Poor internet reception yota lte 4g. Iota catches badly: no network - what to do

Banks 25.05.2020

Surely, most users had problems with the Internet. Today, an increasing number of computer owners complain that Yota refuses to work for them. What are the reasons for this? What to do in the situation that has arisen? This will be discussed in the article.


Before thinking about why Yota does not work, you need to familiarize yourself with this provider. He originated on Russian market relatively recently, but already now it attracts the attention of most consumers. This company provides computers and phones with wireless internet. It is Yota that claims to be able to provide its own customers with 4G communications. It is no secret to anyone that it is fast and of high quality. Surely, this is the reason for the wide popularity of Yota products. But after some time of operation, buyers are disappointed in the connection. Often routers and modems do not work for Yota. It is worth understanding why this is happening.

Network problems

It is likely that a normal network failure has occurred. Such cases are far from uncommon, they are often found in almost all Internet providers, as well as mobile operators. From such cases, no one is immune. When there is a suspicion that the Yota modem is not working precisely for this reason, it is advisable to report the problem to the support service and find out why this happened. Next, it remains to wait. After a while, the reason for the failure will be eliminated, and the connection will be restored.

Bad weather

If you have noticed that Yota is not working, it may be worth looking out the window to see the weather. If weather conditions are bad, most ISPs suffer damage to transmission lines. Thus, the Internet connection is lost. In such a situation, nothing can be done. It remains only to be patient and wait for the weather to improve. When this happens, the Internet will appear. It is worth noting that you can call the provider to find out about the events taking place at the station. Thus, it will become clear what the reason is, whether there is a user’s fault that can be eliminated on their own, or whether it will be necessary to wait for the connection to be restored. Although, there are no obvious reasons why the Yota modem does not work, other than those listed above.


Very often, users complain that Yota does not work, but the equipment is working properly, the weather is good, there are also no accidents or failures on the line. What is the reason? Perhaps the user forgot to pay for Internet access services, so the phone is blocked. It should be noted that these are quite common cases. And, not only with Yota. After the payment is made, the connection will be restored. If the Internet still does not work, it should be borne in mind that the negative balance on the phone does not make it possible to go online. Thus, it is necessary to replenish the balance to a positive one. After that, the problem will be fixed.

No signal

In addition, if the question arose why Yota does not work, you need to check the signal level. Perhaps it simply does not exist or it is very weak. This interferes with the normal operation of a mobile phone or computer. It must be remembered that Yota is a new operator with a poorly developed system of stations. Of course, there will be Internet near them, but at remote points its work will be slow or it will be completely absent. Thus, one should not be surprised that there is no Yota signal in the forest or basement. Such situations are found in almost all providers, as well as mobile operators. You should resume trying to connect to the Internet when a suitable place is selected for this. If everything is fine, then this is the problem. If the failures persist, it is worth looking for the cause elsewhere.

Equipment breakdown

If there is no Internet connection, it is necessary to check the integrity of the equipment intended for connection. It is also worth making sure that all the wires are working. Often, it is these failures that are the reason that there is no Internet connection. Although, no one is immune from equipment failure. In this case, it is necessary to take it for repair when the first suspicions arise. The service center specialists will quickly clarify the situation. As practice shows, Yota antennas break very often. If you do not follow the rules for using the equipment, it quickly fails.

Drivers for Yota

If the Internet does not want to work, in some cases the reasons are outdated drivers on the computer. Surely, there is no need to talk about what to do in such a case. The user will need to install the latest drivers. You need to remember about the drivers designed for the network card. You will also need to reinstall the Yota program on your computer. As you know, it also finds and loads the necessary drivers during installation. As a result, they will be updated. Then you can restart your computer and look at the result. According to the subscribers themselves, such a step makes it possible to eliminate many problems associated with the Internet connection. So, there is nothing complicated about this. A fairly common process that every user faces sooner or later.


After all the steps described above are performed correctly, Yota usually starts working. What if it didn't happen? Often, in this case, ordinary viruses act as an obstacle to connecting to the Internet. What to do in such a case? There are several solutions for this. You can show the computer and the Yota router to specialists so that they can repair them, having previously performed diagnostics and established the cause of the failure. True, you will have to pay for such a service, so this option is not suitable for everyone. In general, users prefer to “treat” themselves operating system. To do this, it is enough to scan your computer with an antivirus, and then disinfect potentially dangerous objects. Processes that cannot be cured should be removed. After that, you should clean the registry. For this, the CCleaner program will come to the rescue. At the end, you need to restart your computer. In addition, it is recommended to reinstall the program with drivers from Yota. After that, you need to check your Internet connection.

General impressions

Thus, it became clear why Yota does not work. Although, despite them, subscribers argue that the main point to be taken into account is the unscrupulous work of the Internet provider. In other words, the connection is not of the best quality. Thus, there is a need to regularly face internet connection problems. To avoid this, you can simply not connect to Yota. This is the only way to ensure that there will be no problems with the Internet connection from this provider. But still, the last word remains with the user. Perhaps Yota will be able to improve the quality, provide new transmission lines, and then all problems will disappear.

As soon as the user acquires a SIM card from a new operator, it is quite natural that he immediately installs it in a slot specially designated for this. mobile phone. However, sometimes this is accompanied by the emergence of certain difficulties - for example, yota does not see the sim card, what to do? Will any additional manipulations be required? Our article will tell you about some features of activating a SIM card in the operator's network.

What to do and how to activate the Yota SIM card so that the device sees it

Immediately after we have purchased a SIM card, it should be installed. Note that its activation is always carried out automatically. After the owner places it in a special slot of the mobile device, he should launch the operator's proprietary application. It is this program that should automatically start the activation process. No further action is required at this stage.

After the SIM card is recognized and activated, you can proceed to choosing the best suitable tariff. We select the connection conditions in the corresponding window, after which we proceed to configure MMS and the Internet.

A few words about setting up mobile Internet. Its correct operation is possible only if the access point (internet.yota) is correctly registered in the cellular network settings. The specific sequence of actions will depend on which operating system we are using.

Well, if yota does not see the SIM card, what should I do? Let's try to understand this problem.

What to do if the phone does not see the Yota SIM card

Why might not work?

Yota Internet settings are sent to the smartphone automatically when the SIM card is activated. Unfortunately, the message may end up in spam and the settings must be entered manually. Less common are other reasons:

The SIM card is physically damaged;

The Yota SIM card is inserted into the second slot. If the smartphone has two cards, then Yota must be placed in the first slot;

There is no 3G/4G network coverage where data transmission is not guaranteed. To avoid the last problem, before purchasing a SIM card, be sure to familiarize yourself with the coverage map on the official website of the operator.

How to setup?

Setting up a Yota access point takes no more than a minute:

1. For the iPhone, perform the following actions: go to the settings menu, then "Cellular". Here we select "Cellular data network" and indicate the APN data "internet.yota", do not fill in other fields.

2. Yota settings for android: in the settings menu, select "Mobile networks". We find "APN access points", select "Create access point", specify:

Name - yota;

APN - internet.yota

APN type - default, supl;

The username and password are not filled in.

Important! Some phones may show a roaming icon - R. This problem most often occurs on older devices. How to set up Yota on Android with old firmware? You need to enable data roaming in your phone settings.

What else should you know?

Internet Yota for a smartphone does not work if the package of minutes and the Internet is not connected. You can activate the service package by using the smartphone or by contacting the operator cellular communication to chat. The problem with the Internet can also occur with a low signal. If less than half of the divisions are displayed, then you need to try to move. If you are indoors, for example, you should come closer to the window, as walls can negatively affect the quality of data transmission. Some delays in the Internet may occur after the call. This is due to the phone switching from 2G / 3G to the LTE network. The signal delay is up to 30 seconds. If the expectation exceeds this figure, you need to contact the contact center.

Users of the mobile Internet from Yota complained in social networks about problems with the provider. According to several reports, there was no connection for more than an hour. The Yota press service confirmed to TJ that there were problems, explaining them by an accident in Moscow.

At the same time, users reported problems with all types of connections at once - both using routers and on mobile devices through the Yota operator.

The Yota press service told TJ that the problems were caused by an accident and promised to compensate for network downtime.

There was a small accident on the network in Moscow. Already completely eliminated. All compensation for the time of the absence of the Internet will be made in the near future.

Yota press office

At about 23:55 Moscow time, that is, about an hour and a half after the shutdown, the Yota Internet started working again, one of the subscribers told TJ.

In 2014, the Internet provider Yota became a mobile operator: the announcement on April 23, and the issuance of SIM cards in August. The company is a subsidiary of MegaFon and uses its cellular capacity, while high-speed LTE connection is provided by Yota itself.

Updated January 28 at 17:18: One of the Yota subscribers found out from the representatives of the operator that for an hour of downtime in the Internet, he is entitled to compensation in the amount of 41 kopecks. In a conversation with him, a Yota support employee asked him to fill out an official application for compensation on paper and send it by mail or a scan. The decision on the adjustment was promised to be made in two weeks.

Yota explained to TJ that for this specific accident, a different settlement procedure will be used.

Too many of us use WiMAX and LTE networks to access the Internet. The provider company Yota deservedly occupies a worthy place in this segment of wireless services. Of course, it's very simple and convenient - I plugged the modem into my computer, and with coverage, I got high-speed unlimited Internet. But quite often there are problems associated with weak signal and slow internet connection. What can an ordinary user do in such an unpleasant situation?

Currently, the Yota provider transmits data in two frequency bands 1800 and 2600 MHz, which theoretically should allow any subscriber within a radius of up to seven kilometers from base station confidently receive the signal. But in practice, ultra-high frequency radio waves, especially in dense urban areas, have a bad property of being reflected from obstacles, attenuated and scattered. The signal strength drops, and the speed of the Internet connection decreases accordingly. Let's try to strengthen the necessary parameters together. Methods for improving Iota signal reception can be divided into two groups: shareware and requiring significant financial investments.

Method 1: Change the USB port

Very often, users connect the Iota modem to the USB ports on the front panel of the computer system unit, motivating their actions by the fact that it is closer and more convenient. But according to experts, this is not recommended. These ports are connected to the motherboard with thin wires and there is a slight loss of signal strength from the modem at this stage. So switch the whistle to the USB port on the back of the case and you might notice a slight improvement in connection performance.

Method 2: USB extension cable

You can use a simple USB extension cable as an antenna. Any cable of this type up to 5 meters long is suitable, preferably with copper contacts and ferrite rings.

Method 3: Homemade Antennas

Using improvised means, you can make a homemade antenna to amplify the Yota signal. The simplest option is the so-called "colander 4G". There are kitchen utensils in every house, we take an aluminum colander, place a modem inside its bowl so that the upper part of the “whistle” is in the central part of the dish, parallel to the bottom. According to the craftsmen, the signal amplification using this product can be double the value.

Another homemade antenna from improvised materials can be built from an ordinary can of drinks. We cut out the lid on one side, make a hole in the middle of the can, into which we place the Iota modem connected by a USB extension cable to the computer. We are looking for the position with the best signal on the window or on the balcony. The gain of this antenna can be very noticeable.

A good signal amplification effect Yota can give a slightly redone satellite antenna, where instead of the converter you need to fix the modem. Then we find out the location of the base station. To do this, we call the Iota support service and ask the operator to help direct the antenna correctly.

The scope for technical creativity is limitless here. On the Internet you will find hundreds of options for manufacturing an antenna for receiving a Yota signal. If desired, you can check the performance and effectiveness of the proposed structures.

Method 4: Signal amplification equipment

Russian and foreign manufacturers offer the consumer a wide range of various equipment for amplifying the 4G signal. You can simply purchase and install an internal or external antenna, with active or passive amplifier. But ensure that the investment financial resources in such devices will be successful, unfortunately, impossible. Each individual point in the area has its own purely individual conditions for the propagation of radio waves, the degree of workload of base stations, the level of interference, and so on. If there is a direct line of sight to the BS emitter, then it is wiser to try a narrowly directed antenna. She looks like in the photo.
If there are serious obstacles between the tower and the modem, it is more advisable to try a panel-type antenna, which is effective in conditions of reflected and scattered signals. Externally, the panel antenna looks like a small flat box.

Summarize. It is quite possible to amplify the received Yota signal. You can use improvised means and special equipment for this. You can choose the method that suits your conditions and opportunities. Good luck!

In 2017, the cellular operator Yota radically changed all its tariff plans, completely abandoning tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet for smartphones. After the introduction of new tariffs, users noticed that the cost of all operator services has increased significantly, but their quality has significantly decreased. Not so long ago, the editors of the site wrote that, and most of the reviews are negative.

After analyzing the reviews of the Yota application in the Google Play store for the Android platform, it turned out that there are approximately 2-3 bad reviews for approximately one good review. Nevertheless, the rating of the entire application is quite positive, but if you look at the messages of real subscribers over the past couple of weeks, you will notice a lot of negative feedback. Many desperate subscribers, disappointed with the quality of services of their once beloved operator, told the terrible truth about speed mobile internet and the "old unlimited", which the company is trying in every possible way to eradicate.

Yota subscribers in the reviews for the application of the same name in the Google Play store in the past few weeks have been actively writing that the speed available to the mobile Internet on old tariff plans, which still had real unlimited unlimited, has dropped many times. Some people cannot even update applications on their smartphones, and you can forget about watching HD videos online.

A Yota employee responds to some reviews according to a template. It claims that the speed available is independent of the SIM card or data plan. However, most users do not believe in this at all, because on tariffs with the “old unlimited” everything works so badly that sometimes it is not even possible to communicate via voice communication through instant messengers. Many subscribers are sure that the operator deliberately "cuts" the connection speed, limiting it to a minimum in order to force them to switch to new tariff plans, where no one reports such problems.

In particular, Maxim Kalinin, a subscriber of the Yota operator, claims that the speed of mobile Internet on the “old unlimited” for downloading ranges from 1 to 3 Mbps, and for uploading it barely reaches 0.5 Mbps. In order to verify the plausibility of his hypothesis, he installed a SIM card in the same smartphone with a new tariff plan, where you have to pay for every gigabyte of Internet traffic. As a result, according to him, the speed of the mobile Internet instantly increased to 30 Mbps, that is, more than 10 times.

In addition, desperate Yota subscribers told the terrible truth about the instability of the connection. It is noted that if there is a large crowd of people in some place, then the speed of the 4G LTE Internet drops to 2G or even lower, which leads to an almost complete lack of access to the network. Some write that technical support, which responds for a very long time, recommends downloading some files or updating applications at a time when the load on the base station is minimal, that is, at night, when everyone is sleeping.

From all this, it adds up an unambiguous opinion that the cellular operator Yota deliberately "cuts" the speed of the mobile Internet on the tariff plan with the "old unlimited", which was available for connection last year. This is done on purpose so that subscribers switch to new tariffs with limited Internet traffic, which is much more profitable for the operator.

In addition, since Yota operates on the infrastructure of the MegaFon operator, its subscribers are most likely to receive the data and voice bandwidth last, which leads to critical problems with the unavailability of mobile Internet and voice services. It is because of this that in some places it may not be available to the network at all, although the smartphone will show a full reception antenna.

The editors of the site refer to the cellular operator Yota absolutely neutral and only cites real facts about what desperate subscribers are dissatisfied with. Anyone can check the accuracy of this information by simply looking at the latest reviews for the application of the same name in the Google Play store.

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As one of the leading telecommunications companies, Yota provides services mobile communications, strives to be among the leaders in the promotion of 4G LTE Internet in Russia. Already now, its subscribers are several million Russians, which is explained by the availability of flexible tariff plans combined with high-speed Internet.

It’s just that not everyone succeeds in working stably at 4G speeds due to spontaneously arising problems with wireless communication. And they can appear for various reasons. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common reasons that answer the question: “Why does Yota Internet not work?”

Network failure

Failures during connection and during operation may occur due to:

  • weak signal;
  • excessive load on Iota;
  • problems with the device or SIM card.

Fortunately, the above remarks are easily detected experimentally: by checking for performance in the next block or on another device.

People living in densely populated residential areas often complain about network failures, not understanding why the Internet does not work and blame the provider for this reason. In fact, the problem lies in the oversaturation of the surrounding space with radio waves that come, for example, from Wi-Fi routers of neighbors. As an output, you can get more powerful equipment or purchase a special signal amplifier.

If Iota does not work due to failures, then the Internet settings in the device itself may have been deleted. You can order the current settings for accessing the Iota Internet through Personal Area or technical support of a mobile operator.

Bad weather

The weather can affect the transmission of the radio signal in different ways. For example, clouds and clouds in dry weather improve the quality of data transmission over the air, thereby increasing the stability of wireless communications and the Internet. AT this case clouds act as a passive repeater, reflecting and propagating the signal from the transmitter over a greater distance. Conversely, thunderstorms and snowfall worsen communication, preventing the free passage of the radio signal.

Payment problem

Yota is a prepaid provider. This means that at the end of the billing period (30 days) and there is not enough money on the account to extend it, access to the Internet is terminated. The countdown of the new period will automatically start from the moment the account is replenished in the amount provided for by the starter package.

The limitation or absence of wireless Internet may be caused by exceeding the limit specified in tariff plan. To resume work, you will have to remember the terms of your tariff and pay for additional megabytes.

No signal

No matter how hard cellular companies try to provide stable coverage, there are still enough gaps on the map of the Russian Federation in which wireless Internet does not work. Nevertheless, Yota is rapidly developing its 4G network, installing the latest equipment not only in large cities, but also in the periphery. To help subscribers on the official page of Iota, a coverage map is provided, where zones with a stable level of 2G, 3G, 4G are marked.

When using a Yota modem (Wi-Fi router) for a computer, the cause of an unstable, intermittent signal may be an unsuccessful placement of equipment. First of all, this is the problem of panel-type high-rise buildings with load-bearing reinforced partitions, which perfectly dampen any radio signal. To ensure uniform coverage in all rooms, it is best to mount the router in the corridor, ensuring that the signal passes to all rooms through the doorways.

Poor quality network equipment

The speed of receiving and transmitting a signal largely depends on the quality of the transmitting equipment, and therefore on its model and price. The user must understand that a $50 router built to the new standards will perform better than a $20 router made 7 years ago. Providers, as a rule, have different models of network equipment in their arsenal and offer customers budget options for discounts and promotions.

It is not surprising that some cheap devices cease to function normally in the first year of operation. For example, low voltage from the power supply leads to frequent failures in the router. Without knowing this reason, one can complain for a long time about low speed because of anything, without suspecting a power supply failure.

Problem with settings

In addition to technical troubles, the reasons why the Internet from Yota may not work may be of a software nature:

  1. The data transfer service is disabled on the tablet (smartphone). To activate it, the easiest way is to call Iota support.
  2. Failures in the Wi-Fi access point, or rather in the proxy server settings. You should check and deactivate the proxy server in your smartphone.
  3. Change your Wi-Fi password. You need to delete the current connection and then create a new one.
  4. After a temporary loss of connection, the gadget could not automatically register on the network. You should reboot the device or manually set the search for available networks, followed by registration in Yota.
  5. Crashes in USB operation modem. In this case, you need to update the driver.

Smartphone problem

In order to save money, our compatriots order “gray” smartphones from China, which they then independently flash for their preferred operating system. But few people think about the operating frequency range (band) of the built-in radio module. The result is an inconsistency. A smartphone at the hardware level cannot implement high-speed data transfer at the frequency of the provider.

For example, in Russia, LTE 4G operates on bands No. 7,20,38, and in China, other frequencies are used, which the “gray” smartphone was originally configured for. It is impossible to reconfigure such a gadget, since some microprocessor manufacturers already integrate an LTE-enabled radio module into one chip with a processor.


No matter how hard programmers try to protect their software, viruses still manage to sneak into tablets and smartphones and interfere with their work. If applications in the smartphone begin to respond inadequately to button presses, it is recommended to check the device for viruses. By the way, not only a virus, but also an anti-virus program can block Yota Internet. To check if this is the case, you need to change the antivirus settings, gain access to data transfer and restart the device.

Of course, there are other, more specific problems, due to which Yota Internet may not work on your smartphone or computer. In such cases, it is better to call or write to the mobile operator's support chat.

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