Photo collage examples. What is collage and how to make it? General principles for creating a collage

Labor Relations 07.04.2020
Labor Relations

Photo albums are available in almost every home, this will not surprise anyone. But if you take photos from this photo album, make a collage out of them and decorate the walls of your apartment, it will already look original.

Translated from French, collage means gluing. In ancient times, it was the most popular way to decorate your home. People pasted on the wall the most various materials- pieces of paper, pictures, cloth, etc. and it looked pretty nice.

Especially such art of collage creation was used in China, and numerous excavations testify to this. The Chinese created beautiful collages from stones and dried flowers. In the 20th century, it was customary all over the world to decorate their homes in this way. Even the famous artist Pablo Picasso used collages in his works, he pasted newspaper clippings on them. And with the development of photography, people began to make collages of them and hang them on the wall.

Now many designers have taken this idea into service and embody it in decorating the room. On the surface of the wall, they try to stick different materials in such a way that it looks beautiful and enchants. You can make it yourself by learning how to make a photo collage with your own hands. Let's look at some interesting ideas.

paper photo collage

Any person can make such a do-it-yourself collage from a photo, even if your main activity is in no way connected with the world of art.

Before you start creating your own collage, you will need to choose a theme and pictures that match it. The topic can be dedicated to significant events in your life - wedding, graduation, the birth of a child, vacation in another country, student years, etc. It is desirable that your pictures tell a story from your life.

Select photos related to your event, they must be good quality, like you, evoke pleasant memories. The number of photos must be a multiple. You will need to make a beautiful composition of all these photos. Pay special attention to this, because the creation of the composition will determine all your work, an attractive appearance.

You will stick the photo on the substrate. As a substrate, you can choose a regular photo frame or a sheet of plywood, plastic, cardboard. You will need to adjust your photos to the size of the substrate by cropping them. To attach pictures to the substrate, prepare either double-sided tape or Velcro. You can beautifully glue the frames of your bases with improvised material - shells, matchboxes and other things.

If you are using a simple frame, consider how you will attach to the wall. You will need to attach the elastic at the back with a stapler or drive in small carnations.

If you cover the photos with a layer of decoupage glue, you will protect them from the formation of dust on the surface. Wait until the glue is completely dry. Hang your pictures on the wall as you like. See the photo examples below for inspiration. And your photo collage, evoking pleasant memories, is ready!

original form

You can not just arrange your photos in the form of a geometric figure, but make it more original. For example, arrange wedding photos in the shape of a heart, vacation photos in the shape of sunglasses, and birthday photos in the form of a letter of the name of the birthday person, photos of your pet in the shape of an animal.

In order to make such a form, it is necessary to make markings on the wall. It is necessary to fit the photos in such a way that there are no gaps left, without too much overlap of the photos. Laminating photos will help give you a more attractive look to your composition. If you add some highlighting to your collage, it will look really great.

Collage of matchboxes

With the help of matchboxes, you can create a really attractive thing. Learn how to make a collage with your own hands from matchboxes.

Collect several matchboxes, glue them together on the base to make a geometric shape. For everything to work out, you must first draw up a sketch of the future work. The sketch should contain all the cells that will be in the future work. You will then put matchboxes into these cells.

Prepare the required number of matchboxes, remove all matches from them. Use glue to attach the boxes to the base (cardboard, plywood, frame). Use decoupage paint or glue to decorate the surface of your base. Wait until it dries completely.

Arrange the photos in the way they will be placed in the future collage. Each cell contains one photograph. Between them, you can lay out other decorations that you choose at your discretion. After that, you can start the gluing process. Take transparent glue for this. If you need to glue any large object, then it is better to use a glue gun.

Once all the pieces are glued down, put your collage somewhere safe and don't touch it until the glue is completely dry. You can also cover your entire creation with decoupage glue to enlarge it. strength characteristics. After a while, decorate the wall of your house with this thing.

Photo collage in the form of puzzles

By embodying this original idea, you will receive unusual collage on the wall, which will decorate your room. To make it, prepare all the necessary material: whatman paper, sheets of printer paper, cardboard (corrugated), glue, adhesive tape (double-sided).

Draw a sheet of paper into several squares, give each square the shape of a puzzle, cut it out carefully. This will be a template that will then need to be transferred to corrugated cardboard and should be in a different color.

All puzzles are fastened together on a large sheet of drawing paper. FROM reverse side you can stick sheets of thick cardboard to strengthen the entire structure and sell it a finished look. On the reverse side, you can stick another sheet of whatman paper and make puzzles again, then the design will be two-sided.

Pictures for puzzles you can change at a distance. This idea especially suitable for a small child, as they grow quickly to have. Photograph young children constantly, and then you will have the opportunity to make a collage showing their growth and development.

What you need to know about collage design

The place where you hang your collage should be suitable for this and in harmony with the whole environment. You should not hang a heart-shaped collage in the common room, as it is most suitable for bedroom decor. The best way to decorate a living room bright photos. You can even make a collage for the kitchen using a special frame 10 centimeters deep.

Divide the frame with slats to make geometric shapes. You will insert photos or other items into them. But before you do this, cover the surface of your design with varnish.

The frame can ruin the whole impression, so if you decide to use it, choose the shape and material. The most suitable square, rectangular shape and a thin baguette.

Use a photo editor such as Photoshop or Picasso to edit your photos. This is to make your work look more original. Personal Computer can become your assistant in the arrangement of photos. There are special programs that help to do this.

You can do all the work right on your computer, then print it out and hang it on the wall. Computer programs great help at work. You can choose any background, photo processing, giving them the desired brightness and contrast. By choosing different effects, you improve quality, sell originality.

You can rotate your pictures in every possible way, decorate with graphic elements, add details from other images. Graphic editor give you a lot of room to express your creativity.

You can match the photos in a consistent style or change the shape if necessary, or make a bold accent from the base of your collage.

Use not only photographs and other materials - shells, buttons, dried leaves, flaps, ribbons, tickets, sea ​​stars and other things that fit the theme of your creation.

Give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original, and then your do-it-yourself collage from photos will express a bright personality and creativity. Do not forget about accuracy, the result of the work will also depend on this. By following these rules, you will receive a magnificent thing that will warm your soul with pleasant memories.

Consisting in the creation of paintings or graphic works by gluing objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture onto any base.

A collage is also called a work entirely made in this technique.

Collage is used mainly to obtain the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials, as well as for the emotional richness and sharpness of the work.

The collage can be completed by any other means - ink, watercolor, etc.

Collage was introduced into art as a formal experiment by the Cubists, Futurists and Dadaists. At that stage, scraps of newspapers, photographs, and wallpaper were used for pictorial purposes. Pieces of fabric, chips, etc. were pasted onto the canvas.

It is believed that Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso were the first to use the collage technique in art in 1910-1912. The first collage artist was Kurt Schwitters.

Other genres

Currently, there is also the use of the term "collage" as a designation of a separate, self-sufficient genre in art. Collage as a principle of creativity in cinematography was widely used by director Sergei Parajanov. In modern poetry and rock music, the collage technique is most fully manifested in the work of Yegor Letov. Both of them were also fond of making collages in the usual sense of the word.

One of the most famous artists used collage Max Ernst, also John Heartfield. In Russia - Rodchenko, Telingater, in our time Anatoly Brusilovsky, who first introduced this word into use in Russian (in 1962 in the Nedelya newspaper, Moscow, illustrations for the stories of Slavomir Mrozhek). Very quickly, this concept began to be used in an expanded sense - a mixture of heterogeneous elements, a bright and expressive message from fragments of other texts.

It is necessary to distinguish collage from a close, but still different means of depiction - applications, that is, the use of various materials and structures - fabrics, newspapers, plywood or tin in order to enhance expressive possibilities. This method of creating an image is close to inlay in its essence and technique.

Another of the genres should be called assemblage, which uses a variety of objects and their fragments, assembled and arranged on the same plane. Sometimes they use the designation "ready-made" (there is no Russian analogue). The “art object” and the installation are close to the assemblage, although they have some differences. Often all these concepts are confused even by museum workers, since the terms are still too new in the everyday life of Russian art.

The effect of a photo collage is achieved by superimposing one image on another, combining several photo images in one, sometimes even with graphic elements (mosaic) or using a chaotic set of various images (puzzle). In the course of the development of photography, it became possible to use various techniques and methods for creating collages with special effects. It should be noted that this direction of art is becoming more accessible to an increasing number of people who do not have professional skills in photography or computer processing of photographs (for example, using Photoshop). A lot primarily depends on the imagination of the author himself and his desire to do something unusual or surreal. Photo collage is possible in several genres, such as satirical, philosophical, political, metamorphic, propaganda and other images.

The most prominent representatives of the art world in the field of photo collage include: D. Hartfield, R. Hausmann, H. Hoch, M. Ernst, L. Mohoy-Nagy, A. Rodchenko, V. Stepanova, E. Lissitzky, Yu. Rozhkov, G. Klutsis and others.

Video collage

Video collage- this is a video sequence collected from small excerpts from one or more films, sometimes with the addition of photographic images and textual information. Video collage is used to create a vivid plot, accurately and contrastingly reflecting the creative idea of ​​the author.

Collage in music

The term "collage" is also used in music, where it means a special form of use by the composer in his work of fragments of another composition - someone else's or his own previously written.

In particular, collage is one of the most prominent features of Surrealist music.

see also

  • quilling


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The collage technique is great for activities with children. Since this is not only creativity, but also a kind of game. And there is no shortage of necessary materials. You can always find old magazines or colorful promotional books from hypermarkets with promotional goods at hand. It will be fun and just cut and glue everything in a row, creating a kind of chaotic mosaic. But it is better to streamline this work somewhat, subordinating it to any particular topic.

You can easily find many worthy examples of this in the materials this section. And you will not only find it, but, we hope, use it in your classes with your wards.

Collage is a wonderful game art for children!

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The art of photography is a long-explored area. But you always want something new. The perfect solution was to create a new direction. Today we will find out, This is a rather fashionable trend in design now. It allows you to combine those details that cannot be obtained by photography.

What is a photo collage?

The term "photocollage" is usually understood as the connection into one whole of a certain number of photographs, which create one complete composition.

How to make a photo collage? This is perhaps the most worrying question for many. If there is a desire for yourself, then there is nothing complicated about it. You need to show maximum imagination, patience and follow the rules.

Necessary things to create a collage

As many people know, a photo collage is one that does not require special artistic knowledge and skills.

For correct compilation collage should consider small details, such as:

  • The main idea of ​​the future work.
  • Materials for manufacturing.
  • The basis of the work.

Everyone should understand why he, in fact, makes the photo collage himself from photographs and what he wants to emphasize with his work. Every detail should reflect the main essence and complement the entire composition.

It should convey the main idea of ​​its creator and present it from some completely different and unusual side to the human eye.

Materials in the manufacture may be different. In addition to standard photographs, you can use clippings from newspapers and magazines, various objects, notebooks and even perfume bottles.

As a basis for work, the advantage should be given to a strong and reliable material so that the glued objects hold firmly. Sheets of thick cardboard, chipboard and fiberboard are excellent for such work.

Making a collage

Having drawn up the idea line itself, it is worth starting the work itself and creating a photo collage. This can be done with the help of programs, as well as independently, manually.

Before applying the objects to the base itself, it is better to first sketch with a pencil in order to correctly arrange all the necessary elements in the picture.

After drawing the sketch, you should prepare the future basis on which the objects themselves will be located. Particular attention should be paid to the strength of fastening parts, since only well-fortified elements look perfect on the canvas.

You can make a great photo collage without the help of scissors and glue. To do this, you need a computer or laptop.

Manufacturing with programs

The main action in this procedure will be moving photos to the hard drive of a computer or laptop.

You will also need to install a photo editor on your PC. Another option is to use the on-line service to create the necessary sketch of the future collage.

Let's consider the main stages of working with standard photo editing programs.

After downloading and installing the program, we need to create new project. In the list that appears, you need to select a template for work (there are usually a sufficient number of options presented). After that, you need to go to the settings and set the necessary parameters.

After creating a project template, you can customize the background of the sketch, insert a frame, an additional photo collage with effects, write text, tilt or resize the picture, remove unnecessary elements of the template and add your own.

The resulting finished work must be scaled to the required size, so that later it can be printed on photographic paper of the required dimensions.

Summing up

How to make a photo collage at home, can be seen from the description. But to create a personal unique masterpiece, it is enough to show your talent, imagination and diligence. Of the options currently available, there are two ways: stand-alone and software.

The first requires time, preparation of details, exact calculation of each of them on the basis itself. In addition, you should carefully consider the choice of glue for fastening the elements.

The second way is simpler. Allows you to get quite quickly an interesting and unique composition that has a solid structure. It can be placed in a picture frame or placed as a separate element in the interior.

A collage made in one of the ways will perfectly complement almost any interior, give new colors, sophistication and uniqueness to the design. The variety of materials used allows you to combine completely different objects with each other, which further expands the possibilities of creating such a creation. A photo collage is a convenient and indispensable thing when creating photo albums and ideological compositions.

1. Historical reference.…………………………………………..4
2. Main types and styles of collages…………...…………..7
3. Types of bases collage…….………………………………………9
4. Secrets of composition………………………..……..…….11
5. Short description…………………...……………………………12
6. Materials and tools………………………………………13
7. Product manufacturing technology………………………………14
8. Technical requirements…………………………………………15
9. Technological map………………………………………………16
10. Environmental justification…….………….……………………21
11. Economic justification……………….……………………22
12. Aesthetic evaluation……………..……….………………………24
List of used literature….…………………………...26


The paintings and photographs that decorate our homes are losing their popularity: they have ceased to amaze, have lost their sense of novelty, and it seems that they have already been seen many times. It's all become too simple and mundane. And I decided to try to make a collage.

Collage is a relatively young trend in art. It is the brainchild of the last turbulent century, when artists were looking for new means to express their thoughts, feelings and moods. The collage technique (from French collage - sticking) gives a wide scope for creativity, since a variety of materials can be used to create works - plants, paints, fabrics, metal parts, etc. Works made using this technique are always original and unique . There is no certain rules, postulates that must be strictly followed.

It is believed that the collage became the ancestor of many phenomena of modern culture - from computer graphics to clip thinking. And at the same time, collage is a consequence of value thinking: a collage artist is able to see value in something that has no value for anyone else.

Handmade items are highly valued. They are relevant at the present time, as such things can decorate the interior and make it original.

Target given creative work learn the history of the emergence of such a technique as collage, and independently perform work in this technique, in order to diversify the interior with a beautiful picture.


1. Study the history of the "collage"

2. Get acquainted with the techniques of this type of creativity.

3. Find out what are the genres of "collage".

4. Learn how to choose the right materials for work.

5. Make a sketch.

6. Get the job done.

7. Evaluate the work done.

8. Protect the project.

History reference

It all started at the dawn of the 20th century in the circles of adherents of the avant-garde - cubism, Dadaism, mannerism, impressionism, etc. The French cubist artist Georges Braque is considered the founder of the collage. In 1913, he was the first to use an original technique - gluing strips of colored paper onto cardboard. And to make the texture of the paper more spectacular, the artist mixed sand into the paint.

Soon he was joined by a like-minded person - the great Pablo Picasso. They worked together for five years. Scraps of newspapers, wallpaper, posters, pieces of fabrics, Business Cards... As a result of a creative search, it was found that even the most ordinary materials in combination with each other on a specially selected background become unusually expressive. So the collage was developed - a technique in fine arts when materials that differ from it in color and texture are glued to any base. A collage is also called the work itself, made using a similar technique.

P. Picasso loved the game, and by creating collages, he could enjoy it to the fullest. His first independent work made in new technology, - "Still life with a wicker chair". Today, this work, like other "pictures with stickers" owned by a brilliant innovator, are considered masterpieces. And once upon a time, few could appreciate them. The paintings created using metal shavings, labels, photographs, newspaper clippings, etc., mostly shocked the public. Nevertheless, the unusual art direction continued to develop, and many prominent artists paid tribute to it.

Collage occupies a prominent place in the work of the impressionist Henri Matisse. He came up with a kind of collage - decoupage, so popular in our time. This technique means the use of two actions - cutting, or cutting, and drawing up pictures from the received parts. Matisse, skillfully arranging various figures cut out of colored paper, created works that differ simple forms and at the same time very harmonious: they amaze with the power emanating from them. One of the most beautiful creations of the artist is the painting "Sea Animals", created in memory of south seas. Working only with color and form, moving away from a naturalistic image, Matisse managed to convey both the mystery of deep oceanic life, and the charm of the surface of the water, waves, islands, and the attractiveness of the sky.

In the 30s, interest in collage waned, and in the 50s it flared up with renewed vigor - in line with the pop art art movement that appeared then in the West. Naturally, the collages of that time reflect its spirit, the moods and tastes that existed then.

In Russian art, the first to use the collage technique was Aristarkh Lentulov. The indefatigable experimenter combined pictorial fragments with pasted pieces of foil and colored paper in his canvases. The most striking works created in a similar technique in 1914-1915 are the panels “Moscow”, “Vasily the Blessed”, “Ship”.

In the 60s, the famous artist Ilya Glazunov turned to the collage technique. So he created the painting "The Old Man", as well as works on historical topics.

Collage has a strong emotional impact. This technique was a favorite hobby of the remarkable film director Sergei Parajanov. He called the collage "pressed film". Using what was at hand - pieces of glass, beads, feathers, scraps of fabric, lace, magazine clippings, leaves, flowers - Parajanov created original dramatic works. Each of his collages is a whole story. His work confirms that almost any object and even its parts can serve as “paints” for a picture.

The peak of popularity both in our country and abroad is also experiencing such a direction in the art of collage as a floral collage. The most famous representative of this type of creativity is the German florist Friedhelm Raffel, who owns unusually expressive works. Mr. Raffel has a huge number of students and followers around the world. Floral collages are created mainly with the help of natural materials - dried leaves, flowers, stems, etc. Of course, works made in this vein bear little resemblance to the collages of artists of the 20th century. However, they are based on the same techniques: elements of different colors are pasted onto a picturesque background; form and texture. Pictures created with the help of dried plants sometimes resemble a herbarium, but more complex works, made in compliance with the rules of composition, can be real works of art. A floristic collage is distinguished from a herbarium primarily by a properly selected background that interacts with the material located on it according to certain laws. How successful the background turned out, how successful the collage as a whole will be. And the completeness of the composition is given by various accessories: figurines of animals, insects, jewelry, braid, pieces of fabric, etc. Everything is in use. Pearls and a couple of copper coins can be the accents that complete the job. People paid attention to the beauty of dried plants for a long time. Wall painting in one of the Theban temples, located on the territory of modern Egypt, is considered the most ancient herbarium, albeit somewhat peculiar. This cultural monument, dating back to 1450 BC. e brought to us images of 275 different plants! However, material intended for dry scientific research, is not very suitable or not suitable at all for creating a floristic collage - when dried, flowers and leaves often lose their natural color. In addition, plants dried, as for a herbarium, by pressing, become brittle. To enable designers to create freely all year round and realize all their ideas, they came to the aid of the industry of dried flowers, providing a durable, plastic, spectacular plant material.

Modern artists continue to search, opening up new and new opportunities for creating collages. Today, it is not so much the gluing of various parts that is popular, but their imposition, layering. Moreover, materials can be selected completely different in color, shape and texture. They combine the seemingly completely incompatible.

In our time, computer collage is actively developing as one of the ways to perform graphic work. It also involves superimposing or combining different images in accordance with the overall design. Connected images can complement each other, or they can contrast strongly. Computer collages are very expressive, which is why they are actively used in advertising goods and services. This impressive technique is also used in the design of book products. The rapid computerization of the country gives everyone an opportunity to try their hand at exciting activity- creating computer collages.

Main types and styles of collages

What can be depicted in a collage? Literally everything that excites, what is loved, what is expensive. A collage, like a painting, is a recreation of only a small part of the picture of life, which has no boundaries. And the more the artist sees, hears and remembers, the richer his imagination, the more significant creative finds. In order to better understand what exactly we need, consider main collage types and styles.

· photo collage(Fig. 1) is a free, arbitrary combination, sometimes not even interconnected, of several styles of photographic image in one picture or photograph. The effect of a photo collage is achieved by superimposing one image on another, combining several photo images in one, sometimes even with graphic elements (mosaic) or using a chaotic set of various images (puzzle).

· Video collage- this is a video sequence collected from small excerpts from one or more films, sometimes with the addition of photographic images and textual information. Video collage is used to create a vivid plot, accurately and contrastingly reflecting the creative idea of ​​the author.

· Decoupage (Fig. 2)- a technique for decorating various objects, based on attaching a drawing, picture or ornament (usually carved) to an object, and then covering the resulting composition with varnish for the sake of safety, durability and a special visual effect.

· Scrapbooking (Fig. 3)- a type of handicraft art, which consists in the manufacture and design of family or personal photo albums, postcards.

· Quilling (Fig. 4)- the art of creating flat or three-dimensional compositions from long narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

· Floral collage (Fig. 5)

1. Landscape(an image of nature (forest, mountains, sea, etc.) and natural phenomena (thunderstorm, wind, rain, etc.). In a landscape collage, you can convey beauty, signs of any season or day.)

2. Vegetative(This style is very close to landscape, however, in the works of the vegetative direction, the emphasis is on the depiction of plant life, it is they who become the main characters of the floristic work.)

3. Decorative(plots of collages of this style are fantasy. The main thing is original idea. And embody it with the help of bright, expressive elements and colorful background. Work in a decorative style should evoke feelings, memories, associations. Such works require from the author new interesting ideas, beautiful combinations of colors, pleasing to the eye, and, of course, impeccable execution technique.)

4. Shape-linear(The main load is carried by geometric shapes made of floristic material - a circle, a rhombus, a square, a triangle, etc., as well as lines. The background can also be a combination of geometric shapes.)

Types of collage bases

Collages can be made on canvas, any fabric, paper, cardboard, leather, metal, glass, plastic, etc. The selected base serves as a starting point for creating a background or is itself a background: unchanged or additionally decorated: with paints, bulk putty, art paste, small decorative elements, etc.

The work can be done without a background at all. So, for example, create collages on the frame. Consider main types of bases for collages.

1. Collage on canvas (Fig. 6)

Canvas- this is a primed fabric, most often linen, it is the most durable. Finished canvases are usually primed with an emulsion primer including glue and oil. Canvas is a fairly elastic base stretched over a stretcher. The background on the canvas can be created by painting it with oil paints, or you can apply putty. Accordingly, the elements of the collage can be fixed with glue, or they can be laid in raw putty.

The latter option is most suitable for materials such as sand, gravel, buckwheat, coffee beans, broken glass, shells, etc. Then they can be covered with a layer of PVA glue.

2. Collage on fabric (Fig. 7)

The fabric is stretched on a stretcher or glued onto cardboard with hot glue. The elements of the composition are fixed directly on the surface of the fabric with a glue gun. The main thing is to accurately arrange the material, as required by the design and the laws of composition.

No less important is the correct combination of fabric and material, whether vegetable or something else.

3. Collage on batik (Fig. 8)

Batik- This is a multi-colored cotton or silk fabric, the pattern on which is obtained by applying and fixing paints with wax. In fact, batik collage is a variation of the previous collage making technique. Since batik is very effective in itself, the material is used in a minimal amount. The basis and elements of the composition complement the beauty of each other. I must admit: creating a collage on batik is a delicate work.

4. Collage on paper (Fig. 9)

The basis for a collage can be, for example, ordinary velvet paper (when it comes to a floral collage).

In addition, wrapping paper is also suitable for creating a background. We are not talking about bright shiny sheets in which gifts are traditionally wrapped - any composition will be lost on them. Another thing is wrapping paper of calm, soft colors.

You can also use corrugated paper, but creating compositions on it is very difficult! But if you try, you get a very original work. Good stuff for the background and colored paper for pastels.

5. Collage without background (Fig. 10)

Such a collage can be made on wooden frames or on frames made of flexible branches, bamboo sticks, wire, etc. - the elements of the composition are fixed directly on them. You can also use a ready-made frame purchased in a store.

The background as such is absent in such works. However, this quality can be the color of the wall on which the work will be placed. A plain wall is a better option than wallpaper with a pattern: it can prevent your work from appearing in all its glory.

Composition Secrets

Composition and its laws help to make the work more expressive and spectacular. Knowledge of the basic principles is especially necessary for early stages. Conscious and thoughtful use of compositional rules allows you to create a complete work.

Basic techniques in a collage can be considered contrast and selection plot and compositional center.

Most spectacular location options elements can be considered:

a) placing them diagonally(more dynamic when the diagonal line goes from the lower left corner to the upper right, and empty corners occupy less significant elements);

b) according to the golden ratio(This principle is the highest manifestation of the structural and functional perfection of the whole and its parts in art, science, technology and nature. Any picture (horizontal or vertical) has certain points that involuntarily attract our attention, the so-called visual centers. There are only four such points, and they are located at a distance of 3/8 and 5/8 from the corresponding edges of the sheet);

in) along the horizon(a simple rule works here - the farther from the conditional horizon line, the larger the elements should be, and vice versa - the closer, the finer the details).

Also great for collage pyramid- the arrangement of the composition with the tip upwards gives the work even more expressiveness and strength, and downwards - delicacy and softness.

A type of pyramid is often used - a tree or a flower. Catalog collages are also interesting, especially if it is a thematic work of homogeneous or contrasting elements.

Of course, there is an exception to every rule, and sometimes breaking the rules leads to extraordinary results, so don't be afraid to experiment. However, it often happens that the most spontaneous collage absolutely corresponds to classical lines and proportions, since natural harmony and balance are felt by many intuitively.

Short description

The project is a panel (3D collage with painting elements). It consists of 1 picture, the dimensions of which are 30x40 cm (without a frame; with a frame 35x45 cm). The drawing is made on plastic with Sonnet acrylic paints, felting wool and flowers add zest and volume to the product. Small rhinestones and “drops” made with thermoplastic glue complete the picture.

Scope of application: this work can serve as a good gift for relatives and friends, friends; can serve as a commodity for sale.

Sales market: arts and crafts fairs, festivals, exhibitions, and specialty shops.

Materials and tools

Now let's look at the materials. In a collage, you can use anything, and almost anything. It all depends on the chosen direction of art and the degree of emancipation of the artist.

In our work, the following materials will be required:

1. Wooden frame coated with green or other color.

2. Plastic (size suitable for frame)

3. Simple pencil

4. Paint (watercolor or gouache) or pencils (to create a sketch)

5. Acrylic paints

6. Wool for felting of different colors (depending on colors products)

7. Thermoplastic adhesive

8. Glue Moment Crystal

9. Brushes (synthetic) (flat, #2, #12, round #2, #4, #6, #10)

10. Foam sponge (for applying the background)

11. Artificial flowers

12. Rhinestones (optional)

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