar. Sometimes the speed that a peregrine falcon develops in flight can reach 300 km per hour.

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The saker falcon nests in the island forests, occupying the nests of crows and herons. Capable of hitting a bird in flight and grabbing prey (gophers, voles) from the ground. The nests are repaired with dry branches and shoots of bushes, the tray is lined with animal hair, pieces of dry tarbagan and gopher skin. The male feeds the female during the incubation period. The chicks are fed with small birds, ground squirrels, voles, and pikas. After a month and a half, the chicks begin to fly.

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When hunting, the kestrel hangs in the air, often fluttering its wings, and looks out for prey. Having noticed a mouse or large insect, it quickly falls down. An adult kestrel eats about a dozen rodents per day. The visual acuity of the common kestrel is 2.6 times higher than that of humans. A person with such vision could read the entire vision test chart from a distance of 90 meters.

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Goshawks strictly adhere to their territory, and the nesting pair clearly demonstrates aerial pirouettes before and during nest construction. If anyone invades their territory, the couple will fiercely defend it. The individual territory of males is, as a rule, larger than that of females. Like other hawks, goshawks communicate with each other through sound signals, emitting a high-pitched, ringing squawk. Their communication is especially noticeable during nesting, when both the male and the female make the same vibrating sounds, only the female’s voice is lower and louder

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Sparrowhawk is found in the southern part of the forest zone. It lives in various forest areas, but does not fly deep into the forest, most often near open areas. A hawk's nest can be identified by the remains of its prey - small birds. Chicks are born in late June - early July. In the first half of August, the chicks are already able to fly.

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Loonies are inhabitants of open spaces. Looking out for prey, harriers fly low above the ground, slowly flapping their wings and making circular flights. It nests and rests on the ground.

Field harrier Marsh harrier

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The golden eagle is one of the most famous birds of prey of the hawk family, the largest eagle. Distributed in the northern hemisphere, where it lives mainly in the mountains, and to a lesser extent in flat open and semi-open landscapes. Avoids residential areas and is sensitive to human disturbance. Among the nomadic peoples of Central Asia, mainly the Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Mongols, the golden eagle is used as a bird of prey for hunting corsac foxes, hares, and sometimes wolves, saigas and goitered gazelles.

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The main food of the osprey is medium-sized fish. However, in the absence or small amount of fish, the osprey feeds on small mammals (rodents - gophers, mice, etc.), frogs, and occasionally birds. The osprey fishes in a very unique way. The osprey flies at a height of 20-25 m above the reservoir. Seeing prey, it folds its wings and, stretching out its paws, rushes into the water, sometimes completely immersing itself in it. Depending on the size, it grabs fish with either two paws or one. Although the osprey also feeds on useful fish, it should not be considered harmful to fisheries, since this bird is rare and small in number. In many countries, the osprey is protected as an interesting natural monument.

Slide presentation

Slide text: Orders of birds: Diurnal raptors. Owls. Chicken. Presentation on biology for 7th grade students Author Nevmerzhitskaya E.N. Biology teacher MBOU DR "Malo-Luchenskaya secondary school No. 13"

Slide text: Lesson objectives: -show the diversity of birds of prey, features of their structure associated with their way of life; - reveal the importance of birds of prey in nature; -continue to develop skills to work with educational information; - fostering a sense of collectivism and respect for the environment; -development of creative abilities.

Slide text: DIURAL BIRDS OF PREDATOR There are 55 species in the fauna of Russia, 48 of which are nesting. The largest birds of prey in our country are the Steller's sea eagle and the black vulture (total length 115 cm, weight 8 - 10 kg, the smallest is the Amur falcon (length 27 cm, weight 150 g). All types of birds of prey are characterized by a strong, curved hooked beak. They are widespread throughout the world: they are not found only in Antarctica and on some oceanic islands. Birds of prey form family pairs. They nest usually in trees, sometimes in hollows, on rocks, on the ground. mainly vertebrate animals, but among them there are many species that hunt exclusively on insects, there are gourmets that live on a diet of only snails. Vultures and condors feed on carrion. They search for food in flight.

Slide text: golden eagle vulture kite falcon eagle harrier hawk

Slide text: The black vulture and the American condor have a wingspan of up to 3 meters. Pygmy falcons have a wingspan of 25 cm and reach a size of 17-20 cm. American Condor Black Vulture

Slide text: OWL ORDER There are 134 species in the order. Owls are distributed all over the world, except Antarctica and some oceanic islands. They are found in a wide variety of conditions - in forests, deserts, tundras, on mountains (in Tibet up to an altitude of 5000 m). These are nocturnal birds of prey. All owls have well-developed vision and hearing (they see not only at night, but also during the day). A characteristic feature of owls is their ability to perceive low-intensity sounds, which is associated with a nocturnal lifestyle and feeding on rodents, which they locate with an accuracy of 1 degree. They reproduce once a year. Nests are placed in hollows, in rock crevices, and often on the ground.

Slide text: Owl Eagle Owl Tawny Owl Scops Owl

Slide text: By destroying large numbers of mouse-like rodents, owls bring great benefits to agriculture. A tawny owl, for example, catches about a thousand mice and voles during the year, which would eat up to 500 kg of grain during this time. Therefore, owls of all species are subject to strict protection.

Slide text: ORDER GALINIA There are 19 species in the fauna of Russia, including pheasant, quail, gray partridge, white partridge, capercaillie, black grouse, and hazel grouse. Birds vary in size, have a dense build, strong legs, and are adapted for raking earth and forest litter. Birds fly fast over short distances. The plumage is short and dense. They nest on the ground. The bird is herbivorous, feeding on insects in summer. Birds often form permanent pairs. The beak is short and dense.

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Slide text: Grouse Pheasant Guinea fowl Ocellated turkey Crax Weed chickens

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Slide text: Consolidation of what has been learned The largest birds of the order Diurnal birds of prey? Why do birds of the Owl order need to be protected? Do birds of the order Galliformes form permanent pairs? What birds of the studied orders live in our area?

Slide No. 12

Slide text: Quiz “Living Synonyms”. Often in Russian speech we use words that are synonyms, which can reflect a person’s character, appearance, features of movement, and features of conversation. For example, we say “stomp like a bear”, “this is a no brainer”, “hungry like a wolf”. And what kind of birds are people compared to when they say: Chirping like... Cooing like... Hissing like... Caw like... Pounding (saying the same thing) like... Puffed up like... Swim (go smoothly) like...

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