Application of mobile technologies in the management of the organization. Mobile devices and management problems in the enterprise

NK RF 04.06.2020

The growth of competition in the field of secondary and small businesses forces the company increasingly thinking about the use of available modern IT solutions to optimize business processes and increasing their own competitiveness. In recent years, this tendency forced the software developers to reconsider the usual approach in the sale of products, and enter new epoch Supporting business processes of companies using available mobile technologies.

Back to the Future

Not many remember that in 1968, in the West, the Kospace Odyssey 2001 was published, the director of whom was Stanley Kubrik, who received many enthusiastic responses from the fans of this genre. It is noteworthy, but even then a certain tablet was illustrated in the film -N. eWSPAD used to read articles, news and other means in the media. We can say that already at the time the idea of \u200b\u200bmobile technologies existed.

However, it is today that the mobile devices are approaching their capacity to desktop computers, and their displays for resolution and color can be compared with a good monitor or TV, the trend of mobility and visualization has become completely obvious.

Mobile devicesWe use in everyday life, often significantly exceed the functionality most specialized industrial devices, where security and reliability have always been put at the head of the corner.

With the advent of lines of household devices with protection against moisture, dust, and working even under water, in most technical specialists The question became increasingly: do the specified criteria of "reliability" reflect the real business requirements? Is it possible to use a mass product, for example, in operational logistics, where industrial data collection radiotherminals (TSD) are used everywhere?

Development of technology

Market software products In the field of logistics in Russia originated more than 10 years ago, in 1998-99, which for the segment high technologies - Very significant value. Russian developers have a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the pros and cons of foreign solutions that have passed a long way in several decades. That is why today in the average tender for the supply software solutions Can successfully compose to each other expensive Western, European products, and inexpensive, but equally high-quality Russian systems.

Today, you can identify a number of categories of software products - these are accounting and control systems that offer to optimize the work of warehouse staff, warehouse paperwork or warehouse activities in general.

This series includes full-fledgedWMS. (from English.WarehouseManagementSystemSystem- Warehouse Management System)Modules are largeERP. - Products, systems of the inventive "box" levelc. prefused capabilities that a number of suppliers position as an adaptableWMS. , regardless of the laid functionality, as well as a number of cloud services with a limited set of technical and technological capabilities.

In addition, to classWMS. even individual applications for radio terminals began to attribute, which simply allow you to use address storage and automatic cargo identification.

In this regard, the differences between accounting and management systems for the end user became extremely incomprehensible. In addition, the developers rarely contact each other, and do not make any efforts to form industry standards.

Such misunderstanding is also often used by suppliers of foreign software solutions, calling little-known systems in their homeland "market leader", trying to sell the technologies of twenty years ago at an inflated price.

In a similar closure, the final user completely loses the orientation, and sometimes the choice of the warehouse management system turns into a multi-month lesson with the involvement of a large number of external experts and consultants, which can cost the company much more expensive than the standard project implementation.

In fact, everything is quite simple. Products available can be divided into classes and functionality. From the point of view of the general classification, there are accounting systems and management systems.

If the first can only fix the operations, and require mandatory reading staff with the regulations of the workflow, then the second (management systems) independently give instructions to employees at the level of elementary operations: to which zone of the warehouse should be approached, which and in what quantity to take where to put.

In other words, the realWMS. It should provide automation and control of all warehouse processes in the end-to-end mode, including the work of personnel, technology and specialized warehouse equipment.

ABOUTthe donane purpose of the classical warehouse accounting system is to conduct an automated accounting of traffic inventory values. The basic functionality of such systems provides support for the processes of acceptance, product leave, the balance of residues and the formation of reporting reports.

The functionality of some accounting systems can be expanded, but, in any case, they will not be able to manage technological processes in stock, to adapt them and optimization, depending on the tasks facing the warehouse complex, as well as plan and issue assignments to the performers. This is due to the fact that the main purpose of such solutions is recorded, and not management.

The differences here are not only in the presence or absence of specific functions, and also in the technological component of the platform, allowing to ensure the management of the simultaneous work of several hundred employees without delays to data processing.

Since the functional "abyss" between accounting systems andWMS. pretty big, a rational question arises about the presence of an intermediate class of software solutions, which will not only fix the operations or manage each employee's step, but also provide the opportunity to supply employees with useful information to make a decision from several possible options.

Such an approach is the most optimal for warehouse complexes, where a small number of employees work, for each of which a specific area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility is enshrined. At the same time, each employee can perform a wide variety of functions, being a receiver, and a pocket, and the controller, and the operator of lifting and transport equipment.

In addition, the implementation of such a system in the affordable price segment for small and medium-sized businesses is no longer folded with reference to expensive radiotherminals, on the screen of which, besides, it is unlikely that it is unlikely to submit a large amount of diverse information.

Classic for many data collection terminals Resolution component of about 320x. 320 pixels, and a three-link screen do not allow realizing full and comfortable workplace. Thus, the implementation of new class software solutions perfectly coincides with the current state of the market of mobile mass uses having a large number of A variety of accessories, and allow you to provide an employee user interface convenient for operation.

The first such solution was announced last year as a system.Biglit class WAS. (English Warehouse Assistance System) Russian companyKlevers. included in the group of companiesLogistix. , domestic system integrator in the field of logistics. System classWAS. just introduced an intermediate link between the usualWMS. and accounting solutions where the software does not indicate, but helps an employee, providing it with the necessary data in a convenient form.

Pilot project

Pilot project on the launch of a new software solutionBiglit Was. with the use of mobile technologies, the warehouse complex of the group of companiesRogneda in the Moscow region. The system has been implemented in a warehouse with a total area of \u200b\u200b3,000 square meters. m., processing 1,200 active nomenclature positions. At the same time, work is conducted not only with fixed packages, but also by weight loads, there are different classes of danger, serial and partial accounting.

Deploying Infrastructure System ClassWAS. presented to install software in the form of a service with a built-in DBMS (database management system) to a server that the stationary computer or laptop can perform by and large (minimum requirements: CPU (64-bit, 2 kernels); clock frequency: 1.5 GHz; RAM: 2 GB; 2 GB HDD;Microsoft Windows. 7/8 / 8.1) that in the case of the introduction of the usual class systemsWMS. simply impossible, by virtue of much larger system requirements.

The work tools of the warehouse staff decided to use tablet computers. To communicate "tablets" with the server, a network has already been deployed in stockWi - Fi. . To support barcoding technologies, portable scanners connected to the "tablets" on the interface are appliedBluetooth. Biglit Was C The main accounting system of the enterprise was established withweb. - Service. Protection of tablet computers was implemented using specialized covers purchased in one of the online stores.

If we talk about value, then the introductionBiglit Was. cost about 10 times cheaper than the introduction of averageWMS.

Wherein , the use of mobile devices as a working tool allows you to provide a system with the systemBiglit. using mobile data transmission throughLTE or 3 G connections In case problems C ariseWi - Fi. network. Note that the overwhelming majority of data acquisition radio terminals is not required.G / LTE. module, and most tablets and smartphones it is available.

The warehouse staff independently make a decision to take to work and what toolkit to use to solve it, based on the presented system information.On the one hand, thus managed to avoid excessive complications of algorithms and settings peculiarWMS. - Systems, and on the other hand, to a certain extent, the possibility of the work of employees on the already familiar technology of work without automation tools has been preserved.

To dateWAS. supports automation of the main warehousing operations (acceptance, placement, movement, work with orders, set and shipment, recalculation), storing topical data on warehouse residues, informing the user about possible options for current actions when making goods processing operations in stock, taking into account certain Rules, restrictions or criteria, as well as receiving a number of reporting information and printing documents. Also the system allowsmaintain partial, serial accounting and other parameters, including production dates and product shelf life, hazard classes and product quality categories.


By and large, end users of class systemsWAS. can already determine where such systems can be used. These are warehouses online stores, regional warehouse complexes, deleted sites and other options where you want to bring order, but there is no desire or financial opportunities to invest in this very "order" of serious funds.

However, many usersWMS. already express the wish to have tablets and smartphones in some workplants, since in most warehouses class "A. "Operating conditions are quite gentle for this equipment, and the possibilities and ergonomics do not go into any comparison with typical industrial devices.

Despite the fact that the systemBiglit Was. It is capable of supporting standard processes inherent in many warehouses, it is still necessary to understand that it is focused on low and medium intensity warehouses with basic cargo procedures. If we are talking about high-intensity warehouse complexes, where support for unique business processes, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise activity, with a large number of employees, effective communications between which are not established, then in this situation it is better to think about the use of professionalWMS. solutions. Such management systems will allow adapting their functionality for individual processes, and besides, eliminate possible difficulties in communications of a large number of personnel among themselves due to the developed automatic dispatch functional.


According to experts, similar accessible systems are promising in logistics. Despite the fact that on the market the first such solution appeared relatively recently, it is already in demand by business.

"Such solutions have a wide range of applications for logistics companiesAnd, indeed, are developed according to the most modern standards. And, of course, we are like a vendor, which operates with a large number of companies offering innovative solutions, including mobile, it is very nice to see that partners in Russia are developing a high global decision solutions, "said Irina Ratin, Director of the Transport Department , Retail and Distribution "in RussiaSamsung Electronics.

Demand creates supply. Obviously, small companies also seek to optimize business processes as the largest enterprises In various industries, which is a significant incentive to develop innovative solutions. The question is only in the availability of software products in combination with their functionality. And if we talk about small companies, then mobile technologies in close integration with modern IT solutions At present, have great potential.

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According to the latest research, mobility tightly entered our everyday life, as well as many companies are considered as an effective business tool. As far as it can be justified and what disadvantages can be this solution?

Among the growth of interest in mobile technologies on the part of the business, several main motives can be distinguished: first of all, it is a desire to reduce costs, make business processes more efficient, and therefore, ultimately increase the competitiveness of its services and products.

Of course, heats the interest in mobility that powerful impulse, which is experiencing the sphere of mobile B2C services and products in the last ten years. Infrastructure mobile communications develops high rates available mobile Internet Expands not only the area of \u200b\u200bits presence, but also a radically increases the speed of his work. It is accompanied by the accelerating development of the mobile device market. Solutions are becoming increasingly cross-platform and seized with those functional, which has recently been inherent only in office versions and counterparts.

In what specific advantages Mobile technology in business? In almost any field of activity, the rate of decision-making on the basis of certain data is particularly important today. Mobile devices allow you to be in touch always and everywhere and make a solution so quickly as possible. Also mobile technologies help companies effective work Freelance officers or employees in various regions. This is especially true for those business areas that use several geographic regions. Mobile gadgets can almost completely replace the workplace, as a result, the company will save on lease of office space and organizing classic jobs. Gartner estimates, about 90% of companies are ready to support business applications on devices belonging to end users, as this will reduce equipment costs by 40%.

In addition, mobile devices make possible full-fledged unified communications: communication and interaction between employees around the world, regardless of location, including instant messages and video. It is not necessary to discount the integrated social space, as well as the possibility of access to all the necessary information from the mobile device of the employee.

Movement is becoming increasingly popular today as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), which involves the use of personal devices for working purposes. According to the results of the Mail.Ru Group research, about 60% of office workers use mobile devices not only for personal purposes, but also to perform certain working tasks.

How did this happen? Having learned about your coming dismissal, Mitchell turned off the cooling of corporation systems and data replication, as well as reset the configuration of the servers. The company's work was paralyzed for 30 days. Is this the only incident? By no means, more and more companies are convinced that building a cloud infrastructure, the use of a cloud platform and other services is much more reliable and more economical.

Of course, the question arises how well your data on the provider side will be protected. We will be realistic: the absolute guarantee of protection will not give any solution, so we will be operated like a probability.

The chance of a specialized provider company operating more than 10 years on the market will allow a number of errors that will lead to an incident that occurred in ENERVEST is significantly lower than the chance of the same incident on the client side. Indeed, in this regard, there is a need to carefully select the provider, but today this problem is quite solved in Russia.

However, on the other hand, containing factors are present.

First of all, these are all those potential inconvenience and risks that BYOD carries the company's IT perimeter. It is still not solved until the end of the problem with the quality and availability of mobile operators. Finally, we will not forget about one of the main threats of IT security - the human factor.

With increasing interest in mobile technologies before IT services, the task is to ensure safe remote work all employees in accordance with regulatory requirements and in a convenient environment. This can be achieved by virtualization of desktop terminals and applications: the desktops are converted into virtual machines and are centrally posted in the data center. The costs of managing each desktop computer in this case are significantly reduced, and the working conditions of users are becoming better: they get access to their desktops with the same personal parameters and data from any device from anywhere in the world.

Information security and mobile communications management systems are actively developing, mobile operators Form comprehensive packages of services on the principle of "all inclusive", increasingly functional corporate training codes are formed.

We must admit that mobile technologies entered our lives and their integration into an increasing number of areas of activity only the question of time. One who will be able to master them in a larger volume, with less risks and in less time, will not only achieve an increase in the short and medium-term indicators, but also creates a significant burned for the future. It would be a mistake to consider mobile technologies in the business of business as a purely tactical applied reception; In a global sense, this is the direction of the development of information services and products that will dominate in the next decade.

However, positive points should be noted. The level of qualification of IT professionals is growing not only in the field - in general russian market IT consulting and integration services grows.

Questions to experts

What are the potential advantages of the increasing popularity of mobile business in business? How to fully realize them in russian conditions?

Commented on Mikhail Privial, Axoft CEO:

Mobility gives business serious advantages. However, with the strengthening of its penetration into business processes, the issue of security is facilitated, which means that in the near future it is worth expecting the development of the direction known as Enterprise Mobility Management, or the management of corporate mobile devices. We see that this topic causes more and more interest in customers and manufacturers and service providers.

What are the advantages of mobility? I would allocate seven main advantages.

1. High performance indicators. Mobile employee has constant access to information resources, corporate and external. He independently chooses the working conditions: can work at the time when it is convenient, and where it is convenient - at home, outside the city or even by the sea. Accordingly, he has all the opportunities to work more productively.

2. Decision speed. Our partner satisfaction survey in 2014 showed that the most important indicator The work is the responsibility of the manager to request a partner. Therefore, all employees of the company, traveling to meetings or on business trips (such about 40%), have an additional mobile device in constant use. The rest during the departure can use corporate laptops.

3. Geographically distributed project teams. Mobile platforms make it possible to organize the work of project teams in different cities. For us, this is especially important, since the company has a wide network of representative offices in Russia and the CIS.

4. Fight for talents. HR divisions of different companies constantly compete in search the best employees. In some cases, we do not limit ourselves to the territorial criterion and are willing to take into our team the most talented, regardless of which the person lives in Siberia, in the Urals or in the Crimea.

5. Saving resources under the motto byod. Over time, in Russia will probably gain momentum by the motion of Byod. Especially where the number of mobile business users is growing. These are the regions with a high standard of living and broadband Internet. Already, almost all employees of the Moscow office of our company use their personal mobile device - first of all, a smartphone - in working purposes: to search for information, to access mail or communication with partners. I can assume that this trend will only increase.

6. Quick social Media. MARKETING (SMM). The presence of mobile communications allows you to accelerate the interaction of the company with the audience through socialized. One brief message For counting seconds, hundreds of thousands of subscribers fall into the news feed and can spread at an incredible speed.

7. Understand the needs and behavior of consumers. The model of interaction with the client changes, since it also becomes "mobile". As a supplier, it is important to be with the consumer in a single environment and talk to him in the same language.

What is your forecast of the share of office workers who in the near future (1-3 years) will use Byod?

I would not be limited only to office workers, as there are already enough examples when the production officials use their cell phones. For example, in order to receive information about your computational sheet or mark your location. Although special devices are more often used for this type of workers.

The concept of "share of office workers" seems to me a little common, if you do not specify which applications office workers Have access to your mobile devices (that is, BYOD). If these are only postal services, then about 80% of mobile employees have access to corporate mail from their personal devices. Similar situation with corporate ports, intranet, corporate social networks. However, if we are talking about applications critical for business, then companies are less likely to access them with personal devices. For example, access to CRM systems containing customer information is often carried out by exit personnel through corporate devices. In general, not more than 30% russian companies Supported byod a year ago. I think that now their number has grown, but not significantly. Among those who actively use Byod in Russia, divisions global companieswhere this practice is much more common.

What role of analysts are removed by the use of mobile technologies to Russian business? What is the scenario of their use will differ from Western European and American experience?

Elena Semenovskaya, director IDC for research in Russia:

Mobility is a very important trend today, this is one of those development technologies that change the activities of companies and allow you to improve the efficiency of employees. Russian business A little behind, but the use scenarios are not very different. For us, we are very promising are scenarios for using mobile maintenance (maintenance and repair of equipment), since the country is large and there are many infrastructure objects whose work should be inspected. All types of repair and customer service are very perspective directions Development of mobility in the corporate segment, as they give obvious results. In B2C and G2C, mobile solutions are also actively developing, a large number of applications can be downloaded and purchased at the AppStore or Google Play. We have a slightly different sequence of introduction by industry, for example, in the health sector, this is a slow pace, but in general we are moving in the same direction.

course work

Information technology at the enterprise

Introduction ....................................................................................................... ........................... 3.

I.Directions of using information technologies in the enterprise...........6

1.1 Automation of Document Roll ..................................................................8

1.2 Communication .......................................................................................... 9

1.3 Production technology management ............................................................ 9

1.4 Automation of accounting and planning. Decision making systems ......................10

1.5 Automation of banking operations ............................................................ 10

2Technical means of implementing information technology ... .. .................. ... ... 11

3 Strategy for introducing information technology on the enterprise .................. .. ... .12

II. Basic classes information systems …………………………………..………14

1 Characteristics of ERP systems ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1.1 Financial management ................................................................................ ... ..........16

1.2 Production management ......................................................................... 19

2. Characteristic MRP: Purpose, Application, Elements, Advantages ............ .... 23

3. Characteristic CRM: Purpose, Application, Advantages ... ... .......................27

III Information Technology Market in Russia……………….……………………...28

Conclusion .............................................................................. .. ...................... 31

Literature……………………………………………………………………....................... .... 33.


Creating a modern enterprise is a complex and long-term process that can be divided into two interrelated stages. The first is the formation of a production and management structure generating powerful information flows. The second is the formation of a structure that controls these streams. It is customary to be called comprehensive automation, because in order to work, a tool is needed. This is equally true both in relation to major enterprises and in relation to small organizations - Small business representatives. The main object of the automated control system should be a managerial solution.

Management activity acts in modern conditions As one of the most important factors for the functioning and development of the organization. Effective management is a valuable resource of the organization, along with financial, material, human and other resources. This activity is constantly being improved in accordance with the objective requirements of the production and sale of goods, complication of economic relations, increasing the role of the consumer in the formation of technical and economic and other parameters of products. Consequently, increasing management efficiency becomes one of the areas of improving the company's activities as a whole. The most obvious way to improve the efficiency of the employment process is its automation.

Changes in the conditions of production activities, the need to adequate tooling the management system to it affect not only the improvement of its organization, but also on the redistribution of management functions on the levels of responsibility and the forms of their interaction. The speech, primarily, is about such a management system (principles, functions, methods, organizational structure), which is generated by the organizational need and pattern of management associated with the satisfaction of individual needs, ensuring the interest of workers in the highest finite results, the growing income of the population, regulation of commodity Monetary relations, wide use of the latest achievements of the scientific and technical revolution. All this requires adaptation organizations to new conditions, overcoming emerging contradictions in economic and scientific and technical processes.

In a market economy, an important area was an important area, which consists in collecting and processing information, to use the results of its analysis in the process of its activities, adopting informed management decisions. At the same time, the efficiency and reliability of information becomes of special importance.

One of the significant competitiveness factors today was the application of modern information technologies in the management of the enterprise; In many types of activities, without these technologies, it is impossible to carry out successful activities. Therefore, their effective use has become a decisive factor in the success of enterprises in the market. Development of information computer technologies, improving the technical platform and the emergence of fundamentally new classes of software products led these days to change the approaches to the automation of production management.

Relevance of the topic. The modern scale and the pace of implementation of automation of management in the national economy with a special acute setting the task of conducting comprehensive research related to the comprehensive study and generalization of problems arising from this practical and theoretical nature.

Formation T.the Eorium of Information Management Systems includes several decades. The first work in this area belongs to 1950-1960, when in domestic and foreign theory and practices were developed, so-called automated control systems were introduced and functioned.

Among the Russian scientists who have developed this topic should be noted by Y. Alekseeva, V. Dudorina, V. Zerelin, I. Karakosa, M. Queen, T. Kokoriev, V. Maltseva, M. Soborova, V. Samborsky, etc.

The further development of this topic was in the context of modern possibilities of computing equipment and telecommunications. The domestic school is presented here by the names of O. Vershinina, A. Granberg, A. Gaponenko, O. Grigorieva, S. Ermolaeva, Capralova, E. V. Kostyakka, A. Navyan, N. Prokhorov, Ryabova, E. Sedykh, G . Smolyan, S. Supitsin, D. Fateeva, N. Fedorenko, Firsova, D. Chereshkin, E. Shchukina, etc.

There is a large number of foreign publications devoted to the problems of the application of information technologies in the management of organizations. Among them are the works of B. Gates, R. Kaplan, Minsa, D. Norton, D. Schneider, etc.

At the same time B. scientific papers Considered mainly technical and technological issues of management management systems. The prevalence of technological approaches leaves the shadow the economic and managerial aspects of this problem.

The purpose of this work is to study the conceptual foundations of using information technologies in the economy as a factor in improving the efficiency of enterprises in modern conditions.

In accordance with this purpose, the following tasks are also solved and consistently solved:

Identify the features of using information technology;

Explore the concept of enterprise management using IT;

An attempt to summarize the accumulated experience in the implementation of integrated information systems and formation general principles organization of selection and strategy for implementing IT in the management of the enterprise;

Explore intra property difficulties, problems when using IT;

- review the basic information systems offered on the market.

Object researchare information technologies as a factor in improving the efficiency of enterprises.

Subject of researchthere is a set of economic and managerial relations arising in the process of using information technology.

The main directions of using information

technology at the enterprise

The transfer of information on the status and activity of the enterprise to the highest level of management and the mutual exchange of information between all mutual divisions of the company are carried out on the basis of modern electronic computers and other technical means of communication.

    on the object and quality - the brevity and clarity of the wording, the timeliness of the receipt;

    on focus - satisfaction of specific needs;

    according to accuracy and accuracy, the correct selection of primary information, the optimality of systematization and continuity of collecting and processing information.

Large companies (corporations, holdings), which are characterized by a complex structure associated with multidisciplinary divisions, their territorial distribution and difference in production potential, as a rule, are faced with such problems as:

\u003e Lack of organizational unity among enterprise divisions, in particular, the same understanding of the essence of business processes, a single methodology accountingUnification of regulatory information.

\u003e Difficulties of planning activities on all horizons (long-term, current, operational) at all levels of management vertical, bringing to each of the divisions of specific tasks, control over the current execution and analysis of these tasks.

\u003e Insufficient efficiency (relevance) of data on the financial and economic activities of divisions, branches and corporations in general.

\u003e High laboriousness of the collection and generalization (consolidation) of these territorial-distributed sites, in particular, accounting, each of which leads its own, "incomplete" from the point of view of the corporation, balance sheets; A large number of errors in such data, their heterogeneity and inconsistency.

\u003e Lack of operational and reliable information on mutual settlements (relatives) with external suppliers and consumers, as well as branches of the enterprise, and, as a result, the difficulty of managing receivables - payable debt. The solution to this problem is significantly complicated when the counterparty status is changed (for example, when buying a corporation of a company, which was previously an external counterparty).

The only solution to these problems is the development and implementation of so-called information technologies, i.e. Technologies based on the use of computing equipment and electronic communications.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study the methods of effective labor organization of people engaged in processing and storing information; Computer equipment and methods of organizing and interaction with people and industrial equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems related to all these.

In modern society, information technologies are universal tools in the management of organizations of all types operating in all spheres. The main functions of modern information technology management of enterprises - collection, storage, search, systematization and processing of the necessary data for all areas of social life, developing new information, solving certain optimization tasks. The task is raised not only to select and automate labor-intensive, regularly repeated routine operations over large data arrays, but also to obtain fundamentally new information that is necessary for making effective management solutions.

Among the main directions of development of modern information technologies in ensuring effective functioning and development can be allocated:

    Automation of document flow


    Pharmaceutical Production Technology Management

    Automation of accounting and planning

    Development of decision-making systems

    Automation of banking operations

    Creating automated jobs

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Today we are experiencing a boom of mobile solutions. They were so strongly introduced into our daily life that we no longer imagine how to do without them. On the production of corrugated meals daily in operation there are 22 mobiles data Collection Terminal (TSD). All of them are connected to a single industrial wi-Fi network. In addition to elevated protective properties, mobile terminals are equipped with barcode scanners and NFC labels, a camera, built-in data modules, high-resolution display. The number of operations performed using TSD is still five.

The first step to the use of mobile technologies in production was the introduction repair management systems and maintenance Equipment (Tir). Today, with the use of TSD, several operations are performed: bypassing equipment by duty personnel, fixing deviations in the work, receiving a change of change by machinists.

Deputy Director of Production of GofroTara, Sergey Nezlutov: "The main thing is to warn breakage and prevent emergency situation. To this end, we organized bypass bypass by duty officers of repair services using the TSD. A very important point here is the formalization of the processes: a description of each node, how often it needs to be checked, serving, repairing. Work was carried out on ensuring barcodes of all major equipment nodes, compiled route lists, Equipment service standards have been revised. The emergence of employees at the control points and their responsibilities is systematically monitored. In the course bypass, the worker makes a mark about the absence of problems or notes a malfunction and, making a photo, refers it to the system. If earlier it was possible at night to ignore bypass and make an entry on the absence of problems, now it is impossible without passing a certain route. Getting a timely message about faults, repair personnel is making actions to prevent equipment downtime. In the future, this system will save up to 12% of the time on the planned repair of equipment and up to 30% - in total operating costs, as well as avoid accidents in 70% of cases. "

One of the functions of the TSD is the ability to view the availability of spare parts in the warehouse of the corrugated package. Repair personnel may not leaving the equipment, check their in stock, which increases the speed of making solutions to troubleshoot. Any expectation in the production process is a loss, the work is frightened. Therefore, the reduction of various types of losses that do not add value to the product is an important task of production.

One of the stages technological process is to check the quality of products after setting up the order and run into production. To increase the efficiency of work when handing a box in BTK was developed mobile application DTMS PCBK (DOWN-TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM). Step-by-step data fixation makes the process transparent, allows you to identify time loss and exclude them, detect problems when setting up an order from each driver and conduct measures to improve the professionalism of technological staff.

Martin Dro-1628 Martin Dro-1628 Machinist Vladimir Shafikov: "The process of presenting a box in BTK is important, but it can be delayed for various reasons. Having attached to the terminal to the label on the line, the system forms a task to receive a corrugated driver. The system records the time spent on the transition from line to BTK and back, the time of direct reception of the box. The reasons for which the box is not accepted is recorded in the system and form data necessary for further analysis, including the status of the equipment and qualification of the machine. It is very disciplined. "

Mobile technologies are very flexible and allow to solve production tasks of different types. For TSD produced by corrugated package developed separate rMS PCBC (Roll-Control Management System)which provides for the recovery of the use of role raw materials in the production of corrugated cardboard.

Head of the change of Galina Doroshenko: "Product quality requirements are dictated by the need to pass-cutting the production process at each stage, starting with control and accounting of incoming raw materials, ending with the production of products to the warehouse. New system Allows you to fix the process of installing the roll to the corrugation and removal, to make operational write-off of raw materials, print shortcuts to roll leftovers, as well as monitor the observance of the use of raw materials in accordance with the approved selection. "

The listed list of TSD functions is not exhaustive. The plans for the implementation of the operational response system of repair personnel, the ability to view 3D models of components and equipment assemblies, receiving ideas for improvements and rationalization offers From employees through the mobile app and others. Thanks to these decisions, the data is transformed into useful information that is necessary for rational enterprise management. Correctly built business process helps to establish interaction between employees of different departments, make reasonable correct solutions. A good automation rate is set, which, with an integrated approach, will allow the enterprise to work even more efficiently.

To begin with, consider what is happening in the industry. Four main categories of projects that will retain their relevance until 2013.

  • Monitoring panels for executive manual. This includes financial and operational reports, as well as other key data that is required to executive managers. Data enroll on mobile devices from corporate systems To manage business and from business analytics applications.
  • Field sales and customer relationship management. To date, there are many applications that facilitate the service of existing customers, maintaining potential customers, creation of proposals and conclusion of transactions by sales and service specialists.
  • Inventory Management. The use of mobile technologies in the work of the warehouse and distribution processes allows you to increase productivity and provides key specialists The ability to immediately receive state status data.
  • Applications for back office. A variety of back-office applications allow optimizing internal processes, such as cost reporting, calculation and payment wages, employee holidays, medical support, etc.

The wide distribution of available and powerful mobile devices (many of which belong to the employees themselves) opens up the possibilities of corporate mobility for almost any company. In many cases, use mobile applications Just needed. However, unlike large companies SMB companies are forced to solve problems and eliminate restrictions related mainly to the lack of personnel and financial resources.

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