Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, competitions for you at the Holiday Center! What kind of competitions can you come up with for 23 husbands?

Chercher 17.12.2022
Are you tired of banal gatherings with colleagues on February 23? Then turn Defender of the Fatherland Day into the best holiday. Whether in the office, at work, or in a cafe - wherever you celebrate this day, hold the competitions that we have prepared for you and then this holiday will forever remain in your memory as the most fun.

What is a holiday without laughter and fun? Yes, this is a very bad holiday. And in order for there to be laughter and fun, you need to prepare well and come up with new, never-before-seen competitions for February 23rd for a corporate party. Cool and funny competitions for colleagues will help turn a holiday in the office into an incredible show that you will want to repeat and make it traditional. We have come up with interesting games and competitions that will turn your corporate event into an unforgettable holiday. Watch and play.

The competition is a time bomb!
And so, we begin the competition program. We blindfold one man. Pour liquid into three or more glasses: all with water, and one with vodka! Pour approximately the same amount. Everyone else saw where the vodka was. We untie the man's eyes. A girl approaches the glasses and drinks them all in turn. At the same time, she needs to make sure that the man does not guess where the vodka was. When all the glasses have been drunk, the man makes his choice and shows where the vodka was.
This way you can play in turns: men against women. And at the end, count the points and drink together for a friendly draw!
To make the competition successful, pour just a little bit at a time. It’s more fun, and the participants won’t become drunk at the very beginning of the holiday.

Competition - fell, did push-ups, stood up!
Four men and four girls participate in this competition. They are divided into pairs. Near each girl there are five inflated balloons. At the leader’s command, the girls take one balloon at a time and put it under the man’s shirt. After this, the man falls to the floor, as if doing a push-up. And at the same time he must burst the balloon under his shirt. As soon as the balloon bursts, the man stands up and the girl puts a second balloon under his shirt. And he falls to the floor again so that the ball bursts. Whichever man can pop all five balloons ahead of everyone else wins.

Competition - we test men for attentiveness.
In this competition we will test men's attentiveness. To do this, we call 3-5 men on stage. We place a chair next to them, and put some object on the chair. Men must have time to grab the object in their hand as soon as they hear the word THREE from the leader. And the presenter reads the verse, the participants listen to it. As soon as the number THREE is heard, whoever managed to take the item wins.
Watch the video with the competition, how to play and there is a verse there too.

Competition - men of romance.
Every soldier is a romantic. If anyone has received a letter from a soldier in the army, he knows this firsthand. But after the army, the romance disappears somewhere. Let's see where our men's romance has gone. Or did she stay with them?
For the competition, prepare cards on which you write the following expressions:
- Your eyes are like two diamonds...
- Your lips are like rose petals...
- Your voice is like a silver stream...
- Your hair is like silk threads...
-Your face is as beautiful as a violet...
- You are as beautiful as a star in the night...
- Your flexible figure is like a white birch...
- Curve of eyebrows, like a seagull above the water...

Each man in turn takes out one card and must come up with a beautiful or funny ending to his line. And then the girls will choose the most romantic and funniest participant.

Competition - sobriety test!
But now it’s time to check the men’s sobriety. After all, time passes, everyone is drinking, maybe it’s time for someone to go home.
Again, prepare cards on which you write funny tongue twisters. For example, these.

It's time to talk frankly - do you want February 23 to become the best holiday? Then let's think together about what competitions to hold and what to do so that everyone is in the mood for an A plus. Let's look and feel.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the favorite holidays in our country. it is celebrated by men, women, children, and old people. After all, sooner or later we will all become defenders and defend our Motherland from enemies. In the meantime, there is no danger, you can just have fun and make this day bright and funny. New competitions for guys on February 23rd are very funny, and will help you make February 23rd a special day that absolutely all participants will enjoy. Watch competitions, play them with the guys and let friendship win.

Game - guess the place.

You choose three guys to play. Better than those who are not very touchy and understand humor. They turn their backs to the guests, and signs are stuck on their backs with the inscriptions: in the toilet, in an ambush, behind enemy lines. It's important that these guys don't see the writing on their backs and the backs of their friends. When the guests have laughed, the host begins to ask them questions. For example, do you go there often? How long does this “operation” take you? do you like it? Which of your friends and acquaintances would you take there with you? And from the girls? What attracts you to this place?
The guys answer the questions seriously, but have no idea what the place is written on their back. If someone could guess, then speak. It is important here that the presenter comments on the answers, it will be more fun.

Competition – letter from the army in rap style.
In this competition, participants will read a letter from the army in rap style. If the participants can, then let them come up with a letter and words right on the go. If not, then give them a sheet of paper with the text:

Competition - who is the most attentive.
To serve in the army you have to be very careful. In this competition we will see which of the guys can serve and which cannot.
Everything is simple here - the guys stand around the table, there is one object on the table. The presenter reads the verse, and as soon as he says the number THREE, you need to have time to take the object from the table. Whoever does this first wins.
Watch the video on how to play this competition:

Competition - assembling weapons for speed.
Every soldier should be able to assemble a machine gun in a few seconds. Do your guys know how to do this? Let's check!
For the competition you need to draw machines on paper. And then cut them into pieces. Mix all the parts on the table. At the leader’s command, the participants assemble their machines. Whoever is first wins.

For example, give notebooks, pens and ties, or arrange a real men's party with colleagues or loved ones.

Whatever the theme of the corporate event - poker, boxing or watching your favorite action films - it cannot be done without competitions and games in which the whole team will participate.

Competitions for men on February 23 can be completely different, the main thing is that they are cool and funny, then everyone will have fun throughout the festive evening, even in the office.

Army cuisine. This is a joke competition. The presenter places raw, unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel the potatoes. But when those who wish are selected, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The winner is the one whose dish is the last.

Strongest. For the competition you will need several empty matchboxes. Each participant is offered a design: the outer box is placed on top of the inner part. Contestants need to flatten both parts with one blow.

As practice shows, this is quite difficult to do, so perhaps the presenter will not need a second box.

Botanists. If the company has men who have not served in the army and have a sufficient sense of humor, then the next competition can be held.

Invite “nerds” to the podium. And since they are botanists, then offer them exhibits from the herbarium. Whichever participant gives the correct name to all the plants receives the honorary title “Best Botanist”.

Four ends. Two thick ropes are tied in the middle - no, loops are tied at the four ends. Four players stand at the corners of a square, holding onto the ends of the rope. A stone is placed two meters from each person (can be a pine cone, a snowball, a matchbox or a wooden block). At the signal, each player reaches out to his stone to grab it. Whoever succeeds in this wins.

Arm wrestling. What men's competition would be complete without classic arm wrestling? The presenter must ensure that there is a free table in the room, which can be roughly divided into two halves. All participants can measure their strength. Having placed their right hands with their elbows on the table, the opponents clasp their hands and try to “knock down” the opponent. The one whose hand touches the table loses and is eliminated from the competition.

Competition for February 23 “Metkach”. Details, attributes: three glass piles, a plastic bottle with lemonade, a ribbon for tying hands.

Couples, each with two guys, take part in the competition. The players of each team have their hands tied behind them. A hole is made in a plastic bottle and held between the knees by one of the players.

At the leader’s signal, the players must fill the glasses with lemonade, and the second player must drink this lemonade. The team that fills all the piles and drinks the fastest becomes the winner.

Tug of war. A bright ribbon is tied to a long and thick rope in the middle. A peg is driven into the ground, and to the right and left of it at a distance of two meters - another peg (if the game is played in the hall, you can put gymnastic sticks on the floor).

Each team takes on its half of the rope, the distance between teams is two meters. The ribbon hangs above the middle peg. At the judge’s sign, the teams pull the rope, each in its own direction. The team that pulls the ribbon over its peg wins.

Competition "Male Logic". This puzzle competition is suitable for testing the intelligence of the male half at the beginning of the holiday on February 23.

Here is the essence of the problem - tired of arguments and the summer heat, three ancient Greek philosophers lay down to rest a little under a tree and fell asleep. While they were sleeping, the pranksters smeared coal on their foreheads. Waking up and looking at each other, everyone was in a cheerful mood and began to laugh, but this did not bother anyone, since it seemed natural to everyone that the other two were laughing at each other.

Suddenly one of the wise men stopped laughing, as he realized that his own forehead was stained. Participants must guess how he reasoned.

Solution: here it is, male logic of reasoning - “Each of us can think that his own face is clean. B is sure that his face is clean, and laughs at the smeared forehead of the sage B. But if B saw that my face is clean, he would be surprised at B’s laughter, since in this case B would have no reason to laugh. However, B is not surprised, which means he may think that B is laughing at me. Therefore, my face is black.” It is best to show the solution to volunteers.

Two Musketeers. For this game you will need equipment: two rods 115 cm long, two logs or a matchbox. Two circles with a diameter of 50 cm are drawn on the site at a distance of 30 cm from one another, and two lines are drawn. The chock is placed in the center of the circle, the players each stand behind their own line, which is not allowed to be crossed.

In each hand, each “sword” is a flexible and thin rod. You need to use your sword to knock out the chock from the enemy’s circle, while protecting your own. The one who manages to knock the chock out of the circle wins the duel.

Men of any age love to have fun and have fun. However, they cannot always afford this, because adult men simply may not have time for entertainment and fun. But there are days a year when men can have fun, and no one has the right to stop them. Such days include February 23. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are really interested in games and competitions for men on February 23rd.

Photo session in gas masks

For this competition it is necessary to prepare two gas masks, without which it will not be possible to conduct it. Participants are divided into two teams and take their positions at tables with gas masks. The presenter and his assistant stand at a distance of ten meters from the participants, and prepare cameras (smartphones) with which they will film the participants.

The participants’ task is that, at the command of the leader, the first representative of each team puts on a gas mask and runs up to the leader or his assistant. The presenter examines how well the gas mask is worn, then takes a photograph of the participant. Only after this does the participant run to his team, take off the gas mask and give it to the next participant. The team that manages to finish the photo shoot the fastest wins.

Overcoming obstacles blindly

The presenter calls two men and, before their eyes, sets up two zigzag routes from empty bottles or skittles. After this, he asks the participants to remember the route and blindfolds them. As soon as the participants are blindfolded, the presenter's assistants silently remove the bottles. When everything is ready, the presenter says that the men need to overcome the route without hitting any obstacles. At the same time, he must indicate that speed is not very important in this competition.

The presenter gives the start, and the men begin their movement in zigzags, causing loud laughter in the audience. When the men complete the blind obstacle course, their blindfolds are removed and they are allowed to see which route they took.

Kitchen attendant

Those men who served in the army know firsthand about being on duty in the kitchen. Their memories of these days are not the most pleasant. Therefore, on February 23, men can be “pleased” with a potato peeling competition for speed. The presenter calls willing men and seats them at the table. After that, he places a knife and a large potato in front of them. Participants will think that they will need to remember their army years and peel potatoes at speed. However, at the last moment, the host announces that men do not need to peel potatoes. Instead, they need to take turns naming dishes made from this fruit. The man who names the last dish that can be made from potatoes wins.

At the end of the competition for knowledge of dishes, among the men who took part in it, you can play another game as a fun bonus. This time the men will really have to peel potatoes at speed.

Each participant in the competition can be given a package of chips as a prize.

Arm wrestling

Almost no men's feast is complete without arm wrestling. So why not make this a competition for men on February 23? Moreover, to hold this competition you only need a free table. Depending on the number of applicants, the competition can be held in several stages, with a classic ending. Surely the men at the holiday will enjoy this competition.

Pyramid of push-ups

Another really appropriate competition for men on February 23rd. However, in this competition, men compete not only with their rivals, but also with themselves. The presenter calls five men and the same number of women who will become observers in this competition. After this, he announces to the men that they need to do as many push-ups as possible in three minutes. The girls' task is to observe the correctness of the men's push-ups and count their number.

The presenter gives the start, time is noted, and watches the stopwatch. Men do push-ups, and girls count. After three minutes, the girls name the results of the men they followed. The presenter writes down next to each name the number of push-ups that the man was able to perform. However, the competition does not end there, because now men will have to do push-ups for two minutes. After this time, the entire process with recording the results is repeated and the final part of the competition begins. Now men need to do the maximum number of push-ups in one minute. The man with the most push-ups in his bag wins.

Accurate shooter

A classic competition for celebrating February 23rd, which can be carried out in completely different ways. For example, you can hang up darts and hold a competition among men in this sport.

If you do not have the opportunity to hold such a competition, you can organize an accuracy competition among men, in which they will have to hit a certain place a certain number of times. For example, you can hold a competition to hit tennis balls into a bucket from five meters away. The winner is the participant who was able to accurately throw into the bucket the greatest number of times.

There are a huge number of options for holding an accuracy competition. So here you can show your imagination and surprise men.

Oh, what legs!

The presenter calls those interested and explains to them the essence of the competition. He tells the men that now they will need to catch food for the river. To do this, he pours out all sorts of little things, for example, tennis balls, sweets, cosmetics. To fully immerse yourself in the idea of ​​the competition, the presenter asks the participants to roll up their pants, arguing that men should not wet their pants in the river. The presenter says that the participant who manages to catch the largest number of little things in one minute will win. After this time, the presenter reveals all the cards and announces that the competition was for the most beautiful male legs. The women, who have been watching the “harvest” all this time, announce the winner by voting.

Air attack

Not only men, but also women can take part in this competition. The presenter asks the men to sit on chairs and place an inflated balloon on their feet. The girls' task is to run and sit down on the ball, which lies on the man's lap. At the same time, the “pilots” need to withstand this blow and not fall. The pair whose balloon burst wins.

The fastest

For this competition you need to prepare two identical toy cars and two skeins of thread. The edges of the threads are tied to the machines. At the command of the leader, the men begin to wind the threads, pulling the cars towards them. The winner is the participant whose car crosses the conditional finish line first.


In this competition, men can show not only their courage, but also their gallantry. The facilitator asks men and women to split into pairs. After this, the couples stand in a circle. The men get down on one knee, take the woman’s hand and begin to take turns complimenting the ladies, like real hussars. Compliments must be original, that is, they cannot be repeated or said by other participants. If it’s a man’s turn and he can’t say anything, then his mate is eliminated. The man who gives the last compliment wins

There are different competitions and games, but in our case they should be united by one thing: the holiday is purely for men, which means that the participants are men. Let’s make an exception only for paired competitions; in them, let women help their “defenders.”

Valuable balls

Inflated balloons must be tied to the men's ankles and wrists. Thus, each participant has four balls on his hands and feet, which they must take care of. The players’ task is not only to try to preserve all their “values”, but also to destroy those of others. The one who has the most whole balls left wins.

Match golf

Empty glass beer bottles are tied to the men from behind, by the belt, on a rope, the length of which is approximately 50 cm. The “stick” should not reach the floor. “Balls” - matchboxes - are placed in front of the players. At a distance of approximately 10 m from the start, you need to draw a finish line. The participants' task is to swing the bottle without using their hands and use it to push the box to the finish line. The best “golf player” is recognized as the one whose “ball” “hits the hole” the fastest, that is, crosses the finish line.


The men are given props - each with an empty glass and a bottle of beer. Their task is to pour a foamy drink into a glass without spilling a drop. But the task is complicated by the fact that you need to do it without using your hands. Have participants hold the bottle between their legs just above their knees and carefully pour the contents into the glass. The fastest and most accurate bartender wins!

Reel in your fishing rods!

The competition requires a long rope, salted or smoked fish and two participants. A fish is tied exactly in the middle of the string, and at the ends there is a small stick: these are “fishing rods”. The players take the sticks in their hands and, on command, begin to “wind up the fishing rods,” that is, they wind the rope around the stick. The one who gets to the middle of the rope (and therefore to the fish) faster gets the “catch”.

Anatomical alphabet

Players are given several cards with letters written on them. Their task is to make themselves, within a certain time, a kind of “anatomical table”, where a person is drawn and the names of all parts of his body are signed, i.e. participants must attach cards to those places of their body whose names begin with the written letters (for example, "R" - mouth or hand). Then each participant is approached by a “school excursion” led by a “biology teacher” who checks whether the task is completed correctly and counts the cards. The winner is the one who places the most “placards” in the correct places and manages not to drop a single one during the “excursion”.

Paper shredder

Invite your men to try themselves in the role of a “paper shredder”, which is usually found in offices. To do this, give each person a sheet of newspaper. Let the participants stand in a row, stretch out their right hand with the newspaper forward and try to tear it into small, small pieces. The second hand must be free; it cannot be used in the competition. In fact, the competition is quite difficult, because it is almost impossible to perform such a seemingly simple task with one hand without a certain skill. The man whose pieces will be the smallest, the entire newspaper will be torn (in general, the one whose work will be done better) wins.


As we know, men are polygamous by nature and love female attention. Invite them to create their own harem from the ladies present in the hall. Give participants different colored rubber bands for money (each a different color) or ribbons of different colors. Then the “sheikhs” must run around as many women as possible in a certain time and put one of their “bracelet” on each of them on the wrist or ankle. The more ladies the “sultan” embraces, the larger his harem will be. You cannot put more than one rubber band on one girl. The man who has the most “wives” wins.


To find out which of your men is the most observant, offer them this competition. In addition to several Stirlitz men, you will need one girl. Let the “scouts” carefully examine her and remember her clothes in the smallest detail. Then the lady needs to be taken out of the hall and one or more small details changed on her: unbutton a button on her jacket, take off her earrings, put a ring on her finger or something else. Then the girl needs to be brought back, and let the men look for differences between the previous image of the lady and the created one. The one who finds all the differences or more of them is recognized as the most suitable person for the role of intelligence officer.


Another competition for attentiveness and memory. Only for this game you will need not a girl, but a tray and 10-15 different small items (lighters, boxes of matches, key rings, coins, etc.). We put the items on the tray and let our “scouts” look at it all and remember as many things as possible. Then we take the tray away and change something on it: we remove one of the items and (or) add something else. Now the task of the “Shtirlitz” is to guess what you hid and what you put away. The task can be complicated by removing and adding several items at once.

Caring dads

If you are spending a holiday in the company of adults, then probably many men already have children. Invite them to remember the past and try to swaddle the doll. Those representatives of the stronger sex who do not yet have offspring can also take part in the competition and practice. Players are given plastic babies, diapers, and ribbons. The speed and quality of task completion are assessed.

Fairy tales

To play, you will need a children's book with any of the well-known fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Teremok” or any other. Then you need to write down all the heroes of the fairy tale on separate pieces of paper. If there are a lot of future “actors,” then write down as many characters as possible, including the forest, stumps, the tower itself, etc. Then the participants (not necessarily only men) draw a card with the role of the character they will portray. The presenter reads a fairy tale aloud, and the characters dramatize what they read. As a rule, the result is a very funny and unusual production.

Water carriers

Surely all the men in your team, when they were little boys, carried toy cars with them on a string. Encourage them to think back to their childhood and see how their driving skills have improved since then. For this competition you will need several trucks on ropes of the same length and glasses of water. There are two possible assignment options.

1. Men line up along one line and begin to carefully pull cars with glasses standing on them, full to the brim. It is important not only to complete the task faster than everyone else, but also not to spill water: a truck whose glass contents begin to spill over the edges returns to the start and begins its journey again.

2. Participants must go through an obstacle course while pulling the car behind them. Place a few pins, and let the “water trucks” go around them in a “snake”, then they can drive the truck through a bridge (a piece of paper or a board on the floor), go around some obstacle and return to the “garage”. The winner is the one who brings the water first and does not spill it.

Inspired Poets

At all times, men dedicated poems to their ladies. Invite your participants to write a few lines of poetry and even help them: distribute pre-prepared rhymes. They should be funny and somewhat ridiculous. For example, “a bunch of clouds”, “a husband is a pear”, “a song is a ladder”, etc. Let the players be sure to use these rhyming words in their works.

Exemplary Soldiers

For this competition, prepare clothes for future “servicemen” - helmets, boots, foot wraps, huge trousers, etc. “Outfits” can be not only for soldiers.

Many people know that in the army, privates must have time to get dressed while the match is burning. Let your men command “Rise!” (when a match is lit) they run up to the chairs with clothes and begin to put on everything that was given to them. Whoever manages to pull the most items wins. To make it more fun, among typical military paraphernalia, place children's caps, pacifiers, and women's toiletries. And then look at what your valiant defenders of the Fatherland are going to wear to intimidate the enemy. The most suitable “soldier” for service and the most extravagant one receive prizes.

Feeding my husband

Several opposite-sex couples are selected from the audience. The “wife” is blindfolded and given a plate with a piece of cake and a spoon. The “husband” sits on a chair, and his “wife” tries to feed her “beloved.” A man can tell a lady what to do, but he has no right to help with his hands. The winner is the couple in which the treat was eaten the fastest, and the “husband” got the least amount of dirt on the cake.


For this competition you will need several empty beer bottles, an ordinary fishing rod and a fairly heavy and voluminous sinker or weight. We attach a weight to the fishing line and arrange the bottles like pins in a bowling alley. Participants take turns taking the fishing rod and try to hit the neck of the bottle with the sinker, and then make a “hook,” that is, pull the fishing rod so that the bottle falls on its side. Now we record the time for each participant (it should be the same). The one who catches the most fish, i.e., dumps the most bottles, wins the fishing championship.

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