Count the number. Counting the number of characters and words

Chercher 28.11.2020
Law and law

SEO analysis of website text is a unique service that has no analogues. The ability to highlight “water”, spam and keys in the text allows you to make text analysis interactive and easy to understand.

SEO text analysis includes:

Character counter, counting the number of characters and words in text online

Using this online service, you can determine the number of words in the text, as well as the number of characters with and without spaces.

Determination of keys and semantic core of text

The ability to find search keys in a text and determine their number is useful both for writing new text and for optimizing an existing one. Location keywords by groups and by frequency will make navigation through the keys convenient and fast. The service will also find morphological variants of keys, which will be highlighted in the text when you click on the desired keyword.

Determining the percentage of water content of a text

This parameter displays the percentage of presence in the text of stop words, phraseological units, as well as verbal expressions, phrases, connecting words that are not significant and do not carry a semantic load. A small amount of “water” in the text is a natural indicator, while:

  • up to 15%- natural content of “water” in the text;
  • from 15% to 30%- excess “water” content in the text;
  • from 30%- high content of “water” in the text.

Determining the percentage of text spam

The percentage of spammed text reflects the number of search keywords in the text. The more keywords in the text, the higher the spam level:

  • up to 30%- absence or natural content of keywords in the text;
  • from 30% to 60%- SEO-optimized text. In most cases, search engines consider this text to be relevant to the keywords that are specified in the text.
  • from 60%- highly optimized or keyword-spammed text.

Search for mixed words or words in different keyboard layouts

This parameter shows the number of words consisting of letters of different alphabets. Often these are Russian letters and in English, for example, the word “table”, where “o” is a letter of the English alphabet. Some copywriters replace some letters in Russian words with English ones in order to fraudulently increase the uniqueness of the text.

Characters- these are any letters, signs, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks and symbols at the end of a text paragraph. Presented on the Internet a large number of various text editors and programs designed to count the number of characters in a given text. Most often, a text editor is used to count characters in text. Microsoft Word, which has already been time-tested and loved by many.

Number of characters in the text.

Number of characters in text can be determined using text editor Word, the user needs to print or copy the finished text in an open, blank editor page.

To type text, you need to place the cursor before the first character of further text. Then, among the tools, find and use “Statistics” in the Word editor. This tool is best suited for carrying out such calculations.

Number of characters per line.

Number of characters per line can be determined using various online services, as well as using the “strlen” function, which allows you to count the number of characters in a string.


  • strlen($str)
  • str — string


If the count is successful, the number of characters is returned, otherwise 0.


Number of characters in the word “Chord”

  • $str = "Hello";
  • echo strlen ($str);

Number of characters in the line “Hello. How are you"

  • $str = "Hello. How are you";
  • $len = strlen ($str);
  • echo $len;
  • // 16

Number of letters in the line “Hello. How are you"

  • $str = "Hello. How are you";
  • $str = str_replace(" ", "", $str);
  • echo strlen ($str);
  • // 14

How to count the number of characters.

  1. The text is typed or copied into the Word 2007 editor;
  2. The cursor is placed before the first character of the text;
  3. Then you need to find the status bar;
  4. By pressing the left mouse button, the “Number of words” option opens (indicated by the number 1 in the figure), after which the “Statistics” window pops up. This window indicates the number of characters (without spaces) - 2.304 and with spaces - 2.651.

For your information. If a text of 2000 characters is required, but is not specified with or without spaces, then by default it means “with spaces”.

If in Word 2007 if there is a status bar, but it does not have the “Number of Words” option, then to count the number of characters you need to do the following. Right-click on an empty space in the status bar. For example, in the area of ​​number 2 in the figure. A window appears called “Status Bar Settings”:

In the window that appears, opposite the “Number of words” option (indicated by the number 2), you must check the box. The count option will then appear in Word's status bar.

For determining the number of characters in Word 2003 You need to open the “Service” function in the top panel of Word by single-clicking the left mouse button.

A window will open in which you should select the “Statistics” sub-item. After clicking on this sub-item once, a small “Statistics” window should appear, in which all the necessary statistical information about the text will be presented.

The figure provides information about number of pages, words, characters(without spaces and with spaces), paragraphs and lines:

Count the number of characters in a piece of text.

Sometimes required count the number of characters not in the entire text, but only in a certain part of it. To do this, you need to select that part of the text in which you need to determine the number of characters. Then use the "Statistics" window to determine the number of characters. That is, counting characters in part of the text is no different from counting characters in the whole text.

Number of characters online.

Number of characters online best considered by various online services. They are also quite quickly capable count the number of characters in text. For example, the service, which is both an article exchange and a service for checking the uniqueness of texts.

In the search engine you need to find the site On the main page, you should insert your text into the form provided. The information field is located in the lower left corner of this form. After clicking on the "Check Text" button, the system will provide all the necessary information.

Online tool for counting any number of characters in a text. Using this tool, you can easily find out how many characters are in the text, how many characters are in the text without a space, how many punctuation marks, spaces and paragraphs. You can also remove duplicate lines (if any), remove stop words, remove HTML tags from the text and trim the text to the required number of characters.

Why count and process characters in text?

This tool will be useful for copywriters, rewriters and SEO specialists. You can trim the text and remove stop words for further publication on the customer’s website. Using the HTML tag removal function, you can copy the source text directly from the site, and then simply remove all HTML tags with one click, leaving you with clean and ready-made text for further processing.

What can the character counting tool do?

Our tool is quite easy to use, but very powerful in functionality. Detailed description See below for all functions.

  1. Count the number of characters (including characters without space)
  2. Counting the number of words in a text
  3. Counting the number of commas and periods in text
  4. Counting the number of special characters (%$#&*+-@, etc.)
  5. Counting the number of digits in text
  6. Counting the number of spaces and paragraphs in text
  7. Supports unlimited characters*
  8. Removing stop words (Russian and English stop words are supported)
  9. Removing duplicate lines (if there are two or more identical lines in the text)
  10. Removing HTML tags from text (, ... ,
    , ... and other HTML tags, including classes and identifiers.)
  11. Trimming text to a certain number of characters (for example, the text has 5000 characters, enter the value 1500 in the special field and click on the trim button, after which the text will have exactly 1500 characters.)

What special characters are counted?

Below are special characters that may be in your text. When they are detected, you will see their number in a special line.


What stop words are on the list?

Our list of stop words contains the following words, phrases, letters, etc.:

Russian safe words:
a, big, would, without, more, was, was, were, was, be, in, you, you, after all, all, here, all, all, all, you, along, instead of, out, down, below, inside, around, always, everyone, say, year, where, yes, for, before, come on, give, even, enough, more, him, her, hers, if, there is, yet, same, know, for, here, and, because of, or, to them, to have, their, from, to, how, which, somehow, who, when, except, whether, or, to me, maybe, my, my, can, we, on, our, not, her, no, but, on, forever, over, must, our, him, her, nor, him, them, well, oh, that, from, one, about, however, he, she, they, it, from, why, very, by, under, after, because, because, almost, with, about, with, your, yourself, say, again, with, that, such, only, that, you, so, also , such, there, those, those, then, that, too, that, only, that, here, you, already, although, y, what, what, something, whose, than, what, so that, whose, whose , whose, this, this, these, this, this, me
English safe words:
about, above, according, across, actually, ad, adj, ae, af, after, i, he, to, of, and, in, is, it, for, that, if, you, this, be, on, with, not, have, are, or, as, from, can, but, by, at, an, will, no, all, la, last, later, latter, lb, lc, least, less, let, let" s, li, was, do, there, my, one, so, sa, same, sb, sc, sd, se, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, seven, seventy, several, sg, sh, she, she" d, she"ll, she"s, was, wasn, wasn"t, we, we"d, we"ll, we"re, we"ve, web, webpage, website, welcome, well, were, weren't, weren"t, wf, what, what"ll, what"s, whatever, when, whence, whenever, where, they, would, any, which, ye, yes, yet, you, you"d, you"ll

The list of stop words is constantly updated. If you want to add any safe words, write to us using the form feedback. We will definitely add new significant stop words to our stop list.

* — the limit on the number of characters inserted and processed at a time is 1,000,000 characters without spaces.

Hello friends! Today I have prepared an article for you on how to count the number of characters in a text. I'll show you how easy it is to do this in a Word document. I’ll also tell you about 3 online services that I use periodically.

Watch the instructions in the video:

Let's start with counting characters in Word.

We select with the mouse the text in which we want to count the characters. At the bottom of the document on the left, click on the “Word Count” tab.

We see the necessary information and even more. :)

Number of words, characters with and without spaces, number of paragraphs and lines.

How to count characters in text online?

When I was a copywriter, I used several services for these purposes, which I’ll tell you about today.

1. SignCounter– a convenient online script for counting characters, words, commas. It also has some interesting additional features:

Convert text to lowercase. That is, if you insert text printed in capital letters (CapsLock), when you select this option and click the “Calculate” button, the script will convert your text to normal.
Removing extra spaces. I sometimes make mistakes with them when I type quickly; in Word it’s not particularly noticeable, but here you can easily clean up the excess.
Counting without HTML and PHP tags, removing these tags.
And a mini SEO analysis - you can select the function “display top 10 keywords,” that is, words that are most often repeated in your text.

The output is the following text analysis (displayed on the side, on the right).

2. Text.rumajor service, with different tools for checking text. The main tool is uniqueness checking. Counting of characters with and without spaces, words occurs immediately when we add text to a special field, without clicking the “Check for uniqueness” button.

Along with the uniqueness check, we get a check for spelling errors, extra spaces, as well as SEO analysis.

In SEO analysis I want to highlight 2 useful parameters – water and spam.

The Water parameter – displays the percentage of stop words, various phrases, and phrases that do not carry a semantic load in the text. Up to 15% is the permissible water content in the text.

The Spam parameter – reflects the indicator of text overload with keywords. If the percentage is high from 60, then the text is considered to be over-spammed with keywords and unnatural in the eyes of search engines.

This data is available for free, without registering for the service. Registration speeds up the verification process and removes the limitation on the number of texts checked.

3. is another online tool for counting characters in text, with some additional features.

Paste the text into the provided field and click “Calculate + Analysis”. We receive information about the number of characters with and without spaces, the number of words, as well as a list of keywords most often used in the text.

By clicking on the “More” tab, we will open additional options: convert to upper/lower case, capital letters, translit.

The service will count the number of words and characters in the text, and at the same time conduct a SEO analysis of your article. For example, it will show the % of water in the text - the ratio of non-meaningful stop words, phrases, speech patterns to their total number. The higher this indicator, the more useless the search robot considers the article and lowers it in the search results.

Separately, it will display these stop words and their number so that you can reduce them in the text.

Also, the Serphant character counting service shows the semantic core of the article - the number and percentage of keywords and phrases that are most often mentioned in the text and make it clear what it is about. Based on these indicators, you can adjust the semantic core of the text to specific key queries for which you want to promote your article in the search results.

For this analysis you do not need to register on the service. Everything is fast and simple.

So, we looked at several tools for counting characters in text, which will be useful in the work of a blogger and web writer. Use them when needed.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

There are many different programs on the World Wide Web for counting the number of characters in a given text. These can be either small programs specially developed for this purpose or various text editors.

The most popular way to determine the number of characters in a text for many users has been and remains the time-tested text editor Microsoft Word.

Determining the number of characters for whole text

You need to place the cursor at the beginning of the text, more precisely, before the first character of the text. Then you should find and use the “Statistics” tool in the Word editor, which is ideally suited for such calculations.

Looking for Statistics inWord 2007

1) Place the text in the Word 2007 editor.

2) Place the cursor at the beginning of the text.

3) Find the bottom line in the Word editor, which is called the status bar (number 2 in Fig. 1):

4) Click on the “Number of words” option (number 1 in Fig. 1), after which the “Statistics” window appears. Here we see that the number of characters (without spaces) is 2.304, and with spaces – 2.651.

By the way, if someone tells you that you need, for example, 2000 characters, without specifying whether with or without spaces, then this means “with spaces.”

All this is good. But what if there is a status bar in Word 2007, but there is no “Number of words” option in it?

In this case, click on an empty space in the status bar with RMB (right mouse button), for example, in the place where the number 2 is in Fig. 1. The “Status Bar Settings” window will appear (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Check for a checkmark next to the “Number of words” option in the Word status bar.

Here you should check the box next to the “Number of words” option (number 2 in Fig. 2). After which it will automatically appear in the status bar of Word.

Statistics in Word 2010

Everything here coincides exactly with what is written above about Word 2007.

Looking for Statistics in Word 2003

With the left mouse button, you need to single-click on the “Service” function located in the top panel of Word (Fig. 3).

In the window that opens, select the “statistics” sub-item, after a single click on which a small “Statistics” window appears in the center of the Word text editor with all the necessary statistical information about the text. The number of pages, words, characters (without spaces and with spaces), paragraphs and lines is determined:

Counting characters in a piece of text

Often there is a need to calculate the number of characters for a specific part of the text. This is not difficult to do in Word:

1) you just need to select the required part of the text to count the number of characters and

2) find the “Statistics” window (that is, perform the same manipulations as described above for the whole text).

What is a sign reader?

There are so-called “character counters” on the Internet – services designed to count the number of characters in online text. Online services are convenient because you do not need to install any programs on your computer.

Online services operate on the principle of “here and now”, “take and use”, as they say, “without leaving the cash register”, more precisely, without leaving the Internet. While on the Internet, it is enough to open such an online service and use its services.

To find such services, just enter the query “sign readers” in a search engine (Yandex, Google, etc.) and click on one of the first links that will be offered by the search engine.

In Fig. 4 shows an example of a Sign Counter.

Rice. 4 Count the number of characters in the text online using the Sign Counter.

2) Copy this text to the clipboard, for example, using Ctrl+C.

3) Open the Sign Reader.

4) Paste the text from the clipboard, for example, using the hot keys Ctrl+V.

6) A window will appear with the results of counting the number of characters (number 2 in Fig. 4).

Accurate counting of characters is necessary, for example, for freelancers whose copywriters are paid precisely for “volume”, that is, for a certain number of characters with or without spaces in the written text. It may also be useful for those users who need to place a certain number of characters in any service, no more than a certain number, for example, no more than 140 or 255 characters.

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