Name list of persons subject to periodic medical examination. Sample list of employees' names for medical examination

Litigation 30.03.2020

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws oblige employers to carry out both preliminary (upon conclusion employment contract), as well as subsequent medical examinations of employees.

For example, persons under the age of 18, as well as persons hired to work with harmful or dangerous conditions labor, as well as for work related to traffic (Article 69, Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Since failure to conduct mandatory medical examinations threatens the employer with administrative liability, proper control over the timeliness and completeness of medical examinations of employees is extremely important. One of the tools for such control is the compilation of a list of employees by name for undergoing a medical examination, a sample of which will be provided in our consultation.

List of employees for medical examination: sample

The need to prepare name lists of employees subject to periodic medical examinations, provided for by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n. It is provided that such lists include workers who (clause 19 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n):

  • or are exposed to harmful production factors specified in the List (Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of April 12, 2011 No. 302n);
  • or perform the work provided for in the List of Works (Appendix No. 2 to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n).

The lists of names indicate (clause 22 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n):

  • last name, first name, patronymic, profession (position) of the employee subject to periodic medical examination;
  • name of harmful production factor or type of work;
  • Name structural unit employer (if any).

Name lists are compiled and approved by the employer and no later than 2 months before the start date agreed with the medical organization periodic inspection sent by the employer to the specified medical organization (

Periodic medical examinations are mandatory for employees of some enterprises. In everyday life, such examinations are often called medical examinations or medical examinations. The list of employees subject to mandatory medical examinations is drawn up in a special document - a list. Which employees should be included in it, how to formalize it correctly and where to send it?

Legislative framework

The purpose of mandatory periodic medical examinations in accordance with Art. 213 TC are:

  1. Determining the suitability of workers to perform labor responsibilities and to prevent occupational diseases. These goals of professional examinations are established for employees whose work is associated with dangerous or harmful working conditions.
  2. Protecting public health is important for employees of organizations whose activities are related to the population.

The procedure for carrying out medical examinations is regulated Federal law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ and Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n. The Order establishes a list of professions that are subject to periodic medical examinations, and harmful production factors, in the presence of which medical examinations are mandatory. It also states:

  • frequency of passage and order of their implementation;
  • a list of medical specialists who must be examined as part of the medical examination;
  • a list of laboratory and other tests as part of the medical examination;
  • scroll medical contraindications for a given type of profession or for those working in specific conditions harmful factors.

It should be taken into account that medical examinations of employees specified in Order No. 302n are carried out at the expense of the employer’s own funds in accordance with Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. During the period an employee undergoes a mandatory medical examination, he retains his average earnings in accordance with Art. 185 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step algorithm for organizing and conducting a medical examination

The procedure for organizing mandatory periodic medical examinations is standard and includes the following steps:

  1. An official of the organization (usually a personnel officer) prepares a list of contingents subject to periodic medical examinations.
  2. The organization enters into an agreement with a licensed medical institution to undergo mandatory medical examinations.
  3. The personnel officer (or occupational safety specialist) draws up a list of persons subject to periodic medical examinations in mandatory.
  4. The medical institution develops a calendar plan for conducting medical examinations and coordinates it with the employing organization.
  5. The employer introduces employees to calendar plan undergoing medical examination. Most often, this happens by issuing an order to send for medical examination, indicating the deadline for its completion.
  6. Each employee on the list receives a referral for examination.
  7. Each employee, within the period established in the Order, submits to the employer the result of a medical examination and the final report on the results of the medical examination received at the medical institution.

An important step is preparing lists

Let us consider in more detail the employer’s actions in relation to the first step of the procedure, namely, how, in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 302n, a contingent of employees who are subject to periodic medical examinations is formed.

The contingent list must include:

  1. Name of the profession (position) of the employee listed in Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 302n.
  2. Name of the harmful production factor, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 302n. Harmful factors can be established in accordance with clause 20 of the Order on the basis of:
  • results of certification or special assessment of workplaces based on working conditions;
  • laboratory studies and tests obtained as part of control and surveillance activities, production laboratory control;
  • operational, technological and other documentation for machines, mechanisms, equipment, raw materials and materials used by the employer in carrying out production activities.

The legislation does not establish a unified form for the list of persons for medical examination. We offer you a sample of people subject to periodic medical examinations.

The list of contingents approved by the head is sent to local branch Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor) (clause 21 of Order 302n).

The first step in organizing the procedure for mandatory periodic medical examinations is very important. If the employer has not determined the contingent of persons subject to periodic medical examination, and the lists were not provided to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities, the organization may be held liable under Art. 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. This fact is confirmed by judicial practice(in case No. A60-47002/2013).

The procedure for conducting periodic or preliminary medical examinations for certain categories of employees is clearly regulated at the legislative level. Along with other forms, a list of employees by name for a medical examination under order 302n, a sample is given below, refers to the list mandatory documents provided to Rospotrebnadzor. Drawing up the form is the responsibility of the enterprise, and the correctness of filling out the information guarantees the efficiency and accuracy of the results of the event.

When drawing up the document, the following must be taken into account:

  • Employees engaged in work according to the List from Appendix No. 2 in accordance with Order 302n.
  • Employees working in harmful conditions labor.

Important! The basis for the fact that working conditions are considered difficult/harmful are the results of the WSA (workplace certification). From January 1 In 2014, the certification procedure was replaced by SOUT (special assessment of working conditions). Additionally, the results of various tests and laboratory studies, equipment documentation, etc. are used.

Basic requirements for compiling a list for a medical examination according to order 302n

The document is developed by the organization independently, filled out based on the list of contingents and printed in 3 copies, which are submitted to Rospotrebnadzor for approval. Then 1 form is transferred to the medical institution (2 months before the start of the examination), 1 remains with the employer. 1 rented in territorial body Rospotrebnadzor along with a covering letter and a list of contingents. An example of a sample list for a medical examination under order 302n. It is recommended to attach covering letter also in 2 copies and when submitting documentation to a medical organization.

The clinic is assigned the obligation to develop a calendar plan for medical examination (within 10 days from the date of receipt of the list of names). Specific terms and nuances of the procedure are agreed upon with a representative of the enterprise. In turn, the employer, no later than 10 days before the start of the inspection, is obliged to notify employees of the upcoming event against signature. There is a form for this called a familiarization sheet. An internal order of the enterprise for a medical examination is preliminarily drawn up, indicating the timing of completion, the employees involved and attaching a plan for carrying out the procedure. Based on the order and the familiarization sheet, the necessary information is brought to the attention of workers.

Mandatory details of the name list:

  • Full name of employees, profession or position according to staffing table.
  • Gender and date of birth.
  • Name of the department/site/shop.
  • Name of the structural unit.
  • Name of hazardous/harmful factors of production indicating item number in accordance with 302n.
  • Frequency of inspections according to 302n.
  • Work experience at the specified position in this organization.
  • Date of the last medical examination of the health care facility/center.

When generating information, personal data is required for employees according to the list of individuals. persons to participate in a medical examination. The header of the document must contain the date, the “I approve” field for approval by the employer and the name of the Rospotrebnadzor department. At the end, the total number of employees subject to inspection, including women, is indicated. The form is signed by an official of the enterprise with a transcript of the surname.


| Author Flaaim

Today there will be a short note on how to compile a list of employees who are subject to a preliminary (periodic) medical examination.

The procedure for compiling a list of names

This list of workers was compiled before the start of a medical examination based on the developed contingent of workers subject to medical examination. This is a requirement of Order No. 302n, clause 22

Name lists of employees must be compiled 2 months before the start of the medical examination, approved by the director, sent and agreed upon with the medical organization.

Please note that the list of employees includes only those employees who must complete it this year.

No.SubdivisionFULL NAME.Year of birthProfessionHarmful production factorItem No. according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n Item No.
1. Gordienko Vladimir Nikolaevich 1964 Drilling rig operatorAerosols of predominantly fibrogenic and mixed type of action including: Crystalline silicon dioxide (a-quartz, a-cristobalite, a-tridymite)Appendix No. 1 clause
Industrial noise in workplaces with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions where there is technological equipment, which is a source of noiseAppendix No. 1 clause 3.5.
Reduced air temperature in production premises and in open areasAppendix No. 1 clause 3.8.

Reference materials on labor protection

Explanations for filling out the name list

  • Item number – indicates the item in order
  • Division – indicate the structural division in which the employee is registered
  • Last name First name Patronymic – respectively Last name First name Patronymic
  • Year of birth – year of birth of the employee
  • Profession - here, too, everything is clear position or profession
  • Harmful production factor - we indicate the harmful production factor that affects the employee as determined by the results of the SOUT. You can take the data from the contingent or look at the SOUT
  • Item No. according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n Item No. - here we indicate the item number according to the order corresponding to this harmful factor. Taken from Appendix 1 or 2.

Organizing medical examinations is the responsibility of the employer. But before sending employees for a medical examination, management must approve the list of professions that are subject to periodic medical examinations.

Basic provisions

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 N 302n approved:

  • the procedure for conducting medical examinations;
  • a list of works that require medical examinations;
  • a list of dangerous and (or) harmful factors at work, the presence of which requires medical examinations.

Mandatory medical examinations of employees must be organized at the expense of the employer. Such surveys do not concern all workers, but only a certain category.

Who should undergo examinations?

It is mandatory to undergo a medical examination:

  • workers working in hazardous or harmful conditions, in underground work, and in cases where their work is associated with traffic;
  • workers of waterworks, childcare facilities, medical organizations, companies in the field of Catering, trade and food industry.

List of professions

There is no single official list that would indicate all professions whose workers are subject to mandatory medical examinations. Each employer must approve such a list, based on what professions and positions are available in his company and what working conditions are organized in this company. When compiling such a list, you must be guided by the lists of hazardous factors and work indicated above. It does not matter what the profession is called. If the work is related to the work that is indicated in the list, or is performed in dangerous or harmful conditions, this profession (position) must be included in the list.

The form of such a list (list) has not been approved, so a document is drawn up in free form.

The list must include the following:

1) professions (positions) according to the staffing table, which involve working with harmful production factors, specified in List No. 302n;

2) harmful production factors. The presence or absence of these factors is determined by carrying out special assessment working conditions.

After approval of this list, the employer sends it within 10 days to the territorial body of the federal executive body, whose powers include the implementation of federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance at its actual location.

Organization of inspection

First of all, the employer draws up a list of employees who must undergo medical examinations.

Such lists must include:

  • last name, first name, patronymic, profession (position);
  • name of the type of work or harmful production factor;
  • name of the structural unit (if any).

Next, the employer selects a medical organization that will conduct examinations and agrees on the date for their conduct. 2 months before this date, the employer sends to the medical organization a prepared list of people who will undergo a medical examination.

The medical organization, in turn, having received the list of names, draws up a calendar plan. This plan is agreed upon with the employer and approved by the parties.

Before sending your employee to medical examination, the employer must give him a direction and familiarize him with the calendar plan.

On the day specified in the plan, the employee must come to the medical organization with all necessary documents. A medical card and health passport are issued for this employee. After which he is allowed directly to examinations and examinations (laboratory and functional studies).

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