Help for beginning farmers. Subsidies for farmers as a prospect for the development of agricultural business

Documentation 23.12.2019

Requirements for receiving grants

It should be noted right away that not everyone can receive help from the state - for this it is necessary to meet a number of criteria established by the conditions for participation in the Beginning Farmer program. Conditions for providing a grant to a beginning farmer the following:

  • specialized agricultural education or work experience in agriculture for at least 3 years - if you are just planning to start farming, have not previously worked in this field and do not have the appropriate education, you will not be able to take part in the grant program;
  • head position production association(farm or peasant farm, cooperative, etc.), which was registered no more than 2 years before submitting the application - thus, only beginning agricultural producers and newly created farms are stimulated;
  • Russian citizenship and working age - foreigners cannot apply for grants, as well as people who have not reached working age or are retired.
  • The applicant has not previously received similar grants as part of another farm.

Some regions may have additional requirements, such as mandatory registration locality where the activity will be carried out, lack of experience entrepreneurial activity in other areas in the last 3 years, etc. Get more detailed information You can find out about the requirements on the websites of the relevant regional departments.

In addition, there are conditions that must be guaranteed by the applicant after receiving the grant:

  • creation of at least three new jobs in a cooperative or farm (excluding the head), and only the permanent employment of employees is taken into account, seasonal work are not considered such employment;
  • spending the grant funds in the first year after receipt - all funds received must be spent (and exclusively on the needs of the economy and its development) within 12 (in some cases - 18) months from the date of allocation by the state;
  • the enterprise must carry out its core activities for at least 5 years from the date of receipt of the grant. If the legal entity is re-profiled within this period or ceases activities, the grant will be considered wasted.

If these conditions are not met, the state has the right to demand the funds back, as well as impose additional sanctions on the recipient of assistance.

List of documents for a beginning farmer to receive a grant

In order to take part in the Beginning Farmer program, you will need to prepare a number of documents, namely:

  • application in the form of a completed standard form;
  • business plan - main document to receive a grant. It describes all future activities of the enterprise, including the profile of work, the expected volume of products received and its cost, income and expenses by year, time frames for reaching break-even and self-sufficiency, etc. The business plan must be sufficiently detailed, realistic and take into account at least 3 (and preferably 5) years;
  • expenditure plan – this describes for what purposes the grant funds and other funds raised by the farm (for example, loans, investments, etc.) will be spent. The acquired assets (agricultural machinery, seed, fertilizers, chemical agents, livestock, etc.), quantity, cost, as well as sources of financing for each asset are listed;
  • document on specialized education (diploma) or an extract from the work book indicating at least 3 years of experience in agriculture;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on registration legal entity– a farm, confirming that the farm was created no earlier than 24 months before the application;
  • an extract from the bank where the legal entity's accounts are serviced, confirming the availability of funds in the amount of at least 10% of the grant amount ( standard size grant - from 1 to 3 million rubles);
  • a certificate of existing assets in the enterprise - equipment, livestock, arable land, buildings, product processing workshops, etc.;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN.

If at the time of filing the application the enterprise already has hired workers, is operating, and is provided additional documents– certificate of number of employees, volume of products produced, etc. These documents, although not required, can improve your chances of receiving a grant.

The procedure for providing grants to beginning farmers

Grants are provided on a competitive basis. A special commission, which is created under the regional department in charge of agriculture, analyzes applications and determines the most worthy applicants. The procedure for providing grants to beginning farmers next:

Submitting a package of documents for consideration by the commission

All papers listed above are submitted along with the completed application to the commission. It is necessary to monitor application deadlines as they are not fixed and may vary from region to region.

Signing a grant agreement

Those applicants who were selected by the commission must sign an agreement. It indicates the amount of financial assistance, the purposes for which it should be spent (based on the documents provided by the applicant), the format for reporting the funds spent, the expected results, and the conditions for repaying the grant.

Reporting for funds received

After the period of use, the grant recipient must account for its use, taking into account the conditions imposed (intended use, job creation, etc.).

The procedure for obtaining a grant looks quite simple, but due to the large number of applications, not every beginning farmer can receive the desired assistance. To increase your chances, it is recommended to follow these recommendations:

  • pay special attention to the preparation of documentation - the commission is not familiar with you and your business, it will rely only on the documents provided and make a decision based on them;
  • do not use dubious sources of income in documents, do not indicate false or unrealistic indicators - most likely, the fraud will be exposed, and the applicant will never be able to apply for grants again. Similar sanctions also await those who intend to use allocated funds for inappropriate spending;
  • take care of legal support – a large number of necessary documents, knowledge of all procedures is required legal assistance. Participation in preparation for the competition by an experienced specialist in the field significantly increases the chances of winning a grant.

If you meet all the requirements and follow these recommendations, you can safely count on help for a novice farmer.


The state program “Beginning Farmer” allows new agricultural producers to receive funds for development. But to receive a grant, you need to meet a number of conditions, prepare a thorough package of documents and pass a selection committee. When preparing for the competition, the assistance of a specialized lawyer will be important.

Turns out great attention. The Moscow region has been assigned one of the key places in the implementation of the import substitution program in the country's food market, primarily in terms of providing high-quality food products to the entire Moscow region, including the metropolitan metropolis. And the role of farming in this process cannot be overestimated. Today's publication on our website for entrepreneurs describes how beginning farmers are supported in the Moscow region by providing them with grant assistance.

This year, in the region, from farmers who have recently started their agricultural activities, applications for participation in the competition for the provision of subsidies as grants started taking it in the second ten days of May. In the third ten days of June, your projects before competition commission 34 applicants for financial support defended, and at the end of June 31 peasant (farm) enterprises became winners of the regional competition.

More than half of the winners were livestock farmers (19), incl. 7 specializing in meat and dairy production, 8 dairy cattle breeders, 4 goat breeders (3 of them working in dairy goat breeding). Grants 6 beginning beekeepers, 2 poultry farmers, 2 vegetable growers, as well as 1 farmer engaged in fruit crops, and 1 fish farmer. More than a third of the winners of the competitive selection (11 farmers) are representatives of the fair half of humanity, so farm work in modern conditions- this is also a woman’s business.

Allowed to participate in the competition were: aspiring entrepreneurs, who registered a peasant (farm) enterprise in the Moscow region (as SMEs in status microenterprises), which have been operating for no more than two years and have no debts on taxes, insurance contributions, etc.

They had to work in “agricultural fields” for at least 3 years (for example, in a personal subsidiary plot), and also have funds to pay at least 10% of all expected costs. In addition, the grant recipient was obliged to use the funds received under the grant for targeted expenses within one and a half years after they were received in his current account, and also to create at least one new workplace(if the grant amount was equal to or exceeded two million rubles, then create one new job for every million rubles received), which will be maintained for five years - the minimum mandatory period for the operation of the peasant farm after the grant is provided to the farmer.

In addition to applications for participation in the competition and promising business plans for the creation and development of their farms, beginning farmers prepared and submitted a number of documents to the competition commission:

Are grants worth such “candles” and efforts in order to be included in the competitive selection? In any case, having spent time preparing documents, the winners of the competition received quite large sums in the form of grants: 3 million rubles each for beginning livestock farmers specializing in breeding large cattle(regardless of the direction - dairy or meat), and 1.5 million rubles - farms operating in other areas. A total amount grants distributed to beginning farmers in 2018 amounted to 67.5 million rubles. By the way, as it turned out, the majority of enterprising “young” farmers are in Kolomna: almost a fifth of the winners of the 2018 competition (6 people) represent this urban district.

We wish the beginning farmers who received grants this year success in their business and the implementation of their plans. And for those who have recently become a farmer or are planning to try themselves in this field in the near future, receive a grant for their own business in 2019. Go for it, and luck will be on your side!

On what financial assistance Can a beginning farmer expect anything from the state? Creating your own profitable Agriculture- a difficult and costly matter. At the same time, the production of quality food products is necessary for the functioning of the domestic economy. For this reason, the state encourages farmers with grants and subsidies. We'll tell you how to get them below.

Why does the government subsidize farmers?

In connection with the current situation in the economy in recent years, namely the imposition of sanctions and a ban on the import of agricultural products from some countries, the issues of the development of domestic agriculture have become very relevant.

Moreover, in Soviet time private farms were prohibited - all production was concentrated on collective farms.

During the difficult post-Soviet period, private farms have just begun to take shape and their main problems are lack of funds and lack of infrastructure. Government grants are paid to overcome these difficulties.

Currently, almost half of all Russian agricultural products are produced by small farms. This circumstance, of course, is noted by the regulatory authorities and they are gradually increasing the amount of assistance, while simultaneously simplifying the procedures for receiving them (although not as quickly as farmers would like). The government assistance program for small farms has been operating since 2012.

and at present there are no prerequisites for its completion - only for expansion.

Assistance to beginning farmers in the form of grants is almost always targeted.

Types of government support: for what purposes are grants provided? As a rule, receiving a grant is possible:

  1. To solve large-scale and infrastructural problems - the construction of access roads to the farm territory, the provision of communications (water, electricity, heating, Internet), the construction of capital buildings or their repair, the purchase of plots for new land.
  2. To purchase new technology and equipment, as well as repayment of rental and leasing payments. The acquisition also falls into this category. Vehicle, including freight.
  3. To compensate for funds spent on capital construction.
  4. For the purchase of breeding animals, as well as raw materials, grains, fertilizers.
  5. To create a farm from scratch.
  6. To return interest paid on a loan for farm development.

Who is entitled to receive assistance from the state?

Both existing farms and any young farmer who meets a number of conditions can count on government subsidies. You need to be prepared for the fact that the allocation of financial resources will involve paperwork and close interaction with various authorities.

In addition to grants and subsidies, you can get a loan for agricultural development under a state program with low interest rates. Many people offer such loans government loans

. Their term is usually limited to five years, and banks use agricultural equipment, part of land or crops as collateral.

Amount of agricultural grants and subsidies As noted above, all grants and subsidies issued for agricultural development are targeted

. The volume of funds paid is also related to this circumstance. You can get up to 3 million rubles for creating a farm from scratch or for its large-scale re-equipment, for creating infrastructure or purchasing animals (seeds, fertilizers).

If it is necessary to purchase or improve housing, repair it, as well as pay off mortgage interest, connect to networks, or purchase transport, the amount of assistance from the state will be limited to a maximum of 250 thousand rubles.

The state will pay the subsidy to the farmer only if the package of documents is completely correct.

What are the requirements for subsidy recipients?

  1. Now let's talk in more detail about how to get subsidies for agriculture. To receive financial assistance from the state, a farmer must meet a number of requirements, namely:
  2. Positive recommendations from local and regional authorities.
  3. Own capital for the development of the farm in an amount of at least 10% of the requested amount.
  4. Professionally written business plan with realistic forecasts
    and grades.
  5. An established system for selling products in the form of concluded contracts with wholesale buyers.
  6. Do not participate in programs state support previously.

Also, when applying for a grant, a significant role will be played by the correctness of the package of documents (see its composition below), the absence of tax debts and strategic importance for a particular region. The beginning farmer must be officially registered, for example, as an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm (peasant farm) and work in this capacity for at least 6 months at the time of applying for a subsidy.

What is required to apply for a grant: a package of documents

What does a beginning farmer need to receive a grant? The state will pay the subsidy to the farmer only if the package of documents is completely correct. Let us immediately note that you will need quite a lot of documents, and the regulatory authorities will check them extremely carefully. In addition, in some regions the list may be supplemented at the discretion of local authorities. The main list includes:

  1. Documents confirming identity and professional qualifications - passport, certificate (diploma) of education, employment history, certificate of registration with the tax service.
  2. All available documents for the farm - extracts from Rosreestr on ownership of the land plot, capital construction projects, registration certificate land plot as agricultural land (if available).
  3. Documents characterizing the project and confirming the requested amount - a business plan and design and estimate documentation.
  4. Bank statement confirming the availability of at least 10% of the requested funds.

Business plan requirements

Obtaining a government grant is impossible without a well-written business plan. This document must contain:

  • the goals that the farmer sets for himself (should be formulated not in general terms like “promote the development of the domestic economy,” but specifically, for example, “produce at least 10 tons of milk per year”);
  • calculations and justification of expenses (in accordance with current market prices);
  • justification of the need for construction, connection to communications or purchase of breeding animals;
  • long-term prospects and goals (for six months, a year, and so on).

A business plan must be written by a professional, therefore, if a novice farmer does not have enough experience in this area, you need to turn to specialists and consult on problematic issues. This will help avoid errors in forecasts and calculations.

Target use of the grant - the farmer's obligations after receiving assistance

If the regional competition commission makes a positive decision to issue a grant, it is important for the farmer to remember that its spending can only be targeted. Responsibility is provided for improper use of funds.

  1. Spend money on intended purpose required within 1 year from the date of enrollment.
  2. Own funds in the amount of 10% must also be used for expenses.
  3. For every 500 thousand rubles of subsidy, 1 job will have to be created.
  4. All purchased equipment, as well as land and erected buildings can only be used for economic purposes.
  5. The farmer must reside at the location of the farm and work there for at least 5 years after receiving the funds.

If a farmer decides to seek help from the state and receive a development grant own farm, It will be useful to consider the following recommendations:

  1. Before submitting an application and collecting documents, make sure that you fully comply with the conditions of the competition.
  2. When preparing documents and certificates, remember that they all have an expiration date, so order and receive them in a timely manner (so that they are not out of date by the day of the competition).
  3. Remember that each region may have its own requirements and rules for conducting competitions.
  4. Provide additional documents as required by the commission, in full and on time.

It is important for the farmer to remember that the grant can only be used for targeted purposes.

Positive and negative opinions about government subsidies

In general, the opportunity to receive a grant for the development of their own farm seems to be a very valuable opportunity for farmers, as it allows them to purchase necessary funds production, compensate part of the costs or take the farm to a new level

Over several years of the system's existence government grants There has been considerable experience and differing opinions regarding this procedure. And if with positive aspects This process is becoming more or less clear, what causes dissatisfaction among applicants for subsidies?

First of all, this is a very impressive list of documents, which most farmers have absolutely no time to collect. Competitive procedures are usually delayed, while in order to obtain a stable profit, the farm must function uninterruptedly.

There is also a lot of criticism regarding the use of the concept “beginner farmer” and the simultaneous requirement of higher agricultural education and 10 years of work experience. It turns out that a very significant part of manufacturers are completely excluded from subsidies and work only on their own.

It is very difficult to judge whether these problems will be resolved in the near future. On the one side, the state is trying to simplify the issuance of subsidies from year to year, on the other hand, no significant concessions to length of service and education have been made to date.


It is quite possible to receive a grant or subsidy for the development of your own farm up to 3 million rubles, this Government program has been in effect for several years. At the same time, applicants for financial assistance need to be prepared to prepare an impressive number of documents and the lengthy nature of the entire procedure as a whole.

Hello! Today we’ll talk about subsidies and grants for agriculture in 2019.

In connection with the sanctions rhetoric against our state, serious measures are being taken that are aimed at developing and improving the level of agriculture. This year the state plans to allocate an even larger amount of funds for this industry.

Types of grants for agriculture

Grant programs allow farmers and owners to reach a new level of development and build a farm that will be economically successful.

Now let’s look at what kind of grants there are:

  • Grants allocated for communications at agricultural enterprises, for construction various objects in agriculture;
  • Subsidizing measures to modernize the economy;
  • Subsidizing for repayment of payments on;
  • Partial compensation of funds spent on construction works for the construction of production facilities;
  • Grants for the purchase of farm animals;
  • Compensation for funds spent on fertilizers.

In general, there are 2 options for providing support to the agricultural sector. Grants that the government provides to beginning farmers and family farmers.

A beginning farmer who meets certain criteria, which will be discussed below, can apply for such a grant.

Criteria for professional assessment

  1. The professionalism of a farmer who applies for an agricultural development grant. This criterion is met by: farmers with higher education(preferably specialized) who have recommendations from local authorities;
  2. The presence of a well-written document, in which: formulated goals for the future, ways to achieve them, resources used, the end result.
  3. Availability ;
  4. Availability of objects to achieve the set goals;
  5. Plans for the sale of finished products.

The final criterion for evaluation is the following: how significant the proposed project is for society.

Taking into account all the above criteria, the commission selects the most worthy participant in the competition.

Requirements for applicants

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • The position of the head of a peasant farm, and has been in force for less than 2 years;
  • With at least 3 years of experience in the agricultural sector;
  • The applicant did not receive state previous support;
  • The applicant must live in the area where his peasant farm is located.

Procedure for receiving a grant

To bring all the ideas of a novice farmer to life, in any case, a certain amount of Money, you can’t go anywhere without them. The only problem is that not everyone has these tools, and not everyone knows. It is in such cases that the state is ready to provide assistance in the form of a grant for the development of farming.

Grant - type financial assistance, which does not need to be returned, but the person who received it must provide reporting for the funds spent.

To receive this help, you need to complete several tasks. Therefore, we will dwell on some of the subtleties and nuances of the procedure for obtaining support from the state.

First of all, it is worth considering that the proposed project should be of interest to the members expert commission. This needs to be reviewed before submitting your application.

You cannot spend the money received as a grant at your discretion: you will need to account for it.

Now let's look at what documents are needed to successfully submit an application:

  • Completed application form;
  • Photocopy of an identity document;
  • Photocopy of diploma;
  • Business plan;
  • Correctly completed application form;
  • Recommendations;
  • Consent for the processing of personal data;
  • Copies of the Charter;
  • A certificate confirming that the applicant is indeed a small business.

If the commission requires a number of other documents, they will need to be provided.

The entire grant amount is not given out in full; the transfer occurs in installments.

If a farmer receives a grant for agricultural development, he will also need to pay taxes after receiving each tranche. Another important point: if the purpose of receiving funds is any equipment, then it will be provided to the entrepreneur, and not financial resources for purchase.

Regarding grants for creating a farm, it is worth saying that they can be obtained not only from Russian investors, but also from foreign ones. Therefore, before submitting an application, you should clarify who exactly the investor is, since their requirements differ significantly from each other.

Having studied these requirements in advance, you can adjust your business plan in accordance with their requests. For example, the targeted use of funds received is especially important for investors from other countries, while domestic sponsors are more interested in the number of potential jobs that will be created if the project is implemented.

If we talk about receiving a grant for the development of peasant farmers and farms, here preference goes to those individuals who are ready not only to ask for money from the state, but also to contribute their own funds to the development of the business.

Other types of support

In addition to the grant, young farmers can also take advantage of one-time government assistance. The decision to issue it is also made by a commission of experts, and it can be spent on repairs or the purchase of housing, the purchase of furniture, office equipment, Internet, various communications, etc.

Conclusion of an agreement and transfer of funds

After the farmer is recognized as the winner in the competition for the distribution of funds, an agreement is concluded between him and the Ministry of Finance, on the basis of which the grant is awarded. Funds will be credited within 5 days from the date of signing the agreement.

The agreement includes the following items:

  • The amount of funds that will be allocated;
  • Purpose of allocation of funds;
  • Commitment to carry out agricultural activities for 5 years after the grant was issued;
  • Agreed reporting deadlines;
  • The level of responsibility of the parties to the contract for violation of its clauses;
  • The procedure for returning funds not used for the implementation of the project.

Financial resources are transferred from the personal account of the Ministry to an account that is opened in the name of the recipient of the money. The transfer period is usually specified in a previously concluded agreement.

The maximum grant amount that can be allocated to one person is 1,500,000 rubles, and the one-time support provided is 250,000 rubles.

How to get a grant from private investors

A beginning farmer can apply for a grant not only from the state, but also from a private foundation. Typically, such funds provide funding to the grantee in stages. If the first amounts are disbursed successfully and the reporting for their use does not contain violations, the next part of the funds is paid.

An important point when approaching private investors is that small projects are unlikely to interest them. But if you think globally and can justify your plans, it is quite possible that they will be interested in you and provide the necessary financial support.

Taking as a basis the experience of people who have already participated in the competition for grants, we can give several practical recommendations for those who are just planning to try to receive government support.

  1. Each region has its own specific aspects of the competition. This needs to be taken into account and such information clarified in advance in order to be fully prepared;
  2. You need to register with the Federal Tax Service only after a detailed study of all documents about the competition. Otherwise, there is a risk of not being allowed to see him.
  3. Take into account the validity periods of all certificates so that you do not have to collect them again;
  4. Take your business plan seriously. The commission studies this document especially carefully;
  5. Study all the conditions for granting a grant in your region of residence;
  6. Strictly adhere to deadlines for submitting reporting documents.

Responsibility for misuse of a grant

If during the proceedings it is proven that the recipient of the grant did not plan to use it for its intended purpose, but only received and appropriated these funds, or did not report for them within the established time frame, this act may be qualified under the article “Fraud.”

Also, such an offense may be qualified under the article “Misuse of budget funds", which already entails criminal liability.

What would you like to say to conclude today's conversation? If a farmer receives a grant, many people benefit: residents of a particular area will buy products from a local manufacturer, the farmer will receive a profit, and therefore the opportunity to expand his business.

What is the benefit of the state? The fewer imported agricultural products are sold in our country, the less external influence will be exerted on it. But this story is from a different area.

The state is making every effort to help the development of the Russian agricultural industry. For this purpose, new programs, subsidies and benefits are being developed. Today we will look at what support for farms is in 2017.

Who is covered by government support?

State support is applicable for both beginners and experienced farmers. This article will cover the basic state aid. Each region takes its own additional measures to develop the agricultural sector. It’s simply impossible to list everything, so it’s worth checking with your local agriculture committee about regional subsidies and other assistance.

You should find out about regional subsidies and other assistance from the local agriculture committee or the regional administration.

The government has formed a unified program for 2013-2020, called: “State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food.” It provides for targeted grants, competitions, necessary consulting, and provision of subsidies.

A set of measures that peasant and farm enterprises can count on at the stage of formation:

  • Subsidizing interest on loans.
  • Grants for organizing the life of young farmers.
  • Grants for opening a peasant farm.
  • Partial subsidization of the initial leasing payment.
  • Development of livestock farming.

Let's look at programs that are aimed at supporting young farmers.


Grants issued can be used for the purchase of land, provision of ready-made infrastructure facilities, as well as for the development and construction of new agricultural projects.

A beginning farmer can do it once. Each of those who receive it must mandatory provide a complete report on the expenditure of funds. The report form changes annually; it can be found on the Ministry of Agriculture website.

Competitions are held annually in the regions at which decisions on the distribution of grants are made. Those interested submit applications in the form established by the competition commission. Grant sizes and the number of winners vary from year to year, depending on funding limits.

Interest subsidies on investment loans

Investment lending can be used exclusively for the purpose of developing an agricultural business: purchasing equipment, livestock, and necessary equipment.

The size of loans for young farmers reaches 5 million rubles. for a period of up to 15 years with the right grace period up to 5 years. Peasant farms that wish to receive state support must submit an appropriate application for participation. The lucky winners, as in the previous case, are determined through competitive selection based on funding limits.

The winners of the competition, if necessary, apply to specialized guarantee funds or to a regional collateral center to receive a guarantee and support from them. After the bank makes a decision to issue a loan, an appeal should be made to the agro-industrial complex authorities, which are responsible for subsidizing interest payments on the loan.

Grants for organizing the life of young farmers

The goal is to provide one-time financial support to farmers for organizing their daily life. With the allocated money, a program participant can purchase housing and furniture for it. True, it is not stipulated that a person will formalize the purchase of a secondary home. The event is aimed at purchasing a new building or individual construction.

The timing of the competition and the amount of funding are determined separately in each region. You can track up-to-date information on the relevant website government agencies, working with small and medium-sized businesses in the field of agriculture.

You should monitor current information on the website of relevant government agencies working with small and medium-sized businesses in the field of agriculture.

Partial subsidization of the down payment on leasing

The purpose of the event is to ensure accessibility for agriculture. It is permissible to purchase not only machinery, but also equipment and animals for the purpose of conducting agricultural activities.


In order to develop peasant farms involved in the livestock industry, the state undertakes to cover up to 60% of the costs of reconstruction or construction of farms and factories. The rest is financed by the farmer himself. It is acceptable that he can repay 30% of the remaining 40 through loans. After the competition, the winners must submit a comprehensive report on the expenses of the money awarded.

For farmers who are already operating, support programs are also provided that will help expand operating business. This includes assistance in providing guarantees and guarantees when obtaining targeted loans for development, partial reimbursement of purchase costs working equipment, land, livestock and equipment.

In addition, the state program to help peasant farms implies tax benefits. In particular, it was introduced new system taxation - Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT), which was designed to simplify the activities of farms related to the payment of taxes. It is a replacement for other taxes, such as property tax, VAT (except for the cases prescribed in Article 174.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), etc.

As mentioned earlier, the conditions and procedure for providing grants depend on the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Current information in your region you can get it at local authorities APK.

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