Regulations on the technical department of the design organization.

Opening  27.01.2020
LLC "Miru-Mir"




1. General provisions.
1.1. The technical department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.
1.2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.3. The department reports directly to the technical director.
1.4. Department management:
1.4.1. The technical department is headed by a chief appointed to the position by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.4.2 The head of the technical department has ____ deputy(s).
1.4.3 The responsibilities of the deputy(s) are determined (distributed) by the head of the technical department.
1.4.4. Deputy(s) and heads of structural divisions within the technical department, other employees of the department are appointed to positions and dismissed from positions by order of the director of the enterprise upon proposal technical director and in agreement with the head of the technical department.
2. Structure of the technical department
2.1. The composition and staffing of the technical department is approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities upon the recommendation of the head of the technical department and in agreement with the personnel department.
2.2. The head of the technical department distributes responsibilities among department employees and approves their job descriptions.

3. Tasks and functions of the department

High-quality and timely resolution of technical issues and tasks of the enterprise management. Technical equipment enterprises.
Ensuring the effectiveness of design solutions. Development and production of technical drawings.
Analysis of the need for new tools and equipment.
Economic justification need for refurbishment.
Placing orders for new equipment with third parties.
Organization of equipment acceptance.
Control over equipment supplies.
Technical control for construction, installation and mechanical and electrical work.
Carrying out preparatory work for equipment installation.
Installation and commissioning of equipment.
Coordination of equipment placement.
Calculation of consumption rates for materials used in the enterprise as consumables.
Coordination technological conditions for designed products for the needs of the enterprise with other divisions of the enterprise.
3.2 Park maintenance technical equipment enterprises are in working order. Carrying out measures to save energy, as well as to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment.
Timely connection and disconnection of equipment from the electrical network.
Monitoring compliance with technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection and safety.
Systematization, reception, accounting, classification and registration of incoming technical information.
Identifying the enterprise's needs for technical information.
Coordination technical documentation with the technological services of the enterprise.
Organization of consultations on solving certain technical issues.
Participation in the general planning of the enterprise.
Concluding agreements with design organizations and contractors for the development of design estimates and construction of facilities.
Control over construction, installation of equipment, compliance with safety regulations and other rules of conduct construction work.
3.3 Ensuring small-scale production of simple structures and spare parts for the needs of the enterprise Organization warehousing in accordance with the requirements of labor organization, safety regulations, sanitation, fire safety.
Warehousing, storage and accounting of equipment.11. Distribution of equipment according to requests from structural divisions of the enterprise.
Planning and carrying out maintenance and repair work.
Determining the need for preventive maintenance.
Development of department modernization plans.
Development of standards for repair work.
Control over the consumption and use of electricity.

4. Regulatory documents.

4.1.External documents:
Legislative and regulatory acts.
4.2.Internal documents:
Civil Code Standards, Enterprise Charter, Division Regulations, Job Descriptions, Internal Rules labor regulations

5. Interaction of the department with other departments.

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for in these regulations, the technical department interacts:
No. Division Receipt Provision
5.1 C technical departments enterprises - requests for repair and installation of equipment;
- information on compliance with the prescribed rules for operating the equipment;
- explanations of the causes of breakdowns;
- ... - reports on repairs and adjustments of equipment;
- rules and instructions for operating the equipment;
- notices of changes made to the technology of equipment operation;
5.2 With the labor protection department - information about the regulations and standards of labor protection legislation;
- conclusions on the compliance of the technical department’s work methodology with labor protection legislation and safety requirements;
- ... - information on compliance with labor protection legislation;
- applications for conclusions on the compliance of the technical department’s work methods with labor protection legislation and safety requirements;
5.3 With the department of organization and remuneration - consultations on labor legislation;
- approved staffing table; - draft staffing table;
5.4 With the economic planning department - instructions on saving money;
- ratings economic efficiency department work;
- plans installation work;
- plans for carrying out preventive work;
- plans for repair work;
- information necessary for economic analysis department activities;
- other materials at the request of the economic planning department;
5.5 With the general accounting department - acts for write-off, sale of equipment and tools;
- allocation data Money department;
- analysis of the rate of expenditure of funds; - ... - list of written-off equipment and tools;
- list of unused equipment for sale;
- acts of repair of equipment and tools;
applications for payment for ordered equipment and tools.
6. Rights of the technical department.
6.1. The technical department has the right:
6.1.1. Provide instructions for operating equipment.
6.1.2. Make decisions on changes to equipment operation technology.
6.1.3. Require from heads of structural divisions:
- compliance with the prescribed operating standards for equipment;
- timely provision of information about equipment breakdowns;
6.1.4. Carry out forced repairs (stop the operation of the equipment) in case of violation of the rules for operating the equipment.
6.1.5. Assign individual structural divisions enterprises carrying out work on maintenance equipment.
6.2. The head of the technical department also has the right to:
6.2.1. Submit proposals to the management of the enterprise on rewarding distinguished employees and on imposing penalties on employees who violate production and labor discipline.
7. Responsibility of the technical training department Vehicle.
7.1. The head of the technical department is responsible for the quality and timeliness of performance of department functions.
7.2. The head of the technical department is personally responsible for:
7.2.1. Compliance current legislation in the process of managing the department.
7.2.2. Compilation, approval and presentation of reliable information about the activities of the department.
7.2.3. Timely and high-quality execution of instructions from management.
7.3. The responsibility of technical department employees is established job descriptions.
8. Final provisions.
8.1. If any point in the provision is identified as inconsistent with the real state of affairs in the technical department, the department head, employee or other person must contact
(personnel service, personnel department, expert commission on regulations and job descriptions, etc.)
with an application for amendments and additions to the regulations. (The application form is presented in Appendix 1).
8.2. The proposal submitted is considered by the department specified in clause 8.1. of this provision within one month from the date of filing the application.
Based on the results of the review, a decision is made:
- accept the change or addition,
- send for revision (indicating the deadline for revision and the performer),
- refuse to accept the proposal made (in this case, the applicant is sent a reasoned refusal to in writing)
8.3. Amendments and additions to the regulations are approved
(Deputy General Director, general director etc.)
upon presentation
(HR manager, head of HR department, manager expert commission according to Regulations and job descriptions, etc.)

The production and technical department ensures the continuous operation of all necessary structures in production. The special provision includes the main activities, tasks and goals of this unit.

The technical control department deals with the purpose and basic activities of the organization. This is an independent structural unit subordinate to the manager or the person replacing him. All work at the enterprise is managed in this structure.

The main activities of VET take place in accordance with the law, secured by regulatory and legal acts. Also, one of the main criteria for managing this department is materials on management methods. The production and technical department deals with organizational and routine documents, which is enshrined in the current regulations of each enterprise.

According to the order signed by the head of the organization, which must comply with current legislation Russian Federation, supervisors and other employees are appointed to certain positions or, by the same order, they are released from their positions in the production department, the functions of which are always under the control of the VET administration. All documentation on this issue is included in the main list.

The technical control department carries out its work in accordance with long-term and current planning for certain period and combines agreed upon measures when solving official issues, discusses them collectively, bears personal responsibility for the timely execution by employees of their functional responsibilities and controls the process of fulfilling instructions given by the head of the department.

There are special job descriptions that are approved by the head of each organization. They regulate the requirements for qualifications, duties and functions, and the rights of employees of the enterprise.

The VET must be headed by a supervisor. The person appointed to this position must have higher education(professional). It can be technical, engineering or engineering-economic. Work experience in operational management in specific positions is also required - managerial or engineering. The minimum required experience must be at least 5 years.

The boss undergoes preliminary testing in the production department. The functions of its work are as follows. The boss must bear personal responsibility for the timely and high-quality solution of the tasks assigned to him, and with a certain sense of duty manage the work of all VET structures.

The production and technical department is headed by a manager who performs management functions, which includes the creation of planning, the correct organization of production work, control over the performance of employees of their functional duties, decision-making and their execution. personally monitors the distribution of assignments for employees of his department, and also invites the head of the enterprise to make changes to the work if it is necessary to adjust the instructions during execution job responsibilities workers.

At a time when the chief is absent for any reason, the deputy performs his functions in In other cases, by order of the head of the enterprise, any other responsible employee who has the right to sign documents within his competence may be appointed to the place of the chief in the production and technical department his position. VET, structure and current position must be approved by the head of the enterprise.

I. General provisions

1.1 Technical department Non-profit partnership builders "Dalmontazhstroy" (hereinafter - the technical department) is a structural subdivision of the Non-profit partnership of builders "Dalmontazhstroy" (hereinafter - the Partnership).

1.2. The scope of activities of the technical department includes:

coordinating the activities of the Partnership;

organization of work on issuing certificates of admission to work that affect the safety of capital construction projects;

organization of advanced training for engineering and technical workers of Partnership members;

organizing training and certification of members of the Partnership certification commissions;

organization of liability insurance for organizations;

organization of certification of quality management system works;

organization of work on planning and reporting to the executive directorate.

1.3. The technical department in its activities is guided by: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation”, Federal Law from 01.01.01 “On amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts”, by orders of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the list of types of work for engineering surveys, for the preparation of design documentation, for construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects, which affect the safety of capital construction projects” construction", Regulations on the Non-Commercial Partnership of Builders "Dalmontazhstroy", orders, instructions and instructions of the Partnership, as well as these Regulations and other newly introduced regulatory legal acts.

1.4. The Technical Department carries out its activities directly, and in established cases - in interaction with other structural divisions of the Partnership, as well as with subordinate organizations (members of the Partnership).

1.5. Full official name of the department:

Technical department of the Non-Profit Partnership of Builders "Dalmontazhstroy".

Location of the department and postal address: Vladivostok, st. Red Banner 111 a

II. Functions of the Technical Department

2. The technical department carries out, in the area of ​​activity provided for it, in the prescribed manner, the following functions:

2.1. analyzes the practice of applying legislative acts of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development, Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision and provides proposals to the Partnership Board for improving the activities of the Partnership;

2.2. summarizes and analyzes the activities of the Partnership and prepares proposals for improving regulation and special licensing functions;

2.3. participates in the development of regulatory legal, regulatory, technical and methodological documents in the field of activity within the competence of the department;

2.4. prepares proposals for draft work plans of the Partnership and ensures, as far as the technical department is concerned, the implementation of the activities provided for in these plans;

2.5. plans its work and reports in the manner prescribed by the relevant governing documents Partnerships;

2.6. prepares materials related to the field of activity of the technical department for draft reports to supervisory authorities;

2.7. organizes the preparation of analytical and reporting materials on issues within the competence of the technical department;

2.8. summarizes and analyzes reporting information on the state of the Partnership’s activities;

2.9. develops documents related to the field of activity of the technical department that regulate the activities of the Partnership’s divisions, including:

· regulations on the organization of advanced training and certification of engineering and technical workers;

· regulations on the organization and implementation of control in the field of liability insurance of organizations;

· regulations on the organization and implementation of work on issuing certificates of admission to work that affect the safety of capital construction projects;

· regulations on planning and reporting of the department.

2.10. develops job descriptions for department employees related to the field of activity of the technical department;

2.11. coordinates the issuance of certificates of admission to work in the Partnership system;

2.12. in accordance with the established procedure, ensures accounting of applications and documents submitted to the Partnership for obtaining certificates of admission to work, organizes verification of documents, provides organizational and technical support for the registration and issuance of certificates of admission to work, maintains a register of permits issued by the Partnership;

2.13. ensures the provision of information from the register of issued certificates of admission to work to the executive directorate;

2.14. controls the correct fulfillment by insurance organizations that have the right to insure the liability of organizations of the conditions established by the insurance contract;

2.15. summarizes information on the results of the work of the commission for the certification of managers and specialists of organizations on issues within the competence of the Partnership;

2.16. controls the timeliness of carrying out liability insurance for organizations;

2.17. organizes and analyzes the work on certification of the quality management system of the Partnership members;

2.18. informs the public about its activities on issues within the competence of the Partnership;

2.19. is information materials heads of administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local government bodies on issues within the competence of the technical department;

2.20. carries out recording, storage, use and transfer in the prescribed manner to the archive of documents;

2.21. provides in due course professional retraining and advanced training of department specialists;

2.22. ensures the protection of confidential information.

III. Rights of the Technical Department in carrying out its tasks and functions

3. The technical department in the field of activity provided for it, within its competence and in accordance with the established procedure, has the right:

3.1. request and receive information necessary for the technical department to perform its functions;

3.2. give legal and individuals clarifications on issues related to the scope of activities of the technical department;

3.3. exercise control over the activities of structural divisions (departments) of the Partnership regarding issues within the competence of the technical department;

3.4. ensure preparation of purchase applications regulatory documents, technical literature and necessary equipment.

IV. Organization of activities of the Technical Department.

4.1. The technical department is created, reorganized and liquidated by decision of the Partnership Board.

4.2. The numerical composition of the department (staffing table) is approved by the Partnership Board as part of the structure and staffing table of the Partnership.

4.3. The rights and responsibilities of department employees are determined by job descriptions approved by the Executive Director.

4.4. Direct coordination and control of the activities of the technical department is carried out by the Chairman of the Partnership Board.

4.5. Executive Director makes proposals to the meeting of the Partnership Board regarding the establishment (change) of official salaries for employees of the technical department.

4.6. The technical department is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the Executive Director.

4.7. The head of the technical department is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the powers assigned to the department.

4.8. Head of Technical Department:

5.7. spend money economically and correctly, as well as ensure that the property is maintained in good condition; received to carry out the activities of the department,

5.8. exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory, legal and organizational and administrative documents of the Partnership.

Developed by:

Head of Technical Department

I. General provisions

1. The technical department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.
2. The technical department is created and liquidated by order of the director of the enterprise.
3. The technical department is headed by a chief appointed to the position by order of the director of the enterprise.
4. Employees of the technical department are appointed to positions and dismissed from positions by order of the director of the enterprise upon the proposal of the head of the department.
5. In its activities, the technical department is guided by:
5.1. Charter of the enterprise.
5.2. This provision.
5.3. ...
6. ...

II. Structure

1. The staffing level of the technical department is approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities upon the recommendation of the head of the department and in agreement with ____________________ (HR department; department of organization and remuneration)
2. The technical department consists of various specialists depending on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise.
3. The distribution of responsibilities between employees of the technical department is made by the head of the department.
4. ...

III. Tasks

1. High-quality and timely resolution of technical issues and tasks of the enterprise management.
2. Maintaining the enterprise’s technical equipment fleet in working condition.
3. Ensuring small-scale production of simple structures and spare parts for the needs of the enterprise.
4. ...

IV. Functions

1. Technical equipment of the enterprise.
2. Ensuring the effectiveness of design solutions.
3. Development and production of technical drawings.
4. Analysis of the need for new tools and equipment.
5. Economic justification for the need for re-equipment.
6. Placing orders for new equipment with third parties.
7. Organization of equipment acceptance.
8. Control over equipment supplies.
9. Organization of warehouse facilities in accordance with the requirements of labor organization, safety regulations, sanitation, fire safety.
10. Warehousing, storage and accounting of equipment.
11. Distribution of equipment according to requests from structural divisions of the enterprise.
12. Technical control of construction, installation and mechanical and electrical installation work.
13. Carrying out preparatory work for installation of equipment.
14. Installation and commissioning of equipment.
15. Coordination of equipment placement.
16. Calculation of consumption rates for materials used in the enterprise as consumables.
17. Coordination of technological conditions for designed products for the needs of the enterprise with other divisions of the enterprise.
18. Planning and carrying out maintenance and repair work.
19. Determination of the need for preventive maintenance.
20. Development of department modernization plans.
21. Development of standards for repair work.
22. Control over the consumption and use of electricity.
23. Carrying out measures to save energy, as well as to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment.
24. Timely connection and disconnection of equipment from the electrical network.
25. Monitoring compliance with technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection and safety.
26. Systematization, reception, accounting, classification and registration of incoming technical information.
27. Identifying the enterprise’s needs for technical information.
28. Coordination of technical documentation with the technological services of the enterprise.
30. Organization of consultations to resolve certain technical issues.
31. Participation in the general planning of the enterprise.
32. Conclusion of contracts with design organizations and contractors for the development of design estimates and construction of facilities.
33. Control over construction, installation of equipment, compliance with safety regulations and other rules for conducting construction work.
34. ...

V. Rights

1. The technical department has the right:
1.1. Provide instructions for operating equipment.
1.2. Make decisions on changes to equipment operation technology.
1.3. Require from heads of structural divisions:
- compliance with the prescribed operating standards for equipment;
- timely provision of information about equipment breakdowns;
- ...
1.4. Carry out forced repairs (stop the operation of the equipment) in case of violation of the rules for operating the equipment.
1.5. Entrust individual structural divisions of the enterprise with carrying out equipment maintenance work.
1.6. ...
2. The head of the technical department also has the right:
2.1. Submit proposals to the management of the enterprise on rewarding distinguished employees and on imposing penalties on employees who violate production and labor discipline.
2.2. ...
3. ...

VI. Relationships (service connections)

To perform functions and exercise rights, the technical department interacts:
1. With the technical departments of the enterprise on the following issues:
1.1. Receipts:
- requests for repair and installation of equipment;
- information on compliance with the prescribed rules for operating the equipment;
- explanations of the causes of breakdowns;
- ...
1.2. Providing:
- reports on repairs and adjustments of equipment;
- rules and instructions for operating the equipment;
- notices of changes made to the technology of equipment operation;
- ...
2. With the labor protection department on issues:
2.1. Receipts:
- information on regulations and standards of labor protection legislation;
- conclusions on the compliance of the technical department’s work methodology with labor protection legislation and safety requirements;
- ...
2.2. Providing:
- information on compliance with labor protection legislation;
- applications for conclusions on the compliance of the technical department’s work methods with labor protection legislation and safety requirements;
- ...
3. With the department of organization and remuneration on issues:
3.1. Receipts:
- consultations on labor legislation;
- approved staffing table;
- ...
3.2. Providing:
- draft staffing table;
- ...
4. With the economic planning department on issues:
4.1. Receipts:
- instructions for saving money;
- assessments of the economic efficiency of the department;
- ...
4.2. Providing:
- plans for installation work;
- plans for carrying out preventive work;
- plans for repair work;
- information necessary for the economic analysis of the department’s activities;
- other materials at the request of the economic planning department;
- ...
5. With the main accounting department on issues:
5.1. Receipts:
- acts for write-off, sale of equipment and tools;
- data on the allocation of funds to the department;
- analysis of the rate of expenditure of funds;
- ...
5.2. Providing:
- list of decommissioned equipment and tools;
- list of unused equipment for sale;
- acts of repair of equipment and tools;
- requests for payment for ordered equipment and tools;
- ...

6.1. Receipts:
- ...
- ...
6.2. Providing:
- ...
- ...

VII. Responsibility

1. The head of the technical department is responsible for the quality and timeliness of performance of department functions.
2. The head of the technical department is personally responsible for:
2.1. Compliance with current legislation in the process of managing the department.
2.2. Compilation, approval and presentation of reliable information about the activities of the department.
2.3. Timely and high-quality execution of instructions from management.
2.4. ...
2.5. ...
3. The responsibility of technical department employees is established by job descriptions.

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