Increase in the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year. How much do opera companies earn in different countries – Report

The question is asked by Ildar Mullakhmetov: Nikolay, hello. I took a good look... 03.06.2020

A patrol officer is a police officer at the forefront of the fight against crime. Both the suppression and prevention of crimes on the city streets depend on his actions. Naturally, such difficult work should be adequately paid. However, does the salary of a teaching staff employee meet the requirements that are imposed on him? We'll talk about this below.

The concept of patrol service and the responsibilities of employees

The patrol service is structural unit police public safety. The main function of the PPS is to maintain public order on the streets. But, in addition to this, employees are assigned the following tasks:

  • ensuring the protection of order during cultural events;
  • checking documents of suspicious persons;
  • vehicle security;
  • removal from public places people under the influence of alcohol;
  • providing assistance to affected citizens and so on.

Wages of teaching staff

Today, the salary of a teaching staff employee ranges from 6 to 50 thousand rubles.

Despite the apparent transparency of the salary calculation system for police officers, the level of actual income of police officers in different regions of the country differs significantly. And the role here is played not only by official salary increase coefficients, but also by internal regulations of police departments.

For example, largest size wages, according to available statistical data, are established in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic, and in other regions of the Russian Federation the salary is at the same level. However, in large cities of the country - Moscow, St. Petersburg and some others - the salary amount differs significantly from the income of police officers in other localities.

Moreover, the actual wage police officers depends on other factors. In particular, the salary can be almost the same, but various bonuses sometimes exceed it by almost an order of magnitude.

According to current regulatory documents, additional payment can be made:

  • for work experience in the authorities;
  • for specific working conditions;
  • for special achievements;
  • for the degree of secrecy of the work, and so on.

Salary increase for patrol officers

In order to increase the prestige of the profession of patrol police and improve the quality of their work, it is necessary to increase the salaries of employees of PPS units. High requirements Service employees are not allowed to hire, even for an ordinary position, a person who lacks certain training and appropriate education. These conditions limit the flow of specialists and, consequently, cause a shortage of qualified personnel.

At a meeting of the relevant State Duma committee, the issue of transforming the salary system for police officers was repeatedly raised, since it has long been outdated and needs to be reformed.

The new scheme for calculating cash payments allows wages to be calculated based on the position held and in accordance with a special rank. It is proposed to calculate individual salaries for employees of each police sector separately, taking into account additional factors:

  • degree of complexity of the work;
  • possible risk to life;
  • special working conditions.

According to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the near future, every PPS employee with the rank of sergeant with at least 3 years of service experience will receive a salary of 36 thousand rubles, and an employee with the rank of captain with at least 8 years of service experience will receive up to 60 thousand . rubles.

Problems of teaching staff financing

Salary increases have been repeatedly included in the federal and local budgets, but every year deputies have to revise the standards due to too high inflation. Although current legislation twice a year - in February and October - indexation of salaries of teaching staff is provided; last year no action was taken due to the lack necessary funds in the budget.

The lack of money entails not only the lack of recalculation of wages in accordance with the level of inflation, but also significant changes in the teaching staff and police system itself. To fill the financial gaps, the heads of the authorities are removing all kinds of allowances and laying off employees. In some regions of the Russian Federation, massive layoffs of employees have already occurred, which has significantly reduced the costs of maintaining the structure described, but has not solved the problem as a whole.

This year, due to the difficult situation in the Russian Federation and the economic crisis, there are no plans to increase the salaries of police officers at all. The government has set a course for budget savings, and indexation plays an important role in this process.

In addition to insufficient funding, there are many additional problems in the teaching staff service. In particular, the lack of official housing. It also has a significant impact on staff turnover and undermines the authority of law enforcement agencies.

Additional ways to motivate

To increase the attractiveness of working in teaching staff, the government has developed an employee motivation scheme. We are talking about payments that are not included in the permanent wage fund:

  • monetary incentives for achievements at work;
  • assistance in solving crimes;
  • prevention of serious offenses, etc.

Such compensation motivates employees for self-development and a responsible attitude to the performance of official duties.

After 10 years of service, an employee is entitled to a subsidy for the purchase of housing. Such encouragement attracts many young specialists to the ranks of employees. An important positive point is the possibility of obtaining a trip to a sanatorium or a holiday home for the whole family on preferential terms.

The government is using all possible methods to increase the prestige of the teaching staff profession. This manifests itself both in the form of material rewards and in the form of various awards and additional benefits.

The increase in police salaries in 2016 is still not a resolved issue. The department's budget for next year is set at a deficit of 40 billion rubles, which means that police officers will have to tighten their belts. If we consider that 90% of all money allocated for the police goes to pay salaries, it becomes clear that a significant increase in earnings cannot be expected.

What is the salary of the police in 2015

The reform of the internal affairs bodies began several years ago. Since then, the police have been renamed the police, and employees began to receive slightly increased salaries. This year, the average salary of ordinary police officers is 30 thousand rubles, and managers receive up to three times more. Employees' earnings consist of pay based on position and length of service. Service length of 5, 10 and 15 years increases payments. In addition, regional payments and other amounts of money paid for special conditions may be added to the salary.

In 2016, salaries will remain at the same level, but given the crisis in the economy and the budget deficit, the police will have to refuse the following payments or significantly reduce them:

  • financial assistance - no more than once a year, otherwise this payment will be cut altogether;
  • compensation for travel to the vacation destination;
  • “thirteenth salary”;
  • amounts for advanced training and training;
  • housing subsidies.

Will there be a salary increase in 2016?

Traditionally, employee salaries are indexed at the rate of inflation. Officially, for 2016 this figure is predicted to be 5.5 percent, however, real inflation could reach 12 percent or even more. Theoretically, in 2016, police salaries will be indexed by 5.5 percent, most likely this will happen in October. But to ensure this increase, reserves will have to be found. For example, almost all training programs will be cut, benefits for police officers will be provided only if they serve in the police for 5 years, etc. There will most likely be no reductions in the police force in 2016, especially considering the current difficult political situation.

Economist. More than 15 years of experience in finance. Date of: September 25, 2018. Reading time 7 min.

In 2018, Russian police officers earn an average of 36,000 rubles. taking into account all allowances. The average salary of an intelligence officer is 18,000 rubles. no surcharges. When serving for a long time, a policeman is entitled monthly bonus in the amount of 5-40% of the salary.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia is considered one of the most important law enforcement agencies. In difficult times, citizens count on the help of the police. But how much do defenders of law and order receive for their difficult work, what is the salary of the police at the present time?

Table 1. Average salary of a police officer

Period Income
Year 432,000 rub.
Month 36,000 rub.
Day RUB 1,183
Hour 49.2 rub.
Minute 0.82 rub.
Second RUB 0.013

Source: proprof

Policeman salary

To find out how much police officers earn, you need to understand the pay structure. The amount received depends on many factors:

  • region;
  • position held;
  • qualifications;
  • length of service;
  • allowances for strenuous activity;
  • working with classified materials;
  • bonuses;
  • various types of financial assistance;
  • 10% bonus for employees of the capital.

IN Lately police benefits are being systematically reduced. They removed the 13th salary, they no longer reimburse the payment for kindergarten and reduced financial assistance. But the state is trying to find an individual approach to everyone. For solving a crime, an operative can receive a 40% bonus to his salary. A regional coefficient of 20% is also awarded to employees in hard-to-reach and northern areas.

But do not forget about the system of fines: for leaving work without an important reason or 4 hours before the end of the working day, an employee will lose his bonus. And unscrupulous police officers will be forced to re-pass certification, and those who could not pass it will be fired.

Salary by region

Regarding the salary of a police officer in the regions, on average in 2017 it was approximately 40,000 rubles.

The highest salary of a police officer in Kamchatka is 73,000 rubles.

Table 2. Salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by region

Source: visasam

Depending on the region and field of activity, the police officer is awarded an allowance for special working conditions. For example, only Moscow criminal investigation officers and riot police officers can expect a 60% increase in salary, while ordinary employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the capital receive only a 25% bonus.

Salary by position

The salary of a police officer also greatly depends on the position held. For example, a dog handler receives 20,000 rubles. without allowances, while the salary of an detective is 18,000 rubles, a patrol officer’s salary is 16,000 rubles, and a duty officer’s salary is 13,000 rubles.

For the title, police officers receive increased pay. In addition, staff receive an additional bonus for length of service. A person who has worked in authorities from 3 to 25 years is paid from 5 to 40% of the salary.

Information about the earnings of government employees:

  1. A military police investigator, excluding allowances, earns 22,000 rubles.
  2. Unit employees transport police on average they earn up to 45,000 rubles, taking into account all allowances. Most big earnings in the North Caucasus region - 65,000 rubles.
  3. The salary of a guard is on average 21,000 rubles. The head of security receives up to 42,000 rubles.

Reference! A convoy is a unit engaged in escorting and protecting valuable cargo or prisoners.

  1. The new unit is mounted police. Many employees think that this profession is imbued with romance. But in fact, this is an ordinary job with an irregular schedule and a salary of 40,000 rubles. plus benefits provided to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Almost all students who graduate from a law school are eager to become criminologists. Now the salary of an ordinary criminologist ranges from 46,000 to 56,000 rubles.

Table 3. Average salary of police officers by rank

Rank/position Average salary per month RUB.
Private 5 800
Sergeant 6 900
Lance Sergeant 7 200
Staff Sergeant 7 800
Sergeant Major 7 900
Ensign 8 300
Senior Warrant Officer 8 400
Ensign 9 600
Senior Lieutenant 10 700
Lieutenant 11 000
Captain 12 000
Major 12 500
Colonel 13 000
Major General 21 200
Lieutenant General 23 800
Senior investigator 25 000
Colonel General 25 500
General 28 500
Deputy Head of department 31 000
Head of department 41 000
Deputy Minister 45 300
Minister 50 000

Source: visasam

Compared to other similar professions, the salary of police officers is not in first place:

  1. Personal bodyguard – 72,500 rubles.
  2. Ministry of Emergency Situations – 58,500 rubles.
  3. Deputy Director for Security – RUB 55,000.
  4. Police officer – 40,000 rubles.
  5. District commissioner – 35,000 rubles.
  6. Police driver – 26,000 rubles.
  7. Military police – 20,000 rubles.

Police internship

An intern in the authorities receives much less than other employees, since he has neither length of service nor any merit. During the internship period, payment depends only on the region - it can range from 9,000 to 16,000 rubles. per month.

Rice. 3. Police internship

An employee's internship usually lasts from 1 to 3 months. During the training, a full-time police officer is assigned to him, who monitors the work of the young employee and gives orders. At the end of the internship, they look at the results of the work done by the future police officer. If he has proven himself, he is appointed probation. At the end of this period, the employee awaits approval from the head of the department. Only after all of the above stages can a trainee consider himself a police officer.

How much did law enforcement officers earn over the past 5 years?

Unfortunately, Russian police officers receive much less than their colleagues in Europe or the USA. But recently laws have been passed on the basis of which police officers are provided with:

  • additional 10 days of vacation;
  • free service housing;
  • free medical care.

The salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been increased twice over the past 5 years - the salaries of law enforcement officers were indexed at the end of 2017 - by 7%, in 2018 - by 5.5%.

Table 4. Salaries of law enforcement officers for 2014-2018.

In 2016, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will undergo a significant reduction in staff - by 110 thousand people, of which 31 thousand will be civil servants. According to the new law, signed in July 2015, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be reduced to 1.003 million employees.

In this regard, a natural question arises: will the remaining police officers’ salaries be increased in 2016? Last news say that the salary of police officers in 2016 will increase by an average of 2-5 thousand.

Police salaries in 2016

Considering that last year the minimum financial supply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs exceeded 15 thousand, in 2016 police officers will receive at least 17 thousand. Average police salary in 2016, latest news which appeared after the implementation of indexation of wages for public sector employees, will change from 15-75 thousand rubles. up to 18-80 thousand.

The simultaneous reduction of staff and an increase in salaries for police officers in 2016, according to the Government’s plans, should significantly improve the quality of work of law enforcement officers.

Police salary increase in 2016

After the 2012 reform, with the renaming of the police, salaries increased 3-4 times, but then the crisis began and the increase in payments froze. As of April of this year, there are no plans to significantly increase police salaries in 2016.

Payments will be increased by approximately 6%, however, due to the crisis and the inflation rate of more than 12%, the actual wages for police officers will not change significantly. However, given the fairly high level of salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2016 most employees are satisfied with this situation.

Indexation of police salaries in 2016

According to expert estimates, due to the crisis, the level of actual inflation in Russia in 2016 will range from 11% to 18%. At the same time, the police salary increase in 2016 will be carried out in strict accordance with government data, which often turns out to be somewhat underestimated. At the beginning of 2016, the figure was announced at 6%.

For this reason, there may be a slight decrease in police salaries in 2016 relative to actual purchasing power. However, these fluctuations will not have a significant impact on the overall level of salaries.

When will police salaries increase in 2016?

In 2015, the last indexation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out in October, and until the end of March it was not known whether police salaries would be increased in 2016. The indexation of salaries for police officers in 2016 took place on April 1. As for most public sector workers, it was 6%.

The next indexation should be expected no earlier than next October, and a significant increase, according to experts, will not occur before 2018. However, on the other hand, given the optimization of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a reduction in police salaries in 2016 is also not planned.

Police salaries in Moscow in 2016

According to Rosstat, salaries of police officers in Moscow vary from 37 to 70 thousand rubles. Similar salaries are offered to military officers. Managers of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, however, earn up to 100 thousand rubles, but no more. In addition, the management team in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as mentioned earlier, will be significantly reduced in 2016.

Police lieutenant salary in 2016

Officer salaries in the regions depend on length of service. A police lieutenant earns an average of 36 thousand after 5 years of work. After 10 years of work, a lieutenant’s salary in 2016 is 41 thousand, and after 15 or more – 42 thousand.

However, in 2016, material payments to officers, including lieutenants, were limited to once a year, and some benefits were cut - 13th salary, payment compensation kindergarten and for travel. For enlisted personnel, these benefits come into force after 5 years of service.

Salary of a local police officer in 2016

The national average for police salaries in 2016 is 30 thousand rubles. At the same time, the salary of a local police officer was significantly increased in 2016, rising from a minimum of 15 thousand in 2015 to 17 thousand rubles.

The salaries of district police officers also significantly depend on the length of service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After 5 years of work, in 2016 district police officers receive average salary about 25 thousand rubles, after 10 - about 28 thousand, and after 15 years of service, the salaries of ordinary personnel reach 30 thousand rubles.

Salaries of civilian police officers in 2016

The question of what salary in the police in 2016 is provided for civilian employees is also relevant. Despite the lack of ranks, and as a result of bonuses, civilian employees in the police have great importance in the functioning of the department.

Therefore, the government decided that in order to compensate for the lack of bonuses, civilian police officers’ salaries would be raised in 2016 to minimum level at 13-15 thousand. These funds will also be indexed according to the general scheme, by no less than 5.5% during the year.

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There is no point in disputing the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a structure that occupies an incredibly important and significant place in any state. Russia is no exception, where at the moment there are more than 500 police officers per hundred thousand people. The work of most of them is associated with significant danger, so it is logical that the salary of police officers should be appropriate.

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How much do you get paid in the police?

Let's try to answer the standard question: how much do the police earn today? In general, the salary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year was quite flexible and ranged from 15,000 to 75,000 rubles, depending on what position the employee occupied. In addition, the salary of police officers depends on factors such as:

  • rank;
  • length of service in law enforcement agencies;
  • region.

Thus, police salaries in Moscow and St. Petersburg were among the highest in the country.

Is a salary increase expected?

Most law enforcement officials, based on the existing economic situation, are interested in the question: will there be a pay cut in the police? What can we say if the well-known decree of the country's president on a significant increase in wages over several years is not always and everywhere implemented today?

At the moment, police officers should not worry, since the government is seriously considering the possibility of indexing salaries for public sector employees. This means that no reduction in payments to police officers is expected.

But there is also no need to be particularly happy, since times today are quite difficult, and indexation, most likely, will not exceed the average inflation rate for the country. Moreover, inflation may turn out to be somewhat higher, and, therefore, the salary of a police officer will not increase much. So, according to experts, the salary increase will be no more than 2 - 5 thousand rubles. This means that the minimum wage in 2016 in Russian law enforcement agencies will be approximately 17,000 - 18,000 rubles.

Will the pay of police officers change?

There should still be an increase in wages in the current years, but, alas, the price for this will be quite high. According to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, serious cuts will be made in the system, so many workers may lose their jobs. Ordinary employees, however, should not worry too much, since, for the most part, the reductions will affect representatives of the management apparatus. The government of the country believes that medical and supply services should be transferred to the state, making it possible to free up the saved funds to pay other employees of the structure.

In any case, most police officers can only expect that the planned salary reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016 will be carried out.

How to calculate the salary of a police officer?

How does the salary calculator work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? In itself, the salary of a police officer consists of two types of salary, calculated depending on the position held and in accordance with the rank assigned to him, as well as additional payments for the length of service in the authorities, working conditions, etc.

Thus, until the salary reform has been carried out, the monthly bonus for length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is:

  • from 2 to 5 years of service - 10%;
  • from 5 to 10 years - 15%;
  • from 10 to 15 years - 20%;
  • from 15 to 20 years - 25%;
  • from 20 to 25 years - 30%;
  • 25 years and above - 40%.

What will be the salary of civilian police officers in 2016?

It is worth noting that the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employs not only employees with titles. Indeed, a sufficient number of civilian employees have always worked here, without whom this department would not be able to function effectively. What will happen to their salaries? The ministry itself is well aware of the importance of having civilian employees in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, therefore the management is taking all possible measures to ensure that the wages of such workers correspond to the level of other employees.

Indeed, payments to civilian police officers in 2016 should not fall below the level of 13,000 - 15,000 rubles. In addition, the option of indexing salaries is also being seriously considered, especially since civilian employees are not accrued the majority of bonuses provided for employees in uniform.

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